EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The past week’s uptick in infections, including in neighborhoods with Haredi and Hasidic populations in New York City and its suburbs, brought attention to the Orthodox community’s response to COVID-19. This recent increase needs to be taken seriously. Our communal behavior has to match our communal prayer.



"Will You Shut Up, Man"


LiDvar Sheker Tikrov said...

The Fresser idiots are still promoting the politically correct lie that George Floyd was "murdered", noch dem "horrifically", and that destructive riots lezichro of the career criminal & violent molester are somehow justified.

Floyd was a huge guy who was high on 4 different illegal narcotics while committing a robbery. The drugs give superhuman strength and he was resisting arrest. The police followed protocol that was only legislated as illegal after the riots erupted. There have been several cases in the past of danger to police lives after a dangerous criminal was already handcuffed.

But the Agudah Fressers lie about so many other things so why not this too?

Weasel Words said...

The Agudah Fressers are using weasel or woozle words to criticize de Blasio for shutting down Yankel Bender in Far Rockaway.

Who cares if there are 2000 kids in Darchei? There are plenty of infected bochurim & staff. And Bender was caught red handed reopening in secret AFTER a closure order.

Where's Christopher Robin when you need him?


Zweibel, Schick & the rest of the Fressers need to be put in their places what woozles they are!

Emet said...

Evil Baltimore rabbi Yaakov Hopfer and his Judenräte have finally admitted the coronavirus situation has gone out of control:

The last few weeks have brought a significant increase in the number of COVID19 cases in our community. These additional cases have affected both young and old alike, including some community members who are quite ill and in need of Rachamei Shamayim.

So what does the rabbi suggest: closing synagogues, schools, and other Jewish institutions? No! Hopfer talks about "vigilance," "refraining," "consulting your Rav," etc. Just shut down your system for two weeks, fascist! But Baltimore is sooooooooooo corrupt! Just now former Baltimore democratic delegate Cheryl Glenn has been convicted of taking bribes for legislative favors and reported to a federal prison in Connecticut to serve her 2-year sentence!!!

Listen, Hopfer, how come "goyim" in Baltimore (and even "shwartzas" you hate so much) keep social distancing, while every synagogue, yeshiva, and Sukkos Shuk have large crowds of Jews with no SD and wearing masks below noses? Why don't you place signs in your own Shearith Israel synagogue, all Agudah locations, Ner Israel pediphile campus, Seven Mile Market and Market Maven (two major kosher stores in Baltimore) to warn people of the danger? These places literally have hordes of Jews who don't keep any COVID-19 rules and infect each other!!!


Avi THE FERD Schnall said...

I was worried this was coming!


Are UOJ's chevra going to start calling me THE HEFFALUMP, a madraigah up on the scale from FERD?

Shouldve listened to UOJ said...

Never mind the horde of Fresser rabbonim who got sick or worse with the virus.

Now there are rabbonim who were much more careful than most who are getting infected.


R' Moshe Tuvya Lieff, who was admitted to Mt Sinai Hospital after not realizing he was sick over Rosh Hashana, did not leave the house without a mask & gave musser to anyone who wasn't nizhar.

Rav Jaeger, who was going to collapse on Yom Kippur, left Shor Yoshuv after Shacharis & never came back. He was a rare voice of reason in Yankel Benderville - the last rosh yeshiva down there to reopen with many precautions & who assered many things like kelim mikva.

דאָקטער said...

Many Jews, unfortunately, are quite illiterate when it comes to science. Docs have told them to wear masks to be protected. So they put on masks and think they work much the same as prayers do: you do your part, and kind Hashem does His part. But the virus is not Hashem, it is not kind whatsoever! I just saw a prominent "masked up" rabbi. He walked into a synagogue, shook hands with his students, rushed to the bathroom, washed his hands using a public plastic vessel, went outside, took off his mask and talked on his phone for ten minutes, put the mask back and entered the synagogue once again. Now watch: Neither he nor his students had gloves, so his hands got contaminated, he used the cup that everyone was using, so his hands got contaminated even more, with the same hands he took off his mask and contaminated it before placing it back on his face. No wonder even these who wear masks get sick!

Israel’s Health Ministry: “Steep Rise In Seriously Ill Chareidi COVID Patients.... The Chareidi sector is responsible for 34% of the morbidity rate in Israel!”

Fakewood letter said...

A few months ago, if anyone told me we head toward March again, or even a fraction of those horrors, I'd never believe you. Purim was a superspreader before we knew the term. We didn’t know what it was to turn on phones after Shabbos & read many names next to candles. Names of men & women who left families, who died alone, who suffered immeasurably.

We didn’t understand this terrible virus spreading its deadly tentacles, comprehend large gatherings make 100s sick. In April, when new orphans became too great to count, no one believed a few months later our community wouldn't take measures against a repeat because it's uncomfortable.

We had months of quiet. There's no quiet now as new deaths are reported, people struggle to breathe in hospitals & 100s of families are sick.

