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GUEST POST by Michael Lesher Esq.
Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld once informed me (by email) that my accurate
reporting on Orthodox rabbis who cover up child sex abuse was “one of
the most treacherous acts…of modern times.”
So perhaps it’s fitting that the one nugget of truthful information
contained in Schonfeld’s encomium
to Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, who died January 28, is that Belsky had a crooked mind.
asked him,” writes Schonfeld in an obituary posted February 2 on an OU
website, “what was the secret to being able to do the [New York Times crossword] puzzle, and
so quickly.” Belsky explained that he had trained his mind “to think as krum (crooked) as the puzzler!”
he had. How else explain a man who recently condemned the family of a
young sex abuse victim for bringing the criminal to justice (anyone who
“inform[s] upon a fellow
Jew to the hands of the secular authorities…has no share in the world to
come”) while, in the same open letter, falsely accusing the boy’s
family members of being child abusers themselves?
Belsky’s case, crooked morals went hand in hand with crooked thinking –
a pattern Schonfeld appears to emulate. “His solid grasp of
mathematical equations,” writes Schonfeld
of his hero, “allowed him to compute in his mind some of the complex
formulas necessary in kashruth computations.” Belsky displayed his
“solid grasp of mathematical equations” by ridiculing overwhelming
medical evidence that a mohel infected with herpes
can endanger newborns by sucking blood orally from the site of the incision (m’tzitzah b’peh).
“Mathematically,” Belsky claimed, “the number of kids getting infected from metzitzah is
so low that it doesn’t even weigh in as a percentage…. When the numbers
that low it is impossible to determine the true cause of herpes.” At
that time, over an 11-year period in New York City alone, two infants
had died, two had suffered brain damage and ten had been hospitalized
from herpes following the use of the procedure Belsky
defended so flippantly.
what are a few dead or maimed children as against a rabbi’s ego? Belsky
was incensed that New York City health authorities would dare to “come
in and tell mohalim what
to do,” given that “[t]hey don’t have any understanding of this field.”
And just in case anyone doubted Belsky’s superior knowledge of that
“field,” he told Ami Magazine that he himself could never infect an infant because he always rinsed out his mouth
with Listerine before sucking blood from the penis.
to Schonfeld, Belsky held as a “principle” that “what we do conforms to
common sense.” Where was Schonfeld when Belsky was claiming – publicly –
that Switzerland
outlawed kosher slaughter “before the war” because legislators had spotted a Jewish lawyer, who had argued against the ban, eating in a non-kosher restaurant? Someone who actually believed in common sense might have consulted the facts before
inventing fanciful stories about the history of kashruth.
(Switzerland’s ban was inserted into its confederal constitution in
1893, long “before the war” and without any reference to a Jewish lawyer
who ate treif.) But if Belsky preferred to make
up facts, that must have been his version of “common sense” – right?
was also a kind and caring person,” writes Schonfeld. That will come as
news to the child abuse victims Belsky slandered. It may also surprise
others who, for various reasons
(usually telling the truth), found themselves on the receiving end of
Belsky’s venom. Shameless in his defense of convicted child molesters Yudi Kolko &
Yosef Kolko, Belsky was just as shameless when he lied about the dangers
of m’tzitzah b’peh and campaigned for
a practice that kills Jewish babies. One might reasonably question the
humanitarian credentials of a man who did those things. But hey – if you
think exposing child abuse cover-ups is “treacherous,” as Schonfeld
does, maybe letting kids die really does strike
you as the act of a “kind and caring person.”
Yoel Schonfeld of course works for the OU which gave Belsky a pass on his protection of the molester, Yosef Kolko.
He is also the man who used his power to defame the hasgachah of Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik in a sneak attack. He used his power in the Queens Vaad to force kosher stores not to sell Streits matzos, just weeks before Passover. This action was not based on any new information. He just chose the most damaging moment to attack. Nor was it based on any real problems with kosher.
For many posts about Yisroel Belsky, apart from UOJ's activity, I have covered his misdeeds and disturbing connections to OU kosher in my blog, FrumFollies.Wordpress.com
Ah yes, good old "common sense".
Case Study 22, Child Abuse Royal Commission
page 2: RABBI YOSEF FELDMAN, affirmed [10.04am]; EXAMINATION BY MS GERACE: "MS GERACE: Q. Good morning, Rabbi. A. Good morning. Q. Rabbi, you are presently the rabbinical administrator of the Yeshiva Gedola in Bondi, New South Wales; is that correct? A. Yes."
page 38: "Q. In 2002 did you understand it was against the law for an adult to touch the genitals of another child? A. I didn't know that as a fact."
page 63: "We as rabbis - rabbis are - most of them have a lot of common sense and a lot of knowledge of dealing with people, and they are learned to a large extent and educated"
Yoel Schonfeld is not a particularly bright guy. Check into how many members of Young Israel Kew Gardens Hills left when he took over his father's job.
