Lipa Margulies in Hungary...circa 1935
Executive board members of Yeshiva Torah Temimah attempting to restrain Lipa Margulies at a smorgasboard at a recent Jewish wedding:
Lipa Margulies - Principal Of Yeshiva Torah Temimah and member of Agudath Israel giving the crowd his "I'm not a crook" speech:
Yehuda Kolko--His hands in his own pants--for a change!
On Friday, August 17, 2007 - A Brooklyn grand jury indicted Rabbi Yehuda Kolko - again - This time for sexually molesting a six year old child in a classroom of Yeshiva Torah Temimah three years ago.
You may vote for 5 out of the 6 questions!
Download the Belsky files here:
(copy & paste)
Readers rage......
Kolko was molesting students for over 40 years and Margolies knew. For 40 years and Simcha Kaufman knew. For 40 years and Nosson Scherman knew. For 40 years and Eli Teitelbaum knew. For 40 years and Shia Fishman knew. For 40 years and just about every Rav knew. To know more go and read the detailed timeline at:
Every one in Boro Park and Flatbush knew about Kolko, but they all kept silent. Hundreds if not thousands knew about Kolko. Students, campers, partners, fellow rebbeim - they all knew.
Rumors about Kolko's deeds were know throughout the Yeshiva world, people laughed about the "Kolko - Cocoa club" - everyone knew.
Right now there are hundreds of Kolko victims suffering because of this ongoing "Silence of the Rabbis". In some cases victims never ever told their parents - and they are suffering.
Others have been brainwashed to think that it never happened to them, or that they shouldn't ever speak about it for whatever reason - and they are suffering.
These victims are all suffering.
And these victims are all mixed up.
No one, absolutely no one is sticking up for them, no one is willing to believe them, no one is willing to deal with their problems, no one is willing to get them the help that they so desperately need.
Where are all of the rabbanim who let this travesty continue for 40 years? Where are all the community rabbi's? Where are all the so-called Gedolim?
These victims, these poor neshomos, need help. Their stories must come out. Their horrors must be told.
Parents, brothers, sisters - if your dear child or sibling was sick - you'd run to every doctor to get him help. If they, Chas Ve'Shalom, had a serious disease, you'd spend whatever monies you'd have to get him help.
These victims are all sick. Very sick. They are all sufferring - sufferring emotionally and mentally because of this terrible disease that they unfortunately were exposed to. They need help.
So what are you waiting for?!!!
Firstly - contact the Special Victims Unit of the NYPD and tell them that your son was infected by Kolko - a serial molester - who has caused your child to be very sick.
Secondly, contact a good lawyer, and sue the pants off Kolko. He had a moral, legal and ethical responsibility to protect your child and instead he infected your child with a disease that will affect your child for the rest of his life. For that he should and has to pay.
The same goes for his enablers. The people who knew and did absolutely nothing to stop him. The people who gave him a private office, a private bathroom, the people who gave him the opportunity to be with your child and infect him with an infection that will only givehim pain and anguish for the rest of his life.
For this they must pay. They all must pay. Everyone who knew, even if it were only rumors, but they did absolutely nothing, did not ask, did not investigate, did not inform the proper authorities, they must all pay.
These children, these young men - they all need help - long term psychological and emotional help.
Someone has to pay for Kolko's crimes against humanity.
And another by Steve.............
Every time I watch the short trailer for the film "Narrow Bridge", which is based on the Kolko story, I start shaking and crying. Similarly, I dread entering the halls of YTT where all these countless atrocities were committed.
I am baffled how loving and caring parents can continue to send their children to this Den of Horrors? How is this place still operating after all of these revelations? L'MAAN HASHEM, SHUT IT DOWN ALREADY!!!! After the churban, young Jewish boys being led into exile by the enemy, would throw themselves off the boats rather than allow themselves to be subjected to such horrors. Today we have parents who willingly and knowingly sacrifice their children to the Molech.
They can rationalize all they want by saying that they didn't know before, and now that Kolko is gone, the place is safe. I compare YTT to Abu Ghraib prison. Last year, the US military shut down Abu Ghraib after the revelations of prisoner abuse. They reasoned that a place where such atrocities (Arab prisoners on a leash, oh my)occurred should be shut down. This was after the perpetrators were caught. Al achas kamma vekamma, we should padlock 555 Ocean Parkway! Al achas kamma vekamma, Lipa Margulies should be put out of the chinuch business and locked up together with Kolko.
The irony of this all is that Yudi Kolko can be hired as a rebbe tomorrow. There is no sex offender registry, no background check requirements, and there is no ban against him. Avrohom Fried and Yaakov Shewekwy have been placed in cherem for performing in front of men and women (seated separately). They can no longer perform,in Jerusalem at least, nor serve as cantors. There is no such ban against Yudi Kolko. Nor is there a ban against Avrohom Mondrowitz who is currently employed as a professor in Jerusalem. This is Daas Torah? OLAM HAFUCH!!!!
It's not too late for these parents to come to their senses and pull their kids out of that hell hole. There are several top yeshivos that will gladly take your children. Stop feeding them to the Molech of Lipa Margulies. Think of those boys who threw themselves off the boats, then think of Kolko's victims. If that's not enough, please watch the trailer of "Narrow Bridge" at If that doesn't move you to act, then nothing will.
And Rabbi Yosef Blau, shlita.........
The new indictment is a horrifying reminder of the ongoing danger to children of denial and delay in responding to accusations of sexual abuse. Recently on this blog defenders of the Charedi world have pointed out the flaws of the modern Orthodox. They are correct that the scandal of protecting sexual abusers is a broad phenomenon in the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. This does not reduce the responsibility of the rabbinical leadership within a particular group to protect potential victims. An admission of failure in the past is a necessary step in honestly dealing with this problem. When such acknowledgment is viewed as an attack on "emunas chachamim" the vulnerable will remain at risk.
Yosef Blau
A female reporter has been posing as an abused woman and has been going to Ohel Family Services domestic violence program. She is ready to do a story on them
Baruch Shehigeeyanu Lazman Hazeh . Its about time. thank you uoj
Download the Belsky files here:
(copy & paste)
How long before they get rid of this pariah in our community?
More and more of his victims are now finally talking to the police and to the DA's office.
