From:Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo
Today, 3:43 PM
To:Paul Mendlowitz
(email truncated)
October 27, 2020.
Dear PAUL,
country is seeing a surge in COVID; there have been almost half a
million new confirmed COVID cases in the US in just one week. While the
number of new cases per 100,000 residents in New York remains low
relative to other states, New York State is not in a hermetically sealed
is still here and continues to spread in communities in New York,
particularly when people do not follow the safety protocols in place to
control the virus. We continue to see outbreaks linked to mass
gatherings at houses of worship, at weddings and funerals, and other
events where too many people gather.
cannot let our guard down and risk sliding backward in New York. We all
must remain vigilant as the weather gets colder and as we are up
against "COVID fatigue." Stay NY Smart: Wear a mask, socially distance
and follow the public health guidance. It's there to save lives.

Chart of the Day: The statewide test positivity rate (the orange line) remains under 2 percent.
Ever Upward,
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
Vewwy good!
Yeshiva Ketana has infections galore in both the boys & girls buildings. An entire grade is out by the boys. But Jr & Schloss keep hiding everything from authorities with help from their unethical medical panel so they can keep the place running & manufacture even more infections.
Nothing happened after furious parents lodged official complaints. The yeshiva has Passaic City Health under control and spineless Governor Murphy is terrified Agudah will call him an anti-Semite if he follows Cuomo, so nothing happens at the State level either, except Murphy takes a dozen hours of phone calls a week from Agudah SLOB Schnall to kiss up to him.
Murderers who make perverse excuses for all the collateral damage from their viral bonfire of vanity. Edison rosh yeshiva Rav Busel was at the brink in ICU and Lakewood handler PG Waxman just dropped dead. The death toll mounts.
Dozens of preschools closed due to virus in matter of DAYS
27 October 2020
Although relatively low compared to 21k preschools nationwide, rapidly multiplying shutdowns offer a preview as Israel gears up to open elementary schools.
There are currently 1,716 students infected. However, the number of kindergartens closed due to infections of staff / children doubled during the same period from 56 to 112.
The figures came as the system gears up to open grades 1-4 next week following a cabinet decision to further ease lockdown. Schools have been closed since Sept 18, though preschools & daycares were permitted to open Oct 18.
Among kindergarteners there are 255 active carriers, 2% of 12,890 active cases.
The Knesset Education Committee, which reviewed the cabinet plan to bring grades 1-4 back, rejects as too onerous to allow pods of 15 students to study outdoor with distance of 100 meters between capsules.
The committee demands pods allow 19 students +1 teacher, with distance halved to 50 meters. Under current lockdown the public can gather outdoors up to 20 people anyway.
The committee will meet again after ministries update regulations.
The planned opening has been overshadowed by a dispute between ministries on capsules for 1st-2nd graders.
Under the plan ok'ed by ministers for indoor, 3rd-4th graders will be divided into pods 5x a week, while 1st-2nd grade will split in 2 groups to alternate days & go to school only 3x a week. 5th+ grade will continue remotely.
The Education Ministry insists it doesn't have the money, space or time to split up 1st-2nd grade full time, but parents say half school will force them to miss work half the time.
Israel Teacher’s Union head Yaffa Ben-David calls on principals to not open classrooms until the Ministry provides clear instructions how studies will be held, Kan reported Tues.
“Until the Ministry publishes clear guidelines, principals will not act according to outlines of local authorities. Our employer is the Ministry, not local authorities.”
Israel's Tax Authority is demanding return of 100,000,000s shekels it doled to businesses & self-employed to help them weather the pandemic, according to reports.
Dozens of businesses received letters from the Authority & 100s more are expected in coming days. 1000s of self-employed are also expected to be served notice, report Channel 13 & Globes who put the sum of “overpaid” grants as high as NIS 1 billion / $295 million.
The Authority is also setting up a special website to facilitate returning the money, which it says was mistakenly claimed under a system designed to get help out quickly.
Many small businesses are critically damaged by the pandemic & restrictions have many closed for long months, with owners depending on grants to survive.
The govt currently hands out periodic grants to businesses hit: general grant every 2 months, derived from earnings in same period last year (& dependent on drop of at least 25% revenue); & grants for wasted business expenses (renting premises, etc).
The Authority said audits show expenses don't justify the sum received from the treasury.
The Authority warns grant applicants must meet certain criteria, or may eventually be required to return the sums received.
Channel 13 said many may have mistakenly ticked boxes on forms in ways they weren't eligible. 13 notes the sums, ranging from 3000 to 100,000s shekels, are most likely already spent.
Revital Siton Ben Ari, VP of the Institute of Tax Consultants, told Channel 13 the Authority clawback doesn't appear to have been made according to the usual criteria, nor had it been made clear in advance to tax consultants advising those businesses.
