EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Worthless Abraham Accords - Renaming it the Esau Accords! The Idiot Americans Just Don't Get It, Unless of Course You Want To Build Hotels & Golf Courses There!


UAE's FM says country will not support day-after Gaza plan without creating Palestinian state

Donald J. Trump, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Arab Emirates Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan sign the Abraham Accords Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020, on the South Lawn of the White House


The Abraham Accords are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020.[1][2] Mediated by the United States, the announcement of August 13, 2020, concerned Israel and the UAE before the subsequent announcement of an agreement between Israel and Bahrain on September 11, 2020. On September 15, 2020, the signing of the agreements was hosted by US president Trump on the Truman Balcony of the White House amid elaborate staging intended to evoke the signings of historic formal peace treaties in prior administrations.[3][4][5]

As part of the two agreements, both the UAE and Bahrain recognized Israel's sovereignty, enabling the establishment of full diplomatic relations. Israel's initial agreement with the UAE marked the first instance of Israel establishing diplomatic relations with an Arab country since 1994, when the Israel–Jordan peace treaty came into effect.[6] The agreements were named "Abraham Accords" to highlight the common belief of Judaism and Islam in the prophet Abraham.[7][8]

The Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement, officially the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement: Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization Between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel,[1] was initially agreed to in a joint statement by the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates on August 13, 2020, officially referred to as the Abraham Accords.[2][a] The UAE thus became the third Arab country, after Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994, to agree to formally normalize its relationship with Israel,[3][4][5] as well as the first Persian Gulf country to do so.[6][7] Concurrently, Israel agreed to suspend plans for annexing parts of the West Bank.[6][8] The agreement normalized what had long been informal but robust foreign relations between the two countries.[9][10] The agreement was signed at the White House on September 15, 2020.[11] It was approved unanimously by the Israeli cabinet on October 12[12] and was ratified by the Knesset on October 15.[13] The UAE parliament and cabinet ratified the agreement on October 19. The agreement went into effect on January 5, 2021.[14]

On August 16, 2020, the UAE for the first time established telephone links to Israel by unblocking direct dialing to Israel's +972 country code.[15] The first direct commercial flight from Israel to the UAE took place on August 31, 2020,[16] and the first ship carrying cargo from the United Arab Emirates to Israel entered the Port of Haifa on October 12.


The international stage is once again witnessing heightened diplomatic tensions as the aftermath of the Gaza war ignites fresh debates over the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A central issue in these discussions is the United Arab Emirates’ refusal to support any post-war reconstruction efforts in Gaza without a clear plan for the establishment of a Palestinian state. This position, echoed by UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan on Saturday, reflects a growing regional consensus on the need for a two-state solution to resolve the conflict.

Abdullah made his stance clear in a statement posted on X/Twitter emphasizing that the UAE’s participation in Gaza’s recovery would be contingent upon progress toward Palestinian statehood. “The United Arab Emirates is not ready to support the day after the war in Gaza without the establishment of a Palestinian state,” he declared.

The UAE’s position aligns with the sentiments expressed during a Joint Ministerial Contact Group meeting in Madrid last week, where representatives from several Muslim and European countries convened to discuss ways to end the Gaza war.

UAE's position endorsed

Hosted by Spain, the meeting brought together foreign ministers from nations such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Norway, and Slovenia, as well as Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa. The group, which also included the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, reiterated the necessity of implementing a two-state solution based on international law.

Speaking at the Madrid meeting on Friday, Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares called for a concrete schedule to ensure the realization of the two-state solution, asserting that it is the only viable path to peace in the region. “The implementation of the two-state solution is the only way,” Albares stated, urging the international community to move beyond rhetoric and take concrete actions toward resolving the conflict.

Notably absent from the Madrid talks was Israel, a decision Albares defended by stating that Israel was not part of the contact group. “We will be delighted to see Israel at any table where peace and the two-state solution are discussed,” he said. This exclusion, however, underscored the widening gap between Israel and many international actors over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As the Madrid meeting concluded with a renewed call for “Palestine” to join the United Nations, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz launched a scathing attack on Borrell, accusing him of antisemitism. Katz’s harsh comments were triggered by Borrell’s participation in discussions about the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Katz denounced Borrell as an “antisemitic Israel-hater,” comparing him to “the greatest antisemites in history.” He further accused the EU foreign policy chief of leading a “hateful, antisemitic campaign” against Israel while failing to confront the growing influence of Iran in the region. “Rather than confronting the Iranian axis of evil, which poses a threat to Europe’s security, Borrell sides with them in promoting anti-Israel initiatives,” the foreign minister charged.