To all of the victims and their families - be strong, come out and tell all.
I downloaded the Belsky files.
These were written in 2003
Did Belsky ever retract, because I have seen him in the company of Harav Schechter of Chaim Berlin recently.
KOKO; You sick MF tinaf.
Molesting A 6-year old baby!!
Wait till you land in the Big House and a few of the resident 26 year olds work you over and under.
It's gonna make the Louima Tuchis shtup look like a walk in the park.
Why did you shut down your blog about the Tendler predator?
Anonymous said...
It's very disturbing that most gesheften carry Rubashkin if even in a nominal way. One place only sells their salami which then is metamay the cutting machine.
I've been complaining to them. Believe it or not there are still goylems out there who ASK for Rubashkin.
Fri Aug 17, 06:10:00 PM 2007
Yudel Shain said...
Reb Moshe OB"M was once asked why in America they don't produce Gedoilim like in Europe? His response "kashrus".
Sun Aug 19, 12:31:00 PM 2007
Over at Yudelstake, there is a meat industry insider known as "The Masked Mayvin", providing info on Rubashkin. He takes questions from readers.
There is also a campaign being started to complain to Trader Joe's who awarded a huge contract to Rubashkin to supply kosher meat. They have a store in the% Towns with others opening soon in Brooklyn & Queens.
Now that Luke Ford has started to expose the abuse that goes on in fostor care.
UOJ should take the lead and fight the abuser of these fostor children. UOJ took the lead in fighting abuse in the schools. Its time to tackle the abuse of fostor kids. This is being done by Jewish Orginazations and sanctioned by black hat rabbis. its about time we expose this abuse as well. There needs to be a federal and state investigations into the abuse going on in fostor care.
UOJ should take the lead and fight the abuser of these foster children. UOJ took the lead in fighting abuse in the schools. Its time to tackle the abuse of foster kids.
Please send me any and all verifiable information. I have a full time staff now(unfortunately) investigating all legitimate cases of abuse that come in. And there are too many.
Did Belsky ever retract, because I have seen him in the company of Harav Schechter of Chaim Berlin recently.
Schechter probably forgot that he signed the letter. I'll shoot him an e-mail...reminding him to pop dem pills.
Luke Ford has the names of people you can contact on his website. Thats verifiable information to start with.
Credit where credit is due.
At least UOJ posted a flattering picture of me. Not the unflattering picture the newspapers snapped of me by surprise when they investigated the shakedowns with me and Mendel Epstein.
Sick basterd, scum of the earth.
Your lucky You did'nt touch my kid, I personally would have..... you would have begged me to put you in prison with all those that just love child molesters.
The new indictment is a horrifying reminder of the ongoing danger to children of denial and delay in responding to accusations of sexual abuse. Recently on this blog defenders of the Charedi world have pointed out the flaws of the modern Orthodox. They are correct that the scandal of protecting sexual abusers is a broad phenomenon in the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. This does not reduce the responsibility of the rabbinical leadership within a particular group to protect potential victims. An admission of failure in the past is a necessary step in honestly dealing with this problem. When such acknowledgment is viewed as an attack on "emunas chachamim" the vulnerable will remain at risk.
Yosef Blau
Besides everything else with them, we see from this that Hungarians are also a bunch of wusses. After all the YTT kids that Kolko molested, he's still walking around with his legs intact.
I wished to comment earlier but I was distracted. The attacks on Rav Blau and others who were initially duped by the clever and manipulative Lanner were uncalled for. They did what they had to to make up for it and I suspect the critic would have made a much greater blunder if he was in their place at the time.
So far on the flipside, two Agudah figures, Rabbis Fishman and Solomon, have spoken of "mistakes" that were made, but the organization has seemingly done nothing to rectify things either in the past or going forward.
Not all of HERR's potato chips are kosher certified. Some of the them contain lard & or cholov treife.
Anonymous said...
Even though the one with lard is clearly labeled without an OU, it seems that on a regular basis there is a copy of the bag hanging in BMG from someone who nebach ate them to tell others about it. This is besides questions about bishul akum. Rav Belsky wrote about them that the Pri Chadash when assering kurkevan means because it is oleh al shulchan melachim as a dessert. This cannot be since in the NEXT sif katan he writes that that is not considered oleh. I asked this to him recently and he said that he must see it inside. I then told him that the lashon is ela vadai lo plug rabbonon vechol min bosor assru. He said that this doesn't mean to in by the min but that it is only by meat that we say lo plug. Once there is a lo plug it is very easy to understand why R' Moshe and R' Yakov assered. A friend told me that he spoke to R' Ruven to whom his father wrote it and he verified this psak. He said that the reason they used to sell them in SI is because he wrote that we can assume the hechsher took care of it. Once he found out that this is not the case they stopped selling them. A few years ago my chavrusa did some research and found that this is possibly an issue with some Jewish brands too. He called the Rav for Bloom's who told him that they turn on the fire but do not even change the oil for their run. He asked what about B.A. and he said you know that chips aren't oleh. He said that they only write B.Y. on the Pesach run where they have to change the oil. The Rav for Weinz said they change the oil but do not kosher the fryer. Only the Rav for Lieber's said he does both. If he is using the same oil as they used yesterday then what is his supervision worth at all?
How can anyone in good conscience attack the Agudah?
They have responded to accusations that they harbored a child molester in their Camp Agudah division for over a decade. Their spokesman, Rabbi Avi Shafran has stated on the record that they can not be held accountable for the acts of someone who worked for Camp Agudah thirty years ago.
It is incumbent upon us to support their position and not disturb them lest we distract them from their important work.
Rabbi Blau is absolutely correct!
I have exhausted survey opportunities this summer with every bungalow colony on the 2007 Hatzolah map. Does anyone know of bungalow colonies that are yet uncharted?
UOJ shouldn't pick on Belsky when we're trying to make a buck off his books. The above picture was his reaction to UOJ posting the Kolko hazmana.
Hey bungalow putz, was it your decision to walk all over the catskills to mark the tchum shabbos for every bungalow colony. you shtik drek I cant walk anywere after the cholent now that you marked with big letters all over the place " ad kan hatchum shabbos".
Hey Neuhoff, old buddy, old pal,
I know of a bungalow colony that's not on the Hatzola map. They like being under the radar to avoid all the shnorrers. I don't know if you'll have much luck there with your UOJ survey though. They have a sign out front that says "No dogs or Putzes allowed."