“Businesses are bleeding out. To demand they retroactively repay 10,000s shekels due to rules not published anywhere, nor provided to professionals, is a death sentence.”
Facing outrage, the Authority told Channel 13 that only businesses who failed to qualify for grants were asked to return the money, emphasizing businesses can appeal decisions. It claims only 5% of businesses were found not to comply with criteria.
The businessmen (and women) should riot like the Hoisheks in Philly are doing now.
I need to know for whom shall I vote, Paul. I know you have hated Trump since the day Home Alone 2: Lost in New York came out. But! Recently, Kamala Harris's disturbing connection to radical pro-Hamas organization CAIR has been revealed. And Agudah, and in particular, Sheftel Neuberger, whom you hate even more than Trump, declared the need to vote for Trump!
How then does one choose between Scylla and Charybdis?
I'm a lifelong registered (Conservative) Republican, fiscally conservative, and on many issues socially liberal (not all).
For me the choice was between VERY BAD & VERY BAD ---- So I voted for a write-in.
Avi Shafran & Rabbi Emmanuel Feldman put out a letter endorsing Joe Biden. They tried to get rabbonim to sign on but had very few takers.
Who knew Ner Yisroel is so feminist? They got Aviva Weisbord to sign. This daughter of the Weinbergs mind you is in critical condition, no surprise considering Ner Yisroel's 'viral' falling in line behind Philly. Oh yes, Philly of course also emerged as a huge feminist bastion! Just ask hazoynah Tamar! Philly is even her private concierge to make mamzerim!
Ner Yishmoel, do you know how is she doing? I heard they were davening for her last week, and that she almost recuperated like rabbi Kanievsky. Is that true? How about Berl? Did he contract COVID-19 from his wife? Is Ner Israel open after Sukkot?
How does the Agudah let Shafran get away with this?
Here is the joint Trump-bashing endorsement of Biden
Hey Avi, this is all you scratch out of the bottom of the barrel to stand with you? Aren't you embarrassed no one agrees with you except a handful of has-beens & nobodies who you pathetically try to recast as Charedi Monn deOmars?
Dokter Rabbiner Hillel Goldberg, the flaming Liberal of Berkeley who switched to YU when becoming shomer Shabbos & then lectured at Hebrew U
Eytan Kobre, the real estate multi-millionaire nephew of Bernie Lander who dabbles in journalism
Yosef Rappoport, close mishpocho of infamous Boro Park pedophile-fraudster Yechiel Jerry Brauner, but who knows how to make a mean chicken zup
Modern Ortho columnist Jeff Jacoby of the disgraceful Boston Globe, the rag caught trying to smear American soldiers of "raping" Iraqi women - using pics they pulled from a porno site!
מורה נבוכים I am registered Republican, but I voted on my overseas mail-in New York ballot for Trump/Pence on the Conservative Party line. My rationale:
Before my Aliyah, I had a case in my law practice that indirectly involved a Donald Trump entity. And while the matter never went to court and I had no direct interaction with Trump or any of his attorneys, I did see some documents that showed just what type of shtick Donald Trump can pull. I voted for him because Meir Kahane is not currently a viable candidate, but Trump is, in my view, far less worse than Kamala Harris (who is the real candidate on the Democratic Party ticket).
If the Democratic Party implodes (which is quite likely), then the fissures in the Republican Party will widen; we will have a chaotic mess of political blocs and a likely regrouping of parties (which is how the Republican Party came into being in the first place way back in the 1850's).
So I voted for Trump/Pence on the Conservative Party line because the Conservative Party in New York has kept the GOP establishment honest in many local elections. The more votes they can deliver, the more likely they are to emerge from the likely chaos as a rational entity.
I view voting as a privilege. In this medina shel chessed, we have a choice as well to vote our conscience, someone who shares, at the very least, similar overall values.
Both these candidates --- are the bottom of the barrel candidates!
I need to feel that I voted for someone, not for the lesser of the two evils, which both of them are, in their own way.
So I voted for an "unknown" --- Mr. Unorthodox Jew :-) I know he would make the country proud!
Did Bibi warn Gamzu to not mention all the underground testing shtelled avek by the Agudah Fressers who don't give over any positive test results? Or that the Fressers are flooding the system with fake negatives to artificially lower percentages? It's much worse than what he's complaining about.
Virus czar: Poor testing hides Israel's true infection rate
Adir Yanko
Virus czar Prof. Ronni Gamzu warned Wed that the low number of tests is concealing Israel's actual infection rate.
"800 verified new cases per day is not the true infection rate," Gamzu said at a briefing.
