Saturday, May 20, 2006

344 People Downloaded The Complaint Form Against Yudi Kolko - The Greatest Single Tragedy To Smite The Jews Since W.W. Two

The Awareness Center reports the following statistics:

FYI: This is from our stats page. So far, since the filing of the lawsuit against Yeshiva Torah Temimah, Yudi Kolko and Camp Agudah, 344 people downloaded the complaint file on Kolko from our web page.

/complaint_kolko.pdf 344

/Kolko_Yehuda.html 1263
/Kolko_Yudi.html 265

1528 visits to the Kolko web page so far.




The institution currently known as Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah (“TT”) was founded by Lipa Margulies (“Margulies”) as Yeshiva Torah Vodaath of Flatbush. As an employee of the authentic Yeshiva Torah Vodaath (“YTV”), one of the oldest and most prestigious Torah institutions in America, Margulies had access to YTV’s proprietary donor information which he absconded with when he departed to start his own school.

Margulies commenced his fraud by misrepresenting himself to donors as an agent of YTV, and donations slated for YTV began fattening TT’s bank account. By the time YTV realized the extent of the brazen fraud being committed by Margulies, millions of dollars had been stolen from them by Margulies. It took several years for YTV to get Margulies into a bais din for a din Torah. The bais din forced Margulies to change his business name. He was ordered to return the stolen money, but never did. He began operating under the name Yeshiva Torah Temimah, F/K/A/ Yeshiva Torah Vodaath of Flatbush.


Margulies hired Yehuda Kolko (“Kolko”) as a rebbe in his new yeshiva. Margulies was immediately made aware of Kolko’s dangerous sexual deviance. Fearful of the potential impact the double whammy an ongoing financial scandal coupled with a child abuse scandal would have on his budding business, Margulies cynically chose to cover up the fact that he had hired a known pedophile and focused instead on building his business.

Kolko in turn focused on grooming and molesting his victims.


As TT grew both in size and prestige, the pedophile issue kept raising its ugly head. Parents and students, with frightening regularity, approached Margulies with complaints against Kolko. Margulies responded by discrediting any victims bold enough to go public and threatening their families with retaliation if they did not stop their victimized children from complaining.

In the mid 1980’s, when a few of the victims managed to convene a bais din to address the horrific accusations against Kolko, Margulies reacted by retaining Rabbi Chaim Pinchus Scheinberg, rosh hayeshiva of Torah Ohr (“Scheinberg”) to interfere with the bais din. Simcha Kaufman (“Kaufman”), is a former student of Scheinberg and currently an employee of both Margulies/TT and Camp Agudah where Kolko worked and abused children for a decade. As a high level employee of Camp Agudah, Kaufman was informed of Kolko’s molestation of young campers as early as the late 1960’s, and together with others, chose to cover up the accusations. Kaufman contacted victims and their supporters to insist they cease and desist from their attempts to rid TT and their community of a dangerous pedophile.

Specifically, Scheinberg called the organizers of the bais din and insisted they stop the din Torah proceedings. He falsely stated that under halacha two witnesses are required for the testimony to be halachically valid, and as there were not two witnesses for any single act of abuse perpetrated by Kolko, all of the accusations must be disregarded.

Scheinberg also contacted victims and asked them to tell him what had been done to them by Kolko. Upon hearing the details of Kolko’s acts of molestation, Scheinberg falsely informed the victims that under halacha, absent penetration or proof of ejaculation, Kolko’s actions against them were not punishable, and that they were obligated to cease and desist in their pursuit of justice.

In doing what he did, Scheinberg knowingly violated clear halacha to the contrary of his stated position, and allowed Margulies and Kolko to continue their perversity. Due to Scheinberg’s gross distortion of halacha, to this day, there are victims of Kolko who believe that the horrific acts of abuse Kolko perpetrated upon them are not actionable under halacha.

Not one to leave anything to chance, Margulies also enlisted the aid of Yehoshua (Shia) Fishman (“Fishman”) (Fishman is the Executive Director of Torah U’Mesorah, the National Society of Hebrew Day Schools in America.) Fishman used his position as representative of Torah U’Mesorah to have one-on-one conversations with victims of Kolko. Introducing himself as the head of Torah U’Mesorah, an organization held in great esteem by yeshiva students, he promised to keep anything told him in the strictest confidence. Reassured, the young victims poured their broken hearts out to Fishman who promised to help them. Fishman promptly reported all stories and victim's names to Margulies and Kaufman. Margulies and Kaufman proceeded to publicly name and discredit each and every victim, one by one. The astonished victims react to this day with fury at Fishman’s betrayal of their confidences. To his credit, Fishman now acknowledges that a horrible injustice was perpetrated upon Margulies and Kolko’s victims, and pleads old age, ill health, and his imminent retirement as the reason for his inaction at this time.

It is of note that Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt"l, instructed the organizers of the bais din to ignore Scheinberg’s perversion of halacha and to persist in their quest. Nonetheless, for over twenty years after Scheinberg’s maniacal interference, Kolko continued molesting young boys.

Having survived the most serious assault against his yeshiva, Margulies assumed he had put the matter behind him and focused on building his businesses. Margulies expanded Kolko’s responsibilities to include administrative duties, one-on-one “tutoring” of select students in TT, and the running of TT’s summer camp in the Catskill Mountains, known as Camp Silver Lake.

Needless to say Kolko’s child molesting continued, resulting in newly shattered lives every year.

Ir Hanidachas:

According to most interpretations, Ir Hanidachas is in reality a practical impossibility and as such is taught as a lesson on how to deal with irredeemable evil. The purpose of this post is not to seriously suggest that TT must be burned down to the ground together with all its inhabitants. To the contrary, many of the rabbeim and students of TT are innocent victims of Margulies. These rabbeim and students will have to spend the rest of their lives distancing themselves from Margulies and TT, and clearing themselves of the horrible stigma of association with TT. This is more punishment than most of them deserve and we wish them no further pain.

However, as with the concept of Ir Hanidachas, Yeshiva & Mesivta Torah Temimah is infused with an evil beyond most of our comprehension. While boy after boy was being sexually assaulted by Kolko in his private office and in the basement of the yeshiva building; at the very same time and in the very same building, the rabbeim and students sat in their classrooms and bais midrash learning, while turning a blind eye to the horrors being committed. When a few of the victims summoned the courage to accuse Kolko, the rest of TT went along quietly with Margulies, and allowed their classmates and talmidim to be villified.

Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah cries out for treatment as an Ir Hanidachas. The Rambam’s requirement that the inhabitants of an Ir Hanidachas be warned has been met. The TT community have been on notice of the midas S'dom being perpetrated by Margulies and Kolko for decades, and were warned publicly and repeatedly of the consequences its continued inaction and refusal to repent would result in.

According to the Ra’avad, the occupants of an Ir Hanidachas are so beyond the pale that even true repentance does not allow for a reprieve. A Tosefta Sanhedrin postulates that in the case of Ir Hanidachas the property of the righteous inhabitants are burned along with everyone else’s. Allow me to expand upon that thought and suggest that the guilt of the “righteous” lies in their silence while they allowed the horrific behavior to continue under the roof they shared with the purveyors of evil. Their silence is interpreted as acquiescence.

What did someone such as Rabbi S.F. Shustal, by many accounts a very special man, do to deserve this indelible blemish on his reputation? Simply stated, he was and remains to this day, silent about the horrors perpetrated by Kolko and Margulies.

While Margulies countenanced and supported Kolko’s murder of our children’s innocent souls, Shustal and his co-workers sat, and continue to sit, silently. They did, and continue to do, nothing to stop Margulies and Kolko.

In response to the argument of “what about the zechusim of the tremendous amount of Torah emanating from the many thousand graduates of TT?”, I refer to the Rambam who in Yesodei Ha’Torah states that a Sefer Torah written by an apikoros must be burned. The Rambam called for the burning of a Sefer Torah written by an apikoros because of the lack of proper intention to be m’kadaish shaim Shomayim as the Sefer Torah was written. Thus, such a Sefer Torah, although on the surface identical with a kosher Sefer Torah, lacks kedusha and as the living embodiment of tumah and sheker its very existence stands in contradiction to everything the Torah represents.

Accordingly, Torah Temimah must be dismantled, Lipa Margulies must be removed immediately, and a board of rosh yeshivas and ehrliche askonim must take over the leadership until a new rosh yeshiva is hired.