An OU crony named Dr. Rabbi Seth Mandell who is connected to the ultra-left fringe Avi Weiss, is defending Belsky. Mandell published a letter disparaging Rabbi Shain after he first spoke up.
"No dogs or Putzes allowed."
The putzes we all know who they are, does the dogs stand for kolko and the likes.
That Agudah fresser must be a guy across the street at Simcha Klohr's Sheldrake Dorms. Every week that he sets out for a shpatzir after the cholent, he lets off noxious gasses.
Our president Mendy Weissman is asking Hatzolah if they can station a Hazmat team.
Belsky doesn't want anyone to copy music without buying the tape, but chalila that Yudi Kolko should be deprived of destroying Yiddishe kinder.
Is this really Belsky in the comments section who's defending Boro Park child molester Jerry Brauner?
Belsky gets help from Kolko reading Olomeinu stories to kids.
These new laws kicked on July 26th. When we heard Aron "Tort Putz" Twerski was threatening to head butt Mondrowitz opponents with his Beeber hat, we had an einfall about helmets.
UOJ - I suspect you are being less than truthful. Can you prove he was indicted? When was he arrested? What is the docket number? Where is this covered? Is there any way to corroborate this other than your say-so (which sometimes is reliable and sometimes is not)?
Where is Applegrad??
We need your lying ass to get in front of national TV and lie again. Or, spread lies about the innocent victim.
Maybe Hashem exists, but I don't see how he could and let these people teach in his name and do this kind of stuff.
Applegrad, don't get pressured by that rabble. Why should you comment on a story that happened 3 years ago, just because Kolko was once a YTT employee?
Call our office for verification of the additional indictment. No new docket number is required.
Whomever wants more information about this new indictment can contact the Brooklyn DA's office.
No arrest was necessary. New charges are just being added to the previous ones.
Every time I watch the short trailer for the film "Narrow Bridge", which is based on the Kolko story, I start shaking and crying. Similarly, I dread entering the halls of YTT where all these countless atrocities were committed.
I am baffled how loving and caring parents can continue to send their children to this Den of Horrors? How is this place still operating after all of these revelations? L'MAAN HASHEM, SHUT IT DOWN ALREADY!!!! After the churban, young Jewish boys being led into exile by the enemy, would throw themselves off the boats rather than allow themselves to be subjected to such horrors. Today we have parents who willingly and knowingly sacrifice their children to the Molech.
They can rationalize all they want by saying that they didn't know before, and now that Kolko is gone, the place is safe. I compare YTT to Abu Ghraib prison. Last year, the US military shut down Abu Ghraib after the revelations of prisoner abuse. They reasoned that a place where such atrocities (Arab prisoners on a leash, oh my)occurred should be shut down. This was after the perpetrators were caught. Al achas kamma vekamma, we should padlock 555 Ocean Parkway! Al achas kamma vekamma, Lipa Margulies should be put out of the chinuch business and locked up together with Kolko.
The irony of this all is that Yudi Kolko can be hired as a rebbe tomorrow. There is no sex offender registry, no background check requirements, and there is no ban against him. Avrohom Fried and Yaakov Shewekwy have been placed in cherem for performing in front of men and women (seated separately). They can no longer perform,in Jerusalem at least, nor serve as cantors. There is no such ban against Yudi Kolko. Nor is there a ban against Avrohom Mondrowitz who is currently employed as a professor in Jerusalem. This is Daas Torah? OLAM HAFUCH!!!!
It's not too late for these parents to come to their senses and pull their kids out of that hell hole. There are several top yeshivos that will gladly take your children. Stop feeding them to the Molech of Lipa Margulies. Think of those boys who threw themselves off the boats, then think of Kolko's victims. If that's not enough, please watch the trailer of "Narrow Bridge" at If that doesn't move you to act, then nothing will.
Steve, shkoyech for the compliment. I've been called many things before, but never a deity.
Meanwhile, who's this latest misfit that's wagging an accusing finger at Kolko?
Applegrad could learn a thing or two from his son in law who wrote a sefer on how to be makarev kids at risk.
Hey Shafran, you can't use the no longer employed by us excuse for Belsky who is still head honcho at Camp Agudah.
"Kolko = Pig"
He'll be squealing like one when the inmates learn that another child molester is in the cell block.
Broken China: A dysfunctional nation
The relentless headlines about unsafe products from China reveal a scary truth: Probe even a little into the Chinese economic miracle, and glaring administrative failures abound. Product safety is just one aspect of Beijing's inability to enforce needed regulation in everything from manufacturing and the environment to copyrights and the capital markets.
The same Communist Party apparatus so proficient at censoring the Internet can't keep peddlers in the heart of Beijing from selling knock-off Callaway golf clubs and fake iPods despite solemn promises to Washington since the early 1990s about enforcing intellectual-property rights. Shanghai's stock exchange may be one of the world's hottest and may boast a state-of-the-art paperless trading system.
Beijing proclaims all sorts of green initiatives, yet heavily polluting new factories and coal power plants keep going up (see "How long can China pollute for free?"). The party has talked for decades about building a social safety net, yet as the working population ages, the government isn't investing nearly enough to head off looming crises in health care, education and pensions. China spends more than Japan on research and development, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, but its record of innovation is underwhelming.
The same policies that have been so successful at boosting the gross domestic product by developing export industries and public-works projects, it turns out, undermine initiatives that might move China's economy to a higher level. In its pursuit of growth at all costs, China has skimped on investments needed to provide basic, affordable health care and the regulatory machinery that can enforce environmental, safety and corporate governance regulations nationwide.
A more intractable problem is China's power structure itself. Although Beijing holds a monopoly on politics, local Communist Party officials enjoy wide latitude over social and economic affairs. They also have huge professional and financial incentives to spur GDP growth, which they often do by ignoring regulations or lavishing companies with perks.
As a result, China has built a bureaucratic machine that at times seems almost impervious to reform. Even if Beijing has the best intentions of fixing problems such as undrinkable water and unbreathable air, it is often thwarted by hundreds of thousands of party officials with vested interests in the current system.