"The actual amount is several thousand per day. There's a hidden morbidity in Israel, like what we saw 6 weeks ago.”
The professor refers to Israel's high infection rate that prompted a 2nd lockdown in Sept.
Gamzu, who's working alongside his replacement Nachman Ash ahead of his departure next month, said his task force has an approximate % of daily infections due to surveys of preschool teachers who returned to work 10 days ago & students who attend yeshivas that opened in contravention of state health laws.
“The IDF Alon virus task force is conducting epidemiological investigations,” said Gamzu. “Each investigation reveals 4+ contacts per infection, of which 8% also test positive.”
Gamzu also urged Arabs to get tested, as the number of tests in their sector plummeted while their infection rate rose.
"We notice significant decrease in tests conducted in Arab communities,' said Gamzu. "This drastic decrease led to an increase in the rate of positive tests."
Gamzu warns several Arab communities see high enough morbidity to be defined “orange” by Israel's color codes.
“Certain localities in Arab society are orange & we're debating the best course of action in those areas,” said Gamzu.
"We ask restrictions be imposed there. I'm examining what's being done in the education system in these locations."
The Agudah's boy in Israel who writes for the American Yated. His grandfather was already a famous Agudanik.
Though he's not completely soulless when downplaying the virus like some other Fressers, he still uses talking points that will make your head shake.
In Fresserese there is no such thing as high infection rates being real. It's either a Tzioni or Anti-Semitic conspiracy to inflate rates against us or an accidental fluke vos meint gornisht. The bottom line is that Fressers can never be guilty no matter what, even if they're at 90% infected through gross negligence & then spread it to outsiders.
Then he seizes on Bibi's phony bluster of raising fines for violations to bash Bibi as attacking Charedim. He knowns darn well Bibi is all talk & letting virtually every violator off the hook. Yaakovson knows he's lying & he knows that we know that he's lying. But he lies anyway. This exact sickness of lying to turn everything inside out on the virus was started by Kaminetzky & has since become a staple of Agudah Fresser announcements.
My Take On The News
By Tzvi Yaakovson - Oct 28, 2020
Fines for Charedim Only
When I say things are beginning to calm down, I mean the entire country's no longer in the throes of despondence. That doesn't mean, however, we're ready to dance with joy. We still see 25 deaths a day & it's quite saddening. Even though most fatalities were elderly or suffered pre-existing conditions, and some officially listed as died from corona even though it wasn’t exactly the case, and even if we consider 100s of elderly die from flu & other illnesses every year, it doesn't change the fact the virus is still here. Covid still causes pain, death & orphans. On the other hand, there's progress. Bnei Brak lost red status to become yellow & Beit Shemesh went yellow to green. Those developments at least, give us reason to rejoice.
Morbidity is also declining with fewer deaths every day, fewer cases of virus & the rate of new infections is decreasing. Today, there are 17,000 active patients, fewer than 1,000 hospitalized & fewer than 200 new cases. This is a slowdown compared to a month ago. Of course, we're thankful for it. On a global level, things aren't as encouraging. This week, 500,000 new cases of Covid were diagnosed in the world in a single day. That's fearsome.
But I must comment on declining infections in Israel. Weeks ago, when reports emerged about a spike in the Charedi community, I pointed out infections weren’t necessarily rising; it was possible there were simply more tests being conducted & therefore more detected. Had Charedim not been tested en masse, I suggested Charedim might not have become pariahs, viewed as responsible for spreading the disease.
This past Motzoei Shabbos, Prime Minister Netanyahu held his 1st press conference in a long time. As usual, he boasted of his accomplishments both on the diplomatic front & in the battle against the virus. Netanyahu revealed he's raising fines on yeshivas operating in violation of the law to a hefty 25,000 NIS ($7,500). I have no doubt this is a measure aimed at Charedim.
In Fresserese there is no such thing as high infection rates being real. It's either a Tzioni or Anti-Semitic conspiracy to inflate rates against us or an accidental fluke vos meint gornisht. The bottom line is that Fressers can never be guilty no matter what, even if they're at 90% infected through gross negligence & then spread it to outsiders.
Then he seizes on Bibi's phony bluster of raising fines for violations to bash Bibi as attacking Charedim. He knowns darn well Bibi is all talk & letting virtually every violator off the hook. Yaakovson knows he's lying & he knows that we know that he's lying. But he lies anyway. This exact sickness of lying to turn everything inside out on the virus was started by Kaminetzky & has since become a staple of Agudah Fresser announcements.
In house Agudah Fresser attorney Weinstock should be sanctioned by the Bar.
It's one thing when rank & file Fressers lie from the other side of their mouths purporting how Agudah are at the forefront of shmiros from the pandemic while at the same time encouraging to break every emergency law.
