EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Tuesday, June 09, 2009




Fan of UOJ said...

Mondrowitz and Lazerowitz must be pishing in their gatkes!!!!!

LVF said...

way to go! when is DR, Avremil being extradited?

Meir (voves) Zilberstein rav of ger yerushalayim said...

DR, Avremil cannot be extradited, since I personally vouched for him at his bail hearing in the jerusalem court, Wait n see, ger will one day get back at that judge for denying him bail.

Matt soloman said...

I'm sorry everyone, this was the second one swept under the agudah rug, i'm really sorry for the misunderstanding, but you have to understand they were the only 2 ever swept.

Avi L. Shafran said...

Colmer is another one of my heroes. He did not have to admit that he sodomized two children. He admitted it although he could have denied it. He will be honored at this year's Agudah Convention. The Moetzes has already decided on this, because this is daas torah.

Dr. Bungalow Putz Neuhoff said...

I'm against sodomizing of all kinds of rear ends.

Aron twerski said...

stephan colmer is an honorable man!

steve said...

They should lock Colmer up for life for what he did to those children. He's been molesting kids from his days in Belmar in the 90's and up until three years ago in Brooklyn. We have to keep a close eye on him when he gets out as he will undoubtedly go under another assumed name. Great work by UOJ and Michael Lesher in nailing this pervert.

Anonymous said...

eliyahu shmeltzer rosh kolel

the rosh kolel of NMB was fired or asked to leave by Rabbi zwieg in yeshiva elementary

he was rumored to have been fired for insubordination

when he was fired he joined a kolel that was seeking a rosh kolel

he negotiated a salary of 110k for 3 years

he than demanded and changed the kolel board for banking and placed it in his name together with his wife and mother in law to complete control of operation

the board on the letterhead is in name only having no power

the community is not in favor of him at all

he also has established a shul in the community that is illegal
his kolel has not paid money due to the shul that they learn in during the week over 12k
resulting in tough questions for his brother in law rabbi ephriam shapiro the rabbi of shaarie tefila

Anonymous said...

Let us not ever forget the victims and their families, who did the right thing here. They should hold their heads up high, for coming forward, when so many others didn't, to report this horrendous crime to the proper authorities. They stood their ground waiting for the slow wheels of justice to turn. They took the risk not only for themselves, but for all of those others who remained silent. If it weren't for them, this very sick individual, who could not control his proclivities would still be out there molesting other innocent children - maybe your children or grandchildren, maybe even the children or grandchildren of those at Ohel, who looked the other way...maybe even the children or grandchildren of those misguided individuals who supported and protected this predator. Any child could have been fair game.
In the zchut of the strength of character that led them to do everything in their power to prevent any further victims, may they have a full and complete healing, and go on to live happy, productive and fulfilling lives.
May they serve as an example to others!
Yasher Koach!

To Steve said...

My comment on Rabbi Horowitz was edited, so I have rewritten it here:
Steve - with all due respect, nowhere in choshen mishpat (perhaps in other areas of Torah you can make a valid argument) are there any rights given to a victim to sue an enabler or bystander of abuse. The max he would be responsible would be M'dinai Shammaim - and that is not an enforceable collection. If one would argue and claim, that it is enforceable for whatever reasons - he can only sue a privately owned institution - owned by the individual who protected or harbored the molester himself.

Notwithstanding - there are no SOl's in choshen mishpat for the abuser. Those, who would actively strip away a victims rights to go after his abuser (where the one-year-window would enable his collections) by their opposition being effective in blocking the passage of the Markey Bill; are liable to pay themselves B'dinai Shamaim for the lost incurred to the victim.

Anonymous said...

We also owe a debt of gratitude to the rabbonim in the Passaic area who acted promptly and hounded this person.

Cracks are being made in the edifice, but it is quite certain that the forces of evil are not done yet. They are getting stronger, as is to expected, as they near their end. But we will be silent no more, and we will prevail.

Tzedek, tzedek tirdof -- justice, justice ye shall pursue.

Anonymous said...

while cracks are in the foundations we need to redouble and rededicate our efforts

mondorowith is still free
and if its true the dovid cohen expose will be the first wall to fall followed by ohel followed by tora temima and aguda

thats a crumbled foundation that judiasm needs to start rebuilding based on honest work and true chesed not kolel section eight and medicaid

UOJ and John Walsh get results said...


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — State, local and federal authorities have arrested 77 suspects on child pornography charges and rescued five young victims.

Gov. Charlie Crist announced the 10-week crackdown Tuesday at a news conference with "America's Most Wanted" TV host John Walsh and Attorney General Bill McCollum.

The suspects range in age from 17 to 83 and include two registered sex offenders.

Bim Bam said...


Alan Auerbach, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, and an author of a widely cited study on the dangers of the current deficits, describes the situation like so: “Bush behaved incredibly irresponsibly for eight years. On the one hand, it might seem unfair for people to blame Obama for not fixing it. On the other hand, he’s not fixing it.”

“And,” he added, “not fixing it is, in a sense, making it worse.”

When challenged about the deficit, Mr. Obama and his advisers generally start talking about health care. “There is no way you can put the nation on a sound fiscal course without wringing inefficiencies out of health care,” Peter Orszag, the White House budget director, told me.

Outside economists agree. The Medicare budget really is the linchpin of deficit reduction. But there are two problems with leaving the discussion there.

First, even if a health overhaul does pass, it may not include the tough measures needed to bring down spending. Ultimately, the only way to do so is to take money from doctors, drug makers and insurers, and it isn’t clear whether Mr. Obama and Congress have the stomach for that fight. So far, they have focused on ideas like preventive care that would do little to cut costs.

Second, even serious health care reform won’t be enough. Obama advisers acknowledge as much. They say that changes to the system would probably have a big effect on health spending starting in five or 10 years. The national debt, however, will grow dangerously large much sooner.

Mr. Orszag says the president is committed to a deficit equal to no more than 3 percent of gross domestic product within five to 10 years. The Congressional Budget Office projects a deficit of at least 4 percent for most of the next decade. Even that may turn out to be optimistic, since the government usually ends up spending more than it says it will. So Mr. Obama isn’t on course to meet his target.

“Things will get worse gradually,” Mr. Auerbach predicts, “unless they get worse quickly.” Either a solution will be put off, or foreign lenders, spooked by the rising debt, will send interest rates higher and create a crisis.

The solution, though, is no mystery. It will involve some combination of tax increases and spending cuts. And it won’t be limited to pay-as-you-go rules, tax increases on somebody else, or a crackdown on waste, fraud and abuse. Your taxes will probably go up, and some government programs you favor will become less generous.

