I encourage everyone to purchase tickets to this event! Demonstrate to these fraud rabbonim that we're not going to take it any longer! Make certain to tell everyone you know to come and bring their families. I want a packed house! Send them the UOJ message....

(Steve, thanks for sending this in!)

Loosely Translated......
We heard the news and our souls are TREMBLING!!!!!
There will be a concert taking place in the city of Manhattan in Madison Square Garden...there will be singers from a fringe element of Judaism to sing and perform in front of men and women...the outcome of this is laughter and light-headedness...
We hereby inform you that in our opinion of daas Torah it is forbidden......
THAT IT IS A SERIOUS INFRACTION (of Jewish law) to participate in this event......
There is no halachic approval under any circumstances for men or women, children big and small, and more so, this sin is more onerous on the organizers and singers...who cause others to sin.........
The newspapers are forbidden to publicize these events......
I'm sick of these insane guys...I can't read anymore of this diseased proclamation. I can't take it... Included in the rabbinical signatures are Lipa Margulies and Yisroel Belsky.
To receive tickets for The Big Event while helping the orphans of Simchat Tzion, visit the tickets page.
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About Simchat Tzion:
We all want to help Jews in Israel during these troubling times. Bringing joy to Israeli orphans is one way to meet that goal.
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To date Simchat Tzion has sponsored close to 1,800 weddings for Israeli orphans. To continue giving orphans this vital assistance, Simchat Tzion is developing a national base of donors. This is your unique opportunity to help the most vulnerable of our nation at one of the most critical junctures of their lives. Please consider becoming a regular patron or one-time donor.
For additional information, please visit the Simchat Tzion website at www.simchattzion.com
To receive tickets for The Big Event while helping the orphans of Simchat Tzion, visit the tickets page.
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Tickets are also available at the following stores:
Eichler's - Flatbush
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(718) 851-7300
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421 Route 59
(845) 426-0824
What a disgrace! The Monsey rabbonim have come out against a harmless concert because there is no Mechitza opera. Yet, they have as yet not protested in public against the Monsey sex molester. Mordechai Gimpel Wolmark the pedophile from Yeshiva Shaarai Torah is permitted to stay in Chinuch? Wolmark has destroyed so many young bachurim while the Monsey rabbonim are involved with some silly concert.
Strage, why during the life of Reb Moshe Feinstein ZT"L there was never any protest from him on such concerts?
BTW, here is a suggestion to Nusach Taliban "D-ass Toiyreh" to 'moo-terize' these mixed sex concerts:
Have all women and girls don plexifoam masks over their faces so that their features are totally covered just like you now see in all of the Sheitel store windows.
This will surely protect our men/boys from impure thoughts,or worse V'Chuloo, Hashem Yiracheim.
Hey Rabbi Tropper!! You should know better than ask such questions on the Monsey Community. They don't care about young boys being sexually molested in the heart of Monsey by Rabbi Mordechai Wolmark. They only care about protecting women, even if it means only "protecting them" from some men who may think about them for a moment during a music concert.
However, my husband Leibish is different than the others. He doesn't care about protecting anyone with exception to himself. Of course, if someone is willing to pay a few thousand dollars for the service he will go out of his way to protect them too.
...."It's forbidden to invite any of those entertainers to perform at any joyous affairs".
I was just wondering if someone does hire them to entertain at a wedding, will any of the signatories boycott that affair? Or just imagine one of the signatories saying (and imagine only because this is fiction), "I am sorry I cannot be mesader keddushin at your wedding because your musician once performed at Madison Square Garden".
I was at the "asifah" in Baltimore last night. The remarks below is what I heard, if I am wrong please correct me
Now I know why Mandel is a shmendrik. From the pulpit, he said that abusers have an "illness" and it can be cured and they can be re-intergrated back into society.Of course - Ohel will get $$ to treat them. He was equally long winded and vague on questions from the audience.
Interesting - Mandel said if a father is caught "molesting", we can't really "seperate him from the family". Yet what did they do to Finkel in Monsey after the scandal, hmm?
Patch in ponim - Pelcovitz gets up and tells a story about how they discovered how a kid was being sodomized by the school janitor, a convicted molestor who was "treated"
The New York Times - Editorial
Published: February 21, 2008
The rise of Internet journalism has opened a new front in the battle to protect free speech. A federal judge last week ordered the disabling of Wikileaks.org, a muckraking Web site. That stifles important speech and violates the First Amendment. It should be reversed, and Wikileaks should be allowed to resume operations.
Wikileaks claims to have posted more than a million corporate and government documents that, it says, expose wrongdoing. It has posted, among other things, a 2003 operations manual from the Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, military prison. Julius Baer Bank and Trust, a Cayman Islands branch of a Swiss bank, sued Wikileaks charging that it had illegally posted documents stolen by a former employee. The site said the documents “allegedly reveal secret Julius Baer trust structures” for money laundering, tax evasion and other misdeeds.
Federal District Court Judge Jeffrey White ordered Wikileaks’s domain name registrar to disable its Web address. That was akin to shutting down a newspaper because of objections to one article. The First Amendment requires the government to act only in the most dire circumstances when it regulates free expression.
In a second order, the judge directed Wikileaks not to distribute the bank documents. That was a “prior restraint” on speech, something the courts almost always find violates the First Amendment. If the employee did not have a right to the documents and the bank was injured as a result, a suit against the leaker for monetary damages should be sufficient.
Much of the law governing the Internet remains unsettled. Still, the free speech burdens of closing down a journalistic Web site are just as serious as closing down a print publication, and courts should tread carefully.
For now, the lawsuit appears to have backfired, bringing worldwide publicity to the documents. Enterprising Internet users have found ways to get to the site. We hope it will also educate judges and the public about the importance of giving full protection to online speech.
Widespread Slaughter Method Scrutinized for Alleged Cruelty
By Nathaniel Popper
Wed. Feb 13, 2008
Over the past few decades, kosher meat producers have learned what many others in the industry know: The broad expanses of rural Argentina and Uruguay have everything needed to make great beef, with a stable climate and seemingly endless pastures for grazing. The labor is cheap, and the open pastures on which the cows are raised mean that much of the meat can be marketed with those increasingly alluring tags of “natural” and “free range.”
As a result, a majority of Israel’s beef — and a large portion of America’s kosher meat — now comes from South America. In recent years, every major American kosher meat producer has set up a South American operation.
There is just one, big problem: the way the animals are killed. A majority of the South American slaughterhouses producing kosher meat use a method known as “shackle and hoist,” whereby the cow is pulled up into the air by one of its hind legs and then dropped onto the ground before its throat is slit. The method is illegal under most conditions in the United States, but remains popular among kosher producers elsewhere because it allows the cow to be upside down when it is slaughtered — as is required by Israel’s chief rabbis, the final authorities on kosher meat entering the Jewish state.
The method will be given a public airing this week with the release of a video taken by the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. According to exclusive information given to the Forward, the video was shot in late October 2007 by an undercover investigator during two days of kosher slaughter at a plant in Uruguay. PETA has not yet released the video, but a copy was given to the Forward, which has been investigating the practice since last fall. In it, the animals can be seen hanging from a single leg, struggling in the air and bellowing. Once the animal is put on the ground, it is shown writhing and being restrained by multiple workers who step on it and prod it before the cut.
“It is in a category by itself for badness,” said Temple Grandin, an American animal rights expert who has advised many kosher meat companies, referring to “shackle and hoist.”
“It’s cruel to the animals and it’s dangerous for the employees,” Grandin added.
PETA raised controversy in the past with undercover videos from kosher plants, sparking some to accuse it of anti-Jewish bias — a charge PETA has denied. In this case, PETA appears to have come to an issue already being pursued behind closed doors by certain kosher authorities. Over the last year, the Forward has learned, America’s largest kosher supervision agency, the Orthodox Union, has been concerned enough about “shackle and hoist” slaughter to begin a quiet campaign to have the Israeli rabbinical authorities change it.
“It’s not the kind of system that we want to have, that we would be proud of,” Rabbi Menachem Genack, the CEO of the Orthodox Union’s Kosher Division, told the Forward.
The Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative Judaism passed a ruling in 2000 calling the “shackle and hoist” method a “violation of Jewish law.” In anticipation of the new revelations, the organization reiterated its opposition at a meeting earlier this week.
The plant shown in the PETA video is located in Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo. According to Orthodox Union authorities, the kosher plant in question produces meat for Israel. The Orthodox Union’s top expert on South American meat, Rabbi Seth Mandel, says that even within the problematic realm of “shackle and hoist,” the new video shows an unusually bad case.
“Not only is it unusual — this would not be allowed to go on in plants [slaughtering] for the U.S.,” said Mandel.
Despite the concerns of the Orthodox Union, the organization still certifies kosher plants in South America that use “shackle and hoist”; indeed most kosher meat entering the United States from South America is produced using the method, according to Genack. Genack said change has been slow to come because the Israelis are the major market force in South America and thus dictate the standards of meat production in the region.
“This will not succeed unless we have the support of the Israeli companies, and that requires a push from the chief rabbis there,” Genack said.
The willingness of the Orthodox Union to continue to allow “shackle and hoist” has already drawn fire from PETA.
“I think it’s shameful,” said Aaron Gross, a PETA consultant who has worked on the organization’s projects involving kosher slaughter. “Anything they’ve been doing to improve the situation, I applaud. I just wish they would do it more publicly.”
Over the last year, Genack said, he has had numerous private talks about this issue with both Rabbi Yona Metzger, the Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel, and Rabbi Shlomo Amar, the Sephardic chief rabbi. In late 2007, Metzger and Amar convened a meeting of rabbis in Israel to discuss the issue, according to people involved. Afterward, Genack said he received a letter in which he was assured that the Israeli chief rabbis were looking to change the practice. Just last week, Genack said he spoke with Metzger on the phone about pushing for change.
Partially at Genack’s insistence, the chief rabbis invited a veterinarian who specializes in kosher slaughter, Rabbi I.M. Levinger, to attend their meeting last fall. Levinger told the Forward that the issue was discussed, but that the chief rabbis were hesitant to commit to anything.
“They want to see what they can reach with recommendations,” Levinger said. “I feel that this will not be much, I am afraid.”
PETA has said that they have tried to speak with the Israeli chief rabbinate in the past, but have not heard back. When reached by the Forward on Tuesday, the head of the Israeli chief rabbinate’s import division, Rabbi Ezra Harari, said he was not familiar with the issue and declined to comment.
Rabbinical authorities say that the chief rabbis mandate that cows be upside down because the blood drains faster and the animal cannot fall on the knife.
The current PETA campaign builds on the publicity the group garnered with an undercover video released in 2004 from America’s largest kosher slaughterhouse, AgriProcessors, which is located in Iowa. AgriProcessors is the only kosher meat producer in America that is certified to export meat to Israel. The company uses what is known as a rotating pen to meet the Israeli standard that the animal be upside down when it is slaughtered.
AgriProcessors’ use of the rotating pen was criticized in 2005. Ironically, it is the rotating pen — a mechanized corral that holds the animal while it is flipped over — that many animal rights activists see as the best alternative to the “shackle and hoist” method in South America. In fact, in South America, AgriProcessors has led the way, being the first and only kosher company to install a rotating pen in its slaughterhouse, according to the Orthodox Union. This has earned it praise from PETA.
“I think it’s great that AgriProcessors has taken that step,” said PETA’s Gross. “It shows you how bringing this stuff out in the open motivates change.” AgriProcessors did not respond to requests for comment.
The kosher rush into South America began in 1950, according to the Israeli chief rabbinate. Today, close to 60,000 tons of meat come into Israel each year from South America.
South America’s biggest draw is its cheap labor, which is also a primary reason that companies opt for the “shackle and hoist” method. The technique relies on little technology but a comparatively large number of laborers to restrain the cattle.
Most American companies use their South American product for processed meats like salami and bologna — a choice driven in part because the cows are raised on grass, which does not make the meat as fatty as corn-fed American beef. Recently, though, grass-fed beef has taken on its own allure with the explosion of demand for free-range meat. Both kosher authorities and animal rights activists say that before the slaughtering begins, conditions in South America make for more pleasant living conditions than in America, where most cattle are confined to feed lots for their entire lives.
“In Uruguay, the animals are blessed,” said Mandel, the rabbi who oversees meat production in South America. “They are lolling outside — plenty of grass to eat. There is nothing to mistreat them — until the day they are loaded on a truck.”
That final step — the “shackle and hoist” — was common in America in the early 20th century, when labor was cheaper and before Congress passed the Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter Act.
In American kosher slaughterhouses today, the Orthodox Union mandates standing slaughter, which it promotes partially for humane reasons.
The Israeli animal rights group, Concern for Helping Animals in Israel, has recently written to both chief rabbis questioning whether the South American practice could be compatible with Jewish law.
The letter, which was written by Rabbi Adam Frank, an activist with the organization, asked: “Since less painful and more humane methods of animal restraint and treatment exist and are used in the kosher slaughter process, is the Shackling & Hoisting of a conscious animal an unnecessarily cruel practice, thus defining it as prohibited under Jewish law?”
Officials with Frank’s organization said they have not heard back from the chief rabbinate.
Who is this David Lichtenstein?
I believe he used to live in Lakewood, NJ, may have gone to BMG at one time.
Sponsored recently a Lakewood parlor meeting for the Clintons.
Sponsoring another parlor meeting in Monsey-coming up!
It is aledged that he threatened a Monsey Bais-din that was involved in the Monsey KYO restaurant kashrus fiasco. The Bais-Din concluded that there were serious kashrus issues.
It is aledged that a David Lichtenstein sent a letter to the Bais-Din that if they proceed against the kashrus certifier....he will spend all amounts of dollars to fight the Bais-Din....
In the end Rabbi M. M. Weismandel did a better job on the Bais-Din & pulled the wool over their eyes... (the wool was Shatnez)
Weissmandel installed his shik yingel Rabbi Zishe Blech as the new rav hamachshir of Kyo.
UOJ can agree for once with the editorial board Putzes of the NY Times.
Notice how the rabbonim who don't sign every silly kol korray are not on the list:
R' Zelig Epstein
R' Avrohom Chaim Shpitzer
R' Meir Stern
Beis Hatalmud Roshei yeshiva
The first two especially are head & shoulders above the ketanim who just sign any sheet of paper waved in their face.
We know that UOJ only has so much tolerance so we had to write a sensible editorial for a change. Otherwise we'll be driving Rubashkin trucks with Belsky.
It's my understanding that Lipa Schmeltzer will be singing pornographic songs.
Call the ticket office...let them know UOJ sent you....I will donate $18 for every UOJ induced ticket purchase.