Weinstock is an officer of the Court, who if not fearful of lying klapei Shmaya, has other legal bodies lehavdil to answer to. Weinstock is dumb enough to sign his name to this farce that the Agudah is at the forefront of virus harchokos? Even Avi Schick was smart enough to not a sign a document in the Northern District when he was doing something underhanded. The Judge was vocally disgusted but could not sanction Schick without the signature.
Next piece from Yaakovson in today's Yated where he starts showing more & more shades of Fresser.
He starts that Fressers & even non-Fresser Charedim can NEVER be wrong, though he contradicts himself further down allowing that Peleg-Sikrik types are wrong but they are only criticized because they are Charedi, not because they are wrong. This is mostly a whole lot of pathetic whining that freya are full of hate which he's trying to use as a smokescreen. And the limud he attempts from childcare to demand opening yeshivos is just ridiculous. Know one is going to take him seriously. I'm disappointed because I didn't know he could be such a fool:
Incitement against Charedim continues unabated. There'll always be people who claim certain Charedi elements are themselves responsible for this widespread antipathy, but I don't believe that's correct. Charedim are despised simply because they're Charedi.
Motzoei Shabbos, a young bochur in Yerushalayim argued with a chiloni protestor at a demonstration vs Bibi, when the chiloni suddenly slamms his head into the bochur. The assault caught on camera by another chiloni, shocked everyone who saw it, but that's not my point. The point is that this intractable hatred exists.
Some believe the divide between the average secular Israeli (not the hard Left who despise Judaism) & Charedim will take years to mend, but no one can be sure of it. Still, the incident teaches us one thing: we already knew police often become violent with Charedim, but now there are secular citizens who do the same. Police meanwhile announced they seek to ID the protestor who attacked the bochur & bring him to justice. We'll have to wait & see if this happens.
Meanwhile, we live in a time when middas hadin is evident. Death is in the streets & dread fills our homes. I can't understand people who constantly advocate removal of lifesaving restrictions. Why do they think they're qualified to make that call? At the same time, it's clear many govt decisions were not calculated with care.
For instance, why did the govt permit preschools but prohibit chadorim? If adequate precautions can be taken in preschool, the same's true in cheder. If preschools are needed because parents & their kids reached their limits, the same argument can be made for chadorim. Moreover, what about cheder boys being deprived of many days of Torah?
So, while we have no choice with govt decisions, there's no question Charedim feel unfairly singled out for repression. Same with closures of Charedi cities - & Charedim remain resentful.
No one disputes police regularly are violent with Charedim. Many officers feel Charedim are a legit target for their rage & violent impulses. In the Knesset, Minister Amir Ohana acknowledges the phenomenon: “There's a marginal tendency in police-citizen encounters, for disproportionate force. It exists. I agree it's very distressing & also not in keeping with the values of police. The rogue officers are disciplined by commanders & when appropriate criminally investigated.”
Well, Mr. Ohana, there's also a “marginal tendency” for some Charedim to flout govt laws. Is that reason for all Charedim to be maligned? Why do headlines speak of “Charedi revolt,” as if the entire community's at fault?
Also from yesterday's Yated, sometimes Yaakovson is right:
Once again, I witnessed Bibi wallowing in shame in the Knesset. Yair Lapid is standing at the podium, looking every bit arrogant & conceited as his father had, treating Bibi to a verbal pummeling. I couldn’t help wonder how it's possible for him to insult Bibi repeatedly on such a personal & painful level.
“At the height of this crisis,” Lapid declares accusingly, “you spent every day focused on your trial, Mandelblit + over & over again, the media. You focus on all things not relevant to the lives of Israelis, because you're not living with us in the same year or country. You live in some psycho-bubble. This'll surprise you, but I don’t blame you. It's inevitable after so many years — the erosion, failures & disconnect. Everyone says, ‘He's a liar (x3).’ Ya know what? I don’t believe you're lying. It's much worse than that; you actually believe what you say. You failed. (Lapid erupts in loud shouting:) & you don’t even know you failed!”
Bibi was clearly uncomfortable & Lapid enjoyed every moment of it — which makes him all the more repugnant.
Lapid knows how deplorable it is to use another person’s shame as vehicle for one’s own honor, but his coarse character drove him to it anyway. This was his practice as a journalist, when he callously used words to harm entire sectors of the country. This week, he also wrote to Bibi that it's inappropriate to assign Effie Eitam, a yarmulke-clad former govt minister & IDF general, to serve as director of Yad Vashem, since Eitam offended Palestinians. “Some may say my father, Tommy Lapid, Yad Vashem chairman, was also controversial. That's possible, but my father was a Holocaust survivor who lived thru the horrors of the Budapest ghetto with his mother & lost his father in a death camp. That lends a different moral validity to his service.”
