EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Rabbinic Infallibility

The UOJ Archives: May 24, 2010

"Today, unfortunately, the majority of Jews have abandoned the Torah as their primary guide in life, rather than finding meaning and inspiration in its profound philosophical, psychological and moral lessons. Many of them will not turn to Judaism unless they find the system of studying its primary texts sound and responsive to reality".

There has been much discussion in the Orthodox Jewish world recently about the question of rabbinic authority. Yeshiva University published a book on the subject, the journal Tradition devoted an issue to the topic and there have been numerous postings in "Mail Jewish", an e-mail forum on the Internet, regarding various facets of the topic.

This paper is written to address one important aspect of the topic only - the opinion that holds Talmudic sages to have been infallible and that all their statements, including those of a factual type, whether they relate to history, geography, medicine, astronomy, biology, etc., to be absolutely true.

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that such an opinion is logically untenable and a misunderstanding of the sources.

If the above opinion meant that in many areas the sages had exceedingly great insight surpassing others of their time, it would be fine. If it meant that in certain cases the sages had a tradition originating from a Divinely-inspired source, that would be a different matter. If it meant that Halacha, even in those instances when apparently based upon factual insights of the sages, remains binding regardless of present-day scientific opinion, until a future Sanhedrin exercises its duly-authorized power to reevaluate matters, it would be correct. However, some present-day yeshiva authorities mean actual infallibility and absolute truth in all Talmudic statements.

This position cannot be accepted. Its negative effects cannot be overstated.

A clarification of this matter is called for not only to improve the quality of our own Torah study, but also to remove a stumbling block from the path of many who might thus find their way to Orthodox Judaism. It is not only the opinion in and of itself, but its consequences that are particularly injurious, as will be briefly touched upon further in this paper....

 Read the entire essay click the link:


freelakewood said...

Chazal were infallible. todays crop not.

Rav Yaakov Perlow, Admor of Novominsk said...

Our rabbis are divinators!!

Hashem speaks with me on a daily basis. I am able to see him and hear him clearly.

Especially before I take shot of Haldol!

Anonymous said...

Sefardi putz from Forest Hills


A 39-year-old Roslyn Heights jewelry store owner was arrested Thursday for bilking department stores out more than $70,000 by distracting cashiers, switching receipts, and convincing credit card companies that many purchases were unauthorized, Nassau County prosecutors said.

Shahram Gidanian was charged with grand larceny, scheme to defraud and falsifying business records.
Gidanian made purchases, usually between $600 and $1,000, at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s department stores throughout Nassau County and Queens between December 2007 and November 2009. He would pay with a credit card, but when the cashier would give him his receipt to sign, Gidanian would ask to make an additional, smaller purchase, prosecutors said. While the cashier was distracted, Gidanian would pocket the original receipt and sign the receipt for the smaller purchase, according to investigators.

Later, Gidanian disputed the charge with the credit card company, would say the purchase on his statement was unauthorized in order to receive a credit on his account and would then return the merchandise to a different store location and pocket the cash, prosecutors said.
Gidanian may have defrauded Bed Bath and Beyond and the Long Island Rail Road after he claimed not to have received his monthly train pass from the MTA vending machine at least four times and demanded his account be credited, prosecutors said.

Gidanian will be arraigned Friday at First District Court in Hempstead. He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted

Anonymous said...

Young Israel / Hatzolah of Staten Island


Wayne Barry Greenberg, Staten Island, NY
Profession: Certified Public Accountant; Lic. No. 074536; Cal. No. 24648
Regents Action Date: January 12, 2010
Action: 1 year stayed suspension, 1 year probation, $3,500 fine.
Summary: Licensee admitted to the charge of having been convicted in New Jersey of 3rd Degree Medicaid Fraud

Anonymous said...


Clifford Kaplan, Far Rockaway, NY
Profession: Ophthalmic Dispenser; Lic. No. 003855; Cal. No. 24537
Regents Action Date: March 9, 2010
Action: Found guilty of professional misconduct; Penalty: 2 year suspension, execution of suspension stayed, probation 2 years.
Summary: Licensee was found guilty of having been convicted of Operating a Motor Vehicle under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol

Anonymous said...


Roy Hoffmann; Certified Public Accountant; Woodmere, NY 11598; Lic. No. 080239; Cal. No. 24935; Application for consent order granted; Penalty agreed upon: 1 year stayed suspension, 1 year probation, $2,500 fine.

Anonymous said...

YU guy


Tolly Abraham Chovev, Cedarhurst, NY
Profession: Dentist; Lic. No. 038854; Cal. No. 23989
Regents Action Date: February 9, 2010 (see also September 2006)
Action: 1 year actual suspension, upon service of 1 year suspension or upon stay of execution of any unserved portion thereof upon satisfactory submission of certain documentation, 2 years probation to commence upon return to practice, $5,000 fine.
Summary: Licensee admitted to the charge of failing to provide a patient record within 30 days of the delivery of a written request.


Tolly Abraham Chovev, Brooklyn, NY
Profession: Dentist; Lic. No. 038854; Cal. No. 22699
Regents Action Date: September 12, 2006 (see also February 2010)
Action: 1 year stayed suspension, 1 year probation, $1,500 fine.
Summary: Licensee admitted to the charge of failing to adhere to proper technique while inserting laminates on a patient’s teeth.

itchiemayer said...

I see that Ivanka..oh yeah...Yael Trump is still showing quite a bit of skin for someone recently converted by an Orthodox Beis Din.
I know that Rabbi Haskel "the Rascal" Lookstein doesn't give a damn, but Rabbi Hershel Shaechter? I don't get it, I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

This guy was living with a girlfriend 24 years younger than him who died in a suspicious house fire 2 years ago.

His office was in Brooklyn around Ocean Ave & Ave U.


Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice announced today that Woodmere dentist Russell Barber, 54, has pleaded guilty to drug-related charges after writing out and filling fraudulent prescriptions for painkillers. The plea, which was accepted in diversion court, requires Barber, who was addicted to prescription painkillers, to successfully complete an 18-month intensive drug rehabilitation program that is supervised by the court.

Barber pleaded guilty to four counts of Criminal Sale of a Prescription for a Controlled Substance and one count of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Seventh Degree. In addition, Barber surrendered his license to practice dentistry.

Rice said that for the past three years, the District Attorney’s Office and the Nassau County Police Department have been investigating Barber for filling out prescriptions for painkillers in names other than his own, and then filling the prescriptions himself, often at Pen-Mill Pharmacy in Hewlett.

Rice said that Barber continued to treat patients despite his prescription painkiller addiction. A search warrant executed at Barber’s office revealed empty pill bottles in the office where he treated patients. The investigation into Barber began as a spin-off of an investigation into the illegal sale of drugs at Pen-Mill Pharmacy. In that case, pharmacist and owner Robert Rochford pleaded guilty to forgery and drug charges.

“It is fitting that he lose his professional license,” Rice said. “Dr. Barber abused his position and betrayed the trust of his patients and the community.”

Great Neck said...

Another chilul Hashem mug shot of a woman wearing a tichel.


A Great Neck couple has denied applying for and receiving more than $54,000 in undeserved Medicaid benefits over a five-year period.

Rabi Kamel, 53, and Siona Kamel, 42, pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Nassau County court to charges of grand larceny, welfare fraud and offering a false instrument for filing. They were originally arrested in September 2009.

The Kamels applied for and received the benefits by claiming that their income was between $31,000 and $38,000 per year for a family of eight between June 1, 2003 and May 31, 2008 while Rabi owned a Manhattan jewelry store and the couple had money hidden in various bank accounts, Nassau County prosecutors said.

Officials say the couple was hiding hundreds of thousands of dollars in bank accounts that belonged to their children and corporate accounts in the name of the Manhattan jewelry store Rabi Kamel owned.

The Kamels' attorney claims the couple received help filing their forms from an accountant who was arrested for fraud in an unrelated case.

Anonymous said...

Another gabbai of the Pupa ruv?


A 63 year-old New Jersey man has been arrested for reaching under the blanket of a sleeping woman aboard a Continental flight and sexually abusing her.

Ramesh Advani was arrested by the FBI when Flight 98 from landed at Newark Liberty airport. The woman and two witnesses described a sickening encounter on the flight from Hong Kong.

Advani allegedly touched the woman's "genitalia, groin and inner thigh" all while he moved "napkins around inside of his pants," court papers said.

Two passengers witnessed the alleged sexual assault and kicked the woman's chair in an attempt to wake her up. Investigators would not say if the woman had taken sleeping pills or other medication for the international flight.
U.S. attorney Paul Fishman said Advani, who is from Berkley Heights, could face up to 3 years in prison if convicted. This case is under federal jurisdiction because the plane was over international waters when the alleged attack occurred.

Jay Korn said...

On the board of directors of Oceanside JCC

91 complaints from victims alleging Hempstead attorney Jay Korn defrauded them out of a total of $27.8 million dollars had been filed with the Nassau County District Attorney's Office. Korn committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the building of his law firm, Korn & Spirn, on March 24.

The D.A.'s office is currently investigating whether Korn was involved in a Ponzi scheme. A spokesman said neither Korn's firm, nor his partner, Arthur Spirn, are under investigation at this time.

Jerome Reisman is a Garden City attorney representing several clients who believe they were defrauded by Korn. Among them, he said, are people who gave Korn money toward the purchase of property and allowed Korn to handle estate assets – money Reisman said is now unaccounted for. “Not only did he create this bogus investment scheme,” Reisman said. “He also converted funds from attorney-client relationships.”

Larry Cline, a Manhattan attorney, said he is also representing clients who are concerned about investments they made on Korn's advice. So far, Cline said, he has come across what appear to be fraudulent mortgage contracts. “In many cases, we've been unable to verify whether people or companies or properties as listed on the documents exist,” he said.

Israel Belsky SHLITA said...


A 17-year-old Haddon Township High School student is slated to appear in court this week on charges that the teen defecated in a classmate's soda cup during class and watched as the unsuspecting classmate took a sip.

The teen, whose identity has not been released, was charged with aggravated assault and food tampering after the March 29 incident, according to Jason Laughlin, spokesman for the Camden County Prosecutor's Office.

Laughlin said the 17-year-old allegedly swiped his 18-year-old classmate's soda cup, took off the lid and defecated into the cup during class before returning it.

The 18-year-old then "took a sip" from the cup, before spitting it out as his classmates laughed, Laughlin said. A teacher was present in the room when the incident occurred.

Alfred Kohan said...


Instead of disappearing, Atlantic City’s eyesores are becoming permanent fixtures.

Taxes for 2010 are overdue on some of the properties on the list. For example, the owner of the old Flanders Hotel failed to pay its property taxes for this year’s first and second quarters.

St. James Realty owns that property. Several phone calls to the Lakewood home of Alfred Kohan, the company’s principal, went unanswered and unreturned.

Jeffrey Siegelman said...


Police have caught alleged thieves on surveillance video stealing equipment from playgrounds and day care centers.

Police say the suspects take everything from merry go rounds to plastic toys.

On one of the videos from the 'Singing Rooster Daycare's' security camera, a U-Haul is shown on a Sunday afternoon rolling through, and two men and a woman are seen clearing out the playground.

"It's disgusting they would steal from the kids. Not us, but kids. It's sad," said daycare Asst. Director Amy Marino.

A few miles away, toys and toddler tables were snatched from Congregation B'nai Israel's play-yard.
"And now that it's nice out, they can't come and enjoy their snacks outside," said Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields.

Toms River police blame Jeffrey Siegelman of Lakewood

Daycares in a dozen towns across two counties are reporting thefts that began 2 years ago.

"They've been doing this since 2008...and with what's been stolen, it could reach into the 10's of thousands of dollars," said Det. Loring Dunton, with Toms River Police.

Police say the toys were being sold at yard sales and flea markets.

Markowitz said...


Mitchell Markowitz, 37, of Brooklyn, N.Y., pled guilty before Essex County Superior Court Judge Joseph Isabella to a charge of attempted theft by deception. At the Aug. 2 sentencing, Markowitz will be required to permanently surrender his public adjuster's license in New Jersey and New York and pay a $10,000 civil insurance fraud fine.

Similarly, four other co-defendants entered guilty pleas before Judge Isabella on April 27. Pleading guilty to third degree attempted theft by deception were Sol Zaltz, 55, of Brooklyn; Yehudah Berger, 53, of Brooklyn; Sam Nisser, 49, of Spring Valley, N.Y.; and David Nisser, 25, of Monsey, N.Y. Each of the defendants will be ordered to pay a $5,000 civil insurance fraud fine. Sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 2 (David and Sam Nisser) and Aug. 8 (Zaltz and Berger).

In pleading guilty, the defendants reportedly admitted they conspired to purchase 20,000 pieces of inexpensive costume jewelry, grossly over-insure the inventory, produce phony purchase receipts reflecting a greater value than the jewelry's worth, store the inventory in a warehouse, and purposely damage the jewelry in order to file a phony insurance claim.

The June 20, 2003 State Grand Jury indictment charged that Markowitz ultimately submitted an inflated insurance claim totaling $973,638 to The Fireman's Fund Insurance Company.

As a result of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor's investigation, Solomon Bouzaglou, owner of Exquisite Gems Inc. and Joseph Benlolo, purchaser of the jewelry, pleaded guilty on March 12, 2003 before Essex County Superior Court Judge Harold Fullilove.

Both defendants plead to separate criminal Accusations which charged conspiracy and attempted theft by deception. On Jan. 16, 2004, Benlolo was sentenced to five years probation and ordered to pay a $5,000 civil insurance fraud fine. Bouzaglou was sentenced on Feb. 6, to five years probation, ordered to pay a $5,000 civil insurance fraud fine, and to perform 150 hours of community service.

1412 Coney Island Ave said...


How about 1412 Coney Island Avenue, in the Midwood section of Brooklyn, between the laundromat and the baby gear store? Open a battered steel door, walk up a narrow flight of worn stairs and enter a dingy, cluttered office the size of a studio apartment. This is the home of Stock Market Recovery Consultants — antagonists of brokerage houses, advocates for investors and self-described ambulance chasers.

Ben Lapin founded the firm, with Mitchell Markowitz, in 2003 to help aggrieved clients of Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Charles Schwab and the like recoup their losses.

Mr. Lapin and Mr. Markowitz have no legal training.

New York doesn’t make that requirement, so Mr. Lapin, whose background is in trading, and Mr. Markowitz — who pleaded guilty in 2004 to insurance fraud in a million-dollar scam involving jewelry — saw an opportunity.

Sitting in what passes for a conference room, at a table stacked high with three-ring binders, sheafs of documents and synagogue schedules, Mr. Lapin explained last week that the firm generally does not charge clients upfront; instead, it takes 50 percent of any award.

That’s more than they could charge if they were lawyers. His lack of credentials, he said, also helps him to goad his opponents into settling. “You don’t want to lose a hearing to us,” he tells opponents. “That’s like Michael Jordan losing to a kid in a street game.”

Most cases, though, go for far less money, sometimes for just pennies on the dollar. And sometimes a brokerage firm will settle smaller matters just to make them go away. “There is something called a nuisance-value case,” Mr. Lapin said. “In the old days, when there wasn’t so much business, that was worth $20,000. Now, $10,000 to $15,000.”

When the cases make it to a panel of arbitrators, however, the crusaders of Coney Island Avenue usually go home empty-handed; in a couple of cases, their clients were even told to pay the brokerage house.

