EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
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Sunday, December 05, 2010
Former Yeshiva Principal Sought on Abuse Charges!
I remember something about a Kranczer from YTT maybe married to a Tikotzky. There was some kind of story there that was kept hush hush in Lakewood because the Tikotzkys are mishpocho with R' Malkiel.
They are probably headed to Ramat Bet Shemesh to bask under the protection of Chaim Z. Malinowitz and Smelly Eli Kornfeld, the enablers of the molestors and vigilantes against victims.
Does the Mesorah "foundation" realize that their prize editor is a known molestor enabler who tells people it is ASSUR to go to the authorities and that they should come to him?
I'm certain Rav Moron Feldman sheps tons of nachas fom all of the neshomos that his son-in-law Kornfeld has ruined, r''l.
So the Krancers will fit it in Ramat Bet Shemesh like a hand to a glove and perhaps ply their trade in that Ir Hanidachas.
He has a daughter who is divorced who used to work for him in the school, before and after her divorce . If you can track her down u might get her to give it to you . Btw (Rabbi) shlechter(senior) from cb and rabbi ginsburg are very close to him as well as rabbi goornish from the hechsher. wouldnt be surprised if shlechter told him to flee to israel before it hits the fan .
What was kept hush-hush in Lakewood was the fact that the Tikotzky family abused their daughter and in order to live a life of security she moved to Israel. The Tikotzky's kidnapped their daughter married to Kranczer living in Israel in order to force her to move back to America.
When she moved back to America, R Malkiel arranged that no kollel should accept him. Through the intervention of other Roshei Yeshiva, Kranczer eventually was allowed into an out-of-town kollel, where he still is today.
The Kranczer married to Tikotsky is a VICTIM not chas veshalom a perpetrator. This is what was kept hush-hush NOT allegations against Kranczer.
The trustee seeking assets for victims of Bernard L. Madoff’s global Ponzi scheme filed a lawsuit on Sunday seeking $9 billion from a roster of defendants headed by HSBC, the London-based financial giant with hedge fund clients that fed piles of cash into the enormous fraud.
A dozen hedge funds, nearly two dozen European money-management businesses and 13 individuals were included as defendants in the 170-page complaint.
Among them were Sonja Kohn, the prominent Viennese financier who had ties to some of the largest Madoff feeder funds, and UniCredit, the Italian holding company whose Bank Austria unit was a partner with Ms. Kohn in her flagship company, Bank Medici.
The Tikotzkys are also mishpocho with Jackie Finkel the patriarch of the family that includes Moish Finkel from the treif chickens & Gavriel Finkel the gangster Lakewood dayan & OU employee. One of the Finkel grandsons with a different last name was also caught stealing things from other bochurim in yeshiva dormitories.
There have been reports that Kranczer is an alumnus of Chaim Berlin, since his brochures had always carried approbations from Rav Aron Shechter of Chaim Berlin and Rav Leizer Ginzberg of the Mir in Flatbush.
He is well-known in Brooklyn because of the services he constantly advertised in papers such as the Yated for the yeshiva he founded & ran for well over 20 years, "Tehila LeDovid" that reached out to high school boys from Haredi homes who suffered from learning & behavioral disabilities and could not fit into "mainstream" yeshivas.
He is a long-time disciple of the late Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l that had an anti-psychological outlook.
Just as in the Tropper and Hersh fiascos, Kranzcer has managed to pull the wool over Rav Aron Shechter's eyes and puts in serious doubt Rav Aron's sense of judgment as he has entered his golden years.
Kranzcer is a well-known if very odd figure in the Chaim Berlin world, and his sons have been students there.
This is very sordid and sick situation, and it is going to have major repercussions.
One wonders if the reason the Novominsker Rebbe said a few words against sexual abuse at the recent Agudah convention was because he knew this was brewing and he had to say something to cover for himself and Rav Shechter because it has been Rav Shechter (and Rav Leizer Ginzburg) who have given official written haskomas to Kranzcer all the time, and now this has horrifically blown up in their faces.
Was that Abe Tikotzky that davened by R' Lazer Ginzberg? One day he gets divorced and starting looking like he was in real bad shape physically before moving to Lakewood.
AP - Julian Assange's lawyer was arranging on Monday to deliver the WikiLeaks founder to British police for questioning in a sex-crimes investigation of the man who has angered Washington by spilling thousands of government secrets on the Internet.
DENVER (AP) — A Colorado man who ran a $71 million Ponzi scheme that swindled dozens of investors, including former Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway, has been sentenced to 40 years in prison.
Sean Michael Mueller received the maximum sentence Monday for theft, fraud and racketeering.