That is the legacy of our trillion-dollar deficits. Erasing them will be one of the great political issues of the coming decade.

R' Dovid Paterson said...


Fourteen months after being elevated to the governor’s job, David A. Paterson is deeply unpopular among New Yorkers, who doubt his ability to grapple with the state’s increasingly bleak economic situation, according to a poll by The New York Times, Cornell University and NY1 News.

With layoffs hitting close to home, those surveyed expressed little confidence that Mr. Paterson could bring new jobs to the state, reduce property taxes or deal with a serious crisis.

Mr. Paterson is now less popular in the state than his predecessor, Eliot Spitzer, who resigned in disgrace after being identified as the client of a prostitution ring. Only 21 percent of New York voters say they have a favorable view of Mr. Paterson; 26 percent have a favorable view of Mr. Spitzer.

Seven in 10 respondents said Mr. Paterson did not deserve to be elected in 2010.

In a worrisome sign for Mr. Paterson, the poll found overwhelming approval of the way Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo was handling his job. Mr. Cuomo is viewed as a potential challenger for the Democratic Party’s nomination for governor.

The survey also revealed that the number of New Yorkers who supported the legalization of same-sex marriage had risen in the last year.

The poll, a telephone survey of 1,057 adults throughout the state, was conducted from May 29 through June 3 — before the Republicans wrested control of the Senate — and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
With 17 months until he is up for election, Mr. Paterson may have time to repair his image. But in follow-up interviews, those surveyed seemed to rue having given him the benefit of the doubt a year ago. And voters appeared to be souring on Mr. Paterson personally, with 50 percent viewing him unfavorably, five times as many as a year ago.

“He said he was going to make government transparent so everyone could see what was going on,” said Craig Tatro, a retired correction officer in Constable, along the Canadian border. “He said things would change, but in the end it was still three men in the room making the budget up. So I don’t take him at his word.”

Even black New Yorkers took a dim view of the state’s first black governor: 38 percent approved of his performance, 41 percent disapproved. Only 22 percent viewed him favorably.

Maxwell Simon, 40, an African-American from Jamaica, Queens, said he doubted that Mr. Paterson was capable of cleaning up what he called the “mess” in Albany. “I think a governor should have certain powers, exert influence, but I’m not sure he believes he does,” Mr. Simon said. “Maybe people don’t take him seriously either because they don’t believe he will run or be elected.”

Making matters worse for Mr. Paterson, the poll found an increasingly dismal outlook among New Yorkers, with 7 in 10 saying the state was on the wrong track, up 12 points from a year ago. Three of four rated the state’s economy in bad shape, and one in three said they would prefer to live in another state.

Kolko gets results said...


Another bright spot for the governor is that New Yorkers increasingly are coming around to his viewpoint on same-sex marriage, which he has pushed to legalize in Albany. Forty-six percent now say gay couples should be allowed to marry legally, up from 38 percent a year ago.

Tom Golisano imitates UOJ said...


ALBANY — In early spring, Tom Golisano went to Albany from his home in Rochester to meet with Malcolm A. Smith, then the Senate majority leader.

Mr. Golisano, a billionaire business executive, had spent heavily to help Mr. Smith and other Democrats win control of the Senate in the November election, and was angry to hear they were now planning to raise taxes on the wealthy. He expected an audience befitting a major financial patron.

Instead, he said, Mr. Smith played with his BlackBerry and seemed to barely listen.

“I said, ‘I’m talking to the wall here,’ ” Mr. Golisano recalled in an interview on Tuesday.

That meeting led to the dramatic collapse Monday of the Democrats’ grip on the Senate majority as a frustrated Mr. Golisano secretly planned with Republicans to persuade two Democrats to join them in ousting Mr. Smith.

The revolt has thrown Albany into an almost surreal scene of confusion; on Tuesday, both Mr. Smith and the Republican Senate leader, Dean G. Skelos, were claiming to be the majority leader. Democrats locked the doors of the Senate chamber, preventing Republicans from gathering there, and refused to turn over the keys, prompting Republicans to threaten to hold a legislative session in the park outside.

Gov. David A. Paterson vowed not to leave the state during the crisis and said he still considered Mr. Smith to be the majority leader.

Mr. Golisano, asked by reporters about the legal troubles of Pedro Espada Jr. and Hiram Monserrate, the two Democrats who had joined with the Republicans to oust Mr. Smith, said: “Don’t talk to me about ethical background in Albany,” adding, “We have a governor who stood on a podium on national television and said he had extramarital affairs and used cocaine.”

Shai Agassi Copies UOJ said...

Why Shai Agassi Quit His Dream Job to Make the World "a Better Place"

Shai Agassi started programming when he was seven. He finished school early and started building companies with his dad in Israel. Finally he knew he’d hit on a winner when he sold TopTier Software to industry titan SAP in 2001. Only SAP wasn’t just interested in the software—they wanted Agassi.

People thought the brash 30-something would last six months inside the stodgy German giant. Six years later, he was poised to be the company’s next CEO. Well, co-CEO technically, but still, he was a role model for Israeli techies and about to be one of the most important men in the tech world.

That’s when he decided to quit. In the third segment of our sit-down with Agassi opens up about the life-changing decision to go from software executive to an entrepreneur, building a company so ambitious many people call it crazy.

Achzorius of Obama's Supreme Court pick said...


Sotomayor not only discriminated against White people as a judge but has no sense of rachmonus.

Rahm-Bo's brother said...


LOS ANGELES — In 1992, Ariel Zev Emanuel, a young operative with the struggling InterTalent agency, had a problem with the rent on a $639-a-month walk-up in the city’s modest Fairfax district. The landlord took him to court seeking eviction, and won.

Today, Mr. Emanuel has a $10 million home in the Brentwood neighborhood; a pipeline to the White House through his brother Rahm, its chief of staff; and a sprawling new talent agency of his own design, called William Morris Endeavor Entertainment.

Long known as a hardball player of considerable skill, Mr. Emanuel, 48, has emerged in the last six weeks as the pre-eminent power player in a Hollywood that has often bemoaned the sunset of colorful moguls from an older generation, including Michael Ovitz and David Geffen.

Even hardened observers of Hollywood’s coarse ways were stunned when Mr. Emanuel and his colleagues dumped dozens of Morris agents and parted ways with Mr. Wiatt, who had since become the Morris chairman, less than a month after the merger was approved. Mr. Wiatt, 62, had expected to continue as chairman for perhaps a year, but has decided to leave in the coming months.

