EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Victims Press Brooklyn D.A. To Seek Abuse Suspect's Extradition From Israel


Nathaniel Popper | Fri. Jul 28, 2006-The Forward

In the wake of new revelations about sexual abuse in the Orthodox community, pressure is mounting on the Brooklyn district attorney to seek the extradition of a man who fled to Israel after being indicted for sex offenses.

Avrohom Mondrowitz was indicted in 1984 on four counts of sodomy and eight counts of sexual abuse in the first degree after years as a school counselor in the Brooklyn Orthodox community. Three of Mondrowitz's alleged victims, who had not been aware of the original investigation, recently approached an Orthodox lawyer who has passionately taken up the case. One of those men has since given his testimony to the Brooklyn district attorney's office, which would be responsible for requesting extradition. Another of the victims plans to go to the district attorney, Charles Hynes, in the next week.

The district attorney preceding Hynes had pushed for Mondrowitz's extradition from Israel in the 1980s, but Hynes dropped the effort after he was elected in 1989, according to recently released government documents. The new set of victims to come forward say they are pained by Mondrowitz's continuing freedom, and the lack of effort by Hynes and the Orthodox community in pursuing the suspected abuser.

Every time somebody gets let down as a victim, it's a further continuation of the abuse, said Mark Weiss, who says he was abused by Mondrowitz during a summer week with the counselor when he was 13. He's just sitting there, taunting us, saying ˜Hah, you're never going to catch me, I know the system too well.

Weiss, who is now 39, said that just a few weeks ago a friend in Israel says he saw Mondrowitz on the streets of Jerusalem, speaking with a group of children. Mondrowitz has been a teacher at the Jerusalem College of Engineering, posting his lectures and syllabi online.

A spokesman for Hynes, Jerry Schmetterer, said the Brooklyn district attorney's office is ready to arrest Mondrowitz if he ever returns to the United States. But Schmetterer says the D.A.'s office is hamstrung by Israeli law, which in the 1980s did not classify Mondrowitz's alleged crime ” sodomy ” as rape. For extradition to go forward, the crime generally must be punishable in both countries. In fact, the Israeli rape law was changed in 1988 to include sodomy, but Schmetterer said the extradition treaty cannot be used retroactively.

Our position is that he cannot be extradited; he could not be extradited then, and he cannot be now, Schmetterer said.

That line of legal reasoning was explicitly rejected by the American embassy in Tel Aviv, soon after the Israeli law was changed. In a cable to the State Department, the embassy said that they had talked with officials in the Israeli Justice Ministry and determined that because Mondrowitz could eventually be charged under American rather than Israeli law, the retroactivity should not be an issue. The new law presents us, we believe, with an opportunity to reopen the extradition case of Avrohom Mondrowitz, the embassy said.

The government documents were uncovered by Michael Lesher, the attorney who has gathered together the three new alleged victims to press the case. Other legal experts told the Forward that while there could be legal complications, the district attorney's office could pursue the extradition.

I don't think the D.A. is being aggressive enough, said Douglas McNabb, who specializes in international extradition at a Washington, D.C., law firm. If I were a victim I would be very upset that the D.A.'s office is not pursuing this matter.

The extradition was a clear priority for Hynes's predecessor, Elizabeth Holtzman. Her office pushed the State Department on the matter. At one point the Israeli government signed a deportation order, but the situation ended in a stand off, according to a State Department memo. When Hynes took office, and his assistants were asked if they wanted to pursue the case, one of those assistants informed the State Department that they would not be pursuing the case any further at this time, according to another memo.

Schmetterer said that the Brooklyn D.A.'s office dropped the issue after knowing for years that it could not pursue Mondrowitz.

Anti-abuse activists in the Orthodox community say Hynes's silence may have been due to pressure from the Orthodox community, which they claim has historically been reluctant to see alleged sex offenders prosecuted. The activists, including Lesher, point to a 14-person Jewish advisory council that Hynes assembled soon after he was elected, comprising members of the Orthodox leadership in Brooklyn. One woman who has been at odds with the leadership for years, Amy Neustein, said she was told by two members of Hynes's council that the community did not want to see Mondrowitz prosecuted.

The rabbis have no comprehension of the injury of sexual abuse, said Neustein, an anti-abuse activist. They have no comprehension of why the victims want justice.

One member of Hynes's Jewish council, Rabbi Herbert Momzer, er Bomzer, said he does not remember Mondrowitz's extradition being discussed by the council. Bomzer did say that he knew Mondrowitz when the younger man was a counselor at Yeshiva University's high school, and that Mondrowitz had been loved by the students.

When asked if he would now support extradition proceedings, Bomzer, president of the rabbinical board of Flatbush, said: If he has managed to get to Israel and is protected by the law there then leave it alone.

Weiss, the 39-year-old alleged victim of Mondrowitz, said that from the beginning it had been clear that many members of the Orthodox community wanted him to let the case go. He said he had been molested when his father sent him to spend a week with Mondrowitz at a difficult moment in Weiss's adolescence. During that week, Mondrowitz's family was in the Catskills and, Weiss claimed, each night he was coaxed into bed by Mondrowitz.

What's difficult to think about is that he was so smooth ” so manipulative, Weiss said. It was as if it was all my choice.

Weiss said that he blocked the experience out for years, but a run-in with Mondrowitz during high school conjured up the memories and led to a breakdown. He first told his parents, but they told him he must be mistaken. He's a frum man, Weiss remembers his parents saying, using a Yiddish word meaning religiously observant.

A few years later, a principal at the yeshiva that Mondrowitz had attended summond Weiss ” but after giving over the details, Weiss said, nothing happened.

The incident faded into the background for many years, but in 2001, Weiss was drawn out by what was billed as a night for healing at a New York school for Orthodox boys. Weiss showed up with high hopes, but he says that the event turned into a series of speeches by rabbis who spoke in allegorical terms, rather than dealing with the victims in the room.

Weiss decided to go outside the Orthodox community when he read an article in New York Magazine last month, detailing the case of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a teacher at an Orthodox boys school in Flatbush who was sued by alleged former victims. Kolko has not yet filed opposition papers.

The second alleged Mondrowitz victim, who has already gone to Hynes and who wishes to remain anonymous also said it was the Kolko article that prompted him to step forward. For both, the hope is that Mondrowitz will be brought to justice and made an example of, in the words of the second accuser.

I want to show that abusers can't get away with it, that we as a community will no longer stand for the routine cover-ups of abuse, and to try to put some finality to that chapter of my life, he said.

It is likely that the new complaints would not be included in the counts, if Mondrowitz is arrested, due to the statute of limitations. But the men both say they hope their voices will increase the pressure on Hynes.


Recently (June 14, 2007) Stefan Colmer was arrested in Israel at the request of U.S. authorities, who are seeking his extradition to stand trial in Brooklyn on charges of severe child sexual abuse involving at least two victims (ages 13-14), both Orthodox Jewish boys.

Sadly, it will come as no surprise to those familiar with these issues that Colmer is far from being the only party responsible for these crimes. Colmer's history of child abuse goes back more than ten years, and it was no secret to several rabbis, none of whom ever reported Colmer's crimes to authorities. Instead, Colmer was shuffled from community to community -- without so much as a warning to each new neighborhood -- while rabbis falsely claimed to victims that Colmer was "under control" or "being watched," and in some cases actively discouraged them from contacting police.

This is bad enough. But if we don't act quickly, another inexcusable injustice along the same lines will be committed. Even as Stefan Colmer's extradition is being sought from Israel for his crimes against our children in Brooklyn -- and despite pleas from victims and their advocates -- the Brooklyn District Attorney has so far refused to add an extradition request for Avrohom Mondrowitz, who has already been indicted for child sex abuse even worse and more extensive than the charges against Colmer. Under the current extradition treaty, Mondrowitz is subject to extradition just as Colmer is, and legally the case against him is ready for trial. Unfortunately, D.A. Charles Hynes continues to believe that the Orthodox community is unwilling to see Mondrowitz prosecuted for his heinous crimes against children, and is therefore -- amazingly -- ignoring this outrageous case.

WE MUST CHANGE THIS. NOW -- while the extradition of one child molester is being formally sought from Israel to Brooklyn -- now is the time to show the D.A. that WE WANT MONDROWITZ BROUGHT BACK FOR TRIAL TOO. This is a man believed to have abused or sodomized as many as hundreds of our children, and who has been living openly in Jerusalem for years, thumbing his nose at his victims.

WE MUST DEMAND JUSTICE NOW. With the recent improvement in the U.S.-Israel extradition, nothing is lacking to have Mondrowitz brought to trial but the will of the Brooklyn D.A. to stand up against the rabbis' wall of silence and demand the prosecution that is his legal obligation. It would be an insult to Mondrowitz's many victims if justice is selectively pursued for one hareidi child abuser who took refuge in Israel -- but not Mondrowitz.





Steve---A great friend of the blog, furnished us with these e-mail addresses. Kindly e-mail them as well!

Dov Hikind: hikindd@assembly.state.ny.us

Charles Schumer:
Go to the following website:

Hillary Clinton:
Go to the following website:

Elliot Spitzer:
Go to the following website:


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Anonymous said...

Moses recognizes the universal character of injustice and who is its victim.

Anonymous said...

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Anonymous said...

yehuda mehsi zahav is an animal with an insatiable sexual appetite for young girls i have spoken to one of his victims first hand of his many trysts but this girl is terrified for her life, and refuses to come forward so if anybody has any more information please come forward he is a very powerful man though and should not be taken lightly thank you for all your help

Anonymous said...

His brother, Moshe Meshi-Zahav, was arrested for molesting young girls in ZAKA trailers.

Anonymous said...

Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, chairman of ZAKA and former operations officer for the Ultra-Orthodox community, hit the Jewish man who kissed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it was reported on Monday.

The violent incident occurred last Friday in Poland during a mass visit of Orthodox Jews to the country in order to honor Hassidic Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.

When the visitors arrived at Lizhensk on Friday morning, they heard that Moshe Arye Freedman, a member of the fanatic anti-Israel group Neturei Karta, was present as well. Freedman recently made headlines when he was photographed kissing Ahmadinejad during the Holocaust denial conference in Teheran three months ago.

Meshi-Zahav, along with another ZAKA member, quickly located Freedman and set upon him, punching the man, kicking him and breaking his glasses.

The fight was dispersed when local police arrived at the scene.

As an act of appreciation, Meshi-Zahav was called up to read the Torah in synagogue.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for this very important post. We must bring this monster to justice already. He's been thumbing his nose at us for 23 years already. When calling the DA's office, once you finish discussing Mondrowitz, hang up and then call back and bring up the Leizerowitz case. Ask them why Hynes refuses to indict this molester who has scores of victims, many of which are ready to testify.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Thanks Steve.

I urge everyone to call and write the D.A. The urgency is clear from all angles. The predator must know he/she can never escape justice, and law enforcement must know that they must prosecute these cases whether Twerski or the Agudah like it or not.

They have become irrelevant,to everyone but themselves, regardless of their bluffing... with their trumped up sense of importance to the politicians.

Every reader of this blog PLEASE do your share for YOUR children and our welfare as a community. Post this in shuls, bungalow colonies and e-mail everyone you know to do the same.

If the D.A. gets thousands of letters and phone calls, plus what is going on behind the scenes, Mondrowitz will be brought back to stand trial!

I am not asking for much...PLEASE do this for all of us!

Paul Mendlowitz said...


I am urging you to e-mail me today the exact status of every cap that was ordered and the shipping date.
The gentleman from Long Beach did not receive his cap as well as others. This is very important!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

People that have ordered caps and not received them, kindly contact Pay-Pal for your refund!

Anonymous said...

We have to start a campaign to oust this disgraced tuchis lecker charlie hynes D.A. of brooklyn, anyone who has more stories like the 2 i posted below should add them too the list, even though i would give him the boot even if these were his only dispicable acts of negligance, besides there seems to be a pattern here of charlie letting rapists loose.

His time is up!

Silence of the Lam
Accused of sexually abusing young boys, a Brooklyn rabbi lit for Israel 22 years ago. Now one alleged victim wants him brought back for trial.
by Kristen Lombardi
July 25th, 2006 11:19 AM

Slain rape accuser.April 10, 2007 -- The Brooklyn man accused of silencing a rape victim by slashing her throat before she could testify against him has continued to harass her family from Bellevue Hospital, prosecutors said yesterday.

Hemant Megnath, 29, has been held there for psychiatric observation since his arrest on murder charges March 20, but prosecutors say he's had free access to a phone.

"The victim's husband's family has been receiving frightening phone calls since the defendant's arrest," said Assistant DA Sara Litman, adding that the husband's car had been vandalized.

Megnath had been scheduled to go on trial today on charges he raped Natasha Ramen in May 2005 at his Brooklyn home.

Instead, he's now been slapped with murder charges in Queens for allegedly butchering the 20-year-old woman last month outside her Hollis home.

The case has been a colossal embarrassment to Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes, whose office failed to inform a judge in October of allegations Megnath had threatened Ramen's in-laws while free on $5,000 bail.

And yesterday, it appeared the Brooklyn DA's had again goofed.

After Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Joel Goldberg asked prosecutors if a Queens judge was aware of the latest set of alleged phone calls, Litman said she believed the judge had been informed.

In fact, there was no mention of the matter at Megnath's court appearance in Queens last week.

Litman said she would try to introduce Ramen's March 2006 grand-jury testimony at Megnath's murder trial.


Anonymous said...

BIKSHY RACHMIM: 25 y/o women, a mother of 2 children & wife of a Chusheve Kollel Yingerman, was diagnosed w/ severe addiction to Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz: Pinchos Is UOJ

June 28, 2007

Pinchos arose from the crowd.

He was the sole individual who was not confounded by the unprecedented outrage - the only one who remembered the halacha and knew what had to be done. Even as cynics mocked him and he himself was unsure of the outcome his act would produce, Pinchos ignored the scoffers and sprang forward, plunging a spear into the bodies of Zimri and his partner.

He thus stopped the already devastating plague and brought a swift end to yet another inglorious chapter in our people’s history.

Parshas Pinchos opens with Hashem telling Moshe Rabbeinu, “Pinchos the son of Elozor the son of Aharon the Kohein turned back G-d’s wrath from the Bnei Yisroel with his act of kana’us, and He did not destroy the Bnei Yisroel in His anger.

Therefore, say [the following]: Hashem is bestowing upon Pinchos his covenant of peace. He and his children who follow him shall be privileged with the covenant of kehunah forever.”

By following the dictates he had been taught by Moshe Rabbeinu and intervening in a machlokes, Pinchos merited the blessing of eternal peace. The man of peace is not necessarily the one who sits back passively and does nothing. The one who sits on the sidelines weeping as evil rears its ugly head and seems to triumph is not promoting peace; he is encouraging evil.

Pinchos is deemed worthy to bear the torch of kehunah and carry on the tradition of Aharon Hakohein, to be an oheiv shalom verodef shalom, because he put his own ambitions aside and rose to the challenge. Pinchos was given the eternal blessing of peace because he made peace possible in Yisroel by exterminating evil.

Pinchos halted the plague which had already killed 24,000 Jews because he had the moral courage and clarity to act when others were confounded and immobilized.

He didn’t let popular opinion deter him from slaying those who brazenly defied the Torah’s authority. He knew that an oheiv shalom verodef shalom sometimes has to act courageously, even if his actions invite misunderstanding and recrimination.

Pinchos knew that the cause of peace is advanced through fidelity to halacha. Shalom is achieved by pursuing shleimus, even if that involves sacrificing sacred cows and jeopardizing a career.

Shalom is rooted in shleimus; when everything is proper, when everything is complete and whole, then it is possible to also have shalom. If you are lacking in shleimus, if the state is not absolutely intact, then you cannot have shalom. Torah is the absolute truth. With it the world was created, and it serves as the ultimate yardstick in defining our behavior. If we stay true to it, then we will consequently be blessed with peace.

Pinchos passed this test and he was therefore singled out as being worthy of following in the footsteps of Aharon Hakohein, who exemplified the pursuit of shalom through the service of G-d.

With all of the countless misfortunes besieging our people as yechidim and as a klal, it seems at times as if we are living through a period of mageifah.

Perhaps what we need are more people like Pinchos in order to stop the plague in its tracks. We need people whose loyalty to Torah compels them to arise from the mourners who sit weeping and demonstrate by action what needs to be done.

There are no prophets among us and no one can say why specific tragedies befall us. But we are all aware of evils being perpetrated which nobody fights.

We all know that most things are not b’shleimus in our world. We are all aware of people who suffer and urgently need someone to rush to their aid. Apathy and often fear prevent us from carrying out these missions of mercy and justice.

Despotic rulers count on the passivity and fear of the masses. Despots are experts in playing the game of brinkmanship and taking advantage of people’s reluctance to rise up against injustice, even in self-defense.

In our daily lives, we also confront people who abuse their position or our own good natures, to serve their own selfish, destructive ends. We must have the fortitude to stand up to them in the tradition of Pinchos. We must speak up when confronted with injustice.

We have to seek to achieve perfection in our personal lives and slay the demons which lurk inside our camp and in each one of us.

An eis tzorah is a clarion call to us to do teshuva and help return the world to a condition of shleimus. Tragedy calls out to people of inner greatness to conquer the urge to remain passive. Instead, they take action, to return our world and our people to shleimus through Torah. The only way to merit peace and tranquility is by following the path of shalom and shleimus as defined in the Torah.

That path was forged for him by his rebbi, Moshe Rabbeinu. In every generation, there are individuals who carry a nitzutz, a spark, of the neshama of Moshe Rabbeinu, who continue to light up that path. Let us seek them out, learn Torah at their feet, so that we may all merit to hear the call that the geulah sheleimah has arrived.

Every act we take to bring perfection to the world will bring us that much closer to the day when Eliyohu will announce that the golus has finally ended. May it come to pass speedily in our days.

© 2007 Yated Neeman.

Anonymous said...

How could Ronnie be so irresponsible?

Anonymous said...

"I am against molestation of any kind", but don't you dare put up the signs in bungalow colonies, my sacred stomping grounds.

Anonymous said...

Neuhoff old buddy old pal, when I drop by to visit you in Fallsburg, I will get tied in knots because what UOJ is doing is assur yet necessary.

Shea Fishman told me the weather's getting rough, even Silver Lake will be tossed. If not for the courage of our fearless crew, the bungalows will be lost!

Anonymous said...

Charlie Hynes had better hold his ground or me and Leo Kimmel will run over to head butt him on Margo's and Belsky's orders.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Hynes should take Twerski's threat lightly. It's one thing if he gets head-butted with the soft crown of my dusty Borsalino, but it can get downright nasty with the flat hard surface of a chassidishe beeber hat. And the turtle wax on Leo Kimmel's bald kop? Fuhgettaboutit.

Anonymous said...

Caps in all colors--100% cotton, can be purchased at any Target store for $2.99. Most shopping malls have kiosks that "heat transfer" letters on caps and t-shirts for $1.00 per letter.

Anonymous said...

Twerski is getting a little overzealous. We should first reach out to Hynes with diplomacy. Leib Pinter is offering to treat him to a baloney & cheese sandwich. True, it's a little stale after Pinter hid it from Congressional investigators in the 1970s, but 30 seconds in the microwave will make it like fresh.

He can't expect any steak dinners from Le Marais because Uncle Milty used up all the money in his discretionary fund when Yudi Kolko was in jail.

Anonymous said...

Heat transfer letters are pretty shvache maysos. If you have a membership to BJ's Wholesale Club, you can get custom UOJ caps or even FBI style windbreakers in batches as low as six for very cheap.

The $35 annual membership more than pays for itself. You would not believe how cheap many of the items are priced including huge bottles of Kedem grape juice that just goes to show what a rip off everywhere else is.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

UOJ, don't fucking bug me about this, I'm doing all this work as a personal favor to you. I make very little profit on the caps (not to mention yad ezra)





Anonymous said...

I really got duped by Margo. He sent me running to get Yudi's dinner like a shlock shamess to Times Square, telling me I could put it on Belsky's tab. Those French bastards at Le Marais said Belsky has no credit with them. I called Margo on my cell phone, and he promised to make good if I bring him a copy of the bill (for a tax write off). Now he won't return any of my calls. I spoke to Richard Klass and Juda Engelmeyer but the slobs said they're not interested unless there's something in it for them.

Anonymous said...

What kind of a complex is that allows Ronnie Schreiber to believe he's doing UOJ a favor?

Anonymous said...

There has to be at least one e-retailer that will ship a single customized UOJ cap.

With the combined resources of the UOJ agents & readers, I'm sure we'll find them.

Please post any relevant info.

Think of the incentive. Just one guy in UOJ gear hanging out in the hotel lobby during an Agudah event will make them go to Defcon 1.


DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness.

EMERGCONs are national level reactions in response to ICBM (missiles in the air) attack. By definition, other forces go to DEFCON 1 during an EMERGCON.
DEFENSE EMERGENCY: Major attack upon U.S. forces overseas, or allied forces in any area, and is confirmed either by the commander of a unified or specified command or higher authority or an overt attack of any type is made upon the United States and is confirmed by the commander of a unified or specified command or higher authority.
AIR DEFENSE EMERGENCY: Air defense emergency is an emergency condition, declared by the Commander in Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command. It indicates that attack upon the continental United States, Canada, or US installations in Greenland by hostile aircraft or missiles is considered probable, is imminent, or is taking place.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

I will endorse and promote the first reputable individual to set up a "UOJ" line on --Cafepress.com.

It costs nothing to set it up. I will ask for references.

Anonymous said...

Cafepress is NOT embroidered only screen printed (& very cheaply at that)and will not last.

Also, UOJ should remove banner from top of webpage still hawking the caps.

Anonymous said...

Ronnie banned? No, say it ain't so. He's one of my favorites, along with Boog, Gross, Kelsey, and LVF. Ban is for the other crowd. We want Ronnie. Screw the caps, get them from somebody else. Let Ronnie stay.

Anonymous said...

How long will the extradition process take for Colmo the Homo?

Anonymous said...


I don't think many will miss his voluminous manifestos on last night's hamburger dinner and sweaty underpants after a bike ride. With all the naarishkeitin he had time for, you'd think he could scrape together a few caps after assuming responsibility.

Anonymous said...

The caps were Ronnie's idea. Ronnie gives refunds, we get the caps from someone else, and Ronnie stays.

What do you say, UOJ?

Anonymous said...

The caps & windbreakers were NOT Ronnie's idea whatsoever. One of the readers was joking around about a UOJ tactical strike force in uniform and suggested that Ronnie put his supposed skills to work.

