“Most importantly, when students are told all these rules in order to avoid being noticed, this presents a huge chinuch compromise as students are being taught to do things illegal while avoiding ‘being caught,’” the letter said, using the Hebrew word for education.
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Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in Brooklyn |
The classes at Yeshiva K’tana Torah Vodaath in Brooklyn were the first held in the school building since mid-March, when New York ordered schools closed to curb the spread of the coronavirus. In resuming classes, the elementary school joined a number of yeshivas in operating illegally as the school year comes to a close.
The students had to get themselves there without the transportation provided by the city when schools are open.
“Since I suppose all the boys will be going to day camp this summer, let this be the training ground for it,” Rabbi E. Brieger, a teacher at the school, wrote in a letter to families Monday night. Unlike with the playgrounds, where community leaders are increasingly open about families’ need for a safe place to play, the Orthodox schools that have opened in the past several months appear to be taking deliberate steps to evade notice.
Residents in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn say they have observed children walking to school buildings with or without uniforms or with homework in shopping bags instead of backpacks. Groups of children have been seen entering basements and side entrances of school buildings, even as signs on the front door indicate that the buildings are closed. According to a NY1 report, more than a dozen children walked into Yeshiva Torah V’Yirah in Borough Park last week.
Some schools have had teachers call parents individually to tell them school is reopening, avoiding the robocalls and hotlines typically used for announcements or written communication. But at least one school sent a letter last week indicating its plans — and the strategies families should use to avoid calling attention to themselves.
Written in Yiddish, the letter provided instructions for the return to school “in order to not be disturbed by foreign (outside) elements.” The letter instructed parents to send their children with masks, but not to bring them to school using non-Jewish car services or to leave strollers in front of the building while dropping off children.
“Do not stop in front to talk with one another,” the letter said. “Only come and go quickly.”
Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed last month to keep yeshivas closed, telling the radio station 1010 WINS, “If we find them, we’ll shut them down and they won’t come back,” according to the New York Post. But it is unclear what actions, if any, the city has taken at a time when it is actively maintaining the closures of public parks in Orthodox neighborhoods.
In at least one case, the city closed a case just 16 minutes after a 311 call came in from a man who said he observed a large group of children entering a school that day. The call was made and the case closed in the middle of the night.
The New York Police Department did not respond to multiple emailed requests for information about enforcement at yeshivas in recent weeks. A spokesperson for the Mayor’s Office also did not respond to multiple emails asking for information about enforcement.
The reopenings have generated tension within the yeshiva system. One girls’ school in Brooklyn sent a letter to families explaining why it was unwilling to operate illegally even as other schools made a different decision.
“The schools which have chosen to open have set guidelines; no preschools, minimal hours of attendance, some have alternate days, no transportation, no playing in the playground, students enter buildings form [sic] side or back doors, many have staggered the attendance of grades throughout the day, no uniform,” the letter said. “The underlying objective of these guidelines is to avoid being noticed.
“Most importantly, when students are told all these rules in order to avoid being noticed, this presents a huge chinuch compromise as students are being taught to do things illegal while avoiding ‘being caught,’” the letter said, using the Hebrew word for education.
Like parents across the city, Orthodox parents are desperate to send their children back to school nearly 100 days after the state closed schools at the start of the pandemic. With as many as eight or nine children and sometimes more, the pressure of having children at home full-time is acute, and Orthodox lawmakers have been outspoken in calling for the reopening of camps and playgrounds to keep the thousands of Orthodox children occupied this summer.
Orthodox protests calling for the reopening of camps and playgrounds have explicitly compared themselves to the George Floyd protests that spread across the city and country in recent weeks. Children carried signs last week with the message “No camps, no justice,” and social media posts were posted with the hashtag #kidslivesmatter. One article published Tuesday by Yeshiva World News, an Orthodox news site, thanked Floyd, the black man killed in police custody in Minneapolis, for giving people in the community the nerve to defy orders of the mayor and governor and return to yeshivas.
“Only when they saw the double standard,” wrote Shmuli Mogelowitz, the author, the educational institutions “realized the tremendous disparity in how Klal Yisroel [the Jewish people] is being treated and how the protestors are being treated.”
At Yeshiva K’tana Torah Vodaath, Rabbi E. Brieger wrote in a letter to parents on Monday that the school would “respect anyone that wants to wear a mask etc. or that wants distancing.” He also said students could continue to tune in by phone, though he emphasized that that option, provided while schools were closed, “still is not the same as classroom learning.”
And he offered information that he said indicated that children and families would not be at risk if students returned to classes. Using a Yiddish word meaning holy, he added, “I personally don’t see why anyone would hold back his son from learning the Heiliga Torah, since for children the virus is not relevant.”
Brieger noted that a celebration of the year’s learning would take place in the school’s dining room next week.
Who would have to sign off on that YTV cheder decision that's tantamount to bloodshed?
Fressers on the Board?
Alumni Committee, Yossi Kolko bichlal?
YTV's Eluzer Brieger is one of the many messed up guys who is a touted author / editor with one of the 3 major frumma publishers. Now he joins Lipa Geldwerth, Leib Pinter & the rest of such uncivilized ferds.
The reckless peasant who is the wrong guy to be safeguarding children should go back to his hillbilly, backwater village in der Karpatten.
His father was Jeno Brieger who learned in Munkatch in the Heim, davened by Sfardishe Shul Boro Park. I think he was from the very last of the Hungarian hillbillies to get off the boat, coming to Boro Park in 1977.
You don't have to believe me. I even heard it from the horse's mouth, Belsky.
UOJ has got it all wrong. If anything I am all FOR pikuach nefesh. Lehoraaya, when I tried to retract the guilty plea I told the judge it is to SAVE MY LIFE.
Lichtenstein's wife is a horrible woman, part of a large group of Monsey yentas who are primarily in YSV but also in a few other schools, who have no business being in chinuch, they should be removed from chinuch! They try to ruin girls lives with slanderous classifications. Most of them act up out of sheer nastiness. Some of them are just out to lunch but equally dangerous.
Mrs Lichtenstein was on top of it protecting who was perhaps the most abusive girl who ever went through YSV, bullying the victims to stop them from reporting the abuses to the hanhala.
The Fressers slapped Cuomo in the face with that frivolous restraining order for overnight camps. Can the Fressers spell SLAPP? NY State should demand a refund for legal fees.
And who's paying for Avi Schick's law firm on the Fresser side? Are they forcing all the camps to pony up a chelek including the ones that never had a footprint in NY State? According to the Agudah at least, even camps from out of the country have signed the legal action. It would not be surprising actually that they are all forced because it would fit right in with Shmuel Kaminetzky's grand scheme. The more entities that are pro-virus, the merrier. And he is on a trip to craft himself as posek hador with the anit-vaxx garbage, the Tzioni voting, all the underground yeshivos & minyanim and ordering all yeshivos to not be mevatter one cent of tuition even when the kids get 2 hours of phone instruction whereby they learn nothing.
Also interesting that Zalmi Teitelbaum's UTA is a member of the Fresser AJCO. R' Yoelish must be turning in his grave that Satmar joined with the blasphemous Agudah
The abusive girl in YSV later turned out to be a rare case of a girl who is a molester. She was stripping her clothes off on the bus in full public view, encouraging other girls to do so, violently assaulting some girls while playfully molesting the privates of another. YSV tried to argue that the act was not molestation but in several States someone who molests that part of the body is arrested for a sexual crime.