Even as Mr. Wiatt opted out, Mr. Emanuel’s temper flared in negotiations with NBC over the drama “Medium,” which was created by one of his clients, Glenn Gordon Caron. The spat, which broke out when the network balked at financial terms, concluded with “Medium” moving to CBS and Mr. Emanuel threatening Marc Graboff, co-chairman of NBC Entertainment, with personal ruin, according to three people with knowledge of the incident.

“Nobody wants to be on the wrong side of Ari Emanuel, especially now that his brother is running the White House,” said one television executive, who asked for anonymity to preserve harmony with him.

Mr. Emanuel has also undertaken less high-minded ventures. For instance, he became one of the biggest shareholder in, and a consultant to, Tablemax Holdings — a small Las Vegas-based company that makes electronic gambling tables (“Caribbean Stud Poker”) for Indian casinos and other gambling operations.

Anonymous said...

Is Shmeltzer from Miami Beach a son of the old Telz-Chicago rosh yeshiva?

Another Shmeltzer son was involved with Pinter and Leib Tropper to run Slifkin into the ground.

Ahmadinijad imitates Margo said...

Reuters - ‎1 hour ago‎

By Parisa Hafezi and Dominic Evans

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused his election rivals on Wednesday of adopting smear tactics used by Germany's dictator Adolf Hitler and said they could face jail for insulting him.

Archie Bunker said...


Shmarya has been overcome by delusions once again in his all consuming hatred for frum Jews.

The Village Voice's Mondo Weiss found some partying kids on Ben Yehuda St who were cursing out Obama in vulgar fashion. Shmarya conjures up a convoluted narrative that presents these kids as "orthodox" racists. It's not clear if Shmarya is correct that they came over with Birthright, but the Moetzes has assered any frum Jew from participating in that program and these kids are mostly boys without yarmulkas and girls showing cleavage.

Go figure.

Shmarya of course is also more interested in having a Black man in the White House than he is on protecting the interests of Israel and the Jewish people.

Two faced Charlie Rangel said...


The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus, Democrat of Montana, affirmed his desire to begin taxing some employer-provided health benefits, as a way to help pay for coverage of the uninsured.

After slamming the door on that idea last month, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Representative Charles B. Rangel, Democrat of New York, opened the door a crack on Tuesday.

Mr. Rangel said on May 6 that there was “no way” he would support taxing employer-provided health benefits. On Tuesday, he declined to rule out the idea.

Asked whether he would consider taxing employee health benefits, Mr. Rangel said, “There is nothing, no matter how stupid it sounds, that I am rejecting.”

Senate Republican leaders denounced the idea of a government-run plan of the kind favored by liberal Democrats.

“We saw a Washington takeover with banks,” said Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. “We saw Washington try to take over student loans. We see a Washington takeover with car companies. And now we see an attempt to have a Washington takeover with a government-run health care plan.”

A group of fiscally conservative House Democrats, known as the Blue Dog Coalition, and Senator Olympia J. Snowe, Republican of Maine, have suggested that the public plan should be available only as a backup, if private insurers do not rein in costs and offer affordable coverage to everyone.

Mr. Rangel said “there won’t be any consideration” of that approach in the House.

“We have to have a public plan” from the start, Mr. Rangel said. “We are not going to wait two, three or five years to see what happens and then trigger it.”

Senator John Cornyn of Texas, a member of the Senate Republican leadership, accused Democrats of using threats and intimidation to silence critics of their proposals.

RNC imitates UOJ said...

“President Obama and Congressional Democrats telling Americans they are committed to budget discipline is like Charles Ponzi telling people to trust him with their money,” the Republican National Committee said in a statement to reporters.

Shtik Drek Tinof Tinofes Dovid Cohen said...


Israel Mayer Steinberg from Boro Park said...


the iggud rabbonim doesn't allow him to use their name for kashrus purposes so he writes on the teuda that he is a member of a national rabbinical organization which he of course will identify when people ask him which one it is

and now besides torah vodaas, he has also added beis medrash elyon & chaim berlin to the list of places he supposedly has semicha from

what a con artist

Rabbi David Kedmi said...


If Vicky Polin lists an orthodox rabbi as a sex offender, then why would this Conservative temple recommend him as a mohel?


Rabbi David Kedmi

Agudah Fresser Flu in the Monsey area said...

Filed at 12:51 p.m. ET

BLAUVELT, N.Y. (AP) -- A suburban New York school spokeswoman says the parent who allegedly threatened to kill a district superintendent was apparently upset over a letter about swine flu policy.

Spokeswoman B.J. Greco of the South Orangetown Central School District says Tuesday's dispute had to do with a letter written by Superintendent Ken Mitchell.

Greco said Wednesday that Peter Cocker of Tappan (tah-PAHN') has a child who is ill but has not been tested for swine flu.

Authorities say the confrontation inside the middle school in Blauvelt, about 20 miles north of New York City, ended when the superintendent overcame the former police officer and took away his gun.

Mitchell's letter said the district was following health department advice not to close schools.

steve said...

Steve - with all due respect, nowhere in choshen mishpat (perhaps in other areas of Torah you can make a valid argument) are there any rights given to a victim to sue an enabler or bystander of abuse.

To the lamdan @10:50PM,

With all due respect, you are dead wrong. First of all, these are cases of pikuach nefashos. Pikuach nefesh is docheh everything except the three cardinal sins. Secondly, even in non-pikuach nefesh cases, it is permissible for victims to go to archaos for monetary reasons. Whenever the Bais Din can't adjudicate successfully, and tzedek u'mishpat can't be brought about by a Bais Din, it's mutar to go to archaos. Choshen Mishpat discusses doing so for mamanus as well as pikuach nefesh. Going to archaos is not a lav, it is a bittul aseh. The aseh (positive commandment) is "lifneichem velo lifnei acheirim". Child sexual abuse victims unfortunately cannot fulfill this aseh because there is no bais din that will listen to them. I refer you to the last time a Bais Din was attempted in the Kolko case, circa 1985.

Satmar Peasant said...

Pre-wedding melee erupts in Kiryas Joel; trooper cars pelted with eggs, plastic bottles

By Chris Mckenna • Times Herald-Record

KIRYAS JOEL — Young men shouted and pelted trooper cars with eggs and plastic water bottles Monday during a melee that erupted hours before an outdoor wedding that was expected to draw thousands of spectators.

Troopers say roughly 200 young men staged a rowdy protest as workers from Orange & Rockland Utilities removed decorative lights that had been strung from poles without permission. The lights were for the wedding of a granddaughter of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, a Satmar Hasidic leader.

