EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Friday, July 03, 2020

Jewish Camps Added William Alexander Smith Appellate Lawyer - Pro hac vice ---- Camps Are Preparing To Appeal ! semmi sem fog segíteni שום דבר לא יעזור !גאָרנישט וועט העלפֿן

CourtListener Docket Alert

1 New Entry in Association of Jewish Camp Operators v. Cuomo (1:20-cv-00687)

District Court, N.D. New York

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27 Jul 3, 2020 NOTICE of Appearance by William Alexander Smith on behalf of All Plaintiffs (Smith, William) (Entered: 07/03/2020) Buy on PACER
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Rav Badani assers Philly yeshiva said...

Hagaon Harav Shimon Badani opened the meeting by crying bitterly over the severity of the situation. “A parent came to me and said that his son’s yeshivah told him he could sit in the shiur without a mask. I told him clearly: ‘You’re obligated to take your son out of yeshivah! It’s a zilzul of dinei nafashos and there’s no heter for it!’ I heard about a Jew, a yirei Shamayim who served as a sandak without wearing a mask. Who can matir something like this? Who can be meikel in dinei nefashos? It’s d’oreoiysa! He’s not scared? But the Torah Hakedosha is scared!”

- by the same token, check out the Yated Upstate picture section from a week ago: Philly sent the mesivta to Kiryas Yoel because it's much easier to illegally operate a yeshiva there than in Philly, especially with the Satmar Aronis sheltering them. There is a picture of Sholom Kaminetzky & the bochurim have a get together with the Aronis. No one is wearing a mask and no one is distancing.

Litzman and Philly get results said...

Israel: More New Cases Than All Of Italy, Spain & France In Past 24 Hours

The entire Bnei Brak yeshiva Bnei Matisyohu was forced to evacuate to an out of town quarantine facility

Rebbitzen Temi Kaminetzky said...


Divrei chizuk from Harav Hagaon R' Leib Farrakhan

Philly class of 2015, programmed robot T1625x said...


Hard to imagine some of you selfish ferds out there wouldn't sacrifice yourselves with a little discomfort for the cause of Elohainu Shmuel & the rebbitzen.

(Yeah, yeah, I know the question that's coming. Well the Mormons also believe G-d has a wife)

Greedy Modern Ortho fresser Irv Bader said...


One staff member at a summer camp in Wayne County, Pennsylvania (Poconos) has tested positive for COVID-19, days before the planned opening of the camp.

A counselor at Camp Seneca Lake tested positive for coronavirus during orientation this past week, before kids arrived. Despite this, the Honesdale, Pa. based summer camp told parents they will still be opening the next week.

"We wanted to update you on a situation that took place at camp over the staff orientation," Camp Seneca Lake said in the letter. "On arrival, we tested the staff again and one staff member tested positive for coronavirus when we got the results back last night."

The counselor was then put into isolation and sent home the next day. Camp Seneca Lake said they quarantined any counselors who had come into contact with the infected staffer, for a "few days."

Possibly-infected staffers also will NOT be quarantined for two weeks, it seems. Camp Seneca Lake posted to their Instagram account that the camp will open next week. That means less than the recommended 14 days will have passed to see if counselors show signs of the virus.

Certain counselors were tested again for COVID-19, but the results will not be available until Monday night, one day before the camp is slated to open on Tuesday, July 7.

The camp is located near Pennsylvania's border with New York state, meaning many of its attendees are from out of state. In New York, summer camps were banned this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Summer camps in Pennsylvania are allowed to open amid the pandemic under certain health and safety guidelines put forth by Gov. Tom Wolf's administration.

Camp Seneca Lake is Jewish sleep-away camp that was founded in 1974. On their site, they describe the camp as part of the "modern Orthodox Jewish world," and that many of their campers are the children of former campers.

Crazy Eddy Antar said...

Is Eckstein full of it as usual & spreading Agudah propaganda or does he know something we don't when he claims on YWN that rumors that the Judge is siding with Cuomo is fake news?

We need to know down at Kings Highway because plenty of SYs go to Fresser camps.

5 Towns said...


Irv Bader's eidim is Chasan Sofer dropout turned Modern Orthodox knacker in Lawrence, Yitz Grossman, who is a convicted fraudster who did time in Otisville. He thinks he's funny when he blogs as the Oisvorfer Ruv.

Irv, who is YU Class of 1960, has been involved in some of the schemes. Between that & scooping up tuition from dupes at his death trap Poconos camp, how do you think he can afford to live in Forest Hills Gardens where the starter homes are $2 million?

