EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Friday, September 04, 2020

On August 3, 2020, Governor Cuomo signed another extension giving survivors of childhood sexual abuse an additional year to bring their cases. This extension creates a final deadline of August 14, 2021. Supporters argued that the extra time was needed because of the court disruption brought by COVID-19.


As Lawsuits Increase, N.Y. Extends Look-Back Window for Child Sex Abuse Cases

According to a recent article in The Washington Post, the number of child sexual abuse allegations against Catholic clergy more than quadrupled in 2019 compared to the average in the previous five years. In 2015, there were 903 reports, and by 2019, that number had increased to 4,434.

Meanwhile, New York has seen at least 1,000 new child sexual abuse lawsuits filed since May 2020, with hundreds more expected before the “look-back window” deadline, which has now been moved to August 14, 2021.

New York Extends Filing Deadline to 2021


In February 2019, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law the Child Victims Act. This new law provided a short-term expansion of the state’s statute of limitations on child sex abuse claims, creating a one-year look-back window during which victims could file claims that had previously been barred.

Starting August 14, 2019, victims could bring lawsuits against the perpetrators and related institutions, regardless of when the abuse occurred. The law also extended the statute of limitations for future civil cases until the victim reaches the age of 55, a significant increase from the previous limit of age 23. For criminal cases, victims can seek prosecution until they turn 28.

The one-year grace period was scheduled to end on August 14, 2019, but in May 2020, Governor Cuomo announced an executive order extending that deadline until January 14, 2021, mainly because of court delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then on August 3, 2020, Governor Cuomo signed another extension giving survivors of childhood sexual abuse an additional year to bring their cases. This extension creates a final deadline of August 14, 2021. Supporters argued that the extra time was needed because of the court disruption brought by COVID-19.

“The Child Victims Act brought a long-needed pathway to justice for people who were abused,” Governor Cuomo said, “and helps right wrongs that went unacknowledged and unpunished for far too long and we cannot let this pandemic limit the ability for survivors to have their day in court.” According to Senator Brad Hoylman, 3,000 survivors have filed claims so far.

Catholic Dioceses and Boy Scouts of America Create Victims’ Compensation Funds


Several other states have also opened look-back windows for child sex abuse victims, including New Jersey, California, Arizona, Montana, Hawaii, Vermont, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia. In all of these states, victims that were previously barred from filing lawsuits because of the statutes of limitations can now come forward and seek justice.

Multiple dioceses around the country have created compensation funds for victims, including those in California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and more.

In addition to sexual abuse claims against Catholic clergy and related dioceses, many victims of sexual abuse occurring within the Boy Scouts organization have come forward to file lawsuits. The Boy Scouts has created a victims’ compensation fund—survivors who wish to file for damages within the fund have until November 16, 2020 file claims in federal bankruptcy court.



Shmuel Kaminetzky said...

Researchers at Hebrew University and Hadassah submitted a report to the coronavirus cabinet on Thursday that stated that there will be at least 600 seriously ill patients in another two weeks, putting Israel’s health system at risk of collapsing.

“Since the beginning of June, there hasn’t been a significant decrease in the number of new daily patients,” the report said. “The death rate is steeper and significantly higher than during the first wave.”

“It will not be possible to prevent a collapse of health services as defined in the past. Preparations must be made for the realization of the worst scenario. The current risk requires decisive action.”

Yanky Kanievsky said...

Operation Drexel has been activated!

The zayde is again being held hostage from doctors & other gedolim while I whisper Philly's formula in his ear to repeat after me.


Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky stated on Tuesday that study in yeshivas should be allowed, despite the coronavirus outbreak, according to Walla! News.

"It is forbidden to take things lightly and rush the students into isolation, not for individuals and especially not for many", warned Kanievsky.


Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky who is considered a leading authority in the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) world, sparked controversy this week when he reportedly said yeshiva students should not get tested for COVID-19. According to the Kikar HaShabbat haredi news website, Kanievsky said COVID-19 testing – especially if it ends in positive results – would disrupt yeshiva studies. In a similar vein, Kanievsky ordered yeshiva heads not to quarantine students exposed to virus carriers, as required under Health Ministry regulations.