Protesters blocked the company’s trucks with metal pedestrian barriers and then climbed on the trucks, troopers said. Then they used the same barriers to block trooper cars as state police tried to escort the utility workers out of Kiryas Joel.

One trooper was treated for minor injuries. No police cars were damaged.

One man was arrested and was expected to face a felony charge. His identity and the charges were not immediately available

Lamdan said...

Steve -
What I said is that from a choshen Mishpat (financial halacha standpoint) no one has any right to sue an enabler. That which you write " Whenever the Bais Din can't adjudicate successfully, and tzedek u'mishpat can't be brought about by a Bais Din, it's mutar to go to archaos."; That is ONLY true when the Halacha in Choshen Mishpat itself says that you can collect the money, and the defendant refuses to come to Bais Din (or Bais Din won't prosecute etc...)

IT IS possible that from a Yorai Dai'a point of view - pikuach nefesh - that a victim may be allowed to sue (one would have to ask his own personal shaila), so that he can be removed from his status of Pikuach Nefashas; due the injustice. However your arguments with Rabbi Twerski are confusing - because your arguments go around inheritance which has no basis in Yorai Dai'a.

Lou said...


Dear President Obama,

You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.

You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.

You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy

League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support.

You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth
growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.

You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.

You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core, and you have never done a patriotic thing in your life.

You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others [especially the last president].

You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.

You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America' crowd and deliver this message abroad.

You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.

You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.

You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world.

You scare me because you have begun to use Chicago-style 'extortion' tactics against
certain banks and corporations.

You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.

You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider
opposing points of view from intelligent people.

You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient.

You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.

You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs,

Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.

You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.

Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

Lou - A Big Fan Of UOJ

Chicago Fan Club said...

On behalf of all victims of the sexual abuse epidemic, we acknowledge those who champion the cause of survivor justice.

These great heroic individuals seek to quietly make huge impacts on the frum society. By going into the dirt to meet our needs they help uplift our spirits and raise us above where we ever thought possible.

A special mention goes out to our Rabbi Finkel who tries to lift our spirits, and make life worth living. Despite being treated like dirt by the Agudah/Telshe/Kollel crowd he powered on, and brings much joy to all who come in contact with him.

Ashreichem to UOJ, all bloggers, and Rabbi for all your support.

The Vaad Roshei Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel have given us a guarantee that all of your efforts will bear fruit.


Click the above link, Pinny outdid himself this week!!

Anonymous said...

UOJ, you should comment on the JW expose of David Cohen at http://www.thejewishweek.com/viewArticle/c36_a16028/News/New_York.html

French Bastards back Bungalow Putz Neuhoff said...


June 11, 2009

French Court Defangs Plan to Crack Down on Internet Piracy

Joe Putz said...

How did the Jewish Week miss that Dovid Cohen's shul was paid for by a criminal fugitive hiding out in Schweitz?

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Years back I had one meeting with Dovid Cohen which related to a specific circumstance that a family member asked me to speak with him about.

I left the meeting thinking the guy a crackpot -- His rant in Teaneck absolutely happened as described in the JW piece.

It goes to the heart of my theory that many guys with big shuls and yeshivas are afforded "big posek" - "big rosh yeshiva" titles, when they should be driving garbage trucks in Brooklyn.

Cohen was behind Mondrowitz's middle of the night escape to Israel and has done much damage to victims of incest and child sex-abuse.

Archie Bunker said...

Sounds like Shmarya:

WASHINGTON – A frustrated artist and an angry man, the suspect in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting once tried to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve board, a "caper" thwarted when a guard captured him outside a board meeting carrying a bag stuffed with weapons. James Von Brunn, 88, a white supremacist and Holocaust denier, describes the assault with apparent pride on his Web site, the source of fulmination against Jews and races other than his own.

steve said...

Everyone should take time out tomorrow and Friday to call each and every member of the NY State Assembly and State Senate, asking them to vote for the Child Victims Act, A-2596 in the Assembly, S-2568 in the Senate. Use the links below for a listing of all the members. Click on their respective names for the phone numbers of their offices.
Every phone call gets registered and will have an impact on the way they vote.



boog said...

Bim-Bam's incredibly destructive directive today to the FBI mandating that captured terrorists must be read their 'Miranda Rights' [sic](un-f--k--g unbelievable) should once and for all nail down and tell you who he really is:

The Sleeper-Cell chicken has come home to roost.

BTW, where the hell was Shakedown Sharpie (Did you got the cash)Sharpton today to protest the Rev. Wright's "Them Jews" vitriol.

We know where.

The Bim Bam is unraveling the USA at breakneck speed and if past history is any guide "Them Jews" will again be caught in the bloody cross-hairs.

Bibi's speech this coming Sunday at Bar-Ilan is critical. His history is that he talks a tough game but folds like a cheap camera in the clutch, cf: Wye Plantation.

Let's hope that at this juncture he has finally grown a pair.

Anonymous said...

its the same shmeltzer family and they are trying to use pinter and troppers connections to fund the kolel

this must be stopped

he is an arrogant dictator

Archie Bunker said...

The comment at 7:21 was not written by your's truly, the first Archie Bunker otherwise known as Shmarya's nemesis who is banned from Failed Messiah for shlogging him up and making him look like a fool.

It is not completely off the mark however to compare Shmarya to a revisionist Holocaust denier since Shmarya tries to rehabilitate Nazi-collaborator Rudolph Kasztner and says that us big bad Jews drove Ukranians to want to exterminate us alongside the SS death squads.

Observant Jew said...

I suspect that the RCA wanted to bury Rabbi Cohen's remarks in Bergenfield, New Jersey, because they didn't have the cojones to deal with it.

"Uncle Morris" Talansky said...

Why didn't I think of that? Stuffed suitcases would have been more substantial than stuffed envelopes!

Filed at 9:31 p.m. ET

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) -- The woman who triggered an investigation of ex-congressman William Jefferson isn't being called by prosecutors to testify at Jefferson's trial on bribery and racketeering charges.

Prosecutors didn't explain their decision Wednesday not to call businesswoman Lori Mody (MOH-dee).

Authorities say Mody was cooperating with agents when she gave Jefferson a suitcase containing $100,000 in cash. They say federal agents found most of the money days later in Jefferson's freezer.

Jefferson is on trial in federal court, accused of bribery, racketeering and other crimes. The Democrat from Louisiana has pleaded not guilty.

Matthew Weitzman said...


About two months ago, I wrote a column about how Matthew Weitzman, our family’s financial planner, was under investigation for siphoning money from clients’ accounts.