I beg to differ. The fact that Lapid Sr suffered from Nazi cruelty yet still did not balk at abusing fellow Jews only heightens his wickedness. Further, Tommy Lapid was the very embodiment of evil-hurtful speech; if son Yair knows his father’s offensive, predatory style was wrong, why does he follow in those loathsome footsteps? Yair Lapid adopts the behavior of a boxer, a participant in a cruel sport of pummeling an opponent until defeated, listening as the audience cheers the victor & jeers the battered, bloodied loser as he limps ashamed out of the ring. A blood sport certainly not in the Jewish spirit.
I heard Lapid’s merciless invective & watched as Bibi squirmed in discomfort. And I was ashamed.
Tues, the Knesset commemorated the assassination of Minister Rechavam Zeevi Hy"d. Bibi delivered an address. Lapid was entitled to deliver a speech of his own, but demurred. Without the scent of blood, he had no reason to speak. Zeevi, nicknamed Gandhi, was the polar opposite of Lapid; a man who loved to be kind to others, a master of friendship. I personally attest to his kindness, as Zeevi once said to me, “My father taught me, a day I don't do chesed for 2 Jews doesn’t count” — striking contrast indeed.
LAKEWOOD, NJ – When high school kids in Middletown hosted a party & 24 contracted COVID, according to Gov Phil Murphy, they were knuckleheads putting the lives of every resident of New Jersey at risk. When a NJ family attended a wedding in South Carolina & brought COVID back with them, they were knuckleheads. When Donovans Reef had people drinking beer without masks, not only were they knuckleheads, but the bar’s license was threatened by the gov. When Republicans stood outside the NJ statehouse protesting Gov Murphy, you guessed it, they were knuckleheads too.
Knuckleheads are everywhere in NJ under Gov Murphy. You can find knuckleheads on the boardwalk, the beach, shopping malls, parks & businesses all around NJ. Anyone who doesn’t adhere to Murphy’s rules of health safety is a knucklehead. There are even signs along every major highway reminding us not to be knuckleheads.
So far, none of the knuckleheads called out by Gov Murphy & arrested by the Attorney General have led to any major outbreak of COVID in any community.
Want to know who are definitely not knuckleheads? The residents of Lakewood, who by Murphy’s own admission ignore the gov’s most sacred executive orders. Last week, NJ State Police Superintendent Col. Patrick Callahan held photos of large indoor congregating, lack of masks & no social distancing in Lakewood. Murphy blamed that wanton disregard for his executive orders for a COVID outbreak in Lakewood that's now spreading to surrounding communities Jackson & Toms River. But, they’re not knuckleheads.
In fact, it's quite the opposite. Murphy apologetically met with Lakewood religious leaders last Fri to let the community know all resources will be delivered to Lakewood to help those leaders enforce compliance, without state intervention. Nobody will lose their business license, no charges will be filed & nobody will be called a knucklehead in Lakewood.
Now, when it comes to trick-or-treating in surrounding communities, Murphy issued a stern warning don’t be a knucklehead.
Murphy’s actions leave many scratching their heads. If this was Seaside Heights or Asbury Park, Murphy would quarantine the town, enforce martial law & his AG would launch a criminal probe.
With a positivity rate of over 26% as of Fri, well over the Gov’s recommended level of 1%, Lakewood has a COVID crisis. The average rate for COVID nationwide is 4.6%. If Lakewood was a state, it would be the 2nd highest after Mississippi.
The World Health Organization recommends the percent positive remain below 5% for at least 2 weeks before governments consider reopening.
Murphy said his visit last week to Lakewood was "very productive".
“I don’t know how many on the road daily events we'll do going forward, but I thought our trip Fri to Ocean County was very productive. We had from the county: law enforcement, health, elected officials, faith leaders, education leaders. I thought it was a good visit. Again, can’t say it enough, hats off to everybody. Everybody checked partisan affiliations & beliefs at the door. Nothing but the facts, nothing but focusing on what we need to do together to get our arms around it & that’s something we may want to try again. Ocean County remains high priority, but not just Lakewood. Jackson among other towns highlighted Fri are also having elevated numbers. We'll keep an eye on it, as we do around the state.”
So, why isn’t there any “knucklehead” talk in Lakewood?
"Avi Shafran is one of my favorite people"
This Agudah Fresser or Peleg ferd in a frock was illegally congregating in a beis medrash. The still is taken from a long video where you see him trying to escape by quickly crawling on all fours, hugging the ground with his body vee a hedgehog. Because of his novel positioning it was difficult for police to scoop him to forcibly carry him away. It took several attempts for them to halt his getaway.
Cuomo caved in! Can you believe it?
