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EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Agudath Israel Eats Drek - Yet Again!

Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky On The Upcoming Elections: "Everyone Should Vote For Donald Trump!"




Anonymous said...

The Leftist reporter should work for NYT with her editorializing a "news" piece. Like she should talk after her husband begged The Forward to remove a very embarrassing item on him. And that Rapoport nut from Masbia Boro Park should get cow branded already with Obama's face:

Messages casting doubt on the election started on Orthodox social media by Wed morning & continue, pausing only for Shabbat

“Lot of cheating,” lifeandfoodwithmimi, Instagram influencer who covers food / politics with 16k+ followers. “To me Trump won”

“Profound,” Instagram influencer, Victoria Zirkiev with 25k followers, wrote on a pic of Stalin casting a ballot with a quote falsely tied to Stalin: “It’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes”

Michal Weinstein, party planner-influencer with 20k+ Instagram followers, claims on Facebook that Democrats cheat. Weinstein quotes her speech at a rally she organized in support of Trump in the 5 Towns, Long Island

“At the Freedom Rally I said Trump wins. They'll cheat. I’m no psychic / genius, just awake & informed. It's an attempted coup d’etat”

Weinstein told JTA she accepts results if Democrats are fair. Arguing the results need investigation, she notes dead voters & ballots for Trump tossed by postal staff. Neither widely circulating claim's substantiated

“I spread truth & it's a coup, the election was stolen”

Beliefs reflected point to growing far-right influence on Orthodox increasingly right-wing politics, the only Jewish denomination majority-expected to vote for Trump

As the nation awaited results of the most contentious election in history & ballots in Pennsylvania showed Biden the projected winner for enough electoral votes for victory, Orthodox social media continued to flood with posts casting doubt. They circulate WhatsApp & Instagram, where influencers serve politics + recipes & product reviews to fit Orthodox lifestyle

Across platforms, the message of Jewish pro-Trumpers is clear: don't trust election results

No matter no evidence of fraud. (Trump claims irregularities in 5 states Biden led vote tallies. The Washington Post says none proven) Or results take long with huge numbers of absentee ballots. Or Red states didn't allow absentee ballot counts before Election Day

Questioning election integrity isn’t limited to Orthodox influencers

Dov Hikind, ex-state assemblyman D-Boro Park, did the same on Twitter

“Almost every irregularity favors Democrats” he tweeted, listing purported fraud. “Do the math!”

Alex Rapaport, who runs Masbia soup kitchen, said disinformation in Boro Park's in part how news spreads among the Orthodox

“It's on WhatsApp, no source”

Rapaport also blames Orthodox news sites giving another narrative on Trump vs mainstream news for years

“Not just elections, it's 4 years kids separated from parents, as our grandparents endured, why isn’t it huge?” re Mexican migrants. “They don't report it”

Weinstein told JTA her news is from followers & WhatsAppers

“I don’t share everything. But some really make sense”

Weinstein was censored on Instagram & shadowbanned - followers don't see posts unless they search by account name (Facebook owner Instagram bans election misinformation)

“CNN, even Fox, is lies. It’s a mirage & gaslighting”

Weinstein's so concerned to share her beliefs, she joined Parler, a platform to replace Twitter that's popular with conservatives

Penn. vote tallies led news orgs to call the race for Biden on Shabbat morning. But as Trump questioned the results, influencers signing on post-Shabbat resumed posting

“They don't decide who's president,” Instagram handle lindaadvocate with 23k followers said of news orgs calling it. “We'll check all legal ballots to see who really was elected”

Weinstein shares doubts on a Biden win

“I'll donate to Trump to fight. Buckle up, it’ll be a crazy couple months”

Avi Moskowitz said...


Don't mind me while I cynically use Kolko's death to protect Margo

Anonymous said...

Paul, may I ask you why Ortho sites like TYW keep promoting garbage like this? Yeah, it's "sponsored content," but isn't it clear to all he is a criminal, how can one trust their other news then?

Paul Mendlowitz said...

I don't get it --- I wrote a post previously about taking money to promote fraud to the desperate!

Anonymous said...