China's Bright Food Group is close to a deal to buy U.S. vitamin retail chain GNC Holdings for between $2.5 billion and $3 billion, the latest sign of growing Chinese appetite for U.S. companies.
This coming Thursday will be the second yahrzeit of Zvi Dovid (Fifi) Zahler. His untimely death two years ago is still wrapped in a shroud of mystery. In spite of that none of us have any doubt that rabbi Moshe Eisemann and the Ner Israel Rabbinical College (NIRC) were behind it.
Rabbi Moshe Eisemann was publicly eating latkes this Chanukah!
For two straight years Fifi has been slowly decaying in his grave at the Rosedale cemetery — and rabbi Moshe Eisemann is eating latkes!
Hey, does anyone think about what happened to Fifi's wife and child? — And rabbi Moshe Eisemann is still impudently eating potato latkes!
And this coming Sunday NIRC is hosting 77th Annual Dinner honoring local rabbi Simcha Shafran (brother of rabbi Avi Shafran of Agudath Israel of America) with the "Rabbinic Leadership Award"! — And rabbi Moshe Eisemann will be eating yoshen potato latkes too!
Rabbi Shafran plans to speak about the significance of 77 (עז "Oz" or "strength" in Hebrew). Today — in spite of all mind-blowing scandals — the Ner Israel Rabbinical College is stronger than never, ever before, and is gaining an extra strength each passing second!
Take another latke, rabbi Eisemann! Apply it instead of paper to write you new deceitful book (to date two (!!!) have come out after the death of Fifi Zahler!). Write about the miracle of light (נר ישׂראל "Ner Israel" is the "candle of Israel" in Hebrew) and the remarkable strength that both you and NIRC enjoy so much every Chanukah.
The devilish chanukah glow of NIRC is so mighty that poor Fifi's corpse rotting away in its tiny grave is completely overshadowed by it. A freilichen Chanukah rabbi Eisemann!
מ•עוז• צור ישׁועתי — לנר ישׂראל נאה לשׁבח תכון בית מדרשׁ לזנות ופשׁעי — ושׁם ל•עז•אזל תזבח לעת תכין מטבח — כל טוב לב לרוצח אז אייזמאן (•עז• מאן) יגמור ספר חדשׁ כצלמון — יוצא רע לנצח
NEW YORK (AP) — A New York eyewear website operator has been ordered held without bail as a danger to the community after he was accused of leaving dozens if not hundreds of people in fear for their lives for challenging his fees.
Prosecutors described Vitaly Borker after his arrest Monday as a cyberbully and fraudster for his dealings with customers of his website:
Prosecutor Danya Perry says he's a danger to the community for making the threats since January 2007.
Egypt: Sinai shark attacks could be Israeli plot By JPOST.COM STAFF 12/06/2010
After shark attack leaves woman dead in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egyptian official says Mossad could have put shark in sea to harm Egypt's tourism. A possible connection between Israel and the shark attack that left a 70-year-old German woman dead in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh on Sunday is not unfounded, according to South Sinai Governor Mohamed Abdel Fadil Shousha, quoted by Reuters on Monday.
Some have suggested that the shark attack could have been part of a secret plan by Mossad to harm Egyptian tourism.
"What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark (in the sea) to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm," Shousha was quoted as saying by state news site, according to Reuters.
Egyptians have previously blamed Israel for other problems such as drug and weapon smuggling, and have said it supports media that seek to portray Egypt in a negative light.
According to local diving experts in Sharm el-Sheikh, shark attacks are extremely rare in the area and many were baffled by why so many tourists were attacked in the Red Sea in recent weeks.
"Egypt is full of rumors and one does not know what to believe," Gasser Mohamed, a diving instructor at CFun Divers center in South Sinai told Reuters. "I see that there are a lot of sharks in the sea and the possible rarity of tuna fish due to over-fishing seems to be causing the attacks.
NEW YORK (AP) — A bus driver turned "rosh yeshiva" should be ordered held without bail as a danger to the community after he was accused of leaving dozens if not hundreds of people in fear for their lives for challenging his cover ups of a notorious molester.
Askonim described Lipa Margulies as the employer of cyberbully Bungalow Putz Neuhoff and a gangster-fraudster for his dealings with children at his yeshiva: Torah Temimah.
UOJ says he's a danger to the community for making the threats to protect Kolko for 30 years.
Judge Dolinger said that even if Mr. Borker had not physically harmed anyone, he could still be a threat to society given his habit of terrifying his customers.
The complaint against Mr. Borker describes the accusations in detail. A DecorMyEyes customer identified as Victim 4 stated that Mr. Borker’s threats included a phone call in which he said, “I can hurt you,” and, “I know where you work.”