To their credit, Chinese officials have unveiled a blitz of corrective measures. Regulators this year shut more than 180 illegal food producers. A directive ordering government agencies to use legitimate software has helped cut the share of pirated programs to 82% from 92% in 2001. Beijing is launching health-care initiatives, trying to tame the runaway stock market and passing stringent environmental rules. And in 2006 alone, nearly 30,000 officials were prosecuted for corruption.
If this reformist agenda fails, watch out.
Oversight of food production in China is similarly troubled. The State Food & Drug Administration employs 1,700 people, but 80% of China's food producers -- about 350,000 enterprises -- have fewer than 10 employees and often lack any real understanding of safety standards. Again, there's little local incentive to crack down on scofflaws.
"If local governments close all the companies that violate food safety regulations, a lot of workers will lose their jobs," says Luo Yunbo, the dean of the food and nutrition college at China Agricultural University in Beijing.
That hypocrite Gilligan wouldn't allow discussion of Belsky's hazmana on his blog. I'm told around Flatbush that Gilligan is meyayetz with and asks his shaylos to Rabbi Belsky. This would be much worse than his friendship with the Bungalow Putz a.k.a. Neuhoff.
How does this guy have the nerve to promote himself on the anti-molestation front?
Hurricane season has just gotten into swing. What's UOJ's next move?
Kolko was molesting students for over 40 years and Margolies knew. For 40 years and Simcha Kaufman knew. For 40 years and Nosson Scherman knew. For 40 years and Eli Teitelbaum knew. For 40 years and Shia Fishman knew. For 40 years and just about every Rav knew. To know more go and read the detailed timeline at:
Every one in Boro Park and Flatbush knew about Kolko, but they all kept silent. Hundreds if not thousands knew about Kolko. Students, campers, partners, fellow rebbeim - they all knew.
Rumors about Kolko's deeds were know throughout the Yeshiva world, people laughed about the "Kolko - Cocoa club" - everyone knew.
Right now there are hundreds of Kolko victims suffering because of this ongoing "Silence of the Rabbis". In some cases victims never ever told their parents - and they are suffering.
Others have been brainwashed to think that it never happened to them, or that they shouldn't ever speak about it for whatever reason - and they are suffering.
These victims are all suffering.
And these victims are all mixed up.
No one, absolutely no one is sticking up for them, no one is willing to believe them, no one is willing to deal with their problems, no one is willing to get them the help that they so desperately need.
Where are all of the rabbanim who let this travesty continue for 40 years? Where are all the community rabbi's? Where are all the so-called Gedolim?
These victims, these poor neshomos, need help. Their stories must come out. Their horrors must be told.
Parents, brothers, sisters - if your dear child or sibling was sick - you'd run to every doctor to get him help. If they, Chas Ve'Shalom, had a serious disease, you'd spend whatever monies you'd have to get him help.
These victims are all sick. Very sick. They are all sufferring - sufferring emotionally and mentally because of this terrible disease that they unfortunately were exposed to. They need help.
So what are you waiting for?!!!
Firstly - contact the Special Victims Unit of the NYPD and tell them that your son was infected by Kolko - a serial molester - who has caused your child to be very sick.
Secondly, contact a good lawyer, and sue the pants off Kolko. He had a moral, legal and ethical responsibility to protect your child and instead he infected your child with a disease that will affect your child for the rest of his life. For that he should and has to pay.
The same goes for his enablers. The people who knew and did absolutely nothing to stop him. The people who gave him a private office, a private bathroom, the people who gave him the opportunity to be with your child and infect him with an infection that will only givehim pain and anguish for the rest of his life.
For this they must pay. They all must pay. Everyone who knew, even if it were only rumors, but they did absolutely nothing, did not ask, did not investigate, did not inform the proper authorities, they must all pay.
These children, these young men - they all need help - long term psychological and emotional help.
Someone has to pay for Kolko's crimes against humanity.
It's not too late for these parents to come to their senses and pull their kids out of that hell hole.
If they haven't come to their senses by now they never will. The YTT parents are robots. They are programmed to digest what the Rabbis want them to know and believe, unfortunately. If we knew who these stupid parents were, we should publicly be mevazeh them and it would be a big mitzvah to do so.
In fact, I know one parent who sends his kid there, and let me tell you, this dirt bag and lowlife is as stupid and crazy as they come. I'm tempted to put his name up, but I think we need to get a list of Parents first before we proceed with it. Can we get our hands on class lists from TT?
Here is Ohel Family Services private mailbox phone number. put in anyones first name and you will get their mailbox.
I've heard that Nosson Scherman claims to have tried putting up a fight to stop Kolko.
Is there any truth to this or is this more B.S. from the Fartscroll publisher that promotes scumbags like Leib Pinter?
A slight change. It is an OLAM HAFU-KED UP!
Our rabbis (or what passes for rabbis)today are totally worthless and feckle$$. Money is their driving force.
I'll cya, you cover mine.
1. Kashrus
2. Yeshivas
3. Our kids at risk
4/ The "Shidduch' Crisis. Self-inflicted by our Heilige Rosh Yeshiva's who inculcate such shtus into their Bochurim's heads to make such outlandish demands that most girls never have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting engaged.
The stench from their moral rot is sickening.
Sure, close up the Billiards Hall in Monticello and watch your teenagers find another venue. What are you offering? Hell, they can't even go to a frickin Kosher concert
with separate seating in Jerusalem!
What kind of outlet should they use? An Uncle Moshey Concert?
How long before you Ass-er that.
Becoming more and more like the Taliban every day.
I've heard that Nosson Scherman claims to have tried putting up a fight to stop Kolko.
Is there any truth to this or is this more B.S. from the Fartscroll publisher that promotes scumbags like Leib Pinter?
Best joke I've heard today.
Hey if you guys want to see another "frum" slimeball, check out todays NY Post, Page 19.
"No one, absolutely no one is sticking up for them"
There are exceptions like:
R' Avigdor Miller
R' Shea Leiman
R' Elli Greenwald
R' Elliot Pasik
The old Rov of Tenka
The unnamed askonim mentioned by the Rav Solomon blogger
"If we knew who these stupid parents were, we should publicly be mevazeh them"
UOJ had the list a little while ago of the losers who showed up this summer to be mechabed Margo at Ateres Chinka. The problem is they're not embarrassed.