YSV once threw out a 1st grade girl for stripping on the bus. So why did nothing happen to these girls who were much older? Because the perpetrator's father gives money to Kokis's shul and because the accomplice is from one of the wealthiest families in town. So the whole thing was covered up. They were not expelled or suspended or even banned from the buses. But to cover it up they did switch around bus routes to accommodate the molester-strippers. Kokis tried to make himself into the big do gooder against molesters when it came to Tendler & Tropper, but it all boils down to who is passing him the almighty dollars.
Before the molestation emerged, teachers were complaining that the principal Mrs Levy was covering up for the bully, who is a stereotypical schoolyard bully, with physical beatings and everything. Is Levy all there mentally by the way? There is a lot of really odd stuff with her. The higher ups eventually removed Levy from dealing with the bully citing her negligence. But there wasn't much improvement after Levy. The bully's mother is also a bully, where do you think she gets it from. And YSV had to actually discipline both of them for harming talmidos + at least one mother of a talmida. But when both mother & daughter bullies were told to write & co-sign a letter asking mechila, the letter was just full of more insults & garbage and did not constitute asking mechila according to any definition in poskim. YSV swept this under the rug with a mealy mouthed bogus excuse that the bullies are on a low madraiga in ruchniyus so that is progress for them. Sounds like the Agudah that Kolko did "teshuva".
The little twit bully by the way also could not keep up academically but was just pushed through every year because of the same protekzia. And actually she is not little, she is obese & very tall. So when she was physically beating victims it was traumatic as she was twice the size in both diameter & height of her classmates. Girls would cry & not want to go to school every morning while YSV protected this monster.
You should have seen the video of Savitsky's crazy brother Henoch in Queens before VIN was pressured to remove it. A wise guy went in to his place in KGH with a camcorder rolling where they were illegally learning & davening at the height of the pandemic. Savitsky starts yelling all kinds of insults at him & probably kept screaming until the NYPD responded & kicked everyone out. Savitsky was known in Brisk as an off the wall extreme kanoyi. He might be identifying lately with Peleg who are fanatically pro-infection like Philly.
Is YTV a free for all or who are the last words there that they are putting kids in harm's way?
And what's the story with R' Sruly Reisman? There is shmutz about him on blogs which I checked out and it turns out to be true. And I've heard that Reisman got along with Belsky when Rav Pam ztl did not, which should indicate something.
If Rav Pam ztl was alive, you could rest assure the yeshiva would still be closed until the govt. opened it. Or he would resign!
Baltimore, MD - June 18, 2020: When the members of Ohel Yakov Congregation return to their shul, their excitement will be further magnified as they are greeted by their new Rav, Rabbi Akiva Feldman, shlita, who was “virtually” elected to the position in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic.
Ner Israel criminal dean rabbi Aharon Feldman is Akiva Feldman’s great uncle. And holy Akiva himself has a “certificate” in premarital and marital counseling! They pushed aside the current head of Ohel Yakov, elderly rabbi Peretz Dinovitz, and put this mobster in his place. “Virtually elected”...
There is also an Akiva Tendler from Ner Yisroel, he is the assistant rabbi by Kokis in Monsey. There was a big tummel last year with members trying to get rid of Tendler. Does anyone know what the exact details were with that?
Also in Kokis's shul was the child molester & carpetbagger Bleich, otherwise known as the self-declared Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. But after an eishis ish wrote all the rabbonim in the neighborhood that he is hitting on her, he stopped coming to Kokis. Bleich is defended by the Skohl Ruv a few blocks from Kokis, Rav Rokeach, who insists Ich gloyb nisht despite what the poskim hold in the halacha of kol. But Bleich departing Kokis & the entire neighborhood may have more to do with becoming persona non grata from the letter and he also may have entered in the fight against Tendler. He was thinking about it. I didn't hear if he took a position in the end.
UOJ Archives: Bleich Bandit.
Isn't Smellymelech Kornfeld who protects Beit Shemesh molesters also part of the Feldman family?
Hyperlink guy, what've you got on R' Aharon Feldman that you call him a "criminal"? I haven't seen anything on him besides being the yes-man for Shmuel Kaminetzky nonsense.
Yeger & Eichenstein, idiots what they are, talk pretty tough while taking the liberty to send a bunch of kids into the cordon of the Upstate Sheriff's deputies who are not under orders from Liberal downstate sissies to stand down
They are bent on lying about every nekuda of the danger because the goal is open the overnight camps for Satmar-Philly no matter how dangerous it is. It was a bad decision to open the day camps so don't start building on it with your lies. Kal vachoymer going farkert? Yeger is like Yudi Kolko's rasha & dray kop lawyer Jeffrey Schwartz who said he learned from Daf Yomi he has a 'chiyuv' to fight for Kolko!
Kalman Yeger, an Orthodox city councilman from Brooklyn whose district includes neighborhoods with large Orthodox communities, is urging sleepaway camps to open despite the ban. He said the governor would be powerless to stop camps from serving the tens of thousands of children from Orthodox enclaves in Brooklyn and beyond who typically attend them.
“There’s strength in numbers,” Yeger told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “When thousands and thousands of children are in camps, I challenge the governor to drive around and send all the kids back home. Let him drive the kids home.”
Whether any camp directors will take up Yeger’s charge is unclear. The New York State Department of Health said sleepaway camps that reopen in spite of the ban could face penalties — including possibly losing their right to operate after the pandemic is over.
“An overnight children’s camp found to be operating in violation of the state’s directive will be subject to closure and possible fines,” a spokesperson for the department said in a statement. “In addition, the operator will likely jeopardize their ability to obtain a permit to operate in the future.”
Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, who represents a large Orthodox community, bemoaned the loss of sleepaway camp for his own daughter, who was supposed to go to camp for the first time this year.
“I speak to you as a parent, not just as an assemblyman,” he said. “Do you think for a second I would send her if I believed that her life or anyone else’s life would be at risk?”
Legal proceedings are unlikely to provide swift answers for families seeking care for their children starting next week.
Both Eichenstein and Yeger said the decision to allow day camps to open while sleepaway camps remain closed does not make sense.
“The reality is that a serious case has been made that sleepaway camps could potentially be safer than day camps,” Eichenstein said.
Yeger applied Talmudic reasoning to spell out that case.
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman was the only Brooklyn rabbi defending the monstrous Queens Vaad scam to dig up 1000s of kivrei yesomim from previous centuries, throw their bones in the garbage & resell the graves to secular & non-Jewish Russians for millions of dollars. Reisman went so far as to outrageously attack the Mirrer kollel yungerman who took the evidence about it to Rav Elyashev, slandering the fellow as a "roidef". What was in it for Reisman to corrupt himself? The Queens Vaad's shutef doing much of the dirtywork, Ohel Treasurer David Jacobson, was showering huge sums of cash on Reisman. That money became its own scandal for another reason and which led to half of Reisman's mispalelim leaving the shul and not talking to him again.