Mr. Borker apparently sent e-mail to the company where Victim 4 worked, stating that the customer sold drugs & was gay. Another customer, identified as Victim 3, said that Mr. Borker had sent her an e-mail that included this warning: “PS: don’t forget I know where you live,” after she mentioned her intent to contact the NY Dept of Consumer Affairs. He reportedly later called Victim 3 at all hours of the night, threatening sexual assault.
Common sense dictates that even if Margulies had not physically harmed anyone, he could still be a threat to society given his habit of terrifying Kolko's victims.
A YTT parent identified as Victim 4 stated that Margo’s threats included a phone call in which he said, “I can hurt you,” and, “I know your daughters go to the Hungarian Machon Beis Yaakov.”
Margulies apparently sent e-mail to the Agudah where Victim 4 worked, stating that the parent sold drugs & was gay. Another parent, identified as Victim 3, said Margulies had sent him an e-mail that included this warning: “PS: don’t forget I know where you live,” after he mentioned his intent to contact the NYPD sex crimes unit. He reportedly later called Victim 3 at all hours of the night, threatening a hazmono from Belsky.
BALTIMORE (AP) — A five-alarm blaze that broke out in Baltimore's adult-entertainment district on Monday afternoon, spread quickly and sent thick smoke billowing throughout downtown
Battalion Chief Kevin Cartwright, a spokesman for the city fire department, said Monday's fire started about 4 p.m. in a three-story building in the area known as The Block, then spread to five or six structures.
The Block is a neighborhood of strip clubs with gaudy lights, including Larry Flynt's Hustler Club.
The tale of Gershon Kranczer, the Krancer aka Kranc-iz-er, 1
Gershon Kranczer, is nebech takke "Kranc" (sick). He has left his wife and 13 kids to twist in the wind, and with one son in tow, has fled from Brooklyn to Israel because he was wanted for questioning after his daughters spilled the beans on what Tatty and the bros were doing to them in the middle of the night, such as having perverted sex with them, enough to set off a police search and chase, arrests, court hearings, interventions by NY state authorities, and setting off general consternation in the Flatbush-Midwood and Boro Park communties in Brooklyn where many people knew them. Not to mention the wildest media frenzy, as can be seen from the Google News page tracking this story: <a href=">Brooklyn rabbi wanted for molesting daughters</a>
In fact both Gershon and his wife are Boro Park natives, originally the more "modern" kind, but they veered to the right when they came under the spell of Rav Avigdor Miller, of blessed memory.
Now there is a wild media frenzy and police manhunt for Gershon Krnczer and his son Osher Anshil, oichet a Krancer, hiding out in some cave in the holy city of Jerusalem, probably getting help from the inhabitants of Meah Shearim with their caves, much like Osama bin Ladin gets help from the Pakistani mountain tribes who offer him their caves and their daughters.
But Gershon der Krancer will be flushed out very soon from his caves and will be brought back to the USA to face the music, and it will not be pretty music either.
The tale of Gershon Kranczer, the Krancer aka Kranc-iz-er, 2
Gershon is no fool. Obviously. How else could he get away with doing what he did for so long? How could he get his own wife to drive him to the airport as the NYPD cops and Brooklyn DA were breathing down his back knocking down the door? He's been married for almost 30 years. He has 14 kids bli ayin hora. 7 boys and 7 girls. But unlike the Chanuka story of Chana who was willing to sacrifice her sons so that they should not bow down to idol worship and they died al Kiddush Hashem, Gershon der Krancer, produces a drama whereby 7 of his boys, his own sons, rape 7 girls. Not just any girls, but their own sisters. Not 7 brides for 7 grooms, like a happy movie, but this is real life nightmare that's a mega chillul Hashem, now taking the fum Litvish yeshiva velt of Flatbush by storm and will send shock waves far and wide.
So all this was going on for at least the last 15 years the news reports say, according to Kranczer der Krancer's violated daughters.
Is this just mere lack of impulse control? Just a manifestation of a psychological or emotional illness? Yes, and much more, because this horrendous tale adds up to a much darker and deeper problem. Of Frumkeit gone awry.
Gershon Krnczer convincingly preached the holy Torah by day, had both Rav Aron Shechter of Chaim Berlin yeshiav and Rav Leizer Ginzburg of the Mirrer yeshiva in his tricky sticky pockets, convinced thousands of frum parents to send him their forlorn sons by the hundreds over at least two decades of operating his "Yeshiva Tehilla LeDovid", by some reports the tuition there was not cheap, those who could were supposedly required to cough up $25,000 a year, so this operation took a lot of financial savvy.