The Queens Vaad kashrus regime Schonfeld is running through his puppet Chaim Schwartz is a farce that often is less than OU minimums. They of course lie to cover it up & insist it is "mehadrin". And they will try to destroy anyone who dares spill the beans on any of their kashrus scandals.
UOJ, please go back to that narrative of how Belsky got to be rosh yeshiva of TV in the first place!
How does the insider families power politics in TV work and what are the Belsky faction going to do now that he is gone?
Who is next to fill the void over there? There is a sense that they are relieved he's gone. The yeshiva has been building up quite nicely all on its own, with the work of the Balebatim and new Rebbeim, so having or not having Belsky there will make no difference to its current growth trajectory.
What happens to those "Batei Din" Belsky ran out of TV using his talmidim as dayanim?
Is it all R Wolfson's show now, with the Emoonies Yisrael people now be on top or what?
Please enlighten us, go back to that important narrative you were telling about the history of TV. Thanks!
I am shocked that when a talmid chochom died there is not a word from the commenters here saying they are sorry that rabbi Belsky died of a painful illness. I did not agree with lots of things he did, and am not an admirer BUT he did lots and lots of good things. Taught talmidim for many decades with dedication, encouraged many who were not great students etc. Was genuinely knowledgable in many facets of halacha, and learned with great dedication. When someone dies we should try to remember the good about them. Just like you believe that you are right, he believed he was.... so don't only look at the bad. any decent person says something like "I disagreed with him, but I am sure his death is a great loss to his family and appreciative disciples, rest in peace, Boruch dayan Emes."
I am not sure if I am addressing a Catholic woman or a Jewish woman. But no matter as this all boils down to common sense.
Did you shed any tears when Dahmer was killed by another criminal?
Many more children were destroyed by Kolko while he enjoyed Belsky's protection than by Dahmer.
When Feuereisen does his usual outrageous invented cabalistic crap, it only initially looks ludicrous: “When משה רבינו [Moses our master] said "מי לה' אלי" [whoever is for G-d join me], he also invoked מדת רחמים [attribute of mercy] by being מעורר- awakening the greatness of the עקידה [binding]. The word "אלי" [to me] also contains the word "איל"- ram, which reminds us of the איל that was stuck in the thicket and was used as a תמורה- exchange for יצחק [Isaac]” (p. 7); “It is noteworthy משה רבינו uses the word "אלי" three times.... By repeating the word "אלי" three times, משה רבינו once again invoked the עקידה.... משה רבינו felt the need to remind הקב"ה [G-d] four times about the עקידה through the word אלי in order to protect and defend and to show his חשיבות [esteem] for בני ישראל [Jewish nation].... The ארבעה ראשי שנים [four New Years] are a רמז [hint] to the four times משה רבינו says אלי referring to the איל in order to be מעורר רחמים” (p. 8-9); “The message is clear. הקב"ה [G-d] is telling משה רבינו throughout the forty years in the מדבר [desert] you became that איל אחד [one ram], you became the symbol of the עקידה to be מעורר רחמים for כלל ישראל” (p. 11); “The פרשה [chapter] of the נשיאים [princes] has eighty nine פסוקים [verses] that is the מספר [number] of the word גוף [body].… The חיה [wild animal] does not show סימנים [signs] of אמונה [faith]” (p. 17); “The idea is that every Jew must be fit להקרבה [to be sacrificed], to be placed on the מזבח [altar].... After removing the word, "חיה" from the word "חגיגה" [festival], we are left with the two letters of "ג" that form the word "גג" which means roof.... He can now feel as if he has a roof over his head and does not have to worry about his next meal” (p. 18-19); “Why do people lose things? It is not because they are careless, it is because הקב"ה [G-d] wants the person to think about the loss of the בית המקדש [temple]” (p. 24); “The word קרניו [its horns] without the "ב" has the מספר of 366, which is the מספר of חשבון, accountability” (p. 32); “If one would count the words from "ויחי" [Genesis 1:31] until "אשר ברא אלקים לעשות" [Genesis 2:3], he would find there are forty one words, which is the same מספר [number] of the word "איל" [ram]” (p. 35).
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