Is it too much to ask every precaution? Is it too difficult to follow CDC guidelines like almost every other community?

Even if you don’t agree (I await a real argument with DATA), is it worth the Chilul Hashem? A non-Jewish lady cleaners cried to me. She doesn’t want to get the virus. She asks everyone wear a mask in her store. Can we not do that in public at least because some of us think we know better?

Is any life worth breaking quarantine? The issue's heated, I understand. Realize the very reason doctors set Moetzes precautions are so we can have schools & shuls. Infection rates climb rapidly. We're making news.

This should never be a discrepancy between Halacha & medicine. Halacha states clearly to guard our lives. If we do melacha on Shabbos to save a soul, surely we can mask, distance & avoid large gatherings, all opposing opinions aside.

If you travel this Yom Tov, I beg you not bring this microscopic guest with you. Follow medical advice to make sure to not unknowingly spread it. Remember it’s most contagious when you don’t even know you have it.

At the very least, this virus can be highly uncomfortable. We already know the worst.

A concerned member,
Lakewood, New Jersey

על חרבך said...

Rabbi Moshe Heinemann once gave a class on ועל חרבך תחיה. That was years ago. And gelt ago as well. So now when it comes to making money in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), old classes have been forgotten. Now STAR-K finds new friends in the UAE! Look at the pictures below:

חברא אית ליה!‏
Baltimore STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Tzvi Rosen and Abdul Abdelak at the Gulfood Trade Show in Dubai!
Baltimore STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Chananya Jacobson Meets With a UAE Company Representative!

You may think that I am against multiculturalism these Baltimore rabbis exhibit, or, worse, that I have something against Muslims like Charlie Hebdo people. Breathe with ease — there is something else that bothers me: These proud Jews do not wear masks and do not keep any social distance! Perhaps, that's because they are not in the US, and when in Rome, sorry, Dubai... But, if that is the case, maybe they also got new wives there? After all, UAE is a polygamous land!

So many questions, and I cannot even get into my locked up synagogue to check all the holy books on this topic!

Yedioth Ahronoth said...


אין דוגמא אישית‎ (1
מקפסולה לקטסטרופה‎ (2
מצפצפים על החוק‎ (3
״חסידים שוטים״‎ (4
החרדה משמחת תורה‎ (5

page 1, page 2.

NYCPD said...


Philly gets Results said...


Besides Israel having the highest per capita infections in the world of 700+ per million, which is 5 times the US rate, Charedim are 34% of the Israeli figure, mostly bochurim & yungerleit age 24 and younger.

Corona said...

A joke I recently heard: Jewish parents want to name their newly-born daughter Corona. Their rabbi is much perplexed: Why do you want to give her such a name? They explain: Corona cannot be found in gyms or restaurants, at movies or shops. Only at synagogues, yeshivas, chasunas! Great Jewish name!

Landaus Shul Putz said...

Is AFP sure these morons were at Landau's, not HASC?


As virus rebounds in New York, Orthodox Jews decry stigmatization


Orthodox Jews feel attacked or insulted, accuse authorities of creating stigma based on faith.

According to authorities, the most significant jumps involve neighborhoods where Orthodox Jewish populations are substantial & coincide with Rosh Hashanah-Yom Kippur crowds.

Gov Cuomo adds cases are spiking in suburbs home to Orthodox Jews, says he'll meet religious leaders to combat the spread.

The mayor's sending police & workers to promote distancing, masks & summonses to anyone refusing.

de Blasio: “We have to take action. We'll escalate depending on what we see.”

‘Feel attacked’
Tensions palpable

Friday, health officials faced heckling at a Brooklyn park.

Steve Zuker, 52, in front of Landaus Shul Midwood where the positive rate's 6%: “We feel attacked. When you attack on belief, people attack back,” he said.

Some cite de Blasio triggering fury in threatening “the Jewish community” with arrest after a large crowd of Hasidic Jews gathered.

According to Zuker, his community leaders promote awareness of Covid risks, distribute masks & add space to social distance 2,000 worshippers.

He acknowledges some dismiss risks & don’t follow recommendations — as boys from the synagogue shout “fake news” at AFP journalists.

Zuker says some believe they have antibodies & are safe, use that excuse not to social distance.

“You try to do the right thing, and the rest, we believe in God, hopefully he's going to do the right thing,” pointing skyward.

Tensions rising

Presidential election fosters polarization.

In Midwood, a young man initials ME, accuses Liberal media & “Socialists” sowing divisions.

“People just try to destroy us,” the 20 year old said. “We try to be careful.”

“For people to say we're not careful, is insulting.”

Akiva, 38, teacher at a Yeshiva, aims to keep calm amid agitation. He emphasizes the Orthodox aren't a united block, and include many viewpoints.

For Akiva, the son & brother of doctors, the rise in cases is linked to months that infections stayed minimal, so distancing relaxed.

“It’s moving up again, so you’ll see compliance jumping,” he said.

Leading rabbis mobilized to encourage precautions, Akiva said: “Nothing changes overnight, but it definitely helped.”