But any couple that has 14 kids has had a lot of sex. That is not a bad thing to say objectively. But in this case, it seems like in this case this family became sex-crazed and sex-maniacs, with Tatty at the helm and Mommy in it too (why?), and for some deep dark reason operated on an assumption that the rules of the Torah, from god Himself, of the strictures of arayos, a God that hates sexual immorality, that destroyed Sodom and Gemora, the readings on Yom Kippur from Sefer Vayikra, did not apply to them.
Are they Satanists or Sabbateans? This sickly lot. Feeling so "high" spiritually that their sexual violations and sexual violence against daughters and sisters becomes not a "sin" but a perverse "elevated act" like the Donmeh who flip wives on Shabtai Tzvi's birthday.
Like Shabtai Tzvi, and others of that ilk, Kranczer der Krancer probably is convinced he's a "victim" and now a "martyr" and not the scoundrel and mamzer that he is.
Police in Britain arrested Julian Assange on Tuesday on a Swedish warrant issued in connection with alleged sex offenses
His arrest came after challenges mounted to his operations, as computer server companies, and, have cut off commercial cooperation with WikiLeaks.
On Monday, a Swiss bank froze an account held by Mr. Assange that had been used to collect donations for WikiLeaks.
WikiLeaks on Monday released a cable from early last year listing sites around the world — from hydroelectric dams in Canada to vaccine factories in Denmark — that are considered crucial to American national security.
Nearly all the facilities listed in the document, including undersea cables, oil pipelines and power plants, could be identified by Internet searches. But the disclosure prompted headlines in Europe and a new denunciation from the State Department, which said in a statement that “releasing such information amounts to giving a targeting list to groups like Al Qaeda.”
In Re Molesters and their Enablers in the Yeshiva/Chassidishe World: Chanuka was a battle against the Greeks, so we have to battle against the Yivanus (heelinization)of the Yeshiva World. And the Yivanus that exists in the Yeshiva world is not the chochma Yivanus (Greek wisdom/philosophy) but rather the znus Yivanus (Greek sexual deviancy.)
Jewish Groups Sued in Effort To Recoup Fraudulent Madoff Profits
By Josh Nathan-Kazis December 02, 2010.
Also targeted was the American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, which was also sued on December 2 for nearly $7 million in alleged fictitious profits.
Conspicuously absent from the list was Hadassah. Public statements by the Zionist women’s organization have indicated that it profited from its Madoff investment, placing it at risk of a clawback lawsuit. Queries to Hadassah’s press representatives and to members of Picard’s team regarding the status of Hadassah with regard to the trustee’s investigation have not been answered.
Other targets of Picard’s latest round of clawback suits include American businessman Morris Talansky, known for his involvement as a witness in the Israeli bribery case against then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. In that suit, which was filed on December 2, Picard alleges that Talansky, his wife, and a trust they controlled earned $653,342 in fictitious profits. “Defendants have received $653,342 of other people’s money,” the complaint reads.
Check out Chaim Schwartz's boss Rabbi Halbfinger on the Synagogue Council together with the big names in the Conservative AND Reform AND Reconstructionist movements, ignoring the issur to do so signed by R' Moishe Feinstein and kamma other gedolei hador.
KVH gave hashgocho to a Synagogue Council convention where meals were served outside on Shabbos even though there was no eruv outside the hotel. Women were also given aliyos Letorah by shacharis that the so called orthodox KVH rabbis davened with.
I remember something about a Kranczer from YTT maybe married to a Tikotzky. There was some kind of story there that was kept hush hush in Lakewood because the Tikotzkys are mishpocho with R' Malkiel.
They are probably headed to Ramat Bet Shemesh to bask under the protection of Chaim Z. Malinowitz and Smelly Eli Kornfeld, the enablers of the molestors and vigilantes against victims.
Does the Mesorah "foundation" realize that their prize editor is a known molestor enabler who tells people it is ASSUR to go to the authorities and that they should come to him?
I'm certain Rav Moron Feldman sheps tons of nachas fom all of the neshomos that his son-in-law Kornfeld has ruined, r''l.
So the Krancers will fit it in Ramat Bet Shemesh like a hand to a glove and perhaps ply their trade in that Ir Hanidachas.
it can probably be assumed that the older sons were also abuse victims.
I am asking anyone that can get me the parent list of this school with phone numbers.
My goodness, what this person could have done to the disabled children!
He has a daughter who is divorced who used to work for him in the school, before and after her divorce . If you can track her down u might get her to give it to you . Btw (Rabbi) shlechter(senior) from cb and rabbi ginsburg are very close to him as well as rabbi goornish from the hechsher. wouldnt be surprised if shlechter told him to flee to israel before it hits the fan .