Mr. Lapin offered a lawyer who has opposed him on several cases — Michael Schwartzberg of Winget, Spadafora & Schwartzberg — to vouch for his performance. He vouched thusly: “Dealing with Mr. Lapin and his operation is one of the most frustrating experiences I’ve ever dealt with.” Mr. Schwartzberg said the claims that Stock Market Recovery Consultants files — before it has fully investigated the case, and using passages cut and pasted from previous claims — sometimes don’t even get the client’s name right. When it comes to settling, he added, “It’s like hondling at a flea market with these guys: ‘I got these shirts 3 for 10, but for you, 3 for 5.’ ”

Russell Bourrienne said he lost hundreds of thousands of dollars because of his broker’s mismanagement. Last year, Stock Market Recovery got Merrill Lynch to settle for what he said was 4 or 5 percent of what he lost. And he had to fork over half of that to Mr. Lapin and Company.

Lakewood said...

That's not all with Jeffrey Siegelman



A 32-year-old Lakewood man has been indicted on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography. An Ocean County grand jury on Thursday handed up the two-count indictment against Jeffrey M. Siegelman of Woehr Avenue. The indictment alleged that Siegelman used e-mail on Sept. 7, 2007, to distribute a video of a child engaged in a sexual act. The indictment also charged...

Disgusting! said...

When Bill Clinton tried this, the Mississippi river had the worst mabul in a century.

And look which "Observant" ausvarf is behind it in the Senate. The ausvarf Yossel Lieberman who is allowed to speak from the bimah in the Westchester beis medrash of the Gateways "kiruv" organization.


WASHINGTON — President Obama, the Pentagon and leading lawmakers reached agreement Monday on legislative language and a time frame for repealing the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, clearing the way for Congress to take up the measure as soon as this week.

If it passed, the measure could enable gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military as early next year

In the Senate, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, independent of Connecticut, intends to introduce the language on Thursday in the Armed Services Committee. In a letter to Mr. Obama on Monday, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Lieberman and Senator Carl M. Levin, the Armed Services Committee chairman, announced support for the proposal and asked the White House for its “official views.”

Already this year, the administration has taken significant steps toward doing undoing the policy; last month, the Secretary of the Army, John M. McHugh, said he was effectively ignoring “don’t ask, don’t tell” and had no intention of pursuing discharges of active duty service members who have told him they are gay.

But full-fledged repeal, which requires an act of Congress, has been moving slowly. Gay rights advocates are especially concerned about having a vote before the November midterm elections, when Democrats are expected to lose seats.

Anonymous said...


Leopold Margulies said...


May 24, 2010

When Passengers Spit, Bus Drivers Take Months Off


It could be the cutbacks to the city’s transportation system, or a general decline in urban civility. Perhaps people are just in a collective bad mood.

What else could explain why New Yorkers — notoriously hardened to the slings and arrows of everyday life here — are spitting on bus drivers?

Of all the assaults that prompted a bus operator to take paid leave in 2009, a third of them, 51 in total, “involved a spat upon,” according to statistics the Metropolitan Transportation Authority released on Monday.

No weapon was involved in these episodes. “Strictly spitting,” said Charles Seaton, a New York City Transit spokesman.

And the encounters, while distressing, appeared to take a surprisingly severe toll: the 51 drivers who went on paid leave after a spitting incident took, on average, 64 days off work — the equivalent of three months with pay. One driver, who was not identified by the authority, spent 191 days on paid leave.

Spitting falls under the category of assault in the drivers’ contract with the authority. And officials at Transport Workers Union Local 100, which represents city bus operators, said the extended absences were justified.

“Being spat upon — having a passenger spit in your face, spit in your mouth, spit in your eye — is a physically and psychologically traumatic experience,” said John Samuelsen, the union’s president. “If transit workers are assaulted, they are going to take off whatever amount of time they are going to take off to recuperate.”

London and other cities have found a novel solution: collecting the DNA of the offending spitters.

Nancy Shevell, the chairwoman of the authority’s bus committee, said she did not envy those spat upon. But she wondered whether three months’ time off was excessive.

“You have to wonder if you can go home and shower off, take a nap, take off the rest of the day and maybe the next day,” she said. “When it gets strung out for months, you start to wonder.”

Great Neck said...


I don't agree with all this criticism of the Ohebshalom family.

Rent control laws are Socialist and cause the landlord to lose a lot of money.


An informal survey of some major landlords and real estate agencies turned up an Upper East Side woman paying $156.20 for two conjoined studios, a Lower East Side man paying $60 a month for a walk-up and the octogenarians and nonagenarians sprinkled through Little Italy paying $58 to $102 a month.

Most of these tenants with time-warped rents declined to be interviewed, because of the hate mail they believed they would receive. But one such tenant did agree to go on the record, and he wants his fellow New Yorkers to know that he has not been able to maintain his cheap apartment without a long fight.

He is John Burke, a 65-year-old paying $288 a month for a studio at 218 East 84th Street. As the last rent-stabilized dweller in a five-story walk-up, Mr. Burke is living in a construction site where the latest landlord is renovating all of the other studios and charging $1,850 to $1,975 a month. Mr. Burke says he has spent $13,500 to repair his dilapidated apartment, and $11,000 on legal fees taking his landlords to court over the conditions.

He is waiting for his current landlord to find him a temporary apartment, make repairs and let him return home. But there are no guarantees when or if that might happen.

As Mr. Burke carefully walked through the sweltering apartment stacked to the ceiling with furniture he was waiting to move, he inhaled the unsettling scent of mold, ignored the head-splitting sawing and hammering from floors above him, and poked his dark-wood cane at rotting floorboards his landlord had not repaired. “It’s been hell,” he said while walking among glass shards that construction workers left strewn in the backyard. “Now you see, it’s no bargain.”

Mr. Burke has reached a stalemate with his latest landlord, the Shalom family, which bought the building last year for $3.3 million. He is working with State Senator Liz Krueger, the nonprofit Eviction Intervention Services and the tenant rights group Shalom Tenants Alliance, which is fighting the landlord over its management of more than 100 buildings. Calls and e-mail messages to the Shalom family at their firm Sky Management, to the past landlord and to brokers renting out apartments were not returned.

Catie Marshall, a spokeswoman for the city’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development, said the agency was “aware of the conditions of his apartment” and wanted it “to be brought up to all of the standards of the housing code.” The building currently has 190 violations, including 76 in that specific unit. The Department of Buildings is also monitoring the property and has issued 18 environmental control board violations.

Bim Bam identity said...


Obama's sends Federal agents to threaten & intimidate a journalist who published a TSA document that was NOT classified.

These bozos can't even stop a putz with a bomb in his underwear whose parents tipped off the govt beforehand or the Times Square terrorist from boarding an airplane so they threaten a journalist.

The 2nd journalist, from the Washington Post, posted a much more sensitive document and does deserve to get in trouble.

Rahm-Bo Emmanuel said...

This ausvarf who is married to a shiksa is allowed to daven & get kibudim in the shul of the RCA's Rabbi Asher Lopatin in Chicago. His non-Jewish children also attend Rabbi Lopatin's Hebrew school.


Israel’s Tourism Ministry did not pay for visiting White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel’s family to eat non-kosher food in Eilat, a spokesman for Tourism Minister Stas Meseznikov said Monday, denying press reports.

Emanuel came to Israel on Friday for a 10-day trip with his family to celebrate the bar mitzva of his son Zach and nephew Noah. The ceremonies will be conducted later this week with the help of Emanuel’s rabbi in Virginia, Jack Moline, who is expected to come to Israel. Details of the bar mitzvas are still being kept a secret.

Yediot Aharonot reported Sunday that a Tourism Ministry official paid for the Emanuel family’s meal at Eilat’s non-kosher Boston restaurant on Friday. The report said the Emanuels ate cheviche, calamari and other seafood.

“We offered to help the Emanuels with their visit but they said no,” the spokesman said. “Our representative did not eat with them. We bring thousands of people to Israel. Our official events are kosher but when people are on their own we don’t pick at their plates or make sure they eat all their meals at the Knesset cafeteria.”

National Union MK Michael Ben-Ari wrote Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein complaining about taxpayer funds being used for a non-kosher meal and asking him to send the bill to Emanuel’s home.

“In my humble legal opinion there is no possibility of making the State of Israel pay for such a meal, as part of a private visit by the White House chief of staff and his family,” Ben-Ari wrote. “The public coffers are not up for grabs and the fact that the gentleman sponsors anti-Semitic policies in the White House is certainly no justification for digging into the public coffer at the expense of the old lady in the corridor of the hospital.”

Far right activist Baruch Marzel, who works for Ben-Ari, is determined to get to the bar mitzva and heckle Emanuel because he believes he is a traitor to the Jewish people. He said he believes the bar mitzva will be at a Jerusalem hotel on Thursday or Saturday.

Those hoping to catch a glimpse of Emanuel Monday during a rumored visit to the Western Wall were disappointed. Emanuel and his family did not appear at the site, where reporters, photographers and at least one would-be protester were camped out. There was speculation that the family might choose a less public venue because of possible protests.

Yemach shmoy said...


Moishe Rosen, who died Wednesday at age 78, was founder of Jews for Jesus, an organization bent on converting Jews to Christianity.

A Christian convert from Judaism who became a Baptist minister, Mr. Rosen insisted that Jews could keep their cultural identity while accepting a new religion. But Jews for Jesus became a lightning rod for criticism. Many Jews resented the attention and declared the idea of a "Jewish Christian" to be an oxymoron. Many in the public thought the group's swarms of young evangelists clad in identical T-shirts, encountered in airports or on street corners, were cult members.

Undaunted by critics, Mr. Rosen kept up a cheerful front while building an organization that today claims to have a presence in 22 cities in 11 countries.

Raised in an orthodox household in Denver, Colo., Mr. Rosen was the son of a scrap-metal dealer. He converted at age 21 to evangelical Christianity and his parents disowned him.He attended a seminary in New Jersey and was ordained a Baptist minister in 1957.

" 'Jews for Jesus' are dishonest. They are hypocrites," write Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor and Jewish commentator, in a 1988 essay.

Moshe Piller said...


another heimishe slumlord

Ahron Schechter said...

itchiemayer ,

Don’t you have better things to do in life than spy on converts’ observance ? Tropper may have a job for you

Moetzes Resign! said...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says a new report by Interior's inspector general is ''deeply disturbing'' and shows the importance of reforming an agency that oversees offshore drilling.

The report, which follows up on a 2007 investigation, found that staffers at the Minerals Management Service accepted tickets to sports events, lunches and other gifts from oil and gas companies and used government computers to view pornography.

Salazar said several employees in the report have resigned, were fired, terminated or referred for prosecution. He said it showed the importance of his plan to abolish the agency and replace it with three new entities.

Ganuvim! said...

Angel is of course under Badatz & OU.

I think Berman is Rabbanut Yerushalayim Mehadrin.


CEOs of Israel's three largest bakeries nabbed on suspicions of price-fixing

Ora Coren and Amit Benaroia • Ha'aretz

The CEOs of the country's three largest bakeries were arrested yesterday after antitrust investigators accused them of cooperating to fix prices.

This is one of the most blatant cartels the Antitrust Authority has uncovered. It is well organized and run by senior executives of these companies," the prosecutor told the court, requesting the extension of the suspects' remand.

He said the cartel represented the most serious breach of antitrust laws that are meant to protect the weaker parts of society.

Suspects include Yaron Angel, Angel Bakery CEO and one of the controlling share owners, Merhavit Bakery CEO Yohanan Aharonson and Berman Bakery CEO Yehuda Schneiderman. The suspects allegedly coordinated prices and tenders for price-controlled bread intended for poor people. They also divided the bread market among themselves.

Antitrust Authority officers raided the bakeries' offices for incriminating documents. They asked to extend Angel's custody by four days. In addition to the CEO, two Angel bakery workers were also arrested.

The prosecution told the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court the suspects' activity came at the expense of "the people who consume relatively large quantities of bread."

It is still unclear whether the bakeries coordinated moves pertaining only to price-controlled bread or to other kinds of bread as well. Price-controlled bread consists of sliced white bread and ordinary challah, whose profit margins are relatively low compared to the specialty breads. The price control is intended to make it easier for low-income families to consume bread - seen as a staple food.

Bakery owners coordinate price changes of price-controlled bread with the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry, in keeping with estimated changes in production costs. However, the ministry suspects they coordinated their positions before and after their meetings with the ministry officials.

The Israeli bread industry is worth approximately NIS 2 billion annually. The bread market is not characterized by consumer loyalty, as the large bakeries do not produce unique products as do Lehem Erez, Lehem Haaretz and other boutique bakeries.

Angel bakery released a statement saying they were looking into the allegations.

"At this stage the company is studying the incident's details," they said. "The company is not aware of anything illegal. The company will cooperate with the investigating authorities as required."

The two other bakeries were unavailable for comment.

Flatbush SY said...

Brooklyn prosecutors reversed course Monday and decided to drop charges against a woman accused of running over a traffic cop's foot.

Chila Lati, 39, had proof that she wasn't at the scene - including witnesses and time-stamped photographs. She insisted another woman with the same name was the culprit; there are five Chila Latis in Brooklyn.

"I'm still stunned," Lati told the Daily News, which first reported on the mistaken-identity case. "I am very, very happy. I was counting the days until this would be over."

Defense lawyer Israel Fried said he's happy it's over. "They had the wrong person," he said

David Greenfield said...

I lose my cool about welfare cuts but don't give a damn about kids getting molested.


You Want Outrage? David Greenfield Will Show You Outrage! »


City Councilman David Greenfield got way, WAY up in arms today at a hearing with ACS Commissioner John Mattingly on the proposed elimination of day care centers and Priority 7 vouchers for low-income families.

Greenfield represents the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Borough Park, Midwood and Bensonhurst, where he says 1,330 children will be displaced.

The real drama starts a little after the 9-minute mark.


Rubashkin fresser said...

The Chitriks are fronting Rubashkin's meat from South America and help head the "pidyon shvuyim" fundraising campaign.


A Midtown diamond dealer and developer is facing legal challenges at a vacant 14-story office building on a side street in the Garment District.

Developer Aaron Chitrik is an investor and managing member of the Midtown-based development company 315 W 35th Associates LLC that bought the Garment Center building in early 2006 for $16.2 million.

Chitrik, a diamond dealer with Midtown-based Citra Trading, dreamed of converting the 1927 commercial building at 315 West 35th Street between Eighth and Ninth avenues into 57 residential units with 5,000 square feet of ground floor retail.

But after securing permits in 2007 and 2008, the downturn set in and development stalled, followed by legal action. Between 2008 and 2010 the development company was hit with four separate lawsuits although two of them have since been dropped.

Chicago-based lender Wrightwood Capital is seeking to foreclose on approximately $14 million in loans at the 35th Street building, and is also seeking a personal guaranty from Chitrik of $1.75 million, the suit filed May 7 in New York State Supreme Court shows.

The loan on the gutted property is now being offered for sale by Eastern Consolidated, senior director David Schechtman said.

The building is also being offered for sale by the owners, who are asking $24 million, broker Dan Shapiro said.

In addition, in 2008, Boris Motovich, founder of Midwood Lumber & Millwood in Midwood, Brooklyn, filed suit against 315 W 35th Associates, claiming that the development company breached a contract with him. He signed a contract in July 2007 to buy the building for $28 million, and subsequently provided $4.26 million in down payments and other fees. But the suit claims the property did not have clear title at the time of the scheduled closing in 2008, and so he is seeking the return of the down payment. The suit remains ongoing, court records show.

Chitrik is party to another legal dispute, where he partnered with developers Shaya Boymelgreen, Ben Nash and Assaf Fitoussi to form NCF Equities, the company that developed the Crescent Club at 41-17 Crescent Street in Long Island City.