If Ronnie would have asked UOJ for rachmonnus because of some hardship he could have gotten a pass but his azus panim is inexcusable.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The caps were Ronnie's idea. Ronnie gives refunds, we get the caps from someone else, and Ronnie stays.

What do you say, UOJ?


There are orders that are 3 months old. You can't flip off people, take their money, and have anything to do with me! Nuch der tzoo---he's doing me a favor!!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Let's not get sidetracked here...I wish Ronnie well...He just can not have anything ever to do with me, or this site.

We're promoting "good behavior"-(right Shafran?), and I will not knowingly allow innocent people to get hurt, even tangentally, by me.


Anonymous said...

UOJ, don't fucking bug me about this, I'm doing all this work as a personal favor to you. I make very little profit on the caps (not to mention yad ezra)





Is Ronnie going through some personal crisis? This is so strange.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

WASHINGTON (AP) Federal health officials say they will detain imports of some Chinese farmed seafood until it is shown to be free of illegal antibiotics.


Does anyone know if the "kosher" seafood endorsed by any kashruth organization comes from China?

Anonymous said...

If anyone can get the direct line phone number of the sex crimes unit at the D.A.s office please post, b/c i called the number that was posted on the top and was transfered 3 times, and even then was told that he was not the proper autority to talk to, so i just gave him a message to whom ever is incharge, that i as a friend of one of mondrowitz's victims want him to face justice his victims so deserve to get.
anyone with the ability to call the D.A.s office should do so immediatly, they need to know we meen business.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ronnie was shipping stuff from his Autothreads website while stiffing UOJ.

Anonymous said...


Today there are hundreds of plants which have kosher certification in Mainland China, most of them producing food additives; food chemicals, such as antioxidants; preservatives, health supplements, dehydrated vegetables and frozen processed fish; and food chemicals for the food and pharmaceuticals industries globally.
There are now several hundred OU certified plants in China, a total that will double each year at the present rate, not including the plants requesting supervision for special runs, for which we have to be prepared if we want to maintain our position in the country. I predict that before long we will be sending over slaughterers and certifiers for the production of meat, which will be shipped kosher worldwide from China.

Anonymous said...


Kosher's got cachet in China

Listen to this story

China is one of the fastest growing producers of certified kosher food. And that's keeping the handful of rabbis there very, very busy. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Photo: The Organized Kashrus Laboratories

Paul Mendlowitz said...

My intent was to help Ronnie promote his business through this site...no strings attached other than Yad Ezra.

The UOJ cap was an extra for him...and to the people that wanted one.

Let's leave him alone. No more postings about Ronnie. Call your credit card company/Pay-Pal for refunds.

Anonymous said...

The UOJ cap was an extra for him...and to the people that wanted one.

Let's leave him alone. No more postings about Ronnie. Call your credit card company/Pay-Pal for refunds.

3:10 PM, June 28, 2007

You gotta get your webmaster to remove the banner at top of page.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The High Court wants children to be educated with basic secular education, RRR, but NO SECULAR EDUCATION FOR KIDS UNDER BAR/BAT MITZVAH!

Legislation Process for Chareidi Education Law Accelerated

By Eliezer Rauchberger

United Torah Judaism MKs tabled the Chareidi Education Law on Monday 9 Tammuz and the Knesset granted a request to exempt it from the 45-day tabling requirement, allowing the bill to be brought for discussion in next week's plenum.

The bill is needed because of a High Court decision preventing the funding of the yeshivos ketanos as of the 5768 school year (which starts in just two months) because secular subjects are not included in the curriculum.

The law was part of the coalition agreements that were to be signed between UTJ and Kadima, but after the negotiations stalled and got nowhere, the paragraph was adopted by Shas and was included in its coalition agreement.
UTJ hoped that following this agreement it would be brought for a first reading as a government proposal, but since that has not yet occurred, all of the UTJ party members submitted the bill to the Knesset plenum.

The bill was drafted by the office of Atty. Yaakov Weinroth and is called the Government Education Bill of 5767-2007 (an amendment to the Law for Unique Educational and Cultural Institutions 5713-1953).
The Ministerial Legislating Committee will discuss the bill on Sunday and UTJ hopes that it will be approved so it can be brought for a preliminary vote next week.
The bill is intended to legally regulate the chareidi education system once and for all and to guarantee the basic curriculum and general learning conditions. The law would also regulate the time periods for submitting requests for licensing educational institutions and orders to cancel the license, including the appeal system.

Since only a short time remains to approve the law in all plenum readings before the summer sitting ends one month from now, UTJ is stepping up its effort to complete the legislation process.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Chaver LVF..and all,

As stated in the post, you can ask for Rhonnie Jaus, who is head of the Sex Crimes and Special Victims Bureau. If that doesn't work, ask for Maria Cienava, an A.D.A., who actually met one of the new Mondrowitz victims last year and claimed to be on the case. I've never had any trouble leaving voice mail messages with these people when they don't pick up. When in doubt, go to the top.

You can also email these people. Each person's email address at the Brooklyn DA follows the same formula. It's the last name, followed the initial of the first name, followed by "@BrooklynDA.org"

So Rhonnie Jaus's email is JausR@BrooklynDA.org

And so on.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Your message to: JausR@BrooklynDA.org
was blocked by our Spam Firewall. The email you sent with the following subject has NOT

Anonymous said...

Your message to: JausR@BrooklynDA.org
was blocked by our Spam Firewall. The email you sent with the following subject has NOT

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of UOJ methodology, a dishonest businessman is now being exposed after being given many opportunities over the last several months to start behaving.

Mr. Wasserman from Wasserman's Supermarket and Take Out on Main St in Kew Gardens Hills is improperly taking money from his many customers in Queens. By his own admission, he has been doing this for 20 years. He is charging tax on items that are NOT taxable.

When first approached, he put on a phoney show and claimed he "tzitters" if he is taking "even a pruta" from anyone. Since then, Mr. Wasserman and his manager Srulik have repeatedly changed the story and contradicted themselves to the hilt. They initially were modeh that non-meat items are not taxable and in fact stopped grabbing everyone's money, but a week ago they reverted to reimposing the tax on at least some items. They have never ceased improperly charging tax on meats from the take out counter. We are tired of their endless excuses and stalling tactics.

It is time that Queens knows that they are being fleeced.

If Wasserman doesn't get his act together, the next step will be to report him to NY State. He will be investigated to see if he is lining his pocket with the extra 8-9%.

Wasserman is a scam artist who is full of baloney. The only other store in Queens that is still pulling this stunt since the Vaad has begun monitoring stores is Mazur's in Little Neck that serves the kehillos there and in the surrounding Bayside and New Hyde Park.

Wasserman claims off and on that he is following the law. So why aren't Supersol and everyone else charging "tax" on what is not taxable according to State law?

Wasserman, with his saintly beard, is considered the most farlozlich fleish mocher in Queens who draws customers from all over Queens and Nassau.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The D.A.'s office has received "hundreds of calls" from our community DEMANDING that Mondrowitz be exradited to the U.S. to stand trial.

Let there be thousands of calls, they are monitoring OUR blog!

There is a price to pay for people who are suppose to uphold the law and don't. ASK MIKE NIFONG!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Sample e-mail

Dear Madam D.A.,

The Israelis will honor an extradition request, and we the people respectfully demand that you issue that request. Mondrowitz must not be allowed to live freely while his victims suffer a tortured existence!



Anonymous said...

"Wasserman, with his saintly beard, is considered the most farlozlich fleish mocher in Queens who draws customers from all over Queens and Nassau."


I wonder what they will say about him in the gerer shtible on 51st and 16th av., everyone there knows what a lowlife he is.

Anonymous said...

this is the e-mail i sent the D.A.

"To whom ever this may concern at the D.A.s office,

It's been 23 years since rabbi mondrowitz fled to israel, and escaped our justice system,
it's been a hard and painful 23 years for his victims, as I have recently learned of a close friend of mine who confided in me what has been done to him by this monster.

It's a disgrace to our justice system that issued the "State Vs Mondrowitz-Indictment no.7693/84" and a slap in the face to his many victims, as they watch this guy live his happy life in jerusalem, and their wounds are still fresh to them as if it had happened today, and the only thing standing between him living his life and him facing trial is a phone call from the brooklyn D.A.s office.

I as a citizen would like to see my elected offical do the right thing and bring this person to justice, EXTRADITE HIM NOW,

With all due respect, have a good day!"

Anonymous said...

LVF, shkoyach for that lead. We were not aware that Wasserman hails from Gerrer kreizen. Could you please elaborate on what is known about Wasserman in Boro Park?

Otherwise, there is a corrupt rov in Queens who is protecting Wasserman. The rov's father comes with a "sterling" resume of being on trial for fraud. The rov is a little cuckoo and badmouths the true gedolim while protecting Wasserman. Someone who was complaining about Wasserman's "tax" grab was yelled at befarhesya by this rov. The rov and his father are friends with the Wasserman family for decades. The rov tells people they can be somech on Wasserman's chezkas kashrus but to watch out with other Queens gesheften in case they pull a Finkel.

Anonymous said...

Call Ohel 718 851 6300 and tell David Mandel to get involved.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Gerrer scam artists, watch out for Yisroel Oppenheim, an Eretz Yisrueldikke who was living in Boro Park last I heard. He's a putz who pretends to be an expert air conditioner installer and handyman. He takes your money to do a half tuchess job. The day after his "installation", the air conditioner tilts and starts shpritzing vasser like Niagara Falls into the house. He promises to come back to fix it but you never hear from him again.

The bahayma headline is what he screams at his Mexican workers all day. Kol haposel, bemumo posul.

Anonymous said...

Jerry "the schmatta" Schmetterer is running to every drug store in town buying up all the Pepto Bismol and Immodium. He's mumbling about the DA's staff buckling under pressure from UOJ.

Anonymous said...

Maybe UOJ has some dirt on Ben Barber from Boro Park. He's the askan with the Iggud Haganovim who is raising money for the Hynes reelection campaign and hosts meetings for Hynes in his house. Ben Barber owns the custom shirt company by the same name and also Elegant Linens.

There are Iggud members who have a vested interest that Hynes not prosecute molesters. They include Belsky who is protecting Kolko. Yaakov Klass works the Jewish Press that protects Tendler and criticized UOJ for the Kolko mailing. Former Igud VP Lipa Brenner is a convicted child rapist. His eidim Ephraim Bryks is wanted for questioning by police in Canada for the same thing. Brenner is connected to Belsky, Gershon "the shvindler" Tannenbaum and Mendel Epstein.

Ephraim Bryks is involved with the Queens Vaad. Belsky's buddy and fellow Iggud-ist Peretz Steinberg runs the Queens Vaad.

Anonymous said...

Oppenheim was and might still be the official air conditioner installer for Duddy's Electronics on 14th Ave.

When you complain to Duddy's that Oppenheim robbed you because you have to hire another installer to do the job right, they basically tell you to jump in the lake.

I had a flood in my house only a few hours after Oppenheim left. After he's done he insists he will only take cash payment.

Anonymous said...

"Speaking of Gerrer scam artists, watch out for Yisroel Oppenheim,"

His name is chaim oppenheim, and he davens in the same gerer shtible as wasserman.

Anonymous said...


The Ostrich sticks his head (& his friends head) in to the ground & sees nothing wrong-I guess that's why it "tomei" bird.

Anonymous said...


In Monsey, NY a Rav Hamacshir removed his certification (for kashrus reasons) from a Pizza store on Route 59. In jumps another Rav Hamachshir to certify to pizza store.

Now lo & behold the Pizza store is caught & the new Rav Hamachshir removes his hashgocha.

Who's at fault? The consumer who "doesn't care" as long as "someone" certifies it "now.?

Or the Rabonim that allow "Hashgocha-hopping"?

SURPRISED? NO! Don't forget, Monsey Rabonim are allowing the people to use the Monsey Shatnez Center on Treetop. It was established that he is being "machshil" the consumer, as he DOES NOT know the basics of Shatnez testing.

Anonymous said...


They call me the Charlie Hynes of Israel.

Anonymous said...

Another schmo is the alter guy who is the Stoliner beis medrash handyman. Er halt zich a groisse painter. He pushes you to pay him by the hour so he can paint brushstrokes like a snail. If you pay him by the job, he tries shaking you down for more money after he agrees on the price. You can still see the old paint underneath so when you force him to add another layer he says you owe him more veil nisht gechappt that it's so much work.

Anonymous said...

There's something fishy going on with Wasserman and the Queens Vaad. The other stores are complaining that the Vaad forces closure 3 hours before Shabbos but Wasserman gets away with staying open close to shkiah.

They wonder out loud if he's able to clean up the perishable foods without chilul Shabbos.

Anonymous said...


My buddy Rabbi Michael Broyde (whose books I publish) is an RCA dayan but was not put on the geirus task force. Could that be because he has been involved in some suspicious geirus cases and has raised a lot of eyebrows by supporting YCT?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone understand why we are the enemy instead of Kolko, Margo, Tendler and Belsky?


June 25, 2007
Fearing Wal-Mart Will Bring Too Much of the Outside In
Corrections Appended

MONSEY, N.Y. — It seems whenever Wal-Mart proposes a new store, controversy sprouts. Across the country, environmentalists, unions, civic associations and churches have objected to the retailer’s plans to drop anchor in their communities, citing concerns about traffic and crime, merchandise and employment policies and the overall quality of life.

But the protest of a planned 215,000-square-foot store here has a decidedly religious overtone.

When residents talk about traffic, they are fearful for the safety of families walking to synagogue on Saturdays. When they fret about merchandise, they wonder if frowned-upon items like bikinis and lingerie will be on display for everyone to see. And when they imagine the outsiders who would shop at the store, they worry that their presence could transform the town’s pious, sheltered atmosphere.

“The reason a lot of us came to live in Monsey is because we wanted to raise our families in a safe place, away from the influences of the outside world,” said Yossi Weinberger, 30, a father of four who works at a local travel agency. “I’m not sure it will be easy to do it if we have such a gigantic piece of the outside world move to our town.”

Philip H. Serghini, a public affairs manager for Wal-Mart, has visited the community of 28,000, most of them Hasidic Jews, at least six times since October. He has met in private with about two dozen rabbis to explain the company’s proposal to turn a shuttered drive-in theater on Route 59 into a retail magnet for miles around.

But two years after Wal-Mart unveiled its plan, opposition persists, as the Community Design Review Committee, an advisory group to the Planning Board in Ramapo, of which Monsey is a part, reviews the project’s environmental impact statement.

In early 2006, an elderly volunteer dropped off anti-Wal-Mart petitions in several Jewish-owned businesses, gathering 1,000 signatures in four days. Around the same time, religious school administrators distributed fliers to students and their parents under the headline “Be Aware.”

The Rockland Bulletin, a local Jewish weekly newspaper, ran a full-page ad this spring warning: “An influx of undesirable influences will pollute the spiritual environment.” And this month, “Community Connections,” a weekly newsletter with 1,300 subscribers, published a call for action of sorts: “Today, it is harder than ever to protect our children from influences that are at odds with the values and morals we try to instill in them,” the article says. “It would be naïve to assume that a Wal-Mart Supercenter can open in our midst and not destroy some of which has so painstakingly been built.”

Joseph Kizelnik, who as the owner of a discount store near the proposed Wal-Mart site has a financial interest along with any spiritual concerns, is one of the more vocal opponents. “I say public opinion always helps,” he said, “and if we get together as a group, as a community, we can win this battle.”

Elsewhere, Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest retailer, has often acquiesced to public pressure and made adjustments. It has hired local architects to meld stores into particular landscapes, painting a store in desert sandstone in Arizona and building an outlet in Long Beach, Calif., with an Art Deco look. In Middlefield, Ohio, home to one of the nation’s largest Amish communities, Wal-Mart placed hitching posts for horse-drawn buggies in a store’s parking lot and stocked shelves with barley soup and non-electric refrigerators.

Here, Wal-Mart has already agreed to conceal magazine covers that may be deemed offensive, such as the ones picturing celebrities in provocative outfits, “something that’s new for us,” Mr. Serghini said.

“The rabbis have a lot of concerns, and some of them are similar to those we’ve heard from other communities, but there are very specific elements to this experience,” Mr. Serghini said. “Definitely, this is the most unique place I’ve ever been to.”

The thousands of Hasidic Jews who have settled in Monsey, an unincorporated hamlet in Rockland County, since at least the early 1970s are guided by centuries-old religious traditions, which have remained unchanged even in the face of unprecedented growth inside and outside town borders. The streets here are lined with sidewalks, as many of the women do not drive — an activity deemed immodest in stricter Jewish sects. Many boys and girls are educated separately, in private, Yiddish-language religious schools. A sign at the entrance of a kosher supermarket reminds visitors to refrain from wearing revealing clothes.

The community, is considered a powerful voting bloc, so in a local election year, officials have been careful not to alienate its members. Christopher St. Lawrence, who is running for re-election as town supervisor in Ramapo, has been cautious in his public comments.

“It’s not appropriate for me to issue an opinion because I don’t want to influence the Planning Board,” Mr. St. Lawrence said in an interview. “My concern is traffic, and for a regional store like the one being proposed, we need a regional solution, and that’s not something you could solve with a few stoplights.”

The proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter would occupy a 22-acre site on Route 59, about three miles from access ramps to the New York State Thruway. Route 59, a two-lane state highway lined with strip malls, is often clogged during rush hours and is especially busy on Fridays as families hurry to finish errands before the Sabbath starts. On Saturdays, roads everywhere are choked with pedestrians, including many mothers pushing babies in strollers.

The arrival of large crowds of people who aren’t aware of community mores worries Shlomo Zalman, 31, a computer consultant. “That kind of issue is somewhat unavoidable because any supermarket that opens up, be it Wal-Mart, Stop & Shop or Shop-Rite, will present the same types of challenges,” he said. He added, “I don’t know if I would shop there.”

An analysis by Brian Ketcham, a transportation engineer hired by the Neighborhood Retail Alliance, a small-business advocacy group in Manhattan that has helped organize Monsey’s anti-Wal-Mart movement, said the store would add about 16,000 vehicles to Route 59 on weekdays, resulting in a 30 percent increase in congestion.

Jerrold Bermingham, managing director of National Realty and Development, the project’s developer, said any increase in traffic on Route 59 could be mitigated by the construction of turning lanes, widening of the road and installation of a traffic light at the top of the driveway leading into the store.

The store would be open 24 hours, seven days a week, and include a supermarket, a service station and parking for nearly 1,000 cars. If constructed, it would replace a Wal-Mart in Airmont, a village two miles to the east. Company officials estimate it would add 170 jobs.

Mr. Serghini, of Wal-Mart, said he had asked the rabbis to prepare a list of concerns, which he has yet to receive, in an effort to “comport to the local mores.” Wal-Mart is also considering creating a way for rabbis to provide feedback to the store on a regular basis, he said.

“There’s no question our outreach has been greater than usual,” Mr. Serghini said. “But we believe that in any community, as long as you’re respectful and you’re honest, you can go a long way.”

Correction: June 26, 2007

A picture caption yesterday about opposition to a planned Wal-Mart in the predominantly Hasidic community of Monsey, N.Y., misidentified the man behind the counter of a discount store whose owners are among the opposition. He is Samuel Spitz, the brother of Mirel Kizelnik, an owner — not her husband, Joseph Kizelnik, co-owner of the store.

Correction: June 27, 2007

An article on Monday about opposition to a planned Wal-Mart in the predominantly Hasidic community of Monsey, N.Y., referred incorrectly to the village of Airmont, where another Wal-Mart is located. Airmont is two miles west — not east — of the proposed site in Monsey.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
when I see a "bapizter" yingermann on the street, I feel bad for his wife.
It goes hand in hand together,
a "smekdeiger" will not put his hand in cold water for fear of getting his $ 50,- ben barber shirt stained, he spends more time in front of the mirror then his wife and has more cosmetics then her too...and all that gel on the payas how gross...
A clean hat and suit, clean white shirt and polished shoes, a combed beard and payas, is all thats needed for a chasidishe yingerman,
a shower and some deodrant is ok,
but anything more is excessive.
and what is this new pirtzah of satmer yingerleit trimming their beards????R. Yoel is turning in his grave over that I am sure, stop focusing on how the woman dress and start focusing on the men !!! maybe then satmer will get a name other then a bunch of bums !!!
I don't think you guys are gay, ( some might be) I think you are just out there to impress each other ( and the neighbors wife too...)and who can be more "bapizt" then the other !!!
go get a life!

5:55 AM

Anonymous said...

The doofus clerk who answered the phone is like, oh, I think I know what you're calling about.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Take 10 minutes out of your day to do this. PLEASE!

1-Call the D.A.
2-Send an e-mail
3-Write a brief letter.

Ladies and gentlemen....The future of our community is on the line. If the Agudah prevails NOT to have Mondrowitz extradited, we are all losers!

They are fighting like hell to make certain Mondrowitz is not returned to the U.S.


Paul Mendlowitz said...

One more thing...get DOV HIKIND INVOLVED!

Anonymous said...

This includes a type of carp that can be used to make gefilte fish.


June 29, 2007
F.D.A. Curbs Sale of 5 Seafoods Farmed in China
In the latest move against Chinese imports, the Food and Drug Administration yesterday effectively blocked the sale of five types of farm-raised seafood from China because of repeated instances of contamination from unapproved animal drugs and food additives.

The F.D.A. said it decided to take the action after years of warnings and even a visit to Chinese fish ponds that resulted in no signs of improvement.


China is the world’s leading producer of farm-raised fish. Its shipments to the United States were valued at $1.9 billion in 2006, a 193 percent increase from 2001, according to the Department of Agriculture. The biggest American imports from China are shrimp, tilapia, scallops, cod and pollock, federal statistics show.

The problems with Chinese seafood are evident in a database of products that the FDA stops at the border. In May, for instance, the F.D.A. turned away 165 shipments from China, 49 of which were seafood.

Monkfish was rejected for being filthy. Frozen catfish nuggets were turned away because they contained veterinary drugs. Tilapia fillets were contaminated with salmonella.

The problems were even worse in April, when 257 shipments from China were rejected, including 68 of seafood. Frozen eel contained pesticides, frozen channel catfish had salmonella and frozen yellowfin steaks were filthy, the records show.

In a report on the F.D.A.’s oversight released in May, Food and Water Watch, a Washington-based nonprofit organization, found that more than 60 percent of the seafood that was rejected at the border by the F.D.A. came from China.

Anonymous said...


I'm Ben Barber's shutaf. Did you know that the DA's office takes phone calls after hours at 718-250-2001 ?

Anonymous said...