I've heard that Nosson Scherman claims to have tried putting up a fight to stop Kolko.
The answer is yes, but not a big enough one! His silence in the face of the tragedy,...kept Kolko there, he could have gone public as well as Shmuel Dishon and raise hell, they both did not and therefore are de facto accomplices.
That's the absolute truth. It's similar to the Kitty Genovese story years ago; people heard her screaming as she was being killed, and closed their windows instead of calling the police.
I've heard that Rav Pam ztl tried stopping Kolko when he was apprised of the situation.
What role did he play?
Is Boog referrring to latest Medicare fraud case? They only mention a company and not who owns it.
A "Heads UP"!
Don't be botherin' the Rosh Yeshiva's
Rabbinical Communal Leaders, et al;, with these trifle complaints.
They're very busy right now writing and practicing their Shabbos Teshuvah Droshos.
I've heard that Rav Pam ztl tried stopping Kolko when he was apprised of the situation.
What role did he play?
He pleaded with Elya Svei at a specially convened meeting of Torah Umesorah. The answer was...ready?....Torah Umesorah could be held liable, the attorneys said no!
I have no subsequent details.
NY Post said...
Is Boog referrring to latest Medicare fraud case? They only mention a company and not who owns it.
4:35 PM, August 20, 2007
No, I'm referring to Cedarhurst's Shining Light Onto The Nations:
Slumlord and Pyro-Man Joshua Guttman.
Yo Josh, baby! Yo plum forgot that yo Moma done tol' you not to be playin' wid matches. Boy could get hurt bad that way!
Mandel also said that abusers could be treated for their perversions.
“An individual who abuses children and who participates in treatment can lead a successful life and be believed that they would no longer hurt children,” Mandel said.
When asked, in an interview the following day, whether such people could work with children again, Mandel evaded the question.
Will Ohel trust Fostor parents that were "healed" like Mandel says.
UOJ the stories Luke Ford posted are heartbreaking. The abuse is unbeleivable. Only UOJ with your wide readership can do somthing about this. Get your investigators to work.
Wasserman in Queens is also running a dangerous operation with too many aisles crammed into too small a space. The Buildings Dept just let him off the hook because of a technicality. Commercial buildings from before 1939 don't need a C of O. It's now been referred to the Fire Dept for overcrowding. Hopefully they'll do something before someone gets injured by some fresser shtupping around for food.
Wasserman also has some other surprises in store. Mark my words you Gerrorist thug who's been taking people's money for decades.
The book from Applegrad's eidim has a major haskoma from Rav Matis Salomon who says kids at risk should be encouraged to read it.
Hashem lets people desecrate his name because he grants us free will. There is a limit though to what he will tolerate. Kolko, Margo and the rest of the Dogs will have their day.
"Hopefully they'll do something before someone gets injured by some fresser shtupping around for food."
We're not exactly big fans of UOJ but we Agudah fressers sure do like a little extra elbow room when we shtup in the supermarket. We can't argue that Wasserman has been curtailing our freedom of fressing in that regard.
uojI think the Yudi tshirts are in poor taste especially to the many victims.
They, Kolko, Margolies et al, must all be treated like dogs and run out of the community.
No more kavod, no more dinners, no more fundraisers, etc.
Take away their power base, their money, the control that they have -and they're nothing.
They should also not have anything anymore to do with children.
They have lost our trust. Their words are not to be believed.
Margolies and Kaufman & Scherman & Teitelbaum etc. had a moral and legal reponsibility to protect our children, to teach them Torah and Mitzvos, but instead they permitted a disease to reign rampant all these years in the halls of Torah Temimah and in numerous summer camps throughout the Catskills.
How many boys did Kolko "befriend"? How many boys did Kolko take for drives to the City, around the neighborhood, around the Catskills?
How many boys did Kolko "bump into" or rub against? How many boys did Kolko "meet" down in the lower stairwells of Torah Temimah?
How may boys did Kolko "privately tutor" in his home?
How many first grade boys did Kolko "pull up their pants, or tuck in their shirts, etc?
Kolko must not be permitted to walk our streets. Kolko must not be permitted to enter our shuls, daven for the amud, or even blow shofar. He is a Rodef, as well as a Mesarev Hazmana to a Beis Din.
He is a child molester - and we must for once and for all deal with it.
Kolko still believes that he can get away with it - that nothing will happen to him.
Well we must all take a stand and say enough. ENOUGH!
What's the name of the book that Applesauce's son-in-law wrote?
That picture UOJ just put up top of Grubba Lipa Margulies at the Agudah podium.
If a picture says a thousand words, it speaks volumes about the organization that whores itself to that fat shtik rishus.
What does UOJ mean in the picture caption by "Principal Of Yeshiva Torah Temimah"?
I am the ROSH HAYESHIVA SHLITA !!! Don't ever forget it !!!!
Email David Mandel at
or call 718 851 6300
and protest the handeling of Fostor Children as reported on Luke Fords blog
Applegrad's son in law is Rabbi Shmuel Waldman, a Long Beach talmid who authored Feldheim's "Beyond a reasonable doubt"
Gilligan is upset at him for writing in the book that contemporary bible critics no longer agree with earlier bible critics. Gilligan says that no one should make false claims to be mekarev.
city comptroller’s office has audited Ohel in the past. A new audit should be requested as to how Ohel spends the grant mnoy they get. Does Shelly Silver know about the fostor stories? Ohel got millions from him in grants
Tainted hashgochos are also common.
Tainted Chinese Imports Common
In Four Months, FDA Refused 298 Shipments
By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 20, 2007; A01
R' Lipa Margulies is a gadol of this generation I demand that you listen to him.
Which whores of the legal profession turned Rav Pam down on his face when he tried stopping Kolko?
Sounds like we are talking Zweibel, Twerski. Who else?
They still have no excuse for not quietly getting rid of Yudi.
How does one understand the evil of Lipa Margulies and Yudi Kolko? The others rabbis are also complicit. The parents too. And the teachers. Every employee is. Our world is capable of such beauty, but also ugliness. I hope and pray that Hakadosh Baruch Hu punishes Margulies, Kolko and every other guilty person with the full measure of justice. Animals behave better than they do.
This headline regarding Kolko is no chiddush. We're waiting to hear that Margo has been indicted again.