What was kept hush-hush in Lakewood was the fact that the Tikotzky family abused their daughter and in order to live a life of security she moved to Israel. The Tikotzky's kidnapped their daughter married to Kranczer living in Israel in order to force her to move back to America.
When she moved back to America, R Malkiel arranged that no kollel should accept him. Through the intervention of other Roshei Yeshiva, Kranczer eventually was allowed into an out-of-town kollel, where he still is today.
The Kranczer married to Tikotsky is a VICTIM not chas veshalom a perpetrator. This is what was kept hush-hush NOT allegations against Kranczer.
Feh, disabled kids are all rejects anyway.
The trustee seeking assets for victims of Bernard L. Madoff’s global Ponzi scheme filed a lawsuit on Sunday seeking $9 billion from a roster of defendants headed by HSBC, the London-based financial giant with hedge fund clients that fed piles of cash into the enormous fraud.
A dozen hedge funds, nearly two dozen European money-management businesses and 13 individuals were included as defendants in the 170-page complaint.
Among them were Sonja Kohn, the prominent Viennese financier who had ties to some of the largest Madoff feeder funds, and UniCredit, the Italian holding company whose Bank Austria unit was a partner with Ms. Kohn in her flagship company, Bank Medici.
UOJ must have been right about Ben Bernanke all along. On 60 Minutes last night he sounded every bit the Marxist putz that Obama is.
The Tikotzkys are also mishpocho with Jackie Finkel the patriarch of the family that includes Moish Finkel from the treif chickens & Gavriel Finkel the gangster Lakewood dayan & OU employee. One of the Finkel grandsons with a different last name was also caught stealing things from other bochurim in yeshiva dormitories.
There have been reports that Kranczer is an alumnus of Chaim Berlin, since his brochures had always carried approbations from Rav Aron Shechter of Chaim Berlin and Rav Leizer Ginzberg of the Mir in Flatbush.
He is well-known in Brooklyn because of the services he constantly advertised in papers such as the Yated for the yeshiva he founded & ran for well over 20 years, "Tehila LeDovid" that reached out to high school boys from Haredi homes who suffered from learning & behavioral disabilities and could not fit into "mainstream" yeshivas.
He is a long-time disciple of the late Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l that had an anti-psychological outlook.
Just as in the Tropper and Hersh fiascos, Kranzcer has managed to pull the wool over Rav Aron Shechter's eyes and puts in serious doubt Rav Aron's sense of judgment as he has entered his golden years.
Kranzcer is a well-known if very odd figure in the Chaim Berlin world, and his sons have been students there.
This is very sordid and sick situation, and it is going to have major repercussions.
One wonders if the reason the Novominsker Rebbe said a few words against sexual abuse at the recent Agudah convention was because he knew this was brewing and he had to say something to cover for himself and Rav Shechter because it has been Rav Shechter (and Rav Leizer Ginzburg) who have given official written haskomas to Kranzcer all the time, and now this has horrifically blown up in their faces.
Jack Finkel is the father of Moish Finkel.
Jack is the brother of Dayan Gavriel the Gangster.
R' Malkiel's mother-in-law Tikotzky is Jack Finkel's sister.
The dorm ganav is Tikotzky who wasn't thrown out for obvious reasons!
I don't know about anyone with the last name Tikotzky stealing so I can't comment.
I reiterate that a grandson of Jackie Finkel was caught stealing.
The Kranczer's are Chaim Berliners.
Anonymous said...
The Kranczer's are Chaim Berliners.
I'll put EFF.ORG on notice to expect some more subpeonas to quash from these criminals, all of them!
Was that Abe Tikotzky that davened by R' Lazer Ginzberg? One day he gets divorced and starting looking like he was in real bad shape physically before moving to Lakewood.
AP - Julian Assange's lawyer was arranging on Monday to deliver the WikiLeaks founder to British police for questioning in a sex-crimes investigation of the man who has angered Washington by spilling thousands of government secrets on the Internet.
Filed at 5:56 p.m. EST
DENVER (AP) — A Colorado man who ran a $71 million Ponzi scheme that swindled dozens of investors, including former Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway, has been sentenced to 40 years in prison.
Sean Michael Mueller received the maximum sentence Monday for theft, fraud and racketeering.
We're losing our country, day at a time!
Deals Alert
from The Wall Street Journal
China's Bright Food Group is close
to a deal to buy U.S. vitamin
retail chain GNC Holdings for between $2.5 billion and $3 billion, the latest sign of growing Chinese appetite for U.S. companies.