Mondrowitz is guilt only of misbehaving. He seems religious.

Anonymous said...

Hikind can make a lot of noise when he wants to but it remains to be seen if he's scared of gangsters like Belsky and Twerski.

I wish Alfonse D'Amato was still in the Senate. Hillary & Shmuck Schumer only act if they think they stand to gain personally.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, under Chairman Henry Waxman D-California, has a Domestic Policy Subcommittee whose jurisdiction includes criminal justice. The Chairman, Dennis Kucinich D-Ohio, is an eccentric flake who nobody takes seriously so do not contact him. The ranking member, Darrell Issa R-California, is an Arab who was the target of an unsucessful JDL murder plot.

These are the other sub-committee members:

Tom Lantos
Elijah E. Cummings
Diane E. Watson
Christopher S. Murphy
Danny K. Davis
John F. Tierney
Brian Higgins
Bruce L. Braley
Darrell E. Issa, Ranking Member
Dan Burton
Christopher Shays
John L. Mica
Mark E. Souder
Chris Cannon
Brian Bilbray

Anonymous said...

I implore UOJ and whoever has the ability to look up those Congressmen on the House.Gov website to contact them about the Hynes and Mondrowitz. Maybe UOJ can repost the ABC TV segment to send along to the lawmakers.

Anonymous said...

Is it Twerski that's pressing on Hynes or is it the entire line up of Agudah dingbats?

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Is it Twerski that's pressing on Hynes or is it the entire line up of Agudah dingbats?
Every FRESSER that ever had a meal at any Agudah convention and every liar that vouched for Margulies is involved...including the Moshiach man--Ger-Rabbit from Israel through his cronies.

Anonymous said...

Do any of the attorneys reading this know how to get the Federal Justice Dept to take over the Mondrowitz case from corrupt local officials?

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Mr. Hynes is going to have another "emergency" when he finds out that Washington is waking up to this!

Pass the Valium!

Anonymous said...

Can we please have the list of sub-humans, besides Twerski, that vouched for Margulies?

Anonymous said...

Does UOJ or anyone know of a single rosh yeshiva or rov who has told their following to act or has asked the District Attorney's office to extradite Mondrowitz? I know of only 2 who criticize Hynes in private. I don't know if they put in a call to Downtown Brooklyn or not.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really think that Wasserman would not cheat on kashrus if he's stealing your money?

Anonymous said...


I urge everyone to go to this blog and read this open letter. Respectful comments are encouraged on that site.

I will post a copy of it here. In the history of the Jewish people, there never has been a "leadership" of evil and corrupt mental midgets that this generation has.... UOJ

An open letter to Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon, mashgiach, Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, New Jersey:

Dear Rabbi Salomon:

I heard your speech at the Agudah Convention and have a few comments and questions I would like to share with you. I am writing this letter in an open forum as I believe the issues herein are of vital importance to our people and warrant the same circulation as your much publicized speech.

I take no issue with your well reasoned argument calling for civility in expression of disagreement. Bnai Torah should be able to agree to disagree. While I join you in condemning the deplorable language used by the few, I respectfully suggest that dissenters need not be placed in the category of “Rasha,” or “Maskil” for you to make your point. Likewise, suggestions of “Hakei Es Shinov” and proclamations that children of select members of our community whose views you may disagree with have no place in our schools; do little to further civilized discourse.

In your speech you made a point of declaring your lack of cowardice in dealing with the issue of sexual abuse by Rabbeim in Yeshiva and insisted that keeping your efforts discreet or as you put it to “sweep under the carpet”, is a choice you make to protect human dignity. Whose dignity are you referring to? The dignity of those few victims courageous enough to step forward and confront these powerful monsters or the dignity of these monsters and their poor families? I respectfully suggest that by concerning yourself with the dignity of the pedophile and sweeping his heinous acts under the carpet, you subject his victims to another round of abuse at the hands of the community while enabling the predator to continue his reign of terror on unsuspecting victims.

We are taught that “Chochmah B’Goyim, Taamin.” Medical statistics tell us that a treated pedophile has a sixty percent rate of recidivism. This places the pedophile squarely in the category of a Rodeph and as such we have a duty to our community to expose him so that potential victims are aware of this clear and present danger. Sex Offender Registries exist for a reason. Namely, the law and medical science recognize that these people are incapable of controlling themselves. You may be impressed by a heartfelt and tearful confession coupled with a commitment to never again succumb to temptation, (“Teshuva”.) However, you will not be present when this pedophile succumbs to his overwhelming urges and destroys another poor innocent life. Respectfully, you do not have the right to ignore universally accepted medical knowledge and take innocent children’s lives into your hands for the sake of a pedophile’s “dignity.”

Indeed, your strategy of not acting until the pedophile has been proved 100 percent guilty and using the Torah as your guide to protect our Mosdos is not new. As will be shown below this very same strategy was followed by many other Rabbonim with disastrous results. Rabbi Shalom Yosef Elyashiv puts it best while writing about this very issue. Rabbi Elyashiv quotes the Rashba who writes in his Responsa, III no. 393, “…Because if you will adjudicate based only on the laws established by the Torah, society will be destroyed…” (emphasis added.)

Yes, we do need to stop “the terrible assault” and “immunize against a plague” of “insidious poison seeping in.” It is our duty to teach our children to “rise in their defense” and of course we must “give them the ammunition to fight back when they are attacked.” You and I differ only in our opinion of where the threat lies. You maintain with an impressive fervor that the threat lies with disrespectful bloggers. I respectfully disagree and see the threat to be that deadly minority of Rabbeim who are morally corrupt and are destroying our children.

In your speech you alluded to the case of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temimah for over thirty-eight years. You express indignation that this one example of a pedophile that “slips through the fingers” is being used as an illustration of how Klal Yisroel behaves. Rabbi Salomon; unfortunately one is as one does. As such, this is who we are as a community today. Tragically, the story as depicted by the secular media in all its gory detail is but the tip of the iceberg.

The below bullet point history is general and merely touches upon events of the past forty years. If you want more details, I suggest you confer with Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, who was employed by Kolko in Camp Ma-Na-Vu and will surely share his knowledge of events with you. Remind Rabbi Wachsman of his expression of remorse to his friends for not having informed his uncle, Rabbi Shloime Klein, of Kolko’s predilection for young boys when Rabbi Klein was embroiled in a difficult Din Torah with Kolko and Rabbi Lipa Geldwirth in or around 1990.

A Partial Biography of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko & Rabbi Lipa Margulies

· 1967 – While working as Dormitory Counselor at Yeshivas Mir, Rabbi Yehuda Kolko calls David R. out of his dormitory room and begins discussing matters of a sexual nature with him while rubbing up against him in an aroused state. This abuse continues for the remainder of the school year and into the summer season at Camp Agudah. Mr. R. is now a distinguished Manhattan attorney living happily with his partner in New York City and insists that his lifestyle choice has absolutely nothing to do with his abuse by Kolko.

· 1969 thru 1971 - Rabbi Yehuda Kolko begins abusing Dovid Framowitz in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas of Flatbush (now known as Yeshiva Torah Temimah) and Camp Agudah, the details of which abuse are now public knowledge. Mr. Framowitz, a grandfather living in Eretz Yisroel, has not gone a day since being abused without reliving the unspeakable agony he suffered at Kolko’s hands.

· 1972 - Rabbi Yehuda Kolko sexually abuses two young campers (names withheld at the request of the victims) in Camp Agudah who complain to their counselor. Their counselor reports the complaint to Rabbi Simcha Kaufman. The abuse of these two boys cease for the remainder of that summer. Rabbi Simcha Kaufman is a co-worker of Kolko in Yeshiva Torah Temimah (more on Kaufman below) and was a co-worker of Kolko in Camp Agudah until 1976 when Kolko voluntarily left Camp Agudah after he co-founded Camp Ma-Na-Vu with Rabbi Lipa Geldwirth, another co-worker of his at Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

· 1977 – Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, employed as a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Temimah in the morning, is employed in the afternoons by Yeshiva Karlin Stolin as Secular Studies Principal. During the course of his short tenure in Yeshiva Karlin Stolin numerous complaints are lodged by both students and parents (names withheld at the request of the victims) accusing Kolko of sexually abusing boys in the Yeshiva. Rabbi Shmuel Dishon asks Kolko to leave the employ of the Yeshiva.

· 1977 on – Eyewitness testimony and accusations of sexual abuse by Rabbi Yehuda Kolko of students at Yeshiva Torah Temimah and Camp Ma-Na-Vu reach a crescendo which culminates in several businessmen approaching Rabbi Lipa Margulies in 1984 and offering to fund a retirement package for Rabbi Yehuda Kolko provided he seeks employment away from children. Rabbi Lipa Margulies steadfastly refuses to accept the offer and suggests that those parents who disagree with his decision remove their children from his Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

· 1981 – Rabbi Yehuda Kolko sexually abuses a twelve year old student of Yeshiva Torah Temimah (name withheld at the request of the victim.) This victim publicizes the abuse and acts out, vandalizing Kolko’s home and car. Rabbi Lipa Margulies calls this victims father and warns him that if this activity does not stop his other children would be expelled from Yeshiva and the safety of his family could not be guaranteed. This victim is subsequently referred to Avrohom Mondrowitz for counseling.

· 1984 – As instructed by Rabbi Avigdor Miller, an Askan calls for a meeting which takes place at the home of Rabbi Yakov Perlow (the Novominsker) and is attended by Rabbi Avrohom Pam, Rabbi Elya Svei, Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller, Rabbi Aharon Schechter, Rabbi Moshe Scheinerman, Rabbi Shia Fishman and Rabbi Yankel Bender. At this meeting, chaired by Rabbi Perlow, the Askan discusses what is transpiring to innocent boys at the hands of Rabbi pedophiles and requests that Torah Umesorah and the Rabbonim issue a statement calling for their removal from Chinuch. Rabbi Svei informs this Askan that Torah Umesorah has consulted their attorneys who advised that for Torah Umesorah to admit knowledge of such abuse would subject Torah Umesorah, its staff, all its member schools and their staff to liability for not having reported their knowledge to the authorities earlier. Accordingly, Rabbi Elya Svei informs the Askan, neither he nor Torah Umesorah will do anything about this problem.

· 1984 thru 1985 – At directed by Rabbi Avrohom Pam an Askan approaches Rabbi Moshe Scheinerman and the two meet with Rabbi Shia (Joshua) Fishman in the office of Torah Umesorah. Both Scheinerman and Fishman neglect to inform this Askan that Fishman had been instructed by Torah Umesorah’s lawyer to do nothing about this issue. Rabbi Fishman requests the names of Kolko’s victims and promises absolute confidentiality. Names are provided to Rabbi Fishman who begins his own investigation of the allegations. He meets with and speaks with several victims who pour their hearts out to him after he guarantees them confidentiality. Rabbi Shia Fishman promptly discloses all he has learned to Rabbi Lipa Margulies who in turn publicly disparages and discredits each and every one of those boys who were brave enough to step forward.

· 1985 – A follow up meeting takes place at the home of Rabbi Simcha Kaufman and includes Rabbi Kaufman, Rabbi Lipa Margulies, Rabbi Shia Fishman, an Askan and an eyewitness. The eyewitness recounts his personal knowledge of Rabbi Kolko’s sexual abuse of boys and discusses the information he had gleaned from others. Rabbi Lipa Margulies insists that the charges are all fabrications and attacks the reputations of everyone involved in seeking the removal of Kolko from his Yeshiva Torah Temimah. Rabbi Shia Fishman subsequently informs anyone who asks that he can not deal with this issue as he is old (50 at the time) and will lose his job if he pursues this matter.

· 1985 – Rabbi Moshe Scheinerman is offered a lucrative and prestigious position as Rav of a Shul (a position he holds to this day) and is told that he must cease and desist from his actions against Yeshiva Torah Temimah Rabbeim (his own words) which he promptly does. Scheinerman abandons ship explaining that it is not appropriate for a rabbi of his stature to deal with these matters. Rabbi Yehoshua Leiman takes over.

· 1985 - Rabbi Yehoshua Leiman and others continue their quest for a solution and convene a Bais Din for this purpose. This Bais Din, consisting of Rabbi Menashe Klein, Rabbi Yechezkel Roth, Rabbi Aharon Stein, Rabbi Moshe Stern and Rabbi Chaim Yankel Tauber, is scheduled to hear testimony for two days after which they will rule on how to proceed. This panel meets and hears testimony for one day. Shortly thereafter, Rabbi Moshe Stern states that he is unable to participate in any more sessions and this Bais Din is disbanded without further explanation. In a private conversation with one of the Askanim, Rabbi Stern disclosed that he had been approached by Rabbi Lipa Margulies which resulted in the discontinuance of the Din Torah.

· 1985 – Upon the dissolution of the above Bais Din, Rabbi Lipa Margulies retains Rabbi Pinchus Scheinberg to convene a second Bais Din for the purpose of clearing Rabbi Yehuda Kolko’s name. Rabbi Lipa Margulies then drafts Rabbi Friedman (the Tenka Rav) and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Brown to serve on Rabbi Scheinberg’s Bais Din. Prior to convening the Bais Din, Rabbi Pinchus Scheinberg speaks with several of Kolko’s victims and asks them to describe what Kolko has done to them. Upon hearing the allegations Rabbi Scheinberg informs the boys that in the eyes of Halacha they had not been molested. Rabbi Scheinberg also calls the Askanim and tells them to cease and desist in their attempts to remove Kolko from Chinuch. Rabbi Avigdor Miller disagrees and instructs the Askanim in no uncertain terms to do whatever must be done to protect children from Kolko. Rabbi Pinchus Scheinberg convenes the Bais Din and takes the position that Rabbi Kolko has a Chezkas Kashrus absent any testimony by two adult witnesses to any single event. Rabbi Friedman takes the position that in light of the persistent rumors Rabbi Kolko must be kept away from children. Rabbi Brown ultimately concedes that there is no Halachic evidence against Kolko and the Din Torah is concluded. Rabbi Lipa Margulies insists that he has a Psak from this Bais Din but to this day has refused to produce it. Regardless, it is of note that no victims testified before this Bais Din.

· 1987 – Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, having groomed a former first grade student of his for years, begins systematically sexually abusing this boy (name withheld at the request of the victim) both in and out of the Yeshiva Torah Temimah building. When this boy complains to Rabbi Lipa Margulies that his grades are slipping because Kolko is removing him from class almost daily, Margulies responds by slapping the boy across the face and throwing him out of his office. This young man is now living down south after obtaining a leave of absence from the U.S. Army.

· 2001 – Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, takes a young Yeshiva Torah Temimah student under his wing (name withheld at the request of the victim) and begins removing him from class for “special projects.” These special projects include the boy being sexually molested by Kolko in the basement of the Yeshiva, in Rabbi Kolko’s car and in Rabbi Kolko’s private office, which Rabbi Lipa Margulies has conveniently equipped with its own private bathroom. This young man is currently in therapy and hopes to be able to recover enough to be able to get married and start a family.

· 2005 – Dovid Framowitz, after years of searching on the internet, chances upon a post written by a blogger calling himself “Un-Orthodox Jew” which makes reference to Rabbi Lipa Margulies harboring Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a known pedophile, in his Yeshiva Torah Temimah. Dovid begins communicating with this blogger via e-mail who in turn posts Dovid’s story on his blog. Over the course of several months other victims of Kolko begin to step forward with their stories.

· January 2006 – Several Askonim decide that this four decade long Chillul Hashem must stop and approach both Rabbi Yehuda Kolko and Rabbi Lipa Margulies with a demand that Kolko be removed from Yeshiva Torah Temimah and Camp Silver Lake and further commit to spending the rest of his life in treatment and away from children. Both Kolko and Margulies refuse.

· February 2006 – A letter is drafted informing the public that Rabbi Yehuda Kolko is a dangerous pedophile and that Rabbi Lipa Margulies continues to employ him despite his knowledge of this fact. Copies of this draft letter are delivered to Kolko and Margulies. Both Kolko and Margulies are offered the opportunity to deal quietly with the issue and are informed that if they continue to refuse, the letter would be mass mailed to the entire community. Kolko responds by stating that “the matter has been taken care of” and Margulies responds by asking if anyone “thinks Kolko is still a threat” and declares “if anyone does not like the way I run my yeshiva let them not send their children to my yeshiva.” They refuse to comply and the letter is sent out in a mass mailing.

· February 2006 – Eli Greenwald, a graduate of Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah, son of one of the founders of the Yeshiva and a parent in the Yeshiva receives the letter and spends a few days investigating the matter. He calls Rabbi Yaakov Applegrad, the Yeshiva’s Administrator, and requests a meeting of the Vaad HaHorim in order to address this serious issue. Rabbi Applegrad informs him that there will be no meeting as the allegations are false and that he and Rabbi Margulies have the matter under control. Mr. Greenwald called Rabbi Lipa Margulies and makes the same request of him. Rabbi Margulies responds by shouting at him.

· February 17, 2006 – Eli Greenwald is served with a Hazmana issued by Rabbi Yisroel Belsky calling him to a Din Torah to answer the charge of Hotzoas Shem Rah allegedly committed against Rabbi Yehuda Kolko. Mr. Greenwald responds on February 21, 2006, that he will appear for a Din Torah before the Bais Din of America. To this day there has been no reply to Mr. Greenwald’s response by either Kolko or Rabbi Yisroel Belsky.

· February 2006 – An Askan meets with Rabbi Yaakov Perlow and pleads with him to get involved in this matter. Rabbi Perlow refuses on the basis of his being a Yuchid and this being a Tzibur matter. After being pressed further Rabbi Perlow takes his final stand that this is a Flatbush matter and as he is a Boro Park Rabbi it would be unseemly for him to get involved in this matter.

· March 2006 – Rabbi Lipa Margulies reaches a standstill agreement with the Askonim by committing to appear before a panel consisting of two Rabbonim and one Frum lawyer, all three of whom had been chosen by him. Rabbi Lipa Margulies reneges on his promise to appear before this panel.

· March 23, 2006 – A Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. The Hazmana is ignored by all the defendants.

· March 30, 2006 – A second Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. By fax sent on April 5, 2006, Rabbi Lipa Margulies responds to this Hazmana stating he will not appear for a Din Torah “without a prior determination of the charges against Rabbi Kolko.” Rabbi Kolko continues to ignore the Hazmanas.

· April 6, 2006 – A third Hazmana to a Din Torah is sent to Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, Rabbi Lipa Margulies and Yeshiva Torah Temimah summoning them to a Din Torah before the Bais Din of Mechon L’Hoyroa or a Bais Din of ZBLA. By fax sent on April 10, 2006, Rabbi Lipa Margulies responds to this Hazmana by stating “the Hazmonah that you sent to us was not a valid Hazmonah.” Rabbi Kolko does not respond at all. It is of note that Rabbi Yehuda Kolko is still teaching in Yeshiva Torah Temimah while these exchange are taking place.

· May 4, 2006 – A lawsuit is filed in United States District Court: Eastern District of New York, naming Rabbi Yehuda Kolko; Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah, Inc. and Camp Agudah as defendants. Rabbi Yehuda Kolko remains in the classrooms of Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

· May 5, 2006 – Rabbi Simcha Kaufman approaches Dovid Framowitz and with tears in his eyes tells him that if only he had known what Rabbi Kolko was doing to him he would have put a stop to it. Of interest was Rabbi Simcha Kaufman’s complete denial of any prior knowledge of any accusation before Dovid Framowitz brought his lawsuit. Rabbi Simcha Kaufman pleads with Dovid to withdraw his lawsuit lest he hurt Rabbi Lipa Margulies and the Yeshiva.

· May 10, 2006 – After being approached for comment on several occasions by Robert Kolker, a reporter for New York Magazine, and with a 5:00 printing deadline looming, Rabbi Lipa Margulies issues a statement through his attorney at 4:30 PM. Beginning with a proclamation that Yeshiva Torah Temimah is the preeminent Yeshiva in the world followed by an absolute denial of all the allegations, the statement concludes with an announcement that Rabbi Kolko has agreed to a “leave of absence” pending the resolution of this matter. Despite this claim, Rabbi Yehuda Kolko remains in the classrooms of Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

· May 12, 2006 – A second lawsuit is filed in United States District Court: Eastern District of New York naming Rabbi Yehuda Kolko; Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah, Inc. as defendants. Still, Rabbi Yehuda Kolko remains in the classrooms of Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

· May 15, 2006 – “On the Rabbi’s Knees – Do the Orthodox Jews Have a Catholic Priest Problem” a feature article in New York Magazine, a publication with a circulation of three million, is published. Within days of the publication of the article and after thirty-eight years of committing unspeakable acts of perversion in Yeshiva Torah Temimah, Kolko leaves the classrooms of Yeshiva Torah Temimah. It was only after the magazine hit the newsstands that Margulies succumbed to pressure and removed Kolko from the classrooms of Yeshiva Torah Temimah.

· July 2006 – Over the vocal protest of many residents and with the help of his friend Rabbi Yaakov Applegrad, Rabbi Yehuda Kolko takes up summer residence at a home in Regency Estates in the Catskills. Despite the claim that Kolko was on a leave of absence from Yeshiva Torah Temimah, he continues working for Camp Silver Lake, Yeshiva Torah Temimah’s summer home. In addition, Kolko initiates and organizes a multi-camp excursion to Lake Compounce, a water park located in Connecticut, where he is seen frolicking with young boys in bathing suits. A media outcry ensues resulting in Kolko being banned from the park by its non-Jewish management. Astonishingly, in August Kolko organizes a second trip to Lake Compounce, which is attended by the same Frum boy’s camps who participated in the July trip.

The above is but a sampling of the cases I am aware of. One need not be a great Lamden to realize that I am aware of only a small percentage of Kolko’s abuse victims. As Rachmonim Bnai Rachmonim, it is unbearable to grasp the stunning extent of this catastrophe.

To all who decry the “Chillul Hashem” the New York Magazine article resulted in, I say; embarrassing, yes. Chillul Hashem, absolutely not! Indeed, it is ironic that this very article which has been condemned by many Rabbonim is what got you and them to belatedly acknowledge Kolko’s guilt. Apparently a mere forty years of Koila D’Lo Posuk was not enough. Were the lawsuits and the magazine article the Chillul Hashem? No! The decades long Chillul Hashem is that of Margulies and Kolko’s actions coupled with the many decades of improper action and inaction by our Rabbonim and organizations. This was somewhat offset by the recent Kiddush Hashem of the action taken by a few Askonim. They who had the courage to do what had to be done to protect our children from the acts of monsters and the cowardice of our Rabbonim. All this I say with the utmost respect and reverence.

