EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is a day that will live in infamy for all children of New York State!

by survivor of abuse

"The Lopez Bill" made it this time by a vote of 18 - 1. This is a day that will live in infamy for all children of New York State.

As for Dov Hikind...how could you Dov? We backed you. We believed in you. We gave you time. We gave you a chance. We even looked the other way when you backed out of your promise to help Joel Engleman get rid of Reichman and save innocent Satmar kids. We should have listened to Pearl Engelman about you.

And you sell us out to the Agudah, Satmar and the Catholic Church? You deny those of us who were abused as children the right to sue our abusers? You won't do anything to stop them? You won't do anything to help us? But at least allow us to defend ourselves. It is like the Nazis not allowing Jews to have guns. You have taken away the one potential way that innocent children can get justice for what has been perpetrated on them by your friends, Dov. Why?

Shame on you. You are neither a "frum" Jew nor a caring person. You are "nuch" a politician, and we will not forget what you have done.

Shame on you and your whole family. Shame, shame shame. How can you look any Jewish child in the face now? Knowing that for the sake of "getting along with Satmar and Agudah and the Catholic Church" you took away the only weapon given to a victim of abuse by the United States government? You took away their chance to have their day in court! The victims of Mondrowitz and Kolko and all the rest will never forget and never forgive.


steve said...

All this means is that both the Lopez bill and the Markey bill will be presented to the full Assembly and Senate for votes. We must not give up. We need to keep pushing the Markey bill and explain to the lawmakers that the Lopez bill is worthless. The two year extension is meaningless without the one year window for old cases. All the Catholic Church and the Satmars are interested in is keeping the status quo and protecting their assets. They are shamelessly using the public school children as a weapon against the Markey bill. They don't give a damn about any children, much less public school children. They are a bunch of lying and phony hypocrites. We must not keep quiet. Take some time to call each senator and each assemblyman's office. Assembly bill A2596 and Senate bill S2568, the Markey/Duane Child Victims Act MUST be passed into law.

Anonymous said...

Assembly Codes Committee Members

Joseph Lentol, Chairman
Albany Office: 518-455-4477
District Office: 718-383-7474

Robin Schimminger
Albany Office: 518-455-4767
District Office: 716-873-2540

Helene Weinstein
Albany Office: 518-455-5462
District Office: 718-648-4700

James Brennan
Albany Office: 518-455-5377
District Office 1: 718-940-0641
District Office 2: 718-788-7221

Keith Wright
Albany Office: 518-455-4793
District Office: 212-866-5809

Mark Weprin
Albany Office: 518-455-5806
District Office: 718-428-7900

Gary Pretlow
Albany Office: 518-455-5291
District Office 1: 914-375-0456
District Office 2: 914-667-0127

Vivian Cook
Albany Office: 518-455-4203
District Office: 718-322-3975

Steve Cymbrowitz
Albany Office: 518-455-5214
District Office: 718-743-4078

Michele Titus
Albany Office: 518-455-5668
District Office: 718-327-1845

Danny O'Donnell
Albany Office: 518-455-5603
District Office: 212-866-3970

Chaarles Lavine
Albany Office: 518-455-5456
District Office: 516-676-0050

Nick Perry
Albany Office: 518-455-4166
District Office: 718-385-3336

Kenneth Zebrowski
Albany Office: 518-455-5735
District Office: 845-634-9791

David Townsend
Albany Office: 518-455-5334
District Office: 315-762-4383

Thomas Alfano
Albany Office: 518-455-4627
District Office: 516-437-5577

Dierdre Scozzafava
Albany Office: 518-455-5797
District Office: 315-287-2384

Philip Boyle
Albany Office: 518-455-4611
District Office: 631-647-9400

George Amedore
Albany Office: 518-455-5197
District Office: 518-843-0227

Johnnie said...

Dear UOJ,

I am a big fan of yours but I think you are being too hard on Hikind. All the people I know that work with this situation have had the threat of "blood." Hikind, who had the potential power to get something done, must have been threatened very very seriously. Just like Twerski stepped down, so is Hikind. Nevertheless, its hard to judge such a situation until you have the same threats...

Agudath Israel Press Release said...

Agudath Israel Statement Regarding U.N. Human Rights Council
March 31, 2009

The Obama Administration’s announced desire to rejoin the UN Human Rights Council is fortunate and welcome news.

The Council’s embrace of tyrants and abandonment of its mandate in countries where human rights violations are among the worst in the world have made this body something we can relate to and identify with.

Its absurd obsession with, and constant advocacy of children's rights, has made the Council nothing more than a breeding ground for anti-Semitic hatred and a rallying point for those who seek to legitimize that hatred like certain bloggers.

The Agudath Israel spoke strongly when it asked to be part of this charade. It made clear that appeasement of rogue rabbis does promote peace and children's rights — that it also emboldens the gedolim. It was an important and unequivocal statement. We greatly embrace the statement by President Osama.

steve said...


Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes presses to expose sex abuse in Jewish community
BY Simone Weichselbaum

Wednesday, April 1st 2009, 4:00 AM

The Brooklyn district attorney's office is planning a new crackdown on sexual abuse in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, where victims have hid their shame for decades.

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes will announce Project Kol Tzedek - Hebrew for "Voice of Justice" - on Wednesday.

The first-ever team of prosecutors, counselors, religious leaders and Jewish social agencies will work to encourage young victims to name their attackers.

Sexual abuse in the city's Hasidic enclaves has gone largely unreported. Victims say they fear the shame of the attack and condemnation for revealing secrets to secular authorities.

But the culture has begun to change, officials said.

"Over the last several months, there has been a lot of articles in the newspaper," said Sex Crimes Bureau Chief Rhonnie Jaus.

"It has helped people in the community come forward, and we are starting to see more cases."

Since October, the Daily News has reported on five cases of men in Hasidic neighborhoods charged with sexually abusing children, ranging in age from 7 to 15.

The DA's office now has 19 cases involving accused molesters from Borough Park, Williamsburg, Crown Heights and Flatbush, officials said.

"This is the highest amount that I have ever seen," Jaus said.

Under Project Kol Tzedek, prosecutors will visit yeshivas and synagogues, and the DA will open a hotline and host meetings with victims interested in coming forward.

Organizers have lined up major partners, including the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, and Tikvah at Ohel.

Despite the progress, some participants asked not to be identified, afraid of being shunned for working with authorities.

"The community as a whole doesn't deal well with the severity of this problem," said one agency executive who is quietly working with the DA's office. "In order for victims to feel comfortable, we feel we should remain under the radar."


Anonymous said...

hiking has skeletons in his closet that satmar has threatened to expose include one nasty one with women and one financial
hey if hikingd had any guts hed resign and let someone else handle it except his ego gets in the way

hikind is a disgrace

Anonymous said...


You've proved my point, and UOJ's, very clearly. These thugs rule by violence and social terrorism. A society that can't abide the light of day on its activities is a society living in darkness. This is what ultra-orthodoxy and Chereidi Judaism has become - a cult of power-mongering control freaks who exploit and terrorize.

There is no cure. It's time to abandon ship, class. Until these people and their families are starving on the street for lack of supporters, nothing will change. Until their yeshiva and shuls are empty, nothing will change.

So vote with your wallet - all of us need to vote with our wallets. Don't donate, don't contribute, don't buy a membership, don't support any of their institutions directly or indirectly, move away if you can - even if this means you read Torah at home alone with your only your family and close friends every shabbat. We don't need them to practice Judaism correctly, and we certainly don't want them anywhere near our children.

If we allow ourselves to be ruled by fear, they will use fear to rule - it's that simple.