Does UOJ and JBAC know anything about this new group Innocent Heart led by Far Rockaway's Moishe Bak that is said to be fighting child abuse?
This is their home page
This coming Thursday will be the second yahrzeit of Zvi Dovid (Fifi) Zahler. His untimely death two years ago is still wrapped in a shroud of mystery. In spite of that none of us have any doubt that rabbi Moshe Eisemann and the Ner Israel Rabbinical College (NIRC) were behind it.
Rabbi Moshe Eisemann was publicly eating latkes this Chanukah!
For two straight years Fifi has been slowly decaying in his grave at the Rosedale cemetery — and rabbi Moshe Eisemann is eating latkes!
Hey, does anyone think about what happened to Fifi's wife and child? — And rabbi Moshe Eisemann is still impudently eating potato latkes!
And this coming Sunday NIRC is hosting 77th Annual Dinner honoring local rabbi Simcha Shafran (brother of rabbi Avi Shafran of Agudath Israel of America) with the "Rabbinic Leadership Award"! — And rabbi Moshe Eisemann will be eating yoshen potato latkes too!
Rabbi Shafran plans to speak about the significance of 77 (עז "Oz" or "strength" in Hebrew). Today — in spite of all mind-blowing scandals — the Ner Israel Rabbinical College is stronger than never, ever before, and is gaining an extra strength each passing second!
Take another latke, rabbi Eisemann! Apply it instead of paper to write you new deceitful book (to date two (!!!) have come out after the death of Fifi Zahler!). Write about the miracle of light (נר ישׂראל "Ner Israel" is the "candle of Israel" in Hebrew) and the remarkable strength that both you and NIRC enjoy so much every Chanukah.
The devilish chanukah glow of NIRC is so mighty that poor Fifi's corpse rotting away in its tiny grave is completely overshadowed by it. A freilichen Chanukah rabbi Eisemann!
מ•עוז• צור ישׁועתי — לנר ישׂראל נאה לשׁבח
תכון בית מדרשׁ לזנות ופשׁעי — ושׁם ל•עז•אזל תזבח
לעת תכין מטבח — כל טוב לב לרוצח
אז אייזמאן (•עז• מאן) יגמור ספר חדשׁ כצלמון — יוצא רע לנצח
What about Ken dolls for little boys?
FBI: New Barbie Could Be Used for Child Porn
Filed at 7:06 p.m. EST
NEW YORK (AP) — A New York eyewear website operator has been ordered held without bail as a danger to the community after he was accused of leaving dozens if not hundreds of people in fear for their lives for challenging his fees.
Prosecutors described Vitaly Borker after his arrest Monday as a cyberbully and fraudster for his dealings with customers of his website:
Prosecutor Danya Perry says he's a danger to the community for making the threats since January 2007.
On a lighter note
Sharm el-Sheikh
Egypt: Sinai shark attacks could be Israeli plot
After shark attack leaves woman dead in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egyptian official says Mossad could have put shark in sea to harm Egypt's tourism.
A possible connection between Israel and the shark attack that left a 70-year-old German woman dead in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh on Sunday is not unfounded, according to South Sinai Governor Mohamed Abdel Fadil Shousha, quoted by Reuters on Monday.
Some have suggested that the shark attack could have been part of a secret plan by Mossad to harm Egyptian tourism.
"What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark (in the sea) to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm," Shousha was quoted as saying by state news site, according to Reuters.
Egyptians have previously blamed Israel for other problems such as drug and weapon smuggling, and have said it supports media that seek to portray Egypt in a negative light.
According to local diving experts in Sharm el-Sheikh, shark attacks are extremely rare in the area and many were baffled by why so many tourists were attacked in the Red Sea in recent weeks.
"Egypt is full of rumors and one does not know what to believe," Gasser Mohamed, a diving instructor at CFun Divers center in South Sinai told Reuters. "I see that there are a lot of sharks in the sea and the possible rarity of tuna fish due to over-fishing seems to be causing the attacks.
Filed at 7:06 p.m. EST
NEW YORK (AP) — A bus driver turned "rosh yeshiva" should be ordered held without bail as a danger to the community after he was accused of leaving dozens if not hundreds of people in fear for their lives for challenging his cover ups of a notorious molester.
Askonim described Lipa Margulies as the employer of cyberbully Bungalow Putz Neuhoff and a gangster-fraudster for his dealings with children at his yeshiva: Torah Temimah.
UOJ says he's a danger to the community for making the threats to protect Kolko for 30 years.
One of my fears is that for-profit organizations would pop-up riding piggy-back on child abuse.
IMO, stay way from these unknown entities. There are plenty of great organizations with full transparency to donate money to.