Boiler Room said...


Defendant Grossman is a convicted felon who pled guilty to perpetrating a pump-and-dump scheme involving the stock of NYHC. Grossman's conviction and subsequent 41-month prison term capped a checkered career as a broker and promoter in the securities industry. Two prior incidents of fraud stand out. In 1984, Grossman was found guilty of misappropriating customer funds. In 2002, Grossman was held liable for violating Florida's Blue Sky Laws while promoting the shares of Buzzeo, Inc.

One of Grossman's long-time colleagues is non-party Harry Datys, an individual previously convicted of criminal possession of narcotics with intent to distribute. Datys worked as a broker for A.S. Goldmen & Company, a now-defunct firm whose name became synonymous with securities fraud.

Datys stipulated to a denial of his license in Colorado after being charged with securities fraud by the Colorado Division of Securities. He also was fined $6,000 and had his securities license denied by the New Jersey Bureau of Securities for violating a supervisory agreement.

Grossman and Datys have worked together frequently. They solicited investors together for Buzzeo (the transaction on which Grossman was convicted of violating Florida's Blue Sky Laws), as well as for Vizacom, Inc., Sagemark Companies Ltd., Multi Media Tutorial Services, Mark Solutions, Inc., and Amanda Co. Compl. Recently they have participated in organizing a series of thirty-three structurally identical Delaware corporations formed to access the public markets through transactions with registered penny stock issuers.

Over the years, a number of individuals have repeatedly invested in transactions organized or promoted by Grossman and Datys. Just as Michael Milken was able to assemble a consortium of investors who could be counted on to buy junk bonds issued by Drexel Burnham clients, enabling him to perfect the "highly confident" letter, so too Grossman and Datys have assembled a stable of associates who back their schemes. Many of the same investors appear in every one of the thirty-three recent blank check transactions. Members of the Grossman-Datys stable who have participated in other transactions include defendant Englard and his wife Lemore Englard, Grossman's wife Lisa Grossman, Grossman's father-in-law IRV BADER, family member Zachary Grossman, and Grossman's sister Mina Bartfeld.

Yudi Kolko said...

Oh wow! There's also a za sort boiler room for ganvening? I thought they only serve the purpose of a basement hiding spot for molesting little boys in the middle of yeshiva seder hayom.

Irv & Yitz, it's getting a little uncomfortable finding heimishe bungalow colonies between UOJ groupies chasing me around & punches in the face from old victims via Camp Agudah, the Mir, Stolin, YTT, Silver Lake, YOB, Compounce, Weinfeld's shul, Geldwerth's shul & Gissinger's shul.

Can you squeeze one more shvitzer like me in to the shpitz Modern Orthodox colonies like Sackett Lake?

Jeffrey Epstein said...

There was someone who may have had some connection to Seneca Lake but he was definitely in Irv Bader's neighborhood on Burns St or Juno St. Was his name Love? His wife at the time was running all kinds of singles events for barely Orthodox & sometimes not even that. Huge lowlife who would hang out at the infamous "meat" auction by the Concord Hotel in Kiamesha for Shabbos Nachamu. There he was a married guy and he's jumping up & down howling with excitement at that sick ritual of auctioning off guys & girls that it was advertised that the money goes to "tzedaka" & the winning bidder can do "whatever they want" with the person. Just like when the Romans used to auction good looking people for immoral purposes.

UOJ Gets Results said...


Sholom Kaminetzky said...


Hoyroas shaah to be mattir mixed beaches.

Aless abee tze infect zein mit coronavirus.

Anonymous said...

Reverend Richard Coles was shut up by African Studies Professor Kehinde Andrews who explained the Anglo-Church paid some of the largest compensation after the end of the slave trade and added that Jesus was black! AND NOW: White Jesus Statues Should Be Torn Down, Activist Shaun King Says: "Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down," King tweeted. "They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been." "In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark," he added. "Tear them down."

Kehinde Andrews and Shaun King are a little racist and fascist idiots. The Mishna says: "Rabbi Ishmael says: the children of Israel (may I be atonement for them!) are like boxwood, neither black nor white but of an intermediate shade." (Here is boxwood bark.) In other words, Jesus (if he ever lived) looked like any Sephardi or Arab man of today. He wasn't black, you dumb BLM idiots!