Chitrik had been the managing member of NCF at least since late 2005, but in December 2009 was replaced by Nash. In March, Nash and NCF Equities filed suit in New York State Supreme Court, claiming Chitrik had not turned over all the required financial documents. The case is ongoing.

Both versions of the story are correct said...


China and the United States wrapped up two days of high-level meetings here on Tuesday with some modest trade and energy agreements but little progress on winning China’s backing for international measures against North Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said China would take “a period of careful consideration in order to determine the best way forward in dealing with North Korea as a result of this incident,” suggesting there was no immediate prospect of a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning the attack.

Mrs. Clinton tried to put the best face on China’s response, saying President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao had conveyed their sorrow at the loss of the 46 sailors on the Cheonan, which sank after being torpedoed by what South Korea says was a North Korean submarine.

“We expect to be working together with China in responding to North Korea’s provocative action and promoting stability in the region,” Mrs. Clinton said at a news conference after the meetings ended. “It is absolutely clear that China not only values but is very committed to regional stability.”

But Chinese officials did not mention North Korea by name during the entire meeting, and Dai Bingguo, a state councilor who oversees foreign affairs, called for the international community to “calmly and appropriately handle the issue, and avoid escalation of the situation.”


Torah Temimah and the Agudah wrapped up two days of high-level meetings here on Tuesday with some modest agreements but little progress on winning Margo’s backing for measures against Yudi Kolko over the molesting of bochurim.

Agudah spokesman Avi Shafran said YTT would take “a period of careful consideration in order to determine the best way forward in dealing with Kolko,” suggesting there was no immediate prospect of a Moetzes resolution condemning molestation.

Shafran tried to put the best face on Margo’s response, saying President Willy Wiesner and Bungalow Putz Neuhoff had conveyed their opposition against "molestation of any kind", which they reluctantly expressed following Kolko's arrest by the NYPD sex crimes unit.

“We expect to be working together with YTT in responding to UOJ’s provocative action and promoting stability in the region,” Shafran said at a news conference after the meetings ended. “It is absolutely clear that YTT not only values but is very committed to their bank accounts' stability.”

But YTT officials did not mention Kolko by name during the entire meeting, and Israel Belsky, a thug who oversees YTT security affairs, warned for the community to “calmly and appropriately handle the issue, and avoid escalation of the situation.”

Anonymous said...



Two variations of the story on how Obama used the health care bill to sneak in the biggest changes in decades to the tax code that makes the IRS like a Secret Police force to track every little purchase you make. Your accountant will be handing you a much higher bill to keep track of all this.

Archie Bunker said...


As you can see here, Failed Blogger Shmarya is still sitting around in his mother's basement and getting fat like a katchka.

After shnorring money from the public for months to cover what he called "travel expenses" to the Rubashkin trial, to provide coverage he claimed no one else could, he never made it to the Federal trial, saying he would it make to the State trial. But alas the 2nd trial is almost over and there is no sign of Shmarya or the money he misappropriated under false pretenses.

This is besides that the local newspapers have been providing daily transcripts of every word said during the trials.

During Shmarya's baal teshuva phase he ate many meals at Sholom Rubashkin's table when Rubashkin was a Chabad shaliach in Minnesota but continues to kick Rubashkin while he is down.

For the fools who gave Shmarya money thinking he serves a purpose exposing corruption, he is not like the others who do that. He uses Rubashkin and everything else as a tool to convince people to leave frumkeit like he did with his own miserable self.

itchiemayer said...

Mr. Aron Shechter - I don't spy on converts. I was ticked off because I innocently went onto CNNSI.com to check out the world of sports and there was a picture of Ivanka on the homepage from her party for "The Apprentice" the prior night.
I am in awe of righteous converts for their choosing to take on the incredible challenge of living a Torah observant life. I am critical of Rabbanim who convert those that apparently don't want to take on the challenges.
As I wrote to someone yesterday, please G-d Ivanka should live her life as a Bas Yisroel should, and I will be the first one to admit I was wrong. As for Tropper, I don't want to be within a hundred miles of Leib Tropper, much less work for him.
In fact, I will tell you that I belive the Beis Din that converted Ivanka is a valid Beis Din, although I may question their judgment. Therefore, I consider Ivanka to be 100% jewish.
I do understand where you are coming from, and your comments were reasonable, albeit somewhat presumptuous. I hope this clears it up, at least somewhat. Thanks.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

R' Itchie Mayer,

The issues are strictly based on halacha, nothing to do if anyone believes the beis din is legitimate or not.

1 - Was the convert deceiving the beis din by agreeing to accept Ol Malchus Shomayim and the Ol Mitzvos - ALL OF THEM?

2 - A legitimate bais din can be fooled, as we see all over America and Eretz Yisroel - a truly legitimate beis din would, upon irrefutable evidence of a convert's violation of ALL the halachas D'oraisa l'chatchila, like Shabbos, Tarfus, Mikva, Tznius (yes, it's a D'oraisa), would revoke such a sham. I do not believe they were fooled, I believe Schechter went it to this with his eyes wide open.

3 - Your "belief" that she is Jewish is NOT upheld by all reliable poskim.

4 - This ridiculous assumption that Trump would have kept the mitzvos when Kushner has not for 15 years, is something H. Schechter will have to answer for to a much more important guy than me.

itchiemayer said...

I agree with virtually everything that you say. I am being lenient when I say I consider her Jewish, although it is true I wouldn't approve of one of my grandchildren marrying one of hers. As I wrote yesterday, I don't understand RHS on this one. Rabbi Lookstein I understand, but not the Rav that I have considered to be the Gadol Hador for Centrist/RW Modern Orthodoxy in America. If RHS says she is Jewish, I won't argue with him. I am very uncomfortable about it, but her Jewishness does not directly affect me. Indirectly, in the sense of being a part of Klal Yisroel, then it does affect me. Whether I consider her Jewish or not is ultimately irrelevant. As for the Kushner family, don't even get me started about Jared's Father. How he can show his face in public, I do not understand.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

If RHS says she is Jewish, I won't argue with him.


I would - in any neutral bais medrash - open to the public - with 10 days notice, anywhere in the U.S.A.!

itchiemayer said...

I would pay to see it!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Every rav must be held accountable, the "bigger" the rabbi, the higher the standards of accountabilty!

Something as important as "Conversion" was left almost totally in the hands of a known sheigetz, Leib Tropper.

Now RHS comes out with this insanity, not only did he disgrace himself and the RCA, every ehrliche convert should be outraged as well as the entire klal!

Enough already with rabbonim with agendas...in my opinion, every psak of RHS is now suspect!

Haskel the Rascal said...

Why would R' Hershel Schechter go into this with "eyes wide open"?

Does he have any reason to impress the Donald or scumbag pimp "Big Daddy" Kushner?



Filed at 6:09 p.m. ET

SAN DIEGO (AP) -- The father of a 14-year-old girl who was raped and murdered backed legislation Tuesday to require marked driver's licenses for registered sex offenders in California.

The endorsement by Maurice Dubois was the latest development in the push to overhaul the way California punishes and tracks sex offenders.

It came more than a month after convicted sex offender John Albert Gardner pleaded guilty to murdering Amber Dubois and 17-year-old Chelsea King.

The bill authored by Assemblymen Pedro Nava and Paul Cook would require sex offenders to carry the driver's license or a Department of Motor Vehicles identification card when they leave home. It could include a distinctive stripe or color.

Nava said the marked licenses and ID cards will put law enforcement officers on alert when they stop and question people.

The bill, which cleared its first legislative committee last month, also would ban sex offenders from parks.

Paul Mendlowitz said...


Hershel Schechter's Convert!

Anonymous said...

RHS was duped by Haskel
Lookstein to be a part of
this 'Bais Din'. Haskel was
doing the Donald's bidding.
RHS was simply being used. Shameful!

Free lunch for Shmarya and his favorite people said...


Wrangling over the federal budget in Washington has delayed payouts from a $1.25 billion settlement that Mr. Boyd and several others helped negotiate with the federal government to compensate black farmers who claimed that the Agriculture Department had discriminated against them in making loans.

They alleged that from 1981 through mid-1997, Agriculture Department officials ignored complaints that they were denied aid comparable to what white farmers received because they were black.

An estimated 80,000 farmers were shut out of the case on the grounds that their claims were filed too late. In 2002, the judge presiding over Pigford decided not to admit their claims, which the farmers said resulted from insufficient notice by the government and clumsy work by their lawyers. But the judge warned the lawyers that their work was “bordering on legal malpractice.”

In 2008, Congress set aside $100 million to address late claims.

Then in February, the farmers and the Obama administration reached a settlement to pay out an additional $1.15 billion, and President Obama, who co-sponsored the 2008 measure as a senator, included the money in his proposed budget for the 2011 fiscal year.

The amount each farmer will receive will not be determined until all the claims have been vetted, said Andrew Marks, a lawyer with Crowell & Moring in Washington, one of the firms representing the farmers. Some 30,000 claims have been filed, he said, and lawyers expect a “significant” number of additional claims.

In the 1999 settlement, successful plaintiffs filing basic claims received $50,000 tax free. The money is half what the farmers sought, but the administration’s promise of a quick resolution prompted them to accept the deal, Mr. Boyd said.

Congress missed a March 31 deadline set by the administration to provide financing, which would have allowed payments to start by the summer of 2011.

The farmers agreed to give the government an extension through May 31. The House is expected to vote Wednesday on a bill that includes the settlement.

The settlement has strong support across party lines, but some lawmakers are worried that the bill’s costs have not been offset by corresponding cuts in spending.

Mr. Boyd suggested that Mr. Obama circumvent Congress and pay farmers out of the same special Treasury Department fund used to pay Pigford claims.

So far, Mr. Obama has deferred to Congress. Some farmers have speculated that the president is shying away from the issue because it involves race. The White House said that was untrue.

“The president’s approach to this is not based on the color of skin but because of what is right,” said Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary.

Anonymous said...

There is new information regarding the fraudulent hashgocho of Rabbi Asher Schachter on Jewish owned Bagel Boss restaurants that are open & making bread on Shabbos, Yom Kippur & Pesach.

I recently reported on how one of the Conservative Jewish owners is wearing a yarmulka & using yeshivishe shprach to convince people that everything is kosher lemehadrin and trumpeting that Schachter's shver, Queens Vaad Av Beis Din Rabbi Peretz Steinberg directs the hashgocho. (If this owner fails to convince you to eat there he becomes visibly angry & agitated. His supporters claim that "all of his friends daven at the Young Israel of Holliswood and he sometimes davens there too", not just at the Conservative Hollis Hills Jewish Center where he belongs). Rabbi Steinberg's name used to actually be on the teudah until being exposed on UOJ a few years ago at which point the name disappeared from all printed material.

At the New Hyde Park location, there is currently a huge sign right next to the teudah bearing a misleading mention of R' Moishe Feinstein ztl that invites everyone to the Catholic festival lezichron St Gregory the Great.

He was the Pope over 1400 years ago.


Someone in the food manufacturing industry tips me off that the line of "Grandma Seiden" blintzes & knishes sold in supermarkets under the OU is headquartered at the same address as this Bagel Boss restaurant because it is owned by the same people.

Does the OU force them to manufacture in an offsite facility or is it the same fraudulent standard of kashrus from the same place with OU approval?

Vantz Armstrong said...


Federal authorities investigating allegations that Lance Armstrong and other top cyclists engaged in doping are considering whether they can expand the investigation beyond traditional drug distribution charges to include ones involving fraud and conspiracy, according to two people briefed on the investigation.

The authorities, who are in the early stages of their investigation, are seeking to determine whether Armstrong, the owners and managers of his former cycling teams and his teammates conspired to defraud their sponsors by doping to improve their performances and garner more money and prizes, one of the people said.

In particular, the authorities want to know whether money from the United States Postal Service, the main sponsor of Armstrong’s team from 1996 to 2004, was used to buy performance-enhancing drugs, one of the people said. Fraud charges can carry longer sentences than charges of drug distribution.

If the authorities proceed with a more ambitious investigation that looks into fraud and conspiracy charges, they could take aim at Armstrong, who had an ownership stake in Tailwind Sports, the company that owned several of his past cycling teams, and the other cyclists, said the two people briefed on the matter.

The investor Thom Weisel, of the investment banking firm Thomas Weisel Partners Group, was the founder and chairman of Tailwind Sports. Armstrong eventually became a co-owner.

Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France winner, has been dogged by doping allegations throughout his career and continues to deny them. He tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs once, for cortisone at the 1999 Tour, but later produced a doctor’s note saying the drug was needed to combat his saddle sores.

But unlike the other investigations, this one involves federal authorities from the United States. They have become more interested in Armstrong’s alleged ties to doping since Landis accused Armstrong — his teammate on the Postal Service team — and other top cyclists of doping.

In the past, Armstrong has threatened to sue people who have questioned his integrity in the sport.

In e-mail messages Landis recently sent to top cycling officials, Landis said he and Armstrong shared conversations about the need for blood doping. He also said that he had witnessed Armstrong and some other Postal Service team members, including the United States road cycling champion George Hincapie, receiving blood transfusions on a team bus during one Tour de France.

Landis, who for four years said he was innocent of the doping charges leveled against him, has agreed to cooperate with federal authorities and officials from Usada in a doping investigation.

Anonymous said...

Add this to the heimishe cost of living:


Paid sick days, vacations proposed for maids, nannies

State Senate set to vote on a “bill of rights” for domestic workers, including advance notice of termination. NY would be the first state in the country to spell out such rights.

By Daniel Massey
Published: May 25, 2010

The Domestic Workers Bill of Rights—which stalled last year with the Senate coup—has reemerged and will be brought to a vote in the Senate on June 1.

The bill, which would provide domestic workers such as nannies and maids with paid sick days, holidays and vacation days, and require advance notice of their termination, has 26 co-sponsors, including Frank Padavan, a Republican from Queens. Proponents say 10 additional “yes” votes have been promised, including several other Republicans. There is no organized opposition to the bill.

Employers who don't comply would be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Both the labor commissioner and attorney general could bring legal action against the employer.

Busloads of domestic workers are expected to travel from New York City to Albany to be present for the vote.

Glenn Nussdorf said...

I'm the freye gvir from Long Island who pays for kids in Israel to play tennis. The Feds came after me for a $45 million tax fraud a few years ago.


BROOKLYN (CN) - Wyeth claims that a drug supplier bilked it for $1.3 million on phony returns in a recall. Wyeth claims that Quality King Distributors heard about the recall one day before it was issued, then bought up supplies of the cough medicine to return it, knowing it was not entitled to do so.

In its federal complaint, Wyeth says it recalled Robitussin and Dimetapp in October 2007 because some dosage cups were missing the half-teaspoon marks.

The recall entitled direct customers to a credit of the list price, plus a $3.24 per dozen handling fee. Indirect customers had to seek credit or reimbursement from their suppliers.

Direct customers had to contact Wyeth's agent, Carolina Supply Chain Services, to get "return kits," and send back the medicines to be destroyed in accordance with FDA regulations.

Quality King Distributors and its co-defendant subsidiary Quality Healthcare stockpiled the drugs from markets in Puerto Rico, buying them at lower-than-continental U.S. prices, then selling them back in the United States for a profit, but still below Wyeth's list prices, according to the complaint.

"This practice is known as 'product diversion.' On information and belief, QKD is the largest product diverter in the United States by sales volume," according to the complaint.

Wyeth claims that Quality King "routinely seeks to profit from manufacturer safety recalls."

Charlie Hynes = Useless Putz said...