I happen to know the producer of the event!
Anonymous said...
concerning the reknowned purveyor of "TARFUS" Rub-hi harvey A.K.A YISROEL P. GORNISHT, who can trust someone who doesn't even know what his restaurants are serving. I have in my hands a picture of the bar in one of his establishments on C.I.A. where right next to his Tarfus certificate among the many bottles is a bottle of a very famous non kosher French Cognac. when asked the propreietor stated that Gornisht checked & approved every item on the bar. this is just a small oversight. why doesn't rabbi David allow meisner (caterer under Gornish using Rubashkin) in his shul??? why is he covering up the episode on shabbos quite a few years ago?? put him against the wall & let him tell you what happened. the problem is the Kosher Nostra all cover for each other.
Anonymous said...
The restaurant at Quentin & East 12th St under OK Labs has a very large bottle of famous goyishe Champagne at the bar. Although it is seemingly used as a prop, it is still inappropriate. Not only does it send the wrong message but what is to stop the freye Israeli staff from celebrating with it one night?
Maybe they use the excuse that the chuchem Amram Roth once told me, that drinks are not metamei kelim veil tziz nisht kli rishon. Incidentally, this was the same excuse that Grossinger's hotel in Liberty, NY, capitalized on to serve goyishe wine.
As far as the rabbonishe cover ups for Rabbi Gornish, I have seen more than I can stomach. I cannot understand why he gets a free pass. It's poshut that our choshuve rabbonim & roshei yeshiva give tongue lashings to oddballs like Dovid Katz & the Chuster rov. In a brief moment of anger, they even gave it to Kehillah Kash-R-U$, but never a word in public about the untouchable, teflon Don, Rabbi Gornish. When I informed one of our lange-reckel adorned geonim in Flatbush about problems in Gornish restaurants that I discovered, he quietly confided that R' Harvey Pinchos is "takke shvache maysos", that he needs to speak to him again to be mechazek his standards and "meh darft mispallel zein"
Some putz butcher with a foreign accent was telling customers this week that he has a special on Gornish Hens from Rubashkin.
i dont see any of them signing the kol koreh and why isnt (RABBI)
Rosenblum on the kol koreh?
We found that Caterers etc under Rabbi Gornish that claim to be Yoshon may indeed not be Yoshon. There isn't anyone in house that knows nor controls the yoshon status.
yiddishefireman said...
Virtually all of the Rishonim (the Bach excepted) hold that Yoshon is a D'Oraisa. The vast number who were maikil in Europe recognized that a kipeidah would leave the yidden starving. The rules were different in Europe. Ask Chasidishe Roshei Yeshiva the shiur of a Kezayis of Matzo in the alte heim and and they will tell you its the size of a silver dollar pf matzo-not flour.
In America, for decades people relied on the vast storehouses for bitul (whether bitul applies for a davar sheyaish lo matirin is a separate question.) Due to massive exports those storehouses no longer exist. Remember as well that until the 70's, the largest frum communities outside of New York did not have shaatnez centers.
Equally significant is the Choshen Mishpat angle. I am sure Rabbi Shain will agree that a fellow who will lie to you about yoshon can be relied upon to lie about kashrus in general.
This after Margo took you to the cleaners on tuition.
Dear Rabbi Horowitz:
We have six children ranging in age from a married daughter of 22 to a son of eight. Baruch Hashem, things are well with us regarding shalom bayis, parnassah and other areas of our lives.
Our 17-year-old son is a very at-risk teenager. We have been supporting him with testing, tutors, etc. throughout his school years, but nothing seems to have worked. He's been in several schools since 9th grade, but dropped out and is currently working full time. We have an excellent relationship with him, as he is respectful and does not violate Shabbos/kashrus in front of our family members. But he is, at this point in his life, completely non-observant.
Our dilemma regards his four siblings still in our home. We are terribly worried that they will pick up his habits and lifestyle. Here are our questions:
1) Should we ask him to leave our home, as many of our friends suggest? (We don't think this is a good idea.)
2) How can we allow him to remain in our home while turning his back on all we hold dear?
3) What do we tell our other children? They all know, to some degree and depending on their age, what is really going on.
We are so torn over this situation. Adding to the confusion is all the diverse and conflicting advice we are being given by others. We are hearing, “be firm, be flexible, give him an ultimatum, always keep the lines of communication open,” etc.
We would be most grateful for your advice. Thank you very much.
Names Withheld
Rabbi Horowitz Responds
The first thing that struck me about your letter was the part about your confusion over getting conflicting advice from many different people. I hear that from so many parents who are in your excruciating situation. I hope this column helps you sort things out and not add to the swirl of information.
Based on your letter, I have a strong hunch that you are doing exactly what you should be doing since you describe your relationship with your son as excellent. Trust me, if your relationship survived his rocky school experience and crisis of faith, you should be giving guidance to parents yourselves.
While there is little I can do to completely allay your fears about your other children picking up your son’s rebellious behaviors, I can tell you that in my 25 years of dealing with at-risk kids and their families, I have found it extremely rare that a child went off the derech because he or she followed a sibling who strayed from Yiddishkeit. What often skews the data and leads people to believe that off the derech is “contagious” are situations where there are significant flaws in the family dynamics that are left unaddressed and uncorrected despite the fact that a child exhibited signs of rebellion.
Now for some answers to your questions:
1) I am usually reluctant to give advice to people I do not know, but there does not seem to be any reason for you to even consider asking him to leave your home. I would respond differently if you mentioned that he was self-destructing (i.e. substance abuse) or undermining your authority or the quality of life at home, or if you felt there was a clear and present danger of another child going off the derech. But none of these seem to apply, so I don’t think sending him away is open for discussion in your situation.
For parents who have one or more of those three conditions present regarding a rebellious child, I usually recommend that they first go for counseling to try and improve things, and to gain a clearer understanding of the issues at hand. Then, armed with that information, they should visit their rav for guidance regarding sending a child away from home. I do not think parents should make that dinei nefashos (life-or-death) decision without both components – medical and rabbinic advice.
2) Several years ago, one of our leading gedolim told me that a father in your situation should inform his child that he ought not feel disenfranchised from Hashem’s Torah and its eternal lessons just because he does not fully understand it all at the young age of 17. This is because growing close to Hashem and comprehending His Torah is a lifelong mission. You, as parents, can be most helpful in reframing your son’s “no” to a “not yet.”
3) What should you tell your children? Tell them simply that you love them all unconditionally – always and forever. And that means giving each of them what they need when they need it. Period!
Explain to them that, above all, at this juncture in his life your 17-year-old needs understanding and acceptance – and as difficult as this is, you are committed to provide this to him. This is the most honest and beautiful thing you can tell them; that they would get the same measure of unconditional love, time and acceptance from you if they had a crisis of any sort in their lives. Tell them that they, too, should love their brother unconditionally and not withdraw their emotional support for him due to his eroding faith in Hashem.
I cannot predict the future, but I can assure you that the best chance you have that your son will find his way back to Hashem is to follow the darchei noam approach I suggested. The bedrock of your unconditional love will hopefully provide the platform upon which your son can gently and slowly build upon – and return to Torah and mitzvos.
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz is the founder and dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, and the founder and director of Agudath Israel’s Project Y.E.S. To purchase Rabbi Horowitz’s D’var Torah sefer, Growing With the Parsha, or his popular parenting tapes and CDs – including his 2-CD set on “Raising your Adolescent Children” – please visit www.rabbihorowitz.com, e-mail udi528@aol.com, or call 845-352-7100 x 133.
I received an anonymous phone call the other night from a man, who claims to have the yudi kolko sickness, and he asked me for my help in healing him, I thought it over and decided I have just the right medicine for him.
To the anonymous caller please call me asap, I want you to be the rebbi of yudi's class, what an einfoll.
Who would sully own name by appearing on the same kol korei as L.I.P.A Margolis?
UOJ, I think its a typo and they are assering lipa margolis not lipa shmeltzer (wishfull)
Counter-pashkevil being circulated in Boorooo-Parrrrk
my bosses are shitting in their pants thanks to UOJ
THREE so-called gedolim who signed this issur were leaders of schools/communities which had rabbi-molesters in them. 1 a chassidishe rav in BP the second a Litvak-Hungarian in Flatbush the third a rebbishe son-in-law and brother-in-law in BP who covered for a molester who writes seforim on Yevamos and hushed up a suicide of a very young victim of a molester in his chassiduses cheder. NONE signed any public statement in defense of the victims or to warn parents against the molesters. BUT FOR THIS THEY ARE SLOBBERING OVER and falling over themselves to sign! The HAMODIA prints only verified ads and this one is no exception. Sadly this is the only sandbox our gedolim have found to play in. As for the father of those 2 sick children, every dream has shtussim. Did u think for a minute that your child died for the sins of the community at large? The gemara shabbos specificaly states that children die for the IMMORAL and disgusting sins of things like molestation! It is the other lipa that signed this issur that we should ban, and his yeshiva as well!!!
One story that UOJ (& Boog for that matter) should get to the bottom of is why R' Hillel David quit Kehillah Ka$h-R-US and what Scheinerman had to do with it.
We published the ban 14 Adar 5768, Feb. 20,2008 Page D16A
I can't believe this...I agree with the Times twice in one day!!!
Wassupp Times...is it you or me??? I wrote this about 8 months ago...
Editorial - NEW YORK TIMES
Reality-Based Rate Cuts
Published: February 21, 2008
Since last summer, when the financial markets began to crack, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has taken his share of criticism. When he didn’t immediately cut interest rates, he was accused of being too timid. When he cut aggressively last month, critics said he had panicked.
Criticism comes with the job. And now that he’s shown that he can take the hits, Mr. Bernanke would do the markets a favor by making it clear that if inflation continued to rise, he would have to raise rates far sooner than Wall Street would like. That dose of reality may be the only way to avoid a whipsaw in the market that could negate much of the good from the rate cuts.
If price pressures continue to build — and the latest data show no letup — Mr. Bernanke may have to raise rates rapidly beginning later this year. In the minutes of the Fed’s meeting in January, released on Wednesday, some Fed officials noted the inflationary dangers. Others seemed to dismiss the risks, believing that a slowing economy would automatically relieve price pressures.
That could be wishful thinking. Globalization, once a force for driving prices down, has taken an inflationary turn. This week, oil prices have repeatedly closed above $100 a barrel, driven by global demand and a weaker dollar. Consumer prices in January were 4.3 percent above their level a year earlier, one of the largest year-over-year increases in years. Import costs also grew last month, at an annual rate of 13.7 percent, the highest since the Labor Department began keeping records in 1983.
Higher inflation — and higher interest rates — could lead to slower growth. So the challenge for policy makers is to find a way to lessen the impact of a slowdown today, without simply pushing off a contraction until next year. The Bush administration and Congress have not inspired confidence with their recently passed stimulus package. The White House insisted on putting tax rebates at the center of the effort, and Democratic lawmakers went along. Rebates will provide a boost by pumping cash into the economy. But they are much less effective than other measures that could have been taken.
Today’s economic problems are complex. But playing down the dangers only leads to confusion, false hope and half-measures that may fit a political agenda but are poor economics. Resolving the problems with the least amount of pain would be easier if policy makers — and candidates — were frank about the tough times ahead.
dear OUJ
i for one am not going to the concert not because of the rabbonim but because of the performer
i will gladly send a check to the tzedoka for kids but are you aware that when there was a concert for special kids in the summer if i am correct called chazak this performer performed at a new concert formed to compete against this tzedoka for special kids
so i will send a check but i in good concience hope that lipa does not perform as in my opinion he is a disgrace
Tov! Todah!
Was Belsky behind the smear job on me in this morning's NY Times?
Lipa Shmeltzer is an honorable musician.
UOJ, what percent of the signers are guilty of cover ups. Matbe this is all smoke and mirrors to prove some relevance like the agudah shysters do.
Great question Anon above!
You are absolutely correct - this is in part about changing the subject - and the others are taken in by these gangsters, especially among the top 3 lines!
It seems the objection is about
the performance of a some
particular groups...I tried to get
a list on the website but there was none,
Kolko's criminal trial, which begins in March, should be interesting.
Word is Lipa Margulies got several Torah Temimah rabbeim to volunteer to perjure themselves for Kolko.
Maybe they’ll set up a Torah Temimah wing in Rikers for Kolko and his perjurious buddies.
They can call it "Yam HaMenuvulim."
Victims of Kolko:
Now is the time to contact the DA's office. The more victims that testify the better! Your case can be included if you are 23 or younger.
We know how difficult it is to speak up, but think of the klal and all the victims who you will be a voice for. Your schar will be great! Imagine if Kolko walks and you sat back and did not come forward. How will you feel then?
Please for the sake of the klal, contact the DA.
Even if you are older than 23 please contact Jeff Herman. You can currently add to the list of character witnesses for the prosecution.
Besides that there is a legal argument that the time limitation gets suspended because you were silenced and threatened.
Banks Lose to Deadbeat Homeowners as Loans Sold in Bonds Vanish
By Bob Ivry
Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Joe Lents hasn't made a payment on his $1.5 million mortgage since 2002.
That's when Washington Mutual Inc. first tried to foreclose on his home in Boca Raton, Florida. The Seattle-based lender failed to prove that it owned Lents's mortgage note and dropped attempts to take his house. Subsequent efforts to foreclose have stalled because no one has produced the paperwork.
``If you're going to take my house away from me, you better own the note,'' said Lents, 63, the former chief executive officer of a now-defunct voice recognition software company.
Judges in at least five states have stopped foreclosure proceedings because the banks that pool mortgages into securities and the companies that collect monthly payments haven't been able to prove they own the mortgages. The confusion is another headache for U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson as he revises rules for packaging mortgages into securities.
``I think it's going to become pretty hairy,'' said Josh Rosner, managing director at the New York-based investment research firm Graham Fisher & Co. ``Regulators appear to have ignored this, given the size and scope of the problem.''
Jamaicans pressured to halt attacks on gays
Is this another reason why Aron Tendler had to move in with his kids in Baltimore?
California mortgages are expensive, especially for some unemployed Putz like him.
Sometimes, he would wear his prayer shawl to the office, literally cloaking himself in Yiddishkeit.
That wasn't the only thing that impressed his clients. Gross showed all the signs of success: expensive clothes; a Jaguar XJ ...
Sun, Feb. 17, 2008
Broker who prayed with clients is said to have bilked them
With a prayer shawl draped over his shoulders, stockbroker Gary Jay Gross cradled the Torah at the Chabad of Boca Raton -- praying with worshipers and recruiting them as investors.
One was the rabbi. Another was an elderly widow. Another was a Holocaust survivor who met the broker at a Jewish scholarship dinner.