The exchange between Katz and Borrell highlighted the deepening rift between Israel and the European Union regarding the future of the region. Borrell responded to Katz’s accusations by rejecting the notion that his advocacy for a two-state solution is driven by antisemitism. “Accusing those who disagree with a government’s position of antisemitism makes no sense,” Borrell said.

“There have, unfortunately, been examples in history of what it means to be antisemitic, and I don’t think we should play with big words that have had a tragic dimension in history,” he added, alluding to the historical weight of the term. Borrell defended his participation in the Madrid talks, stating that supporting a Palestinian state is not tantamount to opposing Israel but rather seeking a path to lasting peace. 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Two Zonas Walk Into The Knesset......Netanyahu promised the haredi party heads that he would approve a private bill allowing an exemption from enlistment for yeshiva students.


Report: Netanyahu and Goldknopf reach agreement on Draft Law


Hamodia newspaper reports that an agreement was reached between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UTJ chairman Yitzhak Goldknopf on the formulation and promotion of the Draft Law in the coming days.

Netanyahu and Goldknopf
Netanyahu and Goldknopf

Has an agreement been reached on the promotion of the Draft Law? A report in the Hamodia newspaper, which is affiliated with the Agudat Yisrael faction of the United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party, said that an agreement was reached between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UTJ chairman Yitzhak Goldknopf on the formulation and promotion of the Draft Law in the coming days.

According to the report, the planned law "will recognize the importance of Torah study and of Torah students and will thwart the harm being done to yeshiva students." The move, it was reported, follows instructions from the leadership of the haredi public.

Goldknopf clarified to Netanyahu that the law must pass three readings in the Knesset before the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the report said.

The meeting between the two took place at the Kirya in Tel Aviv, with the participation of other senior officials from the offices of both.

According to the report, it was agreed that there will be a follow-up meeting between the sides next week, in order to monitor the progress of the preparation of the law.

The Draft Law has been met with obstacles, among other things from Likud members MK Amichai Chikli, Moshe Sa'ada, and Dan Illouz, who wrote a letter to the Prime Minister after the war broke out, saying, "We can no longer calmly accept a situation in which certain groups in society take the burden of security onto their shoulders, with its heavy price, while other groups in the nation of Israel continue to live their routines."

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant promised that he would not support the law, unless it received broad support, including from members of the opposition.

At the time, Netanyahu promised the haredi party heads that he would approve a private bill allowing an exemption from enlistment for yeshiva students. In June, the Knesset approved the revival of a draft law which had been put forth during the previous Knesset by MK Benny Gantz. However, a short time later, the Supreme Court ordered that all yeshiva students be drafted, and that funding for their yeshivas be ended.

UTJ then demanded that Netanyahu approve the Draft Law by the end of the Knesset's summer session, but this did not happen.


Friday, September 13, 2024

While The Halacha Is Not Clear Explicitly - Rav Moshe Feinstein Does Make A Difference Between Outside & Inside and Permanent Place of Tefillah Versus Temporary Place of Tefillah. (PM)


Judge seeks rabbis’ input on separated prayer in Tel Aviv 


The court needs to know whether the Chief Rabbinate requires a divider between the sexes when praying outside.

Rosh Yehudi's lawyer, Harel Arnon (right), with petitioner Irit Linur at a hearing in Tel Aviv District Court on Sept. 4, 2024. Photo by Canaan Lidor.
Rosh Yehudi's lawyer, Harel Arnon (right), with petitioner Irit Linur at a hearing in Tel Aviv District Court on Sept. 4, 2024. 

For the second time this month, the Tel Aviv District Court postponed ruling on a petition asking it to order the municipality to allow sex-separated prayers on Yom Kippur on public grounds.

In the hearing on Thursday, Judge Erez Yakuel instructed the municipality to obtain by Sept. 19 a position paper from the Tel Aviv Religious Council, which is subordinate to the Chief Rabbinate, on the municipality’s claim that Jewish law does not require a divider to separate the sexes when praying outside.

The municipality claimed this at a preliminary hearing last week on a petition by 14 residents and the Rosh Yehudi group, whose mission statement is strengthening Jewish identity. The petitioners went to court following the municipality’s refusal last month to issue a permit for the annual Yom Kippur prayer that Rosh Yehudi has been organizing at Dizengoff Square in recent years. The holy day begins this year at sunset on Oct. 11.

The events of last year’s Yom Kippur prayer at Dizengoff Square, which Rosh Yehudi held with a permit, shocked Jews and others across the world. Secular activists interrupted the event, tearing down Rosh Yehudi’s dividers—frames made of flexible materials to symbolically separate the sexes while respecting the municipality’s ban on physical barriers. Some activists threw prayer books into the square’s fountain as they harassed and chased away Jews trying to pray on Judaism’s holiest day.