May 25, 2010

Murder Conviction Voided Over Prosecutors’ Conduct


The case dates back to the 1994 killing of Abraham Pollack, a Brooklyn landlord who was shot six times as he was making the rounds to collect rent. Another man who came to his defense was shot and wounded. Mr. Collins was convicted in 1995, and the conviction was upheld on appeal.

Shmarya groupie said...

This is encouraging progress but a lot more needs to be done in this direction


Interracial marriage still rising in U.S.

About 8 percent of U.S. marriages are mixed-race


The growth of interracial marriages is slowing among U.S.-born Hispanics and Asians. Still, blacks are substantially more likely than before to marry whites.

The number of interracial marriages in the U.S. has risen 20 percent since 2000 to about 4.5 million, according to the latest census figures. While still growing, that number is a marked drop-off from the 65 percent increase between 1990 and 2000.

About 8 percent of U.S. marriages are mixed-race, up from 7 percent in 2000.

About 14.4 percent of black men and 6.5 percent of black women are currently in such mixed marriages

Due to increasing interracial marriages, multiracial Americans are a small but fast-growing demographic group, making up about 5 percent of the minority population. Together with blacks, Hispanics and Asians, the Census Bureau estimates they collectively will represent a majority of the U.S. population by mid-century.

Still, many multiracial people — particularly those who are part black — shun a "multi" label in favor of identifying as a single race.

By some estimates, two-thirds of those who checked the single box of "black" on the census form are actually mixed, including President Barack Obama, who identified himself as black in the 2010 census even though his mother was white.

Wild, Wild West - Lubavitch style said...


May 26th, 5:31 a.m., Tzvi Avraham Bitterman - Charge(s): None Drugs-Possess-Cntrl Sub Wo Prescription, None Poss Of Schedule Iii Substance, None Marijuana-Possess-Not More Than 20 Grams, 499.03 Drugs-Health Or Safety-Poss Harmful


Davens at the Chabad in Boca Raton that had a shootout between mispalelim on Rosh Hashana. Bitterman was actually a witness in that case.

Anonymous said...

This is presumably not the R' Yisroel Tucker who is on the beis din of Tzfas


May 24th, 3:53 p.m., Israel Tucker - Charge(s): 810.02 Burglary-Unoccupied Structure

James Margulies said...

He's on the board of Jewish Family Services of Cleveland


Two former automotive-chemical CEOs are charged in New York with looting more than $60 million from their company.

The former executives at Industrial Enterprises of America (IEAM) Inc. pleaded not guilty Tuesday to grand larceny and other charges. They're accused of issuing stock to friends and relatives and scheming to pump up the share price.

John D. Mazzuto and short-time successor James Margulies left Industrial Enterprises in 2008.

Anonymous said...


YTT misnaged said...

It would be a real howler if James Margulies can trace his yichus to Margo's ancestors.

The Jewish family services in the various cities are heavily involved in molestation cases by the way and have been accused in at least one case i know of, of covering up so that no one gets arrested.

Bim Bam identity said...


Two more Census workers blow the whistle

Miami Beach said...

Leon Cohen-Levy, the developer who proposed a 93-story skyscraper in downtown Miami, and his father, Mauricio Cohen Assor, have been formally charged with fraud and tax evasion, and ordered held, pending trial.

The father and son were arrested in New York last month and previously only faced fraud conspiracy charges.

The two were developers and owners of several hotels that operated under the name Flatotel International. In 2000, they sold one of their New York properties, generating $33 million in proceeds, which they allegedly never reported on their tax returns.

It is also alleged they used shell companies and formed tax havens in the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Panama, Liechtenstein and Switzerland to conceal their assets and income from the Internal Revenue Service.

Some of those concealed assets included:

A $45 million investment portfolio.

A condominium at Trump World Tower in New York City worth as much as $10 million.

The personal residence of Mauricio Cohen Assor on Fisher Island, worth about $20 million.

The personal residence of Leon Cohen-Levy in Miami Beach, worth about $26 million.

The personal residence of the daughter of Mauricio Cohen Assor, in Bal Harbor.

Commercial properties, valued in excess of $55 million, in Miami Beach.

Luxury vehicles, including a Rolls-Royce Phantom, Porsche Carrera GT, Bentley, Ferrari Testarossa, BMW Z8, Dodge Viper and limousine.

A $1.2 million helicopter.

The Cohens were principals in Miami Beach-based Maclee Developments, which received initial approval in 2008 to build the Empire World Towers at 330 Biscayne Blvd.

Empire World Towers project ran into legal problems after a New York judge entered a default judgment over previous civil financial fraud allegations related to the Flatotel. In a lawsuit at the time, CDR Creances, a French lender on the Flatotel, alleged the Cohens committed fraud.

New York Supreme Court Justice Walter Tolub wrote in his decision at the time that “defendants’ long-standing patterns of default, lateness and abject failure to comply with court orders amounts to willful … conduct, which not only warrants, but necessitates … award of default judgment.”

In that case, attorneys for CDR temporarily placed a lien on the Cohens’ property in the Miami area. The Cohens filed answers in court to refute the allegations against them and stated that a sale of the Flatotel had fulfilled the Cohens’ responsibilities.

Court documents stated that Cohen-Levy, his family and their companies borrowed $92 million in 1991 to fund the acquisition of the Flatotel. CDR received a security interest. The suit alleges that Cohen Assor orchestrated the unauthorized transfer and eventual sale of shares of stock in which CDR held a security interest without CDR’s knowledge.

CDR alleged that the Cohens sold the New York Flatotel to a Bahamian company controlled by hotelier Simon Elias in 2000 without disclosing the transaction to CDR and without making any payment on the loan.

If convicted in this case, the Cohens each face a maximum of 14 years in prison and a maximum fine of $1 million, plus tax, penalties and interest.

Bim Bam identity said...


You may not have purchased a GM or Chrysler car, but you’re still paying for one, according to a new report by the National Taxpayer’s Union.

According to the report, every American taxpayer has put up $12,200 for every General Motors car sold through the beginning of 2011 and $7,600 for every Chrysler sold.

The study, which is based on a November report released by the Government Accountability Office, found that the average American taxpaying family has invested about $800 in the auto bailouts so far. It notes that government funding provided to General Motors, Chrysler and GMAC – the financing subsidiary that supports sales at both – now stands at a $78.9 billion.

Titled “The Auto Bailout – A Taxpayer Quagmire,” the report was authored by Thomas D. Hopkins, professor of economics at the University of Rochester.

"Between this and GM's plan to payback their bailout debt with other taxpayer funds, I wonder if all those Americans without work right now could think of any better ways to spend that money,” said Pete Sepp, NTU vice president for policy and communications, in a news release.

Among other findings:

GMAC receives government guarantees not available to most private firms, which save GMAC about $500 million a year in interest costs.

During the first 10 months of 2009, GM and Chrysler sales fell further than other major auto producers, down 33.4 percent and 38.9 percent, respectively.

While the prospect of repayment of GM and Chrysler loans might be expected, after bankruptcy, the vast majority of the bailout funds are no longer legal obligations of the newly structured GM and Chrysler.

Rabbi Richard Kirsch said...


Why are you guys bitching about Ivanka Trump?

Frumkeit is all relative you know.

I am allowed to be a rebbe & guidance counsellor at Kushner's yeshiva in Livingston NJ even though I am the co-rabbi at this Conservative temple with mixed seating in Lake Hopatcong.

Bim Bam identity said...


"Unexpected" has become the term of choice for the mainstream media to excuse the Obama administration's economic failures.

I didn't intend on this post being so long, but the examples are so numerous:

Villiamsburg said...


SATURDAY, MAY 08, 2010

CALL TO ACTION: Demand the Brooklyn Police Dept. Investigate the newest attempt on Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg's life

Montreal said...


The former director of B'nai Brith Quebec, Bill Surkis, has pleaded guilty to child pornography charges after agreeing to a plea bargain.

Surkis and his wife made a brief appearance at the Montreal courthouse Wednesday morning

In return for a guilty plea to charges of possessing and accessing child pornography, the Crown dropped a charge of distributing child pornography, said prosecutor Cynthia Gyenizse.

Explicit files were discovered on Surkis' computer when he brought it in for repairs in 2008.

The technician contacted police after 86 videos and 153 photos were found, including images of girls aged six to 12 years.

Surkis's lawyer had previously said he would argue the videos were downloaded as part of research Surkis was undertaking.

"The purpose of his viewing the child pornography material [was] to educate himself on the topic of child pornography," lawyer Steven Slimovitch told CBC News outside court in November 2009. "Then he would go into schools and give lectures on people abusing people."

But, prosecutors said there was no evidence of that. Surkis had not been hired anywhere to research child pornography and had not begun work on a study, they said.

Surkis's admission of guilt came as a surpise to those who knew the man who also served as the Academic Dean at John Abbott College for 22 years. He had also served as the executive director of the Holocaust Centre in Montreal.

"Shocking — a person like that you hold in high esteem," said one woman who attended proceedings at the Montreal courthouse.

"The shock is how come it was in the closet for so long," said another man.

Surkis now faces a minimum sentence of three months behind bars.

He is due back in court Sept. 27.

In the meantime, Surkis remains free on very strict conditions. The father and grandfather was ordered to stay away from anyone under the age of 18 in private locations unless another adult, who was aware of the charges against him, was present.

He was also forbidden from accessing the Internet unless it was for work. In such cases, he was prohibited from erasing the web history from his computer.

Surkis was also barred from leaving the province while he awaits sentencing.

Bim Bam identity said...

Wall Street Journal

The Unpresident

President Obama met yesterday with Republican senators, and the senators emerged from the meeting highly critical of the president, Politico reports:

Senators and other sources inside the meeting described the gathering as "testy" and "direct"--and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) accused Obama of acting two-faced by asking for GOP support on regulatory reform only to push forward with a bill supported mainly by Democrats. Others felt that the meeting may have made already tense relations between the two parties even worse.
"The more he talked, the more he got upset," Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) said. "He needs to take a valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans and just calm down, and don't take anything so seriously. If you disagree with someone, it doesn't mean you're attacking their motives--and he takes it that way and tends then to lecture and then gets upset." . . .
Bill Burton, a White House spokesman who attended the meeting, later told reporters that the meeting was "civil in tone" and not as contentious as Republicans have made it out to be.

But Obama's own account, as reported by the Associated Press, seems closer to the GOP senators' than to Burton's:

Obama on Tuesday said Republicans have to help him solve big issues like energy and immigration if the country is to move forward.

Speaking at a series of fundraisers for Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, Obama chided Republicans for sitting on the sidelines and putting politics ahead of the needs of the American people.

"There are members of their base who think if somebody even smiles at me, they think, 'You're a traitor, you smiled at Obama,"' the president said.

In a testy, closed-door meeting between Obama and GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill earlier in the day, some Republicans accused Obama of being inauthentic in his calls for bipartisanship, an accusation Obama bristled at Tuesday night.

"There's gotta be some give on the other side, particularly when you drove the car into the ditch. We can't just go back to business as usual," he said.

These public comments seem quite consistent with the behind-closed-doors Obama described by the Republicans. The public comments, of course, were made to a group of prospective partisan donors, and you can see why such statements would appeal to such an audience. But saying that the other party "drove the car into a ditch"--whatever the merits of this assertion, and whatever its political utility--is just unpresidential, the sort of thing that should be left to the vice president and other surrogates. For the president himself to say such things shows a distinct lack of class, and a lack of respect for the office with which he has been entrusted

Anonymous said...

From Rabbi Doniel Eidensohn's Daas Torah blog:

"Rav Moshe Sternbuch: No Hespedim for molesters

Rav Sternbuch said someone that is known with certainty to be a molester should not have hespedim and he can be quoted on this psak.

I had asked him this question several months ago and he confirmed today that this is his view and added that it can be publicized."

Elliot Pasik and Rabbi Eidensohn asked him the sheila.

Yoni Sebbag said...

This putz used to own a coffee bar in Hollywood California


May 26 (Bloomberg) -- A Los Angeles federal judge granted $50,000 bail to an assistant to Walt Disney Co.’s head of corporate communications accused of leaking confidential stock tips about the entertainment company’s earnings.

Bonnie Hoxie, the assistant to Zenia Mucha, was ordered to appear June 3 for a court hearing in New York, while her boyfriend, Yonni Sebbag, was detained without bail. Federal prosecutors in New York charged the pair today with sending letters in March to at least 33 investment companies including hedge funds with offers to sell confidential information about Burbank, California-based Disney.

Los Angeles Magistrate Judge Patrick J. Walsh rejected a $10,000 bond for Hoxie before setting bail at $50,000, saying “there’s potential for her to be a flight risk.” Walsh said Sebbag “might be inclined to leave the country based on these charges.”

Hoxie, 33, and Sebbag, 29, were arrested today in Los Angeles. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission today also sued them.

“Hoxie and Sebbag stole Disney’s confidential pre-release earnings information and put it up for sale,” Robert Khuzami, the SEC’s enforcement director, said in a statement. “Fortunately, multiple hedge funds reported the illicit scheme, and the SEC and criminal law enforcement authorities acted quickly to stop this brazen attempt to establish an ongoing insider-trading business.”

On March 11, an undercover agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation began reaching out to the pair, according to a criminal complaint filed today in New York. On May 8, the two gave undercover FBI agents an internal Disney “talking points” document that the company planned to use during its earnings presentation, according to the complaint.

Three days later, they passed along Disney’s earnings per share, prosecutors said in the complaint. On May 14, Sebbag got a $15,000 cash payment from two undercover agents at a meeting on Long Island, New York, prosecutors said.

Court documents detail communications between Sebbag and the undercover agents.

“The most important thing in all that is to not get caught,” Sebbag wrote, according to the SEC complaint.

The criminal complaint includes a March 15 e-mail that Sebbag allegedly sent to an undercover agent pretending to be a hedge fund trader. In the e-mail, Sebbag wrote that Disney Chief Executive Officer Robert Iger “is in serious and advanced negotiations” to sell the ABC network to two private equity firms, “but no price has been determined yet.”

Sebbag offered to pass along new information as he learned it, according to the complaint.

Anonymous said...

Boruch Hashem


WASHINGTON — The chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines objected on Wednesday to a compromise plan to repeal the military’s ban on allowing gay men and lesbians to serve openly, a position that put them at odds with President Obama and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.

In letters solicited by Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, who is opposed to repeal, the chiefs said they wanted Congress to delay voting on the issue until after Dec. 1, when the Pentagon is to complete a review of how the military should carry out the changes.

Mr. McCain’s solicitation of the letters appeared to be an attempt to give Republicans some cover to vote against repeal, since Republicans could say that they were supporting the view of the top officers of the services who preferred to delay any vote until after Dec. 1. Gay rights advocates have been pushing for a vote before the November midterm elections, when Democrats — who are more likely than Republicans to vote for repeal — are expected to lose seats.

Australia said...


In a move that can only be interpreted as anti-competitive, Kosher Australia (Mordechai Zev Gutnick) and associates have applied to the government for exclusive rights to decide who can label a product, ‘kosher’. As reported in the AJN this week, the application was made in the context of an Australian Government Food Labelling Review. If the proposal is accepted, restaurants, food products and caterers whose hechsher is not approved by the new federal kashrut body, will not be able to call their product kosher under Australian law.

At a time in which Kosher v’Yosher, the main Orthodox competitor to Kosher Australia in Victoria, is growing, and a new competitor to the New South Wales kashrut authority has also emerged, it seems as though the major kashrut associations are trying to co-opt the Australian government in order to stifle competition.

Rabbi Yaron Gottlieb has published a letter that he wrote to his local MP protesting the proposal


edited version of that letter:

Anonymous said...