For their trust, the charismatic stockbroker promised to watch over their retirement accounts -- persuading congregation members and others to funnel their money into the brokerage where he worked.
For years, Gross convinced clients he was honoring his pledges -- in some cases, boasting double-digit returns on their investments.
But what the elderly clients say they didn't know: The self-styled investment guru was wiping out their accounts in risky, highly volatile securities -- losing millions -- while racking up huge commissions for himself, according to arbitration complaints.
Along the way, investors say, he falsified reports to cover his tracks and hide the losses.
The FBI has just begun an investigation into a case that shows losses nearing $20 million in the past decade -- the numbers rising with more clients emerging, according to arbitration claims.
Some clients have put their homes up for sale; others are seeking help from bankruptcy lawyers.
''I was suicidal when I found out,'' said Sheila Kramer, 72, of Deerfield Beach, who lost $1 million.
The investigation is a case study of a state regulatory system unable to stop a troubled broker who left a trail of red flags.
Years before the latest wave of complaints, the Florida Division of Securities was warned about Gross -- with numerous investors stepping forward -- but no disciplinary action was taken, The Miami Herald found.
To this day, Gross has one of the longest records of complaints in the nation.
A Miami Herald analysis of nearly 600,000 stockbrokers found that he had more complaints against him than 99.9 percent of all brokers.
Nearly 100 of his former clients at Boca Raton's Axiom Capital Management -- including actor Henry ''The Fonz'' Winkler of TV's Happy Days -- are now his creditors.
''I had such faith,'' said widow Carol Hoffer, 75, who entrusted her entire savings to Gross before her husband died. ``I thought Gary was such a temple-goer that he would be honest in his dealings.''
Gross has tried to distance himself from the scandal, resigning in January from the Boca Raton brokerage where he worked for five years. He has not been charged with any crimes.
The firm has paid nearly $3.8 million to some of the former investors.
For now, Gross, 56, says he doesn't want to talk about the investigation. ''These clients had investments that went down,'' he said. ``It's that simple.''
But lawyers and investors say that it's not that simple, that for years he parlayed his position as a member of an established synagogue to meet new customers -- and later betrayed them.
Nearly a dozen investors said they trusted Gross, in part because of the devotion he showed to Orthodox Judaism, promoting himself as mishpoche: part of the family. Sometimes, he would wear his prayer shawl to the office, literally cloaking himself in Yiddishkeit.
That wasn't the only thing that impressed his clients. Gross showed all the signs of success: expensive clothes; a Jaguar XJ; a home and country club membership at the Boca Raton Polo Club.
And he was eager to share with his clients, buying them show tickets and taking them to fancy restaurants, according to interviews.
''He would always pick up the check,'' said Joan Ezersky, 75, a retired schoolteacher from Baltimore who has put her home up for sale. 'I used to joke with him: `Am I paying for it?' ''
From hundreds of court and arbitration records, a snapshot of Gross' career emerges: A business graduate of Hofstra University, he owned dry cleaners before obtaining a broker's license in November 1993 -- shortly before filing for his first bankruptcy.
His first job was with Smith Barney in Boca Raton, and eventually he moved to Raymond James in 1996.
The following year, customers began to accuse him of sinking their money into unsuitable securities -- not in keeping with investment objectives. But in each case, the brokerage denied the claims.
Gross moved to his third brokerage, CIBC World Markets Corp., in 1998, incurring new complaints -- allegations of unsuitable investments -- with his employer making several settlements.
But it wasn't until he moved to UBS Financial Services in 2000 that the first big wave of complaints began -- with investors claiming much bigger losses, records show.
One of those customers was Elyse Handelsman, a blind widow who lived in a Delray Beach condo. Gross would go there to read her monthly statements to her.
''He would tell her how she was doing wonderful when she was getting creamed,'' said her attorney, Adam Smith. ``She loved him. She thought he was like a son.''
Handelsman died in 2003 at age 79 without ever realizing she had lost about $900,000, said Smith, who struck a confidential settlement on behalf of her estate.
With complaints mounting, Gross was allowed to resign from the brokerage ''for conduct inconsistent with firm policies and standard business practices,'' industry records state.
But it wasn't so easy to move to his next firm. When he reapplied with the state to work at Axiom -- a standard requirement -- regulators began an inquiry.
Numerous investors were interviewed and hundreds of documents inspected by the state, but no actions were taken -- even though lawyers for a half-dozen investors managed to settle more than $1 million in claims with UBS.
Instead of stopping Gross, the state agreed in 2003 to allow him to continue selling stocks. But regulators required him to be placed under ''heightened supervision'' -- a form of self-monitoring in which the brokerage takes responsibility for a broker's actions.
However, the supervising broker put in charge of Gross, David V. Siegel, had troubles of his own.
In the late 1990s, Siegel was censured, fined and suspended by out-of-state regulators for charging consumers unfair prices, records show. The day his supervisory duties began, he was in personal bankruptcy.
The state's decision to allow Gross to continue as a broker proved costly.
Over the next four years, dozens of Axiom customers -- some recruited at the synagogue -- claimed they lost millions of dollars in personal investments turned over to Gross, in some cases their life savings.
At least 23 customers alleging a host of misdeeds -- including fraud, mispresentation, excessive trading and falsifying statements -- lost at least $10 million, according to industry records.
Henry Drabin, 81, who survived the Nazis at Buchenwald, and his wife, Rosalind, 75, said they met Gross in late 2005 at a Boca Raton scholarship fundraiser.
They told Gross about the experience in the concentration camp ''because we wanted him to know how hard it was to accumulate that money,'' Rosalind Drabin recalled. ``He said he'd take care of us because of that.''
The couple invested $1 million with the broker -- requesting their money go into conservative investments.
Instead, Gross plowed their savings into highly speculative penny stocks and private investments -- reaping ''outrageous'' commissions, arbitration records state.
''In six months, I lost half of my portfolio,'' Rosalind Drabin said. ``I was lucky I pulled out when I did.''
Other investors accused Gross of falsifying account statements.
Sheila Kramer of Deerfield Beach said that when she pressed Gross about losses on monthly statements, he would cross out figures, saying the numbers were wrong. ''He would put in much higher [numbers] than what was stated,'' she said. 'He said, `Just trust me.' ''
By October 2006, investors had begun to file a flurry of claims against the brokerage, alleging breakdowns in supervision and illegal practices by Gross.
Not only did the Drabins press a complaint against the brokerage, they went after Gross personally.
Last November, an arbitration panel awarded them $418,000 in punitive damages against him, concluding that he ''manifested a reckless and gross disregard'' toward the Drabins.
That same day, Gross filed for bankruptcy, halting all claims and further upsetting past clients.
Coral Springs attorney Scott Silver, who represents a dozen former investors, said his clients have been devastated by the turn of events.
''You're talking about people in their 60s and 70s and 80s who trusted him and had their life savings taken away,'' Silver said. ``You're talking about their ability to buy better healthcare, take vacations, all the things you do in your retirement.''
Amid the mounting complaints, Gross resigned from Axiom last year, with the firm settling numerous claims for nearly $3.8 million.
''There were all sorts of allegations, even forging documents,'' said Axiom's New York lawyer, Ted Krebsbach. ``We listened, and we settled a lot of cases.''
A review of records by The Miami Herald shows that the state failed to enforce its own safeguards when it allowed Gross to keep trading.
No follow-up was carried out to ensure that Axiom was complying with the terms of the heightened supervision. And as customer complaints piled up, state examiners never took note.
State officials say it was up to the brokerage to inform them of problems. ''I'm not aware that any examination actually came up because of the fact of customer complaints not being received by us,'' said William Reilly, chief of Florida's Bureau of Securities Regulation.
Siegel refused to comment.
Silver and other lawyers put the blame squarely on the state. ''The writing was on the wall that Gary Gross was going to take advantage of his customers, but they gave him his license and he went out and did this again,'' Silver said.
Florida regulators have not taken action against Axiom or Siegel. But after talking with a Miami Herald reporter last month, state examiners said they would now investigate.
Last June, Gross began working for a new firm, Arjent Ltd. in Manhattan, but at his bankruptcy deposition, he said the firm fired him in January for a lack of production.
Bankruptcy lawyers are now hoping to find some of the money that Gross made. But he says nothing is left, aside from his home and personal property that he valued at a combined $2.7 million -- assets that can't be touched by creditors.
Under oath, he said he spent more than $1 million in the past 18 months, including money going to support his adult sons and for his own household expenses.
But his credit-card bills show that he paid for everything from iTunes downloads to $500-a-night rooms at the Loews Regency in Manhattan.
Gross testified that he even bought a new set of teeth for his mother-in-law.
''Millions of dollars going out the window,'' he said, leafing through American Express card statements as lawyers watched. ``You're trying to get blood from a stone. You can try all you want. There's nothing there.''
Kolko sold his house in Flatbush and moved to Lakewood. He's davening in Rabbi Gissinger's shul.
Is Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon taking his finger slipping to the next level?
First Lipa Margulies' is allowed to open a yeshiva in Lakewood. Then Yaakov Applegrad moved to Lakewood and now Torah Temimah's star rebbe/principal/pedophile moves to Lakewood.
I sense a pattern.
There was a b.t. davening at Bobov in Toronto who stole information from a former partnership to take their clients.
The guy is a weasel in every which way. His wife would show up after maariv on Shabbos / Yomtov, ostensibly to walk him home. They would then tag along after the rosh kollel, R' Shia, to get a free meal out of him.
Sholomo Gissinger
(732) 364-8723
170 Sunset Rd
Lakewood, NJ 08701
I've been told that there is a film of the presentations by Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer, David Mandel and David Pelcovitz. They are being prepared to go up on YouTube over the next few days.
There were many praises for the presentation conducted by Pelcovitz, even though there was no discussion about reporting crimes committed against children to the police.
I heard the highlight of the evening was David Mandel's lack of knowledge of needing to report suspicions and allegations sex crimes to legal authorities. I find this shocking considering he is the CEO of a mental health agency in New York, that is supposed to specialize working with "at risk" youth.
It was interesting to watch rabbi Gottlieb go through all the questions to pick out the ones he thought would be acceptable. There were a few times he handed the cards to rav Hopfer and or Newberger for approval. I really wish I could see the questions that were rejected.
No, I'm not trying to smell the armpit of the putz next to me. UOJ has me looking over my shoulder.
Kolko sold his house in Flatbush and moved to Lakewood. He’s davening in Rabbi Gissinger’s shul.
Has Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon taken his “finger slipping” to the next level?
First Lipa Margulies is allowed to open a branch of Torah Temimah in Lakewood. Then Yaakov Applegrad moves to Lakewood and now Torah Temimah’s star rebbe/principal/pedophile follows and moves to Lakewood.
I sense a pattern here.
I'm surprised UOJ hasn't yet posted the names of the minyan+ of molesters who daven in my shul. It's the least I can do while heading the Baltimore Vaad Ha-Ra-Banim.
I have a tough job that deserves $330,000 in salary. I have to take all these pre-screened softball questions about molesters and come up with a vague non-answer.
While you're at it, ask Rabbi Gissinger about the Kyo restaurant scandal under his hashgocho in Monsey and why Lichtenstein had to blackmail the beis din on his behalf when they found out what he was doing.
And then about the infestation that Bodek broccoli had when he was supposed to be on top of it.
What a Putz! Kolko will now join the "March of the Cafones" while commuting from Lakewood to court in Downtown Brooklyn and back.
Maybe he figures he'll got locked up at the prison outside Fort Dix near Lakewood. It will be easier for Edith to drive over there than fighting traffic from Flatbush to Rikers Island.
If I had mega-millions I would subsidize every ticket to this concert and make it standing room only. Even though I think LIPA is a putz.
Who did Kolko sell his house to and whose house did he buy in Lakewood?
Wednesday, February 20th 2008, 4:00 AM
A Brooklyn man who escaped to Brazil after being nabbed in $1.7 million scams is back in New York to face justice on charges dating back nearly 20 years.
Tuvia Stern, who jumped bail in 1989, was locked up without bail Tuesday by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Laura Ward.
"Quite frankly, based on his history, I don't see any amount of bail that would secure [Stern's] return to court," Ward said.
Stern, who was brought back to New York on Sunday, had been fighting extradition since being detained in December 2006 while trying to enter England.
Stern and his brother, Ephraim, were accused in June 1989 of stealing $1.7million through a pair of scams that targeted Bell Atlantic Systems Leasing and Morgan Guaranty Trust Co.
While out on $250,000 bail, Tuvia Stern fled to Brazil with his wife and five children.
His older brother, meanwhile, was sentenced to 3-1/2 to 10-1/2 years in prison.
But Tuvia Stern couldn't manage to avoid trouble even in Brazil, where prosecutors said he was jailed for two years and nine months for his part in an insurance fraud scheme.
Yitzchak Wineberg, a Rabbi at one Vancouver synagogue, said Radler also "cares deeply for his aged mother who is in a nursing home on the east coast" of the United States, who "will never see her son again."
TORONTO - Harsh words for David Radler from the judge in Conrad Black's fraud sentencing have moved the star prosecution witness to reinforce his image in hopes of keeping the lenient sentence agreed to in his plea bargain.
Radler's lawyers have submitted dozens of letters in his support to Judge Amy St. Eve since Monday when Black - Radler's former business partner - was sentenced to six and a half years in prison for fraud and obstruction of justice.
In the filing, the lawyers characterized Radler as a "kind, decent and generous... deeply religious man... who devotes himself to his family and cares for his community, friends and employees, in contrast to his public persona of a tough businessperson."
Radler, 65, was Black's right-hand man at Hollinger International. He agreed to testify against Black and three other former executives in exchange for a 29-month sentence and a $250,000 fine.
Where in Brooklyn are the Stern brother ganovim from?
A congressman and critic of human rights abuses in China is urging a federal probe into the origin of Chinese corpses put on display at "Bodies" shows, including one at the Carnegie Science Center.
Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J., is asking the House Foreign Affairs Committee to investigate the source of the preserved cadavers that strike various poses. He is asking for a moratorium on the wildly popular exhibitions, and is calling for the U.S. attorney general to investigate.
The move follows an ABC News "20/20" investigation that alleged that a black market of bodies in that country led to the inclusions of some executed prisoners in shows sponsored by Premier Exhibitions. Mr. Smith plans to draft legislation that would require a group of experts to verify the identity of each body on display.
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has started a probe on the human body exhibits.
Shas official suspected of indecent acts
Head of Histadrut Labor Federation's welfare division questioned by police on suspicion of sexual harassment. Both Shas, Histadrut suspend official pending outcome of investigation
Avi Cohen Published: 02.21.08
Shas' David Yifrach, head of the Histadrut Labor Federation's welfare division was taken in for police questioning Thursday, after being suspected of sexual harassment and of performing indecent acts on three of his female office employees.