Well, the ax finally fell on Wednesday. The Securities and Exchange Commission accused him of looting client accounts of at least $6 million and using them “as his personal piggy bank.” It accused him of spending the money he took on a multimillion-dollar home, luxury cars and a share in a horse. Mr. Weitzman agreed to settle the claims without admitting or denying the accusations, though the S.E.C. is unsure about how much money his clients will get back.

Meanwhile, the United States attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, also unsealed charges against Mr. Weitzman. They include fraud, lying to investors and converting money for his own use. Some of the charges carry maximum penalties of 20 years in prison and a $5 million fine.

Mr. Weitzman declined to comment on the charges and hung up on me. His lawyer, Marc Mukasey, said he was reviewing the accusations and declined to comment further.

Sure, fraud happens. Yes, people steal. But the S.E.C. complaint paints a picture of a man set on aiming at the vulnerable. The complaint lists a roster of victims, including an elderly couple with compromised mental capabilities; a 24-year-old law student who had inherited $1 million from her parents; and Mr. Weitzman’s own father-in-law, who may be out $3 million.

Patricia Flinn, a Brewster, N.Y., resident and a former client of Mr. Weitzman’s, met him when her husband was told, six months after they had married, that he had cancer. “He told Matt that he wanted to be sure that his wife would be taken care of.”

As her husband, William Adcock, lay dying, however, Mr. Weitzman helped himself to Mr. Adcock’s money, including one withdrawal on the day that Mr. Weitzman served as a witness when Mr. Adcock changed his will, Ms. Flinn said. After he died, Mr. Weitzman began taking Ms. Flinn’s money instead, she recalled. According to the government charges, he usually used forms with forged signatures to wire money from client accounts at Charles Schwab to an account that he controlled.

A few peers of Mr. Weitzman in the financial planning world have accused me of hammering away at this because of my personal involvement. They’ve got it wrong. The reason this is, in many ways, more important than the Bernard Madoff scheme is that Mr. Weitzman’s clients were merely upper middle class. You didn’t have to be famous or play golf at the right clubs to work with Mr. Weitzman.

So most readers of this newspaper could be victims in other similar situations. I almost was. Your parents or grandparents might be vulnerable. It is hard to guard against outright theft or fraud, but you can at least read your statements carefully to watch out for it.

If you know Mr. Weitzman, please get in touch with me at rlieber@nytimes.com

Belsky's sister's mattress said...

Woman throws out old mattress... with mother's $1m life savings stashed inside

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 12:27 AM on 11th June 2009

An Israeli woman threw out an old mattress - not realising it was stuffed with her mother's $1million life-savings.

The culprit, identified only as Anat, had bought the new bedding as surprise for her elderly relative.

But when her mother found out about her gift she 'almost fainted' before revealing the contents of the mattress.

Anonymous said...

JWB says:


Why Markey Deserves Our Support
By Elliot Pasik
Posted Jun 10 2009

(Excerpts only)

The planets are not typically aligned. The Modern/Centrist Orthodox Rabbinical Council of America is for Markey, as is the haredi Igud HaRabbonim (Rabbinical Alliance of America). Meanwhile, the equally haredi Agudath Israel of America and Torah Umesorah are against Markey.

Who is Markey and why should we support her bill, the Child Victims' Act, in the New York State Legislature?

boog said...

From The O. Henry - Avi (Apologist) Shafran Short Story Dept:


"A wealthy inmate was allowed to host a lavish bar mitzvah behind bars for his son at the downtown lockup known as the Tombs, The Post has learned.

The proud papa, Tuvia Stern, is a financial-scam artist who jumped bail and spent nearly 20 years on the lam.

City Correction Department officials permitted him to use his own caterer, who supplied kosher food, china, forks -- and knives -- for about 60 guests who partied and danced the hora for six hours in the jailhouse gym.

Stern's family and friends were allowed to keep their cellphones -- normally a huge security no-no. And Stern was given the OK to dress in clothing appropriate for the occasion.

The guest list at the jail included several prominent rabbis as well as Yaakov Shwekey, a popular Orthodox singer, and a band.

The city threw in its own present -- overtime pay for the correction officers staffing the soiree.

The Dec. 30 bash was so successful that jailbird Stern chose the same venue four months later for his daughter Breindy's engagement party for 10 family members, sources said.

Shame-faced Correction officials yesterday quietly disciplined five top employees, including a rabbi and an imam, for signing off on the bar mitzvah.

"I've never seen, in my career, anything as stupid as this," said a Department of Correction insider about the bar mitzvah, which was permitted over the objections of at least one jail official. "It's outrageous what transpired."

Correction Commissioner Martin Horn was "livid" and "views the events as a spectacularly gross error of judgment up and down the command chain," said a department source.

Horn suspended Rabbi Leib Glanz, the correction chaplain who arranged the bar mitzvah, for two weeks.

Four other officials were stripped of two weeks of vacation.

They include the assistant commissioner for ministerial services, Imam Umar Abdul-Jamil.

Abdul-Jamil had been suspended for two weeks in 2006 after The Post revealed that he had given a speech referring to "Zionists of the media" and "terrorists" in the White House.

The other department officials losing vacation pay are Tombs warden George Okada, and two chiefs, Peter Curcio and Frank Squillante. Department spokesman Stephen Morello said only that Horn "took immediate disciplinary action" after an internal probe was completed.

A source said all Jewish inmates were moved out of the Tombs yesterday for unknown reasons.

Stern, a Brooklyn native who had been a fugitive in Brazil for nearly two decades, was shipped to an upstate prison days after the engagement party to begin a sentence for bail jumping and grand larceny.

He went on the lam in 1989 after he was busted for swindling $1.7 million.

Glanz and Abdul-Jamil both declined to comment. The other three officials could not be reached".

Shafran- you low life (PP) Pathetic Putz; time for you to now write an article trashing Sullenberger to this Tinaf Tuvia Tinofes Stern's "exceptionalism".

And, expect a call today from your compadres up in Otisville demanding that Agudah lobby for their equal Party Time Rights.

Even better; see if you can schedule your next years Agudah Dinner up in Otisville or down in The Tombs.

A fitting Sh'oyel Tachtis venue for your Moetzes D-ASS Toiyreh Tachtonim.

Educated guess said...

Dovid Cohen is currently the posek at Camp Munk but was a rebbe there for eons.

How many RCA rabbis who had to judge him for his lapses were once his talmidim at the camp going back decades? The RCA draws mostly from YU backgrounds. Camp Munk had campers for years that went to YU's MTA high school (until they were all thrown out when Munk decided such modern orthodox campers weren't good for the camp's image.