I closely watched Feldman since the time of the Slifkin (and later Lipman) affair. He is an unscrupulous man and a hypocrite who has been actively supporting every abomination: Moshe Eisemann, Neubergers, etc. Just google him. He is related to the Weinberg clan too. As far as Tendler: When you want to call someone assassin, bandit, black marketeer, blackmailer, briber, buccaneer, burglar, con man, confidence man, counterfeiter, crook, culprit, delinquent, desperado, embezzler, evildoer, extortionist, felon, fixer, forger, gangster, hitman, hoodlum, killer, lawbreaker, malefactor, manslayer, miscreant, mobster, molester, mugger, murderer, offender, outlaw, perp, perpetrator, pickpocket, public enemy, pusher, racketeer, raider, rapist, rasist, recidivist, ringer, robber, rogue, rustler, safecracker, scofflaw, sinner, smuggler, swindler, thief, thug, transgressor, or wrongdoer – you can safely use ONE word only: tendler. טענדלער = משפחה = Mafia.
BTW, if you want to make a hyperlink, put HREF around the link. Like this (retype the code, do not copypaste):
‹Α ΗRΕF=http׃⁄⁄yourlink.com›linktext‹⁄Α›
I immediately knew something was fishy about the motion in Federal Court for restraining Cuomo. The original letter touting the bogus camp "bubble" concept was already signed only by a bunch of wishy-washy and even shady Modern Orthodox doctors. You would think the Fressers could at least find a single heimishe doctor from their own crowd who comes to stuff their faces with food annually at the Convention. But no! Because even Fresser followers are not so quick to endorse a death trap against Yiddishe kinder!
The first plaintiff that I look into on the restraining motion is veiter more Agudah outsourcing monkey business. This Dr. Orkaby from Boston married a Hesder guy from Yeshivat Har Etzion. And she lectures at the Open Warpedodox place Maayan alongside women poskim where Dr. "Rabbi" Seth Farber is one of the head honchos. This Farber ferd has declared war, so far, on just about every miktzoya in halacha short of shechita and Bris Milah!
I mean, it's obvious from the Agudah's behavior that they have lost their minds in the last month, but is there not even a hava aminah by them at this point that it's a mockery what kind of alliances they are forging? I guess we can never underestimate how far Shmuel Kaminetzky & the rebbitzen will go when on one of their crazed binges!
Have the Baltimore Tendlers from Yosef's tree ever been accused of molestation?
can you be more specific about hyperlinking?
exactly those characters with a space?
then exactly these characters after the URL?
The Kaminetzkys may have already burned all their bridges with doctors after the mamzerus scheme with hazoyna Tamar Epstein-Friedman. They were mutching doctors to fraudulently sign off that Aharon is a mental case without ever having met him. That is completely unethical, assur min Hatorah, illegal and grounds to have their medical license revoked. After looking high & low, Sholom did eventually find some miscreant who agreed to go along with it, probably for a nice sum of money from the wealthy Epsteins who had everyone else paid off.
This is how to make a link:
The first part is
now put the address you want, say, http://www.google.com
now close the link with
It now will look like this:
‹Α ΗRΕF=http://www.google.com›
Put the same address or any text after that. For example,
‹Α ΗRΕF=http://www.google.com›GOOGLE
‹Α ΗRΕF=http://www.google.com›http://www.google.com
Now close the tag:
The final string should look like this:
‹Α ΗRΕF=http://www.google.com›GOOGLE‹⁄Α›
And again, type the text and brackets, do not paste
them from my example, or the link will not work.
Check this too: https://www.hyperlinkcode.com/make-hyperlink.php
A friend of mine once said there were 2 things Joseph Tendler thought to be irresistible: ice-cream and youngsters. I know some boys who had more than rebbe-talmid relationships with the Balto Tendlers. The problem with Baltimore is it’s total corruption on all levels. When a crime takes place at Ner Israel campus, nobody will really investigate it. Look, Jo was Eisemann’s roommate in Lakewood...
I don't mean this to criticize Rav Pam ztl because the argument can be made that there would be altruistic value to remain. I'm not sure he would've resigned from YTV because he did not resign from the Agudah even though they are the ones who made his health deteriorate from all the tzaros they caused him when he emotionally protested in the Board room at them acting badly with impunity. He probably felt he could still do good with his presence by some level of holding the Fressers back from doing even worse things in his absence. He probably instilled at least a bit of yirah in them just from the radiance of his neshoma. Of course every situation is different and there are times when resigning is a must.
Right now in Ponivitch I think there is a faction who don't listen to Rav Edelstein. When he told everyone to learn at home like he's doing, they were coming to beis medrash until they were arrested & warned by police if they return, Buildings Dept workers will be brought to permanently seal the entrances.
How do I know about Rav Pam's health? Because some beard wearing long whom I'm told is Rav Sekula was screaming at people who came from outside YTV to seek a gadol's counsel, that 'you people' are causing the rosh yeshiva's health to decline with the tzorus you recount that he takes to heart. Well, I counter maybe in some small part. Because when I found out how Rav Pam's heart was kimat giving out every time there was a Fresser cover up conspiracy, like for Kolko, and he would moan with every fiber to the indifferent bums that their behavior is against kol Hatoah kula, yetzt veisst men what really did it to him!
"Jo was Eisemann’s roommate in Lakewood"
Very interesting. Didn't know that.
Eisemann came to BMG from England. Did he leave a trail of victims there too?
Philly really owns Jo Tendler. The BMG bochurim didn't want modern ortho Jo Tendler among them who was really just on a curiousity visit from YU when he thought maybe he'll stick around. They complained to R' Aron Kotler to send him back to the Heights. That's when a young Elya Svei grabbed Jo Tendler in a headlock, drags him to RAK, and insists with the authority he didn't have that the moderner bochur bleibt doh.
Many years later another moderner bochur shows up. Not from YU, I think it was Belsky of all people who sent him there. Most of the oylam was not goress him when he was there. He eventually becomes a Kaminetzky mechuton. He has a major in with many super rich guys today. So he milked them in a schnorfest for Yossi Kolko's legal fees. He claims he did due dilligence before agreeing to shill for Kolko. Not clear what percentage of guilt he shares with the liars who influenced him. This was after CEO Aaron Kotler decided to stop ostracizing Kolko and turned to protecting him, even telling people the victim is a meshugenner. I can't hypothesize any motive for the CEO except a twisted rationale that if Kolko is nailed, the Kotler empire may have some repercussions down the road in another parsha, so better to throw today's victims under the bus.
Minister Edelstein doesn't know that the name Porush means Agudah Fresser, which means he is likely taking orders from Litzman & Philly who talk out both sides of their stinky mouths, instead of listening to health officials:
In light of a worrying number of coronavirus cases in the city of Elad, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein spoke with Elad Mayor Yisrael Porush and the Rabbanim of the city on Friday.
Edelstein requested that the leaders of the various communities in the city and the gabbaim of the shuls be instructed to increase the enforcement of health ministry regulations.
The number of virus cases in Elad has doubled in the past week and the city is close to being declared a “red zone.”
Porush is increasing public campaigns disseminating information about the virus in the city as well as increasing enforcement of health regulations.
Gevaldig! Could you imagine vos far a tragedya this would be if instead of catching the shvache virus, these people would be draying zich in the streets where they could hear dirty secrets about the Agudah?
According to a report by the IDF’s Coronavirus National Information and Knowledge Center, Israel is currently experiencing a second wave of the coronavirus with different characteristics than the first one.