Along with Yifrach, the police questioned a municipal rabbi from central Israel, suspected of obstruction of justice.
In late November 2007, the Histadrut's chief legal counsel, Attorney Alon Levin, received an anonymous letter by a woman, detailing sexual harassment allegedly performed by Yifrach in plain view of several of his female subordinates.
Levin, who also serves as the Histadrut's sexual harassment ombudsman, spoke with the witnesses mentioned in the letter, but did not forwards the matter to the police.
Several weeks ago, a woman filed an official complaint against Yifrach, which led to a police investigation in his matter. The woman alleged that Yifrach exposed himself in front of her as well as touched her genitals.
Her complaint led the police to other women who were allegedly subjected to similar behavior by Yifrach. According to police suspicion, this went on for quite a long time, since the women – fearing they will lose their jobs – chose not to press charges.
Shas officials told Ynet that Yifrach was suspended from all duties in the party as soon as it learned of the allegations, later calling on Histadrut Chairman Ofer Eini to do the same.
Yifrach, who categorically denied all charges against him, has been on leave of absence from the Histadrut since November.
Although I generally agree with you, on this topic I can not.
I have been to some of these concerts, and frankly, there is quite alot of bad things taking place.
Even people who pay their mortgages are in trouble.
ABC News joins Agudah Fressers in failing to report abuse.
Colmo the Homo is due in court again on Monday morning. He of course could not post the $10 million bond or $5 million in cash because he has no family ties to the corrupt Agudah Fresser establishment.
Mutterperl, for whom the establishment raised $1 million cash in a matter of hours, had an uneventful court appearance on Feb 5th. He's due back in court again on March 17th.
"Joel" Kolko will be commuting in from Fakewood for his criminal case on March 31st.
In the case of John Doe #5 against Kolko & Margo, a notice of intent was filed on Feb. 15th. The judge will rule on a "note of issue" this coming erev Shabbos, with no court appearance by the parties required.
The judged ruled for "open appearance" in August after a motion which may mean that Margo & Avi Moskowitz tried to close the proceedings to the public.
Another motion is scheduled to be heard in April right before bedikas chometz. This is presumably a stunt by Margo, timed to ensure that newspaper reports will go unnoticed.
I wonder if UOJ knows why I filed a description of zoning for this property:
1561-52ND STREET
RECORDED / FILED: 9/28/2007 1:24:20 PM
If you check the City's Acris database, you'll see that I satisfied my 2 mortgages with Greenpoint & Bank of America in June. But I aint tellin' you yentas how much I sold my house for. La la kishkas!
1249 E 22nd St Brooklyn NY 11210
1,817 sq ft
Recently Sold: $998,500
If you want to see who Kolko sold his house to, register for free at this website. I'm too busy to do it right now.
Kolko is a rotten egg because I got more for my house than he did.
DEED RECORDED / FILED: 4/17/2007 10:09:39 AM
(Sold to) PARTY 2
Me and Applegrad owned a house together that we sold in 2003.
Someone named Sarah X posted on the Beliefnet forum hinting that Anthony Weiss of The Forward is investigating Leib Tropper.
Can the readers please identify Leib Pinter's criminal relatives & associates?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------X 04 CV 4971 (NG) (MDG)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------X ORDER
Crossclaim Plaintiff,
Crossclaim Defendants.
GERSHON, United States District Judge
He filed a counter-lawsuit against Fannie Mae for failing to stop him from perpetrating his own fraud. Judge Nina Gershon of course threw out his ridiculous suit on Oct. 22, 2007.
"I learned how a politically well-connected Brooklyn rabbi named Leib Pinter put together ..."
This book adds some interesting details about the tarfus that Pinter passed off as kosher. The baloney was putrid and the kids were given sour milk to wash it down with.
1249 East 22nd St was sold to Dr. Elliott & Vera Fuhrer. Der Fuhrer is a Gastroenterologist who has practiced in Pittsburgh, Manhattan & Boro Park (not far from Jacob Perlow). Der Fuhrer had been living at 189 WEST 89TH on the Upper West Side and commuting to his office at 1332 44th St in Brooklyn.
His subspecialty is treating Agudah Fressers suffering gaseous discharges after large meals.
dear UOJ
while i also agree with you on most topics i would like an answer to a major question
that has bothered me since the hasc concert and ohel concert extravaganzas
how much does the entertainer and producer get
i am told sheya mendelowitz gets upwards of 25 thousand and lipa gets 15 thouisand
if this is true do you still want us to go
does anyone have a picture of naomi mauer from the jewish MESS and of zev lewinson(monsey) from ORA? please post it or send it to uoj to post.
Together with Isidore Eichenthal (of 1615 47th St) , he buys a Williamsburg property at 157 Division Ave from Joseph Wilhelm (of 1133 East 10th)
The mortgage for his house at 506 East 7th St was paid off in 1988. He then took out a bunch of additional mortgages and lines of credit that by 2005 had grown to $167,000. He managed to pay off the whole thing by Oct. 30th, 2007, no doubt with help from his "ventures" with Bryks, Fuchs & Mendel Epstein.
On Nov. 28th, 2007, he bought a house in North Flushing, Queens (147th St & 43rd Ave) with a quarter million mortgaged.
Does anyone here know the name of the secular studies principal at Torah Temima?
dear UOJ
while i also agree with you on most topics i would like an answer to a major question
that has bothered me since the hasc concert and ohel concert extravaganzas
how much does the entertainer and producer get
i am told sheya mendelowitz gets upwards of 25 thousand and lipa gets 15 thouisand
if this is true do you still want us to go
I do not know what the producer and the entertainers get for their work. I do believe that they are entitled to earn an honest parnassah with their skills and talents. These concerts take up to a year of preparation sometimes for 20 hours at a clip. They afford the olam a chance to enjoy themselves with their families in an environment that I believe is wholesome, surrounded by fellow frum Yidden. There may be some other things that are going on...I am not aware of what Chaim said are "bad things." "Bad things" can happen anywhere.
Large sums of money are provided to tzeddakah from these events; of course after the expenses are paid.
Are you aware that in practically all Jewish organizations, at most - 20 cents on the dollar goes for tzeddakah while the balance wind up as salaries, overhead - and God knows where else this money goes to?
Does Lakewood disclose where their millions of dollars of fundraising goes? Does Torah (scam) Temimah disclose?
Ultimately, the decision is yours.
How could Adolph Belsky on his meager salary from the OU and Torah Vodaath, with all his large expenses have paid off such a debt of $167,000. plust interest in one lump sum? The answer is that he gets paid loads of cash in green paper money under the table as bribery money for his corrupt beis din decisions and for extorting litigants with his vile threats, which he believes he does not need to report to the government because they wont find out, just as he believed that he need not report that Kolko was molesting tens and tens of kids every summer at Camp Aguda and then later at Camp Menuval.
Adolph Israel Belsky should end his years rotting in prison.
LEIB PINTER; SHAINDY PINTER (Leib's rebbitzen who is head of Masores Bais Yaakov and daughter of Chaim Berlin rosh yeshiva Rav Shurkin); BARRY
PINTER (otherwise known as Leib's brother "Shmeckel"); FAGIE PINTER (Shmeckel's rebbitzen); ABE DONNER (long time Pinter associate who is rumored to put Pinter properties in his name when Pinter is banned by Federal authorities); ZESHA
AUERBACH (See here http://www.nysscpa.org/trustedprof/1098/36.html an accountant thrown out of by CPA governing body for bringing discredit to the profession); ALAN BRAUN; ALAN J. BRAUN &
COMPANY (seems to be another corrupt CPA); MARCUS PINTER (possibly the 3rd Pinter brother from Boro Park); KAHAL SHOMREI
HADATH (See this article: http://galvestondailynews.com/story.lasso?ewcd=e0caf85232724662c8545f57966c90b3 It's a fraudulent Pinter org set up as a charity that claims to help poor minorities find housing when it actually scams them. Based at 1340 E 9TH ST which is probably the same address as Shmeckel's kollel); PATTY TRINDAD; BARRING SHIELDS
PINTER; MOISHE PINTER (Leib's son who Leib installed as 9th grade rebbe in Mirrer yeshiva); BASI NIERENBERG (Shmeckel's daughter);
TOVA TAUB (Leib's daughter); CHAIM TAUB (Leib's son in law known as Shmuel who Leib landed a job on the Fartscroll Shas / Rishonim team); ZVI PINTER (Leib's son); MALKE
PINTER (Leib's daughter in law nee Tress from Monsey); MOISHE M. PINTER; ESTHER PINTER (Herzl's Kranz's daughter?); YOSSIE
Leib's son in law has a divorced brother Shimon Taub, a Fartscroll author who was married to a Kirshenbaum. These may be relatives from before the divorce.
I wonder if Dr. Elliott Fuhrer is related to the infamous Moishie Fuhrer who has a criminal record in several states. In New York, he was part of a gang that found out who was going to chassunos & levayos and broke into their homes to rob them. He was also passing off bad checks around Brooklyn.
Hey Yisroel Belsky, Go hang yourself again, and don't get caught.
It's not clear if there was an actual dispute the Pinters had in recent months with their lawyer Jonathan Stein or if it was a stalling tactic but they filed motions in front of Judge Marilyn Go (who also presides in the Kolko case) that they want to fire him.
I wonder if fat Margo is really picking up the tab for everyone's legal fees or if Applecrap & Cocoa had to move to Lakewood out of financial necessity to pay their lawyers.
The two scum probably moved into new homes worth 500 grand. That's a nice dividend considering Cocoa's cashing out at one million and Applecrap getting $1.11 million in Brooklyn.
He didn't hand over all the documents to Federal investigators as ordered. When he got caught, he tried to claim attorney-client privilege. Judge Go ruled against him in August 2007.
Jasmine Lakes properties is a Pinter company based on Ave J that does business in Florida. It's run for them by an architect named Itamar Goldenholtz.
P&G is a Pinter company. The plaintiff is a consulting company that specializes in going after scam artists. The Tort Putz may have more information about this.
Balmer v. P&G Realty Associates LLC et al
Plaintiff: Karen Kincaid Balmer
Defendant: P&G Realty Associates LLC and Flatbush Ave. Townhouses LLC
Case Number: 1:2008cv00539
Filed: February 8, 2008
Court: New York Eastern District Court
Office: Brooklyn Office [ Court Info ]
County: Kings
Presiding Judge: Judge Nina Gershon
Referring Judge: Magistrate Judge Marilyn D. Go
Nature of Suit: Torts - Property - Other Fraud
Even I have my limits. Now the Pinter clan crooks who work for me at Artscroll want paid vacation days for all their court appearances!
The extended Pinter family took out an ad a few years ago in the Mirrer dinner journal after Leib made sure Moishy was made a rebbe in the high school. They lauded Moishy as being mamshich his family's tradition of "Torah". The gullible yeshiva has been swallowing some BS story spoonfed to them by Pinter that he's being unfairly targeted for some accounting procedures.
Pinter eidim Chaim Shmuel Taub got into Brisk after the chossonna. I was one of the people wondering how its possible he didn't know what a dirtbag his shver is and if he did the shidduch for the (ganvenna) money.
Belsky's buddy, child molester Ephraim Bryks bought the house he lives in on 116th St in Queens in 2006 for $650,000. Half a million of that is mortgaged. In 2007 he bought a commercial property a block or two away for an unknown sum but the mortgage is over $1 million.
Maybe he could use some of his largesse to pay his victims.
By the way, does anyone know how Bryks is connected to Rabbi Simcha Fishbane? They have a transaction listed where one gives the other power of attorney.
You should check out thr ACRIS database for all kinds of unusual transactions with Aryeh Ralbag. He had built up close to $1 million in mortgage obligations which he payed off in 2005 before suddenly taking out a new set of big mortgages.
There are no Lakewood purchases in years by anyone named Kolko.
'Al Sh'Hitarta, Issarti!' On what you (HaShem) have made permissible, I have made it forbidden! (T'fillas Zakkah)
Reading this Azhara Chamura in its original form in LaShon Kodesh, it states literally:
"Already, many G'dolei Yisroel here and in the United States, have protested against this matter....."
Didn't this Azhara originate in the U.S.? Isn't it signed by American 'G'dolim'? Or, is the literary style as bad as the 'Da'as Torah' of the Azhara?
Paid $528,400 for a brand new, new construction house at 23 Washington Ave in Lakewood bought from Somerset which is a Ruby Schron / Ralph Zucker company.
It seems that Eli Zaks himself did the title at Madison. Chana Pam was the notary public as noted on the PDF scan of the document.
Closing attorney was Michael Levin.
Boys girls and married women beware of this sexual pervert.
Working for him places you in a great danger of becoming a victim of his molestations.
The PROTEST AGAINST L I P A is because he is straight and doesn't contribute and raise money for GAY politicians.
Now that i got myself a few quiet minutes i will indulge in parsing through the who's who of signatories on this holy ban against the MSG concert. I will use either personal knowledge or widely publicized facts only:
The 1st signer is the pre-eminent Skulener who most likely signed on the advice of advisors. Intersting how a popular rabbi of the hungarian masses held his tongue on most matters of life-and-death importance and found only the strength to take on the supposed ant-christ Lipa Shmeltzer. A man of sterling integrity who has down more for the sick and downtrodden of all types of jewry than the Yad L'Achim of Skulen will do in 150 years. The rebbe cannot be taken to task on this one due to his infirmity and age.
Rabbi Shechter of Chaim Berlin probably would not of signed had he known he would be in the company of Belsky.
Shmuel Kaminetzky, with all his good intentions, has not proven to be a man of integrity and leadership. Case in point his disastrous handling of MULTIPLE rabbinic molestation cases and his soft positions on that matter as espoused at the failed mechanchim forum in Flatbush which is available on tape for those who want to hear for themselves.
Dovid Feinstien, a venerable mench and Rav, was mislead before like in the incident of showing up in New Hempstead for a rally/meeting in support of Mordy Tendler.
The Perlow guy, who epitomizes the old vort on Pnei Hador K'Pnei Hakelev. He cowardly will refrain from taking any positon on any matter of importance, other than this AIS LA'ASOS of stopping this concert. The majority of HASC and Ohel (2 privately run businesses - one with a rap sheet full of in house molesters the length of the Battery Tunnel) concert worshippers are of the Noviminsker class of jewish zombies. If Kolko was not his problem "cause its in Flatbush and my throne is in Boro Park" when dear rabbi was the Garden moved to Boro Park? And since this ban is international doesn't that violate your own rule of isolationism.