It takes no great leap of logic to apply the above to Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah, an institution built by a vile kofer on a foundation of sheker, theft, deception and the blood and souls of innocent children. While Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah might appear at first glance to be a yeshiva similar to other yeshivas, it is in fact the yeshiva equivalent of a Sefer Torah written by a min (non-believer.)

Being a community of sorts, the atrocities committed within the four walls of Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah render it an Ir Hanidachas. As such it is an institution whose eradication from our midst will result in a true kiddush Hashem and will hasten the geulah, may it be G-d’s will.


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Anonymous said...

I haven't heard one single talmid or bochur that went to TT come out and say, hey, the guy was a great rebbe, I learned a lot. NOT ONE. NOT ONE talmid out of THOUSANDS to defend this mamzer shaigitz. What does that tell you Margo?

As a follow up, is there any proof that Margo is in fact a yid? Honestly I know gor goyim with more of a nitzutz than this ben nida. The lvush and the white beard are a costume. This guy is mamish a p'er odom.

Anonymous said...

"how come i dont hear the one sincere accuser who had the guts to come forth with his name"

That's simple. Because the Kolko-Margo smear machine has countless lap dogs who will try to destroy you. They tried doing it to Eli Greenwald but it's hard to do it to a guy with a swell reputation. If they knew for sure who UOJ is, he would be dead meat.

Anonymous said...

The Bais HaLevi says in the droshos that a mushchos like Kolko doesn't get his tfilos accepted anyway, so what's the big hechrach that he needs to come to shul?

The shayla is gor not just on Weinfeld. What kind of "choshuva" Hungarian baal bos who davens at Weinfeld would want to sit at the same table as the farshtunkna molester?

Anonymous said...

"Voice of Reason" aka Rabbi Weinfeld's hoyz bucher pulled one on you guys that everyone including Boog fell for.

That article from the Florida Jewish News about Rabbi Ciment and the abuse scandal is probably a good part bogus. It was mainly written by Susie "Smear" Rosenbluth of Teaneck who has been leading the campaign to slander sex maniac Tendler's opponents. Rosenbluth has ZERO CREDIBILITY. She also wrote a companion article to the one posted here where she goes on to smear Rabbi Blau, one of the only rabbis around who fights sex abusers. Tendler & Rosenbluth have been trying to destroy Rabbi Blau for quite some time now. In relation to the Florida story, Rosenbluth automatically assumes the position that is opposite Blau.

Anonymous said...

["Choshuva" Hungarian baal bos]


Anonymous said...


Is there any heavy artillery being launched again soon at the fat cow of Ocean Parkway?

Anonymous said...


Welcome back.

Please respond if you plan on
attacking the physical abuse (not sexual or verbal) issue in yeshivas too?

Anonymous said...

Who are the big honchos in Weinfeld? This is all pocketbook. If a few of the heavy hitters tell the Rabbi its him or us he'll be gone in a New York minute.

He's a real smart predator this Kolko. Picks victims who were either Yesomim or from broken homes. Seems he was/is real careful not to start up with kids who are part of the power elite. propbably made sure not to bother any of the rich kids in Weinfeld's shul.

Bottom line is though he's dangerous. Parents in that shul gotta go to the rabbi and say Heave Ho.

Anonymous said...

What kind of "choshuva" Hungarian baal bos who davens at Weinfeld would want to sit at the same table as the farshtunkna molester?

So long as Kolko's Borsalino is black, it's all cool at Weinfeld.

Anonymous said...

Are the bochurim going to take any initiative in the War on Margo?

In my days we got under his skin by toothpicking all the keyholes.

Just don't get caught kiddos.

Anonymous said...


I'm aware of Rosenbluth's reputation.

My response was not to the article per se but to the point that our Rabbanut are not capable/qualified/really interested in getting involved with this problem.

Bottom line is this: We should be discussing the implementation of the recommendations put forward by Eliot Pasik, Esq.,/Jewish Whistleblower listed above.

Anonymous said...

Kleinberg lives in Far Rockaway and works for Kedem.

Anonymous said...

A thief like Kleinberg is working for us? Let's check if we have a "run" on the grape juice.

Anonymous said...

----------In my days we got under his skin by toothpicking all the keyholes.-----------

Wow, you guys were real rebels huh?

In the Mir me and my crew knew how to take care of biznis old skool. Any faygelehs that came near us, whether he was a queen or one of those frustrated experimentors, got his friggin ass beaten to a pulp. If he looked at us. Say what you want, no one came near us to try any funny stuff.

There was this one kid, as queer as a third nipple, said hello to one of us walking in the hall with Eckstein behind us. My boy clocked him so hard he forgot his name. When the Commandant asked us why he got what he got, we told him straight out. They knew what he was and used us to enforce the life.

Anonymous said...

Mirrer guy,

If anyone does what you just described to Margo, he's da man.

Bloomberg should give him the key to the city.

Anonymous said...

Does Margo always use the same urinal or stall? A layer of invisible cellophane will rain shtinky pishy all over zein hoyzen.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to read all these stories hear. I know the old days in Mir was the stuff legends are made of, but I thought the yeshiva cleared house and threw out hundreds of bochurim because they were bums and useless shoytim. Not because they were faygelach and perverts.

Joels W. said...

I now allow anonymous comments.


Anonymous said...

Kleinberg lived in my building for years. Didn't say boo to me until he wanted me to join his MLM. Then he became my best friend. After I said no, he didn't talk to me again.

Anonymous said...

Why does Sekula who calls himself the Sadavna Rebbe have jurisdiction over YTV?

He is a heartless poilisher mamzer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

more info on sekula of YTV said...
Why does Sekula who calls himself the Sadavna Rebbe have jurisdiction over YTV?

He is a heartless poilisher mamzer.

"heartless" is being kind.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
more info on sekula of YTV said...
Why does Sekula who calls himself the Sadavna Rebbe have jurisdiction over YTV?

He is a heartless poilisher mamzer.

If he dies a natural death I will be dissapointed.

Anonymous said...

There was a kid in Toras Emes years ago who engaged in homosexual acts.

Anonymous said...

Protecting Our Children, Protecting Our Teachers

[IMPORTANT: This post is not an invitation for lashon ha-ra in the comments. As always, da lifnei mi atah omed.]

The big scandal over the past few weeks -- really months -- has been a local yeshiva elementary school that has a rebbe who is accused of molesting students for years and a principal who allegedly covered it up. I have no way of knowing whether or not the accusations are true and therefore prefer to let those most capable of evaluating such charges do so. Yes, the accusations are extremely troubling. Yes, the victims deserve our support, encouragement and profound sympathy. However, I know that false accusations of this nature occur and therefore cannot reach a conclusion on this matter. Let me state this, though: If these charges are proven to be true, the perpetrator and any accomplices who may have neglected their primary responsibilities as educators and human beings by allowing this behavior to continue (again, if it happened), should rot in jail for years.

Re-reading the above paragraph, I realize that it does not reflect my true horror and outrage about this matter. I recommend that everyone with the stomach for it read the Angry Soul blog, in which an adult graphically details the sexual abuse he suffered in an Orthodox sleepaway camp (already a few commenters on various blogs have said that they were there at the time but didn't know about the abuse). If this doesn't make you cry in sympathy and scream in outrage then you should check to make sure you have a pulse. Nevertheless, I believe it is necessary to reserve judgment on unproven matters, especially when one's only source of information is anonymous blogs and the general media.

Let me make a few points that I think are important:


Anonymous said...

New Gen Mir Boy, listen if you're going to act like a pansy I'll come down to Avenue R myself and tear you a new one. Don't let the alumni down by believing whatever shtus you heard about some clean up. What is this post-Vietnam, hide my ass to escape the draft America? We're in 2006 you shoiteh. Toughen up or you'll be reading your next daf with your head inside your intestines. You won't know a shitah mikubetzes from the New Testament. Farshtay? You'll wish Joe K. was giving you the keys, baby.

Kol Hakovod, where does Margo live?

Anonymous said...

"Homosexuality is the dark secret of the right-wing yeshiva world". Said Ari Goldman (former religion editor of the NYT)years ago in his book.

We are not talking about sexually repressed kids who needed an outlet for their overacting libido. We are here to expose adults who willfully and maliciously exploited these children to satisfy their perverse sexual taste.

Anonymous said...