Yeshivas See 500 New Coronavirus Cases Week and a Half After Reopening

Paul Mendlowitz said...

When I'm not near a computer, I can not make any website changes, at least I do not know how to from my old cellphone. I can release comments from my phone, that's about it. I'm proudly NOT tech savvy ---- believe it or not.

Anshel Pfeffer said...

During the first wave, Charedi apologists said that the Medina had not made an effort to inform and educate their community. Those excuses are no longer available

Filthydelphia said...

Who appointed Binyomin Cohen as Corona Rosh Vaad for all EYdik yeshivos? Was it Fresser Litzman?

Because Cohen is making it sound like only 500 yeshivaleit in the entire country are quarantined. But Yediot is reporting they have information that THOUSANDS are quarantined!

Meanwhile, Litzman & Uber-Fresser Meir Porush gathered signatures to demand that Bibi terminate Federal Corona Czar Ronni Gamzu for criticizing R' Chaim.

Gerrorist said...


Here is Litzman boasting to Hamodia that infection levels are heading back to where Bibi will order a shutdown of shuls for the Yamim Tovim but he & his Fresser co-conspirators will mutiny and have underground roiv am hadras Fresser minyanim all over the place.

New surging Outbreak said...

Gedolei Eretz Yisroel have put out bichsav that the Philly led Agudah Fressers, Litzman & the rest of the collaborator roydfim with the virus are Raikim upoichazim:

וַיִּשְׂכֹּר בָּהֶם אֲבִימֶלֶךְ אֲנָשִׁים רֵיקִים וּפֹחֲזִים וַיֵּלְכוּ אַחֲרָיו שופטים ט, ד

נְבִיאֶיהָ פֹּחֲזִים אַנְשֵׁי בֹּגְדוֹת כֹּהֲנֶיהָ חִלְּלוּ-קֹדֶשׁ חָמְסוּ תּוֹרָה צפניה ג, ד

These empty men who are poichazim, which can be translated as reckless swashbucklers, a fancy way of saying they are kalei daas.

Ivy League Fresser said...

Virus spreading out of control at Cornell.

How many greater NYC yeshivos are already covering up outbreaks which it's impossible none have happened yet?

Deep State Fressers said...

There was a secret Fresser meeting at TU which it's surprising that Pinny Lipschitz let the cat out of the bag about it in the Aug. 28th Yated.

They ordered all yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs to bdavka make remote learning difficult & very not user friendly as a way to strong arm all kids back into the classroom to get infected with little to zero CDC guidelines in place. These murderous bastards are also trying to force immunodeficient children back in. If the kids' yeshivos themselves are not ordering the kids back, the Fressers are using proxies to apply extreme pressure on the mishpochos.

A question posed to the Chinuch Roundtable on page 84 hints to this. Still, most of these Fresser affiliated roshei mosdos on the Roundtable are opposed to the secretly hatched Fresser scheme. Even establishment guys like Bender are opposed because he knows his rich baal habatim will dethrone him if he dares go along with it. One schmo is in favor of the Fresser scheme because he's just a lowly rebbi who is afraid of the Fressers obstructing his shteller ladder climbing. A nobody from yehupitz is also backing the Fressers, probably because his shvogger controls a major yeshiva system and has suddenly become a crazed devotee of the Fresser scheme. The 3rd & final backer is a TU official who would be committing suicide if he opposed the scheme, so he arrogantly huffs that this is what the Fressers have decided is in your best interest.

This Yated edition also has an ad spanning MANY pages touting (what was then) the upcoming Agudah shnorrfest. In order to induce you to empty your pockets into their coffers, they shamelessly created a bogus timeline of how they were on top of the pandemic throughout to be matzil as many neshomos as possible. These sickos have consistently been planting these lies everywhere to protect Philly after the virus body count blew up in their bloody faces thanks to their akshening to keep mesibos Purim, yeshivos & shuls going - which they now deny. Here they go deja vu with the yeshivos!

Remote learning Gloom said...