Satmar is a blot on any person so we will skip these Talabanis today. We move on over the heads of the Stamars so they wont be distracted from dealing with the upcoming Purim Parties in Monroe and outside of Willy where Satmar ladies get together and masquerade in skimpy costumes covering less and revealing more than Britney Spears at her prime while and occasional guy drops by "unintentinaly" for a bit of fraternizing. All the while the frummer men are watching tv or at ball games and the braver ones are sharing drinks IN ALL KINDS OF BARS. But LIPA Shmeltzer, he is a SHAIGATZ! He probably even went to the kottel and even definately sang for the Nachal Charedi! And who gave him the right to co-op the name Lipa. We have a monopoly on it! (Truth be told, on an average shabbos you will find more ex-frummies in 18th avenue park doing joints and somoking on Shabbos going by the name LIPA than any other name. One even styles like a skinhead, nebech. From what we know from active askonim the majority of these boys are victims of rabbinic molestation and vicious abuse.)
Kotler is probably the man who can do the most to stop the epidemic of rabbinical sexual abuse, yet has publicly remained deaf, dumb and mute. For this he gets to host Yudi Kolko for the forseeable future until thay can this guy in Rikers. Your talmidim would be better off at the convention. One night less of intercouple partying in the Lakewood Kingdom.
Matti Solomon, I don't have the heart to lift the carpet from over this dust mite. Google "An open letter to Rabbi Solomon - Kolko" and u will have more info than u can read in a weeks time.
I cannot claim to know much about the next 4 wise men signing on the ban. I don't recall any of them signing a ban against exposing children to known molesters in schools or encouraging 1 to go to the cops. Rabbi Green did however sign against Mordy Tendler and let the record state to that effect.
If u r reading this u surely know more about Belsky than what I can cram into 1 paragraph. The shyster and menuval terrorized the one parent and askan of Yeshiva Torah Temima who had the testicular fortitute to stand up against the systemic coverup. Adolph Belsky is putting it mildly, UOJ.
LIPA MARGOLIS YEMACH SHEMO, klal yisroel has never had a mamzer chutzif like u who dared masquerade as a rabbi. U give the word Jew a bad rap by still being alive. U spent about 50 years of your miserable life putting the health, wellfare and wellbieng of yeddishe neshomas at risk so Yudi Kolko could get off on them. You knowingly destroyed countless yiddishe neshomas for the sake of linning your pockets and building your phoney prestige. But it is g-d's will that you will be brought down together with your yeshiva and the agudah and u all will be allocated to the dust bin of history like so many other murderers of young jewish souls. Only Mengele had more blood on his hands.
Ehrenfeld will achievr relevancy if and when he will sign for anything meaningfull other than the occasional shnorrer breivel. If his piousness keeps him out of general issues of importance, this was definately the wrong time to rear your head.
Dayan Tauber of Bobov 48 was the leadinf force in the Shlomo Hafner scandal and coverup. He is also responsible for other career mechanchem turn career sexual predatoers being on the street today. The case of the Molester at the Menashe Klien Mikva and the cases of little boys from the bobover cheder commiting suicide comes to mind at once. This arrogant grandstanding piece of work is the poster boy for powerfull rabbis who put money, fame and power before Tinokois Shel Bais Rabom who were sexualy abused and raped. Shame on u, C.Y. Your day of rekonning will come too. Just wait till the molesters u covered for come up next on the UOJ roster.
The Rav of Gur has failed miserably in handling the high profile molestation cases in his corner. He would be better off in ash and sack cloth for eternity. What prompted him to come out of hiding and sign this ban is beyond comprehension. Wait till he has his hands full dealing with the stinking perverts UOJ brings back from Israel and the court begins to investigate those who aided and abetted his sick congregants.
Belz is an active and progressive cult that has managed to attain leadership in community affairs and might have had genuine concerns about this concert.
Rubin of Bobov 45 has a lot of explaining to do as to why a concert is more "bannable" than going to secular court for a piece of the bobov prize. And what did he do to stop the sexual perverts in bobov.
Skver is too busy creating bigger and badder chilul hashem incidents. If Hillary Clinton would sing in New Square while in a bikini they would all turn out and clap along. But Lipa, now that is true toeva.
What is Nitra? A type of gas? a chemical combustion post chullent? Sorry, I draw a blank on that one.
Avrohom Schorr would asser breathing if he could. Wrong prority buddy.
Pupa! The name speaks for itself. High Flying Filth!
Tune in next week for an in depth preview of the aguda porn stars featured at the next Siyum Ha'Shas to be held at................................................MSG of course! Where else? If Margo lives to see the day he will be saying kaddish for the poor deceased Kolko.
Last Name: ROTHSTEIN Ethnicity: Not Hispanic
First Name: DANIEL Height: 5'11"
Middle Name: E Weight: 180
DOB: Feb 21, 1949 Hair: Brown
Sex: Male Eyes: Hazel
Risk Level: 2 Corr. Lens: NO
Reported Address: 2 WEBSTER AVE 3H
Date Arrest Agency Suprv. Agency Victim Sex/Age
Dec 3, 1990 NYCPD Sex Offender Unit NYS Division of Parole Unknown, Younger than 11 years
Male, 5 Years
Unknown, Younger than 11 years
Is this sex offender from 555 Ocean Pkwy instead of 455?
Last Name: KRASOVSKY Ethnicity: Not Hispanic
First Name: JOSEPH Height: 5'03"
Middle Name: Weight: 220
DOB: Nov 11, 1952 Hair: Brown
Sex: Male Eyes: Blue
Risk Level: 2 Corr. Lens: YES
Reported Address: 455 OCEAN PARKWAY 10G
City: BROOKLYN State: NY
Date Arrest Agency Suprv. Agency Victim Sex/Age
Apr 27, 1992 New Jersey State Police - Sex Offender Registry Male, 9 Years
Female, 13 Years
Offense Description:
Actual, MoreThanOnce Deviate Sexual Intercourse
Actual, MoreThanOnce Sexual Contact
Is this guy ever ugly looking
Last Name: ROSEN Ethnicity: Not Hispanic
First Name: SHIMON Height: 5'06"
Middle Name: Weight: 125
DOB: Apr 29, 1969 Hair: Brown
Sex: Male Eyes: Green
Risk Level: 3 Corr. Lens: YES
Reported Address: 4 LEON DR
City: MONSEY State: NY
Date Arrest Agency Suprv. Agency Victim Sex/Age
Sep 3, 1991 Ramapo Town Police Department Rockland County Probation Male, 12 Years
Male, 7 Years
Offense Description:
Actual Deviate Sexual Intercourse
Relationship to victim: Stranger
Check out entries for Applegrad with the Ocean County Clerk. He bought a piece of land last year at 12 Cedar Dr and for the last decade he snapped up a bunch of houses for his kids.
Just got word that this Lipa concert has been canceled.
Concert Organizers caved to the Talibaner "Rabbi's.
Shame on you. You allowed yourself to get Louimasized by a bunch of low-lives.
UOJ asked me to enter the race to siphon votes away from Hillary & Obama.
He is from Boro Park. He's an accountant on 57th St. Balmer consultants are trying to nail him for accounting fraud in helping the rest of the Pinter clan.
Chassidishe Pedophile Robert Sternberg from the Kaser section of Monsey has a picture posted for the first time
DOB: Jun 17, 1948 Hair: Gray
Sex: Male Eyes: Blue
Risk Level: 3 Corr. Lens: YES
Reported Address: 11 MAPLE LEAF RD
City: MONSEY State: NY
Offense Description:
Actual, MoreThanOnce Deviate Sexual Intercourse
Actual, MoreThanOnce Sexual Contact
Actual, MoreThanOnce Promoting/Possessing Sexual Performance by a Child
Today it is the banning and resultant cancellation of the Lipa concert.
Tomorrow they will come out with a ban on all Uncle Moshy concerts. You laugh?
Lach, breedele, lach. The laugh is on you. It's gonna happen and you'll probably all bend in submission. After all, es ken noch shatten tzu a Shiddech.
Little (3, 4, 5, 6, 7 year old)yingerlich and maidelech sitting together, Vey! Whos nows what long-term negative effect this could have on their future hashkofos? Gevalt! They could become Children At Risk!
It's sick out there and getting sicker.
Good post above, Anon. Bullseye.
7-1/2 weeks to the Shabbos Hagodol D-Roshos from these Drek Tinof Tinofsim.
"One night less of intercouple partying in the Lakewood Kingdom."
This for the most part stopped about 10 years ago. The yeshiva stopped taking guys from known "party" yeshivos about 15 to 20 years ago that were prone to this sort of thing. No more moderne guys from NIRC, Ner Moshe, etc. There was still a big problem with a real rowdy bunch from Shtockfeigel's yeshiva in Long Beach and the occasional party animals from Mir Israel & Lakewood East. The yeshiva cracked down on these free spirits with a fury. They even went so far as to interrogate the organizer of exercise gym rental for men only.
The demographics now set the pace as there are so many guys coming back from prime yeshivos like the 3 Brisks and who are much more greasy than the average yeshiva guy in Lakewood of 10 to 20 years ago.
What's the story with Bobover cheder boys being meaved atzmam al hadaas? I never heard that terrible story before.
"What is Nitra?"
No blank stares here. Rabbi Weissmandel is in bed with Sholom Rubashkin & Menachem Lubinsky. He's also the posek for the corrupt OK Labs which is why Levy paid for the new beis medrash in Nitra Monsey.
And ask around the kashrus industry how Weissmandel stabbed R' Chaim Kohn in the back and got Rubashkin to prohibit him from stepping foot in Postville. Then there are the dayanim on the Crown Heights beis din (not the ones on Rubashkins payoff list) that call Weissmandel a "shakran".
According to R' Yudel Shain, Sabra Salads took Weissmandel as the new hashgocho because he will allow any heterim for the right $$ price $$.
The Chaleiner rov, R' Fishel Hershkowitz is an adam gadol ad meod. A tremendous talmid chochom & tzaddik who is about 100 years old. Unfortunately, he has been known to be duped into approving somethings.
I'd like to hear anon's take on the Hungarian losers in Vizhnitz.
Yeshiva World:
There has been much talk regarding the Kol Koreh issued by Gedoley Yisroel banning the “Big Event Concert”. Rumors were being spread as to the status of the massive show - which was scheduled for March 9 in Madison Square Garden.
Many people were questioning us why we did not post anything. YWN had consulted with leading Gedolim, and we were instructed not to post anything regarding this issue until now.
Yeshiva World has just spoken to Lipa Schmeltzer (Motzei Shabbos 5:45AM EST) and he has informed us that he will not be singing at the “Big Event Concert”. This decision was reached after he consulted with Daas Torah, and talking to leading Gedoley Yisroel.
Lipa Schmeltzer must be publicly commended for listening to the words and wisdom of true Gedoley Yisroel.
Lipa tells YWN that many people have had issues with the type of material that he has been singing during his career. He always chose to ignore the requests of some of his fans to change his style of singing. Although he did have certain standards that he always kept (never singing for mixed crowds), he many time decided to follow the customers requests - and sing questionable tunes.
Lipa now has decided to make a big change. He has decided to turn over a leaf, and will be changing his entire style of music. He has decided that he does not think that the current style of Jewish music is apropos for Frum people to be listening to.
The past week has been very tough for Lipa and his family. Tough decisions have been made. Major decisions. Decisions about money. Decisions about his future. But Lipa has made the correct decision.
Lipa has met with many Gedoley Yisroel in the past two days, and spent countless hours talking to them. He has decided to forfeit a large sum of money by not singing this concert - and instead chose Daas Torah.
We are sure that Hashem will pay him back double for making the correct decision, and being Mikadesh Shem Shomayim!
Lipa also tells us that he is very concerned that there will be a backlash at the Rabbonim. He is publicly asking everyone to please refrain from making any accusations against any Rabbonim. “There is no reason for anyone to mix into this business, and everyone should rest assured that this was all done Bishalom”, Lipa said. “I don’t want anyone to talk Lashon Hara and Motzei Shem Ra against anyone - especially the Gedolim whom I have tremendous respect for”.
“I have recently started learning Bichavrusa with a leading Rosh Yeshiva, and I promised him that I will never sing any songs which were composed by non-Jews. Being true to my word, I have sang at more then a dozen Chasuna’s since I made that decision - and I have not sang “Yidden”, “Abi-Mileibt”, or “Numa” (Rabbi Nachman M’uman) or any other song that is questionable as to its origin”, Lipa told YWN.
“People should know that this Kol Koreh and ban against The Big Event was not directed at me personally, but at all concerts in general. The Rabbonim felt the need to put their foot down and attempt to stop all future concerts in NY.”
For any further information regarding the status of the Big Event Concert, please call the concert hotline at 718-873-0888.
With rumors floating around the Internet, VIN News has reached out to Sheya Mendlowitz the producer of the concert who gave us the following statement
"Regardless of what is being said in the name of , Or by Lipa Shmltzer, "until there is a joint statement from, Sheya Mendlowitz, Yisroel Lamm, Lipa Schmeltzer, Shloimie Gertner, & Simchat Tzion the concert is still on". we are all under contract & therefore regardless what you read or hear untill there is a joint statement made, everything remains as is. we hope to resolve this issue very soon." said Sheya.
1: These so called Rabbonim should be investigated under the RICO statutes.
2: If I want to hear a song composed by a non Jew, or if I want to hear a song composed by a non Jew, who are these Rabbis to tell me what to do? After all, every day, I recite (and some people may sing), the Ma - Tovu prayer, composed by a Midianite prophet!!
3:If I want to take my wife or daughter (or granddaughter) to a concert, what halachik basis is there, requiring us to sit in separate sections?
4: My Roshei Yeshiva used to laugh when Purim time came around, and we poked fun at them!!
5: What we all have to do, is ignore these dictators. Let's do what we want to do. Let them all learn how irrelevant they are!
6: I have never listened to Lipa Schmeltzer before, but now, I will!!
7: Every time I attend the Salute to Israel parade, I have to see the Satmars walking around with their Palestinian flags. Let's strike back!! Boycott them!!
The alter Rachmistrivker rebbe was big. Who's this new one?
I just heard from a reliable source that there is another ban coming out by Rabbi Yisroel Belsky against going to the zoo on Chol Hamoed Pesach. He insists that the zoo it is full of shreiklicha pritzus, with mixed crowds of chassidishe men and women standing together with minor children watching pedophile monkeys and apes dancing and swinging together without any clothing, or, watching walruses and seals skinny-dipping without any mechitza.
Rabbi Belsky admits that the last time he went to the zoo he found himself very aroused by all the pritzus and feels that future visits there must be stopped. He is now in the process of drafting a new Kol Koreh on the subject called LO ZOO AF ZOO.