But listen here: Shaun King mentioned Denmark. You know what they did in Denmark a few days ago? "Hærværk mod Den Lille Havfrue [War against the Little Mermaid]": BLM folks wrote "Racist Fish" on that famous Danish statue! Wow, now we know that mermaids are racist (what a topsy-turvy world)! Hey, Disney, ban that Ariel mermaid! Wait, listen up, Orthodox Jews, no more gefilte fish for you! Fish are racist! But wait again: Ariel has been getting a total makeover with Halle Bailey, mermaids are now black! Crazy fascist world!

Forest Hills Gardens said...


Irv Bader & shecheinim will be in trouble if Shvartz Brains Splatter figure out that the homes go for between $2 million to $5 million and it's all Veisseh living there. Because the Cancel Culture also has the shita that what's mine is mine & what's yours in mine.

OU Crony Watch said...


Remember the OU supporting BLM when you see this kind of seditious garbage

Oylem Goylem said...


Anonymous said...

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic currently spreading wildly again in Israel, the Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe has decided to take a more stringent stance than the government and instruct his Chassidim to close all of the educational institutions throughout the country in a similar fashion to how they acted during the first wave of the virus.

Philly bochur waiting to exhale said...

More than 200 scientists from more than 30 countries are urging the World Health Organization to take more seriously the possibility of the airborne spread of the novel coronavirus as case numbers rise around the world & surge in the US.

In a forthcoming paper titled “It's Time to Address Airborne Transmission of Covid-19,” 239 signatories raise awareness about what is growing evidence that the coronavirus, which causes the disease covid-19, can spread indoors through aerosols that linger in the air & be infectious in smaller quantities than previously thought.

Until recently, most health guidelines have focused on social distancing, regular hand washing & precautions to avoid droplets. But the signatories say the full potential of the virus via airborne transmission has not been fully appreciated even by institutions such as the WHO.

The paper, which was shared with The Washington Post ahead of publication this week in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, comes as the WHO faces criticism over its coronavirus response.

The fact that scientists resorted to a paper to pressure the WHO is unusual, analysts said, and likely to renew questions about WHO messaging.

“WHO’s credibility is undermined through a steady drip of confusing messages, including asymptomatic spread, the use of masks & now airborne transmission,” said Lawrence Gostin, professor of health law at Georgetown University who provides technical assistance to the organization.

He warned that “the public & even scientists, will lose confidence in WHO without clearer technical guidance.”

Since the early days of the coronavirus crisis, the WHO and its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have been dogged by questions about whether the agency’s effusive praise for China created a false sense of security and potentially spurred the spread of covid-19.

That criticism has been compounded at various points by questions about its positions on technical issues, including transmission, mask use – and, now, airborne transmission.

The signatories to the paper contend that the virus can still spread through aerosols, or tiny respiratory microdroplets, that infected people cough or otherwise release into the air. In crowded or poorly ventilated indoor settings, this could be especially dangerous, and would account for a number of “superspreading” incidents.

Co-author Donald Milton, professor of environmental health at University of Maryland, said the virus’s ability to spread is due to difficulty identifying infectious particles so small.

“It's easy to find virus on surfaces, on hands, in large drops,” he said in an email. “But, it's very hard to find, much less culture, virus from the air – it is a major technical challenge, and naive investigators routinely fail to find it.”

“Because a person breathes 10,000 to 15,000 liters of air a day & it only takes one infectious dose in that volume, sampling 100 or even 1,000 liters of air & not finding virus is meaningless.”

The paper is another headache for the WHO as it seeks to lead the response while fending off months of criticism.

In the early days of the crisis, the WHO repeated Chinese claims on case numbers & transmission uncritically. When questioned, WHO officials defended Beijing, with the director-general, Tedros, going so far as to personally laud Chinese President Xi Jinping’s leadership.

By February, even the organization’s traditional supporters, including current & former advisers, were expressing concern about the praise, worried the laudatory tone was undermining the response.

In April, Trump announced he was freezing all funding to the organization. In late May, he said the US planned to withdraw from the organization completely.

Frederick Douglass said...

Frederick Douglass Statue Ripped From Base in Upstate New York!

Poor Douglass! I guess, now people of color have decided to reevaluate who is truly "black" and who is allowed to "speak" on their behalf. Remember, after Révolution Française folks started killing "enemies of the people," i.e., women and men who were not "revolutionary enough." The same thing that marxist Pol Pot did in Cambodia just a few decades ago. But at least we know that Joe Biden will be considered "black" in this Novus Ordo Seclorum!