Christian Aid has apologised “unreservedly” after it claimed Israeli settlers had sexually abused Palestinian children in Hebron.

The false allegations came after Miranda Pinch, a social worker from Winchester, had travelled to the West Bank town in January to “monitor human rights abuses” as part of an accompaniment programme part-funded by the charity.

The 59-year-old, who converted from Judaism to Christianity, returned from the trip and told Christian Aid that a Palestinian headmistress had made allegations of verbal abuse.

But promoting Ms Pinch’s trip, Christian Aid said the headmistress had alleged that “some of the children had been sexually abused on their way home” by Israeli settlers.

Asked how the charity had come to make the claim, Ms Pinch said the organisation had “lost their notes” after she reported back to them following her trip.

Professor Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor, attacked Christian Aid, saying the claims were part of a “wave” used to demonise Israel.

British Agudah Fresser said...


"You're hard-pushed to find a slim, fit-looking frum man," says Sam Joseph, "which is testament to a heavy meat diet. The problem with meat is that the fat metabolises into arachidonic acid, which helps to feed the inflammatory elements in the body."

Ms Joseph believes that the Sephardi diet is healthier than that of Ashkenazi, because it contains more pulses "and is generally more interesting. In the Ashkenazi diet, more opt for meat.

You can't make this stuff up said...


Lady Jakobovits, who has died aged 81, won widespread admiration as "Chief Rebbetzin" – the unofficial soubriquet bestowed upon the wife of the Chief Rabbi

Her marriage in 1949 to Immanuel Jakobovits constituted a union of two of the most distinguished Yekisch (German Jewish) rabbinical dynasties. She was born Amelie Munk at Ansbach in Bavaria on May 31 1928, the daughter of Rav Elie Munk, the author of two influential devotional books: The Call of the Torah, a five-volume commentary on the Pentateuch, and The Call of Prayer, an explanation of the rituals of Orthodox Jewry.

The rise of Nazism made an ineradicable impression on the young Amelie, as Gentile playmates started to shun her; the family soon fled to France, where her father became minister of the synagogue on the Rue Cadet in Paris.

With the fall of France in 1940, the family were forced to flee again – this time to Switzerland – but they returned to Paris after the war. The Shidduch (or match) between Amelie Munk and the young Immanuel Jakobovits was suggested in the conventional way by a family friend, and the young couple became engaged after three meetings.

At the time of their marriage Immanuel was appointed Chief Rabbi of Ireland. Amelie arrived in Dublin speaking little English, but was soon at the centre of things in the 5,300-strong Jewish community in the Irish Republic.

In 1958 Jakobovits was recruited as Rabbi of the 5th Avenue Synagogue, perhaps the grandest of Orthodox establishments in Manhattan, and naturally she went with him. She returned to London in 1967 after Issac Wolfson, then president of the United Synagogue, suggested that Jakobovits apply for the post of Chief Rabbi, to which he was duly appointed.

Taking up residence at the Chief Rabbi's house in Hamilton Terrace, St John's Wood, Amelie Jakobovits was soon master of her brief. She made sure to do all the cooking herself, for fear of appearing to favour any one firm of Kosher caterers.

Uniquely, perhaps, for any Rebbetzin, she mediated between her husband and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the leader of one of the largest Hassidic movements, over political issues relating to the Land of Israel: Jakobovits was a noted dove, whereas Schneerson was far more hawkish.

Normally, women would not play such a role in the Orthodox world, but Amelie Jakobovits had known Schneerson in prewar France and had even played football with him as a child.

YTT Lakewood branch said...


Stink bugs present a growing problem in N.J. as population increases

Shmarya groupie said...

Politicians have no backbone and must be pandering to you racist Orthodox Jews ...

New York's lineup of all-white candidates on the Democratic ballot this fall is already raising red flags.

"The problem is going to be one of getting enthusiasm in the black community, so they will want to come out and be supportive," said City Councilman Al Vann (D-Brooklyn).

The Dems' gubernatorial hopeful Andrew Cuomo and his running mate Robert Duffy are white, as are the party's candidates for U.S. Senate, attorney general and controller.

Rahm-Bo Emmanuel said...

Activists heckled White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel as he and his family toured the Old City of Jerusalem in honor of his son’s bar mitzvah.

Emanuel and his entourage visited the newly restored Huvra Synagogue on Thursday amid shouts of “anti-Semite.”

When the family arrived at the Western Wall, Emanuel did not approach the wall but his son did, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Heavy security surrounded the family during its tour of Jerusalem, according to reports.

Activist Itamar Ben-Gvir, who has threatened to protest the bar mitzvah of Zach Emanuel, waited for the family Thursday morning at the Western Wall and was physically restrained by police during its visit, Ynet reported.

Ben-Gvir filed a complaint Wednesday with the Jerusalem District Court for Administrative Affairs, charging that Emanuel’s plan to hold his son’s bar mitzvah Thursday at the Davidson Center, a tourist facility located in the archeological park near the Western Wall, is illegal since the center is not licensed to hold such events. The court gave Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and the East Jerusalem Development Company, which owns the center, 24 hours to respond.

The court declined to issue an injunction on such events until a ruling is made, according to the Jerusalem Post. The bar mitzvah celebration reportedly is set for Thursday evening.

Emanuel and his son were scheduled to meet with Israeli President Shimon Peres on Thursday afternoon, when Zach is to receive a special blessing for his bar mitzvah, according to the President’s Office.

(The kid is not even Jewish)

Dr. Bungalow Hundt said...


Man protests dog on death row

Dr. Bungalow Ferd Neuhoff said...


NORTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, Fla. (WSVN) -- Several authorities are investigating a blood stained van, which had a cooler filled with what appeared to be horse meat inside.

Authorities have not confirmed whether the meat found is horse meat, however, a police officer on the scene said horse hooves and horse legs were also discovered. "What appeared to be smeared blood on the outside of the vehicle. We discovered two coolers with meat inside of the vehicle," Miami-Dade Police spokeswoman Edna Hernandez said.

Richard Couto with the Animal Rescue Mission said he would not be surprised if it is horse meat inside the coolers. "Horses are still being slaughtered in Miami-Dade County. The reason that we haven't seen any of the carcasses over the past few months is because the slaughters are being more careful where they dump the carcasses," he said.

The USDA is now investigating the matter

itchiemayer said...

I have had a few people, when discussing politics, mention that Rahmbo is orthodox. I explain that although he is a member of Rabbi Lopatin's shul in Chitown, he is not orthodox. Moreover, I mention that he is married to a shiksa. These people are very surprised to hear all of this, especially about the wife. In my opinion, by Rabbi Asher Lopatin being so politically correct when it comes to Rahmbo and his family, he is giving credibility to the thought that the Emanuel family is fully Jewish. This is irresponsible of Rabbi Lopatin. Although he is absolutely a bigger Talmud Chochom then I could ever hope to be, by lending credibility to the idea that Rahmbo's family is Jewish (other than Rahmbo, himself) I don't believe it is crazy to believe that a Jewish person could enter into a relationship with one of the children thinking it was ok, and it is not ok. Rabbi Lopatin (his PC statement about Rahmbo's family is posted on Failed Messiah) should say that Rahm Emannuel is a member of my synogogue. He is a Jew and I am happy to be his spiritual leader. While his family is a part of our Shul and fine people, it should be noted that they are not Jewish as per Torah law. If one day any one of them would like to make the commitment to Torah Judaism, I would be more than happy to help them on the path toward a proper conversion. This is entirely up to them, and nothing that I would pursue without being certain this is what they would like to do. Ultimately, and after much study, they would have to go before a Court of Jewish law that would need to be convinced of their sincerity, and then that Court could convert them.
Without a doubt, Rabbi Lopatin could word things more eloquently, but I believe this is the message that should go out, and not the vague, politically correct one that Rabbi Lopatin has put out prior. It's very nice that his shul is accepting of Jews of all stripes, but Amy Rule and her children are not Jews. Don't harass them, but certainly don't validate the idea that they might be Jewish. I trust that Rabbi Lopatin is not getting the boy a present for his "13th birthday".

Paul Mendlowitz said...


Why would Emanuel be concerned, one quick call to Hershel Schechter and Haskel Lookstein, and poof....Amy Rule and kids are members of the Tribe.

Chicago said...

Lopatin is not very learned. The garbage that he repeats in the name of Rav Aharon Soloveitchik is more than krum, it is not to be believed.

And I while "Eddie Haskell" Lookstein will no doubt rubberstamp Amy Rule's bogus conversion, it is precisely because of guys like Lopatin who are anathema to Israel's Rabbanut that RHS & the RCA had to cut them out of doing conversions.

chaim said...

uoj please write a post about the upcoming electin for the township committee in lakewood. One site "thelakewoodscoop" is already in the process of being closed down for posting articles by the candidate that is running on a anti-corruption platform which is threatening the current thoroughly corrupt establishment. Matzav posted a video interview of the candidate and was shortly thereafter forced to take it down. here is a link to part 1 of the interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gLxxCrytWU. taxes have been going up year after year as a result of the corruption, please help

yisroel said...

cleanlakewood.blogspot.com is a response to the thuggery going on lakewood. dont go to freelakewood he writes comments that project him as objective to lure people to visit his site but than takes the party line in his articles.

itchiemayer said...

Here is an interesting observation I have made about some of the Musmachim of the Soloveitchiks, R' Yoshe Ber ZT"L and R' Aharon ZT"L.
While it is apparently true that they encouraged their Talmidim to think for themselves, I think some of these Rabbanim such as Rabbi Lopatin, Rabbi Lookstein, Rabbi Hartman, Rabbi Weiss and others have taken this to an extreme which their Rebbes never would have endorsed. Everything has limits.

Anonymous said...

The following appeared today on the blog called "cleanlakewood.blogspot.com"

To those that say that this blog is a joke:

The difference between Conservatives and Liberals is, that Conservatives will debate ideas, because we are confident in the supremacy of our ideas. Liberals however will resort to name-calling, because in the arena of ideas ..... they fail!!!

What you are witnessing is the Lakewood Tea Party having to go underground, because of the threats made by the dictators.

Think.... Partisans during World War 2 had to hide out in the forests, and conduct gang-style attacks against the Nazis YM"SH. Were they a joke? They definitely didn't have the power of the nazi war machine.... were they a joke??

The Lakewood Tea Party is alive and well. We are a part of the growing movement in America to stop the runaway "tax and spend" policies of Democrats, Liberals, and some Republicans.

We want to debate. We need an open forum to debate. There are those who are scared of debate, so they resort to calling us a joke.

We had a forum on TLS. We were closed down by the dictators. So we find other places to debate. Feel free to debate us any time.

Are we a joke?


So were the partisans in the forests of Russia and Poland.

cleanlakewood.blogspot.com said...

This is response to the following comment: "A very DUMB and stupid comment
to compare Partisans during world war 2 this site is like comparing a kid who is hiding from his mommy cuz he dosent like the super she maid.
Secondly the tea partt movement is not the Derech hatorah .Klal yisrael has manhigim who guide it we don't quetion their desicions we follow it."

1. There you go again... why do those who purport to follow the Derech HaTorah constantly stoop to calling others names. Please be mature and debate the issues, without calling anyone 'dumb" or "stupid".

2. This has nothing to do with hiding from mommy. People are scared of the dictatorship in this town. People are being threatened. Innocent children may be thrown out of school. Future generations of Klal Yisroel can be messed up when children are left on the streets without school, because the dictatorship doesn't like their parents' politics. This is worse than the partisans whose bodies were threatened by the Nazis. Today, the Neshamos of innocent children are being threatened by the dictatorship. So yes, people have to anonymous.

3. The Tea Party is not the Derech HaTorah? Really? What about the Tea Party is not the Derech Hatorah? For those who are uninformed, it is the most unviolent movement in America, regular people who are simply fed up with their taxes going through the roof every year, with no end in sight, and then to see our hard-earned money squandered by politicians who simply don't care, to say the least.

In fact, the only thing the Tea Party does, is plan to vote for true Conservatives this November. We want our voices heard in government, that they should simply stop the tax and spend policies. There isn't really anything else that the Tea Party does. What about that is not Derech Hatorah?

Is it more the Derech Hatorah to flood the Florida governor with 50,000 emails? Or to take busses and go to Trenton and demonstrate against Toeivah, or to protest for school vouchers? But to simply be a part of the Tea Party and tell our politicians that they should stop the spending and lower the taxes - that is not the Derech Hatorah?!?!?!?

Who are you fooling?

4. Klal Yisroel has Manhigim. Absolutely. So who are they? Do Manhigim threaten people that their kids will be thrown out of school if they don't stop supporting Herschel? That's what you call Manhigim? I don't know. Then again, maybe I'm just too dumb.

The difference between a Manhig, and a dictator, is that a dictator governs against the will of the people. A Manhig has the people's best interests in mind. (See Gr"a who explains the difference between Melech and Moishel)

Those who are against Herschel..... PLEASE.... we are open to debate. Let's debate the issues. We are not afraid. Don't just call us names. That just belittles the "Manhigim" that you supposedly follow.

Anonymous said...

UOJ, we must fight back the mafia that is threatening The Lakewood Scoop, his kids will be thrown out of school if he continues to give Herschel, the anti-corruption candidate, a forum.

Help us, the little people of Lakewood, who had a voice with TLS, and now we have no voice.

freelakewood.blogspot.com said...

I haven't called anyone names. I have described some peoples actions. I have evn been accused of being quite a close realtive of the rosh hayeshiva. it would be a honor but is far from the truth.
we will debate based on merit.

Fech said...

People can pish on the grave of the dead dog molester.

But, if the molester is wealthy... You can bet the house that he will be buried in the most prestigious spot in the cemetary. He will receive a full honor guard of rabbis extolling the virtues of the mass murderer of jewish children.


Because the Mesorah says molestation is sanctioned according to the Torah and Money helps keep institutions the lifeblood of our community to survive.

Roll over Torah...

Money is the ikkar.

Daniel said...

I am surprised that the wise UOJ would call for revocation/nullification of a conversion. It is something that menuval shebamenuvalin Tropper would do.

The issues of revoking conversion are far more severe than the conversion itself.

When you revoke the conversion of woman who married to a Jew you make him live in sin, would you be responsible for it ?

If they divorce without ger and she sleeps with another Jew you make him doing eishes ish or safek eishes ish, Would you take it under your responsibility ?

If she thinks she is not Jewish and divorce without get and then remarry, her children are safek mamzerim, would you take this acharayut ?

The people who harras gerim who they think are not authentic gerim would have to answer another beis din and I am sure they will be threaten more severely than the ones who do not dress tzniusly

Luis Lopez said...

itchiemayer ,

Again, you go and publish your opinion that Emanuel's wife is not Jewish, Is that your forte to be interested in people yichus ? would you just go and say this person or this is a mamzer ?

Why are you so concerned with this issue ? if you do not want to marry his children , then good for you , you have the right to be choshesh but that going on public blogs and proclaiming this person is Jewish or not is so wrong.

Maybe going after people Jewishness is the reason that you cannot find a shidduch for yourself.

Like you posel other people possel you !

Think about it

Anonymous said...

The Sephardi diet IS healthier; lots of veggies, bone broths, grains etc. But a substantial number of Sephardic families (as many as 75% in some communities) do not eat legumes because of an inherited genetic deficiency called G6PD (aka favism) which confers a resistance to malaria but which also causes hemolytic anemia when the affected consume legumes.

The Rambam said about "ful" (legumes), "They are not healthy in the winter and they are not healthy in the summer".

For this reason, both my mother (Algerian) and my mother in law (Syrian) did not serve legumes to their families and regarded them strictly as a famine food. My mother even told me as a child that "ful causes neurological problems in our family". This was many years before the discovery of Vicilins and other natural levadopas in all legumes, with fava beans being the richest source.

