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George Finkelstein |
Alleged Yeshiva Abuser Quits as Accusations Mount!
Finkelstein Steps Down at Shul; 5 More Students Claim Abuse!
“Macy Gordon was malevolence personified,” said Barry Singer, who graduated from Y.U.’s Manhattan High School for Boys in 1975, “whereas George Finkelstein was a more complicated, disturbed individual.” “I fought these guys tooth and nail the entire time I was in school,” Singer added. “I had no idea that what was being done to me was sexual abuse or any abuse, I merely knew I didn’t want these guys touching me and I did my best to keep them away from me.”
A former staff member at Yeshiva University High School for Boys has resigned from his post at a synagogue in Jerusalem. Five more ex-students have told the Forward they were abused by rabbis George Finkelstein or Macy Gordon.
Rabbi George Finkelstein has resigned his position at the Great Jerusalem Synagogue after the Forward reported that he had sexually abused students at Yeshiva University High School for Boys in Manhattan during the 1970s and ‘80s.
“He sent us an email saying he’s resigning because he does not want to expose the Great Synagogue to embarrassment,” Zalli Jaffe, the synagogue’s vice president, said in an interview. Finkelstein had served as the institution’s executive director since 2001; last month, he began serving as its ritual director.
Jaffe said that the resignation was received on Thursday, “immediately following the publication” of the Forward’s investigation. The correspondence came from France, where Finkelstein is currently vacationing.
Around the same time as Finkelstein resigned, senior staff of the Orthodox Union in America and Jerusalem held a teleconference regarding the position of the other Y.U. high school staff member investigated by the Forward, Rabbi Macy Gordon. They decided to impose a “leave of absence” on Gordon’s teaching duties at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem, where he gives a weekly class on the laws of the Sabbath, Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, OU executive vice president emeritus, told the Forward on December 16.
He said that the unilaterally-imposed leave of absence will last until the OU can “clarify exactly what happened.” This is in spite of the fact that the OU has “to presume that he’s innocent until we find out more about it.”
Weinreb said: “When we became aware of the news article we felt we had to investigate ourselves to see what kind of credence to give [the claims].” He stressed that the allegations were dated to a time before Gordon started teaching at the OU.
He said of Gordon: “I know that he has no memory of the alleged incident whatsoever."
The dramatic news came as five more men have stepped forward to say they were inappropriately touched and suffered emotional and sexual abuse at the high school.....
Read more: http://forward.com/articles/167767/alleged-yeshiva-abuser-quits-as-accusations-mount/?p=all#ixzz2FEPA8wtn
Rabbi Mark Dratch just condemned Nechemya Weberman. Will the entire YU apparatus remain silent now that Dratch's father in law Norman Lamm is one of the guilty parties in this cover up that lasted longer than Torah Temimah's? There was at least one molester under YU auspicies even before Finkelstein & Gordon.
Richard Joel, you are an opportunistic disgrace! You were catapulted to the top spot in YU because of your work against Lanner but you hid under your desk to preserve your plum new job when this story made it's way to you!
Long time 5 Towns resident:
Stuart Jay Freilich, Merrick, NY
Profession: Ophthalmic Dispenser; Lic. No. 005715; Cal. No. 26222
Regents Action Date: July 16, 2012
Action: Application for consent order granted; Penalty agreed upon: 3 month actual suspension, 21 month stayed suspension, 2 years probation, $1,000 fine.
Summary: Licensee admitted to charges of having been convicted of Grand Larceny in the 2nd Degree, a class C felony, and Petit Larceny, a class A misdemeanor.
Mill Basin, Brooklyn:
Dr. Bella Dorman PsyD, Brooklyn, NY
Profession: Psychologist; Lic. No. 016309; Cal. No. 25935
Regents Action Date: July 16, 2012
Action: Found guilty of professional misconduct; Penalty: 2 year suspension.
Summary: Licensee was found guilty of having been convicted of Criminal Facilitation in the 4th Degree, a class A misdemeanor.
In his youth Rabbi Frenkel was a disciple of Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum (1808–1883), who was known as the Yetev Lev, When Rabbi Frenkel matured and needed to earn a livlehood, he assumed a teaching position in Spinka, upon the recommendation of Rabbi Teitelbaum.