Move over Phil Murphy who gets on your knees to kiss Agudah shoes - you've got company!
Both father & son Cuomo, since the 1980s, have always caved until now to anything KJ ever demanded because of their vote bloc (which keeps growing by leaps & bounds).
But this time was supposed to be different because A there is a public health emergency and B because the current Cuomo mouthed off publicly several times like a tough guy that he's putting his foot down & not allowing any loopholes to undermine the gantze zach. And he warned the fake "child care" loophole is the biggest fake loophole he's closing!
And he caved in Monsey too! So why the crackdown in Brooklyn? Is it because most of the big mouths who publicly insulted him live there?
News 12 Staff
Oct 29, 2020, 6:21pm
Gov. Andrew Cuomo eased COVID-19 cluster restrictions Wednesday in Orange County after he says progress was made, but there is still a degree of tension in the community (from angry goyim getting the shaft).
Three weeks ago, the cluster had a reported a 12% positivity rate. That has dropped to 2% along with the number of hospitalizations flattening out. (Cuomo knows that Satmar played all kinds of underhanded shtick to artificially manipulate the percentage down. Even at 2% he is not keeping his word that he said any red zone cannot open schools again until they are less than 1%)
The red zone became orange – (BUT STILL):
Schools remain closed as students learn remotely.
However, County Executive Steve Neuhaus says predominantly Orthodox Jewish private schools in Palm Tree are open because the governor has agreed to deem them "child care services."
That has created tension with other (not Jewish) schools nearby (who are forced to close while Satmar gets special treatment b'oyfan choitay nischar).
"I'd like to see a universal policy that impacts everybody & not penalize one group over the other,” County Executive Neuhaus says.
The red zone in Rockland County also showed improvement but is remaining red for now.
(Cuomo the two faced coward is all talk in Monsey too! All kinds of Chassidishe yeshivos operating. The kids are brought most of the way by Mexican taxis & walk the rest of the way)
This is the week before Cuomo the Homo Jr folded like a cheap camera.
Hayituchen that even the DO NOTHING Ramapo Police were trying to enforce the law? That was mamash historic
Lichoyra, it's not a kashya that Cuomo caved, but a kashya that he caved so soon, just days after vowing not only this is the end of the heimishe games with bogus child care signs on K-12, but he dared de Blasio that if he lets the Hasidim get away with away, he is freezing the billions of dollars that go from Albany to NYC Dept of Finance that keep the lights on.
Cuomo's threat, in his exact words into the news org microphones after daring de Blasio to allow "child care", and de Blasio launching a potshot back that Cuomo has a big mouth because he has no legal right to turn off the gelt spigot, were "TRY ME!"
1 - He knows the real infection rate and the deadly games they're playing.
2 - I do not believe he is fooled for one second.
3 - He does not need their support or vote.
4 - It's more of a political gamble; if they get sick and or die or both...he has that AHA moment.
5 - He wants to seem like he's really a flexible guy and does not hate Jews, which his lawyers will argue to the Appeals Court.
6 - This is all speculation on my part.
Here is the video of the shreck in the frock doing his best hedgehog imitation. The link should start for his performance which is the 47 to 49 second mark into the clip.
How is it possible that even a small segment of the Klal has sunk from being moyser nefesh for Yiddishkeit to this inside-out backward insanity of mesiras nefesh for killing other Yidden with a bioweapon? This is the behavior of Yishmoel.
If you're wondering if you've seen a bizarre spectacle like that Bnei Braker before, perhaps you are thinking of G. Weintraub from Agudah of Ave L who crawls around picking through Flatbush garbage for filthy, battered "metzios" to furnish his house or sell on eBay. (Brother of the late eccentric farkoifer of Herbalife who made sales pitches from the bima in Rav Landau's shul)
Older singles beware when invited for a Shabbos seudah! G's demented wife is just a yenta engaging in blood sport when presenting herself as a "shadchan". She wants to know every detail about everyone so that she call around to repeat it all. When she even bothers to mention you are looking for a shidduch, she tells whoever's listening that you are "crazy" and breaks out in manic giggling. Just for one year that this was investigated, it was known for a fact that she badmouthed the singles during many of her phone calls. The calls were monitored on the other end. She is so predictable with "he's crazy" & "she's crazy" with extra oomph that she adds.
Besides that the home is something closer to this than any normal household you are familiar with.