1 - JBAC
2 - SFJ
3 - JSafe
In no particular order.
Last but NOT least The Awareness Ctr.
R' Both Versions:
You crack me up....
I'm starting to believe some of your stuff...:-)
Judge Dolinger said that even if Mr. Borker had not physically harmed anyone, he could still be a threat to society given his habit of terrifying his customers.
The complaint against Mr. Borker describes the accusations in detail. A DecorMyEyes customer identified as Victim 4 stated that Mr. Borker’s threats included a phone call in which he said, “I can hurt you,” and, “I know where you work.”
Mr. Borker apparently sent e-mail to the company where Victim 4 worked, stating that the customer sold drugs & was gay. Another customer, identified as Victim 3, said that Mr. Borker had sent her an e-mail that included this warning: “PS: don’t forget I know where you live,” after she mentioned her intent to contact the NY Dept of Consumer Affairs. He reportedly later called Victim 3 at all hours of the night, threatening sexual assault.
Common sense dictates that even if Margulies had not physically harmed anyone, he could still be a threat to society given his habit of terrifying Kolko's victims.
A YTT parent identified as Victim 4 stated that Margo’s threats included a phone call in which he said, “I can hurt you,” and, “I know your daughters go to the Hungarian Machon Beis Yaakov.”
Margulies apparently sent e-mail to the Agudah where Victim 4 worked, stating that the parent sold drugs & was gay. Another parent, identified as Victim 3, said Margulies had sent him an e-mail that included this warning: “PS: don’t forget I know where you live,” after he mentioned his intent to contact the NYPD sex crimes unit. He reportedly later called Victim 3 at all hours of the night, threatening a hazmono from Belsky.
Oh crap, that's one of my favorite parts of town!
BALTIMORE (AP) — A five-alarm blaze that broke out in Baltimore's adult-entertainment district on Monday afternoon, spread quickly and sent thick smoke billowing throughout downtown
Battalion Chief Kevin Cartwright, a spokesman for the city fire department, said Monday's fire started about 4 p.m. in a three-story building in the area known as The Block, then spread to five or six structures.
The Block is a neighborhood of strip clubs with gaudy lights, including Larry Flynt's Hustler Club.
I and Obama must really be huge liars if even the Liberal NY Times exposes us in this story.
By the way Simcha Shafran is Avi's father, not brother.
The tale of Gershon Kranczer, the Krancer aka Kranc-iz-er, 1
Gershon Kranczer, is nebech takke "Kranc" (sick). He has left his wife and 13 kids to twist in the wind, and with one son in tow, has fled from Brooklyn to Israel because he was wanted for questioning after his daughters spilled the beans on what Tatty and the bros were doing to them in the middle of the night, such as having perverted sex with them, enough to set off a police search and chase, arrests, court hearings, interventions by NY state authorities, and setting off general consternation in the Flatbush-Midwood and Boro Park communties in Brooklyn where many people knew them. Not to mention the wildest media frenzy, as can be seen from the Google News page tracking this story: <a href=">Brooklyn rabbi wanted for molesting daughters</a>
In fact both Gershon and his wife are Boro Park natives, originally the more "modern" kind, but they veered to the right when they came under the spell of Rav Avigdor Miller, of blessed memory.
Now there is a wild media frenzy and police manhunt for Gershon Krnczer and his son Osher Anshil, oichet a Krancer, hiding out in some cave in the holy city of Jerusalem, probably getting help from the inhabitants of Meah Shearim with their caves, much like Osama bin Ladin gets help from the Pakistani mountain tribes who offer him their caves and their daughters.
But Gershon der Krancer will be flushed out very soon from his caves and will be brought back to the USA to face the music, and it will not be pretty music either.
The tale of Gershon Kranczer, the Krancer aka Kranc-iz-er, 2
Gershon is no fool. Obviously. How else could he get away with doing what he did for so long? How could he get his own wife to drive him to the airport as the NYPD cops and Brooklyn DA were breathing down his back knocking down the door? He's been married for almost 30 years. He has 14 kids bli ayin hora. 7 boys and 7 girls. But unlike the Chanuka story of Chana who was willing to sacrifice her sons so that they should not bow down to idol worship and they died al Kiddush Hashem, Gershon der Krancer, produces a drama whereby 7 of his boys, his own sons, rape 7 girls. Not just any girls, but their own sisters. Not 7 brides for 7 grooms, like a happy movie, but this is real life nightmare that's a mega chillul Hashem, now taking the fum Litvish yeshiva velt of Flatbush by storm and will send shock waves far and wide.