“If no action is taken and the current infection rate does not significantly decrease, in a month, the number of new daily infections will be over 1,000 and the number of dead will reach many hundreds,” the report stated. “This situation could lead to extremely difficult financial decisions, even to closure.”
If we could only figure out a way to keep all these places open so that the already skyrocketing virus rates would go up vos mer.
time for my Agudah-Philly associates to put more propaganda in the mouth of the zayde
I'll guard the entrances so that no other gedolim or doctors can get in to talk sense into the zayde
Please buy this sefer to understand how Rav Pam ztl would have responded to the Agudah's actions by their proxies and the way he would have responded to any act of violation of government law.
You'll thank me and understand the gadlus of a rare tzaddik.
You've probably heard that 3 Agudah Fressers named Schonbrun, Perr & Mayerfeld joined two Galochim in suing Cuomo to open houses of worship.
What you may not have heard is the latest Fresser stunt that they pulled again before licht on erev Shabbos. They mailed Avi Shafran's underwear to the Court as an Amicus Brief in support of the Fresser-Catholic lawsuit
I don't like that the Agudah press release on the Amicus Brief came as a last minute before the weekend news dump & only gave me a passing shkoyach at the bottom.
They should be putting me front & center after I crafted the wording, had to deal with Shafran's underwear stench, and have been passing along all the tricky tips that I'm advising Satmar KJ on how to brazenly flaunt all the virus laws.
The Agudah infuriated Cuomo at what cost? So that even if they win it will be when camp season is over?
One of their own Fressers who wants everyone to get infected is blasting them for being a bunch of useless batlonim
It's ME!
Jun 19
Replying to
By the time u finish writing ur claim and filing it we'll be at phase 4....
This should've been in the system 6 weeks ago.
..... Eat it
"Eat it"
I composed my song as the theme for the Agudah Fresser Convention
the Daniel Schonbrun plaintiff who is the Agudah proxy seems to be son of Duvid Schonbrun who had dropped out of Satmar at a young age (yesh omrim it was lav davka voluntary). while living in Boro Park he was nailed for some kind of scheme & sent to prison for a while. upon release he moved all the way to S & 24th which at that time was still all modern orthodox. he changed his name to David, his levush got further Tuna Beigeled down to a leather yarmulka with no hat and he took up golfing
when Reisman's shul later arrived on the scene they had lost half the members in the transition from Kings Hwy who were furious that scummy David Jacobson had Reisman at his beck & call and kissing his derriere every time it was requested. the shul only went way out there because of Jacobson. much of the local modern orthodox crowd then piled into Reisman's shul which became the butt of jokes and called Young Israel of Madison instead of Agudas Yisroel of Madison. it was anything goes in Reisman's shul. guys walking the dog Shabbos afternoon. yenting through the whole davening. not even going at all if it was geshmak on the porch with a nice cold beer & animated bull session. there were even adult men chewing gum during birchos kriyas Shma of Shabbos Shacharis and teenagers lighting firecrackers in the voch that damaged siddurim
Reisman didn't utter a peep in protest even when disgusted mispalelim badgered him to do something
Welcome to "Your Agudah" as per that dumb new motto that they paid Citicom or whoever to come up with
The Agudah fixers must owe Schonbrun because information on the scam from years ago, that I remember, seems to no longer be coming up on Google.
It might not be possible to count how many ex-cons including Schonbrun moved south of Kings Highway upon release from prison and start davening in Modern Ortho shuls, with or without their original heimisher levush. So let's recount some of the more infamous ones.
Leib Pinter, the Energizer Goniff, who keeps stealing & stealing ...
Career criminal Radomsker chussid Abramczyk who kept his bekishe & shpodek on at Young Israel - special mention for his father as this story is a classic - he got an extra 6 months for contempt after he cursed the judge in Yiddish to go 6 feet under, although the judge was not frum he understood Yiddish
Taubenblatt who was across the street from Schonbrun - it was his father who went to jail but it was pretty scummy how junior financed the legal defense
Pedophile Nosson Dovid Rabinowich who calls himself the Partzever Rebbe
Motti Zilber, modern orthodox yutz who grew up an Israeli Belzer, was bragging for years how he's zoyche to be the OU's exclusive caterer because he is the 'most ehrlich' of all the OU accounts. Well, maybe he even believed his own BS until the Attorney General nailed him for stealing all the years from his own employees
Rabbi London who his shul was seized by the Feds. That left David Jacobson without a place to act like King S***, hence he started plying Reisman with big bucks
London's kids, the pair of money hungry criminals, and geeks, the Sorscher brothers, and their house of horrors on Ave T. Sometimes the cops even have to figure out how a dead body ended up there
Mordechai Levy, who was the head of the radical JDL breakoff, the JDO, until the FBI-ATF took them down. It's rumored that his first crime was at 14 or 15 when he took out an Adelphia yeshiva neighbor's dog with a shotgun.
the shul's big shot David Jacobson owns / controls the major cemeteries in Queens where among his other rishus, he conspired with the Queens Vaad to pocket millions by destroying 11,000 kivrei yesomim, throwing their bones in the trash & reselling the plots to Russian chilonim & even total goyim
By 1980, few societies were adding members, money was running out & many burial societies ceased to exist – either liquidated, taken over by other orgs, or simply disappearing.
"And these societies have dirty secrets – like when the president looking to make a quick buck, sells graves to funeral directors, who turn around & sell them for $1000s more than they’re worth," said Richard Fishman, director of the NY State Division of Cemeteries.
While the cat’s away, the mice will play. One significant ramification of the collapse of burial societies is the black market in cemetery plots. Since many societies were parochial, the administration's often one person, record keeping informal & unregulated. This means when it came time for the society to wrap up, the last president handed over remaining plots to a funeral director, who in theory, would properly handle their disposal on behalf of the society.
In practice however, this translated to graves sold illegally for exponentially more than they're worth. State law requires a funeral director who has excess graves offer them back to the cemetery, who has the option to buy them back at the original price + 4% interest.
"99% of the time, funeral directors don’t offer them back. They think 'I could sell this grave to a Russian & he’ll pay $17,000 cash'," said Fishman.
"The Russians" come up frequently in discussions because they're the most recent immigrants. According to Fishman, they're vulnerable to exploitation.
"You can tell the Russian graves in a Jewish cemetery because they have big portraits of the deceased, forbidden in Jewish law. Russians were atheists, they lost connection. You see them coming to graves more often than other Jews, because they don’t have belief in after life. All they have is the body," said Fishman.
In fact a 'Russian' monument in the middle of older graves is a red flag there's funny business going on. "You see Russians in Romanian plots where the last burial was 30 years ago. How'd they get into that society? By law, you have to have a connection to be buried in society ground, so funeral directors make these people members & pocket the cash for the plot from the Russians," said Fishman.
Fishman is full of stories of multitude ways this system can be exploited.
There's the woman who went to her husband's grave to find someone else buried in the plot next to him – which was reserved for her. In another case, a woman needed to bury her mother, who paid society dues since 1968, only to be told by the funeral director she needs to pay $8000 'cemetery fees'.
Said Fishman, "I call this guy & said 'You’re a bull artist. I authorize this burial right now'. He threatened to sue. I told him have a nice time doing that."
"A lot of Jewish operators view selling graves as selling land. They say to a society if you want us to clean your area, pay us. But that’s not the law – cemeteries own the land & they’re responsible for it," said Fishman, who doesn't have jurisdiction over Bayside because it's religious.