Let me make a few points that I think are important:

Click here to read more1. There are rabbis who spend a good deal of time investigating and preventing such matters. Are they entirely successful? Probably not. Could they be better trained? Probably. But they are putting forth superhuman efforts (without being paid or appreciated for it). Perhaps greater acknowledgment of their contributions to our community will serve to enhance their efforts.

2. There are schools and camps that are extremely vigilant on these issues. There are camp administrators who make sure that there is a twenty-four hour watch for such deviant behavior. Just because you see a rabbi and his wife taking a stroll around the camp grounds does not mean that they are just out for a shpatzir (stroll). It is more likely that they are out on patrol. Call your children's camps and find out their policies. If they cannot immediately tell you how seriously they take this and how much they are doing to prevent incidents, consider sending your kids elsewhere. But, again, are these well-meaning and hard-working people always successful? Probably not, for the following reason.

3. Training is important. The best of intentions do not always lead to the best results if people are not properly trained to investigate and react in the optimal way. Schools, camps, organizations, etc. should be encouraged to seek professional advice on how to handle these matters from people who have thought about this extensively and consulted with experts. Experience in these matters counts. Schools etc. should to talk to R. Mark Dratch at JSafe and experts like him so they can learn how to handle these matters properly.

4. This is your opportunity as a parent to make a difference. Earlier today I had a long talk with a fellow parent and the principal of my sons' yeshiva (if you know which yeshiva it is, please do not publicize it). He told us what he does to avoid such problems and listened to our suggestions on what else can be done. His basic approach is to follow common sense and if a teacher violates that, fire him (or her). As his posek told him, his responsibility is the safety of his students. The teacher's livelihood is God's responsibility. (I don't want to go into any more detail about what he told me, but I'll write what I told him.)

I gave him some concrete examples of problems occuring today in other schools: for example, a friend told me that when his son was in seventh grade (two or three years ago), the rebbe would have "favorite" students who would sit on his lap and scratch his back. This is clearly unacceptable behavior and there would be a benefit in having definitions of what is acceptable in writing.

As I emphasized, this is as much about protecting the teachers from false accusations as it is about protecting the students from harm. Having policies in writing allows the teachers to know what lines not to cross and how to avoid many, maybe most, misunderstandings of this nature. But there are gray areas. Can a rebbe invite students over for Shabbos? Perhaps only in groups, but even that doesn't guarantee appropriate behavior. Can a rebbe give a single student a ride somewhere? I don't know the answer, but I do know that it is helpful to everyone to have guidelines in place.

It is also important to have guidelines for the administration. Many charges are false but some are true. When an accusation is made, it is helpful for the administration to have set procedures to protect themselves from charges of covering things up. For example: immediately contacting a representative of the parent body; having a child psychologist evaluate the student; if the truth of the charges are unclear, submitting a teacher to mandatory counseling.

"Chacham einav be-rosho". Everyone recognizes that there are troubled people in the world who can destroy other people's lives. We need to be vigilant in preventing that from happening while not making educators, who sacrifice a great deal to teach our children, feel like criminals.

Contact your children's principals and ask what they are doing and what else they can do. Contact your children's camp administrators and ask likewise. Speak respectfully and emphasize that this is not just about protecting children but also about protecting the staff and administration.

And if anyone has access to existing guidelines for schools or camps, please e-mail them to me (e-mail). I've already spoken with a principal about what Torah Umesorah has to offer and it isn't nearly detailed enough for what I have in mind. I'm sure that Catholic schools must have gone through this already and have excellent resources that we can adapt for our needs.

5. Finally, when a great Torah scholar is quoted on a blog or in a secular magazine as saying something that seems outrageous, assume that he is being misquoted. I believe you are halakhically obligated to do so.

Joels W. said...

I now allow anonymous comments on my blog.


Anonymous said...

We are not talking about sexually repressed kids who needed an outlet for their overacting libido. We are here to expose adults who willfully and maliciously exploited these children to satisfy their perverse sexual taste.

And, don't confuse homosexuality with pedophilia. Consensual sex between two adults of the same gender is a personal choice, molesting a minor child is a vicious act of violence.

Kolko is not a homosexual. Kolko is a pedophile, a violent child molester who restrains and forcibly rapes his young male victims.

Anonymous said...

I now allow anonymous comments on my blog.



who cares

Anonymous said...

Finally, when a great Torah scholar is quoted on a blog or in a secular magazine as saying something that seems outrageous, assume that he is being misquoted. I believe you are halakhically obligated to do so.

Which "great Torah scholar" was quoted in the NY magazine article? I read the article three times, I found no quote that meets that description.

Anonymous said...

Contact your children's principals and ask what they are doing and what else they can do. Contact your children's camp administrators and ask likewise. Speak respectfully and emphasize that this is not just about protecting children but also about protecting the staff and administration.

and what do you suggest be done after the principal denies the whole thing and refuses to discuss it further?

Anonymous said...

As part of my therapy I am letting the world know that I am the Monster on http://angrysoul.blogspot.com.
My name is Nathaniel Shapiro.
I am an Attorney.
I live at 1562-E26th Street Brooklyn, NY 11229.
My phone # is 718-677-5907.
I am tall with blond hair.
I know where your children are.
I see them in Shul.
I watch them go to school.
I want to stop wanting them.
I want to control myself.
I really want to...
I want to.
I want.

Anonymous said...

I always said to children"tough guy", but I am not tough you just make it so easy.
The children never tell anyone about me.
The parents want someone elses child to report me.
Those that find out don't want to be associated with such a dirty story.
They say let us be quiet so his wife can remain married.
Married to me, married to "Jeffrey Dahmer".
Rabbonim will turn their backs on little children before confronting an articulate adult.
It is all your fault, you don't stop me.
A delusional people living in denial.
You spend all your energy on an old man who runs an old school.
You look away from an energetic 31 year old who has so many years ahead.
Years that will be filled with taking the lives of your children.
They are mine for the taking,you set up no roadblocks,
You send to schools and camps that do not admit that I exsist.
This agreement we have it works out great for us all.
You get to send your children away and I get to have them.
Don't worry whatever happens the children are strong.
They will get over it and turn out just fine.
Worse comes to worse they will turn out like me.
Hey I'm not doing that bad.

Anonymous said...

I just got back from davening shachris at Sasragin.
I was discussing a Halacha with some people after davening.
I noticed a little boy davening in the corner.
He was ten, maybe eleven.
He had a few freckles, he is so young.
I was discussing a Mishna Berurah.
My mind was with the boy.
He had what I could tell was his first pair of glasses.
I was talking about Hilchos Shabbos.
I was thinking about telling him how cool his glasses are.
Maybe I will talk to his father first.
His father, like myself is in his young thirties.
Of course that is Oser because of Bourer, I say.
I hear his fathers Hatzaloh radio.
Maybe tomorrow he will go on a call after davening.
I will offer to give his son a ride in my Honda Odyssey.
The boy last night from Rabbi Rosenblatt Yeshiva was sixteen.
This boy is so much younger.
I pass by someone studying Shmiros Haloshon.
Can it be because of that Sefer the father does not know who I am.
Does not know what I am.
What I will do.
They believe the Chofetz Chaim protects me.
Who protects their children?
Who takes care of them.
I guess I will.

Anonymous said...

I am a sick MONSTER.
If you will call Rabbi Rosenblatt as many others have done already he will confirm that I AM THIS MANIAC WHO PREYS ON LITTLE BOYS!!

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Rosenblat is as guilty as this ANIMAL is. He has TOLD people that they he is "doing teshuva" and just keep your kids away from him and everything should be fine.

THAT, my friends...is INSANE.

Another GENIOUS "Rov" to start bashing.

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom from the gaon, Gilbert Studious.

Anonymous said...

You spend all your energy on an old man who runs an old school.
You look away from an energetic 31 year old who has so many years ahead.
Years that will be filled with taking the lives of your children.
They are mine for the taking,you set up no roadblocks,


This is torture. Why is this being kept quiet? Are there any pre-statute victims? If yes, do we know who they are. If we do, are they willing to press charges?



Anonymous said...

"tell the principal if the rabbi is abusing the child." Thanks for the comedy, Student!

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Rosenblat - Address and telephone number?

Anonymous said...


Are these Rabbis nuts? Does Teshuva cure cancer? Diabetes? Heart Disease? When this nutty Rabbi breaks a leg, does he say tehilim or does he rush to the hospital?

Any Rabbi who claims Teshuva can cure a pedophile is a murderer.

Anonymous said...