In our homes as in the homes of our grandparents all meals were either meat or dairy. The meat was fatty bones and other cheap cuts that needed to be stewed all day long into a broth. The dairy in my grandmothers' kitchen was butter, heavy cream and cultured whole milk products (homemade yogurt).
We ate a lot of eggs. There were also delicacies made from fried chicken skins, brains, sweet breads, intestines etc. Nothing was ever wasted.

There were many fermented veggie and fish dishes also (ie turshi which was served before every meat meal).

Our daily bread was a real sour bread that rose for more than a day. For Shabbat, only there were soft white rolls.

Our grandparents and their generation all lived well into their 80s and went to work/remained active until the very end of their lives.

We cannot blame this on "good genes" because the children and grandchildren in both my husband's and my families who adopted the more "Western" or "European" diet began to suffer from a variety of common health problems even in their 30s (ie. diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcers, high cholesterol). When my sister, one of my brothers and I returned to eating our grandparents diet, these conditions were reversed, B"H.

itchiemayer said...

Luis Lopez - You obviously go on these blogs and have an interest so whatever. You have your opinion on things and I have mine. Amy Rule is not a Jew. If that offends you, so be it. As far as not finding a shidduch, perhaps you are trying to play Hakodosh Baruch Hu, himself in trying to explain why I have not found mine. Do you also try to figure out why some people have young children that die, why some people survive accidents and others are killed. That somehow this person deserved to die and that person must not have deserved to die. It is a very dangerous game you play. Do you know me personally, or merely through the blogs. If you know me personally, then I would recommend identifying yourself to me. Surely with such strong opinions, you would have no problem doing so. I am sure your name is not Luis Lopez, but itchiemayer is a name that I have been called since a child. I would be more than happy to engage in polite conversation on this issue. How can I posul that which was never Kosher. She is not a Jew, so your argument is really irrelevant, moot, etc..Don't hide behind your computer. Good Shabbos.

itchiemayer said...

Senor Lopez - At least I don't hide behind my computer, and I am consistent in my screen name. Who the heck is Luis Lopez? You are a chutzpadik with no guts. Don't be a coward. You obviously are familiar with me, so you should know how and where to find me. Go for it. I would be happy to debate this with you in a polite way. I'm not a scary guy. In fact, I think I am regarded as a pretty nice and decent fellow. Perfect I am not. But you, playing the role of Hashem, you clearly think you are perfect. As you say, "think about it".

Anonymous said...

Lopez, aren't you the putz who was defending Tropper at Rabbi Eidensohn's blog?

Take a hike!

Lopatin himself will not give a straight answer about Rahm-Bo's wife because she was not even converted by a shyster RCA rabbi like him. She was converted by a non-orthodox stream.

Yerachmiel Lopin said...

I have some new posts about the Munkatcher Rebbe's war on those who report molesters to the police.



Truth be told said...

In an article today in Yeshiva World news: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=59924 it appears that Gershon Bess from the RCC is scrambling to protect his own honor after being exposed in: http://rabbiniccorruptionatrcc.blogspot.com/2010/05/something-smells-fishy.html

Paul Mendlowitz said...

In defense of Rabbi Gershon Bess on this issue, he believes in his position on the fish issue, although many knowledgable poskim agree with the science and take umbrage with the position he has taken.

Being machmir on an issue R' Moshe Feinstein z"tl clearly felt was "a non-issue" -- that he would not even render a psak because it was a dovor pashut, and clearly another recent chumra by people with too much time on their hands, placing another reckless burden on a klal, that will for the most part not pay attention to this newest form of community harassment, "BANS", is an affront to all Jews with even the slightest amount of intellect!

Truth be told said...

I dont disagree with you UOJ on the fish issue. But as the article in The rabbinic corruption site above states, Gershon Bess cant just practice "catch and release". If he is to listen to rav Elyashiv on the fish matter, then he must be consistent in the Gittin matters. You seem to emphasize alot of your blogs on pedophilia, but the rabbis have caused many sufferings to men in GITTIN as well!

Paul Mendlowitz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul Mendlowitz said...

Rabbis are humans, and even the best of them, and us, make mistakes, some very serious mistakes.

The challenge is getting "them" to admit it and fix it!

Taking the position that the Gedolim took a stand that must be defended because of kavod haTorah, is ridiculous, as we've seen, for example, in the hideous "Indian sheitel" ban.

Just yesterday the Muslims issued a BAN on "Tight Pants" in Indonesia...Google it --- that's us with different headgear!

UOJ gets results said...

The Johnson & Johnson unit that recalled millions of bottles of liquid children’s Tylenol and other pediatric medicines last month may face criminal penalties, product seizures or other sanctions, an official from the Food and Drug Administration said Thursday.

The agency is considering further actions against McNeil Consumer Healthcare, the Johnson & Johnson unit, after a pattern of violations in manufacturing and quality control practices led to a number of recent recalls, Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein, the F.D.A.’s principal deputy commissioner, said at a Congressional hearing on Thursday.

Mondrowitz Shiva Info said...

011-972-2-538-1551 or 011-972-52-833-7228

28 Rechov David Yellen Yerushalayim

until Thursday 6/3/10 A.M.

His mother Leah passed away

Bim Bam identity said...


ANALYSIS / U.S. sacrificed Israel for success of NPT conference

Israel can feel sacrificed by the U.S. on the altar of a successful conference. Israel's nuclear program, and the international assessment that it possesses an arsenal with dozens, if not hundreds of nuclear weapons, has become a hostage to the conference.

The U.S. preferred its overall interest in advancing the idea of limiting nuclear weapons throughout the world, tighter inspections of nuclear installations and the spread of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, over supporting Israel's needs. The rein lies the difference between the Obama administration and the one preceding it. During the previous meeting in 2005, the U.S. refused to accept parts of the draft document that called on Israel to join the NPT and turned down the idea of holding talks in order to create a region free of nuclear weapons - even at the cost of the conference's failure. President Barack Obama and his administration opted for success at the conference over Israel.

Anonymous said...

Bd"h! She was a great lady! She suffered so mush bizyoynis because of her son. May she rest in Gan Eden.

Luis Lopez said...

Lopez, aren't you the putz who was defending Tropper at Rabbi Eidensohn's blog?

I never defended the menuval
ושם רשעים ירקב

itchiemayer ,

I do not know why you cannot find a shiduch but going on web sites proclaiming this convert is a Jew and this convert is not, is sure to mess up your karma.

Moetzes Resign! said...


British Minister Resigns Over Personal Expenses

Anonymous said...

Someone should inform Rabbi Weissmandl that Meshichist Lubavitch is not quite Judaism.

Tzvi Bass is an Israeli Lubav from Kiryat Malachi who married the daughter of Postville's Yaakov Klein.


Here is a picture of Tzvi Bass celebrating at the "farbrengen" when Rubashkin was initially released on bail.


The defense claimed that state is trying to prosecute Rubashkin solely on his ability to guess the ages of workers at his facility.
Other witnesses included Rabbi Moses Weissmandel, who was in charge of the kosher certification at Agriprocessors. He told jurors the difference between the Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Jewish groups and the Conservative and Reform Jewish groups.

The Rubashkin family would fall under Ultra Orthodox, said Weissmandel.

He said Conservative groups were trying to get involved in the certification process.

He also testified that he had toured the plant and didn't notice any underage workers.

On Thursday, Special Agent Jon Turbett with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation told jurors that supervisor Matthew Derrick never told him about a meeting he had with Rubashkin.

Derrick testified two weeks ago that he approached Rubashkin about a boot that was put on his vehicle to immobilize it in the company parking lot. He said during that discussion he told Rubashkin there were minors working at the facility, and the executive didn't seem to care.

Rabbi Zvi Bass told the court he once saw Derrick kissing one of the female workers, who later was found to be a minor, at the plant. Bass said he sometimes saw Derrick standing close to the female worker, and once Derrick talked proudly of how he was able to get her transferred to a better assignment.

UOJ please respond said...

The corruption of Rabbi Gershon Bess together with all the rabbonim on the RCC is well known.

To this day they have never acknowledged that Aaron Tendler molested teen age girls because he has threatened to expose some of THEIR practices. So Tendler travels freely between Baltimore (another Ir Hanidachas) where the rabbanim cover for him, and Los Angeles, where he is attempting to make a comeback.

Rabbi Bess has told people that he won't publicize Tendler's crimes because "the man's wife doesn't know and it would cause shalom bayis."

UOJ, how can you defend such a person????

As far as the fishworms, how could Reb Moshe pasken if they had not yet found scientific evidence of the Gemorah's theory of spontaneous generation not being the true source of the worms? Isn't this the kind of issue that Slifkin was fighting for us to believe?

Anonymous said...


Is Valerie Plame Jewish?

As she reveals in her book Fair Game, Plame’s paternal great-grandfather was a rabbi who emigrated from Ukraine; the original family surname was “Plamevotski.”

His son, her Jewish grandfather, Samuel Plame, Jr., married a non-Jewish descendent of President Andrew Jackson. The family sat shiva for him, and Valerie’s father, Sam Plame III, raised his daughter as a Protestant. In 2003, when the scandal broke, Leon, a relative from the Plamevotski side of the family, made contact with Valerie, and that spring Valerie and Joe celebrated their first seder with family.

Plame revealed her Jewish roots here in LA in an incident that we like to call, L’Affair Plame, Part Deux. The statuesque, brilliant ex-spy was invited by a woman’s division of the local Jewish Federation to speak at a high-end fundraiser. At the last minute, her invite was rescinded. One Federation donor, a Democratic party stalwart, suspected that political pressure was to blame, and told Federation leaders she wouldn’t attend the luncheon, and would revoke her substantial gift. Plame was re-invited (we’re not certain whether she re-accepted), though the donor refused to make her gift.

In a letter to the donor. Plame explained her Jewish roots, and expressed her appreciation for the solidarity.

Troppenstein's monster said...

But these are both associates of Leib Tropper who have no problem with him


A massive Knesset conference on Thursday that intended to provide a forum for reaching common ground on religious identity ended up highlighting differences between the secular and religious Zionists on one side and the haredim on the other.

At breakout sessions, the trend of religious Zionist rabbis and secular MKs ganging up on haredim continued. The problem was exacerbated by the last-minute cancellation of two leading haredi rabbis, Mordechai Neugroschel and the haredi chairman of the International Rabbinical Committee for Conversion Matters, Rabbi Nahum Eisenstein.

The rabbis told the organizers that they did not want to be on panels with Reform and Conservative representatives. Eisenstein said he would not be able to attend the panel due to the presence of “unworthy people.”

lakewoods joy said...


Anonymous said...


So much for Hershey Friedman running an honest operation at the new Agri.

He asked the judge to let one of his convicted criminal managers (a goy) off the hook because he needs him.

Bim Bam identity said...


WASHINGTON - The first-ever Jewish America Heritage Month celebration at the White House on Thursday underscored the Obama administration's determination not to be locked into Washington's conventional notions of Jewish leadership.

But the president is also hosting Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on June 9

His top Middle East negotiator, George Mitchell, this week chose a fund-raiser for the Jewish Primary Day School of the Nation's Capital to delicately advance a subtle but substantial shift in U.S. policy. Mitchell, who rarely addresses such forums, likened Hamas, the terrorist group controlling the Gaza Strip, to Irish Republican hardliners during his five years negotiating the Northern Ireland peace. Like Hamas, the hardliners did not accept the fundamental principles of the peace talks, but Mitchell eventually broke down their resistance through incentives.

"Everyone is welcome as long as they are prepared to accept" the principles of recognizing Israel and swearing off terrorism, Mitchell said. He did not say what incentives, if any, he had to offer Hamas, but the expectation that he could wear Hamas down is new.

Politico this week reported that Robert Wexler, a former Florida congressman who has a high Jewish establishment profile and whose views on peace coincide with Obama's, is under consideration to be the US ambassador to Israel.

The Heritage Month was established after legislation passed in 2006 by Rep. Debra Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), then a freshman in Congress. In subsequent years, Jewish Democrats fumed that President George W. Bush did nothing more to mark the month than issue a proclamation. After such griping, it raised eyebrows last year when Obama did not mark the month

Rabbi Alyssa Stanton of Greenville, N.C., the first black woman rabbi, read the poem by Emma Lazarus inscribed on the Statue of Liberty.

There were establishment journalists, like Roger Cohen and Thomas Friedman of The New York Times, but there was also Heeb publisher Josh Newman, and Doug Bloomfield, an irreverent Democrat who has for years been excoriating conservatives in Jewish weeklies.

Eli Winkelman, the college student who founded Challah for Hunger, which brings students together to bake challahs which are sold to raise funds for Darfur.

Shmarya groupie said...


Eyes Wide Open reveals the homophobia of Orthodox Judaism

Berel Goldberger said...


I'm posing here with the upcoming honoree at the Agudah Fresser dinner.

Aryeh Ralbag said...


I'm giving a hashgocho in Beverly Hills just to bug UOJ.

Anonymous said...

He is only described as "orthodox" because he found an OU shvantz rabbi in Chicago to be machshir his goyishe wife & children. His wife was actually "converted" by a Conservative "rabbi".


White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s son Zach will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Sunday at the Davidson Center near the Western Wall but without catering or music. Jerusalem officials accepted a complaint from nationalist activist Itamar Ben-Gvir, who pointed out that the law forbids food and music at the Center, adjacent to the Western Wall

Emanuel’s diverged from traditional Jewish custom during his trip, although he often has been described in the media as “Orthodox.” He ate non-kosher food publicly in Eilat last week and brought his family to an “alternative orthodox” synagogue in the Germany Colony in Jerusalem Friday night.

Foreign and local media have not noted that the Davidson Center where Zach Emanuel's Bar Mitzvah is being held is in an area that the United States does not recognize as being under Israeli sovereignty.

The senior Emanuel is considered the man behind U.S. President Barack Obama’s “hard love” policy that has included labeling Jewish neighborhoods near the Western Wall as ”settlements.”


some of the female guests wore kippot at the bar mitzva that was held in an area reserved for Conservative ceremonies.

Anonymous said...


This article says that Rahm Emanuel davened on Shabbos in the shul called Shira Chadasha.

It was founded by Tova Hartman, a radical feminist and daughter of Dovid Hartman, an apikores who once learned in Chaim Berlin.

It is "egalitarian" which means women participate in aliyos leTorah according to the "psak" of Doktor Rabbiner Daniel Sperber, the same feminist "adam gadol" who wrote the teshuva for Avi Weiss to ordain women rabbis.


Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, chief rabbi of Ramat Gan and a prominent religious Zionist rabbi, has ruled that “people should not pray in this synagogue.” Rabbi Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba has stated that “anyone who is truly God-fearing will not join in such a minyan since this is how the breaking of Jewish tradition begins. Today they do this, and in the future the result will be women and men praying completely together.”

Nygerik said...

Anyone have info on the latest Lakewood scandal?

Anonymous said...


Paul Mendlowitz said...

Written by anonymous to Rabbi Nochum Rosenberg, one of the great activists for children in the ultra-orthodox Jewish community: Because there are not three people willing to put their name on the allegations, I can not verify the allegations although I believe there are "raglayim l'davar" to believe Anonymous.