Is this just vintage Eckstein who is full of himself? Or are the gedolim instructing what should be posted on der verbotenna internet?
I thought the issur was over taaruvos. Since when is it over funky nigunim?
If Belsky makes himself into another ZOO RABBI, I might just get the rabbonim to sign a letter against him.
I told you Lipa Schmeltzer would be singing pornographic songs.
Vindicated again!
"even went so far as to interrogate the organizer of exercise gym rental for men only."
The roshei yeshiva had to go through the motions because some greaseballs complained the yungerleit are acting so shrecklach as to get some exercise in a male-only setting rented out exclusively. The roshei yeshiva were told what they needed to hear that doctors told the yungerleit it's for gezunt.
I find Eckstein's account to be pretty odd. While "Yidden" and others are indeed based on Rock songs, one of them is reportedly R' Aron Schechter's favorite niggun by chassunos. Rebbes in the heim have also been known to buy niggunim from goyim. And why haven't the gedolim then banned MBD concerts for the same reason?
It seems like the Bandaid on Shafran's brain is coming loose again.
Refuah shlayme, buddy.
I heard a hilarious one over Shabbos. Ronnie Greenwald is lamenting that he helped start the Monsey bus with the mechitza because the greedy behaymas running it jam in so many people that male & female body parts are interconnecting in very lurid ways with the sheet in between.
Lipa Shmeltzer is small potatoes when you can get sexually gratified on the way to Manhattan every day.
secular studies principal at Torah Temima = Rabbi Hisiger ?
The neighborhood where Belsky bought that house is mostly Chinese although there is a tiny shtiebel with barely a minyan.
Rabbi Simcha Fishbane is a Queens Vaad member. He published part of the Aruch Hashulchan with permission from the mechaber's family. I can't figure out his connection to Bryks.
I actually like the idea that all the dreck is moving to Lakewood. The more the merrier. Hopefully Belsky and Dr. Bungalow Putz will make the move soon.
The original Modzitzer music, especially the "march" music have been heavily influenced by Polish/Russian music.
The greaseballs in Lakewood always needed something to complain about. Dovid Schustal was once koching away that the oylam hot taynas. When someone asked him what the heck he was talking about, he huffed back, ah, you don't even know who the oylam is. When R' Yerucham found out that these idiots didn't even know what they were talking about, he was in a tough spot as to not embarrass them.
"why haven't the gedolim then banned MBD concerts for the same reason?"
Maybe because his son Yeedle Werdyger is a pedophile rapist with a police record. The dayanim in Manchester UK were the only ones who ever banned him.
Shame on the American rabbonim who let him hang around Pesach hotel lobbies with all kinds of vulnerable girls around.
The Agudah Fressers can't even control their own events. Maybe they should ban the siyum Hashas. At the last one in the Javits Center, some chassidishe guy was flashing his privates to women. Hundreds of State Troopers, Hatzolah units and Shomrim couldn't find the putz after he dropped his hoyzen.
Which Hatzolah units were looking for the flasher? Hatzolah posek R' Dovid Cohen and convicted sex offender Steve Zakheim?
Rabbi Dovid Cohen probably wanted to warn the women at the Siyum Hashas that he will do them in if they report the flasher to UOJ.
What do you mean that Rabbi Belsky is banning visits to the Bronx Zoo on Chol Hamoed because there are naked monkeys there? Isn't that where he met his wife?
The Agudah Fressers banned R' Mottel Weinberg from ever speaking again after he criticized the taaruvos in the hallways by the Agudah Fresser Conventions.
It is not true!! Rabbi Belsky did not meet his wife at the Bronx zoo.
He met his wife Miriam at the Prospect Park Zoo.
How did Rabbi Yisroel Belsky attain the position of a rosh yeshiva at Torah Vodaath???
Yisroel Belsky wanted to become a Rosh Yeshiva but could not get the position. So he had an idea, that he felt would work and that was to head to the Prospect Park Zoo (with a shadchan of course) looking for a goose to marry. It was there that he met his wife Miriam sitting by the lake. The shadchan introduced Yisroel Belsky as a well known quack from Torah Vodaath whose beak scratches the ceilings. The shidduch was made and Yisroel Belsky and his new wife goose stepped down to the Chupa. Yisroel Belsky was so happy that night and kept saying "this is like a dream comes true". Yisroel Belsky and his fowl wife were married and as was planned Yisroel Belsky became a rosh yeshiva.
(If you don't understand this story ask your local orthodox rabbi to explain it to you. He should be able to explain it.)
Reading the comments over at YWN on the Lipa concert is enough to make you puke. Have your barf bag at the ready if you want to read 'em.
Eckstein? Gimmee a break. Anyone that wears a lined raincoat in July on the steaming streets of Kings Highway is suspect in my book.
These people have swallowed the Jim Jones Kool-Aid (Whose Hechsher?) all the way down.
Moronic Zombies with atrophied brain cells, marching in lock-step.
Salute! Zeig!
Hopeless and Helpless in Boro Park/Flatbush.
"Dass Toiyreh", my foot. Protectors and enablers of child molestors, pedophiles, and rapists. Blood of the innocents on their money-grubbing hands. Hech$hering food that is treif. Turning a blind eye or saying "I didn't know" to Finkel-Pinkle just like the Nazis said at Nuremburg.
Soliciting money from their puffing like a peacock thieving Mizrach vant Mispallelim that are thisclose to getting a ride up to Otisville or have already served time there.
HI-HO, Frankel-Pankel, you phoney fraud.
Spinka, Skver, Satmar MF--kers's everywhere.
Bobov money-laundering how do you do? Ha-Choo. Man that felt real good goin up my nose.
Perlow, the Novominsker nabob. The ultimate practitioner of NIMBY and ultra-isolationism. Doesn't want to look further than Daled Amos on all sides. He's going to tell me which songs I can sing and to which concerts I can go to? Hey, pal; where did some of that money that went to build your new yeshiva building on 17th and 60th come from? Oh, you didn't know?
You assholes low-life thieves and human destroyers of tyreh kinderlich and pure families that followed you in ernstkeit.
You who are the driving force and enablers of Kolko, Bryks, and Mondrowitz are our "Dass Toiyreh"?
You Mother F--kers are going to tell me which concert I can go to?
F--k You All.
Eli Greenwald is in big trouble again. The nerve of him to be upset that someone dropped his zipper at the Siyum Hashas. That's like being motzee shem ra on the gantz Klal.
Bobov 45 is gonna pay big time for signing the ban. For starters the IRS and NYS tax dept should know a guy sits in the shul all day fencing money through the heilige moisdes and kicking it back in misc. checks after taking enormous fees. Half the guys there over 40 have played this game. Spink has a not so distant cousin in the bobovers when it comes to "mikve gelt".
Leib especially knows that anything he touches turns into Federal investigations and probable indictments & jail time. So why do these Pinter MORONS put down every single Putz in the extended family as a participant.
It's one thing when Leib let all kinds of people take the fall for him and go to jail for the "Bnei Torah" scam, but the lowlife will even do it to his own family?
Incredible how all these Sicko Hungarians like Margo & Pinter act like Arabs.
"CNN has fired one of its producers because of his personal blog. Chez Paziena, the ex-producer, has stated that he started the blog 'mostly to pass the time, hone my writing skills, resurrect my voice a little, and keep my mind sharp following the [brain tumor] surgery.' After a few months, CNN found out about it and ended up letting him go because his 'name was "attached to some, uh, 'opinionated' blog posts" circulating around the internet.'"
his Blog is
Here is one part that seemed rather amusing:
The Sectarian Candidate
What follows is the initial draft of today's (12/6/07) scheduled speech by Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for President of the United States. The purpose of the address will be to allow Mr. Romney the opportunity to explain his Mormon faith to America, in the hope of creating a better understanding and acceptance of the faith's spiritual tenets and practices. The corrections, as well as the notes and instructions in boldface, have been written by Mr. Romney himself except where noted.
My fellow Americans,
You now have two earth minutes to surrender or be destroyed.
I come to you today, not simply as a proud citizen of this country, nor merely as a candidate for President of the United States, but as a man of faith.
There's been some concern over the past few months about my religious beliefs, specifically, questions in regard to the Mormon faith itself. Many Americans want to know what it is, what it stands for, who is behind it, is it just as warm and cuddly as that "Big Love" show, what is its relation to Christianity?
I'm here to tell you that you have nothing to fear -- that the Church of Latter Day Saints has a plan for your life, and that it involves tax evasion and three wives in every home. The church and its storied belief system were founded by the great Prophet Joseph Smith, who, when he wasn't searching for buried treasure, trying to con local hillbillies, or sitting in a jail cell, dedicated his life to pulling a "religion" out of his ass in an effort to rip off his arch-nemesis, the U.S. Governmentspreading the word of the one true God. (Remember to pause dramatically in between one, true and God)
Prophet, Seer and Revelator Smith was the sole vessel for the most recent Testament of Jesus Christ, as told to him by several "angelic beings," including the resurrected prophet known as "Moroni." (The "C" is silent.) These were called hallucinations "Revelations." To make a very long and unbelievably convoluted story short, after transcribing the word of God on a set of mysterious, invisible golden plates, Prophet Smith built a brand new ponzi scheme church from the ground up and took himself and his followers west due mostly to the fact that they were run out of almost every town they tried to settle in, to Utah.
The faith the Prophet founded was special, like no other (insofar as it was, in fact, like every other faith simply because Prophet Smith created it by unimaginatively swiping tenets and concepts from already established religions like Christianity and Judaism). As such, it developed many dupes followers during its formative period -- the lengthy era between the church's inception and its final settlement in Utah.
Along the way, the Prophet was visited by many more visions -- even Jesus stopped by the see him, at one point presenting him with the "New Covenant" (what became known as "The Principle"). This dictated that polygamy was not only condoned, but demanded by God.(Look stern)
David Koresh Joseph Smith of course passed this commandment on to his people -- particularly the women, whose subservience was now nothing less than a holy mandate under pain of eternal torment -- and thus, plural marriage became a staple of this new religion , one that would only be truly abandoned when the entire state of Utah found itself ostracized and excluded from the union, and eventually the government began confiscating everything polygamist families owned.
As it grew, Mormonism became the church of inclusion and equality,unless you were black, gay or a woman which helped to make it the fast-growing faith that it is today.
It also is and always has been a religion of peace (not counting the Mountain Meadows massacre of 1857, in which Mormon militiamen executed hundreds of unarmed men, women and children, then tried to pin it on the local Indians) .
(***Note from Campaign "Technician": Please be aware that Romney-VI will need to be plugged into the charger for at least an extra 20 minutes to remain animated for this length of time.***)
As I stand before you to ask you to elect me to the highest office in the land, I want to reassure you about the warm relationship the Church of Latter Day Saints has always shared with the United States government -- which I hope to be the leader of in the near future. Mormons have always had the utmost respect for the United States when they weren't trying to secede from the union or were arrogantly refusing to recognize the jurisdiction of the U.S. government. And while none of Joseph Smith's insane pronouncements or prophecies ever came true, that's no reason not to believe that Scientology Mormonism is not a legitimate faith -- one that can and should be accepted by both the American people and the government we all hold so dear.
And about faith in general, I must say this...
"There are some who may feel that religion is not a matter to be seriously considered in the context of the weighty threats that face us. If so, they are at odds with the nation's founders, for they, when our nation faced its greatest peril, sought the blessings of the Creator. And further, they discovered the essential connection between the survival of a free land and the protection of religious freedom. In John Adam's words: 'We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our constitution was made for a moral and religious people."** (I like this. Gotta keep it. It'll piss off the bloggers.)
"We separate church and state affairs in this country, and for good reason. No religion should dictate to the state nor should the state interfere with the free practice of religion. But in recent years, the notion of the separation of church and state has been taken by some well beyond its original meaning. They seek to remove from the public domain any acknowledgment of God. Religion is seen as merely a private affair with no place in public life. It is as if they are intent on establishing a new religion in America – the religion of secularism. They are wrong."** (This is great. It'll show those God-haters who believe in all that science. Remember to keep this in.)
To sum up today ladies and gentlemen, let me make one final point about my particular faith -- and it is one which simply cannot be argued with.
The beliefs of Mormons are no more curious...
No more outlandish...
And no more preposterous...
Than than the beliefs of any other faith.
Thank you, and God Bless America.
(**Actual excerpts from Romney's prepared address. By the way, to learn every dirty little secret about the real history of the Church of Latter Day Saints, and its extremist spinter cell, the FLDS, I highly recommend reading Jon Krakauer's excellent 2003 bestseller Under the Banner of Heaven.)
You assholes low-life thieves and human destroyers of tyreh kinderlich and pure families that followed you in ernstkeit.
You who are the driving force and enablers of Kolko, Bryks, and Mondrowitz are our "Dass Toiyreh"?
You Mother F--kers are going to tell me which concert I can go to?
F--k You All.
10:53 PM, February 24, 2008
And the oscar goes to r'boog, for best supporting words.
boog, your language and tone indicate you feel like a loser in the face of the fact that Lipa backed down while admitting publicly that he still retains his respect for the gedolim. I've never seen anyone on this site ever concede to something in such an honorable way as Lipa (the singer) did. You should learn from him instead of spewing your foul mouthpiece!
There is a lot of worry popping up in the media just now -- 'Can Israel Survive?' Don't worry about it. It relates to something that Palestinians, the Arabs, and perhaps most Americans don't realize -- the Jews are never going quietly again. Never. And if the world doesn't come to understand that, then millions of Arabs are going to die. It's as simple as that.
Throughout the history of the world, the most abused, kicked-around race of people have been the Jews. Not just during the holocaust of World War II, but for thousands of years. They have truly been 'The Chosen People' in a terrible and tragic sense.
The Bible story of Egypt's enslavement of the Jews is not just a story, it is history, if festooned with theological legend and heroic epics. In 70 A.D. the Romans, which had for a long time tolerated the Jews -- even admired them as 'superior' to other vassals -- tired of their truculent demands for independence and decided on an early 'Solution' to the Jewish problem. Jerusalem was sacked and reduced to near rubble, Jewish resistance was pursued and crushed by the implacable Roman War Machine -- see 'Masada'. And thus began The Diaspora, the dispersal of Jews throughout the rest of the world.
Their homeland destroyed, their culture crushed, they looked desperately for the few niches in a hostile world where they could be safe. That safety was fragile, and often subject to the whims of moody hosts. The words 'pogrom', 'ghetto', and 'anti-Semitism' come from this treatment of the first mono-theistic people. Throughout Europe, changing times meant sometimes tolerance, sometimes even warmth for the Jews, but eventually it meant hostility, then malevolence. There is not a country in Europe or Western Asia that at one time or another has not decided to lash out against the children of Moses, sometimes by whim, sometimes by manipulation.