I lay no blame at your doorstep for the above; you come from another part of the world, did not participate in and have no first hand knowledge of these events. I merely ask you to understand the world of pain that Rabbi Yehuda Kolko and his enablers; with a special note of distinction going to Rabbi Lipa Margulies; have left in their wake. I respectfully question your judgment in showing respect and support for Rabbi Lipa Margulies without having done a thorough investigation of his history. Surely, L’Man Yishmeu V’Yirahu, a man such as Lipa Margulies must be publicly vilified; not Cholila V’Chas publicly honored by someone of your esteem.

I respectfully submit that despite the focus of your speech, this issue has nothing to do with an obnoxious blogger or Kovod HaTorah. No reasonable adult takes this blogger’s inane ravings as anything but. That he fell into this issue and “B’Mokom SheAin Ish” he chose to “Hishtadail Lehios Ish” and participate in pushing it forward, is a sad commentary on the egregious failures of our leadership. Rather, the issue is the still unanswered question of where our leaders were all these decades while Rabbi Yehuda Kolko and Rabbi Lipa Margulies were savaging our children. I ask with the utmost respect and humility; how can you stand in front of us in good faith and turn this into an issue of Kovod Hatorah? I ask that you hear the constant cries of anguish laden souls destroyed by chronic inaction coupled with a misguided concern for the “dignity” of Rabbeim who molest.

This is not a tale of something that somehow “slips through the fingers” but rather only one of many glaring examples of what occurs in a community whose leaders are unwilling to deal with an issue that sits under a spotlight for four decades and engulfs the souls of countless innocent children. Hashem Yerachaim.

As parents we have every right to expect that accusations of sexual abuse by a Rebbe be first verified post haste and then publicized so that we may protect our children from this predator and make informed decisions about where to send our children to Yeshiva. In the face of Pikuach Nefesh; cries of Kovod HaTorah, Chillul Hashem and Loshon Harah have no relevance. To resort to such cries is simply Am HaHaretzes and violates the precept not to be a Merachaim Al HaAchzoir. The issue all of us need to address, lay people and Rabbonim alike, is why nothing was done for so many decades and what lessons we can learn from our past mistakes to prevent future catastrophes of this nature.

Respectfully yours,

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Does UOJ or anyone know of a single rosh yeshiva or rov who has told their following to act or has asked the District Attorney's office to extradite Mondrowitz? I know of only 2 who criticize Hynes in private. I don't know if they put in a call to Downtown Brooklyn or not.

Not one! They tell their stooges (who even ask) not to!

Anonymous said...

Scheinerman is a nobody in 2007 and was certainly so in 1984. Why was he on the executive list of the all the Kolko-related meetings?

Anonymous said...

Who were the askanim that confronted Kolko and Margo in Jan. 2006?

They should be honored as heroes.

Anonymous said...

I still have the "best" yeshiva in the world.

Where's Eli Greenwald? I want to shout at him again. I couldn't count on Belsky and Applegrad to do it right so I have to do it myself.

Anonymous said...

It's not only the Agudah you have to watch out for.

There is a modern orthodox putz in Brooklyn (initials are S.K.) who organizes singles getaways to hotels. He is actually married but you rarely see him with his wife. You are more likely to see the geek flirting with or even groping much younger ladies.

When he's in town, he gets the list of yeshiva dinners and other fresser events from the Citicom ad in the papers and shows up somewhere every night to freeload, actually steal a free meal. He comes to the smorg to string together his dinner as it's harder to occupy a seat during the main meal.

I don't know if this super-shnorrer has ever paid for anything in his life. Because he brings a group of people, he always gets free room and fressing from the hotels too.

Anonymous said...

When is Schiffenbauer going to do the right thing and resign from the YTT "Vaad HaHorim"? That's a misnomer if ever there was one, and one that legitimizes Margo's crime syndicate.

Anonymous said...

I wish I figured out what S.K. is doing back in the 1970s so I wouldn't have to pay Pruzansky and Ribowsky for the lunch program.

That would have been perfect. When Congresswoman Holzmann's office investigated me for the treif meat & cheese sandwiches, I would say they came from the Chaim Berlin dinner.

Anonymous said...

Accountability said...
When is Schiffenbauer going to do the right thing and resign from the YTT "Vaad HaHorim"? That's a misnomer if ever there was one, and one that legitimizes Margo's crime syndicate.

He believes that Kolko is innocent and therefore he sees no need to resign from the position.

Anonymous said...

R'uoj shlita,

We have to keep the heat on the DA, it seems we got another "Mike Nifong" on our hands, so i think it's time you post the AG's phone number or anybody else thats in a higher position than the DA and might help us with the fight of our lives, this monsters victims are watching this closely, this will only hurt them more if this fight is lost.

uoj, It's time we raise the stakes!

Anonymous said...

The weather forcast for the forseeable future in downtown brooklyn, severe heat waves, people in the same age bracket of charlie "nifong" hynes, should not leave home especially if you work in the area of 350 jay st.

Anonymous said...

Who's this S.K. you speak of?

Anonymous said...


Dear Totty,
I preface this letter by saying that I seek to prevent and not to blame. I have now grown up, yet I was never a little boy. I am a shell. Many times, I feel worthless. I have an extremely low self-esteem and am neurotically self-conscious around people. I often feel lonely and have difficulty being self-disciplined. I am obsessive. The list continues.
When I did something wrong, I was screamed at. When I wasn?t best, I wasn?t good enough. When I was down, I did not feel a loving hand and hear loving words. When I wanted to be a little boy, I was not allowed to. I was not made to feel valuable.
Totty, I love you and do not seek to blame you; the way you are is not your fault. Rather, I beg you to take more care with my siblings, your children.
To you, dear reader and brother, I ask, does my suffering bother you? Do you care? If you do, read on and think about what I have to say.
We are negligent. We entrust the most difficult of jobs - parenting - to our youth, without a minute?s training. We would scoff at one who sends their children to parenting classes. I cry. In my sojourns through yeshivos, I have seen bochur after bochur toting immense emotional baggage. Why? Because their parents just never learnt.
Let me ask you: Do you scream at your children? Do you compare your children to others? Do you inhibit their independence and ability to make their own decisions?
Do you overly criticize? Do you think about your parenting? All these attitudes and many more are like a nuclear missile aimed at a child?s need to feel valuable. The repercussions go from generation to generation.
Do not cry for me, dear brother and sister. I, boruch Hashem, have already filled most of my shell, and will, be?ezras Hashem, fill the rest. Cry for those who do not get the chance to understand and fix themselves. Cry for those whose rabbeim or teachers, too busy lecturing, did not have the patience to listen to and care for them. Cry for those whom our close-minded society did not allow to speak to a psychologist or therapist. Cry for them and their children.
On hands and knees, or in prostration if necessary, I beg you: do not be negligent with your children. Send them to learn the great gift of parenting. Most of all, tell them, ?I love you.?

Crying for Change

Anonymous said...

Two people are sitting in a restaurant talking about legal issues , when in the course of the conversation one of them raises their voices and proclaims: "lawyers are a**holes!!". A man at the next table says "hey, I resent that"
"Why, are you a lawyer?"
"No, im an a**hole"

There is a story about the famous actor Eroll Flynn who was divorced. The last time he was getting a divorce , he and the woman and their lawyers were gathered together at his
beach house. The arguments and anger were growing until they had
reached a hatefull pitch. After a while Flynn said to his wife, "Come outside and walk along the beach with me."

The lawyers began to protest.

They didn't want Flynn and his wife to talk alone. But Flynn
convinced his wife to come outside with him and take a walk. During the walk he said to her, "I realize that this has not been an easy marriage for you, I am extremely complex and I am not the simplest man to live with. But I don't want you to divorce me with bitterness for the good memories.

Just tell me what you fairly think you should get out of this divorce." The wife explained to him what she thought she was fairly entitled to.

He nodded his head and they went back to the beach house. Flynn said to the lawyers, "Whatever my wife tells you to let her have from this marriage, make sure she gets it".

The lawyers on both sides began to protest but Flynn and his wife silenced them.

Then she broke down and cried and asked Flynn to hold her and she apologized for the failure of the marriage, she was dishonest with him and was truly sorry.

Which goes to show, lawyers often Do f**k up a "good" divorce.

Anonymous said...

I do not know of any official
Agudah statement criticizing that
abomination called Shelly Silver
for his vote for gay marriage.
This man IMO cannot be called
an Orthodox Jew. He secretly
passed the Get Law #2 which
probably created many mamzerim
b/c it causes a coerced giving of
a GET which is not effective.
He refuses mandatory fingerprinting
for child molesters. He caused a huge chillul Hashem by stating he does not attend police funerals.
UOJ and friends- I invite you to add to this list. Call the bum up and tellhim off. His office is

Tel: 212 312 1420
Fax: 212 312 1425
Address: 250 Broadway, 23 floor,
NY NY 10007

Anonymous said...

Yudel Shain says that Star K is at the forefront of this churva.


July 1, 2007
Companies in U.S. Increase Testing of Chinese Goods
General Mills, Kellogg, Toys “R” Us and other big American companies are increasing their scrutiny of thousands of everyday products they receive from Chinese suppliers, as widening recalls of items like toys and toothpaste force them to focus on potential hazards that were overlooked in the past.

These corporations are stepping up their analysis of imported goods that they sell, making more unannounced visits to Chinese factories for inspections and, in one case, pulling merchandise from American shelves at the first hint of a problem.

General Mills, which makes food products like Pillsbury dough and Chex cereals, is testing for potential contaminants that it did not look for previously, although it would not name the substances. Kellogg has increased its use of outside services that scrutinize Chinese suppliers and has identified alternative suppliers if vital ingredients become unavailable. And Toys “R” Us recently hired two senior executives in new positions to oversee procurement and product safety, mainly for goods made in China.

“We’re thinking in new ways about this,” said Tom Forsythe, a spokesman for General Mills. “We’re looking for things we didn’t look for in the past.”

A Kellogg spokeswoman, Kris Charles, confirmed that retailers had asked whether the company used ingredients from China that were banned by the Food and Drug Administration, including wheat gluten and soy protein.

The company had not, Ms. Charles said, but Kellogg took the extra step of scrutinizing the ingredients that it does import from China, like vitamins, honey, cinnamon, water chestnuts and freeze-dried strawberries. It also screened its Chinese suppliers for links to the recent pet food recall.

The discovery over the last few months of tainted or defective products from China — including toothpaste, tires, toys and fish — has prompted United States lawmakers to fault companies for compromising quality in their quest for inexpensive imports and higher profits.

If companies do not improve their safeguards and more tainted goods are found to be entering the United States, the safety of imports could take on a bigger political dimension, the lawmakers said.

“Food companies have been among the most resistant to informing the public about their ingredients,” said Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, who has been a leading Congressional critic of China. “Now that’s more worrisome because these ingredients are coming from an unregulated environment.”

No fatalities or serious injuries from Chinese food products have been reported in the United States, although counterfeit Chinese glycerine has been linked to at least 100 deaths in Panama. In May, senior members of the Bush administration, including the secretary of agriculture, Mike Johanns, raised the food safety issue with Chinese officials during trade talks in Washington. And last week, in a step designed to reassure Western customers, the Chinese government said it had closed 180 food plants and identified 23,000 safety violations.

Although they affect only a fraction of imports from China, the rising tempo of alerts, including an F.D.A. restriction imposed on Thursday on sales of five types of Chinese-farmed seafood, has called attention to China’s sudden emergence as a major agricultural exporter. Between 2002 and 2006, F.D.A.-regulated imports of food from China rose from just over 100,000 shipments to nearly 235,000. Experts predict those shipments will reach 300,000 this year.

The spate of recalls and the rising volume of exports have highlighted another worry: the increasing dependence of the United States’s biggest food manufacturers on China for basic additives like apple juice, a common sweetener, and preservatives like ascorbic acid.

These little-known additives form the building blocks of many popular staples in American kitchens, keeping fruit from turning brown or providing the sweetness in breakfast bars. Food experts note, for example, that China supplies more than half of all the apple juice imported to the United States, up from a fraction a decade ago.

Other critical but common additives have followed an even sharper trajectory, according to Peter Kovacs, the former chief executive of NutraSweet Kelco and now a food industry consultant. More than 80 percent of ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C and also used as a preservative, comes from China, Mr. Kovacs said. Chinese imports of xanthan gum, used to thicken dairy products and salad dressings, account for at least 40 percent of United States consumption.

“This is a problem for the whole food chain, but it was a blank spot,” Mr. Kovacs said. “They’re doing it now, but companies weren’t testing these additives before.”

Although Kellogg and General Mills disclosed these additional steps, they were reticent to provide additional details. And many food makers are nervous to discuss what is emerging as an issue that could threaten the trust of shoppers in long-established brands.

A spokesman for Sara Lee said executives were unavailable for comment, while J. M. Smucker did not return calls.

Not every company is altering its approach. In a statement, the agricultural giant Cargill said, “Our practices, which include fully vetting suppliers and conducting supplier audits, have not changed.”

Like many observers, Mr. Brown draws parallels between China today and the world described by Upton Sinclair in “The Jungle” a century ago. That depiction of the meatpacking industry led to the creation of the F.D.A.

Other legislators, including Representative Rosa L. DeLauro, Democrat of Connecticut, are calling for the creation of a new federal agency to oversee all food inspections. Such an agency would replace the current system, which splits responsibility among the F.D.A., the Department of Agriculture and other agencies.

“We haven’t had significant changes since the time of ‘The Jungle,’ ” Ms. DeLauro said. “It’s time to re-examine it because this is about prevention, not waiting for someone to die.”

Fusing fear of China’s growing economic power with worries about food safety, politicians like Mr. Brown and Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, have made it clear that food safety is an issue that resonates with voters.

“We’re saying to business, ‘You better protect yourself because right now neither the Chinese government nor the American government is doing a very good job of protecting you,’ ” Mr. Schumer said.

But consumers are not sure whom to trust.

“If you buy Cheerios, it’s a brand name, but you turn the box over, it doesn’t give you the list of where the ingredients are made from,” said Michael O’Brien, 59, as he shopped at a Food Emporium in Union Square in New York, referring to the General Mills cereal. “It absolutely concerns me because you never truly know the origin of your product.”

For the companies, the problem is two-fold: figuring out exactly what to test for and maintaining control over their network of suppliers, even as they turn to China for vast quantities of imports at lower prices.

Indeed, the discovery of the industrial chemical melamine in pet food earlier this year — and the likely death of thousands of animals as a result — alerted the food industry to potential dangers in the human food supply.

“What I’m seeing is that companies have recognized the importance of checking their suppliers,” said Dr. David Acheson, assistant commissioner for food protection at the F.D.A.

While the food industry has been in the spotlight lately, other sectors are also changing their approach to imports. Even before the toymaker RC2 Corporation recalled its popular Thomas & Friends trains because of high levels of lead, which can be poisonous if ingested, Toys “R” Us revamped its internal controls over procurement and product safety.

Late last year, Toys “R” Us hired Rick Ruppert from the clothing retailer The Limited as executive vice president for product development and global sourcing, a new position. Mr. Ruppert said the company has increased spending on safety and product development by about 25 percent in the last six months.

Toys “R” Us is also following the actions of its competitors more closely. After Target recalled about 200,000 Kool Toyz action figures because of sharp edges and lead contamination in November, Toys “R” Us discovered that the same Chinese company that manufactured those toys also made the Elite Operations figures in its stores. About 80 percent of the toys sold in the United States are made in China.

An outside testing company was called in to analyze the toys, and they were subsequently pulled from Toys “R” Us shelves when the tests confirmed similar problems. Toys “R” Us has also stopped doing business with the supplier, Toy Century Industrial Ltd. of Hong Kong.

More recently, after the Thomas recall last month, Toys “R” Us went back and had its own Imaginarium train line tested by an outside company. The toys proved to be safe.

“In the past we would have just reviewed prior test results,” Mr. Ruppert said. This time, “we just decided to take the next step: real-time, real-life review by an outside company.”

While the recent problems have raised concerns, it is still too early to know how widespread they are. But food industry officials sharply disagree with lawmakers like Mr. Brown and Ms. DeLauro, who warn of a looming crisis.

“The U.S. food industry has a tremendous track record,” said Pat Verduin, the chief science officer of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents food makers. “We are learning what to test. I’m not so sure we would have tested for melamine in a wheat product two years ago.”

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn was in the forefront of calling this to our attention. Heinemann and the OU can't be trusted on the hashgacha of foreign companies. They simply can not be trusted when there is no resident mashgiach. They rely on the "mirsas" or the fear of getting caught factor by inspectors, when in fact the Chinese in particular laugh at that element of "fear".

Heinemann is not to be trusted when money is involved and the OU is not going to let Heinemann beat them at their own game.

As I said years ago to anyone who would listen, the masses are eating non-kosher at kosher prices.

And I accuse....the rabbis......

Anonymous said...


With all due respect you are really tzedrayt if you have a smidgen of a haveh mina that the Agudah will call Shelly (I don't Go to Cop's Funerals) Silver on the carpet for his vote to legalize faigeleh marriages.

Adaraboh, menuval tinaf tinofes Shelly has a very good shot at being a future Agudah "Man of The Year" Honoree.

BTW; how much money does he really make from Weitz & Luxembourg?

Betcha it's a princely 6 figures.

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, out in LA the other shoe has fallen in the Tendler saga.
Sholom Tendler has resigned from both Yeshiva of Los Angeles as Rosh Yeshiva as well as Rabbi of the Young Israel of Beverly Hills, but will be staying in LA ostensibly to open a new yeshiva. Perhaps (Rabbi) Aron Tendler can teach for him, any they can send the boys for their year in Israel to cousin Matis Weinberg.

Anonymous said...

To: Young Israel of North Beverly Hills
RE: Aron Tendler and Shalom Tendler

We are writing to you to let you know that Shalom Tendler has been aware of his nephew’s disgusting acts with minors since 1987 and did nothing. He was responsible for the cover up in 87 when Aron was moved to the boys school and he also spoke to one of Aron’s 16 year-old victims 2 years ago, who tried to commit suicide once the history of what Aron did to her caught up with her. Shalom's own past is being investigated, since Aron claimed to have been sexually molested by an uncle. Stands to reason that Aron blackmailed him.

If Shalom Tendler is not removed from the bima we will go to the mainstream media and make it publicly known that your shul keeps a man on staff who enables a child molester.

Shalom Tendler is Aron's uncle and has been influential in keeping Aron in positions of religious authority (such as teaching at YULA's boys school) despite evidence that Aron molested underage girls at YULA.

The New York Post is aggressively working on a series of articles on Aron and Mordecai Tendler. The Jewish Journal and The Los Angeles Times are also looking into Aron and Shalom.

Anonymous said...

The other Rabbi Tendler against whom allegations of sexual misconduct have been made (as he’s increasingly being referred to), Aron-covered up by Uncle Shalom — brother of Mordecai — resigned from his synagogue last month, following more than a year of allegations posted by Luke Ford.
It’s impossible to assume Ford’s reporting is true: he’s unclear about what information he gathered from what sources, why certain sources need anonymity (especially the no-longer-Orthodox young man speaking of actions that happened to others), and there’s relatively little evidence of efforts to independently corroborate claims (at the least, if Tendler wrote all these poems, Ford should have found out where they now are). That said, I wouldn’t claim for a moment that Ford is inaccurately stating what’s been told to him. But that’s just the thing with Ford’s reporting: he’s always been far too soft on sources, and we can’t assume that they are telling the truth as a result.
That said, the reporting by the Los Angeles Jewish Journal was pretty lame. Any time one of the key leaders in the community you’re covering resigns, that deserves more than a brief; it’s odd that most local Jewish papers don’t see it that way. When I was at the Forward, I suggested that every rabbinate change in the country — there can’t be more than a hundred or so a year — should warrant some level of coverage.
But, in the more-detailed coverage of his resignation, should they have included allegations of abuse? Shortly after the Jewish Journal story came out, religion editor and article author Amy Klein wrote the following letter to myself and some others:

Thank you for your interest on the Tendler story, which we have been investigating for some time.
Journalistically and legally, we cannot print unsubtantiated rumors or allegations. We do hope that, if there have been any wrongdoings, the people involved will come forward so that we can expose this story.
Should you be in touch with any of these people, please assure them that if they do come forward and their stories can be corroborated, The Jewish Journal will print the story. In addition, if there are any lawsuits or pending cases, the Jewish Journal will publish that as well.

Were Ford’s allegations the reason for Tendler’s resignation? While the bulk of Ford’s reporting came less than two weeks before Tendler’s resignation, the rabbi is staying in his position for eight more months. That’s not the way a scandalized individual usually steps down; if he was forced out, he’d be gone immediately, and if he wasn’t forced out, he wouldn’t ever leave.
That said, in the weeks before Ford’s revelations, there were murmurs among Orthodox leadership on both coasts that Aron’s case was about to erupt, and Orthodox rabbis were in part responsible for bringing the sources and Ford together.
Both Tendler cases are tragedies of injustice within the Jewish community. Two rabbis have had severe allegations against them, and no communal servant — whether newspapers, rabbinic organizations, synagogues or individual leaders — has made a thorough attempt at verifying whether these allegations are real or false.
And the Jewish Journal should have done something about it. Frankly, they should have Luke Ford on a limited payroll — give the man a couple hundred bucks a week to bring them the information that they’re obviously not getting elsewhere. At the least, if I were a Jewish beat reporter in Los Angeles, I’d be speaking with Ford at least once a week, and cultivating a trusting relationship with him. But irrespective, they should have done some detailed research once these allegations surfaced: call all the board members, other leaders and relevant lay membership from YULA, Shaarey Zedek, etc., and get to the bottom of it. When serious allegations of clergy misconduct erupt in a community, the reporters of that community have no greater obligation than ensuring that the truth about those allegations are known, as no community can function properly while such matters are in doubt.
A part of me wants to put some responsibility for the uncertainty on the shoulders of the victims and the watchdogs themselves: covering — but really more attempting to cover — allegations of abuse in the Jewish community has been an immensely frustrating experience of continually being told I’ll receive information and contacts that never appear. And at the same time that that goes on, we’re repeatedly told by anonymous victims and victims’ advocates that we should just believe that these actions have taken place. That’s just not fair. However, given their claimed past experiences with other news outlets, it’s not all that surprising that they’re relatively uncooperative, and feel better about taking their stories to Ford, who just transcribes what they have to say and leaves it at that.
But we can do better.

Anonymous said...

I have information that Margo's lawyer Avi Moskowitz used to be on the Agudah payroll when they needed a lawyer specializing in criminal law.

How much do you want to bet that they hooked him up with Margo?