If we can harness this, nisht nor we won't have to manually program Philly bochurim anymore, but what a huge breakthrough that we could turn everyone into docile lemmelach who will never again question a word from the elterren on anti-vaxx, corona & whatever comes next! We wouldn't even need to hijack the Agudah or hold R' Chaim hostage!
The Agudah is attempting the restraining order on Cuomo in a Federal Court District so far north that it does not include one inch of Catskills real estate.
This is due to there being several Judges in that District who are holdovers from Presidents Bush & even Reagan.
The Fressers know that Republican Judges are more inclined in many cases than Democrats to put economic distress before gezunt concerns.
The Agudah Fressers & Satmar have long worked with the screwball propagandist YU doctor Daniel Berman who keeps making the contrarian argument that metzitza bapeh does NOT transmit disease.
They have no other doctor willing to say something that preposterous. Bear in mind that being against metzitza is not just a Modern Orthodox position (minus Berman). The posek hador R' Chaim Oizer & the lamdan hador R' Chaim Brisker both assered it as too dangerous. The Agudah Fressers fight for this type of disease transmission too for two reasons, to attract Chassidishe & their money to Fresser ranks and because they don't want government poskening on anything religious even when the government is right.
Berman davens by The Fink at Young Israel of New Rochelle, ground zero of the virus. This is significant for many reasons.
That Berman has the nerve to attempt further virus spread already says much about him. He has previously been caught lying when it came to metzitza bapeh. And Berman was originally together with Rabbi Dr. Glatt warning against the virus. I guess the Fressers pay enough to massage his guilty conscience.
As far as The Fink, he knew he was exposed to patient zero Garboz post-outbreak but he still went to speak at the Passaic Fresser shul where he infected the Agudah rabbi & others.
Another Young Israel New Rochelle guy is The Fink's son who is a high ranking official in the de Blasio Administration who has been turning a blind eye to metzitza. Jr Fink is also accused of involved in the de Blasio bribery scandals.
The Fink is by the way a talmid of BMG who puts on a clown act to be mechaef the Modern Orthodox because they pay so well. He's such a good actor that he still gets away with it even when straying from their principals.
The Agudah division AJCO's request for emergency restraining order on Cuomo that was filed today was co-signed by Dr. Daniel Berman who they are touting as a BIG EXPERT.
Restraining order co-signer Beth Statfeld from 1240 East 35th St, K&L, is married to Yitzchak or Mark Statfeld. His gesheft is selling merchandise like snacks & novelties to concessionaires which means he probably has a lot of summer camp accounts.
They are also Modern Orthodox.
Mark's father, Joseph Statfeld, who lived a few homes down the same street from David Schonbrun, recently retired to the Modern Orthodox Boca Raton Synagogue. Joseph gives money to co-ed "yeshivot" like HANC. And there are indications he may have started off at the Brooklyn Conservative temple on Nostrand Ave, Madison Jewish Center. They still invoke his name in temple newsletters in endearing terms, like they still think he's a swell guy.
Hey Agudah Fressers, you're really scratching the bottom of the barrel looking for supporters, aren't you?
Paul Mendlowitz: "You'll thank me and understand the gadlus of a rare tzaddik."
And you will thank me, Pokémon Ultra Beast, for the following link to read the sefer online:
( o.o )
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Gail / Gavriella / Gabriella Zahtz is another co-signer on the Agudah attempt to restrain Cuomo.
She has been divorced many times & seems to be currently single again.
She has also gone by the last names of Klein, Bentley & Goldsmith.
When she lived in Baltimore she worked for AJOP & was married to the abusive animal Jason Yaakov Goldsmith who might currently be living in Detroit.
Her most recent failed marriage was to a much younger Modern Orthodox Kerem bYavneh guy Dr. Elliot Yosef Zahtz.
When considering she's been married many times it's interesting to note that one of her favorite topics that she touts on social media is the assur min Hatorah, radical feminist org, the Organization for the Resolution of "Agunot", or ORA. But before you jump to say this is a contradiction to Agudah Fresser hashkofos because all the poskim & the gedolei Eretz Yisroel are vehemently against ORA, not so fast, because ORA has actually been backed, when it benefits $$$ them, by Shmuel Kaminetzky, Moshe Heinemann & Yisroel Belsky! Gail further touts a 2nd such org which seems to officially be Open Warpedodox, instead of pretending like ORA to be Right Wing Modern Orthodox while putting the same Reform Judaism into practice with gittin vekiddushin.
Gail also touts some topics that are often springboards for anti-vaxx.
Gail, who lives in Monsey, is a landscape designer. Could she have designed the grounds of some camps who now want her to return a favor?
And Gail touts the Chinese Communist puppet org World Health Organization, which in concert with their Chinese puppet masters have lied to downplay the severity of the virus!
Yeah! Woohoo! Now we just need to nip this pesky new Health Minister in the bud.
Sholom, speak to Yanky Kanievsky, we will convince the zayde that the new Minister is a rasha merushe & hopefully he will agree to be mefarsem that he's doing Shamta on him with shvartz neiros.
Newly appointed Director of the Health Ministry, Professor Chezi Levy, held a briefing regarding the status of the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak and revealed that Bnei Brak has surpassed Tel Aviv in the number of newly diagnosed Covid-19 patients.
“We are very worried about the high number of daily diagnoses,” Levy said. “The statistics reveal that the spread of the virus is present in many communities. We need to raise the level of enforcement of Health Ministry regulations in order to bring down the rate of infection.”
The Agudah Fressers indeed landed a Republican appointed judge, Gary Sharpe.
How does it work in US District Courts? Can plaintiffs somehow leverage a judge who they think will be friendlier to their interests? Or the assigned judge is random?
Meanwhile the Fresser slimeball lawyer Avi Schick (who protected molesters when he worked in State AG's office) is kvetching to the Judge that Cuomo 'suddenly, without warning' banned overnight camps just days before they open after they made a velt of hachonos.
How dishonest of you, Avi! Cuomo of course was warning for a long time that when he makes his final decision it will be based on legitimate concerns for gezunt which were not pointing to allowing the overnight camps. He also made clear for weeks he would not send his own daughters to overnight camps.
I hope the judge sees right through Schick.
Dr. Alan Werzberger of Monsey is another one of these doctors invited to practice in KJ (& not kicked out like Zelenko was) because he tows the line on everything Satmar wants. He was another doctor besides Berman who shilled to government officials for the Satmar-Fresser metzitza scheme. And he is apparently all in favor of the even deadlier Satmar-Fresser scheme to infect as many Yidden as possible with coronavirus. Because his son Dr. Samuel or Shmuel Werzberger was handpicked by the Agudah Fressers to co-sign the restraining attack on Cuomo.
The NY State Education Dept has appointed Fresserette Leah Steinberg who works at Agudah HQ to the Task Force on reopening schools.
The Dept is going to think that the death wish propaganda of Steinberg's behayma overlords is the position of the frum community.
If the Dept caves to the Fressers and thus allows yeshivos to open earlier than they should, you aint seen nuttin yet, as the death toll from the next wave could make the aftermath of the Purim mesibos look like a walk in the park. Look what's happening now in at least 30 States where the virus is surging out of control from opening too early.