Can someone fill me on Nathan Shapiro? Is this a guy who says he was himself abused by Kolko or someone?

Anonymous said...

All you need to know from Gil Student's windbag post is to speak to experts like Rabbi Dratch. Gil Student is not an expert. He's a self-righteous thinks-he-knows-it-all who likes to hear himself talk. But of course every nobody from the peanut gallery has to stick their two cents in to this.

Anonymous said...

OK. Kolko is out, we owe UOJ a great big thanks. I'm not registering my kids there next year.
Now what? Margo stays? What Now?

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Rosenblatt's phone # is
1262-E9th Street.

Anonymous said...

the second # for Rabbi Rosenblat is 718-338-1984

Anonymous said...


Anyone up for heckling Kolko in front of Weinfeld's shul before & after davening?

If those complacent Hungarians in the shul didn't care until now, they will when Kolko's presence starts putting a crimp in their style. Es pas nisht that they should have hecklers on the sidewalk / street.

Anonymous said...

OK. Kolko is out, we owe UOJ a great big thanks. I'm not registering my kids there next year.
Now what? Margo stays? What Now?


It's not over. Read the Ir Hanidachas post. The Tumah must be eradicated.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Rosenblatt who started the reject Yeshiva on E 15th St. around 15 years ago?

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Rosenblatt who started the Yeshiva on E 15th St. around 15 years ago?


Anonymous said...

where does it say in jewish or secular law that an ACCUSED molester (or even a convicted one for that matter) can't go to shul??????????????????????????????????????

May 23, 2006
I think you all were misunderstanding my problem with him going to shul. How can he just close up and bottle any emotions that most normal people have such as fear or embarassment and walk in like nothing happened? I know that he is a sick animal, but still, is he really that far gone that he is oblivious to all the talk around him? Even if he thinks he is innocent, just look at the Ryan Karben story here in Monsey. He has not been seen or heard from since the story broke. Yet Kolko is acting like this is just a temporary setback, one that Margo will fix and then welcome him back to YTT with open arms.

Anonymous said...

same rosenblatt.

Anonymous said...

Rosenblatt was a great place to go for guys who needed "learns in yeshiva" on their resumes for shidduchim.

Why is everyone ripping him?

Anonymous said...

"Rosenblatt was a great place to go for guys who needed "learns in yeshiva" on their resumes for shidduchim."

What a joke but not as bad as Scheinerman's yeshiva.

Anonymous said...

what camp did this nathan shapiro sicko work at?

Anonymous said...

he's been busted!!!! said...
lippy = FAG


Do you mean Rav Lipa Geldwirth?

Anonymous said...

I think he means Margo.

Anonymous said...

Rosenblatt was a great place to go for guys who needed "learns in yeshiva" on their resumes for shidduchim.

Why is everyone ripping him?

He's performing open heart surgery with a rusty pocket knife and no training. He has no business getting involved with a chronic child molester. He knows nothing about the area.

This is a matter for professionals and the authorities. It's not about the molester and his family, it's about the past, possibly current and G-d forbid future victims.

Anonymous said...

i cant believe that kolko can show up at weinfeld's with absolutely no shame

Anonymous said...

Lippy - Lipa Geldwerth

Anonymous said...

Camp Romimu.

Anonymous said...

Margulies called his buddy Brown in YTV begging him to cover-up his theft. Does this guy have balls or is he just out of his mind?

Anonymous said...

Next lawsuit?

Anonymous said...

Hynes has received complaints from kids under the statute. Bye bye yudi boy, meet you at the wall.

Anonymous said...

Craphead, Mark Dreck is no expert, he's a left wing liberal money grubber exploiting victims to line his gelt starved pockets. Eff him too.

Anonymous said...

any news on that sy goniff who passed that $25k bad check?

Anonymous said...

I tink Im in truble.

Anonymous said...

Can somebody slip me a ten year old? I'm really jonesing for a fix here. It could even be one that another one of my fellow pervs has already gotten hold of. I really wish klal yisroel would remain in the dark and pretend this doesn't happen so I could go back to tasting the goods seven or eight times a week.

Anonymous said...

I tink Im in truble.

yu tink?

Anonymous said...

A Case Study In How Not To Handle A Crisis:

The Fall Of Lipa Margulies & Yeshiva Torah Temimah:

By: Edward Gibbon

Coming soon to a book store near you.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear some final predictions on the whole Kolko case. Here is mine:
1) Kolko admits to improper behavior but not to the extent of the allegations.

2) Margo will claim he had no idea.

3) All the Kolko defenders will say that although he admitted guilt, UOJ was still wrong in the methods he used.

Anonymous said...

Margo will claim he had no idea.

ich mach ah sheviah diuraiseh, ich hub goornisht gevist.

Lying sack of s**t. Thank G-d for proof. The lowlife is finished for ever.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious to anyone with a half of a brain that the issue of sex abuse will now be addressed. UOJ did his job as he said he would. but he's one Jew. What are the rest of us going to do????????
Just say UOJ is not a nice guy? I personally don't think he gives a crap.

Anonymous said...

I think UOJ is one of the heroes of our time. Can you imagine the amoiunt of work he had to do to pull this together?

Anonymous said...

UOJ is indeed a great hero. I know he spent quite a bit of his personal funds to get here.
The greatest thing I am really impressed with, he does not want any credit.
He chooses to remain anonymous, a real chesed shel emes.

Anonymous said...

me too.

Anonymous said...

Mr puke. Are oyu related to the Mr. Fart from last week?

Anonymous said...

Mr Fart?
Nah. You must mean margo.

Anonymous said...

Just say UOJ is not a nice guy? I personally don't think he gives a crap.

If: nice = polite and diplomatic, you make a point.

If: nice = saving numerous lives and ridding us of a chronic child molester, your point is lacking.

In any case, you are correct that we as a community must use this episode to bring about long term and far reaching change. We need a professional non rabbinic system in place to deal with these situations.

Any ideas?

Anonymous said...


The Agudah is going crazy now.
Meeting are going on like crazy. They don't know what to do first. They were busy the last few weeks with more important things like R' Shteinman etc.
The Novaminskerdickhead is on the verge of a nervous breakdown!


Anonymous said...

this was a dirty filthy job that no one was able to do. UOJ is a very nice guy. Nice to the present and future children that Kolko would have gotten his filthy hands on. nice enough for me.

Anonymous said...


You are a loser. I was waiting for you at the TT Dinner. You never showed up. Big talker, you are!!!

Aren't you ashamed to show up on the blog after pulling your no show at the dinner?

Anonymous said...

Bulvan, you idiot:

I wasn't threatening you. I was actually hoping that you would show up at the dinner and disrupt the dinner as you had promised, but you were nowhere to be found.

Did I miss something? Did you chicken out or did your black caddy get stuck on J and 15th?

Anonymous said...

It is known that UOj jas slept with many wome - mostly hired prostitutes.

Why hasn't anyone taken him to task?

Anonymous said...

I was in Ma Na Vu in summer of 79.

I remember Kolko, and his Cocoa club, which I never did go to, and some tall Rabbi dude. There was some kid who nebach had a broken leg from street fight in Brookyn. The kid was a putz, and preyed on me; we got into a fight I beat him up; and was sent to Kolko.

It's all fuzzy from here. I remember crying hysterically in fear of the limping kid. I remember the tall Rabbi dude comforting me. Was the kid related to Kolko? Does anyone from those days recall?

Ma Na Vu 79

Anonymous said...

For all those who lived in Brooklyn and looked down upon NCSY when the Lanner scandal happened & said it could never happen in their wonderful community. (When in fact its been going on the last 30 years but refused to ever acknowledge it.)

"How do they like dem apples now?"

Anonymous said...

this page has the characteristic of an angy mob trying to lynch somoene.
JUSTICE means that one is innocent until PROVEN guilty.not just cause there is a claim that he did something.
JUSTICE means that a person is entitled to defend himself and speak his side of the story.
JUSTICE means that if it is confirmed that one did something wrong then he receives the punishment determined by law either jewish or secular NOT MORE.
if someone is caused to suffer more than the punishment stated by law THAT IS NOT JUSTICE.
JUSTICE is meant to be carried out by those capable and responsible to do it, NOT BY ANYONE WHO WANTS TO.
when someone takes it on themselves to cause someone to suffer - even if the person deservse suffering that person will be held accountable for his actions, as we find the egyptians
were held acountable for being the ones to impose suffering even though the jews HAD to be enslaved, becaue they didn't have to do it and they did more than necessary.