Items removed from this farce piece for balance as it's puffery from self-hating meshumodim to the Democrat religion (including the modern "orthodox" ones) who back any Democrat who hates Israel. They only bash Obama now as cover for Biden. They used to protect Obama too:
Biden Israel file 2009 on: Barack Obama often comes up. A picture emerges: a man of little innovation but a loyal lieutenant to Obama
“Kishkes haunts Obama” said Shalom Lipner, of Bibi’s office thru Obama-Biden, using Yiddish for “guts” used joltingly for non-Jews. It dates to Clinton aides, for bureaucrats with visceral feel for Israel
Unlike Obama, Biden prefers conflict behind closed doors
“Biden's worst criticism of Bibi was behind the scenes” said one asking anonymity to avoid jeopardizing relationships. “Much less public drama from Biden”
Biden vividly described seasoned politician Bibi & neophyte Obama to Michael Oren, ex-ambassador to Israel: “One comes with baggage”
An interlocutor close to Obama-Biden-Bibi is blunt: “Barack Obama is Spock” he said, asking not to be named & refers to Star Trek's Vulcan famously lacking human emotion
“There’s hardly anyone of 1973 still in politics” said David Makovsky, Obama peace envoy. “Biden knows an Israel that's not just a startup nation”
Biden would return to the Iran deal, uphold two-state & fight Israel annexing
Obama bid for Israel-Palestinian peace. Negotiator George Mitchell, despaired of no end to impasse. Biden lands in Israel to calm tension between Israel-US
The visit was almost torpedoed when a minor hack announced, in time for Biden’s visit, new housing in disputed East Jerusalem
Biden's snub was holding up dinner with Bibi & wife. Biden was then appeased by Bibi's 'regret' & pledge Israel won't build it for years
Al Solow, Obama donor & ex-chair Conference of Presidents of Major US Jewish Orgs: “Biden shmuzed a Land he knew. 45 minutes after he was set to leave, I got a tip to extract him”
Obama furiously orders strong pushback, tells Biden to condemn Jewish apts in a Tel Aviv U speech. Biden DID, then adds lip service of “unbreakable” US-Israel ties
Ross protests Obama’s diktat that Biden “condemn,” a term so strong it's for terrorists. Biden met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who was elated by “condemn”, by US vs Israel to boot
“He took advantage of an Obama word. Abbas is pleased!” (Biden-Democrat appeasement to frame Israel as the terrorists & claim hostile words are no longer hostile. How twisted!)
Bibi enroute in 2011 to Obama, is blindsided by his policy speech, Obama envisions 2 states, '67 lines, with swaps
Bibi saw it pressures Israel to dangerous concessions - famously lectures Obama in the Oval Office on history
Tensions escalate, didn't dissipate by the time Bibi addressed joint US Congress. At Bibi's reception, Biden shows up pressing the flesh
Ross said Biden set talks with Israel with Obama ideas as base for a blurb on terms, eg “Palestine is nation-state of the Palestinian people”
It's more, Ross said, of Biden seeking lemonade from lemons — but he fails. Abbas rejects Israel's right to exist
The greatest divide in the Obama era is the Iran nuclear "deal"
Obama's 'best' way to contain Iran is no sanctions. Obama surrenders just before the vote, orders US ambassador abstain, thus the resolution passes
Biden’s prediction true: Trump condemns abstention & refuses two-state that Obama spent 8 years pining for
Shapiro, Obama's Israel ambassador monitored in real time, said reports Biden pressured Ukraine's vote for the resolution are nonsense. Biden hotly insists calls to Ukraine didn't touch on Israel (Biden denies another Ukraine item lol?)
Govt ministers decided early Fri to move forward opening shuls Sun, but stores must remain closed until at least Nov 8, as Israel gradually rolls back lockdown.
The virus cabinet also shortened the 9 stage exit plan to 6 stages.
Ministers made the decisions after a lengthy meeting where Finance Minister Israel Katz of Likud clashed with other officials, including party leader PM Bibi Netanyahu, over store openings.
Katz & Health Minister Yuli Edelstein of Likud voted against the decision. Katz demanded stores reopen Sun, while Edelstein said the govt should agree on decisions unanimously & stick to the plan that calls for easing every 2 weeks.
Shuls were supposed to remain closed until Nov 15, according to the original plan. Number of worshipers will be limited to 10 indoor, 20 outdoor.
The virus cabinet also decided vacation rentals can resume Sun, but only nuclear families can stay in the homes & renters can't use public pools or dining halls in the homes’ communities.
Hairdressers & beauty parlors will also be allowed to reopen Sun, as well as 1-on-1 activities, including driving lessons & personal training, Channel 12 reports.
Virus czar Ronni Gamzu said a number of cities with high infection rates, majority Arab, need to remain on lockdown: Taybeh, Kafr Kanna, Deir al-Asad, Kafr Kassem, Kafr Qara & I’billin.
Reopening stores will only go forward if infections are below 500 per day. If daily cases remain above 500, shops will only reopen Nov 15. Malls & markets are to remain shut, Ynet reports. The decision to reopen shops a week early was a compromise between the Health & Finance Ministries.