The demented roidfim Fressers led by Philly (& their heimishe allies led by Satmar), will also try to force anyone hesitant or scared to follow the rest of the lemmings off the cliff with them. The anti-vaxx / pro-corona maniacs, regardless of what religion they are, are even less tolerant of other opinions than Liberals. It has in fact become it's own avodah zara. If you thought Philly was a cult until now! So if the Philly-led Agudah Fressers & Satmar get their way, whoever doesn't send their kids back to yeshivos will be retaliated against!
THE FERD Avi Schnall, who is the head Fresser of Agudah NJ with the suits he bulges out of because they are multiple sizes too small, had already been appointed to a similar position in Trenton.
UOJ, how do we stop these meshugoyim?
I was wondering how that Orkaby woman with the Open Orthodox affiliation ever got hooked up with the Agudah that they used her for the camp lawsuit.
She is also known as Dr. Ariela Sherman.
You know how the Agudah Fresser division Chayim Aruchim has been blasted on Yudel Shain's website as killing alter mentchen because the org is by the Fressers & for the Fressers to maximize their nursing home profits like any other greedy operator and therefore their poskim are not itching to save lives?
Well, Orkaby-Sherman works at a death panel type hospital. And she told Mishpacha Magazine in 2017 that she can't get herself to kill patients byodayim, but she will step back to let them die. And who does she consult with for her shev-v'al-taaseh taking of life? The Chayim Aruchim division of the Agudah Fressers.
she's not for us but just to show what a ruthless chazir Fat Jerrold Nadler is, all shilled for by Ezra the Kapo Friedlander
Since I launched my campaign, I’ve faced intimidation from the establishment. People have sent me emails telling me my career is over, my opponent’s staff has called my donors, followed me to interviews, and berated journalists that dare to cover me. But that won’t stop me from showing up, and speaking up. The whole system is set up for us to fail. We are facing different issues today than we were almost three decades since Rep. Nadler was appointed to office.
I am working with the highest officials in NYS, there are so many things they are doing that I can not publicize. I would not worry ---yet!
THE FERD Avi Schnall was rallying everyone in the Agudah Fresser database to jump on a State survey to demand there that all schools be opened immediately. That is an improper skewering of votes as most people didn't hear of the survey.
The results are as "reliable" as when Bungalow Putz Neuhoff asked some batlonim what they think of UOJ & then expects everyone to accept his unaudited tally.
The always bezunder smug Agudah Fresser Chaskel Bennett is broadcasting a professionally produced television commercial they had produced to "justify" the crazed Agudah binge to open the overnight camps AND shuls AND yeshivos.
Agudah Fresser lawyer Ron Coleman who is handsomely profiting off this scheme chimes in to grunt to the choir that "every word & image" in this agitprop is "true".
Is there any low these Fressers won't stoop to in order to kill people with the virus?
Another shvitzer with a profit agenda up his sleeve is tummeling in favor of opening the camps.
Hey David Greenfield, no one cares what you have to say, loser!
Now go back to counting how much gelt Willy Rapfogel & Dovid Cohen stole from the aniyim that your org supposedly helps.
Satmar is really milking all the outsiders getting fat salaries from them. There is an unwritten code of conduct that if you are fressing off us, then step up to the microphone with our script when we ask, or else.
Now standing with the Agudah Fressers to petulantly belch about Cuomo closing the camps is KJ School District Superintendent Joel Petlin.
My personal take:
Ultimately the science and the facts will prevail. My guess is that Sullivan County this summer will be a hell hole with infections. Of course they will blame the "goyim" although there are almost no infections and very few hospitalizations as of now.
Whether the camps open at some point or not is really irrelevant at this point. What the science will tell us come September is how many body bags come back to Brooklyn, Lakewood and wherever the kids and adults live.
Cuomo will be unforgiving, I can say with certainty.
The amount of korbanos (c"v) for the sake of the Aguda's "death cult" will be there for the world to see.
The anti-Semitism that they will have created, and the wrath of the Governor will be unfixable!
(I wish my assesment is incorrect)
Sullivan County COVID-19 count:
The infections last a lifetime:
These bonehead Fressers think they can bring campers & staff from other regions & even from other countries where the virus is exploding like mad.
'Don't worry' comrades, the anti-vaxx deity of Philadelphia will 'protect' you. Why is he even bothering to posture as the gadol hador & posek hador? Anochi Shmuel elohecha, halt er!
Sholom Kaminetzky was infected & lived. Yeah sure, UOJ is trying to scare him with a Nature Magazine piece scribbled by apikorsim.
Would make a great face mask :-). Thank you
Welcome, my dear friend and the only leader of this generation!
In case the image breaks up, here is a smaller version:
Another version (for dark backgrounds):
The big image above may be viewed normally here.
When people do not listen to the real leader UOJ...
Xi Jinping ended Chinese presidential two-term limits in 2018. Putin is about to do the same in his country. When Chinese and Russian czars are allowed to rule forever, they do every abomination possible: The first thing they do is to hide the real COVID-19 death-toll and to blame the West for their own atrocities! Sometimes I think that Orthodox Jews listen to their propaganda instead of our scientists...
!中国共产党万岁!// !СЛАВА ЦАРЮ ПУТИНУ!
Agudath Israel Welcomes U.S Department of Justice Letter to Mayor de Blasio Highlighting Constitutional Inequities in NYC.
How did Philly manage to get the entire FRESSER line up to go along with their suicide pact of all or nothing, attack Cuomo head on to open the camps?
I'm thinking that when Shmuel Kaminetzky was monotoning his shtussim in the Agudah Board Room, Leon Goldenberg backed it because he has a personal vendetta against Cuomo. Leon has taken a hit of many millions of dollars that Cuomo inflicted on him. He has already divested much of his NY portfolio. He might already have switched his primary residence to out of State. And he made Yitzy Frankfurter at Ami Magazine into his town crier to convince all frumma Yidden to get out of the State. Leon has been going around mouthing off to everyone that his new nickname for Cuomo is "the Socialist". When it got back to Cuomo, he was infuriated over the nickname and because Ami put this 'get out of Dodge' propaganda on the front cover, which if it has results, Cuomo will have a major crisis from a severely shrunken tax base. A bunch of wannabes in the Agudah are sycophants who kiss up to whatever Leon says.
רב איסר זלמן מלצר׃ וואָס אַ שוטה!
Donald J. Trump: There will never be an “Autonomous Zone” in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!
I have no words. The President of the greatest nation on Earth must reassure his supporters that the capital has not yet been divided by Marxists!
Chaskel Bennett thinks he's hot **** on a silver platter but he's just cold diarrhea on a paper plate. What chashivus? Because he goes on the junkets to Washington with the other lowlife kovod zuchers? Chaskel is nothing but another big mouth loser from Adelphia. I once saw him trying to be miskabaid bkloin chaveiro, being mevayesh someone at Shimshy Sherer's Fresser shul. Sick place. First time there & I never went back.
The bully molestress ferdette is not really welcome in people's swimming pools because she is known to relieve herself in there. But it all makes sense because I think her mother is from the infamous Frankel's shul in Flatbush. Weiss I think is the maiden name.
Chaskel or Michael S Bennett, owner of MBA janitorial supply should have been the end user instead.
He is mishpocho of the Book family of Kolko cover up infamy. First as staff in Camp Agudah & then Chaim Book is Margo's lawyer, 2nd fiddle to Avi "mop head" Moskowitz
The night that Obama won the Presidential election, diehard Liberals were glued to the TV all night, howling with delight every time Obama swept a State.