Anonymous said...

"His skeletons are in Camp Na Vu in the closet of his old hut, and in Margo's pants."

We know Lippy is an a-hole. But can anyone attest to actual misconduct?

Ronnie Schreiber said...

Some of the critics of sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) have spoken of an ongoing homosexual subculture that has existed at various seminaries for decades (perhaps generations) and now dominates some institutions of the church. There is no need for any organization so folks shouldn't necessarily think that there's a gay mafia in the RCC. All that's needed are the connections that come with sexual relationships in a society that outwardly frowns on such relationships. People end up protecting each other in order to protect their own position.

Since the NYMag story on Kolko, Margo and YTT broke, the UOJ blog has been filled with accusations of homosexual behavior at a number of yeshivas. Perhaps now people will openly say what most bochrim have known for years. When we sent out son away to yeshiva I had a serious talk with him about any funny business from either other boys or one of the rebbes. In time he told me of rumors about another yeshiva (which were based on a true decades old scandal), so it's not like this topic is unknown among most men w/ a yeshiva background. Just like other things, a conspiracy of silence exists. Any honest rosh yeshiva will tell you that there is bound to be some homosexual experimentation (at least)in just about every yeshiva. The Torah may prohibit the behavior, but the Torah generally prohibits things that some humans are known to do naturally.

I happen to believe that the contemporary frum world treats sex in an unJewish manner, abandoning the traditional attitude that it is a powerful force that can be misused as well as being a great blessing. As someone commented on another blog, sex in the frum world is never there and always there. The constant drum beating about tznius exists only because of sex. Truth be told, a chador, a frum woman's neckline, and a thong bikini are all saying the same thing, but in different languages. Yet frum Jews have been conditioned to never openly talk about the 800 lb gorilla. How can kids report sexual abuse in a society that frowns on any discussion of sex at all? The silence allows subcultures as in the RCC to exist and reproduce.

Anonymous said...

"He actually knows NOTHING. He is a shi* for brains prick who has his dic* in that Abaddi asswhore from Lakewood".

what are you talking about? and whats does abadi fromlakewood have anything to do with this. If its the same abadi i know then im mocheh. he is a sterling person.

Anonymous said...

Dear UOJ,
Yo say you are crying over this situation. Where were you 30 years or 25 years or even 20 or 15 years ago. Why all of sudden are you so concerned of what is happening. It seems you knew about everything then so then you are equally as bad as the people you are screaming at now. I hope that you will allow this post and that you will respond.

Anonymous said...

Shapiro davens by my father's shul?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Major screwed up place.

The yeshiva was plagued with a rash of unexplained mysteries in which someone or ones did the following:

Tried to blow up the building using gas ovens in the kitchen.

Dump blood all over the place. The blood was analyzed at a University lab and found to be animal origin. Tests to see exactly which animal were not undertaken because of high cost so it's unknown if the blood was bought at a butcher shop or from a murdered cat.

Poured blue paint in different locations.

Placed fresh human dreck in people's beds

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain this:
According to a blog i read, Rabbi Rosenblatt confirms the charge against Mr. Shapiro, but says that it was 14 years ago. Therefore, he is rehabilitated, but dont make him a pirchei leader or having take kids on trips.

Now if this is true, how does Rabbi Rosenblatt expect people to know that this individual is dangerous to place your child care in his hands?

Is Rabbi Rosenblatt a idiot?
Can someone with some balls have a talk with this Rabbi, and then get his signed permission to notify EVERYONE of the danger? Or confirm that Rabbi Rosenblatt denies all.

Anonymous said...

///Truth be told, a chador, a frum woman's neckline, and a thong bikini are all saying the same thing, but in different languages. /////

I myself speak thong.

It's my understanding that Kolko speaks boys briefs size 2 and then later on in life sweaty jock strap.

Margo speaks filthy stained gatchkes. As a matter of fact, I've been told that when Margo goes for a check up and the doctor asks him for urine, blood, stool, and semen samples, all Margo does is leave his boxers.

Anonymous said...

////Placed fresh human dreck in people's beds////

What the hell did you expect us to place, STALE human dreck??? Now that would be sick!

Anonymous said...

"Is Rabbi Rosenblatt a idiot?
Can someone with some balls have a talk with this Rabbi, and then get his signed permission to notify EVERYONE of the danger? "
No Rosentuchas is NOT an idiot.... He's a total jerkoff.
And yes, notify everyone about that.

Anonymous said...

Who's Isaac Gross ?

Anonymous said...

St Louis = Yeshiva run by Rejects to cater to Rejects

Enough Said. Why do you think I wanted to put them in cheyrem? They are lucky that Reb Nosson Wachtfogel stopped me.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the rosh yeshiva of Chofetz Chaim in Rochester NY had to do with the Rav Scheinberg nephew abuse scandal?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Rochester yeshiva is another reject bin.

Anonymous said...

Can someone with some balls have a talk with this Rabbi, and then get his signed permission to notify EVERYONE of the danger? Or confirm that Rabbi Rosenblatt denies all.

Permission to notify everyone? Who is Rabbi Rosenblatt, or for that matter any rabbi, that they are asked for permission to expose a pedophile?

Any rabbi that deems himself qualified to deal with a child molester bears direct responsibility for every child molested subsequent to his "Teshuva Treatment."

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Milwaukee, Adelphia, Denver, New Haven and Miami Beach. Skokie doesn't even count.

Anonymous said...

How insulting that we were left off that list.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Derech Agav, did Rav Scheinberg speak about Kolko when he gave a shiur there this week?

Anonymous said...

Founded by the venerable Rabbi Yidi "I love wee wee" Kolko

Anonymous said...

Rav Scheinberg only gives a simplistic shmuess by us so not to leave us scratching our heads. He only gives a shiur at Torah Temimah.

Anonymous said...

Hi. This is Rabbi Marcus, Rov of Lakewood Minyan of Flatbush, who Margo hires to tutor him the sugya. Margo wants me to teach him a sugya beiyun godol with all the raid and as much of my own eyginna Tayre and imagination as possible.

The Sugya is penetration, michol beshfoferess.

This is unreal. I mean, I know Margo doesn't know how to learn, but I thought this is one sugya he has down pat.

Anonymous said...

Kolko's favorite brocho is Ohaiv Basar Umaflee Laasos.

Except he gets a klalla from Anshei Knesses Hagedola for meshanne matbaya shetovu chochomim.

Anonymous said...

They threw a faygella out of the yeshiva who was always flashing people by sucking in his stomach and making his pants fall down.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Marcus - I heard Lipa G chazzered that sugyeh with him bi'iyun.

Anonymous said...

Hey Reject,
You forgot my all time favorite one. Telz-Clevland. who can forget the many Homosexual tales that came out from Institution of higher learning. From the bunch a guys lined up like a choo-choo train at the mikvah early one shavuos morning, to the 2 guys founf 69'ing each other. its all over the place

Anonymous said...

What about that St Louis freak in Lakewood who skipped the country and had his room searched by drug sniffing dogs. Did he ever get married?

Anonymous said...

There are some good stories TA of Baltimore stories as well.

Anonymous said...

Kolko and Margo say there was no penetration. Any allegations otherwise are a vast conspiracy by the truth itself.

Anonymous said...

Aren't the Telzer stories really ancient?

Anonymous said...

Baltimore community leaders excel in the art of cover-up (and I'm not talking about Shabbos make-up).

Anonymous said...

There was some Dib Faig who was hanging around all the Brooklyn yeshivos and Lakewood for a while. He gave the roshei yeshiva some b.s. story to get rachmoness and then he started making moves on guys in the dorms. Mitnick from Chaim Berlin found out about it and beat the crap out of him, chasing him back to Israel.

Anonymous said...

The top ten most infamous rabbi abusers on Awareness Center, at least before Kolko-Margo, are talmidim of Ner Yisroel Baltimore. The stories that happen in the community are covered up by shul rabbis which is how Juravel got away with it for so long.

Anonymous said...

Juravel was probably abused himself.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Derech Chaim, there's a character who was there for ages who is part of organized "frum" gay groups. The rosh yeshiva knows about it.

Anonymous said...

Rav Scheinberg is the big man at Derech Chaim. What does he say about it?

Anonymous said...

Derech Chaim is not to be confused with Derech Eitz Chaim, an institution that had problem of it's own (Weinberg).

Anonymous said...

