In Honor of National Jewish Week For
The Prevention of Child Abuse
~ in cooperation with ~
J-Safe: The Jewish Institute Supporting an Abuse-Free Environment, Maimonides Medical Center, National Council of Young Israel, Rabbinical Alliance of America, Rabbinical Council of America, Union of Orthodox Jewish Organizations, and the Vaad Horabonim of Flatbush
Presents a Community Seminar
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Congregation B'nai Israel of Linden Heights
4502 Ninth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York
Registration - 7:00 PM
Rabbi Pinchus Dovid Horowitz,
Chuster-Bostoner Rebbe, Founder of Nachas Health and Family Network
Hon. Dov Hikind, NYS Assemblyman
Rabbi Yosef Blau, Mashgiach Ruchani, Yeshiva Rabbi Yitzchok Elchanan
Rabbi Shea Hecht, Director, National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education
Rabbi Gershon Tennenbaum, Director, Rabbinical Alliance of America
Michael Salamon, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Board of Directors, The Awareness Center
Asher Lipner, Ph.D., School Psychologist and Executive Vice President, JBAC
Mark Weiss, Survivor of Abuse, Executive Committee, JBAC
Elliot B. Pasik, Esq., President, JBAC
Zvi Gluck, Community Activist
Pinny Taub, Survivor of Abuse
For more information, visit www.jewishadvocates.org or contact: admin@jewishadvocates.org.
Jewish Advocates for Children, Inc. (JBAC)
is a nonprofit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation
52 East Olive Street, Long Beach, NY 11561
Elliot F. Pasik, Esq., President - efpasik@aol.com
Asher Lipner, Ph.D., Executive Vice President - lipnera@gmail.com
1. After reading about the alleged boycott of the wildly successful JBAC conference in Chicago, I looked into it and heard that many of those [right wingers/ Agudaists]who wanted to openly ban the conference were unable to do so because a big donor supported the conference so they quietly tryed to organize a boycott and to get their apparatchiks to convince others not to go to the meeting.
2. It seems from talking to people that the problem with the anti-child molester bais din in Chicago is that [except for one elderly member]they don't actaully care about protecting children. Rather, they use the position to protect their power structure and to protect the yeshivishe crowd and their supporters from punishment for the abominations they commit. It is obviuos that a bais din composed of people who are motivated by these attitudes would not be interested in a meeting that discussed the true facts about molestation in our [Chicago]community.
3. When the bais din and those associated with it found out about the meeting, in order to attempt to torpedo the efforts to combat molestation, they quickly organized meetings in all the yeshias in Chicago. These meetings were only announced after the JBAC announced theor program.
4. Even if these meetings had been done sincerely, these meetings are the only thing the bais din has done publicly to educate the parents of the schools about the dangers of molestation after so many years. Why did they wait so long?
Where are Agudah and Torah Umesorah on the list?
Maybe it is just me, but I can't stand the title "Noted Askan".
Kosher Deli, based in Cricklewood, fined for supplying meat unfit for human consumption after Barnet Council investigation
22nd October 2010
Albert Bendahan...
I hope my brother Albert doesn't blame me. I'm working by Albert after fleeing the United States with UOJ and the authorities hot on my tail.
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