Winston Churchill calls Edward I one of England's very greatest kings. It was under his rule in the late 1200's that Wales and Cornwall were hammered into the British crown, and Scotland and Ireland were invaded and occupied. He was also the first European monarch to set up a really effective administrative bureaucracy, surveyed and censused his kingdom, established laws and political divisions. But he also embraced the Jews.
Actually Edward didn't embrace Jews so much as he embraced their money. For the English Jews had acquired wealth -- understandable, because this people that could not own land or office, could not join most of the trades and professions, soon found out that money was a very good thing to accumulate. Much harder to take away than land or a store, was a hidden sock of gold and silver coins. Ever resourceful, Edward found a way -- he borrowed money from the Jews to finance imperial ambitions in Europe, especially France. The loans were almost certainly not made gladly, but how do you refuse your King? Especially when he is 'Edward the Hammer'. Then, rather than pay back the debt, Edward simply expelled the Jews. Edward was especially inventive -- he did this twice. After a time, he invited the Jews back to their English homeland, borrowed more money, then expelled them again.
Most people do not know that Spain was one of the early entrants into The Renaissance. People from all over the world came to Spain in the late medieval period. All were welcome -- Arabs, Jews, other Europeans. The University of Salamanca was one of the great centers of learning in the world -- scholars of all nations, all fields came to Salamanca to share their knowledge and their ideas. But in 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella, having driven the last of Moors from the Spanish Shield, were persuaded by the righteous fundamentalists of the time to announce 'The Act of Purification'. A series of steps were taken in which all Jews and Arabs and other non-Christians were expelled from the country, or would face the tools and the torches of The Inquisition. From this 'cleansing' come the Sephardic Jews -- as opposed to the Ashkenazis of Eastern Europe. In Eastern Europe,
the sporadic violence and brutality against Jews are common knowledge. 'Fiddler' without the music and the folksy humor. At times of fury, no accommodation by the Jew was good enough, no profile low enough, no village poor enough or distant enough.
From these come the near-steady flow of Jews to the United States. And despite the disdain of the Jews by most 'American' Americans, they came to grab the American Dream with both hands, and contributed everything from new ideas of enterprise in retail and entertainment to becoming some of our finest physicians and lawyers. The modern United States, in spite of itself, IS The United States in part because of its Jewish blood.
Then the Nazi Holocaust -- the corralling, sorting, orderly eradication of millions of the people of Moses. Not something that other realms in other times didn't try to do, by the way, the Germans were just more organized and had better murder technology.
I stood in the center of Dachau for an entire day, about 15 years ago, trying to comprehend how this could have happened. I had gone there on a side trip from Munich, vaguely curious about this Dachau. I soon became engulfed in the enormity of what had occurred there nestled in this middle and working class neighborhood.
How could human beings do this to other human beings, hear their cries, their pleas, their terror, their pain, and continue without apparently even wincing? I no longer wonder. At some times, some places, ANY sect of the human race is capable of horrors against their fellow man, whether a member of the Waffen SS, a Serbian sniper, a Turkish policeman in 1920's Armenia, a Mississippi Klansman. Because even in the United States not all was a Rose Garden. For a long time Jews had quotas in our universities and graduate schools. Only so many Jews could be in a medical or law school at one time. Jews were disparaged widely. I remember as a kid Jewish jokes
told without a wince - 'Why do Jews have such big noses?'
Well, now the Jews have a homeland again. A place that is theirs. And that's the point. It doesn't matter how many times the United States and European powers try to rein in Israel, if it comes down to survival of its nation, its people, they will fight like no lioness has ever fought to save her cubs. They will fight with a ferocity, a determination, and a skill, that will astound us.
And many will die, mostly their attackers, I believe. If there were a
macabre historical betting parlor, my money would be on the Israelis to be standing at the end. As we killed the kamikazes and the Wehrmacht soldaten of World War II, so will the Israelis kill their suicidal attackers, until there are not enough to torment them.
The irony goes unnoticed -- while we are hammering away to punish those who brought the horrors of last September here, we restrain the Israelis from the same retaliation. Not the same thing, of course -- We are We, They are They. While we mourn and seethe at September 11th, we don't notice that Israel has a September 11th sometimes every day.
We may not notice, but it doesn't make any difference. And it doesn't make any difference whether you are pro-Israeli or you think Israel is the bully of the Middle East. If it comes to where a new holocaust looms -- with or without the concurrence of the United States and Europe -- Israel will lash out without pause or restraint at those who would try to annihilate their country.
The Jews will not go quietly again.
Joe McCain
Every day I feel the fact that we are a dor yasom sheb'yasomim more intensely. The problem is that nobody cares what the rabbonim say and the musag of having an actual rebbi who imparts ikkirei ha-daas v'emunah has almost vanished in today's yeshivos and 13 y/o pishers walk around thinking they're the Brisker Rav.
Lakewood has morphed into some sort of grotesque corporate yeshiva where the roshei yeshiva are clearly not in full control and many once proud branches of chassidus are emboriled in machloksim over gelt in secular courts vchulu ...... There is very little credibility left. Chabad has the moshichists, court battles and the corporate aura as well, so what is attractive to a young frum kid these days?
Rav Ahron Kotler would've folded up and taken the talmidim far away 10 years ago. The Satmar Rav would have thrown these clowns outta town 30 years ago. R' Shloimele Bobover, the ohev sholom v'rodef sholom of his day is rolling over in his grave.
Sex, drugs, and rampant kefira are all over the place along with ignored molestation problems and all of a sudden we're worried about "the big event" @ MSG!
Chareidi Judaism used to be a sacred cow to me but the culture out there is so repugnant at times it's almost too hard to bear. For instance OORAH a fine mossad is offering a catalog without women for those inclined to receive such. Well, is it poroper to have women or not? BMG puts out a catalog for a chinese auction that is considered too m'gushem and then cancels the event at a financial loss. Who authorized it in the first place? Were the roshei yeshiva consulted? Did they approve it? If so, fine. If not, we've got a problem. The rabbonim understandably assured the Internet but on Yeshivaworld was instructed when to "break" the recent Lipa story.
The "yeridos hadoros" that's taken place even in the course of my 39 year life is so immense that I fear for the future. IY"H Moshiach zol kummen b'meheira b'yomeinu! OY MEH HAYA LANU!
Sexual Abuse and The Vaad of Baltimore
(© 2008) by Vicki Polin, MA, NCC, LCPC ATR-BC
At the urging of several friends I attended the event last week on child sexual abuse that was organized by the Vaad of Baltimore (Jewish Religious Court), The Sidran Foundation and the Shofar Coalition -- which has strong ties to Jewish Family Services of Baltimore.
I have to admit that I struggled a great deal with the fact that I did not want to attend. I was sure that Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer and David Mandel would go on and on about not reporting sex crimes to law enforcement, that the rabbis of Baltimore could deal with the cases on their own. I did not want to sit in a room filled with community members listening to their rationalization as to why the Vaad has notoriously ignored those who have been sexually victimized. I also could not bear listing to Rabbi Hopfer's speech considering his take on many cases in the community, especially the case of Rabbi Eliezer Eisgrau, Rabbi Moshe Eisemann and Rabbi Yaakov Menken.
What shocks me the most about the program though, was the fact that it was sponsored by the Sidran Foundation, the Shofar Coalition (Jewish Family Services) and promoted by Phil Jacobs of the Baltimore Jewish Times on his blog.
One would think that a program like this would be informative and helpful. It would teach attendees how to make a hotline report and also encourage people in the community to work with the police when a crime has been committed. Especially a crime committed against our children.
The program was structured such that no direct questions were allowed. Instead attendees were given index cards in which they could write down their questions and Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb chose which ones were asked. I am aware that several people wrote questions regarding the cases of Rabbi Eisgrau, Eisemann and Menken, yet these questions were never posed to the speakers.
Toward the end of the presentation after Dr. Pelcovitz left, David Mandel got up to the podium and stated that sex crimes against children should be reported to the rabbonim. There were over 100 people in the room and no one was saying a thing. I kept hearing people gasping their breath. I finally raised my hand knowing I would not be called on. I could not sit back and be quiet. I had to ask the question "what about reporting allegations and suspicions to child protection services or calling the police". Mr. Mandel looked at me, turned his head and went on talking about using the rabbonim.
I have to ask the question, how can there be a room filled with people and not one person, other than me have the courage to ask that vitally important question? What was it that they were fearing? I know I wasn't the only one wanting Mr. Mandel or Rabbi Hopfer to respond.
It is a noble gesture on the part of Sidran and Project Shield that they are attempting to "educate" a group of people who have a vested interest in protecting their images and assets. The Vaad has no need to make changes in the way they operate until survivors of sex crimes have the courage to start taking these criminals to court both criminally and civilly. Unfortunately, we have learned from the Catholic church that without filing civil suits against those who cover up sex crimes (against both children and adults) nothing will ever change. How many years have to go by before the Baltimore community will face these facts? How many more children will have to be sexually victimized. Each day that goes by we are at risk of having another child live their lives as a rape victim.
Watch Yaakov Hopfer on Youtube
i for one do concerts and i will continue to do concerts and go to these concerts
i didnt see the rabbonim stop the hasc concert or ohel concerts
they dont stop the chazak concerts for special children
this they stop
every rabbi that signed on this list i want to see a pledge not to honor anyone in his shul convicted of stealing money or fraud
and i want the same rabbis to assur child molestation and publicly say anyone moslested sghould go to the authorities
oh sorry then they would need to be taken of the signers as they are guilty
Poor Lipa must not have enough connections. I can rape 15 year old girls and the rabbonim don't make a peep.
It's not just Simcha Felder & Dachs that are promoting that lesbian Christie Quinn. My pal Gershon Tannenbaum from the Iggud Haganovim has been all for her since day one and trying to convince the heimishe oylam to support her.
Kolko's most probably gonna live in some house he bought in Lakewood years ago. When he was at bais din years ago and thought he may lose, he was saying he was gonna go into real estate.
As far as selling his house in Flatbush, it's actually old news. It's just that it takes months to show up on the website of the NYC Registrar.
A relative of a certain rosh yeshiva said, R' Matisyahu promised to raise the money to pay the $130,000 for renting Madison Sq Gardens.
Rav Schorr told people that he won't go to a chasuna that has Neginah and three guys from his shul cancelled for their kids weddings (b/c they were supposed to play at the weddings) which brought calls to him from Shea Mendlowitz and Shelly Lang.
This is par for the course, but they are saying guess why UOJ is so upset that the rabbonim are trashing Shea Mendlowitz?
Something tells me however that UOJ will have the last laugh on Belsky & co.
How can those that are the driving force and enablers of YIDI KOLKO, EPHRAIM BRYKS, MORDECHAI WOLMARK AND AVRAHOM MONDROWITZ believe they can cover their misconduct by banning an innocent concert?
They don't like Lipa. He sings tunes from the Lion King and such and puts Yiddish words to it and the Chasidishe rebbes don't like it. It's a threat to the Chasidishe. Here's a guy that's a Chasidishe dude, singing Yiddishe shprach. He's like a rock star and the rabbonim are worried about it.
Rav X who signed the issur told him off about the songs and he said to rav X, "I have great tapes with niggunim but no one buys them. These songs they buy."
He also ticked off a Moetzes Rabbi at a wedding (so I heard).
I asked a Belsky supporter why we could have goyishe niggunim in Europe but not here. His answer:
Maybe by a handful by heilige Yidden, not by some guy like Lipa who works at B&H.
Roshei yeshiva have also stopped bands from playing MBD's song Yidden that he stole from that German punk rock group, Ghengis Khan. They've warned the chosson they'll walk out if the band plays it.
UOJ should remove the post from that menuval posing as Dovid Cohen hocking about Belsky and the apes.
It's beneath your dignity to provide a soapbox to such spewers of idiocy.
Stupid ombudsman. ich hub deer in bud! You sound like you are from Gvul Yaavetz. You don't understand.
Both these guys are apes and Dovid Cohen is makpid on Belsky telling him and his family how to dress.
For those interested in the explanation below, we give the credit to Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlita. This morning after davening a few fellows were talking to him about the UOJ blog and someone showed him a print out of something posted here last night (and quoted down below). Well, Rabbi Goldwasser who knows Yisroel Belsky to be a dirty scum had a good laugh. He said there are no words to describe this nazi. At first I thought he was laughing because the post says Belsky is married to a goose. Then he explained to us that it was an old joke about the Belsky's that originated out of Camp Torah Vodaath and Camp Agudah since before and after 1970. At that time everyone used to refer to Mrs. Miriam Belsky as the goose, and make all kinds of jokes about her because indeed she looks like a goose. Rabbi Goldwasser Shlita told us that many jokes were made about the gander and the goose and that he still remembers some of them including two lines found in the posted comment were from that period. We were all anxious to hear the explanation about his becoming a rosh yeshiva and what was the connection to the goose. Rav Goldwasser Shlita didn't remember which Gemara it was in but did promise he will make some calls and try to find out.
Tonight he called one of the chevra and gave us the location. Gemarah Brachos Nun Zain amud Alef 14 lines down from the large lines. My friend said Rabbi Goldwasser was still laughing on the telephone and insisted it is a mitzvah to mock a rasha like Yisroel Belsky and his goose.
Now here is the post from last night:
The Secret to Yisroel Belsky becoming a rosh yeshiva at Torah Vodaath:
How did Rabbi Yisroel Belsky attain the position of a (low level)rosh yeshiva at Torah Vodaath???
Yisroel Belsky wanted to become a Rosh Yeshiva but could not get the position. So he had an idea, that he felt would work and that was to head to the Prospect Park Zoo (with a shaddchan of course) looking for a goose to marry. It was there that he met his wife Miriam sitting by the lake. The shaddchan introduced Yisroel Belsky as a well known quack from Torah Vodaath whose beak scratches the ceilings. The shidduch was made and Yisroel Belsky and his new wife goose stepped down to the Chupa. Yisroel Belsky was so happy that night and kept saying "this is like a dream comes true". Yisroel Belsky and his fowl wife were married and as was planned Yisroel Belsky became a rosh yeshiva.
(If you don't understand this story ask your local orthodox rabbi to explain it to you. He should be able to explain it.)
10:40 PM, February 24, 2008
So, I guess it's something like they say "What's good for the goose is good for the gander".