Do any of the victims allege that Margo participated with Kolko in some of the deviant sexual stuff or was Margo limiting himself to slaps across their young faces?

It wouldn't surprise me if Dirty Old Man is just one more description of the old Hungarian fart.

Anonymous said...

The Weinberg family is part and parcel of the abuse and cover up scandals in and originating from Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

We have heard rumors that margo did ejaculate while slapping and beating on little boys - making him as deviant as Kolko.

There is also rumor that Kolko did not father his own children due to an inability to perform biblically with a woman. Can anyone confirm?

Anonymous said...

Facing Up To Abuse
Two very different cases of alleged sexual misbehavior by rabbis were in the news this week, pointing to the ongoing need for the community to find a respected mechanism for investigating and dealing with these problems.

A major piece in New York magazine (“On The Rabbi’s Knee,” by Robert Kolker) focuses on Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a longtime rebbe at Yeshiva Torah Temimah of Brooklyn, who faces a $20 million federal lawsuit, alleging his sexual abuse of young boys in his charge in school and in summer camps going back more than 35 years.

One of the rabbi’s former students, David Framowitz, now 48 and living in Israel, brought the suit, which blames the yeshiva and its rosh yeshiva for “a campaign of intimidation, concealment and misrepresentation designed to prevent victims from filing lawsuits.”

It is a deeply disturbing story, particularly because of the alleged cover-up and the indication that it could be, according to the article, “just the tip of the iceberg” of “rabbi-on-child molestation” in the haredi community, which continues to deny the problem.

While some in that community would call the magazine piece a chillul Hashem, or desecration of God’s name, for publicizing the issue, many readers are certain to conclude that the real embarrassment is over the refusal of community leaders to address the situation.

Anonymous said...

Raid on TT yields kinky sex dungeon equipment in the boiler room.

Anonymous said...

3rd suit is filed vs. rabbi


A U.S. Army sergeant has become the third person to file a civil lawsuit against a Brooklyn rabbi and his yeshiva for allegedly molesting him as a sixth-grader 20 years ago.
The victim, identified only as John Doe 3, has demanded $10 million in damages from Rabbi Yahuda Kolko, 60, and the Yeshiva Mesivta Torah Teminah, an Ocean Parkway religious school.

"Rabbi Kolko took an interest in John Doe 3 and developed a relationship of trust and confidence even after the first-grade school year," the suit in Brooklyn Federal Court alleges. "During his sixth-grade school year, Rabbi Kolko ... turned his "special" interest in John Doe 3 into a perverted, sexual abuse."

For two years before the student left the school in the late 1980s, Kolko removed him from his classroom three or four times a week, the suit said, fondling him in his office and private bathroom.

Earlier this month, lawyer Jeffrey Herman filed a lawsuit against Kolko and the yeshiva, alleging the rabbi abused two other students 25 and 30 years ago. He said there were at least 15 victims, one as recent as 1997.

Rabbi Lipa Margulies and the yeshiva had heard complaints prior to John Doe 3, the suit said, but "engaged in a campaign of intimidation, concealment and misrepresentations designed to prevent victims" from taking action.

Kolko was ordered on administrative leave after the first lawsuit.

"He has nothing to comment on," said a man who answered the phone at Kolko's Midwood home.

Yeshiva attorney Avi Moscowitz said, "We intend to vigorously defend" against the claims.

"The yeshiva emphatically denies any attempt by anybody on its behalf to intimidate anybody or prevent anybody from making a claim in rabbinical court or civil court," he said.

Anonymous said...

No wonder I saw Margo loitering around the boiler room so much.

Anonymous said...

Stop posting OLD articles that have already been posted here. So far the Jewish Week & Daily News articles are both from last week & already posted here.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me why not one father has beaten Kolko to a bloody pulp for violating his child?

Anonymous said...

You gave up montoring the site and anything goes now. Other sites are not moderated and people would never write the way people write on this site. It is no wonder that people did not take this site seriously.

Anonymous said...

Yeshiva attorney Avi Moscowitz said, "We intend to vigorously defend" against the claims.

"The yeshiva emphatically denies any attempt by anybody on its behalf to intimidate anybody or prevent anybody from making a claim in rabbinical court or civil court," he said.


No denial from Torah Temimah that Kolko molested boys in the yeshiva.

Anonymous said...

After the NY Mag article, there are so many people navigating the blog and trying to post that UOJ would have to hire staff. It's also pretty obvious from the volume of posts and the fact that there are so many people from outside New York that are posting about their own local scandals.

Anonymous said...



An Anonymous Flier (Pashkevil) In Brooklyn
By: Editorial Board

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It was doubtless inadvertent, but the author of the flier makes our point. Thus, the flier recites that "this mailing should not have been necessary," inasmuch as the target and his employer were warned in advance that if the individual either resigned or was fired, "th[e] mailing would be stopped." And on the Internet, the author has declared to one and all that he is about to "uncover" others if they do not accede to his demands. Plainly, this individual is engaged in an effort to fashion a weapon with which to impose his will on Klal Yisrael.

An anonymously written flier mailed recently to many Jewish homes in Brooklyn, containing lurid accusations of improper conduct against an individual in our community and railing against his employer for not firing him, should be taken as a serious warning of a cancer growing in our midst. The flier not only offers no substantiation of the charges themselves, but also reports uncorroborated – and, it turns out, vigorously denied – comments from the employer, which the flier’s unknown author offers as proof of a cover-up.

The mere circulation of the document has caused some, albeit limited, discussion as to the culpability of both the accused individual and the employer – this despite the lack of any evidence or the possibility of any follow-up with the accuser. But if even one person takes this sort of thing seriously, there is cause for concern. Compounding the problem is that the purveyor of this material seems fully at home with the Internet and has spread it anonymously on that medium as well, guaranteeing that it will be seen by all that many more people, both within and without the Jewish community.

Anonymous accusers effectively destroying their targets’ reputations, even before the truthfulness of the accusations are ascertained, cannot be the way of Klal Yisrael – and indeed has never been. Certainly it accords neither with halacha nor with common sense. It is precisely for this reason that for millennia we have invariably insisted that those making claims against another take the accused to a bet din in order to determine the facts and, if necessary, the halacha.

On another level, it is hardly engaging in hyperbole to suggest that if the notion takes root that an anonymous purveyor of unsubstantiated charges can get peoples’ tongues wagging, then none of us can count ourselves safe. It will enable anyone to exercise devastating power at any time and under any circumstances simply by choosing to do so, for whatever motive.

But it is not the excesses of one individual that are of primary concern. As a general proposition, before we even begin thinking about anyone’s having gone astray, we must have more to go on than mere innuendo and accusation flung about by nameless, faceless sources. It is incumbent upon each of us to resolve to give no credence to unproven charges and to urge their being discredited on a community-wide basis. That’s something that certainly should apply to this particular anonymous accuser.

We would also remind readers that President Bush recently signed into law a statute making it illegal for any person to use the Internet to post anonymous accusations designed to inflict pain and suffering on others. In this instance the anonymous accuser should be aware that if identified, he runs the risk of fine and imprisonment for violation of a federal statute

Anonymous said...

The loser drug dealer from St Louis yeshiva finally got married after Lakewood took many years to rotate out people who know the story. He was one of the only St Louis guys to even get accepted to Lakewood and look how worthless he is.

He's also related to someone being accused of being a major figure in the sex abuse cover up at Camp Rommemu.

Anonymous said...

What's in today's Jewish Press?

Anonymous said...

What's in today's Jewish Press?

More twisted B.S. from the A-hole editorial board.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What's in today's Jewish Press?

More twisted B.S. from the A-hole editorial board.
Can you post a link or summarize the discussion?

Anonymous said...

Not everything in the Jewish Press is online yet and I don't want to support those cretins by buying the paper. I have subscriptions to expensive publications so I'm not being cheap about it.

I just assume that if they do cover it this week it will be with their typical lies & moronic and smug attitude that distorts reality like what they do in the Tendler case.

Anonymous said...

they just put it online

Anonymous said...

Jewish press link

Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lawsuit Over Yudi Kolko, the Tora T'mima Rebbe's Nipple Fetish Resolved":

I dont know any of these people but hearing these stories and having read articles elsewhere too, ...how come no one broke this guy's face?? screw the law and forget bais din - because apparently they're forgeting these kids... this guy needs a major beating, and where's his wife in all this?? his children? chances are they've been abused too.
There's no reason to be afraid of any reprecussions these bullies think they can inflict on anyone who tries to attack them - either legally or physically. This kolko guy should get a pedophile bris. & margulies & kolko should then be thrown in prison and enjoy being raped there for the rest of their rotten lives.
and there you have it people - problem solved.
PS: they're not considered jewish ..at this point they're just as jewish as hitler.