The way the Kaminetzkys have been fighting to open everything up in every Charedishe corner on Earth, it sure seems they are following the infection stats with glee
“2nd Wave” In Chareidi Areas In Israel, New Outbreak In Tiveria
The data on coronavirus cases published on Tuesday is worrying for Chareidi communities in Israel, which are leading the country in the number of new virus cases in the past week.
Bnei Brak had the highest number of new coronavirus cases in Israel in the past week, with 148 cases. For comparison, there were 138 new cases in the past week in Tel Aviv, which has double the population.
Netanya had 79 new cases, most of them in Chareidi neighborhoods and in Petach Tikvah there were 51 new cases, also mostly in Chareidi neighborhoods.
Elad had 43 new cases in the past week. There has also been an outbreak in the past week in Tiveria, with 34 new cases, all in the Chareidi neighborhoods of the city.
The IDF’s Coronavirus National Information and Knowledge Center stated that “due to the new outbreak of the coronavirus in Tiveria in recent days, an analysis was carried out on the morbidity data in the city.”
“An epidemiological investigation shows that out of the cases of which the source is known, 52% WERE INFECTED AT KOLLELIM and 48% at home. It’s possible that the initial infection occurred around Shavuos and stemmed from Netanya.”
Twitter restricts Trump threat of ‘serious force’ against protesters
This is how American socialists headed by Jack Dorsey reacted to Trump’s post mentioned above!
What is the pre-Agudah Fresser history of Avi THE FERD Schnall?
Among other things he worked for con artist Yahoo Mintz at Oorah - Dus iz Neas blog recently had a post on the latest Oorah scam but was pressured to take it down after a few days.
But most notably, THE FERD learned enough years in Philly under Shmuel Kaminetzky that they awarded him a BA.
No wonder THE FERD has a za horse brenn, galloping mit hislahavus to Trenton for anti-vaxx and neighing non-stop now about the overnight camps. He needs to calm down so that all that bulging out of his ill fitting suit does not suddenly tear it asunder!
Where's that kiruv industry character with the sense of humor who has commented at times on UOJ?
Do you think that Rafi Butler's shpitz tailor could help at least nominally with Avi THE FERD Schnall? Or there is no hope?
This is equine equal opportunity as every hard working FERD deserves a coat / suit to keep warm in winter. Do you know how much gallivanting around Schnall has been doing on orders of Philly?
FERD Winter Coat
UOJ does have a valid argument however that THE FERD really needs to be stopped in his horseshoe tracks before he gets any more blood on his hooves.
Who knows what the Philly manipulated Agudah Fressers tzuzamen with THE FERD could be capable of next? An even more deadly disease recently spreading to humans in the Northeast is Eastern Equine Encephalitis. We certainly wouldn't want to see a new FERD aided Fresser mandate that victims chalila be exposed to that too!
Koifer! Farkoift tzum shoichad fun Amaleki Big Pharma, vos du bist!
Sholom shayfella, what's the plan to keep all the kollelim & chadorim operating in Dallas, Houston & San Antonio?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is imploring residents to stay home as the state grapples with a surge in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations stemming from the disease.
Cuomo has assered high risk contact sports:
& for the maydelach, Dancing
Glaring omissions from this list include shtupping by Tish and the much more uncivilized shtupping at the meat carving station of the Agudah Fresser Convention
Malls, gyms and movie theaters will not reopen as part of the fourth phase of New York’s reopening plan
In a press release, the Agudah is using the DOJ's warning letter to de Blasio to shtoch him & rub it in his face.
What did they accomplish exactly that the DOJ letter did not, except to enrage him and shoot themselves in the stinky foot that he won't be inclined to do them anymore favors?
You Philly-brainwashed morons, you are hurting all Yidden every time you act up!
Dear Romimu Family,
Boruch Hashem wonderful news! We are pleased to announce that we are accepting registration to our full overnight camp program for all ages. The boys will be able to sleep over in camp for the entire month and be fully part of the excitement and Ruach for which Camp Romimu is famous. No shuttling back and forth to NYC or to your bungalow colonies. No long bus rides!
We have been given legal advice that if we occasionally leave our campus and sleep at a different facility, we are able to run our program for all age groups. Of course, if we win the lawsuit, we will not need to leave our campus. The boys will leave after Maariv in Camp Romimu and return before Shachris. The boys will only sleep off-campus and will only need to take their linen and clothing for the morning.
RVN registration stays the same
All Overnight Express and Day Camp Extreme registration has been automatically changed to the amazing Romimu overnight camp program. The fees and payments have been automatically changed to the original camp fee for overnight camp. You do not need to do anything at all. We will be sending out acceptance letters starting today.
As things have rapidly developed, we know that there have been changes to our plans for the summer. We have been working diligently to be able to include all boys in the incredible Romimu experience. Until now we were not able to accommodate boys coming from out of the New York area.
All along, we have felt the testing and lock-down approach is the safest approach. Therefore, we are canceling all day camp programs.
Rabbi Shlomo Pfeiffer
Please note new camp dates:
First Trip: July 2nd – July 26th
Second Trip: July 27th – August 20th
Camp Yagilu & affiliated overnight camps for boys & girls (separately) of all ages in the Swan Lake, NY, area have been telling parents on the quiet for weeks already that they are opening.
The umbrella group is under a Rabbi Tani Prero & oddly enough affiliated with both Torah Vodaas AND Modern Orthodox TABC.
As of a few hours ago they are not keeping it so secret anymore. Most indications on their website point to staying in NY. There is one vague mention on an irregular website of the Poconos.
So are they moving out of State or not? Because they don't seem to give ANY details about a possible new campus, the Poconos mention may be bogus to throw certain people off.
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt is seemingly being intimidated, coming under fire not just from Agudah Fressers but also Chabad & the heimishe.
He had promised a while ago he was coming out with a statement on the bogus "bubble" concept that the Agudah got from a Christian sect.
After sitting on it like an egg, he finally "delivered" this past erev Shabbos but it's nothing but a dance around the question without directly answering:
"I am inundated with such questions & it is almost always impossible for me to quantify an answer. Ultimately it is a personal choice. Risk taking is something you must be willing to accept for yourself – I cannot tell you to do so. The best advice: The smaller the risk, plus the greater the necessity to take it, the more reasonable that choice becomes.
I hope that our current state of relative COVID-19 calm persists. May Hashem continue to shower kindness on those following appropriate masking & social distancing rules, and may no illness occur & spread in those not taking the fullest precautions.
Have a great Shabbos"
The Hechts from Chabad have moved their Camp Emunah from NY to the Poconos and have been blitzing advertisements that Rabbi Dr. Glatt has approved their bubble concept.
So who is not being honest? Hecht or Glatt?
Glatt is actually on a long list of doctors that Hecht is boasting. Some of them are the fishy ferds that are working with the Agudah Fressers but there are some new names in addition. Is Hecht putting words in anyone's mouth?
Eytan Feiner announced yesterday he's allowing indoor minyan with NO masks.
I don't think that's even legal. And since when did the local Vaad allow anything of the sort?