Being talmidim of Cohen would still put the RCA rabbis in an uncomfortable situation. Just like Belsky should not have involved himself in the Kolko matter because he was a friend, the RCA should have deferred to rabbis who have no ties to Dovid Cohen.

Anonymous said...

Paris rabbis threaten to boycott memorial ceremony for Shlomo Anidjar, who was abroad Air France plane which crashed into Atlantic Ocean, claiming that recognizing his death may allow his wife to remarry. Rabbinical court rules mourning customs can be undertaken in this case

Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 06.08.09

As the bodies of several passengers who were aboard an Air France plane which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on its way from Rio de Janeiro to Paris last week were recovered over the weekend, the Jewish community in the French town of Boulogne-Billancourt began a halachic debate over the fate of one of its member, who is believed to have died in the crash.

The debate was sparked ahead of a memorial ceremony held by the family of Shlomo Anidjar, who was aboard the missing plane, and focused on determining his wife's personal status.

During the ceremony, held at Paris' Great Synagogue, Anidjar's children asked to cite the Kaddish Yatom prayer ("orphan's Kaddish") for their father, and undertook mourning customs – together with their mother.

France's rabbis objected to these signs of mourning expressed soon after the plane went missing, even before the plane's debris or passengers' bodies were recovered, and threatened to boycott the ceremony.

The rabbis expressed their fear that taking part in the memorial would be perceived as a rabbinical-halachic approval that the woman is a widow, while she is in fact considered an aguna (abandoned wife).

Not allowed to remarry just yet
Following the disagreement, Rabbi Yirmiyahu Menachem Cohen, a senior member of the Rabbinical Center of Europe, decided to convene Paris' rabbinical court to discuss the matter.

The judges rules that before undertaking the mourning customs the family should have ensured that the chances of finding survivors were down to zero, but that in this case, retroactively, mourning could be allowed.

The court based its ruling on the initial opinion of aviation experts, who ruled that the plane had exploded in the air after measuring the radius where the plane's debris were found.

The halachic ruling also relied on a response written in the past by Rabbi Ovadia Yosed in regards to a combat pilot whose plane was hit by a missile and fell into the sea. Rabbi Yosed had said at the time that the explosion of a plane and drowning in the sea were two scenarios which a person could scarcely escape from alive, and that joined together, there was a halachic foundation to release the wife from her aguna status.

According to this precedent, the judges ruled that the woman and her children could undertake the mourning customs, as the woman was expected to be recognized as widow in the future.

They stressed, however, that she would not be allowed to remarry before a thorough discussion was held on her personal status.

Anonymous said...

UOJ, the JW article made R. Cohen look like some kind of hero on child molestation issues based on quotes from Rabbis Weinreb and Twersky. We all know that he is no hero on this issue and I know that the Jewish Week would do a follow up article if they are given new information. They are very interested in the Mondrowitz case but they need people to talk to them. As you can tell from the article, they are willing to talk to people off the record and they guard the anonymity of people who approach them. If you or any others have any information regarding Cohen, you should contact Hella Winston or Gary Rosenblatt immediately. Their email addresses are hellawinston@nyc.rr.com; gary@jewsihweek.org; gary.rosenblatt@gmail.com.

The Jewish Press said...

Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof!

You must pursue justice.

Child sex abuse SOL reform time has come.

Support Markey!

Bim Bam said...


Obama even found a moment to mention the plight of Egypt’s harassed Coptic community and to criticize the new wave of Holocaust deniers. And to show he was not playing favorites, he put the Israelis on notice: no more settlements in the occupied territories. He spoke about the suffering of Palestinians. This was no wilting olive branch.

And yet, for all the president’s talk of “a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world” and shared “principles of justice and progress,” neither he nor anyone around him, and certainly no one in the audience, bothered to notice one small detail missing from the speech: he forgot me.

The president never said a word about me. Or, for that matter, about any of the other 800,000 or so Jews born in the Middle East who fled the Arab and Muslim world or who were summarily expelled for being Jewish in the 20th century. With all his references to the history of Islam and to its (questionable) “proud tradition of tolerance” of other faiths, Mr. Obama never said anything about those Jews whose ancestors had been living in Arab lands long before the advent of Islam but were its first victims once rampant nationalism swept over the Arab world.

Nor did he bother to mention that with this flight and expulsion, Jewish assets were — let’s call it by its proper name — looted. Mr. Obama never mentioned the belongings I still own in Egypt and will never recover. My mother’s house, my father’s factory, our life in Egypt, our friends, our books, our cars, my bicycle. We are, each one of us, not just defined by the arrangement of protein molecules in our cells, but also by the things we call our own. Take away our things and something in us dies. Losing his wealth, his home, the life he had built, killed my father. He didn’t die right away; it took four decades of exile to finish him off.

Mr. Obama had harsh things to say to the Arab world about its treatment of women. And he said much about America’s debt to Islam. But he failed to remind the Egyptians in his audience that until 50 years ago a strong and vibrant Jewish community thrived in their midst. Or that many of Egypt’s finest hospitals and other institutions were founded and financed by Jews. It is a shame that he did not remind the Egyptians in the audience of this, because, in most cases — and especially among those younger than 50 — their memory banks have been conveniently expunged of deadweight and guilt. They have no recollections of Jews.

In Alexandria, my birthplace and my home, all streets bearing Jewish names have been renamed. A few years ago, the Library of Alexandria put on display an Arabic translation of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” perhaps the most anti-Semitic piece of prose ever written. Today, for the record, there are perhaps four Jews left in Alexandria.

When the last Jew dies, the temples and religious artifacts and books that were the property of what was once probably the wealthiest Jewish community on the Mediterranean will go to the Egyptian government — not to me, or to my children, or to any of the numberless descendants of Egyptian Jews.

It is strange that our president, a man so versed in history and so committed to the truth, should have omitted mentioning the Jews of Egypt. He either forgot, or just didn’t know, or just thought it wasn’t expedient or appropriate for this venue. But for him to speak in Cairo of a shared effort “to find common ground ... and to respect the dignity of all human beings” without mentioning people in my position would be like his speaking to the residents of Berlin about the future of Germany and forgetting to mention a small detail called World War II.

André Aciman, a professor of comparative literature at the City University of New York Graduate Center, is the author of the memoir “Out of Egypt.”

Urgent Open Letter said...