Subsequently, Rabbi Frenkel was appointed to serve as the town Rabbi of Piricse Hungary, a position that he held for over fifty years.
When Rabbi Frenkel retired he moved to Satmar, where he was regarded as a Rabbinical authority.
Shevach Lefi - שבח לפי a commentary on the Haggadah Shel Pesach was republished by Rabbi Dr. Ari Edelstein, a grandson of Rabbi Frenkel in 1994 in New York
Ari Edelstein, MD
Address: 125-10 Queens Blvd.
Kew Gardens, NY 11415
Year of Birth: 1946
Effective Date: 04/25/2008
Action: Censure and Reprimand and $2,500.00 fine.The physician has satisfied the terms of the order.
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of having been found guilty of failing to file a tax return
Eliezer A Frumkin, MD
Address: 4 Wilbur Drive
Great Neck, New York 11021
Effective Date: 09/18/2003
Action: License surrender
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest having been convicted in United States District Court, Eastern District of New York of false, fictitious or fraudulent claims.
Dov B Goldstein, MD
Address: 250 West 90th Street
New York, New York 10024
Year of Birth: 1947
Effective Date: 06/22/1998
Action: Censure and reprimand and $35,000 fine.The physician has satisfied the terms of the order.
Misconduct Description: The Hearing Committee sustained the charges finding the physician was guilty of delegating professional responsibilities to persons not licensed to perform those responsibilities; permitting, aiding or abetting an unlicensed person to perform activities requiring a license and failing to comply with Section 52-8.3 of Title 10 of the Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York, which mandates that artificial insemination procedures may only be performed by a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or a registered nurse.
The social hall of the Young Israel of New Rochelle was filled Sunday morning, March 21, with members who had come to honor the unsung heroes of their synagogue: the people who teach Talmud classes day in and day out
Rabbi Reuven Fink and eleven Talmud teachers received awards from the Mesorah Heritage Foundation.
Left to right: Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Rabbi Abish Zelishovzky, Rabbi Reuven Fink, Rabbi Sol Steinmetz, Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Dr. Dan Berman, Chaim Jaroslawicz, Irving Weisen, Dr. Jack Bruder,
Andrew J. Neff, Dr. David Lent, Dr. Arthur Turetsky, Dr. Jay Gold.
Wild stuff that he fabricated!
Jay Gold, MD
Address: 4 Disbrow Lane
New Rochelle, New York 10804
Year of Birth: 1959
Effective Date: 11/05/2001
Action: License limitation precluding the physician from practicing in the field of onocology and engaging in any form of medical research.The physician's license is also suspended for three months and he is placed on probation for five years
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of fraudulently practicing the profession of medicine.
License Restrictions: The physician's license is permanently limited precluding the physician from practicing in the field of onocology and engaging in any form of medical research. During the period of probation the physician may only practice medicine when his practice is supervised by an independent physician; who is in the position to regularly observe and assess his medical practice. The physician must also engage mental health therapy and have a therapist who evaluates the physician's progress and compliance with therapeutic recommendations.
Action: The physician has submitted a permanent medical license surrender
This putz also lived in New Rochelle before moving to Phoenix:
Sholom Gootzeit, DO
Address: Address Redacted
License Number: 193515
License Type: DO
Year of Birth: 1951
Effective Date: 04/07/2008
Action: License surrender
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of having been disciplined by the Arizona State Board of Osteopathic Examiners for misrepresentations and false statements in connection with the practice of medicine.
This sicko moved to Florida after his conviction. He is related to Motovich from Flatbush
Albert Gottesman, MD
Address: 10 Olive Street
Great Neck, New York 11021
Effective Date: 10/07/1995
Action: License revocation
Misconduct Description: The Review Board sustained the Hearing Committee's April 19, 1995 determination finding the physician guilty of negligence; practicing the profession fraudulently; ordering excessive tests or treatment; willfully abusing patients and exercising undue influence over a patient.