Finance Ministry chief economist Shira Greenberg estimates the cost of continued restrictions on the economy at NIS 2.3 billion ($673 million) a week.
Most damage to the economy stems from restrictions on commerce-trade. This alone costs NIS 1.4 billion a week.
Katz appealed to Bibi to move up store reopenings, but the PM refused.
Katz raised Bibi’s ire by tweets during the meeting against Blue & White, besides calling for store reopenings.
Katz tweeted he'd called for Bibi’s support & said, “The Health Ministry acts opaque & conducts a costly campaign on the back of small business, started with their bare hands & are now on the verge of collapse.”
Bibi was told of tweets during the discussion & said, “This is new. Whoever tweets during a discussion doesn't need to be MK,” according to Ynet.
Since the start of the outbreak 313,114 in Israel have been diagnosed with the virus.
Bibi again rebuffed persistent criticism of his handling of the crisis & defended the lockdown, saying the measure saved lives.
But the PM, talking big, vowed he'd reapply local lockdowns in cities with high infection rates.
“I won't hesitate to shut down such a city, to cordon it off. No matter what segment of population it is.”
Bibi previously backed off lockdowns of Haredi cities following pushback from Haredi politicians, whose support he relies on to maintain his rule.
Maybe things changed since then, but not so long ago, political strategists were saying that the combined KJ-Nei Skver, a virtual 100% Democrat bloc lured by the biggest FREE LUNCH at taxpayer expense, clinched it in some oyfanim, and that clinching led the Cuomos to cater to their every whim
Star-Ledger reporter suspicious that Murphy is hiding things when singing Lakewood's praises, asks a hard hitting question if the data really backs up the feel good story. Murphy insists the data used is proof. But the Health Commissioner gives a completely different answer the next second because she knows Lakewood is being covered up for. So she says there is no proof yet but we think, we hope, we cholom. Even the average goy is not stupid & knows Agudah-Satmar have the gantze oylam who listen to them artificially manipulating percentages lower through a few different tricks. They are cursing out Yidden all over social media for this nekuda specifically. Another way that Agudah-Satmar are endangering the Klal.
New Jersey Gov Phil Murphy touts the reduction of COVID cases in Lakewood as a model of 'success' to combat future flareups across NJ. Lakewood, Murphy said is an example of his new “scalpel” approach managing outbreaks as opposed to blunt force closures & restrictions implemented from March to now.
“Across the board, we've been aggressive building capabilities to fight the 2nd wave now starting to crash our shores,” Murphy said. “All of us pledged we wouldn't be caught unprepared when the 2nd wave arrived. Well, it's here & we're ready. We refer to the Lakewood model. When we say scalpel, a big piece of it is testing, tracing, enforcement, pronouncements, working with community leaders, faith leaders & that combination feels like it's working in the context of a surge.”
He was called out by Star Ledger reporter Brent Johnson.
“You hold up Lakewood as a success story, but what data are you using to support that, since there’s no public reporting on rapid test data that flooded the area as part of the plussing up strategy?” Johnson asked the Gov. “How many tests were conducted in Lakewood, PCR, rapid, in the weeks after the spike & how many were positive for both?”
“On Lakewood, I don’t know the amount of tests, Judy might know but the evidence is in spot positivity. Judy, I can’t recall — I know you said this to me privately but we know what the spot positivity is now in Lakewood & what it was at the end of Sept & it’s dramatically better, period. Judy can address that,” Murphy said.
“On Lakewood, the positivity is just one indicator,” Persichili responded. “We obviously look at hospitalizations from Lakewood. So it’s new cases, hospitalization, positivity, syndromic surveillance in hospitals, COVID-like illness in ERs & track back to determine how effective our actions are in Lakewood. Too soon to tell. Positivity is one thing we look at & I think with the cooperation we saw, we’re very hopeful the virus has slowed a bit.”
Governor Cuomo opens the yeshivas in the Red And Orange zones --- Subject to ALL the students get tested!
Smart political maneuver before the Appeals Court hearing on Nov. 3.!
Don't vorry,
Avi Bullschick will be working all weekend on a tweaked challenge to oppose this intrusion of testing students.
They've installed an electronic whiteboard in Philly so the old anti-vaxx crackpot can read the brief as it's being typed in real time.
But Bullschick pishes his gatchkes when he has to sign his own slimy handwork. So where's Alan Dershbag when you need him? Or maybe they can manipulate a pen on to a senile patient by Elly Kleinman & get him to sign "X"
The Fressers lose another lawsuit vs Cuomo.
The plaintiffs, at least the Jewish ones, are Agudah proxies who come from shady backgrounds
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