Dear Rabbi Horowitz,

We had the distinct pleasure of being taught by some of the premiere Roshei Hayeshiva. Our rebbeim inculcated us with a value of Torah and the importance to support Torah. Torah to our rebbeim meant, a compassionate understanding of every person, their needs, their natural tendencies, and their weaknesses. Our rebbeim understood that Hashem created Nefashos Rabos V’Chesronam, and they guided us away from areas and actvities that would reveal our shortcomings. This is what we looked up to in our Roshei Yeshiva. It was their support of each individual that caused us to in turn give back, and support Torah institutions worldwide.

It is with a broken heart that we are forced to acknowledge, we diligently gave support to many mosdos without asking for any return on our investment. We truly believed that every Rosh Yeshiva was interested first and foremost into the hatzlachah of every individual. The information we have received about internal dealings of the Yeshiva system has shaken us to the core of our being. Yet, we continued to give albeit in lower numbers than before. We hoped that some of the information was exaggerated or blown out of proportion due to hurt. The Joint Statement of Agudath Israel and Torah U’Mesorah removed all hope.

We see an Avodah Zarah of chasing money seeping into Avodas Hakodesh. We have created an Aigel Hazahav, and our money helped finance the operation. Saru Maher Min Haderech, how far can our Torah organizations veer off the path of Torah. To not have busha to declare a marle staircase is more valuable than a Neshama is the height of Avodah Zarah.

We can not, and will not strengthen the hands of those who believe this. Unless Agudath Israel and Torah U’Mesorah fight for the passage of the Chil Victims Act, as hard as they fought for Priority 7 funding we will stop our support COMPLETELY. For Daas Torah to say that it is laudatory to join other religions in opposition of our own childrens neshamos, is a proof of the Avodah Zarah of money running through our nation.

We have not come forward face to face with our gedolim because, some of us were abused ourselves.The scars of molestation don’t fade away over time. When we see how the current leadership treats victims, the scabs come loose and the blood starts again. Only police involvement can put pepetrators out of business. But, only a yeshiva menahel can remove a perpetrator from a classroom.

Take this letter to every member of the Moetzes. Hand deliver this to Rabbi Zweibel and Rabbi Nojowitz. The time for restitution is now.

Time is of the essence.

Torah Support Network

Wall to wall UOJ country said...

Leib Glanz who was just suspended by the Corrections Commissioner is a big shot in Satmar.

He spent years being mechanef Bob Grant who just ate it up and loved Glanz for it.

One particularly funny episode was when 400 chassidishe at the Satmar Shomrim dinner in Williamsburg, joined guest Bob Grant in his well-known chant of "Mario azendemay duzay provinoss sfacim - and he is!"

A reporter who wandered into the hall witnessed it so it got out in the media. Gov. Mario Cuomo called Leib Glanz and demanded an explanation (sfacim means scum or shichvas zera in Italian slang). Bob was laughing his kishkes out on the radio show saying that Glanz was embarrassed but told Cuomo that the chassidim didn't really know what they were repeating. Bob ended off by saying that he could swear that chassidishe are really Italians disguised with beards and chassidishe levush.

Putz thieves said...

Thursday, June 11th 2009, 4:00 AM

NEW YORK - Two of the nation's largest security software companies have agreed to pay penalties totaling $750,000 in a settlement with state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo had accused Symantec Corp. and McAfee Inc. of renewing customers' software subscriptions without their knowledge.
Symantec said in a statement that it has worked to improve the auto-renewal subscription process to "make it more transparent and visible."

Trial lawyer said...

Next Shmarya will sue Chabad for not finding him a shidduch.


A lovelorn Brooklyn man is suing dating service Match.com for being a big tease.

A $5 million federal suit filed by Sean McGinn accuses the company of fraud and deception for failing to tell subscribers some of their "matches" aren't active on the site.

McGinn, 37, said vulnerable romantics pour out their hearts in e-mails and then are crushed when they don't hear back.

"They are left feeling they've been completely ignored and rejected," attorney Norah Hart said. "For some people, it could affect their romantic future."

Anonymous said...

I'm not 100% sure but I think Nojovitz is a talmid of R' Elya Svei.

Seems like the old boys network is very careful about who they let take over the helm of TU. First Fishman, then an Agudah Fresser flunky, now Nojovitz.

Archie Bunker said...

Shmarya is sounding more like James von Brunn yemach shemo or at least his wacky conspiracies are picking up in frequency.

Shmarya is going bananas over the Republican coup in Albany. He has deluded himself into believing that the Catholic Church engineered it to stop homos and sex abuse victims. When readers try to explain to him that a billionaire opposed to higher taxes was behind it, it falls on deaf ears.

Marine Park bulletin said...

On Monday evening, at around 7:00 PM, there was an attempted abduction of a child on East 35th Street and Avenue P. A man in a Silver pick-up truck asked a young boy playing outside in front of his house to come into the truck with him. The child ran into his house and the truck sped away. Please urge your friends and neighbors to keep an eye on their children at all times.

steve said...

Charlie "Amalek" Hynes is trying to cool off the waters by saying that the child sexual abuse problem in the Orthodox community is "overblown" by the media. Charlie is still on Ben Barber's payroll. I hear he even gets his shirts for free. Can we stand another four years of coverups by this Amalek? Let's vote him out of office this year!

Ben "Achasverosh" Barber said...

Not just my Hungarian style white-on-white shirts with cuffs.

Charlie Hynes loves my luxurious linens too!

Chaim Shaulson from Ponim Chalashos / Yiddish VochenShmutz said...

They call me "Haman Harushe" but my only connection to YTT is that they're the only shmucks who would allow my kids in yeshiva.

What does that make Margo? The Sitre Achara alein?

Moetzes Gedolei Torah - Call For Action! said...

We must write letters to Donald Trump for this shande!

Miss California USA Carrie Prejean, whose comments opposing gay marriage sparked controversy, has been stripped of her title, officials said today.

The action comes a month after Donald Trump, who runs the Miss USA pageant, announced she would retain the crown.

A spokesperson for K2 Productions, which operates the Miss California, confirmed to The Times that Prejean has been stripped of her crown because of "contract violations." Fox News reported that pageant officials contended that she failed to participate in pageant-related events.

The controversy began nearly a month ago, when Prejean was asked about her views on same-sex marriage during the nationally televised Miss USA pageant. Although she said she believed people were entitled to do as they liked, she said marriage should be recognized only as an institution between a man and a woman.

Trump said he had no problem with Prejean's comments. "She gave a very honest answer when asked a tough question," he said at a New York news conference with Prejean sitting next to him. "It was the same answer the president of the United States gave ... She has to be commended."

Trump also said he reviewed semi-nude photos of Prejean that have surfaced in recent days and concluded they should not disqualify her. "We are in the 21st century," said Trump, who owns the pageant. "We have determined that the pictures taken were fine."