Beyond his boych and tuchess, Margo is no gadol.
The Awareness Center is currently looking for both locations and financial sponsors to cover the travel expenses of the film producer and other expenses to show the film Narrow Bridge across the United States, Canada and around the world.
For more information contact: Vicki Polin at 443-857-5560
Here are some more of Ohel Family Services private phone numbers
718 851 6331
718 851 0160
More information on Ohel coming
Is there anything that can be done about this abuse?
Which beis din was mazmin Margo over the dispute with Torah Vodaas?
Ok UOJ, 'fess up. Which molester was trying to hide from you in Mexico?
CHETUMAL, Mexico (Reuters) - Hurricane Dean, a monster Category 5 storm, smashed into Mexico's Caribbean coast on Tuesday, its roaring winds and heavy rain battering beach resorts where thousands of tourists huddled in shelters.
Seas churned as the storm, which killed 11 people earlier on its rampage through the Caribbean, came to shore around the cruise ship port of Costa Maya, near the border with Belize.
Chetumal, a city of 150,000 people close to where Dean made landfall, was left without power when the hurricane's sustained winds of 165 miles per hour (265 kph) and gusts of up to 200 mph (320 kph) knocked over dozens of power poles and trees.
Stranded visitors in Chetumal, which was battered by Hurricane Janet in 1955, huddled in the underground car park of one hotel, wild winds making it too dangerous to step outside.
The huge resort of Cancun further to the north escaped the worst of the storm but tourists and residents still took shelter. Tens of thousands of tourists fled Cancun over the weekend as Dean roared toward the coast.
The U.S. National Hurricane Center said it was the first Category 5 storm to make landfall in the Atlantic Basin since Hurricane Andrew in 1992.
Category 5 hurricanes -- the strongest possible -- are rare but there were four in 2005, including Katrina, which devastated New Orleans.
Oh well, 4000 frum families were left in the lurch.
At least mashgichim show up in China once a year. I never showed up once in 2 years.
MTA Grad,
I am doing some fact-checking before I put up your post. The allegations are serious enough for me to investigate before I post it.
BTW, I fear no group, organization, human; never did and never will! Not one! Ever!
I answer only to my conscience, and the Ribbono Shel Olam.
That picture link that Boog posted from Chaptzem is allegedly Henich (Gershon Chanoch) Zilber, an Israeli who hangs out in Boro Park (right now he's in Monticello). He's a grandson of the big rosh yeshiva in Bnei Brak.
Narrow Bridge,
I think your movie is an incredibly powerful medium for raising awareness and outrage but I don't think you should be working through Vicki Polin. She has a very shady reputation when it comes to money!
Anonymous said...
On July 18 the Hisachdus removed Chef's Kingdom in Monsey EVEN WHEN BEARING THEIR SYMBOL. It is now advertised that they are under the Volove. What's the story, or is it just the regular stuff?
Mon Aug 20, 10:46:00 PM 2007
Yudel Shain said...
Chefs kingdom:
CK bought their fish items for the past 7 years from Shindlers.
Hisachdus took over Dagim (at a very high $$$ profit), so Hisachdus wanted CK to use Dagim products instead of Shindlers-CK refused.
Hisachdus threatened, CK said I'm Changing Hashgochas.
KIC got involved to mediate Hishachdus (Rav Hilel Weinberger) & the Volover Rav. Hisachdus played games & told CK we'll take you back. CK said We aren't going back to Hisachdus. Now the Volover has it.
Tue Aug 21, 08:39:00 AM 2007
Anonymous said...
So why even when bearing their symbol? Was that just straight out blackmail?
Tue Aug 21, 09:36:00 AM 2007
PayPal Buyers, Sellers Still Steaming
Frozen funds still bedevil users of unregulated payment service
by Martin H. Bosworth
Published: 08/19/2007
The former chief judge of the London Beth Din will not travel to Australia to arbitrate in a bitter dispute between Adelaide's only Orthodox synagogue and its former rabbi.
Adelaide Hebrew Congregation and Rabbi Yossi Engel rejected Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu's demands for two first-class airfares plus a week in a top hotel, estimated to cost at least $20,000. Instead, the London judges will now receive both parties' cases in writing and then decide whether or not to rule on the imbroglio, which has virtually paralyzed the embattled community of less than 1000 Jews.
The case, which has been simmering since last year, centers around whether the synagogue's board was entitled to sack Engel, a Brooklyn-born Lubavitcher who had been its spritual leader for eight years.
The board claimed Engel's contract was civil, not religious, and has been vindicated by a District Court ruling and an appeal in the Supreme Court of South Australia.
But both parties later consented to a religious arbitration before the London Beth Din, preferably with a judge whose trip to Australia would be funded by the parties.
LBD registrar David Frei told the Jewish Chronicle this week: "The reason for asking for first-class flights was that Dayan Ehrentreu is 74 years old and would be expected to hear the case straight after a very long journey." Dayan Ehrentreu's wife would also have to travel to Australia to look after him, the newspaper reported.
But the estimated costs were too much for the Australians.
Meanwhile, police are close to winding up their investigation into allegations of fraud at an Adelaide school run by Engel. The school is alleged to have received around $40,000 in federal government funding for Hebrew lessons that were never administered.
Rabbi Engel has also come under fire for alleged negligence in his role as kosher supervisor in South Australia.
Israeli authorities sensed something wasn't Kosher when a food inspector -- who later turned up on Staten Island -- claimed to fall and hurt himself on the job.
Now, Israel wants Zuriel Hadar, who most recently lived in Meiers Corners after fleeing his native land, back to face charges that he and others bilked insurers there of $360,000 seven years ago.
Hadar, 34, was arrested Friday at his Ash Place home and arraigned in Brooklyn federal court, said Robert Nardoza, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York. He is being held in custody pending a bail hearing tomorrow. Israel seeks to extradite Hadar, who is not a U.S. citizen, to answer criminal charges.
According to court papers, Hadar was a key player in a complex fraud scheme that hoodwinked the Israeli National Insurance Institute and several private insurance companies in that country.
The apparent mastermind was Baruch Refeal Toledano, a friend of Hadar's, who allegedly coached Hadar and others and referred them to a lawyer and orthopedist complicit in the hoax. They were not identified.