Anonymous said...

There was all kinds of stuff going on in the yeshiva with skewing financials. The yeshivishe hired an ernst accountant who is a ger tzedek. When he complained that he could not be involved in improper activity, they told him to shut his mouth. When he complained again, they fired him and badmouthed him being oveir on motze shem ra and not to opppress a ger.

Some yeshiva. They met the same fate that Torah Temimah soon will.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello peons in the Jewish community. We have just printed a bullcrap editorial about Kolko that you are hereby ordered to swallow as the gospel. If Gil Student thinks he's a moral authority, you aint seen nothin yet, from us, the biggest bunch of pompous a$$es in New York.

We call for obedience to Torah authority when we lie and misrepresent R' Chaim Kanievsky to cover up the Tendler abuse scandal.

Of course we are so arrogant that we will never admit a mistake.

Anonymous said...

I say boycott the advertisers in the Jewish Depressed

Anonymous said...

Is it true that hazing in St. Louis including making the newbies pick up ice cubes with their ass, drop it in a glass of soda, and drink?

Anonymous said...

There's a restaurant owner in Brooklyn who coerces his illegal Israeli waitresses to bed with him and has spawned at least one child from them. His wife is probably wondering where all the profits are going. Some other restaurants, especially Israeli ones, are fronts for laundering drug money. The owner of one pita house was arrested by the FBI who developed an interest in him after he was blowing 300 grand a weekend in Atlantic City. Kehilla Kashrus also nailed them on something major but Scheinerman and the boys covered it up and kept taking their weekly cut.

Anonymous said...

Remember this list:

1. Dagim
2. matzo
3. manischevitz wine
4. horseradish (old fashioned)
5. arbes - chickpeas
6. P'cha - Galla

The upcoming revelations will presently clarify the meaning...

Anonymous said...

I'm now a gay man who comes from a frum ortho jewish family and went to Mir yeshiva when yudi kolko was the dorm counselor

numerous times he took me out of the dorm room in my freshman year (9th grade) at night after lights out if he caught me awake and talking to others in the room (at the time, in the mir dorm, there were like 8 bucherim to a room with 4 bunkbeds)and brought me to his private room and would rub his erect penis (through his pants) against my crotch (through my pajamas)

it wasn't fun and i convinced my parents to let me share a two bedroom apartment with 3 other guys who also didn't wanna stay in the dorms (which were pretty gross and smelly anyway) the following year

i also went one summer to camp agudah where yuddi (still not yet a rabbi)pushed himself on me and others but i was by then independent and strong enough (b"H) to be able to keep him from coming onto me - he then just treated me very meanly with the little authority he had
but i had a great rebbi there (also from mir) and was able to keep a comfortable distance from kolko

i am perfectly willing to give my name, etc. to anyone who needs to verify who i am, i.e., i'm not hiding behind any anonymity for those who refuse to believe the anonymous people with similar and worse experiences than my own

i can be reached at NYCatNYC@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Of course we here at the Jewless Disgrace failed to mention that the accused ignored three hazmonos to a bais din, and if he was innocent he wowuld have protested these charges and appeared at the din torah as summoned. We also ignored the rumor mill 30 years strong. We vigorously ignored the facts since we didn't break the story, so it can't be given any credibility, especially from a mishigener blog.

Frankly here at the Jewish Press, unless you have video of a guy's shvontz buried to the hilt inside the victim, we can't really accept any accusations. And even if you have video, we would probably dismiss the accusations anyway based on the fact that if you save one Jew you save the world, but if you can save one Jew by destroying many, you have a better chance of getting to the kugel on shabbos kiddush before its all gone.

Anonymous said...
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Paul Mendlowitz said...

I removed comment moderation; I recognize that the frum community needs a place to vent, sort of group therapy.

I do give wide lattitude to the comments; but if it crosses the line, I will turn moderation back on.

Fire away; please be responsible.

Great Job Guys!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Allegations Against A Rabbi

An article in last week’s issue of New York magazine reporting on lurid allegations of inappropriate conduct against a Brooklyn yeshiva rabbi, and on a lawsuit filed by some of his students, has thrust the issue of student abuse at yeshivas into the public arena. Several weeks ago, the very same charges were contained in an anonymous flyer circulated throughout Flatbush, Brooklyn, which prompted an editorial in The Jewish Press questioning the propriety of anonymous accusations, but which of course took no position on the charges themselves.

While we commiserate with the obvious pain of the accusers, we are constrained to reiterate our concern about anonymous, unproven charges being accepted as fact. Indeed, as members of a minority in this society, strict adherence to the rule of law – and the requirement that charges be proven – is the sine qua non of our survival. The day that someone can get up in the morning and decide to publicly accuse another – and have automatic credibility – will be a sad day indeed.

Thus, while we do not quarrel with the right of individuals to accuse others of impropriety, it is important for our community to be aware of the following:

To be sure, a lawsuit has been filed. The only requirement to commence a lawsuit is the purchase of a court index number. Further, a court complaint consists only of allegations; actual proof of anything is not required. So in and of itself the filing of a complaint amounts to nothing more than one person's view or claim.

In this particular case, there is the added dimension that the rabbi’s alleged indiscretions occurred more than twenty-five years ago, well beyond the applicable statute of limitations for bringing a lawsuit. The significance of this is not just technical. In practical terms, what this means is that the case will, in all likelihood, be dismissed – with the charges against the rabbi never subject to any legitimate inquiry.

These days, what with the proliferation of "gotcha" websites and bloggers – many of them anonymous and all of them accountable to no one – it has become de rigueur to credit any claims deemed to be anti-establishment and to assume the worst about anyone in a position of authority. But that doesn’t make it right, and it certainly is not the way of our Torah authorities.

The above should in no way imply support for the accused in this matter. The Jewish Press has for years reported on and examined issues of abuse in our community, often in the face of threatened subscription cancellations and loss of advertising. And certainly we would urge anyone with information about this particular case to contact the authorities.

Ultimately, of course, we look to our rabbinic leaders to come up with a process that can appropriately deal with these very serious challenges to our community. A course of action compatible with Torah standards must be found.

Anonymous said...

Can someone show me the exact location of the Jewish Press's Jason Maoz. He's deserving of something up the yazoo like he's never felt.

Anonymous said...


Jewish Press covers its ass. What a surprise!

Anonymous said...

Can someone show me the exact location of the Jewish Press's Jason Maoz. He's deserving of something up the yazoo like he's never felt.

better yet, tell him to take a very close shave (face and.....) and interview kolko. i'd love to read the next weeks editorial!

Anonymous said...

Mutley, you snickering, floppy eared hound. When courage is needed, you're never around. Those medals you wear on your moth-eaten chest should be there for bungling at which you are best.

Anonymous said...

A course of action compatible with Torah standards must be found.
L'meichash Miha Ba'ee

Anonymous said...

סדר שמות שאלות לתרום בה, עזה או הטבע שימושיים. הראשי לחשבון גם כדי, או אחד בקלות זכויות לעריכה. שמו דת תרבות אודות. כלל בה לכאן אקראי פסיכולוגיה. חפש לתרום לויקיפדים דת, אחר שמות כימיה שינויים אל. בה זאת החול איטליה, מדע להפוך רוסית העברית או, גם מתן קהילה מחליטה.

Anonymous said...

Ultimately, of course, we look to our rabbinic leaders to come up with a process that can appropriately deal with these very serious challenges to our community. A course of action compatible with Torah standards must be found.

Are they serving crack in the Jewish Press cafeteria? Look to our rabbinic leaders? For what, more cover up activity?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

כל המנבל פיו ומוציא דבר נבלה מפיו אפילו נחתם לו גזר דינו של שבעים שנה לטובה נהפך עליו לרעה

Anonymous said...

For the sin of defiling the mouth (speaking indecent things), great oppressions and evil decrees are (constantly) renewed, young men die, orphans and widows cry (for help), but are not answered, as it is written [Isaiah, ix., end of verse 16]: "For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand still remaineth stretched out," which is explained by R. Hanan b. Ahba as follows: "All know for what purpose a bride marries; still, he who defiles his mouth (by speaking of its details), even if a happy life of seventy years is decreed for him, the decree is turned aside." Rabba b. Shila in the name of R. Hisda says: Gehenna is made deep for him who defiles his mouth, as it is written [Proverbs, xxii. 14]. R. Na'hman b. Isaac says: It is made deep even for the one who listens to (indecent talk) and does not protest against it [ibid. 15].