Dear R' Nuchem Shlita


With the greatest respect for your workand accomplishmnet.
Im an avid listner to your weekly shiur on your hotline, since 2 years ago

The strangest thing, only lately i started to think perhaps im a victim too.
I learned in belzer cheider in Bp and was touched by my kitta zayin
rebbe Berel Goldman throughout most of the year.
to be specific he would take me in a empty class room during lunch and
play with my eiver and make me hold his eiver.
nothing more then that. needles to say i was disgusted and in fear
every reces or lunch that he might call me.
Only once did he take me into the bathroom and he was moitze his zera
and asked me if i know what it is . I said no he said then forget it.
i was 11 years then.
I looked at it as he loves me and i was a good boy too. i felt like im
the rebbes pet.

Do i need help?

Im married now with 4 kids in Israel. I believe i have some symptoms
of ADHD in adults. loos of attention,irritable,extensive
procrastinating, not able to take responsibility. cant handle/deal
with stressful situation etc

Im afraid to give my real name. but im a real person with real feelings.

Thanks again for all youve done.

Please Keep it up

Paul Mendlowitz said...

To UOJ please respond:

I will.


Paul Mendlowitz said...

http://www.haaretz. com/news/ police-bnei- brak-has- by-far-the- highest-rate- of-sexual- offenses- 1.243021

itchiemayer said...

Luis - Amy Rule has not converted to Judaism. She "converted", but has not converted. That opinion should not impact my karma, mazal, or however you want to phrase it. I don't see your beef. We will agree to disagree.
Frankly, I don't think it is a good thing that Rahmbo is associated with orthodoxy.
For better or worst, people know where they stand with me. Howver, senor Lopez, I have no idea what you stand for....protecting Amy Rule and Yaelkala, I guess.

UOJ Chairman of the Board said...

The story in this comment section regarding Berel Goldman is no doubt true. Berel Goldman is the subject in this older UOJ post:


The comment at 4:28 PM, August 12, 2007 as well as private emails between the author of this 2007 "letter to UOJ" and a victim of Berel Goldman verifies who we are dealing with. Goldman is loose in BP and apparently many people know about him but he is free to roam, looking for prey. He was tossed out of one chasidishe yeshiva though, when one member of the hanhala had a child who was about to enter Goldman's grade...

Anonymous said...

Can anyone can confirm that Aron Tendler is still living in Baltmore? I was promised by the Rabbonim that he finally left. I have not heard that anyone has seen him lately. If in fact he is still in Baltimore, i will raise bloody hell!


Luis Fernando Lopez said...

I have no idea what you stand for....protecting Amy Rule and Yaelkala, I guess.

I am standing against people like you and Tropper who like to go around and proclaim this person his geirus is good, that person his geru is not good, this person needs giur lechumra , that person needs need another giur lekatchila, this person is a jew, that person is a goy.

Thank God for putting the menuval in his place. It is midah keneged midah that the person who was looking at other people yichus now have his own daughters safek mamazeros.

itchiemayer said...

Luis - Comparing me to Tropper is beyond asinine. Tropper is a rasha. If you can't see the difference between calling Amy Rule a non-Jew when she clearly is, and using sexcapades as a way to control someone in the process of conversion as Tropper did and threatening to revoke conversions, then you are delusional. By the way, if you are standing up against me, then you also stand up against UOJ, right? After all, he takes a more stringent stand with Yaelkala than I do. Come on, lumping me with Tropper would be like lumping you with Charles Kushner. Both are ridiculous. So let's see, you can go after Tropper's (innocent) daughter, but I can't speak emes about Amy Rule? Oh that's right, you are the Lord and can do whatever you want. It is quite obvious that you can dish it out, but you can't take it. You need to lose the G-d complex, amigo. Buenos Noches

Paul Mendlowitz said...


I take issue with the "process" and the players, not the person.

itchiemayer said...

UOJ - So when you question Yaelkala's conversion, and you link to a picture of her dressed in a non-tznius manner, you aren't taking issue with the person?
Frankly, I have nothing against Amy Rule and I think my view of what Rabbi Lopatin should say was not at all vindictive in any way against Amy Rule. I am certain I have nothing more or less against the people than you do. Moreover, take a look and you will notice someone anonymously has posted harsher things than I about Rabbi Lopatin, and the Rahmbo family. Luis picked on me because it gave him the opportunity to put a knife in me because I am still searching for a shidduch, so he could imply that this is why... It was a cheap shot by Luis. B"H I have my children, and I trust Hashem will bring her to me if and when the time is ever right. If it doesn't happen, it has nothing to do with anything on which Luis is speculating. Luis hides behind the computer and gets personal.
Again, UOJ - if you don't have a problem with Yael, then why do you post as if you do?

aless abee mattir zein said...

Nassau County District Court - 1st District
Index Number: LT-001925-09/NA
Case Type: Landlord and Tenant
Classification: Non-Payment
Filing Date: 03/27/2009
Disposition Date: 04/08/2009

Things kept getting more mysterious the more I dug into this story of the landlord evicting Belsky's matzah bakery. The owner of Mott Creek is registered as "Eddy Cuhen" who owns (or rather owned) various properties around the 5 Towns.

I had a funny feeling that apart from Belsky's fraudulent hazmonos against people investigating the Kolkos, this was a fictitious name. It turns out I was right!


The bank holding the mortgages on Mott Creek properties told Justice Golia of the NY State Supreme Court that they discovered that no less than TEN! people listed as officers of Mott Creek are being sued as John Does since the names presented to the bank are fictitious!

Maybe because they didn't want to go to jail for fraud, Mott Creek did not challenge the foreclosure, just letting the bank take away the properties.

Breslover fresser said...


The three central defendants in an Orthodox Jerusalem cult were indicted in the Jerusalem District Court on Wednesday, in a case police and social workers have called the worst abuse they have seen in decades.

Nine members of the cult, a well-known polygamous Breslav family based in Jerusalem, were arrested last week. Three men were taken into custody, and six women, along with 15 children, were placed in separate shelters across the country.

According to parts of the indictment made available, the head of the cult was indicted on multiple counts, including slavery, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of minors, unlawful imprisonment, indecent sexual acts, sodomy, rape, serious violent crimes, and indecent assault. One of the other men, who most often carried out the abuses, was known by nicknames of “Satan” and “Evil Inclination.” The third man has connected himself to at least one episode of sexual and physical violence.

The cult was headed by the main defendant, who was in relationships with all six of the women, and assisted by two other men.

The main defendant had “complete mental control” over the women and the children, according to the indictment. The family lived off donations gathered from dancing behind the Breslav van blasting religious music or begging in the streets while doing educational outreach about their particular sect of Breslav hasidut, which held that the spirit of Rabbi Nahman was embodied in the grandfather of the main defendant, Rabbi Yisrael Oddesser, who died several years ago.

On a daily basis, the women and children were subject to “confessions” and “judgments” which included horrific punishments, including imprisonment, starvation, physical and mental abuse, humiliation, sexual abuse, and severe violence. In a police raid of the cult’s main home in Jerusalem when they were arrested, police found stun guns, electric cables and wooden rods. According to the indictment, the defendant’s daughters were subject to the harshest abuses, most of them sexual.

The 15 children were not enrolled in school, instead being “educated” at home. Many of them learned to play musical instruments, and the “family” regularly performed together, sometimes in concerts that drew hundreds of people.

The cult has been in existence for more than 10 years, but it was only over the past two that the violence increased in frequency and severity. Social services had visited the family’s home a number of times in the past two years but were unable to find any clear evidence of abuse.

(Social workers resign!)

Chicago putz said...


Phony rabbi gets 18 years for $10 million tax fraud

August 2, 2011

A former Chicago man who posed as a rabbi has been sentenced to more than 18 years in prison for running a scheme that used the stolen identities of dead people and federal inmates to file for millions of dollars in phony refunds.

Prosecutors said Marvin Berkowitz directed a ring that fraudulently collected at least $3.7 million in tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service and an additional $6.5 million in refunds from 33 states.

Berkowitz, who fled to Israel after his indictment in 2003, was arrested in Jerusalem by Israeli authorities in 2009 and returned to the U.S. to face the charges. He pleaded guilty in January in federal court in Chicago to mail fraud and conspiracy charges and was sentenced late Friday to 18 years and 4 months in prison.

In imposing the sentence, U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall noted the scheme's complexity, Berkowitz's 20-year history of tax fraud and his arrogance that he was above the law. Seven others, including two of Berkowitz's sons and a son-in-law, have also been convicted.

"It was a serious crime and it is a serious sentence," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Maureen Merin.

Sruly Singer said...


UOJ always bashed me but not Julie Berman. I wonder if his opinion of Julie will change now that he is covering up everything at the Claims Conference.

Meanwhile, I've got things back on track. I was made a VP and pro-fresser at Touro College and shuls in the 5 Towns bring me in as a guest lecturer.

St Louis said...


A St. Louis financial representative who bilked members of his own Orthodox Jewish community out of millions of dollars has been sentenced to 97 months in federal prison and ordered to pay $4,323,092 in restitution.

Joshua Gould of University City, Mo., (who davened at Agudah) had pled guilty to one felony count of wire fraud and one count of felony mail fraud. Gould’s partner, David Rubin, who pled guilty to wire fraud, will be sentenced in September.

A former financial advisor with Woodbury Financial Services Inc. and an affiliate of Spetner Associates in eastern Missouri, Gould and Rubin admitted taking a large portion of the money, $1.5 million, from one retired individual. They used connections in the Orthodox Jewish community to convince people to invest.

Anonymous said...


A hacker who boasted that he was responsible for stealing and posting provocative pictures stolen from Miley Cyrus’ Gmail account pleaded guilty on Monday to other charges involving credit card fraud and hacking.

Josh Holly, 21, pleaded guilty to possessing about 200 stolen credit card numbers, and to breaching celebrity MySpace pages in a spamming scheme that earned him at least $100,000.

Holly has never been charged with hacking Cyrus’s e-mail account, but after bragging online about this and other activity, and taunting authorities that they would never find him, his apartment in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, was raided in October 2007, at which point authorities found evidence of the cards and spamming scheme.

An investigation of his bank records showed that between November 2007 and July 2008, he received more than $110,000 from companies for spamming on their behalf. Holly told Threat Level that half of his illicit income went to an accomplice in Israel who used the online nickname elul21 (Elul is the Hebrew name of a month on the Jewish calendar).

Anonymous said...

Was Baba Sali's grandson really a con man or is this anti-religious spin from Haaretz?


Last Thursday's murder in Be'er Sheva was a tragedy but also unprecedented. If as police suspect, Asher Dahan murdered Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira because he was upset over the advice the rabbi gave, then the relationship between rabbis & their flocks has changed: Previously, rabbis had no reason to fear the public endangered their lives.

Seemingly, this was an extreme case & police are investigating whether the suspect had psychiatric problems. But might it also be the reality that has developed in courts of rabbinic mystics, where arbitrary power & big money intersect with human misery?

The rabbinic elite is in shock, uncertain how to deal with the murder.

Associates of the admor of Gur, who heads the Gur Hasidic sect, quote him saying he may stop meeting one-on-one. An aide to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who has masses knocking on the door of his Bnei Brak home every day, told Haaretz "since the murder, I felt I need to watch the rabbi's back, and my own." Rabbi Yitzhak Batzri, son of kabbalist Rabbi David Batzri, spoke of hiring guards.

It's not unprecedented for people to be upset after consulting a rabbi about a problem, and that also went for Abuhatzeira, known as Baba Elazar. In 2009, a man was indicted for going to the rabbi's house with a knife & threatening to kill him. That man was angry the rabbi made a medical promise that hadn't come true.

That same year, a prosecutor in Brooklyn, NY began investigating Abuhatzeira on suspicion of defrauding dozens who sought advice by demanding money in exchange for promises they or loved ones would recover from terminal illness or have children.

One complainant, an ultra-Orthodox man from Brooklyn, said he gave the rabbi a check for $100,000 for a promise his daughter would bear children despite medical problems. The daughter died at 24, still childless. According to the man, she died after hearing the rabbi cursed her because her father refused to keep giving money.

Due to the investigation, which was still open when he was killed, Abuhatzeira stopped traveling to the US.

Haaretz reports in 1997 revealed the rabbi would demand those who sought his advice give large sums of money. And they did for fear he would curse them if they didn't.

The reports also revealed the rabbi had NIS 320 million in his personal bank account, as well as the way authorities bent building laws for him, letting him build a tunnel under the street so he could go from home to study house without seeing [women].

Those articles prompted a police investigation & police recommended he be indicted for fraud. However, the prosecution overruled them. At the same time, tax authorities reached a deal with Abuhatzeira under which he paid NIS 20 million to avoid being prosecuted for tax evasion.

Abuhatzeira was of Israel's leading kabbalists. He also appeared in TheMarker list of the country's wealthiest people, with assets of $80 million in 2011 - all donations from people who sought blessing or advice.

His disciples acknowledge his wealth, but insist he used it all for the poor. For instance, he had a huge house which included a soup kitchen where 100s of poor were fed every day.

"He was the kind of rabbi who runs your life," said a public figure who frequented his house. "He would tell you what to name your newborn & which doctor to go to. For a certain type of person, that's good."

Israel's political leadership has flocked to Be'er Sheva to pay condolence calls on the family: President Shimon Peres, several ministers, opposition leader Livni. Prime Minister Netanyahu telephoned. The fact that Abuhatzeira had many admirers has not escaped politicians' notice.

Flatbush fressers inc said...


Say hello to the Levy brothers

Ohel CEO David Mandel said...

Cuomo, you S.O.B.!


Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday the creation of a task force to investigate executive compensation at nonprofit organizations that receive taxpayer subsidies from the state.

“Executives at these not-for-profits should be using the taxpayer dollars they receive to help New Yorkers, not to line their own pockets,” Mr. Cuomo said.

UOJ gets results said...

WASHINGTON — Federal investigators announced on Wednesday that they had dismantled a sophisticated global network of pedophiles who traded pornographic videos and images of children as young as infants over the Internet, using encryption and proxy servers to evade detection.

About 600 people around the world were members of the online bulletin board “Dreamboard” before it shut down this spring amid the investigation, officials said. The Justice Department announced that 72 people had been charged so far, including more than 50 already arrested in the United States and abroad.

The network specialized in graphic and often violent images of the sexual abuse of children under the age of 12, including infants. It created an incentive among its members to create new files by kicking them out of the network if they did not upload material at least once every 50 days, and by granting them greater access to its archives if they created their own child pornography, said Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer.

“Words cannot describe how horrific the enterprise’s alleged crimes were,” Mr. Breuer said. “Dreamboard was extreme even among online child abuse forums. So-called ‘super hard-core’ images — those depicting adults having violent sexual intercourse with ‘very young kids’ — were highly valued.”

While the bulletin board used a server in Atlanta, most of its members were overseas, officials said. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said members had also been arrested in Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Kenya, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Qatar, Serbia, Sweden and Switzerland.

The investigation began in 2009, and officials said they were trying to identify the victims.

John Morton, director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which participated in the inquiry, declined to say how investigators overcame the technological precautions used by some of the members.

“To those inclined to abuse small children, know this: there isn’t a place on the Internet or the planet in which you are truly safe,” he said. “It may take us some time, it may take us some effort, but we will find you regardless of a screen name, a proxy server or an encryption effort, period.”

Shmarya groupie said...


August 3, 2011

Bloomberg to Use Own Funds in Plan to Aid Minority Youth


The administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, in a blunt acknowledgment that thousands of young black and Latino men are cut off from New York’s civic, educational and economic life, plans to spend nearly $130 million on far-reaching measures to improve their circumstances.

The program, the most ambitious policy push of Mr. Bloomberg’s third term, would overhaul how the government interacts with a population of about 315,000 New Yorkers who are disproportionately undereducated, incarcerated and unemployed.