So all this was going on for at least the last 15 years the news reports say, according to Kranczer der Krancer's violated daughters.
Is this just mere lack of impulse control? Just a manifestation of a psychological or emotional illness? Yes, and much more, because this horrendous tale adds up to a much darker and deeper problem. Of Frumkeit gone awry.
Gershon Krnczer convincingly preached the holy Torah by day, had both Rav Aron Shechter of Chaim Berlin yeshiav and Rav Leizer Ginzburg of the Mirrer yeshiva in his tricky sticky pockets, convinced thousands of frum parents to send him their forlorn sons by the hundreds over at least two decades of operating his "Yeshiva Tehilla LeDovid", by some reports the tuition there was not cheap, those who could were supposedly required to cough up $25,000 a year, so this operation took a lot of financial savvy.
But any couple that has 14 kids has had a lot of sex. That is not a bad thing to say objectively. But in this case, it seems like in this case this family became sex-crazed and sex-maniacs, with Tatty at the helm and Mommy in it too (why?), and for some deep dark reason operated on an assumption that the rules of the Torah, from god Himself, of the strictures of arayos, a God that hates sexual immorality, that destroyed Sodom and Gemora, the readings on Yom Kippur from Sefer Vayikra, did not apply to them.
Are they Satanists or Sabbateans? This sickly lot. Feeling so "high" spiritually that their sexual violations and sexual violence against daughters and sisters becomes not a "sin" but a perverse "elevated act" like the Donmeh who flip wives on Shabtai Tzvi's birthday.
Like Shabtai Tzvi, and others of that ilk, Kranczer der Krancer probably is convinced he's a "victim" and now a "martyr" and not the scoundrel and mamzer that he is.
Police in Britain arrested Julian Assange on Tuesday on a Swedish warrant issued in connection with alleged sex offenses
His arrest came after challenges mounted to his operations, as computer server companies, and, have cut off commercial cooperation with WikiLeaks.
On Monday, a Swiss bank froze an account held by Mr. Assange that had been used to collect donations for WikiLeaks.
WikiLeaks on Monday released a cable from early last year listing sites around the world — from hydroelectric dams in Canada to vaccine factories in Denmark — that are considered crucial to American national security.
Nearly all the facilities listed in the document, including undersea cables, oil pipelines and power plants, could be identified by Internet searches. But the disclosure prompted headlines in Europe and a new denunciation from the State Department, which said in a statement that “releasing such information amounts to giving a targeting list to groups like Al Qaeda.”
Wow, a 2nd NY Times article ridiculing me.
In Re Molesters and their Enablers in the Yeshiva/Chassidishe World:
Chanuka was a battle against the Greeks, so we have to battle against the Yivanus (heelinization)of the Yeshiva World. And the Yivanus that exists in the Yeshiva world is not the chochma Yivanus (Greek wisdom/philosophy) but rather the znus Yivanus (Greek sexual deviancy.)
Torah from the molester
Yechezkel Shraga was named after the Shinover Ruv. The zeyde was a Shinover chusid.
Jewish Groups Sued in Effort To Recoup Fraudulent Madoff Profits
By Josh Nathan-Kazis
December 02, 2010.
Also targeted was the American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, which was also sued on December 2 for nearly $7 million in alleged fictitious profits.
Conspicuously absent from the list was Hadassah. Public statements by the Zionist women’s organization have indicated that it profited from its Madoff investment, placing it at risk of a clawback lawsuit. Queries to Hadassah’s press representatives and to members of Picard’s team regarding the status of Hadassah with regard to the trustee’s investigation have not been answered.
Other targets of Picard’s latest round of clawback suits include American businessman Morris Talansky, known for his involvement as a witness in the Israeli bribery case against then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. In that suit, which was filed on December 2, Picard alleges that Talansky, his wife, and a trust they controlled earned $653,342 in fictitious profits.
“Defendants have received $653,342 of other people’s money,” the complaint reads.
Check all this out on R' Yudel today how the yeshivishe lunatic Chaim Schwartz acted on the sly when he lived in Boston.
Especially this part:
Check out Chaim Schwartz's boss Rabbi Halbfinger on the Synagogue Council together with the big names in the Conservative AND Reform AND Reconstructionist movements, ignoring the issur to do so signed by R' Moishe Feinstein and kamma other gedolei hador.
KVH gave hashgocho to a Synagogue Council convention where meals were served outside on Shabbos even though there was no eruv outside the hotel. Women were also given aliyos Letorah by shacharis that the so called orthodox KVH rabbis davened with.
pics of yechesckel kranczers engagement .
does anyone know if kolko is in anyone of these pictures taken this year at a chanuka mesiba?
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