Anonymous said...

Why would the frum need a place to vent? According to Lakewood Yid, everything is fine and dandy! BMG is bursting at the seams!

Anonymous said...

אלא האמת הוא כדברי רבותינו ז"ל, שנבול פה הוא ערותו של הדבור ממש, ומשום זנות הוא שנאסר ככל שאר עניני הזנות חוץ מגופם של מעשה, שאף על פי שאין בהם כרת או מיתת בית דין אסורים הם אסור עצמם, מלבד היותם גם כן גורמים ומביאים אל האסור הראשי עצמו
מסילת ישרים

Anonymous said...

For the sin of defiling the mouth (speaking indecent things), great oppressions and evil decrees are (constantly) renewed, young men die, orphans and widows cry (for help), but are not answered, as it is written [Isaiah, ix., end of verse 16]: "For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand still remaineth stretched out," which is explained by R. Hanan b. Ahba as follows: "All know for what purpose a bride marries; still, he who defiles his mouth (by speaking of its details), even if a happy life of seventy years is decreed for him, the decree is turned aside." Rabba b. Shila in the name of R. Hisda says: Gehenna is made deep for him who defiles his mouth, as it is written [Proverbs, xxii. 14]. R. Na'hman b. Isaac says: It is made deep even for the one who listens to (indecent talk) and does not protest against it [ibid. 15].


According to the p'shat of Rabbi Pinchus Scheinberg, as long as there is no penetration there is no problem.

Anonymous said...

Extremely Concerned Parent wants any information about allegations
at camp Rommimu? Is this case recent? Are the people still involved and working at the camp now? My son was supposed to attend
please help.

Anonymous said...

כל המנבל פיו ומוציא דבר נבלה מפיו
Is your point that while it is wrong to molest children, it is also wrong to publicize the acts of molestation?

Anonymous said...

שנבול פה הוא ערותו של הדבור ממש
So, it follows that one who talks about the act of sexual molestation is as guilty as the molester himself?

Anonymous said...

Hajje already with all this haky balash. It's ibe I tell you. Haazita, a lot 6 attacks kids in the abo with his jeje and all you guys do is make one big dahak out of it like its nothing. Are you mejnoon? I almost tossed the kibbe I eckeled for dinner last night reading this blog. Ya haram. When I go sully I will pray for you all.

Anonymous said...

To the guy impersonating the SYs:

Hilarious - makes me laugh every time!

Anonymous said...

Listen, luz up already. Margo told me years ago that the boys have a din karka oilam and it was muttar even with penetration. Was that not the halacha?

Anonymous said...

Dear Rabbi Chacham From The Mah Nishtana:

Your lecture leads to the conclusion that if the Ramchal witnessed two people, one molesting a child and the other engaging in foul talk, he would not know who to stop.

You are engaging in an act of rishus by posting this nonsense.

The only act that resulted in Kolko being removed from the classroom, albeit temporarily, was the publicity from the New York Magazine article.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone with a "chumra personality" is getting all worked up here.

Anonymous said...

Abused By Kolko said...
Why don't you post your name here?

Anonymous said...


Tell the twins to leave me out of this!

Don't ruin my birthday by dragging me into this mess. I never meant to write anything that would be perverted into an excuse to not expose a child molester. Eat the cake, sing happy birthday, but for heavens sake leave me out of this mess.

Best regards,


Anonymous said...

my agent has approached me with a script about child molestation in jewish schools. it sounds like a good part. anyone have any feed back regarding this? the title is "Kolko Does Temimah"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hirsch is no SY, he's an SY wannabe who would give his left nut for a little Halabi blood.

duvduv said...

The AwrenessCenter.org is where our children and adults should turn with concerns of sexual abuse and where professionals can help with allegations, etc.

I'm now a gay man who comes from a frum ortho jewish family and went to Mir yeshiva when yudi kolko was the dorm counselor

numerous times he took me out of the dorm room in my freshman year (9th grade) at night after lights out if he caught me awake and talking to others in the room (at the time, in the mir dorm, there were like 8 bucherim to a room with 4 bunkbeds)and brought me to his private room and would rub his erect penis (through his pants) against my crotch (through my pajamas)

it wasn't fun and i convinced my parents to let me share a two bedroom apartment with 3 other guys who also didn't wanna stay in the dorms (which were pretty gross and smelly anyway) the following year

i also went one summer to camp agudah where yuddi (still not yet a rabbi)pushed himself on me and others but i was by then independent and strong enough (b"H) to be able to keep him from too badly coming onto me - he then just treated me very nastily with the little authority he had
but i had a great rebbi there (also from mir) and was able to keep a comfortable distance from kolko

i am perfectly willing to give my name, etc. to anyone who needs to verify who i am, i.e., i'm not hiding behind any anonymity for those who refuse to believe the anonymous people with similar and worse experiences than my own

i can be reached at NYCatNYC@aol.com

i also want to add that though I've often found UOJ to be smug and wrongheaded about lots of stuff (especially what i consider his ill-informed opinions on gay jews and frum gay jews), he should be praised and applauded for raising this real and serious issue and fighting for the many already harmed and protecting those who would otherwise be vulnerable to predators such as kolko
for this, kohle ha'kavode

24 May, 2006

Anonymous said...

Hey, have some respect! I'm 299 years old today!

I never said that Kolko could molest children and that Margulies could cover it up.

Twins, send that message out to the public. It is assur to molest children and it is everyone's obligation to loudly put a stop to any child molesters anywhere.

Best regards,

M.C. Luzzato

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Kolko got a muss from any of the kids? What was wrong with his wife's oosh? Probably hated lahasing it. Why couldn't he pay for a sharmootah and boos teez like everyone else?

Anonymous said...

Jewish Press:

Strike One: Tendler

Strike Two: Kolko

One more strike and your out boys.

Anonymous said...

Lipa G: "So nu Rebbe, what are we going to do about his matziv?" Lipa M: "Can't we just threaten the eruv rav like usual and sweep in under the carpet?" Lipa S: "Abi M'leibt"

Anonymous said...

UOJ - Someone should auction one of your flyers on eBay. It will prove to be a historic document.

Anonymous said...

It's almost funny how some of those leaving comments assume Jason Maoz writes the Jewish Press's editorials. I happen to know he doesn't. Neither does Yaakov Klass, who some know-it-alls were sure runs the paper. Klass is a columnist, that's it. Maoz has jurisdiction over op-eds, the news pages, the front page essay, and a number of features, but he does not write the editorials. In that regard the Jewish Press is more like secular papers in that the editor in chief or senior editor does not do editorials -- the editorial section is separate from the news and features dpt. At the Jewish Week, Rosenblatt wears all the hats -- editor, publisher, main editorial writer, etc. That's not how it works at most other papers, however.

Anonymous said...

"The above should in no way imply support for the accused in this matter. The Jewish Press has for years reported on and examined issues of abuse in our community, often in the face of threatened subscription cancellations and loss of advertising. And certainly we would urge anyone with information about this particular case to contact the authorities."
Some of my best friends are jews but...

put a sock in it you phonies. all your doing is providing unsolicited and unwarranted support for the two most horrific rabbinic sex abusers in our time. Tendler who preyed on the vunerable baalas teshuvah women in his charge. Kolko who preyed on the vulnerable yesomim and children from broken homes in his charge. and their champion is .......drum roll ........ the Jewish Press. are you people sick are you nuts have you lost your minds completely. Yaakov stop them already. theyve hijacked the paper those pseudo intellectual morons. we know who they are. save your uncles paper before they destroy it. theres going to be a massive shakeout here and the Jewish Press is on the wrong side of the table.

Anonymous said...

Anyone care to draft the editorial that the Jewish Press will publish when the trial is over and Kolko loses?

Anonymous said...

Any updates on Ruach Chaim/Simcha Klor?

Anonymous said...

The editorial that the Jewish Press will publish when the trial is over and Kolko loses will be along the lines of what they're doing with Tendler. They will keep LYING to the public about the facts and find some 90 year old gadol hador to misquote in their favor.

I wish I could figure out a way to put those smug tush holes out of business.

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