With the pandemic & lockdown in Israel, CEO Moshe Ben Ishai is among many business owners with difficult decisions. Should employees be on payroll at Nirometal? Or put on unpaid leave & let the state support them?

Nirometal makes chef kitchen workstations & specialized ovens for hotels & caterers-restaurants. Restrictions tightened, business dwindled, except for his IDF & prisons contracts. He put half his 80 workers on furlough

Finance Ministry officials scrambled & came up with a plan that businesses put all workers on unpaid leave — regardless of revenue. Workers register at the Employment Services Agency to be immediately eligible for unemployment benefits from National Insurance Institute

The program was for 2 months & extended to June 2021, once the govt realized pandemics don't disappear soon

Message to employers: don’t sweat salaries, the govt takes care of workers. Unemployment benefits, at just a fraction of salary, let employees maintain basic living. They spend so at least part of the economy keeps chugging

A choice: workers kept or 100% furloughed — but no downgrade to part-time. All-or-nothing, no help for anyone in between

Result: unemployed surpass 1 million, the 1st time in Israeli history

“100,000s didn't resume work since March” Israel Employment head, Rami Garor said. “Such long period will force ‘chronic unemployment’, a lost generation & other repercussions”

Others scrambled. Austria, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, UK & US, have programs more flexible than Israel

Some, unlike Israel, had Short Term Work (STW) programs for years

Israel's model has a binary option, said Yotam Margalit, senior researcher @ Israel Democracy Institute & faculty at Tel Aviv U

Flexible models cost less, covering only hours of lost work vs entire salaries

“We suggest STW, so employers keep workers at percentages they can, considering COVID”

Margalit explains STW “employer employs workers, maybe 60% original salary. Instead of paying full, govt pays 40% what full would be. All gain: worker, employer & govt”

Besides savings, STW keeps alive employer-employee bond, key to get unemployment levels back down

“But binary's a strong incentive to furlough. If a furloughed worker hasn’t come to the office in months, it's easy for an employer to accustom to manage without him”

In STW, even if he works lower capacity-hours, he's still part & connected to the employer

“So there's concern sans STW, we ultimately add higher unemployment ranks”

Anonymous said...

part 2

The Israel Manufacturers Assoc too calls for a flexible model, said Natanel Haiman, head of it’s economic division, to keep employer-employee bonds alive

The Israel model creates “moral hazard” as for low-earners it's not much difference between pre-pandemic salary & unemployment benefits

“We see it industry wide. Workers want furlough. If you look to hire, try finding them”

Ben Ishai said when he asked workers back, not all came due to unemployment benefits. “They sit home, no motivation to work”

If the system was flexible, he'd hold workers to not lose them + time & effort to train

By 2nd lockdown, he kept all remaining workers even as revenue fell again, fearing he'd lose them

“It's attractive to save 40% furloughing. But I lose pros I can’t replace easily”

IDI said 23 OECD countries had STW pre-COVID & 80% of the others added it this year. “But for various reasons Israel decided not to”

Even when the element of surprise faded & need for fast response passed, the govt stuck by the same rigid all-or-nothing

Reasons for no STW: The Finance Ministry figures flexible models don't meet needs of businesses that shut down completely, ie restaurants, travel, entertainment-events, nor will it result in fewer jobless, it's thought.

The ministry didn’t want to lull employers to feel govt subsidizes salaries when there's crisis & felt it be hard to wean businesses off subsidies once crisis passes

And it's hard to monitor cheats in STW, the ministry fears

Israel's record low unemployment, 3.9% pre-pandemic, made us complacent & unprepared. There's no contingency or vocational training. The virus had Treasury off guard

So the thinking was, do something easy & quick, nothing complex

Compare the virus response & unpreparedness for huge unemployment to the Yom Kippur war, when Israel wasn't militarily ready

“Nothing changed. Our ability to look forward is poor as is very evident in crises”

Other experts believe a flexible model's good for skilled workers but inappropriate for low earners who can quickly learn skills like waitering

If Israel's completely wrong 2x setting up an inflexible system to combat virus-caused unemployment, or perhaps cleverer than other countries, it should make sure to deploy STW in the future, said IDI’s Margalit

“It's certainly a tool we want, both managing COVID & financial crisis”