I asked an Agudahnik why Yeedle gets a free pass but not Lipa. He said that Yeedle was never convicted. So what about Yeedle's bad behavior even if he didn't rape the girls? First he pulls a Clinton and wants to know the meaning of bad behavior. Ok, so Yeedle is being too friendly with strange girls. Then he pulls a Shafran and says he has no knowledge that such a thing happened even though the Manchester beis din said the newspaper article is enough proof that Yeedle is a menival. When I point out that he himself has called Israel corrupt and lets connected criminals off the hook, so why not Yeedle, he pulls a YTT and says that money & fame attracts the worst kind of girls so they could very well be retards making up stories.
Is "Belsky & the Apes" a new sequel for "Planet of the Apes"?
I heard Shia Mendlowitz, Shelly Lang and Lipa chewed Rabbi Schorr's ear off. I also heard that Shia had his windows broken by some establishment thugs.
Belsky should talk about unbecoming professions.
How's the Rubashkin truck route?
What about the Eisemann survivors who went to Hopfer? He heard what they had to say and then had rav Moshe Eisemann retire, yet did nothing to ensure no more bar mitzva students went near him, nor did he do anything to prevent children on the campus of Ner Israel from being harmed.
I also can't stop thinking about all of the Juravel survivors and their family members who went to Hopfer for help and guidance over the last fifteen years. All he did was shun them and help Shmuel move out of town.
Sorry, this is not rabbi bashing, this is called exposing the truth, the facts and asking for our rabbis to do the right thing
I was listening very intently here the other night, making sure that Ohel CEO David Mandel followed orders and instructed all you goylems out there to not report molesters to the police. He was a good boy and even ignored Vicky Polin, the only person to speak up all night & ask hard hitting questions.
That's right! Listen to Mandel. Don't go to the police. Come to my rebbitzen instead so we can handle this internally.
Just to show you what a little weasel David Mandel is, he waited until I left to say a bunch of his propaganda.
I think you guys should lay off Rabbi Hopfer. He must run the only shul in the country that has an entire minyan of molesters.
Do I have the zechus of being the tzenter in Hopfer's special minyan?
The gedolim are just looking out for the Klal. I explained to them that it gets too hot inside the Gardens with so many people there and it's poshut sakonnas nefoshos to let Lipa & Mendlowitz go on with the show.
It's all James Dolan's fault because Cablevision's too karg to install a climate control system.
The Agudah can't asser Pesach hotels because their financial supporters will disown them.
The perikas oyl that goes on in Florida hotels is beyond atrocious.
Even the frummest crowds in the Northeast hotels have a different problem. The young staffers are fooling around together and no amount of policing by the organizers can stop all the hanky panky because ain aputrufus larayos.
The hotels pale in comparison to some putz singing away in a sports arena.
Some are asking why UOJ is taking credit for the Agudah shunning Belsky. They say he can take credit for the OU's probable next move but not the Agudah which already gave Belsky the cold shoulder a few years before this blog started.
I'm surprised the rabbonim would make a big deal about me making passes at women in MSG. Or at least I think they mean me and not 8 year old boys & girls sitting in different sections.
"$130,000 for renting Madison Sq Gardens"
no small potatoes here. It's sure much more than the cancelled Chinese auction.
What about all the time & money spent on promoting it.
And hey, this means less money for the yeshiva! I might have to put Dovid Schustal on a plane back to shnorr in South America.
Have any rabbis come out to say that they don't agree with the ban on the concert?
To Anon 11:46 A.M.
You really should lay of that Kool-Aid. You and your misguided cavemen cohorts are Talibanizing Judaism. Are you really truly Jewish or descend directly from the Erev Rav?
What's next on your Agenda? Where does your March of the Puritans Brigade go next? Banning Uncle Moshy Concerts? Recess? Color War?
Your heavy-handed attempt to shut-down the MSG Concert, if it is successful, will be a massive and grave Chillul Hashem. Hundreds of thousands of dollars lost, signed contracts violated, careers tarnished, and Goyishe Vendors and Businessmen now wary of doing business with us. But integrity in business dealings is a chapter obviously not part of your twisted Shulchen Oruch.
You say Lipa is a Tzaddik. I say and firmly believe that Lipa backed down and quit the Concert because he was physically threathened.
As far as his singing career goes, his cave-in signals that he's finished. He is a unique talent and his songs did have a positive affect on Kids-At-Risk. Where are kids going to go now for entertainment? The Grateful Dead?
Bono and U-2? And what do you want Lipa to sing? Vanilla songs such as Mein Shtetele Belz? Oifen Pripichek? Mamele? that have no shaiyches to today's kids?
And your gedolim? Al Tikroh Gedolim, Eloh Tachtoynim. These Menuvalim are the Drek Tinof-Tinofsim of our Generation.
Herr Zich Tzu; When they are Rodef and bring to Justice the child molesters and Killers such as Bryks, Kolko, Mondrowitz and other members of this Hall of Shame,
When they insure passage of Laws and the implementation of Registries, Fingerprinting, and background Checks of all employees in their Yeshivas and Mosdos to protect the precious children entrusted to their care,
When they insure that Ke$ef, Gelt, and Greed are no longer the main ingredients in determining the Kashrus of the foods we eat,
Then and only then will I bend my ear to hear what they have to say about Concerts.
Until then, F--K You All!
In response to the attacks on Polin, let's assume arguendo that Polin has no credibility.
This hardly alters the fact that Ohel’s raison detre is to contain Orthodox Jewish problems within the community.
As such, why would anyone expect Mandel to suggest abuse be reported to the authorities? His very career, and the viability of the organization he leads, depends upon the masses doing the very opposite.
Finally, why do people go to these lectures? By now we all know what happens when the rabbis are consulted. Nothing. Pedophiles are protected and victims terrorized. Under no circumstances can a rabbi be trusted to do the right thing in these situations.
The solution is clear as day. Report abuse to the police. Common sense tells you to do this. Halacha tells you to do this.
JS Comments on Vaad of Baltimore, Mandel, Hopfer presentation
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great article. Thanks for posting it. I was wondering if David Mandel would have gone on like he did at the end if Dr. Pelcovitz would have been able to stay longer?
I just thought it was interesting that he waited until Pelcovitz left.
February 25, 2008 10:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
what about the case of Shmuel Juravel? Did Hopfer and his friends cover that case up too?
Think about how many children could have been spared becoming victimized by Shmuel and the rest of the Juravel family if the Vaad would have done the right thing and allow law enforcement investigate the allegations.
February 25, 2008 12:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Vicki is absolutely right. I should have stood up and said something. I was outraged at what Mandel was saying. Next time I won't keep quiet.
February 25, 2008 1:17 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Enough already with the Rabbi bashing. these blogs all have the same whining complaints. yes there is a problem, and yes its probably been addressed incorrectly. however, the rabbonim in Baltimore, and in particular Rabbi Hopfer, are well meaning and kind people.
February 25, 2008 3:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't see this as rabbi bashing at all. I see this as exposing the truth. Giving people who have been harmed a voice.
I might feel differently about rabbi hopfer if he would allow the Eisgrau daughter contact with her siblings. By not doing so he is showing his ignorance and arrogance, which I personally find repulsive.
I think about what Hopfer knows about Yaakov Menken and how he has done nothing to protect unsuspecting young women from being the next victim.
What about the Eisemann survivors who went to Hopfer? He heard what they had to say and then had rav Moshe Eisemann retire, yet did nothing to ensure no more bar mitzva students went near him, nor did he do anything to prevent children on the campus of Ner Israel from being harmed.
I also can't stop thinking about all of the Juravel survivors and their family members who went to Hopfer for help and guidance over the last fifteen years. All he did was shun them and help Shmuel move out of town.
Sorry, this is not rabbi bashing, this is called exposing the truth, the facts and asking for our rabbis to do the right thing. . . they need to stop trying to investigate these crimes on their own. They need to automatically call law enforcement and report the allegations immediately upon hearing about them.
February 25, 2008 4:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
of course it bashing. vp can't post a story without diving straight into the negativity of the rabbis in baltimore. go to the press, talk on tv, hand out flyers. the story here is not how the rabbis have covered up the crimes, the story is the crime itself.
February 25, 2008 5:23 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yeah. Way to go Vicki.
It takes courage to stand up in the face of the enemy.
February 25, 2008 5:44 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You're absolutely correct. The original story is about the sex crime committed against our children. It's a story that definitely needs to be told. The problem is that story changes very quickly when those with power and authority use their influence to cover up the crimes.
I do not believe that anyone is rabbi bashing here. I'm sure the same would be said if it was a teacher or school covering up a crime; or if it was a mental health professional, hospital or any other institution.
We cannot ignore the fact that our rabbonim have been those with power, control and influence. Unfortunately, they have done the unthinkable.
Our rabbonim have been doing what they can to protect the few sexual predators who live in our community, at the expense of our children who have been sexually victimized and also these children's family members.
Each time a family is forced to move away from Baltimore to protect their children or have been shamed and blamed for speaking what our rabbonim want to call "lashon hara" -- both our rabbis and are community members are allowing more neshema's to be destroy.
One of the biggest problems Jewish communities have to face is the rate of assimilation of our young people. According to statistics 1/4 of all adults were sexually abused as children. Many of those who are Jewish who have been abused (and or their family members) are no longer keeping kosher or shabbos. The reason that is often given is because of the way our rabbonim have been conducting themselves.
Who is responsible for allowing survivors of child sexual abuse neshema's (Jewish souls) to decay? I definitely do not believe it is the fault of those who have been victimized. I personally put the blame on anyone who shames or blames a victim, especially our rabbonim and also many of our community members.
The issue is not only that our children are being molested by a few sexual predators within the eruv of Baltimore, the issue is that those with power and control have been allowing it to happen.
Think about this, if our beloved rabbonim would have reported Shmuel Juravel to the police the first time there were allegations made against him -- instead of handling things on their own, many innocent children could have been spared a life of depression, low self-esteem, addictions and also suicide attempts.
Similar things could be said about the case rav Eliezer Eisgrau. Can you imagine how different the life of his daughter would have been if the community would have worked with law enforcement several years ago when they tried to investigate the allegations?
Instead we are all at fault for allowing the message to be sent out to the Eisgrau daughter that she was a liar, not trustworthy and or that she was deranged, young woman. The message we should have been sending was that she was loved and cared for. I'm saying this even if the allegations were not true. The most important message was that she was crying out for help. She needed unconditional love, something was wrong and most people in the community turned their backs on her.
What ended up happening was that the Eisgrau daughter was forced to leave the only community she knew. She had to choose to between keeping quiet and possibly ending up committing suicide . . . or speaking the truth about what happened to her.
B'H' the Eisgrau daughter chose life!
The sickening and sad part has to do with the decree bestowed upon her by rav Hopfer. Because of him we have all lost a great deal. None of us have gotten the opportunity to meet her husband, or their children. The grandchildren of rav Eisgrau are also being harmed by rav Hopfer.
The president of the Baltimore Vaad took away the opportunity of the Eisgrau children being surrounded by their aunts, uncles and cousins. These children are missing out in getting to know all of us.
This is a curse put on them by rav Hopfer, a man who knows very little about sexual abuse. I find it outrageous that someone who is the president of our Vaad would do something like this to a young woman who was struggling to stay alive. I'll be honest with you, it's extremely difficult for me to respect a man who could do all of this.
I often wonder if Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer actions could have been a blessing in disguise? Maybe his actions spared the young lives of the Eisgrau survivors from becoming sexually victimized by their maternal grandfather?
We also have to take a hard look those who were allegedly sexually terrorized by harav Moshe Eisemann.
Does anyone really know how many of them are really out there?
Imagine that Eisemann molested one boy per month (x) forty years. That would mean he would have molested at least 480 boys. But what if that estimate was too low. What if the reality is that harav Eisemann molested one boy per week (x) 40 years. That would mean he molested at least 2080 boys.
We also have to remember that Rav Eisemann traveled the world, between England, Germany and Kishnev, Russia, so we really need to try to figure out how many different countries could he have allegedly left boys he sexually victimized? Don't forget on average someone who had been sexually victimized as a child never come forward, and those that do so often don't even begin to share their experiences until they are in their forties or fifties.
February 25, 2008 11:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thank you for the last comment. I agree completely. The conspiracy of silence and cover up is much worse then the original crime. I also think that Dr. Aviva Weisbord's role in this needs to be addressed and publicized. Isn't she the director of the Big Brother Big Sister program at JFS? What if one of the children in her program discloses that he was molested by Eisgrau? Would she report it? She treated Eisgrau's daughter years ago and has told Hopfer that nothing happened to her. Hopfer is trusting her word which is why he is protecting Eisgrau. She told Hopfer as well as others that she does not believe the allegations. Never mind that R' Eisgrau is a friend of hers and that she was seeing his daughter as a favor to him! She thinks nothing of breaking confidentiality and telling people that Eisgrau's daughter is "crazy." A very professional diagnosis from a psychologist.(sarcasm intended.) I would love to see Eisgrau's daughter take her to civil court for her unethical and immoral behavior toward her. Let's ask Weisbord why she won't she make a public comment against her brother Matis's molesting behavior? Is she protecting him too? The Baltimore community functions in many ways like one big dysfunctional family.
February 26, 2008 7:18 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Aviva Weisbord has another brother besides Matis who had allegations made against him. Don't forget about his younger brother Simcha Weinberg.
Years ago allegations were made against Simcha of clergy sexual abuse / professional sexual misconduct. He was allegedly luring in adult women he was providing spiritual counseling to, and having sexual relations with them. Simcha's behavior ended in the divorce of his first wife, who is one of the daughter of rav Norman Lamm. This also started the battle between Ner Israel and YU.
The rumors that have been floating around for years is that Matis Weinberg molested Simcha. Matis was about sixteen at the time. Does anyone know if Matis also molested some of his other siblings too?
The status quo in Baltimore of how to deal with cases of sexual abuse or sexual assault has been to cover up the crimes. Protect those who offend at the expense of the children and or young adults who have been victimized.
The first case of covering up sex crimes that I know of in Baltimore was that of Matis Weinberg, who is the son of the past rosh yeshiva. That first case occurred at close to fifty years ago. But then again the case of rav Ephraim Shapiro started many years prior to that. So maybe it's been around 60 or 70's years of cover-ups in Baltimore? That trend has gone on for way to many years.
February 26, 2008 9:19 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Here's links to some of the cases that are brought up on the comment section for those of you who don't know them.
February 26, 2008 9:22 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think the estimates of the number of boys that rav Eisemann could have abused is a bit extreme, but then I started thinking about Shlomo Carlebach and the number of women he allegedly molested.
So how many boys do you think Matis Weinberg molested over his life time?
February 26, 2008 12:43 PM
if this concert is not going to happened why are they still selling tickets?
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