Prejean, who has appeared on Fox News in recent weeks, could not immediately be reached for comment.

[Updated at 1:25 p.m.: K2 Productions said Tami Farrell, who was first runner-up in the Miss California USA competition, will take over the crown.

Miss USA officials said in a statement that Trump supported the firing. In another statement, officials said they took the action because of "Ms. Prejean’s unwillingness to make appearances on behalf of the Miss California USA organization."]

Rubashkin truck driver said...

Hershey Friedman, the big Agudah and BMG menadev from Montreal, formed a corporation a month ago in his attempt to buy Agripro-fressers. The guy fronting for him is a Daniel Hirsch. There are 2 possible Daniel Hirsches who come to mind. One who used to work at Marvid owned by Hershey's brother and a CPA in Flatbush who once ran a plastics company. That is interesting because Montreal is full of frum-owned plastics companies.

And one more important detail. Another brother of Hershey, Leiby or Larry, was in jail for a long time for a massive fraud.

Dont be silly said...

The Donald is against faygelach although he doesn't say it offen. He canned the girl because she was playing around not doing her job and he is a no nonsense businessman.

steve said...

The irony of that Bar Mitzvah at The Tombs prison is that the city wanted to name it after Bernard Kerik. After Kerik was charged with fraud, Bloomberg took his name off the prison. Meanwhile, how many Orthodox criminals like Stern and Charles Kushner have their names and plaques on yeshivos and other mosdos?

Bim Bam identity said...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration plans to spend more money on treating addiction and scale down the "war on drugs" rhetoric as part of an overhaul of U.S. counternarcotics strategy, drug czar Gil Kerlikowske said on Friday.

Kerlikowske said a more balanced approach was needed, with greater emphasis on treatment programs, especially in prisons.

Obama, who described youthful marijuana and cocaine use in his autobiography, has proposed a budget for the fiscal year starting in October that boosts funding for substance abuse programs by 4 percent to $3.6 billion.

Needle exchanges for intravenous drug users, now banned at the federal level, will be considered a healthcare issue, he said.

As Seattle police chief, Kerlikowske worked in a (Liberal) city that ran a needle-exchange program, celebrates an annual "Hempfest" that draws tens of thousands of marijuana smokers, and passed a referendum that made enforcing marijuana laws the department's lowest priority.

Politically incorrect said...

For all of Shmarya's looney conspiracies, he may be correct with one of his theories this week. He thinks that Basil Herring and the gang at the RCA only got rid of R' Dovid Cohen because they were about to be exposed by Gary Rosenblatt.

Otisville Putz said...

Is that the same jailbird Stern from Back Lawrence by Lowinger's shul? The Lawrence one is originally Bobover.

Fan of UOJ said...

To Steve, Please explain what you mean about Hynes being on Ben Barber's payroll.

I know Ben Barber. Why do you think he has a vested interest in protecting pedophiles?

Please tell me what you know. I thought he was a nice guy. Please prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jack,

You're not alone in your frustration - I have railed and ranted and begged and pleaded on that subject, and gotten exactly nowhere.

The frum communities have been sucked into the western economic paradigm of greed, exploitation and unconcern for their fellows, and there seems to be no way to break the hold.

I'm sorry I don't have any better advice for you, but all you can do is try and find like-minded people and band together yourselves for the benefit of your own community. Don't patronize businesses that are owned by people who support or practice anything that is abhorrent to you - such as hiring cheap illegals under the table instead of fellow Jews at living wages. That's really all we can do at this point.

The Ravs don't care, so don't expect any great denunciation from on high - and even if they did I doubt seriously anyone would listen. Their real god is money.

steve said...

Barber is part of Hynes' "inner circle" and is one of his chief fundraisers. Barber and Herbert "The Momzer" Bomzer worked with Hynes for years to protect Mondrowitz. Bomzer went on Nightline and was quoted repeatedly in the press saying that Mondrowitz should be left alone. If Barber was not part of the conspiracy to protect Mondrowitz, he would have long ago disassociated himself from Bomzer and would have asked his close friend Hynes to extradite him.

Anonymous said...

please give me more info on the shmeltzer family from telz

i hear there is a finincial problem as well besides that an uncle was covered up for his improper behavior with kids

Inside info on Ben Barber said...

Barber has allegedly told people that it's not his business to know if someone is a molester only that it is his duty to make sure a guy with heimishe levush doesn't go to prison. I know of one case he got involved in where a Chassidishe lowlife jumped on a sexy Hispanic maydel when they were alone on an elevator, ripping off whatever skimpy clothes she had on.

Barber is also a big macher with Iggud Harabbonim / Haganovim and it's line up of child rapists, enablers and thieves.

Ombudsman said...

Ahavah Gayle,

Not every illegal is so bad off. Some employers are good to them, believe it or not. And since the illegal pays no taxes and gets all kinds of other freebies on the taxpayer dime, their real income is much higher than $7 or $9 an hour.

For the record I have never employed an illegal alien.

Chicago putz said...

The Shmeltzers are originally Hungarian.

Me darft mispallel zein! said...

This tinof tinofes molester-lover shouldn't make it off the operating table!


Bishop Nicholas A. DiMarzio, 64, the leader of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, is scheduled to undergo heart bypass surgery next week.

... he has been actively — and sometimes contentiously — lobbying to block a bill in Albany that would make it easier for those claiming they were victims of sex abuse as children to file lawsuits.

Such a law would drive the diocese to bankruptcy, he claims. And when churches and schools are shuttered as a result, angry Catholics will punish the lawmakers responsible, he has said.

In recent days, his lobbying led Assemblywoman Margaret M. Markey of Queens, sponsor of the child sex abuse legislation, to accuse him of stepping close to the line of church-state separation protections.

Shmarya groupie said...

These must be Haredim wearing blackface so that Blacks get the blame.

June 11, 2009
Police Investigating String of Drugstore Robberies


A spate of daylight robberies has struck pharmacies across the city, and police believe the same two men are to blame.

The robbers have struck drugstores seven times since January, in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan.

The most recent robbery occurred at the Just in Time Pharmacy, at 2126 Knapp Street in Marine Park, Brooklyn. The robbers made their getaway in a black vehicle. For the unfortunate pharmacy, it was only too familiar. Police say the same two thiefs robbed the same place on April 7.

On other occasions the suspects have robbed Joseph’s Pharmacy on the Upper West Side and a CVS outlet on Linden Boulevard in Queens.

Detectives describe the suspects as black men in their 20s or 30s.