Anonymous said...


Can UOJ recommend any reasonably priced anger management classes?

Anonymous said...

The Agudah also has a pool of lawyers at their disposal who agree to take on pro bono cases for the Klal in cases such as anti-Semitism in the workplace, etc. I'm sure that most of them are upstanding individuals who should be commended for not acting like the stereotypical Agudah "fresser" in agreeing to help for free. The Agudah once hooked me up with a lawyer specializing in a certain area. I thought he was a swell guy but perhaps I should have paid more attention to one of his constant comments. He kept emphasizing that he would LOVE to conduct a press conference to lambast the organization he was going after. In other words, he was more interested in promoting himself on prime time television than helping the Klal.

Why do I now harshly view him as a heartless fresser? I recently called him at home because of a dire emergency. A group of Jewish women with their babies were attacked by a gang of marauding Black youths. The Blacks who are sometimes so adept at manipulating the legal system had the chutzpah to call the police to try to have one of the women THEY attacked charged with assault. The poor woman was about to have a nervous breakdown. This was a case of pikuach nefesh mamash. The putz-fresser lawyer was angry that I called him at home and made a nasty comment before hanging up on me - before he even heard what I had to say. I shudder to think what the reaction was in the Elyonim to this sickening behavior from an "officer of the court."

Then again, Lo saamod al dam reyecha doesn't seem to be one of the Agudah's stronger points lately.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Can UOJ recommend any reasonably priced anger management classes?

-----------------------------------Margulies is giving a class at Chap-A-Nosh this summer, endorsed by David Mandel, Aron Twerski and Fraud Belsky (free hazmana to the abuse victim of your choice).

First guest lecturer will be the weatherman-Shea Fishman.(bring your umbrellas)

Pinchos Scheinberg will demonstrate "savlanut"..."turning the other cheek".

All invited...All donors will receive a shatnes - free orange jump - suit...embroidered with the numbers of your choice, by Autothreads (if you can find him).

David Zweibel will talk about--"Molesting and the emesdiker molester"--- How to recognize the real one from the imposter according to Halacha...

Avi Shafran..... "name abuse on coffee cups"...and its implications
for the future generation of our children.

Shmuel Kaminetzky...on "not trusting the goyishe police"...and "how to move molesters around from yeshiva to yeshiva according to the Rambam"...

Promising "a night to remember"...hosted by Yudi Kolko.

Entertainment by Yeedle Werdyger--- and Yaakov Applegrad...."what to say to TV reporters".

Anonymous said...


Sunday, July 01, 2007
Can we trust the kosher certifiers in the CHINESE food chain? NO!!!

Some of the kosher certifiers that are certifying food products in China have established offices in China. The visits to the manufacturing facilities are very infrequent at best.
Some of the certifiers will issue kosher certification in China without so much as as inspecting the manufacturing facility, Including certifying for Passover. Some Certifiers commonly will undercut the certification fee in order to get the company to grant them the certification. Pure economics dictate that one must cut expenses as well-There goes the infrequent visits.

*The worst violator was a Baltimore, MD based certifier, but it seems they are having fierce competition.

* Bottom line practically everyone in the Chinese kosher certification field is undercutting everyone else to the detriment of the gullible kosher consumer.

Anonymous said...
Is it possible to take the OU & Star-K to a din Torah over this?

I heard R' Moishe Weissman once took a chicken / fleish company to a din Torah over their kashrus standards.

Anonymous said...

Slapping up Kolko's abuse victims and shouting at Eli Greenwald, are not exactly credentials for Margo to be GIVING an anger management class.

Anonymous said...

Did any of you reading this post, take 5 minutes of your time to call the DA's office? the phone calls and e-mails cannot stop, charlie should not be able to sleep peacfully while his victims of injustice are out there bleeding.

Please ladies and gents. take a minute of your time to send him an e-mail, it's the least we can do for mondrowitz's victims.

Anonymous said...

Margo doesn't mind the food from China or from anywhere. That's why he has more Chins than a Chinese phone book.

Anonymous said...

Margo really showed his ugly colors years ago after an incident with Rav Basch. He told him in a not bakovoddik way to "get in the beis medrash." The bochurim were appalled that Margo would be mevazeh a talmid chochom and started retaliating. Margo did not sleep until he found out who instigated the bochurim and went after him with a vengeance that was not to be believed.

Anonymous said...


Sunday, July 01, 2007

"Closet" Lady Recruiting Women For Tendler
For those who thought that Tendler would crawl under a rock and fade from the scene, I have a big surprise for you.

Mrs. "SS" the one who found the lady with the blond wig hiding in the closet in Tendler's study in KNH, is actively recruiting women for Tendler's Harem.
She has made at least two phone calls to women who had recently moved into the neighborhood asking them to meet and listen to what the "pervert" of New Hempstead has to say.

This lunatic (SS) who actually witnessed Tendler's deception and shenanigans and knows the truth about the Tendlers better than anyone in the world, will not just give up and become a loving wife to her husband and an attentive mother to her children who so desperately need her, but will continue to crave the notion of being Tendler's rebbetzin.

Michelle (Tendler's real wife), are you reading this????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
Is there ANY kashrus org in China with acceptable standards?

Anonymous said...
Every other hashgocho is somech on the OU, so how do we get around this? Can someone produce a list of ingredients that do not come from China?

Yudel Shain said...
If the consumer will call the kashrus certifiers, they will change.

The certifiers don't fear the Rabonim etc ONLY THE CONSUMER.

Call s should also be made to the Heimeshe certifiers "on what are you relying?"

Paul Mendlowitz said...

There have been 104,342 hits on the website since Thursday...If everyone called or e-mailed the D.A.--Mondrowitz would be on an airplane back to the U.S.A. by now.



Anonymous said...

Even if you don't get to talk to Rhonnie Jaus or Schmuck Schmeterer, you should not underestimate the importance of your call. Just tell them that you are calling regarding Mondrowitz or Indictment 7693/84, and then hang up. If we pester the with enough of these calls, they will be forced to act. You should also call or write to Gov. Spitzer, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Clinton and Dov Hikind. Let's put on the full court press until they relent.

Anonymous said...

steve, can we get the e-mail addresses of spitzer, schumer, clinton and hikind ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Please repeat the DA phone and e-mail numbers once in a while to
make it easier for people to call.

Anonymous said...

Dov Hikind: hikindd@assembly.state.ny.us

Charles Schumer:
Go to the following website:

Hillary Clinton:
Go to the following website:

Elliot Spitzer:
Go to the following website:

Paul Mendlowitz said...

WASHINGTON (AP) President Bush commutes the prison sentence for former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
A real simcha for me personally.

Anonymous said...

Dear R' UOJ,

Mazel Tov on this simcha. May you be zoche to see much nachas from this "personal simcha" and many more to come.

Can you please give us, your chassidim, a little summary of what you hope to accomplish over the summer?


Paul Mendlowitz said...

a little summary of what you hope to accomplish over the summer?
I can not rest until Mondrowitz is brought back to the U.S.A.

Anonymous said...

"I can not rest until Mondrowitz is brought back to the U.S.A."

Words that I, a Mondrowitz victim, am absolutely thrilled to see. Chazak V'Ematz UOJ!!!
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You & Michael Lesher too!!

Paul Mendlowitz said...


Parsha-Summary, Copyright � 2006 by Rabbi Aron Tendler and Torah.org.
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Summary of The Weekly Torah Reading:
Parshas Pinchas

Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section
is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one
person "goes up" to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.

1st Aliya: As a reward for his act of zealousness, Pinchas is appointed as
a Kohain. Although a grandson to Aharon, he was not included in the
original selection of Kohanim. No other person would ever be so honored

2nd Aliya: Moshe is told to do battle against the Midianites in
retaliation for the incident at Baal Peor. Moshe counts the Bnai Yisroel
in preparation for entering Eretz Yisroel. The total number of men over 20
years old, not including the Leviyim, is 601,730; compared to 40 years
earlier when it was 603,550. If you include all men, women and children,
the total is approx. three million

3rd Aliya: Moshe divides Israel through a lottery that miraculously
matched each tribe to its proper portion. The Leviyim are counted.

4th Aliya: Motivated by the "shayla - question" of Tzelafchad's daughters
regarding their father who died without any sons, the laws of inheritance
are discussed. Moshe is told to prepare for his death, and Yehoshua is
chosen as his successor.

5th, 6th & 7th Aliyot: The remainder of the Parsha details the various
public sacrifices offered throughout the year: daily, Shabbos, Musaf, Rosh
Chodesh, and every Yom Tov.
Parsha-Summary, Copyright � 2006 by Rabbi Aron Tendler and Torah.org.
Rabbi Tendler is also the author of the Rabbis-Notebook class.
To support Project Genesis - Torah.org, go to http://www.torah.org/support/.

Join the Jewish Learning Revolution! Torah.org: The Judaism Site brings
this and a host of other classes to you every week. Visit http://torah.org
or email learn@torah.org to get your own free copy of this mailing.

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center, http://torah.org/subscribe/ -- see the links on that page.

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and copyright to the author and Torah.org. Both the author and Torah.org
reserve certain rights. Email copyrights@torah.org for full information.
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Project Genesis, Inc. learn@torah.org
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Baltimore, MD 21208 FAX: (410) 510-1053

Anonymous said...

I can not rest until Mondrowitz is brought back to the U.S.A.

Chazak Chazak Venitchazek, keep it up, your the greatest.

Now to all of you out here, before you start your day, did you pick up the phone and call the DA, or just send him a good morning e-mail, lets go, let our voices be heared loud and clear, we will not stop untill Mondrowitz is Extradited.

Anonymous said...

But it's ok when Shelly Silver screws over abuse victims. Don't even mention the offender registry.


New York's Court of Appeals made a wise and brilliantly articulated decision when it ruled, back in 2006, that the question of same-gender marriage was not a constitutional question but one for the Legislature. The court didn't tell the Legislature how to vote, but it did call for a debate on the matter.

"We believe the present generation should have a chance to decide the issue through its elected representatives," Judge Robert Smith wrote for the majority. "We therefore express our hope that the participants in the controversy over same-sex marriage will address their arguments to the Legislature; that the Legislature will listen and decide as wisely as it can."

It's hard to imagine the court had in mind anything like the night time vote which the Assembly, with scant warning and without any public hearings, passed a same-gender marriage bill this week in a process that effectively snubbed religious New Yorkers. This issue was flagged in a press release issued Wednesday by the Agudath Israel of America, which speaks for fervently religious Jews.

Orthodox Jewry isn't the only religious community that was stunned at the fact that, as the Aguda's executive vice president for government and public affairs Rabbi David Zwiebel, pointed out, the Assembly's Judiciary Committee "never even scheduled a hearing on the proposal, as should be customary for controversial, revolutionary legislation of this sort." But it has made its arguments with typical cogency.

Rabbi Zwiebel argued that a hearing would have "brought to the fore," as he put it, "numerous problems" with the bill, including "its negative impact on religious communities like ours." The Aguda warned that "members of communities like ours will incur moral opprobrium and may risk legal sanction if they refuse to transgress their beliefs" in the face of the legalization of same-sex marriages. The views voiced by the Aguda are shared by all factions of Orthodox Judaism, the Catholic Church, and scores of religious communities throughout our city and state.

The speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver, knew precisely what he was doing. Our Jacob Gershman encountered him on May 30 and asked him about the hearing process in general. The speaker rattled on about how hearings are needed to give lawmakers a fuller sense of the public's concern on congestion pricing, as it would in the case of a bill to expand the state's database of deoxyribonucleic acid. He called hearings an important forum for guiding lawmakers on issues that affect many people.

Mr. Gershman then asked him about hearings on the gay marriage bill. "There are only so many public hearings that we're going to do," the speaker snapped. The docket tells the story. In the last two weeks, Assembly committees have held public hearings on energy conservation, tax incentives for businesses, and the agricultural market. But the question of gay marriage, which would alter the definition of a contract that has existed since the founding of the state, appears on no hearing list in the Assembly.

So of what is the Legislature afraid? Our guess is that it is the fact that the campaign for gay marriage has been advanced in New York state — and many others — on, at least in part, a false premise. Namely that opponents of same-sex marriage are bigots. This was evident in the first lower court ruling in favor of same-gender marriage, issued two years ago in Manhattan state court by Judge Doris Ling-Cohan, who started her opinion with a disquisition on the racist anti-miscegenation laws that were on the law books in a number of states in the not so distant past.

The state's highest court quickly saw through Judge Ling-Cohan's error. In the majority opinion in Hernandez v Robles, Judge Robert Smith wrote: "The traditional definition of marriage is not merely a by-product of historical injustice." Of the strongly held belief by many that marriage is for a man and a woman only, Judge Smith had this to say: "a court should not lightly conclude that everyone who held this belief was irrational, ignorant or bigoted." New Yorkers had a right to expect the Legislature to give our religious communities a hearing.

Not that advocates of same-gender marriage are without their standing, either. They have been well-organized and effective and are no less passionate about the issue than is the religious community. It is no small thing that advocates of same-gender marriage have been gaining ground in a number of states. Massachusetts's own legislature, once thought to be prepared to put a stop to same-gender marriage following a radical ruling from its highest court, recently flinched from forcing the issue. The result is that homosexual couples will continue to be able to marry in the Bay State.

In Albany, the Senate is unlikely to do what the Assembly did this week. If the Senate doesn't take the issue up before the end of 2008, the Assembly will be forced to take up this issue again. Which means that the rush this week can serve as a wake-up call to the religious community that it cannot count on the legislative leadership to give them a hearing; they will have to press for it, demand it even, and stay on their toes. Our own belief is that marriage is a contract that is far too important, sacred even, to alter without everyone being given a chance to express his or her concerns.

Anonymous said...

Rabbis Belsky and Scheinberg were both
featured in the Yated picture spread this past week.
It really sickens me to read all the 'sheep' letters to the
editor exalting the 'great' newspaper. Although there are very good
things in the Yated Torah-wise and musar- they cover up any scandal
(like Kolko,Margo) in the frum velt.
Amazing how everything is always hunky dory isnt it?
Oh by the way, can I even ask why the Gedolim chose to ignore the
gay parade in Yerushalim?
(Oh, sorry didn't mean to be a

Anonymous said...


Can you imagine 20,000 people protesting in front of the DA's office?

Anonymous said...

Will the Hynes people tally or even pay attention to people complaining if they don't live in Brooklyn?

Anonymous said...

"If beards meant wisdom, any old fart could be Plato".

Anonymous said...

Question said...
Will the Hynes people tally or even pay attention to people complaining if they don't live in Brooklyn?
I am sure they do. I sent e-mails recently to the Miami police regarding the fiasco that happened in the frum neighborhood there. I made it very clear that I live in NY. I received 3 separate responses from them.

Anonymous said...

They are velcome in YTT as long as they pay full tuition.

Vienna court to rule in case of Natorei Karta rabbi's kids

Moishe Arye Friedman's children may be paying for the infamy of their father, an anti-Zionist Satmar Natorei Karta member who attended a Holocaust denial conference in Teheran.

Five of his children were expelled from their private Orthodox school in Vienna about a month after Friedman was shown in media outlets worldwide warmly shaking hands with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last December.

Despite a court order, hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and the threat of closure, Machzikei Hadas won't let them return - a position that apparently is receiving unqualified support from the school's parents, the umbrella group of Vienna Jewry and a number of Orthodox rabbis who serve the parents.

The Friedman children are in educational limbo while a trial to determine whether Machzikei Hadas had the right to expel them starts on Tuesday in a Vienna district court. Some legal experts predict the case may go on for months or even years.

Meanwhile, the children are not attending school. The Education Ministry offered them placement in public schools, but Friedman said those schools were were not suitable for religious children.

At the heart of the conflict is the question of whether the school is punishing the children because of their father's actions or, as the school maintains, protecting its students from youngsters who parents fear enthusiastically support their father's anti-Israel opinions and Holocaust revisionism.

The Friedman children were told they would not be welcomed back to school following their monthlong vacation in the United States at the end of January.

Friedman, 35, sued to demand their reentry, but a Vienna district court upheld the expulsions. In March, however, a federal court ruled that until the case was concluded, the four older children - girls aged eight to 13 - must be allowed back into Machzikei Hadas. The court accepted Friedman's argument that the children were being unfairly punished for his activities.

The Austrian Supreme Court upheld that ruling on June 1.

Machzikei Hadas, however, is defying the court order to allow the children to return. It has incurred fines of 600,000 euros - about $800,000 - plus several thousand more for each day the children are not permitted entry.

Still, parents of Machzikei Hadas students are sticking by the school, the oldest of four Jewish schools in Vienna and one of only two that serves mainly haredim. Several spoke with JTA on condition of anonymity, saying they feared Friedman would retaliate against them.

"This is a private school for the needs of our community. We should have the right to decide who our children should mingle with," said a father with two children at the school. "Friedman's kids cheer every time there is a suicide bombing in Israel. This is not something I want my children exposed to."

Josef Klein, the principal at Machzikei Hadas, offered several arguments on why the school had a right to keep the children from returning, including the nonpayment of school fees over eight years. He also said Friedman signed a contract stating that the children's behavior must be in accordance with school standards.

"Following a suicide bombing in Israel, his son, who has finished the school already, cheered and told his fellow students that he too would like to be a suicide bomber," Klein said. "He also came to school and said 'My father is the most important rabbi in Vienna, he has contacts with all the police and if you say something he will get your father in jail.'"

Klein said the parents did not want a repeat of such an experience. He also said they had pushed for Friedman's children to be expelled well before Friedman attended the Teheran conference.

Friedman, incensed when informed of such accusations, said his children had always received top marks, which the school confirmed. He also said they were model pupils in their behavior. Friedman also denied ever signing a contract with the school.

"The school is using Nazi methods against their own Jews," Friedman said in a phone interview. "They are Jewish gangsters; there is an Israeli security guard who is physically keeping my children out of the school every day."

Friedman moved to Vienna from Belgium in 1988 and has been at odds with the local Jewish community for nearly as long. He infuriated its leaders by making anti-Israel statements while claiming to be the chief rabbi of Vienna and, according to the Jewish Community of Vienna, trying to take over a synagogue for his own financial gain. The congregation is now defunct.

The Jewish Community, an umbrella group with 7,500 members, claims Friedman was never ordained. He is without a congregation and is unwelcome at Vienna synagogues.

Friedman, who is from a New York Satmar family, was ejected from the community following a

or ban, by several major Orthodox groups after his participation in the Teheran conference.

Further complicating the school case, the building's owner is an Auschwitz survivor who refuses to allow Friedman's children into the school.

Anonymous said...

From Sunday, August 5-Tuesday, August 7, the Orthodox Union will present a Three-Day Los Angeles Halachic Adventure. The Adventure will kick off with of a public session on “The Mesorah (Tradition) of Kosher Birds and Animals,” followed by a “show and taste” session that evening at an elegant Beverly Hills Restaurant.

Then, for the next two days, the OU will conduct kosher training seminars for kashrut professionals and students on wine, cheese and dairy, featuring visits to a noted wine cellar, a beverage facility and a dairy plant.

“The Harry H. Beren ASK OU Mesorah Conference,” as the Halachic Adventure is officially known, is sponsored by the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, NJ in memory of Mr. Harry H. Beren z”l. The Beren Foundation has sponsored a wide variety of ASK OU programs, making it possible for OU Kosher senior staff and guest lecturers to provide high-level education on the intricacies of kosher law to lay people and professionals alike.

Rabbi Yosef Grossman, Director of Kashrut Education at the OU, is coordinator of the three-day program.

Two mesorah conferences have been held in New York, one apiece in 2004 and 2006, drawing audiences of hundreds of fascinated men and women to each. The conferences are the brainchild of “The Two Ari’s,” Rabbi Dr. Ari Zivotofsky and Dr. Ari Greenspan, two Americans who have made aliyah to Israel, and who have devoted years to investigating which species are kosher and which are not. Their purpose is to restore kosher status wherever possible to animals, fish and poultry that at one time may have been acceptable but whose status is now in doubt, or have been considered kosher only in a limited area. They do this to maintain the mesorah, that is, the tradition, of which species can be eaten and which cannot.

The two Ari’s focus not on common species, whose kosher status is well-known. Rather, they deal in such categories as giraffe, swan, peacock, grasshopper, buffalo and other exotic creatures, and among other findings inform fascinated audiences that yes, grasshoppers are kosher – provided, of course, that you come from Yemen, where they have been consumed by Jews for centuries as a delicacy.

The Mesorah of Kosher Birds and Animals will investigate each of the above species on Sunday August 5 at OU West Coast Headquarters, 9831 West Pico Blvd, from 9:30 a.m-3:00 p.m., with registrants receiving a large and comprehensive manual of sources and readings.

This session will be followed by what Rabbi Grossman terms “an extraordinary Torah and gastronomic event,” The Halachic Seudah (meal) at the Prime Grill Restaurant on North Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, at which such treats as quail, red deer, fleishig (meat) eggs, shibuta (a fish that according to the Talmud tastes like pork), bison, tambaqui (an exotic tropical fish whose flesh tastes like swine), and udder, among other rarities will be served. As each food sample is consumed, in this “show and taste” program, OU experts will provide fascinating discussions, videos and PowerPoint presentations.

In addition to the two Ari’s, Rabbi Menachem Genack, Chief Executive Officer of OU Kosher, and Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel, OU Kosher’s expert on meat, will be on the menu, so to speak, of presenters.

“The reception of the two mesorah conferences in New York was phenomenal, and so we made the decision to bring the program to Los Angeles,” explained Rabbi Grossman. (The second conference, held last year, was devoted to The Pareve Mesorahs: A Halachic and Historical Perspective of Fish, Plants and Color.) Rabbi Grossman recounted how at the first conference the audience – made up of rabbis, students, and others interested in the finer points of kashrut – reacted with the same enthusiasm as children in an amusement park when grasshoppers were fried or rare birds in their cages were brought in to be discussed.

Rabbi Grossman recalls the individual who, for some reason, did not sleep at all the night before, and who had expected to doze during the presentations. Not only did he not sleep, he later told Rabbi Grossman, he was so stimulated that he remained energized into the next day as well.

The following two days of The Adventure will be devoted to kashrut training. On Monday August 6, from 8:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m., kashrut professionals and students will visit Herzog Wine Cellars in Oxnard for a review of the history and methods of kosher wine and grape juice production, and will hear from Philip Herzog, President of Royal Wine, and Joe Hurliman, Herzog’s Chief Wine Maker. There will be a guided tour of the new winery, including the cellar and barrel room.