The Committee found that Patient A first saw the Respondent, an obstetrician/gynecologist, for a complaint of severe abdominal pain. Despite a normal sonogram, the Respondent performed a laparoscopy on the patient 2 weeks later. The Committee found the laparoscopy was not medically indicated and the Respondent's use of the procedure did not meet acceptable standards.
The Committee also found that 6 months later, Patient A saw the respondent for the purpose of obtaining a diaphragm. The respondent asked the patient to describe the size of her boyfriend's penis & draw a picture of it. During the course of subsequent examination, the Respondent placed the patient in a crawl position, placed his hand in her vagina & began to stimulate her. He then placed the patient's hand on his erection.
Patient D sterilized against her will.
Patient G saw the Respondent during her pregnancy in 1989 because he was a participating GHI physician. The Committee found that during her last office visit prior to delivery, the Respondent asked for an additional $350 above the GHI
reimbursement rate. The Committee further found that GHI informed the patient that Respondent was not entitled to any payment above the reimbursement rate. The Committee also found that following the birth of Patient G's son, the Respondent again requested $350, which the husband refused to pay. The Committee found that the Respondent then threatened to harm the baby during the circumcision if the money wasn't paid.
Hey buddy into the medical malpractice angle,
Scarsdale resident & YU professor Dr. Moshe Hachamovitch, who is nisht ken chochom, has been dogged by criminal charges all over the country for doing botched abortions that killed many of the mothers besides the fetuses.
YU knew what this bum was up to but did nothing. Abortion is actually more chomur in halacha for goyim than it is for us. It is also of course assur to be machshil goyim in shiva mitzvos & to kill them.
In beginning of May 2012, UOJ blog noted that Simcha Klor & Elias Bochner were in default of $63,000 + interest & legal fees.
There may be more than one Elias Bochner in Boro Park. The name comes up as the owner of S&W women's shoes & handbags.
Elias Bochner was also indicted on conspiracy, fraud, bribery, money laundering & tax evasion in a rebate scam with "low flush toilets" together with Abraham Markowitz, Max Weisz & Marvin Sontag.
Since then here are the new developments:
In mid-May, Klor & Bochner tried pulling a stunt that the court didn't buy. They dug up a Treasury Dept document showing their was a different Yeshiva of Kings Bay incorporated in 1962 & the plaintiff had not properly established which Yeshiva of Kings Bay was being sued.
July 31st started discovery stage
Meet 91 year old molester Ephraim Katz!
On Oct 21, 1996, at Respondent’s medical office located at 1870 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY, in the course of a purported physical examination Respondent touched Patient A’s breast for other than a bona fide medical purpose.
He is on the board of the extremely weird Lincoln Park shul in Yonkers. The shul still calls him "Dr" even though his license was revoked. The senior rabbi there is Solomon Sternstein who got semicha from YU in the 1940s or 1950s. The junior rabbi is Manny Vinas who is a Cuban ger under suspicious circumstances according to Rabbi Doniel Eidensohn.
Don't pay any attention to UOJ. My landsman Edelshtein fin Satmar is a gitte dukter.
Ich hub nisht rachmuness far diss Dov Goldstein. Satmar Ruv Rabbeini Yoiel vas against R' Moishe's teshiva in Igros Moishe on artificial insemination.
Hey! The OU is stealing my line when I was deposed at the Senate hearings into the Lewinsky scandal when Bill Clinton was impeached! Does anyone know if Tzvi Hersh Weinreb imitated my Southern Black baritone?
"the Orthodox Union in America and Jerusalem held a teleconference regarding the position of the other Y.U. staff member, Rabbi Macy Gordon. They decided to impose a “leave of absence” on Gordon’s teaching duties at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem, Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, OU executive vice president emeritus, told the Forward on December 16. He said that the unilaterally-imposed leave of absence will last until the OU can “clarify exactly what happened.” This is in spite of the fact that the OU has “to presume he’s innocent until we find out more about it.” Weinreb said: “When we became aware of the news article we felt we had to investigate ourselves to see what kind of credence to give the claims.” He said of Gordon: “I know that he has no memory of the alleged incident whatsoever.”
