Drew Weissman, (Whose father was Jewish) immunologist, wins Nobel Prize for his work on COVID vaccines

(JTA) — Drew Weissman, a Jewish scientist who identified the technology that made possible the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19, has won the 2023 Nobel Prize in medicine. Weissman shared the prize with Katalin Kariko, his Hungarian-born research partner at the University of Pennsylvania.
Kariko and Weissman’s story of collaboration became famous in 2020 when the technology they had started experimenting with more than two decades earlier allowed the swift creation effective vaccines against the crippling pandemic.
The pair first encountered each other while photocopying research papers in 1998 and realized they were working on related topics. Kariko, who had been a low-level researcher for years, was trying to prove that messenger RNA, the genetic material that tells cells what to do, could be programmed. Weissman, a physician who previously worked under Dr. Anthony Fauci, later the U.S. COVID czar, at the National Institutes of Health, was working on a vaccine against HIV.
They teamed up and, in 2005, published a paper showing that mRNA could in fact be altered to instruct cells to take certain actions. But their breakthrough was widely overlooked for decades until it became clear that it could be used to take action against COVID-19, which was killing hundreds of thousands of people and crippling the global economy. Their technology fueled both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which arrived with unusual speed and effectiveness in late 2020 and together have been administered millions of times.
“Through their groundbreaking findings, which have fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system, the laureates contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times,” the Nobel Prize committee said in announcing the award.
Weissman is the son of a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother who grew up celebrating Jewish holidays at home, he told the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent in 2021. Together with his wife Mary Ellen, who grew up in a more observant Jewish home, he sent his children to Hebrew school at Temple Beth Hillel/Beth El, a Conservative synagogue in suburban Philadelphia. Mary Ellen Weissman is heavily involved in Momentum, which seeks to engage Jewish women with Israel, and together with her husband has spoken to and donated to the organization.
Drew Weissman told the Exponent that his personal religious outlook was not specifically Jewish. ““I’m more of a Daoist, in that point of view that I think that Earth, nature is the supreme — the main component of life,” he said. “And that’s what needs to be celebrated.”
About a quarter of Nobel laureates in medicine over time have had one or more Jewish parents, according to Jinfo.org, a website that meticulously documents the Jewish lineage of prize winners across all fields. The site, which was updated swiftly to include Weissman, says that nearly 40% of U.S. Nobel laureates in medicine have been Jewish.
If there was ever an example of self-promotion it's the current Mishpacha Magazine interview of Paysach Krohn. The guy, otherwise known as the Gomco maniac, is farkoifing that he's the only standard bearer of the original mohel, kaviyuchel, Avrohom Avinu. (How dare him when Avrohom Avinu is the paragon of chesed while he yields that barbaric, sadistic Gomco kli zayin that the gedolim poskened possels his milos as well as him from being a mohel!!!) And that he's mamshich the legacy of Rav Shulem Schwadron. And that he's got the Midas Touch with everything else he dabbles in.
Meanwhile his trademark combover is more out of control, vain & ridiculous looking than ever! On page 368 the monstrosity looks like it's about 2 feet long. How is that not a chatzitzah for tefillin? He's just an Agudah Fresser par excellence.
And of course he lays on his old shpiel to whitewash the Bryks clan which he married into, as he has been doing regularly for decades.
Krohn is a Bubbeh mayseh zugger who talks like he was the heartbeat of Torah Vodaas. Did he amount to anything there in the 1960s?
His embezzling child molester shver Leijzor Bryks is eidim by someone not particularly frum who ran a fress gesheft in the Shanghai ghetto that the Mirrers & Lubliners wouldn't eat from. A close personal friend of the family who came to fress there all the time was whitewashed in the Yated last year by a Modern Orthodox 1st cousin of Krohn's wife. The good friend is actually the infamous meshumod & Nazi collaborator Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln yms!
Free Propaganda Platform said...
It's quite simple actually, and at no cost, to make a shpiel in the Yated for your own shady benefit. They are so eager to fatten the newspaper each week so that the oylam can spend all Shabbos reading it in lieu of learning, that they will accept for publication the most dubious interviews & essays that go straight to print without the most basic fact checking.
Just recently there was a Modern Orthodox cousin of the dynamic Paysach Krohn-Ephraim Bryks duo who used the Yated for a whitewash of all the family members who are molesters, rapists, embezzlers & running a kosher style deli + the zeidy's good friend labeled a secret agent for WWII Allied Intelligence when he was actually an uber-Kapo Nazi collaborator, a Meshumod doch who wasted most of his life trying to do shmad on Yidden. Then there was the case of the Modern Orthodox husband with Marrano wife who are doing forbidden kiruv on not only Marranos, but also every primitive Shvartz African tribesman making the preposterous claim of being lost lost Yidden. All their activities are assur gomur (including on Marranos altz sofek mamzerim). The Yated was even gullible enough to include the drivel that some big Rebbe supposedly came bachalom to the Marrano woman to approve the outreach giyur. The couple happen to be on the Boards of Reform & Conservative orgs who "convert" any drei kop they can convince to "join" the Jewish people.
KG Judenrat said...
It's as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning that the OU mashgiach in Queens (Yanky Ribowsky) was going to angrily lash out like he did at 8:30 pm. The mashgiach is also part of the Krohn-Bryks clan and was hoping they could get away with it after the modernah cousin was lying to the Yated to cover up the MANY skeletons in the mishpooche's closet. That's rich that the mashgiach squeals "antisemitic", this from the mishpooche that are the epitome of anti-Semitism:
who huddle with Nazi collaborators(!)
And who at least a few monsters in the mishpooche have molested & worse 100s of Yiddishe kinder, ruining the precious neshomos for life, to continue the work of the Nazis ymach shmum.
Pk was at most from the bainunim...if that. He was mostly a no-show.
On a side note --- the geniuses and the best of the best boys, in the sixties and seventies, none of them went on to stay in chinuch. Unfortunate but true. Look around, the mediocrity in chinuch is astounding!!!
Your lax attitude to the prohibition of lashon hora is astounding!
English please!!!!
"Your lax attitude"
Another Krohn relative, furious that their whitewash lies have been exposed.
Paysach also got in trouble with Artscroll for whitewashing child rapist relative Lipa Brenner in "The Maggid Reeks" series
I met Paysach Khrohn. So umimpressi e. The guy doesn’t fact check any of his stories but passes them off as real. The story he tells about a teacher who lets a thief in classroom off the hook was supposed to Mr khrohns idea of chewed. Fact is it 99 times out of a hundred emboldens them to steal more. And yet people with no brains lap up his stories. Complete fool.
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