Eytan, I know as a Ner Yisroel boy you look to your alma mater who follow Philly's death march on the virus. And you know (if you make it out alive) that you will be rewarded for creating a public health hazard with a keynote speaker gig at the Agudah Fresser Convention. But come on man, it could kill more people than when you sat there silently as molester Dovid Weinberger preyed on victims for years, including at your wife's seminary in Lawrence where you let him teach.
Romimu playing musical camp bunk houses sounds like the kind of bald faced lies that Agudah honoree Ron Coleman Esq has been advising Kiryas Yoel to obfuscate State Troopers with when they respond to yeshivos in full session.
The Romimu kids are not going to meet up with family. Their sleeping quarters are simply being moved a mile or two by the camp.
The Pfeiffers are the kind of Agudah Fressers who like to prove they are more Catholic than the Pope. I think they are just betting that Cuomo will not want to enter into the optics of shutting down a kids camp by force. But something tells me they have made a grave miscalculation as to what happens when the Sullivan County Sheriff enters the picture.
The Sullivan County chevra are waiting for Pfeiffer. He has been telling parents to apply for family residence permits on his camp grounds.
Russian want money. MORE MONEY! TheyeshivaWorld.com has been collecting for them (https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/promotions/1875998/i-dont-want-to-go-to-public-school-i-want-to-go-to-yeshiva.html). For Russian Sinai Academy school in NY (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinai_Academy). Who runs that school? Rabbi Aryeh Katzin, affiliated with the Philadelphia yeshiva, a friend of Belsky, and a rich "media maestro" as Mishpacha.com calls him (https://mishpacha.com/courtesy-of-the-kgb/). Katzin shipped youngsters to have sex with Eisemann (http://theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com/2008/10/telshe-yeshiva-1943-story-of-american.html?showComment=1225390080000#c3152915619361046320). TheyeshivaWorld.com also "forgets" to mention that one of Katzin's teachers (and best friends!) at Sinai was rabbi Ephraim Vashovsky (Russian criminal married into the Philadelphia Kamenetsky clan) who made headlines as the slumlord (https://abc7ny.com/landlord-rent-stabilized-apartment-immigration-east-harlem/1444077/).
Eytan Feiner enjoyed concubinage with Moshe Eisemann back at Ner Yisroel. In fact, that’s how he later got his “rabbinic” position. Eytan used to say “Devar Torah” every now and then at the yeshiva dining hall on Shabbat. A week before the speech he would take out one of rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s books and read responsa relevant to the upcoming Shabbat Torah reading, meticulously writing down all references that rabbi Yosef”s encyclopedic mind had discussed. Then on Shabbat he would passionately cry out something like this, “Rabbi Akiva Eger in his Sefer X on page Y talks about this difficulty! But he never mentions the holy Zohar on page Z that answers it through the Wisdom of Cabbala!” His fake scholarship looked so amazing. And, yeah, he loved cold cuts with Coke.
The coronavirus proves time and again that shuls and yeshivas MUST BE CLOSED until the disease IS OVER. It also proves that the silly thing they teach that the whole world exists only because some unqualified men read Jewish books in confined spaces while using tons of Kleenex IS JUST WRONG. The world exists because it exists! Maybe with God on top. When millions were dying in various holocausts over millions of years, this “yeshivish” approach was nonexistent. But now they say, and, worse, REALLY BELIEVE, that their learning has any importance. They do not produce goods for others, they do not toil at the factories, they even reject modern medicine. They are just arrogant. And criminal also. Thus, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva “Maor HaTorah” in Yerushalayim, Rabbi Avraham Salim, and his 600 students enter into quarantine because they get sick with the coronavirus for “learning Torah.” Was “the Beard” waiting to get twenty-four thousand students as the number of rabbi Akiva’s who had died in a plague? Irresponsible hairy monsters, if you believe in Hell, that is where you are headed!
Eytan Feiner's brother Rabbi Zvi Feiner, MBA, when not ganvening, is rov of Beis Medrash Binyan Oylam in Skokie & President of Cheder Ohr Boruch
The city of Bnei Brak, which has been suffering from an increasingly high rate of coronavirus infections began cracking down heavily on enforcement of health ministry regulations.
Municipal inspectors appeared en masse in shuls throughout the city on Wednesday morning to ensure that mispallelim were wearing maks and adhering to other regulations.
However, in most of the shuls, the inspectors found that the mispallim were already strictly adhering to health ministry regulations, with almost no one sans mask.
An emergency meeting was held in the office Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein on Tuesday evening with the participation of the municipal emergency response team, during which a decision was made to dramatically increase the enforcement of health regulations.
The increased enforcement began already on Tuesday evening throughout the city including wedding halls, shuls and the like. Anyone found without a mask was issued a fine, which the government recently increased from NIS 200 to NIS 500 ($145).
Any public institution, including wedding halls, shuls and educational institutions that are issued five fines for violating health directives will be closed by administrative order for 48 hours. There will be a special focus on weddings, during which all guests must wear masks and maintain social distancing.
The municipal inspectors will also carry out surveillance of confirmed coronavirus patients and those who are required to be in quarantine due to exposure to confirmed coronavirus patients to ensure they are adhering to regulations.
The Justice Minister and another high-ranking MK in the Blue and White party promised the LGBTQ community that they will work to obtain equal rights for members of the community in all things relating to marriage laws, both in the Justice Ministry and in the political arena of the Knesset.
Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn announced that he would be meeting with organizers of the Toeva parade, together with the Chairman of the Bue and White party MK Eitan Ginzburg, who himself identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community. Nisenkorn promised that “The Justice Ministry, under my leadership, will do everything in its power to obtain equal rights for members of the LGBTQ community. I believe that we will succeed in bringing about important steps towards progress within the political echelon of government as well.”
BeChadrei Charedim reportedly asked the heads of the Chareidi parties, Aryeh Deri, Moshe Gafni, and Yaakov Litzman what their stance was, and the questions were not responded to.
“[Zvi Feiner’s] alleged victims include a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor, a group of Jewish day school teachers that lost their life savings in the scheme, and a fellow Orthodox Jewish rabbi and businessman.”
One bro does not care about Holocaust survivors, another, using fake ordination, plays with the deadly COVID-19...
Regarding COVID-19... I know of at least a few Orthodox Jewish organizations that have “helped” their unfortunate brethren during this outbreak. In one instance, they ran a campaign “Stronger Together” that gave each Holocaust survivor... three Hershey’s Kisses, an orange and a roll of toilet tissue. Nothing else! And the tissue was not even “strong.”
UOJ, I have a question for you, חבר. I can give an answer myself, I guess. But I am a simpleton compared to your lofty genius because you always put the things in the right perspective. Why... how come our religion... our institutions... our all... produce such... scum? I mean... they are Jewish... they are Orthodox... some are even Ultra. They were taught in Sanhedrin: נברא אדם יחידי ללמדך שכל המאבד נפש אחת מישראל מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו איבד עולם מלא וכל המקיים נפש אחת מישראל מעלה עליו הכתוב כאלו קיים עולם מלא. They pray thrice a day. They believe... I guess... in something... upstairs. Why... why... why do not they care? I can hardly name decent Jews I know. What is wrong with our nation... our education... are Jews becoming Fascists, were we infected with the Nazi corona?
UOJ, I have a question for you....
"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind, the answer is blowin in the wind"
Ah, reb Robert Allen Zimmerman... How could I forget? You always put it so well, Paul...
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
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