To pay for the endeavor in a time of fiscal austerity, the city is relying on an unusual source: Mr. Bloomberg himself, who intends to use his personal fortune to cover about a quarter of the cost, city officials said. A $30 million contribution from Mr. Bloomberg’s foundation would be matched by that of a fellow billionaire, George Soros, a hedge fund manager, with the remainder being paid for by the city.

A few weeks ago, Mr. Bloomberg called Mr. Soros, who has spent millions of dollars on programs to help black men in Baltimore and other cities, and invited him to lunch. The mayor asked the financier to match his donation for a program in New York, and Mr. Soros quickly agreed.

“When the mayor approached us,” Mr. Soros said, “he was knocking on an open door.”

OU Eyepopper said...

Chaval that CRC Chicago's "yeshivishe shechita" Fishbane is joining forces with the OU to present their "Mesorah" farce.

The OU's Dokter Rabbiner Ari Zivotofsky is a well known misinterpretor of which minim are part of the mesorah. Zivotofsky is a public high school graduate who went directly to the Tzioni hesder yeshiva Gush Etzion. He then learned for 3 years in Far Rockaway's Yeshiva Derech Aison but continues to wear a kippa seruga. He & his sidekick Dokter Ari Greenspan are both contributors to Mishpacha Magazine despite their improper hobby.


Zivotofsky claims the Shach & Aruch Hashulchan allow Ashkenazim to rely on Sefardish mesorah for mammals, birds and even locusts! That's garbage. Even Moroccan poskim like the Or Hachaim say that Sfardim have no mesorah for locusts. It's people like the OU and Zivotofsky who destroy the mesorah which is why Reform temples post his pshetlach on their websites. Zivotofsky has a picture on his website where his son pulls his neck back Halitaini na so that his father can feed him a locust.

When Shallots operated a NY restaurant they were an OU client. The owner is a woman who is not frum.

Besides serving fresh herbs and strawberries, the restaurant also serves broccolini, a vegetable similar to broccoli.


Broccolini is not sold by any company under hashgocho and is impossible to check.


The course causing the most consternation among diners was the sheep testicles. The restaurant listed them by their French name, animelles, and the crowd only found out after the dish had been served exactly what they were eating. After the announcement, “one guy got up and left the room,”

OU Eyepopper said...

The OU's strangest venture yet?


Under 3 hashgochos

Limited products under the OU

2nd hashgocho is a "rabbi" from the non-orthodox Renewal movement


Rabbi Dr. Robert "Hersh" Saunders
B'nei Or
Pueblo CO


This Saunders jerk is on the "Rabbinic" cabinet of the pro-Palestinian J Street group of self hating Jews

3rd hashgocho

Rabbi Harry Zeitlin
Congregation Beth Ha'ari
5508 35th Ave NE, Suite 205
Seattle, WA
(206) 524-9740


This is a picture of Zeitlin's kashrus symbol


Zeitlin is advertised as Orthodox but he is not!


He calls himself "Paradox" and is also a member of the Renewal movement


Menachem Genack must just love hooking up with yedden meshugenna that wants to produce meat. Ecoglatt is owned by Renewal "rabbi" Elisheva Emily Brenner J.D.. She must come highly recommended by Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel as she is one of the rabbonim of the Hazon group.

Note that Saunders actually shechts the meat for this company and also bills himself as an expert on nikkur achorayim

Anonymous said...

Merck & Co., the second-largest U.S. drugmaker, plans to eliminate an additional 13,000 jobs by 2015, expanding a restructuring program to save as much as $4.6 billion a year.

As much as 14 percent of the company’s 91,000 employees will lose their jobs, based on the size of the workforce at the end of last month.

Shmarya groupie said...

Vechol Yisroel yivku ...

BERLIN (Associated Press) -- Rudolf Brazda, believed to be the last surviving person who was sent to a Nazi concentration camp because of his homosexuality, has died, a German gay rights group said Thursday. He was 98.

The Berlin branch of the Lesbian and Gay Association, or LSVD, said that Brazda died on Wednesday. It didn't give details of the location or cause of death.

Brazda was sent to the Nazis' Buchenwald concentration camp in August 1942 and held there until its liberation by U.S. forces in 1945.

Nazi Germany declared homosexuality an aberration that threatened the German race, and convicted some 50,000 homosexuals as criminals. An estimated 10,000 to 15,000 gay men were deported to concentration camps, where few survived.

Anonymous said...


Court records show Aron made a series of bizarre statements after he was arrested for killing the Borough Park boy last month.

"I'm famous," he told police.

The suspect, who is Jewish, also told cops he doesn't keep kosher. He was hungry and told police a meal from McDonald's would be fine. Aron eventually settled on Chinese food.

Aron was shackled and dressed in orange jail garb during his court appearance Thursday. His head was bowed.

He didn't speak.

His lawyers said they will likely seek a change of venue because "it will be incredibly difficult to get a fair trial in Brooklyn" following leaks of Aron's alleged confession.

His next appearance was scheduled for Oct. 14.

Agudah Fresser said...


Wasn't this guy a busboy at the last Agudah dinner?

UOJ gets results said...

Polygamist leader Jeffs convicted on child sexual assault charges stemming from 2008 raid.

Anonymous said...

Maurielle Lubin, 33, of North Woodmere, was arrested on July 24 and charged with the theft of various merchandise valued at $274.99 at Green Acres Mall K-Mart off Sunrise Highway. Police said Lubin concealed the items in a bag.

Nancy Mizrachi, 58, of Lawrence, was arrested on June 18 and charged with shoplifting at the Stop & Shop located on Burnside Avenue in Inwood.

Anonymous said...

just got off the phone with my mom. she's convinced levi aron wasnt from a 'regular' family but a russian immigrant. another cousin of mine (also from boro park) claims he's a sephardi. on israeli message boards he's been labeled a 'baal teshuva'...yet another moron is spreading a rumor that he's the son of a catholic italian mother and his real name is 'dewopa' (no such name in italian). basically the FRUMMA are unable, nay unwilling to admit that the murderer came from their own midst.

I know the arons, they are neither italian, nor russian, nor baal teshuva, nor sephardi, they are a regular (relatively) litvish family from kensington (with relatives in lakewood and other haredi centers). both levi and his father attended torah vodaas (do a search and you'll find levi aron's class from 1985). levi also attended the now defunct yeshiva bais isaac zvi in boro park, that was once headed by rabbi Izak Helberg.

Levi Aron's brother, I believe, is Shlomi Aron who attended Yeshiva of Midwood (headed by Rabbi Belsky) in the late 90s.

hopefully the haredim can PROCESS all that....

Agudanik said...

Research Points to Alzheimer's Early Toll

Drug Firms Sharpen Focus on Patients With Mild Problems.


An explosion of new research bolsters an emerging view that a "silent phase" of Alzheimer's disease begins ravaging the brain years or even decades before patients have enough symptoms to be diagnosed.

These new studies of biological markers for the memory-robbing disease, including more than 100 presented at the recent Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Paris, are reshaping scientists' thinking and the pharmaceutical industry's quest for effective drugs. Alzeheimer's is thought to affect more than five million people in the U.S.

Some scientists now believe that by the time memory problems become obvious, the disease is so advanced it may ...

Anonymous said...


An author who used the pen name Eishis Chayil wrote a book about Chassidish child molesters in Boro Park, drawing on horrible episodes she witnessed herself. Some people knew her identity and she received all kinds of death threats over it.

She has now gone public that her name is Judy Brown and that the murder of Leiby Kletzky zl pushed her to go public, that outing herself will hopefully be gorem saving others.


The Forward's Debra Nussbaum Cohen who happens to be a frum woman from the West Side, writes about Judy Brown outing herself. In the first version of the article that has since been removed but still shows up on some search engines, she quotes several blogs that Judy Brown is the daughter of Hamodia publisher Ruth Lichtenstein.

Anonymous said...

Yeshiva Gedolah of Midwood was actually by Ave C in Kensington. The Arons also live off Ave C. It was Yisroel Belsky's brother Mendel. It was a really strange place. They were lucky if they had a minyan of bochurim. The bochurim were pretty much either weirdos, vilda chevra or slow or any combination of the above.

I know 3 sons of Rabbi Helberg. Two of them I don't know so well but didn't detect anything strange about them. The third son who I know well is a huge weirdo.

Hilarious said...


The NY Times, ACLU and Abe Foxman's ADL are furious that Dovid Yerushalmi, a Lubavitcher lawyer from Crown Heights, is being paid by right wing think tanks to write reports about Arabs being a violent threat to the United States. One report was signed by several former Military and Intelligence officials like CIA Director R. James Woolsey.


Now left wing reporters and bloggers are attacking the NY Times for falsely taking credit to be the first ones to report on it.

Anonymous said...

There was a major yeshivishe Ponivitcher guy named Aron but he was from Green Bay, Wisconsin

Bungalow Yenta said...

Why didn't Mendel Belsky get a shteller in Torah Vodaas?

Satmar Peasant said...


Shortly after the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the White House released a photo showing, per the official caption, “President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receiv[ing] an update on the mission” in the Situation Room. The picture ran in many publications, including the Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper Di Tzeitung. But Di Tzeitung’s version was missing two of the 13 officials: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Director for Counterterrorism Audrey Tomason. The gender-selective airbrushing provoked widespread ridicule and charges of sexism.

In response, Di Tzeitung’s editors argued that their critics had things backward. “Our editorial policies are guided by a Rabbinical Board, and because of laws of modesty, does not allow for the publishing of photos of women,” they explained in a press release. “The readership of the Tzeitung believe that women should be appreciated for who they are and what they do, not for what they look like, and the Jewish laws of modesty are an expression of respect for women, not the opposite.”

The editors did apologize for missing the fine print accompanying the photo, which said it “may not be manipulated in any way.”

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Because anyone with an IQ of 25 as a rule does not get employed at any yeshiva --- even at YTV - even as a custodian!

Ohel CEO David Mandel said...

Hardy har har! C'mon UOJ, give the guy a chance. An IQ of 70 is borderline retarded

Fresser real estate agent said...


in the subterranean parking lots of high-rise apartment buildings in Jerusalem, Haredim are living in improvised dwellings

This part of the article is true. The shnorrers coming to NY keep getting younger and more numerous:

An Internet surfer who calls himself Esnachta, and who apparently lives abroad, discussed the problem this week on the Haredi forum Behadrei Haredim: "In spite of the profound recession here [the United States], the Israeli schnorrers have recently multiplied in an unprecedented manner. I can't recall so many schnorrers from all circles and of all ages as there have been recently. In general, there's a new phenomenon, by which young men - rather than their fathers - claim that they are arranging their own marriages, and so come to schnorr. It started two years ago and has turned into a real deluge."

Joe Putz said...


Why the heck is this guy smiling?

5 Towns said...

The Eretz Yisroeldik shnorrers are like a swarm of locusts these days. They come to your front door and they accost you when you shop on Central Ave. The ones that I see look like father & son teams. They think just because you live in the 5 Towns you must be some super rich person who is going to write them a fat check. A lot of people are struggling to make ends meet in this economy and I am going to feed my own kids before I subsidize someone's overpriced apartment just because he prefers to live in a certain neighborhood. There is also no guarantee that these guys who don't work will actually be learning.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Mendel Belsky always struck me as a nice guy who means well. However, he has little sense that he's invading your space, which he often does.

Anonymous said...

yeshiva gedola of midwood is that the weird yeshiva also being run by storch and weissman? shalom storch used to be the principal in kleimans yeshiva in st louis where kids molesting other kids and other crap were covered up as long as the molesters father had enough hush money to fork over. i hear these days storch is running a weird elementary school in lakewood if you judge by the rebbes and parents who send their kids there

Anonymous said...

storch hasn't had a school in lakewood for about three years. he had to give it over to someone else when he could not keep it afloat.

Larry Gordon whitewashes anyone advertising $$ in 5 Towns Jewish Times said...


The Gurwin Difference
By Larry Gordon

Finally, after so many weeks of planning to drive out to Commack — just over the Nassau/Suffolk border — to visit the Gurwin Jewish campus & my good friend Herbert Friedman, it all came together & began to make sense. This is what Herb meant, this was one of those “really something else” experiences that stays etched in your mind.

I was joined by David Fox from my office & we toured Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and Gurwin Jewish – Fay Lindner Residences assisted-living with Herb. There are so many interesting things here, with one underlying theme that is consistently articulated by Herb & anyone else you encounter at Gurwin: the mission is to truly care for & about people as they get older & need assistance to live healthy & dignified lives.

Everywhere you look, the vision of a few people has been brought to life & made real by the hard work & dedication of Herb & his team of professionals.

Support for a new nursing home in Commack came from UJA Federation, community members & Joseph Gurwin, a philanthropist who made the naming gift. Gurwin felt an obligation to “care for other people’s parents,” since his own were lost in the Holocaust.

The buildings are beautiful, but what is most impressive is the care & concern shown to each of the residents by the staff.


A cancer-stricken deaf man died without ever knowing his diagnosis after three Long Island medical facilities failed to get him sign-language interpreters — for seven months, his family charges.

Alfred Weinrib, 82, even attempted suicide after nurses at one geriatric rehab facility ignored his desperate pleas for help getting to the bathroom because they couldn’t understand him, his children claim in a Brooklyn federal court lawsuit.

The nightmare began in September 2012, when the longtime Flushing, Queens, resident went to Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, LI, with seizures. A doctor there allegedly told the family the hospital didn’t provide interpreters for the deaf.

Nothing changed after Weinrib, a printer by trade who once wrote for Silent News, a national newspaper for the deaf, was transferred to the Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Commack, his children say.

Measles Alert said...

the letter below from Yeshiva Ktana Passaic was prompted by the Lakewood bochur who went home to his anti-vaxx, anti-doctor mishpocho in Passaic

his younger sister in YKP girls building Bnos Bracha also got measles & went to school with it

the family is obviously lying on several fronts about their vaccination status because they are now afraid of a backlash. there are suspicions that they may have also submitted forged documentation to yeshivos regarding vaccinations (several anti-vaxx families in different cities are in fact also suspected of forging vaccination records which anyone with a computer can do)

there is a moronic Facebook page in Passaic run by Mrs Bryana Toran who is acting as ambassador for this dangerous anti-vaxx family & covering up for them by deleting any comments that expose the cover up lies or that even mildly criticize the family

Dear Parents,
All students of Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic, Bais Yaakov and Preschool have met the requirements of immunization. However, there is one case of measles in the Girls Building.

The Passaic Board of Health has mandated that all staff members must show proof of immunity to measles. Therefore, we are forced to close school tomorrow, November 28, 2018, for the Preschool, Bnos Bracha Elementary and Bais Yaakov High School (Boys Division will be open).

Tomorrow, all staff will be screened. Further information regarding school on Thursday, will be forthcoming.

Please note that the 8th grade girl’s trip will take place as scheduled. All chaperones have been cleared for measles. Please make sure your girls are at the Pennington entrance by 10:15. They should have lunch (no bread) and a siddur for Mincha. No knapsacks.

BYP Informational Evening is canceled for this evening. The new date will be announced.

Sorry for any inconvenience but it is beyond our control. If you have any questions please email rhirth@ykop.org

Thank you.
Rabbi Hirth

Measles Alert said...

Direct rebuke of Philly at the Agudah convention during a taped Q&A.


R' Elya Brudny was asked do we follow rabbonim or the doctors regarding vaccinations.

He answered that Rav Elyashev ztl said from the Gemara that we are mechuyev to follow the consensus of the medical profession.

Rav Brudny was mamshich that it is INSULTING and AGAINST DAAS TORAH that some people are trying to undermine vaccinations. And that going against Rav Elyashev is the epitome of going against Daas Torah since he was the recent manhig hador.