The scam worked this way: Hadar and others bought large life and accident insurance policies. Several months later, they would stage either workplace-related or car accidents. Afterward, they filed claims for their alleged injuries and shortly after receiving compensation, stopped paying their premiums, effectively canceling the policies.
"The attacks on Rav Blau and others who were initially duped by the clever and manipulative Lanner were uncalled for. They did what they had to to make up for it and I suspect the critic would have made a much greater blunder if he was in their place at the time."
There was a mayse with the Yismach Moishe of Uhel. The rebbe mentioned that he is a gilgul of a Yid who wasn't sure who was correct in the machlokes Korach & Moishe Rabbeinu. A chossid, aghast, asked how the rebbe could not have sided with Moishe. The rebbe said Korach was a clever manipulator and the chossid would have zicher sided with him.
Another self-confident chossid asked the YM's great grandson, the Satmar Rov, how he can be bodek himself to see if he is a kanoee on the madreiga of Pinchos. The rov told him that if he has any shaaylos, he can be certain he is not a kanoee.
In the secular world, the "experts" who show up after the fact with all the answers and the gift of hindsight are known as Monday morning quarterbacks.
Even today, Roth is still the top "posek" of the Conservative movement. He also gives the "hashgocho" on the JTS cafeteria in Upper Manhattan.
Gee, I wonder why Shmarya, who has lately been embracing the Conservative kofrim, isn't bothered by this.
Howard Axelman was formerly known as Tzvi, who davened by Rabbis Hopfer & Heinemann in Baltimore before becoming a social worker in Lakewood NJ. He then became a Conservative rabbi and now leads the Whitestone Hebrew Center in Queens.
Gary Rosenblatt has been publishing a listing every week for a shiur that Axelman gives in the Queens edition of the Jewish Week.
Poison clothes add to China export scares
By Geoff Dyer in Shanghai
Published: August 20 2007 19:56 | Last updated: August 20 2007 19:56
The safety problems affecting Chinese goods spread from toys to textiles on Monday as New Zealand said it would investigate allegations that imported children’s clothes contained dangerous levels of formaldehyde.
The government ordered the probe after scientists hired by a consumer watchdog programme discovered formaldehyde in Chinese clothes at levels of up to 900 times regarded as safe. Manufacturers sometimes apply formaldehyde to clothes to prevent mildew. It can cause skin rashes, irritation to the eyes and throat and allergic reactions.
The Warehouse, a New Zealand retailer, issued a recall at the weekend for children’s pyjamas made in China after two children were burned when their flannelette nightclothes caught fire.
The New Zealand investigation is the first time that the safety of Chinese clothes has been called into question; concerns have been raised over a series of Chinese products in recent months, including toys, food and toothpaste. Last week, Mattel said it was recalling 18.2m toys globally because of hazards such as the use of lead paint.
The latest concerns came as Li Changjiang, head of China’s safety watchdog, claimed the product safety scares were “a new trend of trade protectionism”, and accused some governments of “demonising China’s products”.
Hiscomments reflected Beijing’s anxiety over growing fears of Chinese exports in the US and Europe, but they were dismissed by Peter Mandelson, the European Union trade commissioner.
“The allegation that European companies’ action against toxic Chinese goods is politically motivated and shows bias against China is totally false,” said Mr Mandelson on Monday. “As trade commissioner, I will not accept claims of toxicity being used as a pretext for protectionism.’’
Economists say the safety scandals have so far had limited impact on exports, in part as toys accounted for less than 1 per cent of overall exports last year, while foodstuffs made up 1.4 per cent.
Textiles and clothing made up more than 13 per cent of exports in the first half of the year.
“The textile sector is a much more important part of China’s exports so this will be more of a cause for concern for the authorities,” said Mark Williams, an economist at Capital Economics in London. “However, these cases are still a drop in the ocean in terms of China’s overall trade.”
Mutterperl was in court again on July 19th. He's either no longer represented by Leo Kimmel or added another lawyer to his defense team. That would Jacob Laufer of Laufer & Halberstam at 39 Broadway, right across the street from the Agudah of 42 Broadway. He also has a Boro Park office.
Laufer is a keynote speaker at Agudah fresser events.
Laufer represented Label & Yossi Drebin in a felony case.
Laufer also represents Boog's friend Guttman.
Mutterperl is due in court again on Sept. 18th.,%20JOEL&county=KINGS&court=Supreme%20Court&recordType=C&recordNum=6138787
There is no update recorded yet on the Courts website for Kolko indictments.
Who needs Gary Rosenblatt? The most advanced way for a molester to prey on victims is set up a website to find students to tutor for bar / Bat Mitzva.
Kolko and these other guys are still in the Stone Age.
I will be meeting with a high ranking government official next week to discuss a plan of action. The problem is that Hynes has absolute power and only has to answer to the voters (he's up for reelection in 2009). The way to get him to act is by publicizing this story (Nightline and the Village Voice ran features recently) in the press and by getting the politicians involved (although they cannot force his hand, they can surely put pressure). The more people get involved, the better chance we have of bringing these monsters to justice and protecting innocent Jewish children.
The Court lists Mutterperl's attorney's location as 39 Broadway. It's not clear if the same guy also has offices in BP.
Laufer & Associates Law Plaza 1660 60th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11204
Telephone: 718-331-7999
Law School: New York University, J.D., 1972
College: Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, B.A., 1969
Biography: Executive Editor, Journal of International Law and Politics, 1972.
Born: Brooklyn, New York, April 6, 1948
Yossi Drebin gives a shiur by the Kozover rebbe's shtiebel at R & 28th.
His brother in law Prager is in round 2 of being incarcerated.
What was Prager jailed for?
Is this the same Prager from Prager's bungalow colony next to Camp Romimu?
Clerk said...
Laufer also represents Boog's friend Guttman.
I beg your pardon,
Where you pick that up?
Thanks for your investigation. I even remember when Dr. Lamm was notified about Rabbi Finkelstein and all he did was have his door removed from his office, so he could not be alone with any boys. Check with Rabbi Blau and ANY MTA grad who was in the school at that time. "Tag Team Wrestling" was a expected when you got to his office while you had to wait till "George" finished "came" . He should pay for messing up so many kids - who are still messed up today. You also posted a letter from Rabbi Elan Adler on speaking up about abuse - he was the dorm counselor in MTA High School who was VERY VERY involved in this investigation, but was powerless to do anything. He can confirm everything.
