Twenty-four alleged child predators from across New Jersey – including a police officer who headed a county SWAT team – were arrested in a statewide bust known as "Operation Open House," authorities announced on Tuesday.
The multi-agency undercover operation targeted men who allegedly were using social media in an attempt to lure underage girls and boys for sexual activity, according to a release from the Office of Attorney General.
The underage "children" were, in fact, undercover officers, according to authorities. Most of the defendants were arrested when they arrived at a house in Toms River, where they allegedly expected to find their victim home alone.
"It is a frightening reality that sexual predators are lurking on social media, ready to strike if they find a child who is vulnerable,” said Attorney General Grewal. “To counter that threat, we are working collaboratively and aggressively across all levels of law enforcement to apprehend these sex offenders. We want child predators to know that we are on social media too – and the child they target may be the undercover officer who puts them in handcuffs. That is the message of Operation Open House.”
“We have no higher priority than protecting children, and we will remain steadfast in our pursuit of those who seek to victimize them,” said Director Veronica Allende of the Division of Criminal Justice. “Operation Open House is a great example of how law enforcement agencies work best when they work together. I commend our partners on the ICAC Task Force, particularly the State Police and Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, who coordinated this operation with the Division of Criminal Justice.”
“It is disturbing that some of the alleged child predators from this operation held positions of public service and authority, but behind closed doors they went through great lengths to avoid detection online, frequenting social media sites with the sole purpose of targeting unsuspecting children,” said Colonel Patrick Callahan of the New Jersey State Police. “Our troopers and partners on the ICAC Task Force are unfazed by the outward appearances of sex offenders and will continue to turn the tables on predators by luring them out of hiding and bringing them to justice. These arrests serve as a sobering reminder that parents should closely monitor their child’s online activity.”
The newest Rosh Hashanah brochure by Baltimore NIRC Yitzchok (Robert) Feuereisen has been dedicated "in memory of" the dean of Jerusalem Mir Yeshiva rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel. This year Feuereisen introduced many novel spellings ("therefor," "new how to," "inner most," "with in," etc.) and largely disregarded the conventional English punctuation. Yet he finally abstained from calculating preposterous values of Hebrew words. However, such prudence did not save him from many "thoughtful" reflections. Thus, he argued that "spending seventeen years in prison made him [Joseph] an elevated person" (p.9) and that rabbi Finkel "was determined not to let down" God (p.13). Moreover, according to Feuereisen, rabbi Finkel "was a champion when it came to the needs of the בני הישיבה (students). It would not faze him to tell a visiting Father that his son needs a knew hat" (p.14). Perhaps such "knew hat" guided Feuereisen when he wrote the following idiocy: "In the word 'הגידה' [tell] lies the word 'גיד' [sinew]. The two ה's in the word הגידה is a רמז –hint to the word הנשה [vein] which also has two ה's. <…> It was this מעשה [act] that elevated יעקב [Jacob] to his highest מדרגה [level] <…> If one takes the word 'הנשה' and rearranges the letter’s one will find the word 'השנה' as in ראש השנה [New Year]. For יעקב אבינו [Jacob] the episode of the גיד הנשה [sinew of the vein] was a ראש השנה for himself" (pp.6-8). Feuereisen then used this lunacy to arrogantly say about rabbi Finkel: "[T]his debilitating [Parkinson's] disease became his ראש השנה [New Year] for it changed his entire צורה [shape]" (p.13; Feuereisen later tried to connect rabbi Finkel's death in November with the future building of the Jerusalem Temple during the same season — pp.20-21). And to madly add: "[H]e aspired to a level that he himself could declare 'אני יוסף' [I am Joseph] 'אני קהלת' [I am Ecclesiastes] 'אני נתן צבי' [I am Nosson Tzvi]" (p.19). However, the main subject of Feuereisen's work is a bit different. He summarized it on its greenish cover (p.1): The verse in Samuel 2 (7:3), which in his translation reads: "Whatever is in your heart go and do, for ה' [God] is with you." In all Hebrew editions, commentators of that verse understood the danger within the word "whatever": Some limited it to the building of the Temple, others — to great holy men (as king David). Not so Feuereisen in his Tony Robbins style: "When one feels that ה' עמך [God is with you] all walls and barriers fall away and disappear" (p.17). That is a perverted approach alien to Judaism: Even the great rabbi Johanan ben Zakai (Berachos 28b) was weeping — being uncertain about his fate despite any "feelings." But Feuereisen gives us a simple life hack: FEEL GOOD! As for him, he is certainly feeling good due to the upcoming wedding of Elisheva Sterman from Chicago and his dissolute son Gad (named after Gad's grandfather Herr Gustav Feuereisen who served with the German Wehrmacht in Ukraine during the Holocaust). The Stermans are "into" Mir Yeshiva, and that's the reason for Feuereisen's newest "Torah" brochure. "It is the תורה [Torah] that gives creditability an[d] legitimacy to the flowers, gardens and mountains and all other creations for the benefit of mankind. Without the תורה all these creations are הבל [worthless]" (p.16). Did Yitzchok Feuereisen learn his simple fascist Weltanschauung at his pedophile Ner Israel Rabbinical College? Certainly, but he could have gotten that philosophy at any corrupt yeshiva. Just smile, feel good, and booboo: "כתיבה וחתימה טוב" (p.21).
Ho-ho, of apples and trees... the daughter of a beheimeleh mit habeitzim Mosha Sterman... To say that Parkinson's was Rabbi N.Z. Finkel's Zt"l "New Year"... Crazy fascist (like his father) Feuereisen.
I fully agree with the above comments: Baltimore is such a special city! For example, rabbi Shmuel Silber takes you to Poland ("3 VIP kosher meals a day") to visit (listen to this!) "Kraków Jewish Cemetery: Kevorim of the Rama, Tosfos Yom Tov, Bach, Megale Amukos, and many more." What's that, an offensive commercial: "Buy our Artscroll Torah, Talmud, and many more titles"? And listen to this too: "Over 300 men and women have made a two-hour commitment every day to be careful with SHMIRAS HALOSHON.... To select a two-hour time slot call Mrs Esther Newman." So, for two hours a day (some "slots" may not be available!) you keep the Torah, and for the next twenty-two hours you may sin? That's the crooked community Ner Israel Rabbinical College created in Baltimore: Come on, Neubergers, come on, humbug rabbis, leave for a moment your involvement in Sheldon Adelson's casinos and at least ostensibly school your toadies!!!!
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