Vernon Jordan: I have no knowledge of that
Englewood's Rabbi Goldin who is the new ultra-Left (even by modern orthodox standards) head of the RCA issued a ridiculous yasher koach to Richard Joel when he is part of the cover up. He conspicuously also omitted any mention of Norman Lamm while hinting that someone, ie Lamm, who is behind the initial cover up should be trusted to now head up the investigation. Modern Orthodoxy has no credibility to criticize Charedi handling of sex abuse considering how they have been exposed and cannot even now get their act together judging from all this ambiguous BS.
Someone mentioned a YU sex abuse scandal that predates Finkelstein & Gordon. This occurred in the 1960s at a Shabbos children's group that was under YU auspices. The group leader was an offbeat convert to Judaism. A very senior rabbi at YU covered up the molestation with the preposterous excuse that the convert "doesn't know" what he is doing. Some rabbis have converted inappropriate or unstable candidates. A convicted murderer sitting in prison was even converted by a Lubavitcher chaplain.
One blogger is alleging that YU paid hush money to some of George Finkelstein's victims. It's hard to imagine that Dr. Norman Lamm would not be aware of any payouts.
Just a reminder that Dr. Lamm once infamously referred to the yeshivishe velt as "cavemen" and when R' Elya Svei shot back he was excoriated by the modern orthodox world.
Norman can try to run away from his boyhood in YTV that he is so ashamed of (his zayde is often credited with being oone of the founders of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas). But he can't hide now that he's been hoisted by his own petard.
Vernon Jordan wears a yeshivishe style hat. It's gray so that he doesn't have to dust it.
I believe him when he swore under oath and later repeated the line to reporters that he has no knowledge of Clinton perjuring himself against tawdry tales of sexual misconduct. R' Vernon is so ehrlich that he removed his hat & placed it over his hartz when he said he has NO KNOWLEDGE OF THAT!
Rabbi Lamm called Rabbi Svei a caveman for his rantings against YU, in no way does he or did he besmirch the real emesdiker yeshiva lifestyle my referring them to cavemen. Let's be fair please!
Unwarranted Criticism
To the Editor:
I recently had the opportunity to read Adam Moses’ editorial opinion in the 7 Shevat 5758 issue of the Commentator. Let me preface my remarks by saying that I am a student of Rabbi Svei, and as you can well imagine I see the matters which you address in a somewhat different light. In addition let me say that I will do my best to respond to your article without the sarcasm and anger which lie inside me after reading your piece. If some of the emotions sneak in, I ask you forgiveness in advance.
I must begin by saying that I do not believe you have personally heard or read a transcript of Rabbi Svei’s speech. You write that, "Rabbi Svei took exception to Rabbi Lamm’s failure to explicitly acknowledge contributions the ‘yeshiva’ community has made to Orthodoxy during the RIETS address." If this statement of yours would come anywhere close to reality, I would agree with your assessment that his response was particularly contrived. In actuality, as you are in all likelihood well aware, Rabbi Svei was reacting to the infamous "caveman" portion of Rabbi Lamm’s address. In my humble opinion the legitimacy of your whole editorial is wiped out by your failure to even vaguely mention this issue. Had your response to Rabbi Svei been, for argument’s sake, that the "caveman" remarks were taken out of context and blown out of proportion by Rabbi Svei (an analysis that I have heard from many ‘mainstream’ members of orthodoxy), and therefore by no means warranted such a "repugnant outburst" from Rabbi Svei, - I for one would still disagree with you - but at least you would have addressed the issue. By glossing over this issue and making it sound as if Rabbi Svei was simply complaining that he was not getting a large enough portion of candy, you have failed to issue a serious response to Rabbi Svei.
In addition, another item struck me when I finished your article. I imagine that your commentary is based on the principle of "Torah lishmah with service to the Jewish community." How ironic is it, that while your editorial is permeated with references to Shakespeare, Orwell, Kant and even a recent Hollywood release, you did not find it necessary to add one Rabbinic source to bolster your assertions that encouraging conciliatory discussions among our splintered people is an objective that is so highly held above all else. In my estimation, Rabbeinu Yonah, from whom Rabbi Svei obtained the expression "sonay Hashem," by far outweighs any popular cultural values that would dictate so-called appropriate behavior. I welcome you to join me in a "seder" to analyze this particular portion of "Sharei Teshuva" so that perhaps you might see this matter from Rabbi Svei’s perspective.