Square headed types in the mold of Shmuel "Boom Boom" Bloom are opposed to Zoom as part of Kaminetzky's shtick to make himself look more frum than the gedolei Eretz Yisroel. It's in order to cover up talk of the death toll by his very own blood-dripping hands. Kaminetzky had the Agudah be kovaya a new taanis which the gedolim protested is bfeirush assur in Shulchan Aruch during a pandemic. And among other fake behavior, Kaminetzky - who was mattir video tablets before the pandemic - is now against them when even the gedolei Eretz Yisroel were mattir them!

But take note that the Agudah is now also making listening in by phone as obstruction filled as possible.

Kaminetzky must be hoping if he infects enough people there is then no need for any horrid vaccines.

Vos zogt UOJ? said...

Purposely making it so that kids cannot hear the teachers over the phone and no substitute is given for what they write on the black board or otherwise demonstrate visually - is that in violation of any Federal or State laws? This is not altz shlemazalkeit. It is by design! The Fressers intend to scare everyone back in by engineering it that most kids will fail or not do well when it is impossible to follow.

Anonymous said...

The Torah Umesorah official who is using the Yated Roundtable to speak down in Communist dictator fashion to you little peons was known since the 1970s by his nickname "Sambo", which he absolutely detests. Because he was not a widely liked fellow, the name had a tendency to follow him around.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

is that in violation of any Federal or State laws?


It is my understanding all schools in the tri-state must offer online classes for parents that choose to not send their children. Certainly, with a doctor's letter, submitted to the Health Dept, CC the school, will get the school's attention.

Anonymous said...

Some yeshivos are under small non-State health depts that the yeshiva has in their back pocket. How do you think certain yeshivos have been operating the whole time without so much as an empty threat from officials?

Shea Fishman said...

"submitted to the Health Dept, CC the school, will get the school's attention"

And which heimishe yeshiva will not throw out the mishpocho when they see the mishpocho reported them to the Government?

Besides that even if they do it on the quiet - but then I happen to find out about it - I will just jot their name down on a bubble gum wrapper to pass to Margo!

Paul Mendlowitz said...


You're right, the climate is NEVER right for yeshivas to put their students FIRST and FOREMOST!

Go back to sleep you shvantz!

Vos iz Philly-Agudah? said...

The attack on them from the real gedolim is much more teef than first glance:

וַיִּשְׂכֹּר בָּהֶם אֲבִימֶלֶךְ אֲנָשִׁים רֵיקִים וּפֹחֲזִים וַיֵּלְכוּ אַחֲרָיו שופטים ט, ד

נְבִיאֶיהָ פֹּחֲזִים אַנְשֵׁי בֹּגְדוֹת כֹּהֲנֶיהָ חִלְּלוּ-קֹדֶשׁ חָמְסוּ תּוֹרָה צפניה ג, ד

These empty men who are poichazim, which can be translated as reckless swashbucklers, a fancy way of saying they are kalei daas (various Rishonim)

These empty ones: devoid of ANY maylah (Metzudos Tzion Shoftim)

Poichazim: lacking wisdom (Rashi Shoftim)

They are very low class peasants & they disgrace Hashem with their behavior (Radak Shoftim)

[UOJ was mechaven to the Radak when curling up from aversion to their Fressing hanhogos at the Conventions!]

They are liars (Targum Tzfanya)

They act frum while personally being oyver on all kinds of sins (Radak Tzfanya)

Their evils are chilul Shem Shomayim befarhesya. They posken halachos falsely & they are chamsonim after people's gelt. (Ibn Ezra Tzfanya)

Think the Philly mamzerus scandal that they were paid handsomely for and financial chicanery related to the pandemic shutdowns.

You don't even have to make a limud for this because the Malbim on Tzfanya says the posuk is talking about niuf which of course is the required act for mamzerus!

Anonymous said...

Another kind of deja vu that is just plain Agudah achzoriyus!

They don't give a damn that ill children at home will fall behind their peers, in some cases failing the year or even being educationally ruined for life. It's all about their power trip.

Not much different than when they covered for Margo's big tuchess while Kolko played with the mareh mekomos of little boys in the YTT boiler room.

Do they have any rachmonus when it's not for perpetrators?