Tuesday, August 7, a cheese and dairy kashrut training seminar will feature a visit to Dairy Farmers of America, in Corona, for a plant tour and exploration of halachic issues of kosher cheese and dairy production; these issues include chalav stam (milk not supervised by a Jew), mozzarella, whey cream, gelatin, casein and pizza. This will be followed by a tour of Aseptic Solutions USA, also in Corona, focusing on converting this high-tech beverage facility from dairy to pareve production. Both plant tours will be conducted by OU mashgiach Rabbi Aharon Shapiro.

All sessions require pre-registration. For costs (all applicable sessions are free to OU members), contact Rabbi Grossman at 212-613-8212 or email kleina@ou.org.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The D.A.'s office received 1100 plus telephone calls on the Mondrowitz case. Please keep up the pressure. Yes, EVERY e-mail, letter, phone call from anywhere in the world counts.

There are many good people involved that are being very helpful. As we have seen publicity does eventually bring justice.

Keep up the pressure, have everyone you know make that phone call today.

There will be good news in time.

Anonymous said...


I just know UOJ is putting other blogs up to attacking me!

Anonymous said...


Anyways just imagine if there was a disco set in a synagogue, it would play reggae songs like

shake ... shake ... shake that a**
shake it all the way
shake ... shake ... shalke that a**
shake it every day

while everyone is davending lol

Posted by: Alex | July 03, 2007 at 09:25 AM

Alex: Actually in NCSY during the 1970's they had a song "Shake Your Lulav' to the tune of "Shake Your Boogie." (I couldn't make this up...)

Posted by: Yochanan Lavie | July 03, 2007 at 10:29 AM

Anonymous said...


It's been obvious that various Jewish news media groups refuse to write about various issues such as various Jewish cults that are out there. This seems true especially when the cult leader received his ordination from an orthodox source.

I've also noticed that in the last year or two when a few majore Jewish newspapers write about sex crimes they tend not to mention The Awareness Center. I've been told that journalist often call The Awareness Center for help looking for background information, yet they rarely give credit for where they obtained the information.

The question I have is who controls the Jewish newspapers?

Who makes these sorts of decisions and why are they made?

Some say the decision is often made by Gary Rosenblatt. Others say he really doesn't have that much control. Does anyone have the answers?

Anonymous said...

At the first OU exotic fresser convention, they hauled out a Teimani Yid and shtupped a locust in front of him to eat so everyone could watch some sort of circus freak show. The Yemenite chickened out and wouldn't fress because he was uncomfortable doing so in front of a crowd.

It's very funny that you have to call Yosef Grossman to get the price of admission this year. The OU was ridiculed in the past when they publicized how many hundreds of dollars it costs to stuff your face over there.

Anonymous said...


Monday, July 02, 2007
Promotion of an alleged sex offender at family shabbaton - Rabbi Paysach Krohn
From Jewish Whistleblower:

Rabbi Paysach Krohn, speaker at recent Agudath Israel conference, and Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov, head of Vaad Harabonim of Queens, continue to promote alleged child molester at family shabbaton.

Rabbi Paysach Krohn, speaker at recent Agudath Israel conference, and Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov, head of Vaad Harabonim of Queens, continue to promote alleged child molester at family shabbaton:


9th Annual Shabbaton Getaway!
Hudson Valley Resort
June 22-24, 2007

You and your family and friends are cordially invited to our
9th Annual Weekend Retreat!!
This wonderful weekend will be filled with inspiration,Torah education, rejuvenation, wonderful speakers, excellent food, and many fun & great activities for everyone!!

Our special weekend together will include separate pool & fitness hours for men & women, Day Camp services for children, inspirational lectures & discussions, Saturday Night Live with music & comedy, Sunday afternoon BBQ, dance class for mothers & daughters, and much, much more!!!
Guest Speaker at the Shabbaton, Rabbi Ephraim Bryks!
Guest Speaker at the Shabbaton, Rabbi Paysach Krohn!

Children's Day Camp Services under the leadership of
Yair Yakubov!
Glatt Kosher catering by Meal Mart!

Don't delay,
$ Shabbaton Pricelist $
$650 per couple with 2 children
$600 per couple without children
$225 per additional room
$150 per single individual
$75 per each additional child (ages 3-16)
Children under 3 years old are complimentary!!

email: ahavatachim@hotmail.com
phone: (718) 591-9574

2) Rabbi Ephraim Bryks

3) The family shabbaton is run by Kehilat Sephardim of Ahavat Achim
the synagogue run by Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov:


Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov is the President of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens



Anonymous said...
Aren't you aware that Paysach Krohn is Ephraim Bryks' brother in law?

For the record, Bryks is also the son in law of convicted child rapist "Rabbi" Lipa (Lewis) Brenner from Boro Park. Brenner was Vice President of the "beis din" division of the "Iggud Harabbonim". The people in charge there are Rabbi Mendel Epstein who has a shul in Brooklyn's Kensington neighborhood, Rabbi Peretz Steinberg rov of Young Israel Queens Valley (very powerful person on the Queens Vaad) and Rabbi Yisroel Belsky of the OU & Torah Vodaath who has threatened Kolko victims and their advocates.

Anonymous said...
Rabbi Nisanov is the de facto head of the more "yeshivish" faction of the Bukharian community in Queens. Bryks was running a yeshiva catering to the Bukharian community until he was pressured to leave education by the RCA. Bryks' yeshiva was steps away from Rabbi Nisanov's shul in Kew Gardens Hills. UOJ says there is one other alleged molester who is still running the Beis Yaakov of the Bukharians in neighboring Briarwood.

Anonymous said...
Bryks is allowed to give shiurim to girls at Rabbi Faskowitz's shul in Hillcrest, Queens.

Faskowitz is a Tendler cousin who resigned from the RCA in solidarity with the Tendler predator.

Bryks also gives shiurim to girls in the Young Israel of Briarwood and the leaderless Queens shul where Rabbi Sptalny was rov before he passed away.

Bryks is in charge of a mikva in or near his house in Kew Gardens and the mikva at Rabbi Ashkenazy's shul in Kew Gardens near the border of Forest Hills Gardens.

Anonymous said...
The Meal Mart in Queens is owned by Bukharians from Rabbi Nisanov's community.

Anonymous said...

Alex: Actually in NCSY during the 1970's they had a song "Shake Your Lulav' to the tune of "Shake Your Boogie." (I couldn't make this up...)

What about Effy Wachsman's "Hot Stuff" at Camp Aguda.

Anonymous said...

He's a story that for a change that has nothing to do with inclement weather.

The winners of color war one year at Camp Munck ripped off their theme song from J. Geils Band's "Angel was a Centerfold".

When Rabbi Munck eventually found out, he flipped and stripped the winners of their title.

And don't ask me about Kolko's victims because "my blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold, nah nah nah nah nah nah ..."

Anonymous said...

The Agudah is getting jealous. They are going to have to one up the OU.

Kinas sofrim mamash.

Anonymous said...

This is the version of Centerfold that Yudi Kolko sang during the secret meetings with Fishman, Margo and Kaufman.


He was pure like snowflakes
No one could ever penetrate
The memory of my angel
Could never cause me pain

Years go by I'm lookin' through New York magazine
And there's my homeroom angel on the pages in-between

Lake Compounce runs cold
Fishman's memory has just been sold
Kolker's report is in the centerfold

Slapped by Margo under the desk
While the Agudah was thinkin' what to Fress
I was shy I turned away
Before a victim cut my eye at the Regency bris mila

I was shakin' in my shoes
Whenever UOJ flashed those legal brief blues
Something had a hold on me
But then Belsky passed close by

Those soft and fuzzy sweaters
of the kid in front of me in Weinfeld's shul
Is really just too much


It's okay I understand
This ain't no never-never land
I hope that when Scott Tulman's gone
I'll be home for Shabbos and it'll be just fine

Take you car, Yes we will
We'll take my Plymouth and drive it
We'll take it to Silver Lake
Where Lippy Geldwerth will help me fake it

A part of me has just been ripped
The pages from my mind are stripped
I think I'll plead the 5th
Oh yea, I guess I gotta buy it! The latest Pinter release from Artscroll.

Anonymous said...

Victims Press Brooklyn D.A. To Seek Abuse Suspect’s Extradition From Israel

Nathaniel Popper | Fri. Jul 28, 2006
In the wake of new revelations about sexual abuse in the Orthodox community, pressure is mounting on the Brooklyn district attorney to seek the extradition of a man who fled to Israel after being indicted for sex offenses.

Avrohom Mondrowitz was indicted in 1984 on four counts of sodomy and eight counts of sexual abuse in the first degree after years as a school counselor in the Brooklyn Orthodox community. Three of Mondrowitz’s alleged victims, who had not been aware of the original investigation, recently approached an Orthodox lawyer who has passionately taken up the case. One of those men has since given his testimony to the Brooklyn district attorney’s office, which would be responsible for requesting extradition. Another of the victims plans to go to the district attorney, Charles Hynes, in the next week.

The district attorney preceding Hynes had pushed for Mondrowitz’s extradition from Israel in the 1980s, but Hynes dropped the effort after he was elected in 1989, according to recently released government documents. The new set of victims to come forward say they are pained by Mondrowitz’s continuing freedom, and the lack of effort by Hynes and the Orthodox community in pursuing the suspected abuser.

“Every time somebody gets let down as a victim, it’s a further continuation of the abuse,” said Mark Weiss, who says he was abused by Mondrowitz during a summer week with the counselor when he was 13. “He’s just sitting there, taunting us, saying ‘Hah, you’re never going to catch me, I know the system too well.’”

Weiss, who is now 39, said that just a few weeks ago a friend in Israel says he saw Mondrowitz on the streets of Jerusalem, speaking with a group of children. Mondrowitz has been a teacher at the Jerusalem College of Engineering, posting his lectures and syllabi online.

A spokesman for Hynes, Jerry Schmetterer, said the Brooklyn district attorney’s office is ready to arrest Mondrowitz if he ever returns to the United States. But Schmetterer says the D.A.’s office is hamstrung by Israeli law, which in the 1980s did not classify Mondrowitz’s alleged crime — sodomy — as rape. For extradition to go forward, the crime generally must be punishable in both countries. In fact, the Israeli rape law was changed in 1988 to include sodomy, but Schmetterer said the extradition treaty cannot be used retroactively.

“Our position is that he cannot be extradited; he could not be extradited then, and he cannot be now,” Schmetterer said.

That line of legal reasoning was explicitly rejected by the American embassy in Tel Aviv, soon after the Israeli law was changed. In a cable to the State Department, the embassy said that they had talked with officials in the Israeli Justice Ministry and determined that because Mondrowitz could eventually be charged under American rather than Israeli law, the retroactivity should not be an issue. The new law “presents us, we believe, with an opportunity to reopen the extradition case of Avrohom Mondrowitz,” the embassy said.

The government documents were uncovered by Michael Lesher, the attorney who has gathered together the three new alleged victims to press the case. Other legal experts told the Forward that while there could be legal complications, the district attorney’s office could pursue the extradition.

“I don’t think the D.A. is being aggressive enough,” said Douglas McNabb, who specializes in international extradition at a Washington, D.C., law firm. “If I were a victim I would be very upset that the D.A.’s office is not pursuing this matter.”

The extradition was a clear priority for Hynes’s predecessor, Elizabeth Holtzman. Her office pushed the State Department on the matter. At one point the Israeli government signed a deportation order, but the situation ended in a “stand off,” according to a State Department memo. When Hynes took office, and his assistants were asked if they wanted to pursue the case, one of those assistants informed the State Department that “they would not be pursuing the case any further at this time,” according to another memo.

Schmetterer said that the Brooklyn D.A.’s office dropped the issue after knowing for years that it could not pursue Mondrowitz.

Anti-abuse activists in the Orthodox community say Hynes’s silence may have been due to pressure from the Orthodox community, which they claim has historically been reluctant to see alleged sex offenders prosecuted. The activists, including Lesher, point to a 14-person Jewish advisory council that Hynes assembled soon after he was elected, comprising members of the Orthodox leadership in Brooklyn. One woman who has been at odds with the leadership for years, Amy Neustein, said she was told by two members of Hynes’s council that the community did not want to see Mondrowitz prosecuted.

“The rabbis have no comprehension of the injury of sexual abuse,” said Neustein, an anti-abuse activist. “They have no comprehension of why the victims want justice.”

One member of Hynes’s Jewish council, Rabbi Herbert Momzer, er Bomzer, said he does not remember Mondrowitz’s extradition being discussed by the council. Bomzer did say that he knew Mondrowitz when the younger man was a counselor at Yeshiva University’s high school, and that Mondrowitz had been “loved” by the students.

When asked if he would now support extradition proceedings, Bomzer, president of the rabbinical board of Flatbush, said: “If he has managed to get to Israel and is protected by the law there — then leave it alone.”

Weiss, the 39-year-old alleged victim of Mondrowitz, said that from the beginning it had been clear that many members of the Orthodox community wanted him to let the case go. He said he had been molested when his father sent him to spend a week with Mondrowitz at a difficult moment in Weiss’s adolescence. During that week, Mondrowitz’s family was in the Catskills and, Weiss claimed, each night he was coaxed into bed by Mondrowitz.

“What’s difficult to think about is that he was so smooth — so manipulative,” Weiss said. “It was as if it was all my choice.”

Weiss said that he blocked the experience out for years, but a run-in with Mondrowitz during high school conjured up the memories and led to a breakdown. He first told his parents, but they told him he must be mistaken. “He’s a frum man,” Weiss remembers his parents saying, using a Yiddish word meaning religiously observant.

A few years later, a principal at the yeshiva that Mondrowitz had attended summond Weiss — but after giving over the details, Weiss said, nothing happened.

The incident faded into the background for many years, but in 2001, Weiss was drawn out by what was billed as a “night for healing” at a New York school for Orthodox boys. Weiss showed up with high hopes, but he says that the event turned into a series of speeches by rabbis who spoke in allegorical terms, rather than dealing with the victims in the room.

Weiss decided to go outside the Orthodox community when he read an article in New York Magazine last month, detailing the case of Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a teacher at an Orthodox boys school in Flatbush who was sued by alleged former victims. Kolko has not yet filed opposition papers.

The second alleged Mondrowitz victim, who has already gone to Hynes — and who wishes to remain anonymous — also said it was the Kolko article that prompted him to step forward. For both, the hope is that Mondrowitz will be “brought to justice and made an example of,” in the words of the second accuser.

“I want to show that abusers can’t get away with it, that we as a community will no longer stand for the routine cover-ups of abuse, and to try to put some finality to that chapter of my life,” he said.

It is likely that the new complaints would not be included in the counts, if Mondrowitz is arrested, due to the statute of limitations. But the men both say they hope their voices will increase the pressure on Hynes.

Anonymous said...

Is Avrohom Mondrowitz, the sex abuser, related to Heine Mondrowitz, the man who drowned in a lake in Canada last summer, together with his son-in-law, Eli Horowitz. They found Horowitz's body today.

Anonymous said...

It was 1972, I was 10 years old. My Rebbie was R.M. He never hit, but was a mean cruel sadist. He tortured me the whole year. The last month of the class before summer vacation he made me sit in the last row with my desk facing the back wall. Why does he hate me so much? I wondered, or does he really? I was bewildered. If he hates me, then why was he always caressing me as if he loved me? Why would he spill the blood of an innocent 10 year old by making him sit on his lap while he was teaching in front of the whole class, while at the same time touching him so gently under the desk? Something in me died that year and I never forgave him. In the 1980's I enquired about him and heard he founded and was running a very successful organization in which children were involved and was well known. In the late 1990's I decided to look him up and let him know what I think of him. That’s when I heard that he had 2 freak accidents the 1st maimed him, the 2nd killed him. I still never forgave him.
35 Years later – LAST WEEK. The morning of June 26 was a "chamsin" (heat wave) in Yerushalayim and I decided to go to the Kosel. I took a Taxi and told him to wait for me 15 minutes. On our way back to town when we passed the Bus stop outside the wall, I saw a woman with 2 children waiting in the stifling heat. I told the Taxi Driver to stop and offer her free ride to Geula. She accepted. She said she was an American who made Aliyah, and that she and her husband had been involved in the organization headed by this wonderful mechanech R.M. She said that her Husband was so close to him that he was actually one of the maspidim who was Maspid him by his Levayah!! It's nisht zu farshtain she added "such a tragic end to such a wonderful person". I told her that this "wonderful person" had a very dark tragic side that neither she nor her husband knew about. I wondered out loud if I'm the only one who knows that. She was shocked. As we were leaving the Taxi in Geula she asked me if I would consider forgiving him now that he's dead. Realizing that she's probably some sort of sheliach from upstairs I said out loud, I fully forgive R.M. I cried and felt a stone lift off my heart.

Anonymous said...


Keep up the great work.

I saw a previous post referring to a Heshy Nussbaum of Toronto. Is this guy related to the former Rav Nussbaum who headed up a day school there years ago?

Anonymous said...


Where are all the little boys hanging out this July 4th?

Anonymous said...

Heshy Nussbaum's family were the founders of the Eitz Chaim yeshiva and girls schools.

Rabbi Aaron "throw you down the stairs" Levine is married to a woman from the Nussbaum clan. When the new rosh yeshiva came along and pushed him out of Ner Yisroel, he was able to get the Menahel job at Eitz Chaim.

Interestingly, when Heshy Nussbaum's son was in Ner Yisroel, Levine was tough with him in a way that seemed like he despised him and was ashamed of him.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The Chinese "kosher" food epidemic is going to reach every household! Please be very careful what you buy! This includes all types of spices.


Newsday-The Sea Cliff company that produces Veggie Booty, which has been linked to the salmonella poisoning of more than 50 people nationwide, said yesterday that seasonings imported from China had likely contaminated its recalled snack food.

Also yesterday, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture said salmonella had been found on a sample of the snack food and possibly in a vegetable seasoning it imports from China.

The potential link to China in the case could be the latest problem in the importation of contaminated foodstuffs from that nation into the United States. In recent weeks problems have arisen in the contamination of fish and pet foods entering the country from China.

U.S. State Department officials who have been dealing with the recent cases of contamination could not be reached for comment. But one source said U.S. officials have been specifically discussing the Veggie Booty problem with Chinese officials.

The acknowledgments of links between the salmonella epidemic and the snack food, which is aimed at youngsters, came in a news release issued by the company, Robert's American Gourmet.

In it, company president Robert Ehrlich said the company had been informed yesterday by the Minnesota Department of Health that a sample of Veggie Booty tested positive for the rare strain salmonella Wandsworth. Officials in Minnesota could not be reached immediately to confirm the account.

The federal Food and Drug Administration last week issued a recall of Veggie Booty, and the company on Monday recalled its Super Veggie Tings, a snack aimed at adults that contains the same seasoning. No illnesses have been linked to Veggie Tings.

In the news release, Ehrlich said the company's own independent testing of samples of the seasoning indicates "that it is the likely cause [of the salmonella poisoning]. Sources of origin on all components of the seasoning have been determined to be primarily from China."

Sources familiar with the investigation say an additive had been suspected because the cooking of the cereal products that make up most of the Veggie Booty should have killed any bacterial contamination.

The seasoning is combination of various dried vegetables, including spinach, kale, carrots, cabbage and broccoli, according to the sources.

Anonymous said...

Those Veggie snacks are under hashgocho. Belsky says it's no big deal so he's being mazmin FDA officials for being motzee shem ra on the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

I better stay out of Chinese restaraunts so I can make it to the next Aguda convention.

Anonymous said...

Belsky called the US Customs special agent in charge for NY ports and screamed a bunch of choice words at him for impounding Chinese imports under the OU.

Meanwhile, does anyone know the details of this story? 999 is under the OU.


I remember when 999 was kosher, then assur, now muttar again, No one had any specifics about them, either. That was Loshon Hara at it's greatest. Most of the rumors and talk died when one of the owners was killed a few years ago. The remaining brother seems to have taken it to a new higher level.

Anonymous said...


Remember that old children's rhyme?

Belsky and Chinese people never swear. Asso, asso.

Anonymous said...

A Chossid once asked the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, whether he can eat 999 meat, is it kosher? The Rebbe answered, Nein, Nein, Nein.

Anonymous said...

For all u deputy UOJ marshalls out there here is another reason to call the DA about the bastard monster Mondrowitz:

Avrum Mondrowitz took me downstairs to his consultation office in his basement on 60th street between 14 and 15 avenues and over a period of hours (i think i passed out in the middle) layed me down on him on his couch and proceeded to abuse me. suffice to say that his hand was in direct contact with many private parts of my body. he went on for hours and insisted on fondling my organ even while i protested. he had me touch him as well. when this horror was over (mind u i was not bar mitzvad yet) he said he loved me more than my parents and that i should repeat that to him. he would not let me go until i agreed to kiss him and repeated at least twice that if i told somebody about OUR little secret he would hurt me. know how is a preteen to reconcile these contradictions from a rosh yeshiva?

call the DA so we victims can get some peace.
thanx mr. lesher, uoj, lvf and steve for the unsilencing of the lambs.
we shall overcome! even if it takes me to the steps of the DA's office for a press conference.....

Anonymous said...

wadyaknow. i'm hearing reports that a certain gerrer with a sordid sexual record of his own here in the states has recently begun COUNSELING TROUBLED TEENAGE YOUTH in israel. anyone know any details.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

When did Ehud Olmert become a member of the Moetzes and a "Maran Rosh Hayeshiva"??

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's parliament on Wednesday approved Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's new Cabinet appointments to fill vacancies created by a series of official scandals.

Ronnie Bar-On, a longtime Olmert confidant, took over as finance minister, replacing Avraham Hirchson, who resigned Sunday over a police investigation into allegations of embezzlement at a workers' union he headed in 2003.

The resignation was a blow to Olmert, who considered Hirchson of his Kadima Party a key ally.

Olmert named Haim Ramon, another ally, as vice premier. Ramon is a former justice minister under Olmert who was convicted of sexual misconduct earlier this year after forcibly kissing a female soldier.

He will step into a post vacated by elder statesman Shimon Peres, who was recently elected as Israel's ceremonial president.

Peres will replace the disgraced Moshe Katsav, who resigned following a widely criticized plea bargain that dropped the threat of rape charges and jail time against him for a series of alleged sexual assaults against female employees who worked under him.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

is this the avrum mondrowitz who raped a boy many years ago in lakewood? that boy later commited suicide when his parents refused to believe him. solomon hafner is chump change compared to this fuckin monster who preyed on HUNDREDS of boys like a vampire. rumors were flying when he skipped town that he had infected some victims with AIDS. dont know if that rumor panned out or was just hysteria. some better (edited) this animal before he strikes again. charlie hynes is as guilty as mondrowitz himself for not requesting extradition.