I would like to add one final item. Did you really find it necessary to so personally and vehemently attack those of us who choose to follow the way of our fathers and malign us so fiercely as photocopies!? Come now! You cannot possibly believe us all to be of such low intelligence. Such invective only further cheapens the substance of your article.
Very truly yours,
Joseph Taub
I am not here to defend every move ever made by R' Elya. He was a very "complex" personality as UOJ once put it so well. But he had a good point reacting to Lamm's arrogant outburst, even if he might have reacted a little strongly.
It should be noted that the most vicious counter-attack on R' Elya came from someone high up in the RCA who then died very young within the year. Incidentally, even his colleagues from his days in YU say he was the biggest am haaretz in learning in "The Rav's" shiur.
As a former student who had never had the courage to come forward to tell people what Finklestein(wont use title of Rabbi) did to me I am happy to see it is finally becoming public
Reb Elya deserved every bit of Rabbi Lamm's rant against him for calling Lamm a sonei Hashem. Towards the end of Reb Elya's life, it was clear that Alzheimers was setting in way before anyone recognized it as Alzheimers. And I don't mean this as disrespect, but it is was clear to anyone who knew him that he was "losing it" in the medical sense!
"As a former student who had never had the courage to come forward ...."
I pray you can now begin the closure process.
Is this loser part of the Jewish Fress family?
A New Rochelle neurologist who doled out Viagra samples to a Scarsdale mob capo has become the 34th and final person convicted in connection with a massive federal takedown of the reputed hierarchy of the Gambino crime Family.
Dr. Stephen Klass, 63, pleaded guilty yesterday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan to one misdemeanor count of aiding and abetting the illegal distribution of drug samples. He faces a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison, but faces a likely sentence of no more than six months in jail, according to the plea agreement he signed with federal prosecutors.
Another old pervert who is 85 and related to Rabbi Klibanoff of the modern orthodox shul in Atlantic Beach.
Edward Klibanoff, MD
Address: 901 Sheridan Avenue Third Floor
Bronx, New York 10451
Year of Birth: 1927
Effective Date: 05/30/2002
Action: License limited permanently precluding patient contact and any practice of medicine clinical or otherwise.
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of either verbally or physically abusing two patients.
Convicted of inappropriately touching a patient & hitting on a nurse at Montefiore hospital
Boro Park's Rabbi Spitzer is accused of using political leverage to get incompetent orthodox doctors reinstated to do surgeries at hospitals despite having botched them previously.
The Robert Klinger mentioned here is also promoted by Lubavitch, YU's Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger & others as a major medical expert despite being found guilty of gross negligence.
Eliahu Koren, MD
Address: Address redacted
Year of Birth: 1939
Effective Date: 09/21/2009
Action: Permanent license surrender issued pursuant to New York State Public Health Law Section 230.13.
From Israel at Hebrew U & Hadassah Hospital, he was a surgeon & urologist at Maimonides Hospital in Boro Park, Mt. Sinai in Manhattan & other places in the Bronx & CT
Convicted of beating up a nurse in the middle of a surgery
Paysach Krohn have any relatives in Vineland NJ where this guy is from?
Ivan T Krohn, MD
Address: Address redacted
Year of Birth: 1943
Effective Date: 10/11/2011
Action: License surrender.
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of having been disciplined by the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners for allowing an unlicensed physician to issue prescriptions and bill patients under his name.
The Klibanoffs are related to former OU head honcho Rabbi Basil Herring who also lives in Atlantic Beach. Herring owns the address where Rabbi Rafi Butler of Lanner scandal infamy was moving large sums of money around when he was trying to keep his son out of jail after being arrested by the FBI in the Spongetech fraud.
Mark Bernard Lew, MD
Address: 2704 Glenwood Road
Brooklyn, New York 11210
Year of Birth: 1948
Effective Date: 03/26/2003
Action: License suspension for two years,stayed with probation for two years and $120,000.fine.The physician has satisfied the terms of the order as of March 25,2005.