CHAIM ..........
The Swine Flu is common in PIGS.
This is a clear indication that it is the Dayanim – ‘Judges’ - and ‘Rabbis’ of today who are the PIGS and swines.
They twist and use the Torah for their own power and commercial benefit.
They are corrupt. And they are interested in only one thing:
Not the Torah.
When ‘dayanim’ and ‘rabbis’ use the Torah for their own power and commercial profit, this is the behaviour of a swine i.e. a Pig.
No other ‘rabbi’ will ever act against another ‘rabbi’ - even when he knows his colleague is clearly desecrating the Torah. Each rabbi is only worried about losing his own position.
Therefore, the ‘rabbi’ and ‘dayan’ will never effect justice. And he will never truly stand for the Torah or the Honour of Hashem. His pocket will always prevail.
The Torah must never be used for commercial gain and profit. Am Yisrael can only be lead by those who have the necessary love and respect of Hashem and the Torah.
1. The ‘dayan’ and ‘rabbi’ may use lies. They turn the innocent into the guilty, and the guilty, become the innocent. They will not hesitate to tell lies in the Synagogue.
2. The ‘dayan’ and ‘rabbi’ may steal. They steal and siphon off money for themselves, from the community and individuals.
3. The ‘dayan’ and ‘rabbi’ may shame a Jew in public, even repeatedly. This is one of the most vile acts of murder in Jewish law – and they know this.
4. The ‘dayan’ and ‘rabbi’ will not hesitate to use Lashon Hara - the ‘Evil Tongue’ - to suit his own ends. Slander and gossip. This too, is one of the worst acts of murder in Jewish Law. Their slander is never challenged by the community, because they hold positions of power. And the slander may begin with the Rebbetzin herself.
5. The ‘dayanim’ and ‘rabbis’ worship idols and other gods. Their only god is Money. Especially the ‘Dayanim’ – the ‘Judges’ who sit on a Beit Din. They only care about their high incomes and retirement packages. They have little or no love for the Torah or Hashem.
In the case of Lubavitch/Chabad, all their rabbis are carrying out a form of Avodah Zarah – strange worship. They are using mediation and intercession. This is completely forbidden, and against the Torah. We are only allowed to pray to Hashem, directly ourselves.
6. When the NAME of Hashem has been taken in Vain – repeatedly - by reshaim, the ‘rabbi’ will turn a deaf ear and blind eye to the
This is the abhorrent behaviour of a Pig.
This is an extremely severe and dangerous situation.
There is NO forgiveness for this evil sin and aveirah.
7. The ‘dayan’ and ‘rabbi’ may also offer large bribes, tell lies and bring False Witnesses – when he in fact has committed the crime. These are heinous acts of the most despicable kind. This is especially vile when the ‘dayan’ is sitting on a ‘Bet Din.’
8. The ‘rabbi’ may commit adultery. And when he gets divorced, he may spread slander about his own ex-wife, blackening her name – when in fact he was at fault.
9. The ‘dayan’ and ‘rabbi’ may also desecrate Shabbat – if it suits him. He will use physical violence to assault another Jew or Jewess at any time. This evil and venomous behaviour is 100% against the Torah.
A further word of advice regarding those who masquerade as a ‘dayan’ ‘rabbi’ or false ‘mekubal’:
1. These men may knowingly and willingly, deliberately deceive a Jew or Jewess. e.g. in the area of shidduchim, or offering to perform a ‘pidyon nefesh’.
This abhorrent and deceptive behaviour has caused tremendous harm to people who are innocent and trusting.
2. Do not ever ‘kiss the hands’ of these men (which they might offer to you in public).
3. And do not be duped into queuing and waiting, to see them for their ‘brachot’ (‘blessings’). They peddle ‘brachot’ purely for their own selfish gratification and ‘kavod’ (‘honour’).
Their duplicitous behaviour is nothing short of deception and cunning. In short they are abhorant and causing so much harm to amm israel. They prey on the vulnerable, and those who are naïve, unsuspecting and trusting of these pedlars.
Any man who chooses to be a ‘rabbi’ (‘true teacher’ of Torah) or a ‘dayan’ (‘judge’), or a ‘mekubal’ (‘kabbalist’) should be doing so Voluntarily. Out of his pure love for Hashem and the Torah. And his Ahavat Yisrael.
If he refuses to do community work voluntarily, and wants and accepts payment for everything he does, such a man should not be leading a community. He should get a job and earn a living. He can collect milk bottles or clean the windows. That is what is called ‘earning a living’.
Torah is learned, studied and taught: out of Love. Voluntarily. But the ‘rabbis’ have turned the Torah into their ‘Profession’, from which they earn money.
We are commanded in the Shema to:
‘LOVE Hashem, your G-d, WITH ALL YOUR HEART, and with all your soul and with all your might.’
‘VE’AHAVTA et Hashem Elokecha BECHOL LEVAVECHA uvechol nafshecha uvechol meodecha.’ (Devarim, Vaethanan, 6:4-5)
Is the ordinary man or woman PAID to pray to Hashem, or to say some words of Torah? No. Has veshalom! But the rabbis are. These men can give ‘lovely’ shiurim that they have rehearsed. But they would not give a shiur without being paid for it.
The true hachamim and rabbis of old, all actually worked at proper jobs and professions.
Wake up! Even a little child could have worked this out. These salaried men can never truly stand for the Torah, because in a case of conflict between a correct course of action according to the Torah, and the rabbi or rav’s pocket – his pocket and position will always prevail.
Pirkei Avot: (2:2)
“Raban Gamliel beno shel Rabi Yehuda HaNassi omer: yafeh talmud Torah im derech eretz, sheyegiat shenaihem mashkachat avon. Vechol Torah she’ein imah melacha sofa betailah ve’goreret avon. Vechol haoskim im hatzibbur yiheyu imahem leShem Shamayim……”
“Rabban Gamliel, the son of Rabi Yehuda HaNassi, said: It is good to combine Torah study with a worldly occupation, for working at them both drives sin from the mind. All Torah without an occupation will in the end fail and lead to sin. And let all who work for the community do so for the sake of Heaven………”
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