Anonymous said...

in memory of those victims of mondrowitz who sadly chose to end thier tragic lives we owe it to them to see that avreml mondrowitz be dragged back here for justice. enough of his hanging out in pervert heaven, also known as jerusalem, with the likes of colmer and leizerowitz. LVF, here's another gerrer rogue to add to your collection. and do you know who this new gerrer pervert who is counseling boys in israel is? he's american from a verrrry wealthy family. someone should tell him to get out of this counseling line before we set UOJ and his LVFs on him. OUCH!

Anonymous said...


Avrohom Mordechai Leizerowitz is now employed as a "BATIM MACHER" (tefilin manufacturer) by the likes of AJ Irenstein and others. This puts him in possible daily exposure to youg bar mitzva aged boys. something has to be done about this fast! keeping him out of the gerrer yeshivas is just not enough, this bum needs jail time.

Anonymous said...

Hey UOJ,

Here's some historical trivia for you: what happened on 7-11-2006 ?

Quick, come up with the answer before the buzzer!

Anonymous said...

I think it's safe to say that at this point in the history of klal yisrael there are no gedoilim. And I don't care who you respect, be it Berenbaum, Kanievsky, whoever - there are no leaders. You do have some beards that can the learn the shit out of a shtikl gemara, I'll give em that, but leadership? No effing way. Today the beards deserve no respect. None. They sit on the throne for five minutes, it stinks in there like it does for everyone else. Whether it's the Agudah, the RCA, the Badatz, it makes no difference. They're all a bunch of tools that honor the Almighty Dollar far more than they do the almighty g-d. Sure, stick some obscure toisfis in their face and after the dandruff falls off their polyester jacket they can quote chapter and verse of the shitah mikubetzes where the steerah is, but put a child in their care to be mechanich, and you might as well shoot the kid in the head. Sure, if you need something to read while you're pinching off a loaf you hope that some jagoff wrote about bugs in the water in the Yated so you can pass the time. But find a rebbe that's banging the little ones two and three deep and hiding behind their toireh, and the groiseh gedoilim all of a sudden don't know their ass from a hole in the wall. I have more respect for the reform rabbis today. At least when it comes to the reform they don't hide behind the beard. Sure, they order shrimp cocktail for an appetizer and they wash down a good BLT with a tall glass of milk, but at least they aren't faking their way through life. Shachris in the morning, off to the City to screw their partner in business, then screw the kurvas on 47th street, then minchah, then some more screwing, hopefully but not definitely with a woman - then home to the vayb who slaves for seven kids who would be better off in public school because the chances are the perv rebbe gets them before they grow hair on their nuts. Show me a beard, and I show you nothing more than a fraud.

Anonymous said...

if phone calls to politicians killed the immigration bill cant we do the same to get the DA to bring mondrowitz back home on the farm?

Anonymous said...

(New York - WABC, - Members of an orthodox community in Brooklyn are demanding justice.

The man known as Rabbi Mondrowitz was indicted on sodomy 21 years ago but fled to Israel and is now living there a free man. The problem? The Brooklyn DA's office says it can't extradite him.
There are allegations that justice is not only delayed here, but being denied to victims while Mondrowitz remains free. There are now demands for state officials to appoint a special prosecutor to look into sex abuses cases in Brooklyn because the DA is allegedly bowing to political pressure.

Mark Weiss: "I guarantee a pedophile then is a pedophile now?"

He's talking about this man, known in the community as Rabbi Avrohom Mondrovitz. As video from Nightline shows, he's alive and well and living in Jerusalem in spite of a multi-count indictment in Brooklyn accusing him of sodomy and other crimes against children. Mondrovitz fled to Israel after his indictment more than 20 years ago.

Retired NYPD detective Pat Keogh investigated the Mondrowitz case, interviewing several alleged victims in this Borough Park neighborhood.

"The anonymous call said that there are children living on the block, gentile children, that was the way they told us, that had been abused by this man called Avrohom Mondrowitz," Keogh said.

Although some Orthodox Jewish families had begun to move into the neighborhood, 20 years ago it was largely Italian. All of the children who came forward and accused Mondrowitz were Italian. Detective Keogh says she was told there were orthodox victims too, but she got nowhere with the community.

Keogh: "The attitude that I thought of, was that we were like the enemy ..."

Sarah Wallace: "You didn't think you could tell anybody?"
Victim: "No, I didn't think of telling anyone ... just the way it is."

This orthodox Rabbi now claims he was molested as a child by Mondrowitz at his home. Another man is now speaking out, as well.

Sarah Wallace: "He molested you for how long?"'
Victim: "For about 3 years."

Because of their positions in the orthodox community, these two don't want to show their faces. Mark Weiss doesn't have the same concern.

"On a nightly basis, I was subjected to sharing a bed with him and getting molested," Weiss said.

Weiss was 13 at the time. He and the others understand that Mondrowitz probably can't be prosecuted for their alleged crimes because of the statute of limitations. But they still want justice for those named in the original sex abuse indictment.

"He just needs to be taken off the street ?whether he ends up in jail in Israel or ends up in jail here," Weiss said.

Government documents we obtained show that efforts to extradite Mondrowitz began immediately after he fled. But at that time a treaty with Israel did not recognize homosexual rape as an extraditable offense. The treaty changed in 1988 -- but after Charles Hynes became district attorney. His office informed the feds in 1993, it was no longer pursuing the case. The case was closed.

Michael Lesher, attorney: "His record on the case was first indifference and then actual abandonment."

Attorney Michael Lesher is now representing several of the orthodox men who believe Hynes has dropped the ball on Mondrowitz' extradition.

Lesher: "They could extradite him tomorrow, at least the effort could be made."

Lesher and orthodox sociologist Amy Neustein are now requesting that a special prosecutor be appointed by the state to investigate sex crimes in Brooklyn.

Amy Neustein: "The rabbinic lobby has a stranglehold on Joe Hynes."

The orthodox men we spoke with claim their community is determined to keep sex abuse cloaked in secrecy.

Sarah Wallace: "Do you think there's more of a stigma in your community than elsewhere?"
Victim: "Absolutely ... "

Mark Weiss: "I think the community is tremendously in denial. I think somehow these people tend to be merciful to the perpetrator and harsh to the victim."

The DA's office issued a terse "No comment" about this story but in the past the office has said its hands are tied by the extradition treaty but, if Mondrowitz returned to the U.S. he would be prosecuted.

I reached Mondrowitz' wife by phone in Israel. She said the allegations are completely one-sided. His attorney has previously denied the charges.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Child Sex Abuse Case Still Haunts - The Cold Case of Avrohom Mondrowitz(pedophile rabbi and Mesira)
ABC news ^ | Oct. 11, 2006 | ROXANNA SHERWOOD

Posted on 10/12/2006 5:51:33 AM PDT by US admirer

Retired New York Police Department Det. Pat Kehoe still remembers a phone call she got more than 20 years ago, from a person making allegations that a rabbi was sexually abusing children in his neighborhood.

"I never received a call like that in my whole career in the New York City Police Department. Never," Kehoe told Cynthia McFadden in a recent interview.

"I'll never forget it because unfortunately it was my birthday, November 21 1984. I was working in the Brooklyn Sex Crimes squad and I received an anonymous call from a male who started to say that there was a rabbi and gave the name and he was abusing people on this block," she said.

Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz, as he called himself, lived on a tree-lined block in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn. Kehoe and her partner, Sal Catafulmo, went out to the neighborhood where Italians and Hasidic Jews lived side-by-side.

At one of the first addresses they tried, she says a resident told her "Everyone knows Rabbi Mondrowitz. He's good to all our children. He buys them bicycles and takes them away on weekends and things."

That might sound like a recommendation, but not to Kehoe.

"With that information I got very scared," she said.

Kehoe's background in an NYPD pedophilia squad taught her to recognize the signs of pedophilia.

"Pedophiles have a pattern with children to get their confidence and send their so-called love, you might say, and buy them things," she said.

What she heard from the children themselves only confirmed her gut feelings.

"We brought them in without their parents," Kehoe said. "They started to tell us, 'The rabbi is our friend. He takes us away,' and things like that. As the questions became more difficult for the children -- 'Did anything ever happen? Did anything sexual ever happen? Are you aware of it happening to anyone else while you were there?' -- they all broke down and cried, each one separately."

According to Kehoe, the children painted a clear picture of abuse. Kehoe says the children told her that the rabbi had fondled them, had sexual relations with them, and that he had fondled others in front of them.

Apparently the self-proclaimed rabbi -- Mondrowitz had no formal rabbinical credentials -- was counseling young Orthodox boys in the basement office of his home in Borough Park.

Kehoe and her partner immediately obtained a search warrant for his home. When they got to the address, there was no answer at the door, so Kehoe climbed through the basement window.

The alleged pedophile and his family had fled and his house was completely vacant but for what Kehoe says were up to a hundred files of Orthodox boys that Mondrowitz had been counseling in his basement office.

Kehoe and her partner reached out to all of the Orthodox boys' families, she says, but no one would talk.

"They were members of the Hassidic community, and as we found out through the investigation -- at the time I wasn't completely aware of all the different rules in the Hassidic community. And one of the things is that if one of them is ever sexually abused, whether it be by a pedophile or raped, there's a very large stigma that prevents them from getting married and going forward with their lives if this is ever found out or brought to anyone's attention," she said.

The only victims that cooperated with the investigation were Italian. They were neighborhood boys who trusted the rabbi because he bought them gifts like bicycles. Not a single Orthodox Jewish boy or their parents would talk to the police.

The statements of four Italian boys, aged 11 through 16, were the basis for the indictment against Avrohom Mondrowitz. He was facing eight counts of sexual abuse in the first degree, endangering the welfare of a child, and five counts of sodomy in the first degree.

The allegations against Mondrowitz were shocking to those who knew him. Rabbi Herbert Bomzer has been a fixture among ultra-Orthodox rabbis in Brooklyn for more than 50 years. He is president of the Flatbush Rabbinical Board, composed of nearly 100 rabbis. He hired Mondrowitz to counsel boys at a school for Orthodox boys in the late 1970s.

"He was very effective, so much so that toward the end of the school year when they were planning the graduation exercise the student reps requested that I should invite him to be the guest speaker at the exercise," Bomzer said.

Young boys were equally impressed with the charismatic older man. Mark Weiss was one of them. At 13 years old, growing up in Chicago, Weiss says he was having trouble fitting in and reconciling his orthodoxy with the outside world. In the summer of 1980, his father sent Weiss to New York to receive counseling from Mondrowitz.

"He had kind of a sporty little car, and he had this really cool sound system in there. And right off the bat I remember being just completely overwhelmed with just like how cool this guy is," Weiss said. "He took me out to eat. He took me out to lunch, to dinner. He took me to an amusement park. He took me sightseeing here."

Weiss trusted the man so much that with his family away on a trip to the mountains, he didn't hesitate when Mondrowitz invited him to sleep in his own bed with him, telling him, Weiss says, that it might be more comfortable there than in another bedroom in the front of the house.

What Weiss says happened in the rabbi's bedroom is something that even to this day makes him uncomfortable to talk about, but he knows how important it is to tell his story, not only for the sake of raising consciousness but for his own healing.

He says that over the course of the week he spent with Mondrowitz, the older man sodomized him on multiple occasions.

Weiss says he tucked the experience away in the deepest recesses of his mind and did not think of it again, that is, until five years later, in 1984, when as an 18-year-old, he was celebrating the holidays in Chicago where he says Mondrowitz was also visiting family.

"I look across the room, and across the room I see Remel Mondrowitz," Weiss said. "It just hit me like a ton of bricks what had happened and I froze. And I just sort of went into a state of shock."

Everything came back to him, he said.

"I realized that I was sexually molested when I was thirteen years old," he said

Weiss immediately turned to his parents for guidance. He first told his mother.

"She was just completely incredulous. She couldn't accept what I was telling her," Weiss said. "What I was telling her was essentially shaking the entire infrastructure to its foundation, really, because it was more than just me being molested. It was just the unraveling of the entire foundation of her support system and of her religious infrastructure."

His father was also devastated and confused -- after all, this was a man he respected and knew. Weiss said his father told him Mondrowitz was a frum man -- a religious Jew.

His father's belief that this is perhaps an experience better kept quiet is a view, Weiss said, his father still maintains today.

"Just a few short days ago, my father was in a panic that this was just going to turn into a huge Chillul Hashem, which is a disgrace of God's name," Weiss said. "A bad image would be cast upon Judaism and orthodox Judaism and the Jewish people."

Now a 39-year-old husband and father of three sons, Weiss said he has carried his painful memory of abuse silently for years. About five years ago, when he and his family were living in Denver, he saw an announcement in a Jewish publication for an event for survivors of sexual molestation.

He was ecstatic at the prospect that his community was finally prepared to confront this problem, so he immediately booked a flight to New York.

"It was going to be this night in which survivors were to be able to meet with leaders of the Jewish community and they were to be able to address and to tell their stories essentially and to be heard for the first time, really, in a public forum in the right wing religious community," he said. But the event did not unfold as he had imagined or hoped it would.

"It was very clear, unfortunately, that the rabbis who were there and the leaders of our community didn't really have an understanding of what it was they were there to do," he said.

"None of the survivors got to say a word. Any questions that were to be asked were written down on these little index cards and they sort of cherry picked the most benign questions and subsequent comments that were followed up by the rabbis really had nothing to do with actual sexual molestation whatsoever," he said.

When the evening was over, Weiss said he was devastated.

"Anybody who was really a victim and really had gone through some horrible experiences was really shell-shocked. We sort of all walked around like we had just survived a plane crash."

A Fall 2000 ad in the Jewish Image published an announcement for one such event, "Let's talk about what never happened..." and in small letters underneath "...but it did." Another ad that ran in a 2001 Jewish Observer advertising one such event bears in its heading a clear message of silence: "SHHH..."

"Because of the unwillingness to expose it, pedophiles can operate pretty safely in the orthodox community?" McFadden asked Mark Weiss. "It's fertile ground. It's fertile ground," Weiss readily replied.

"I've met victims and survivors who have been told by their rabbis they shouldn't say anything because this is what we call Lashone Harah," explained Rabbi Mark Dratch, an officer of the Rabbinical Council of America and head of JSafe, an organization to help Orthodox Jewish victims of domestic violence and sex abuse.

The biblical concept of Lashone Harah is "gossip or slander, a biblical prohibition against maligning another person, against speaking ill of another person," and holds even when the allegations being made are proven true, Dratch said.

There's another biblical concept at play when dealing with sex abuse and domestic violence in the community, he said.

"It's called Mesira. And that's a prohibition on the books of reporting fellow Jews to the authorities under any circumstances," Dratch said.

The mesira edict was published in a Yiddish-language Orthodox Brooklyn newspaper called Der Blatt in the wake of a case of a 6-year-old Orthodox Jewish boy who had brought allegations against a rabbi who had been tutoring him. The case was brought before the Brooklyn district attorney, who ultimately disbanded the grand jury on the case.

Sociologist Amy Neustein, an Orthodox Jewish woman who studies sex abuse in the community and who says she has spoken to members of the victim's family, said the Hebrew publication that ran under the title "Severe Warning and Prohibition" drove the child's family out of town.

"Rabbis sign on to this edict about Mesira stating that he who informs to the Christian authorities can be murdered at the first opportunity," Neustein said. "Well of course that sends such a chill to the family that they pick themselves up with their children, from Brooklyn and they ran out of the county."

"Victims are very hesitant to come forward," Dratch said. "Number one is the denial of the community. So there is a fear that they are not going to be believed.

"Secondly, it's -- I'll use a wonderful Yiddish word -- it's called Shanda, the shame of it all. And individuals are afraid of what the impact of their report will be on themselves personally and on their family and on the extended family," he said.

"The shame is that Mondrowitz didn't get arrested. To me that was the shame," Kehoe said.

Mondrowitz, now 58 years old, has been living comfortably in Israel since 1985, and the retired NYPD detective said she believes he has been amassing new victims.

"Hundreds, I'm sure. He's been in Israel almost 20 years," Kehoe said. "It's a sickness. It's something that you have to do every time when you find a new victim."

In the wake of recent allegations against another Brooklyn Orthodox rabbi, several Orthodox Jewish men alleging that they too were sexually abused by Mondrowitz have come forward to tell of the abuse that they say has haunted them.

Michael Lesher, an attorney who represents six alleged victims of Mondrowitz, including Mark Weiss, said it is similar to what has happened with the Catholic Church.

"The comparisons are obvious, but I would say at the same time that what we are seeing in the Jewish community is in some respects worse because it's more institutionalized," he said.

Rabbi Mark Dratch agrees.

"As an outsider to the Catholic Church, it seems to me that there is an infrastructure or a hierarchy and they have the mechanism, they really do have the mechanism to effect systemic change in a much easier way in a much more efficient way and a much quicker way because of that hierarchy," Dratch said. "In the Orthodox world, we don't have such a hierarchy. There is no pope and there are no levels of responsibility and answerability."

Dratch said there is no way to really gauge how widespread the problem is in the community, "because of this conspiracy of silence."

All parties involved with this story wanted to make sure that one thing was absolutely clear -- that there is sex abuse against children in every community. They would like to see changes in the way some rabbinical leaders handle the allegations when they surface.

"The biggest thing that I worry about really is that I represent the story well and not pre-cast it off in way that this just looks like a besmirch of -- a black eye and a besmirching of the Orthodox Jewish world," Weiss said. "But the truth is, is that it is a black eye to everybody. This problem knows no borders and no boundaries."

"The community senses there is a crisis here and that something very serious needs to be done," Dratch said.

ABC News easily found Mondrowitz living in a quiet Jerusalem neighborhood, his name prominently displayed on a mailbox. He even lectures at the Jerusalem College of Engineering.

He politely declined to be interviewed for the story, and thanked us for the opportunity.

"Mondrowitz proved to be brilliant at working the system," Lesher said. "He understands this Orthodox culture, if possible, better than we do. He understands just what it will do and just what it won't do, what he can get away with and when he has to run. He's manipulated it masterfully and that is really a shameful commentary on the community. That a man like this understands it so well and has been able to turn it so well to his advantage all these years."

"And I was told when I embarked on this crusade to examine, explore sex abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community that Mondrowitz was the key, what he was able to do and how he comported himself and how the community so adroitly managed to cover up for what he did and to keep things quiet as he was out of the country. Just to keep the victims suppressed. To keep their voices silenced," Amy Neustein said.

Though some members of the Orthodox community told ABC News this is a very old case and very old charges with very deep wounds and that it would be better to just let it go now, but Lesher told a different story.

"That's not what my clients believe and they're the victims carrying the wounds," he said. "That's not what I believe and I belong to the community they do."

Lesher, who plans to push the Brooklyn district attorney to try to extradite Mondrowitz.

"This man is not an ancient man. He's only 58 years old now. He was 37 when he fled the country. These victims are not ancient people. These are people in their late 30s and early 40s. They are seething, still seething with what was done to them," Lesher said. "And as one of them put it to me, every day that Mondrowitz can live openly in Israel knowing that he's safe from prosecution because nobody cares, is another day that they are victimized all over again."

The question of whether Mondrowitz could be extradited to stand trial in the United States is unclear. When Mondrowitz fled, then Brooklyn District Attorney Elizabeth Holtzman made swift moves to have the alleged pedophile extradited, but under Israeli law at the time, sodomy against boys was not recognized as an extraditable offense, so she was unsuccessful.

Israeli law has since been changed.

The current Brooklyn District Attorney, Charles Hynes, is not trying to extradite at this time.

Weiss said he believes that speaking about the issue of sex abuse is the only answer.

"Throwing it under the rug will do no good. You need to just come out and say it and you know what, we are better people for it," he said. "Nobody's going to look down upon the Orthodox Jewish community negatively because we're talking about this. They are going to come to admire us for being straight about it and admitting we have a problem and we're going to solve it.

Copyright © 2006 ABC News Internet Ventures

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Israel; News/Current Events; US: New York
KEYWORDS: haredi; israel; pedophile; ultraorthodoxjew

Mesira: "... a prohibition on the books of reporting fellow Jews to the authorities under any circumstances,"
One more aspect of the haredi / ultra-orthodox Jewish nuttiness. These misguided religious fanatics would rather let pedophiles go free and continue to harm others than expose their dirty little secrets. Simply disgusting. You know there is something really really wrong with religious teachings that would allow a pedophile rapist religious leader to continue to abuse /rape their children and the children of others, so that their sickness will not be exposed.

1 posted on 10/12/2006 5:51:34 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: US admirer
"....the self-proclaimed rabbi -- Mondrowitz had no formal rabbinical credentials..."


2 posted on 10/12/2006 5:56:06 AM PDT by FrPR
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To: FrPR
Just like Harold Ford Jr. said he was a Lawyer when he had never passed the BAR!! PHONEYS!!

3 posted on 10/12/2006 5:59:33 AM PDT by Suzy Quzy ("When Cabals Go Kabooms"....upcoming book on Mary McCarthy's Coup-Plotters.)
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To: FrPR
please note the fact that other rabbis pressured the families to shut up

4 posted on 10/12/2006 6:00:05 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: Suzy Quzy
from Newsday on the same case...

"One woman, whose son was called to testify about an alleged instance of abuse, said that extraordinary pressure was placed both on her family and on the family of the alleged victim.

"I had rabbis coming by. They threatened we'll have curses in our family. It might sound silly to you, but it was very frightening," said the woman."

Seems like the rabbis like to stick together eh?

5 posted on 10/12/2006 6:03:26 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: US admirer
Is this the same Hassidic group that Bill pardoned their Rabbi and they voted for Hillary about 97%??

6 posted on 10/12/2006 6:08:46 AM PDT by Suzy Quzy ("When Cabals Go Kabooms"....upcoming book on Mary McCarthy's Coup-Plotters.)
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To: Suzy Quzy
Don't know, maybe some NY city FReeper could enlighten.

7 posted on 10/12/2006 6:10:14 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: US admirer
BTW, the Israeli government refused extradition because:

"Oral and anal raping of boys among the acts of which Mondrowitz is accused weren't crimes by Israeli standards." - The Vilage Voice, July 25th, 2006 11:19 AM

Nice. Real nice.

Makes you wonder what type of moral/religious priorities Israel is based on.

8 posted on 10/12/2006 6:18:09 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: US admirer
"I'll never forget it because unfortunately it was my birthday, November 21 1984. I was working in the Brooklyn Sex Crimes squad and I received an anonymous call from a male who started to say that there was a rabbi and gave the name and he was abusing people on this block," she said.
ABC News....Bringing you the news from 20 years ago to bridge the gap between religion bashing and gay congressmen.