Lew is on the board of Masbia. His crime was not maintaining records of where he bought children's vaccines. I wouldn't understand what the big deal was until the recent scandal with the contaminated vaccines causing strokes and deaths.
Big macher at Young Israel of Great Neck:
Charles Libby, MD
Address: 3 Chester Drive
Great Neck, New York 11021
Year of Birth: 1951
Effective Date: 02/25/2003
Action: Censure and reprimand; $10,000 fine (total fines almost $50,000). The physician has satisfied the terms of the order.
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of having been convicted in Nassau District Court, New York, of Offering a False Instrument for Filing.
How did this putz not lose his license? He was convicted in a bizarre case of pinching a female patient, causing her bruises all over her body:
Stanley Theodore Lowy, MD
Address: 231 Woodward Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10314
Year of Birth: 1954
Effective Date: 03/17/2000
Action: License probation for three years.The physician's period of probation ended May 2, 2003.
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charges of practicing fraudulently; abusing a patient; having a psychiatric condition which impairs his ability to practice; practicing while impaired and conduct which evidences moral unfitness.
Any relation to Rabbi Kenny Yaakov Menken?
Arthur Menken runs the Purim shpiel at the Reform temple in Dutchess County.
Arthur W Menken, MD
Address: 21 Reade Place
Suite 3200
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Year of Birth: 1944
Effective Date: 10/29/2012
Action: Censure and reprimand with probation for thirty-six months. The physician's license to practice medicine is permanently limited to preclude the examination and/or treatment of any female patient except in the presence of a chaperone.
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of patient harassment.
why didnt the parents go to the police. The excuse that they were afraid the children's reputations would be destroyed is ludicrous. If it was my child I would have hit them. rabbi dr. bernhard rosenberg
So far there is an anonymous accusation against Rabbi Macy Gordon . The accuser should come forward. Regarding being afraid to tell parents I know that some parents were informed by their children. Instead of remaining silent out of fear for their children's reputation they should have spoken out. I grew up in the Midwest and attended an elementary school where anti Semitism was rampant. There were only two Jewish children in the school; because we were poor we lived in that neighhborhood. Being beaten up because I was Jewish and fighting back was a common occurrence. I knew how to fight back and would have fought against anyone who molested me. Yeshiva students have to be taught to physically protect themselves against abuse.
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg
So far there is an anonymous accusation against Rabbi Macy Gordon
MY SOURCE TELLS ME MR. ANONYMOUS GRADUATED EINSTEIN. MEDICAL SCHOOL OF YESHIA UNIVERSITY SEEMS LIKE HE OWES Y.U. HIS CAREER. YESHIVA UNIVERSITY is the school where I spent most of of academic life. Do not lecture me on what I owe or do not. For your information, RIETS and .J.S.S. made be who I am. I will fight for the school that produced abbey that cared for me and nutured me. It is not my fault that parents who knew of these acts did nothing including showing up in mass to punish the individual who did malice to their child. Do not lecture me on sexual violence. Where were the parents who knew. ? Stop whining and trying to destroy Yeshiva University and have Rabbi Lamm resign. He did what was proper at the time. Prove that Rabbi GORDON molested anyone. The story about the toothbrush is ludicrous. I have had my own issues with the R..C.A. AND Y.U. , but I did not wake up 35 years later to realize I was molested. Go to ISRAEL AND CONFRONT these abusers , they are still alive. I call upon current students and alumni to speak up on behalf of their school. I FOR ONE HAVE HEARD ENOUGH UNPROVEN ALLEGATIONS THAT HAVE RUINED TWO LIVES. DO NOR RESPOUND SHAME ON YOU OR I DO NOT UNDERSTAND SEX ABUSE. I understand if this happened to my child and I knew of it I WOULD HAVE CALLED FRIENDS and made sure the culprit never did this to any child again. Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg
the Forward is relentless in demanding resignations at Y.U. I SUGGEST A BOYCOTT BY THE Y.U. community and Y.U. CONNECTED ADVERTISERS.. At this point they just want to sell papers .
Any updates on this?
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