9 posted on 10/12/2006 6:22:16 AM PDT by johniegrad
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To: johniegrad
If it wasn't clear to you that this is current news maybe this excerpt from the Village Voice will help:

"Hynes has never been hot to extradite Mondrowitz," charges Lesher. Why would Hynes allow a fugitive to evade prosecution through an old loophole, especially when a new victim has come forward to testify? "It's a compelling argument," observes Mary- ellen Fullerton, who teaches international criminal law at Brooklyn Law School. "If I were the Brooklyn D.A., I'd consider it."

Bruce Zagaris, an extradition lawyer in Washington, D.C., notes that the U.S.-Israel treaty is being updated, and that the new protocol would make it even easier to deliver up someone, like Mondrowitz, whose alleged acts haven't fallen neatly into the list of specified offenses. The protocol would replace the list with a provision defining any offense extraditable "as long as the crime is punishable by one year or more and as long as it's a crime in both countries."

So, Zagaris offers, "Yes, I'd say this guy is extraditable. And under this new protocol, there is even more of a chance that he could be."

At the very least, argues Bierschbach, the Cardozo professor, "you cannot flat-out say that he's not extraditable. You can make the argument, but it's weak."

Even so, Hynes spokesperson Jerry Schmetterer maintains, flatly: "After reviewing the files and consulting with authorities, our position remains that under the current treaty, Mondrowitz cannot be extradited. . . . He was charged with sodomy and the treaty has changed. It's our position this change is not retroactive."

Told that experts say otherwise, he snaps, "That's fine. You write your story. This is the position of the district attorney."

Maybe Hynes has his own reasons for not pushing extradition. In Brooklyn politics, the Orthodox community can wield considerable influence. Political consultant Hank Sheinkopf explains, "They vote, and they vote in large numbers often." He estimates that the Orthodox population accounts for some 30 percent of the borough's electorate, from Williamsburg to Crown Heights, Borough Park, Flatbush, and Midwood. Especially in ultra-Orthodox areas, rabbis tend to pick candidates and congregants cast votes accordingly.

"The rabbis are very important because they tell their followers who to get behind," says Sheinkopf. For a politician, he says, that means "you have to play to them."

10 posted on 10/12/2006 6:31:41 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: US admirer
It's amazing reading this that NOONE in the community was willing to protect the children from this predator. All because their family name might be smeared in this life? What is their name worth in the next life? Blame the victim - when the victim is a child. Wow.

11 posted on 10/12/2006 6:42:47 AM PDT by cgk (I don't see myself as a conservative. I see myself as a religious, right-wing, wacko extremist.)
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To: cgk
It is particularly disturbing that religious leaders- the ultra-orthodox rabbis, are essentially enablers for this piece of human garbage. Every bit as bad as the catholic priest scandal and really even worse. At least the catholic religious leaders just tried to hide it. These scumbag rabbis pressured and threatened the victim's families to drop the matter. Such behavior is not even worthy of being associated with a religion- it is closer to a cult like radical Islam.

12 posted on 10/12/2006 6:49:48 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: cgk
It was the Italian Catholic boys who spoke up. Imagine that.

13 posted on 10/12/2006 6:51:18 AM PDT by tioga
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To: tioga
The rabbis who protected the scumbag could not get to them or their parents with their intimidation and threat of curses etc.

14 posted on 10/12/2006 6:57:36 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: US admirer
You know there is something really really wrong with religious teachings that would allow a pedophile rapist religious leader to continue to abuse /rape their children and the children of others, so that their sickness will not be exposed.
I submit my guess that this is not a religious teaching, but a custom derived from times and places where the "authorities" were no friend of the Jews. Unfortunately, it appears that they no longer take care of such problems "in-house".

Perhaps we have a Jewish FReeper who can confirm or rebut this opinion.

15 posted on 10/12/2006 7:00:59 AM PDT by JimRed ("Hey, hey, Teddy K., how many girls did you drown today?" (Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help m)
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To: JimRed
This appears to be the Jewish version of the Islamic concept that is permissible or even virtuous to lie to infidels. Apparently it is codified in the Torah.

I therefore think it is unlikely that you will hear from Jewish freepers who in any way support this dirty little secret

From: http://www.aajudaism.org/MesiraMachine.htm

The Alliance for Authentic Judaism - by Menachem Ben David

"M'sira, the handing over of a Jew or his property to the non-Jews or non-Jewish authorities, where the Jew is not endangering anyone's lives, is one of the most heinous crimes in the Torah. As expressed by our sages Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat, Chapter 388:

It is strictly forbidden to moser either a Jewish person or his property. One who mosers a Jewish person or his property has no share in the world to come."

BTW hey must have a pretty strict definition of "endangering anyone's lives" to allwo this scum rabbi to keep on raping little boys.

16 posted on 10/12/2006 7:17:42 AM PDT by US admirer
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To: US admirer
"I've met victims and survivors who have been told by their rabbis they shouldn't say anything because this is what we call Lashone Harah," explained Rabbi Mark Dratch, an officer of the Rabbinical Council of America and head of JSafe, an organization to help Orthodox Jewish victims of domestic violence and sex abuse.

The biblical concept of Lashone Harah is "gossip or slander, a biblical prohibition against maligning another person, against speaking ill of another person," and holds even when the allegations being made are proven true, Dratch said.


Something about "millstones" come to mind.

At any rate, they're cursing themselves by sending a message that such behavior is sanctioned, covered up and even nurtured. One has to wonder how many of these victims have become victimizers themselves.....

17 posted on 10/12/2006 7:36:13 AM PDT by John Williams ("Scots die younger because, in the end, they can't face another dinner")
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To: John Williams
I agree. They defame all of Judaism. It is also disturbing though that Israel has in any way aided and abetted this guy.

It makes me ill to think that he is likely state supported at a teaching institution there.

18 posted on 10/12/2006 7:45:55 AM PDT by US admirer
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Anonymous said...

Keep on truckin' UOJ

Anonymous said...

John Q. Publicstein has always been very sensible in the past. I'm wondering if after a year's hiatus, that was an impersonator.

It's true that many of the beards are frauds but it is unfair and not true to say they ALL are.

Anonymous said...


Rabbi M said...
Just yesterday I opened a package of frozen tilapia with a heimishe brand name and the insignia of "the world's largest not for profit kashruth certifier" and a heimishe hashgocho from a well-known mohel. Every tilapia filet had a small piece of skin left on it, as is required when buying fish from a gentile without a Jew present. Obvious indication that it comes from China without a mashgiach being there. Nevertheless it was labeled as Kosher lePesach. Imagine that, buying processed fish from the Chinese whom the federal government believes add all kinds of toxic additives, and yet big brother kashrus and tzadikimlach kashrus both recommend them for Pesach without hashgocho!!! Oh, I looked for the advisory note saying that it is only for people who can recognize the difference between tilapia and catfish based on a one inch square piece of skin... Maybe it was in very small print, or maybe the print was as large as the mashgiach in China.

Anonymous said...


Thursday, July 05, 2007
Brooklyn, NY - Attempted Rape of Williamsburg Hitchhiker
Brooklyn, NY - Attempted Rape of Williamsburg Hitchhiker
Community Alert! ונשמרתם מאד לנפשתכם

Brooklyn, NY - Community leaders have approached VIN News with an urgent request to post the following chilling story as a vital warning to our fellow Yidden. Yesterday at 11 AM, a young Williamsburg woman accepted a ride to Boro Park from an apparently heimish man, dressed in Chasidic garb – hat, tzites, beard, and Yiddish-speaking. Several minutes into the ride, he stopped the car, pulled out a knife, and attempted to rape his vulnerable passenger. Thankfully, the victim didn’t lose her senses, and was brave enough to struggle against her attacker. She escaped from the car in time, and 911 emergency personnel arrived at the scene moments after.

While we at VIN take great care to respect the privacy of individuals, we report this personal, harrowing episode as a burning lesson to all. Under no circumstances, in any situation, should one accept a hitch from a stranger! In today’s dangerous world, we cannot jeopardize our safety simply because we need to get from Point A to Point B. Unfortunately, we can’t trust an individual because of his appearance; looks are deceiving. Please protect yourself and your family, and do not place yourselves in the risk and grave danger of hitchhiking.

U/D 7/4/2007 4:57 PM:
If anyone has seen or has any information in regards to this investigation, please contact the Williamsburg Shomrim Patrol at 718-237-0202.

Anonymous said...

Everybody, lets not forget the good morning call or e-mail to the DA and the other representatives listed above, let our voices be heard.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that suffered sexual abuse should contact Joan Hertz at Ohel 718 851 6300 immediately. jehertz1@aol.com

Anonymous said...


Now you want to be mattir Rubashkin labels bi'de'eved, because of "roiv" and l'maaseh the price is cheap. "ain-hoilchin-bi'momoin-.....

I must be very careful not to breach my curren as well as past sources for information.

As it stands the "matziv" at Rubashkin's is as follows;
1- All of the other plants besides Postville: Weismandel wouldn't take any of that product as he held it to be almost "neveilahs". Even though he just made a production in Uraguay which he thins "kashers" Uruguay.

2- Re: Postville-
There is an unacceptable closed door policy.

Shoichtim are Mesianists.

They don't pick up well on Pigimas.

They do make changes for all a pre-arranged visitors.

The abundance of Mashgichim et al are all a facade & cover up the real Rubashkin label.

They distort the truth-which others cal a lie.

The quality of the Shoichtim, Boidkim, Mashgichim et al are not in the spirit of "yirei=sho'mai'yim, mai'rabim".

We are aware that they are ghnging 1 of the Boidkim etc, even though they had no problem using him till now.

It is alledged that at the Rubashkin products it is common to exchange labels including what the Biodik afixes. That includes a plain kosher can become a Glatt, A Glatt can become a Mehadrin or a Supreme / kesser / KAJ etc. It can also become a "Bais-Yosef" if the need is there.

They are the only so called Glatt purveyor / supplier that also processes plain kosher, Treif, Neveilah etc.

The ones that know the Rabonim involved obviously do not wait for them to end "kiri'yas-Shma".

One the main individuals responsible for the kashrus standards on a daily basis was sent out from a different slaughter house as the Shoichtim accused him of being a "mach'il-nevei'los" to Klal yisroel.

How in the world people are so blinded to reality, is beyond comprehension.

Now an owner of a Net Profit Grocery supermarket in Lakewood visited the plant & he thinks he picked up on the the erlichkeit, yiras-shomaiyim, etc. that it would be a crime not to give it to all of klal yisroel to have the ....shmaltz run down the sides of their mouth.

One thing he's right-it'll bring him a lot of money-he is currently hurting financially in running the 2 operations, so he thinks this is his savior- li'shaim-sho'maiyim" of course.

Anonymous said...

Shmarya's archives are divided by category. They include Marvin Schick and Oorah.

Anonymous said...


Why is Rubashkin the only Lubob being beaten up on?

Anonymous said...


On the Ess Past Nisht blog (also from R' Yudel Shain), some idiot commented that it doesn't matter how many neshomos because he was "machalel Shabbos" (no proof provided)

Someone answers very good that pikuach nefesh is doche Shabbos.

Anonymous said...

Ger is getting sicker by the minute.

Every kollel yingerman that collects a monthly check from the "Ichud Molestas Gur" has to sign a paper stating he does not have a computer at home, and they had to sign an additional paper granting the vaad that was set up to see to it that the homes are computer free,permission to knock at certain individuals houses, and they will have to be let in to check if the house is really "Treif Proof", and if they are not granted entry, that yingerman will lose his monthly check, Reminds me of Stalin's Russia.

One more thing, if you do have a computer at home, (with a hechsher from the vaad) lets say for business purpose, and you want to watch a private family video with your kids, then you have to go out and rent a machine to watch it, all in order to make it harder to watch, although I wonder how they will enforce this one.

I have one word for all of this, SICK!!!!

Especially from a chassidus that has molesters roaming freely in its termenal size bais medrash full of kids, Mondrowitz and Leizerowitz are only the tip of the iceberg in this chassidus of thousands of people, I personally know of 4 others with one being an older bucher who admitted he likes the really young ones, the "ping pong types" he is sick, and was even threatned that if they catch him with a kid they will cut his balls off, THEY SHOULD BE GOING TO THE POLICE THIS MINUTE, HE SHOULD NOT BE AROUND KIDS FOR ANOTHER SECOND, THIS IS SICK!

Anonymous said...

UOJ & LVF should name the other Gerrorist molesters.

Anonymous said...

Shmarya claims that the Agudah may have removed documents from the Vaad haHatzolah archives that aren't politically correct enough for public viewing.

Does UOJ have any evidence of this?

Paul Mendlowitz said...

There is much about the years of 1935-45 that has not been disclosed yet. It will, when the circumstances are ripe. There were many promises made (deathbed wishes) to keep these documents and stories untold until the Jews are ready to hear them and not become kofrim. That time is not now.

I intend to do my own Gedolim series....not for the faint of heart (or emunah).

To set the record straight...Rabbi Wasserman was in Camp Mesifta(Torah Vodaath) the summer of 1939 (see the Art Scroll) (not as Shafran claims the mid-thirties)...as the war was raging in Europe and spreading like wildfire. He was invited to stay as Rosh Hayeshiva of Torah Vodaath...and was still able to get hundreds of visas for his talmidim and others. He saw first-hand the beauty of Torah Vodaath, even in the vacation months, and budding Torah scholars. R' Simcha was a rosh yeshiva for a brief period of time.

Kashruth was becoming manageable thanks to the Lamm brothers and their father.

The YU excuse is just a fraud and a perversion if there was one.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a rat's arse about Camp TV? The Catskills starts and ends with my Camp Horim that's in someone else's name because of a Federal court order prohibiting Pinter ownership.

Just ask all the tuchess lecker yeshivos that are dying to get in by me.

Anonymous said...

"There were many promises made (deathbed wishes) to keep these documents and stories untold until the Jews are ready to hear them and not become kofrim. That time is not now."

Can we get any names of gedolim / askonim that requested this?

Anonymous said...

"Kashruth was becoming manageable thanks to the Lamm brothers and their father."

Any relation to Stormin' Norman Lamm who originally learned in YTV?

Anonymous said...

"Just ask all the tuchess lecker yeshivos that are dying to get in by me."

Let's leave sleeping dogs where they lay. I hope you guys don't start naming all the guys who know Pinter and have a bungalow by Camp Horim.

Besides all the unwanted attention, it might prompt the Bungalow Putz Neuhoff to come down here with his retarded survey.

Anonymous said...

There's also much about Margo and his history and finances that UOJ hasn't disclosed yet and we can't wait :o)

Anonymous said...

I heard from one of my rebbeim that the gedolei kadmonim had a tayna on the anshei Masada for giving up their lives so easily. The rebbe never provided a source and I generally don't trust him. He was a poor baal midos who was often wrong in learning. When the 14 year old bochurim challenged him in learning and knew better than he did, even in Chumash-Rashi, he would shut you up and be mevazeh you in front of the shiur. Only once did he ever apologize, when I was mechaven to the Tiferes Yisroel, AFTER he found out from another rebbe that I was correct. The rebbe was turfed out when there was a changing of the rosh yeshiva guard.

Does UOJ or anyone know where Masada is discussed?

Anonymous said...

UOJ mentions kashrus pioneers and gives no credit to my family? What audacity! He should apologize because I bear the title of Raavad veGaavad of Amsterdam (A name I use even though I'm an Israeli in Flatbush).

Anonymous said...

Well excccccuse me, UOJ! I have reliable eidus on the pre-war timeline from Ephraim Shapiro, my tatty's mesader kiddushin!

Anonymous said...

Without meaning to, our friends at ArtScoll have provided an object lesson on exactly what is wrong with Judaism in 2007.

Their new book Laws of Daily Living - Volume One - Taub Edition is full of information about things like hand washing, and getting dressed and using the toilet and so on. Here's the publisher's blurb:

This first volume explores the correct application of Jewish law to common morning routines: rising; washing one's hands; getting dressed; use of the lavatory; Bircas HaTorah (the blessings before Torah study); activities prohibited before Shacharis; proper attire for prayer; environments unsuitable for prayer or Torah study; the proper way to recite a berachah and for saying Hashem's Name, donning tzitzis, tallis, and tefillin; bircas HaShachar (the morning blessings); reciting 100 berachos each day; saying Amen; and Pesukei deZimrah.
Facinating stuff, huh?

Still, wouldn't you have expected the "Laws of Daily Living" to have had a word or two about interpersonal relationships? I know I did. But, perhaps it was wise of Artscroll to leave all of that boring non-ritual stuff for another volume. After all, the book's benefactor, one Mister Sherman Taub, (ie: The "Taub" in "Taub Edition") is something less than a role model when it comes to the non-ritual side of daily living.

Oh well. As ArtScroll must have said, "His money is green so who cares?"

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Aryeh Ralbag :

The only compliment that I can muster up for your father and kashruth is that he was not the biggest fraud in kashruth that ever lived. YOU ARE!!! Tuvya Stern, Belsky and Heinemann running a close second!

Anonymous said...

The Masada Myth

Scholar presents evidence that the heroes of the Jewish Great Revolt were not heroes at all.
By Nachman Ben-Yehuda

Anonymous said...

I have an existential question for UOJ.

This particular thread, as well as the entire blog, on one level resonates strongly.

On the other hand, the criticism is so ferocious and un-nuanced that credibility is strained. According to this blog, virtually all contemporary gedolim are complicit in covering up crimes of sexual predators, gladly sending them off with glowing recommendations to "other" yeshivos. The Yeshiva system itself is corrupt to the core: nothing less than a conspiracy by the greatest gedolim to impoverish an entire generation while their nepotism enriches their own families. Revered gedolim of the previous generation are equally as guilty. (After all, who is the present Rosh Yeshiva of MTJ?).

So here is my question to UOJ: what people or institutions are left in this religion to believe in? For UOJ, what existential alternative is there to atheism?

Paul Mendlowitz said...

So here is my question to UOJ:

What people or institutions are left in this religion to believe in? For UOJ, what existential alternative is there to atheism?


I find myself in the Torah and its relevance to us as a people and a society, not in the bogus messengers that are destroying the beauty of our Mesorah. I find myself very much alone. I'm not certain what lies ahead for the future of the Jews as a viable religion. Orthodoxy turning radically right is no different than Fundamentalists in any other faith...Christian or Islam. The world can not survive as a civilization should they prevail!

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police has an important message for the Tzibur traveling to the mountains on Thursday evenings.

Many people stop at the Sloatsburg Rest Area (NY State Thruway) where there has been an established public Mincha & Maariv area for many years. He explained us that it took tremendous effort and Askonus to convince the NYS DOT to allow this public gathering (which can sometimes be thousands of people throughout the evening).

The NYS DOT has complained to Rabbi Freilich that they have started to have serious - valid complaints - and if they are not rectified immediately, the Mincha / Maariv are will be shut down.

Their complaints are:

#1- People started selling a variety of items at the Mincha area ranging from hot chulent, kugel, books, tapes, Mayim Chayim soda, Knaidlech, Shaitels (just kidding) etc. This is unfair to the hard working, tax paying individuals, who own the various food shops and vending machines inside the rest area. They are extremely upset - and rightfully so - that they have high rents and taxes, yet the people outside sell large quantities of items tax & rent free outside at the Mincha area.

#2- The filth which is left at the location when the masses leave is an utter disgrace and Chillul Hashem.

#3- People collecting Tzedakah (AKA: panhandlers) - which is illegal.

Rabbi Freilich informed us that he is working tirelessly to have a Kosher (Le’mehadrin) vending machine placed inside the building so that people can buy Kosher snacks.

In closing, please use the area which was so wonderfully given to us by the NYS DOT - for Davening ONLY. Do not make a Chillul Hashem by ignoring their complaints which will result in this Mincha / Maariv area being shut down.

Anonymous said...

"Kashruth was becoming manageable thanks to the Lamm brothers and their father."

SCENARIO: Williamsburg circa 1940's: Kosher Butcher shop on Lee Avenue run by 2 ehrlicha shomer torah umitzvos brothers approach a venerable yid who had a monument store on DivisionAvenue. This man a scion of a great Rabbinic family was the unofficial mayor of the area. The 2 brothers approached the mayor with a problem."What shall we do..the HUNGARIANS are moving here enmass and are asking for GLATT KOSHER what is it, where do we get it.
After a few moments the mayor of Williamsburg told the brothers. "IF YOU EVER ADVERTISE GLATT OR G-D FORBID SELL IT, THAT WILL BE THE DAY I STOP BUYING YOUR MEAT, I'LL KNOW IT'S TREIF"

This is a true story, I can attest to the facts, the MAYOR was my Zayde, the 2 brothers were the LAMM Brothers.

Anonymous said...


Charles Hynes - District Attorney / Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz

Anonymous said...


I'm surprised UOJ would take seriously enough to quote a convicted felon with a long rap sheet who has threatened abuse victims.

Isn't it amazing that someone with my resume gets a job with the State Police?

Anonymous said...

Bernie Freilich is a swell guy. No one has ever showed me such affection except Aron Twerski and Belsky.


Brooklyn, NY - A source who attended a $1,000-a-head fundraiser last night at the Rose Castle in Williamsburg for Rep. Ed Towns witnessed a double-take moment when he spotted Hasidic Rabbi Bernard Freilich hugging the very man who prosecuted him in a death threat case in the 1990s - Kings County DA Charles Hynes.

Freilich was aquitted of felony charges of witness tampering in 2000. Hynes had accused him of making death threats against a young woman who accused her father of raping her, ostensibly in an effort to get her to drop the charges.

Hynes'prosecution of Freilich angered the Orthodox Jewish Community, which called for his removal after the rabbi was cleared.

The event for Towns was hosted by Satmar Rabbi Leib Glanz, who is Towns' finance chair and executive director of the United Talmudical Academy, a nonprofit.

According to my source, the attendees includes: Two potential mayoral candidates (Weiner and Thompson), one potential comptroller candidate (Weprin), and at least one other Congressman (Meeks).

Mayor Bloomberg was touted on the invite to this event, but he didn't show up. According to a Bloomberg aide, the mayor was never scheduled to attend. This discrepency is evidently the source of some disagreement in the Satmar community, and since I don't know enough about it, I'm going to leave it at that. [NYdailynewsblog]

Anonymous said...


No one told me about Freilich's history.

You can email the details as a complaint to Internal Affairs.


Anonymous said...


Don't bother Rabbi Freilich. He's one of the only people that's machshiv me.

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