At last week’s hearing, the judge postponed ruling because he wanted the parties to compromise. Rosh Yehudi told the court it would move the event to anywhere in the city. The municipality insisted it could not allow sex-separated prayer because this would discriminate against women.


Those interested in pursuing this topic, see Sefer Chassidim 393; Yam Shel Shelomo, Ketuvot 1:20; Levush, Likkutei Minhangim 36; Bach, Even Ha-Ezer 62; and Kitzur Shulchan Arukh 149.  See also Iggerot Moshe OC 1:41 and Seridei Eish 1:77. PM.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

No Torah - No Scruples - No Morals - Hurt the Millions To Keep The 60,000 Bench Kvetchers In Their Beds At Night!


UTJ to Netanyahu: Without a draft law - there will be no budget


Sources in United Torah Judaism send message to the Prime Minister indicating that the party expects him to advance a draft law as agreed upon in the coalition agreements.

Yitzhak Goldknopf
Yitzhak Goldknopf

Officials in the haredi United Torah Judaism Party on Wednesday evening sent a message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the party expects him to manage the coalition and promote a haredi draft law as agreed upon in the coalition agreements.

The officials made clear that "without a draft law, there is no point in bringing forward a budget".

A similar message was delivered on Tuesday by the Minister of Housing and the chairman of United Torah Judaism, Yitzhak Goldknopf, directly to Netanyahu.

According to sources close to the Minister of Housing, Goldknopf told Netanyahu, "There is no point in bringing a state budget to a vote without a draft law."

This move comes against the background of ongoing discussions in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on the draft law. Last week, Goldknopf attended the committee's deliberations, in what was seen as an attempt to "speed up the passage of the draft law."

Upon leaving the discussion, the minister clarified, "If there is no draft law, there will be no government, not even for [Benny] Gantz."



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

No One Alone - No One Forgotten

There were at least two op-eds in the New York Times in the last few days arguing that if Harris was to win last night’s debate, she could not spend her time attacking Trump but had to show that she had tangible policy proposals for the American people.  Well, Harris did win the debate (I’m not aware of anybody who disagrees with this, including conservative websites like the National Review), but it was not because of her policy proposals. (Fortunately, I managed to stay awake to watch the whole thing.)

The NYT was wrong: Harris won the debate hands down, not by presenting tangible policies (she did mention a few), but by doing what she was told not to do: baiting and attacking Trump. She did it calmly but persistently, to the point where Trump became so baffled and enraged that he simply lost it, becoming unhinged and yes, almost deranged. And when that happened, his narcissism and lying became uncontrollable. In fact, at some points I thought that, like Biden, he had simply lost his ability to think. It seems to me now that Trump is showing signs of age, in a manner different in degree but not in kind from the kind of fogginess that brought down Biden in his last debate with Trump.

I suspect that some of Harris’s debate practice involved confecting statements that would unsettle Trump, and, sure enough, they worked, like a red cape shown to a bull.  Perhaps the most effective was Harris’s assertion that people got bored at Trump rallies, which were insubstantial and full of pop culture, and simply left them early.

That was enough to unsettle Trump, who claims that his rallies were, like everything else he does, the greatest in the history of America. And he never recovered his equilibrium.  The lies and misstatements spouted forth like water from a fountain.  There was the statement that Haitians were eating pets in Ohio, the claim that Harris met both Putin and Zelensky and failed to secure a peace (she never met Putin), the false claim that tariffs on foreign goods wouldn’t result in higher prices for consumers, that if was elected he could settle the Ukraine/Russia war before he took office, that Harris was a Marxist, that some Democrats support the execution of children after birth, and so on. None of that is true. When Harris said that world leaders were laughing at Trump’s ineptitude (another statement guaranteed to bait him), his response was to quote Hungarian President Viktor Orbán, a minor figure who admires Trump but also admires Putin. Was that the best he could do?

The WaPo and other sites have compiled a list of Trump’s lies and exaggerations, and it’s long.  Now Harris wasn’t immune to misstatements, either, but they were far fewer, and included her statement that “And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, the first time this century,”, which isn’t true. She claimed that the Biden administration created over 800,000 manufacturing jobs (the true number is close to 625,00).  But these are trivial compared to Trump’s fulminating and arrant lying.

I don’t know how many undecided voters would have been swayed by Trump’s performance to vote for him, but I doubt that it’s anywhere close to half.  The debate was really a contrast in likability and personality, and Harris’s cool demeanor and failure to get flustered made her look far better than Trump, whom I’ve always said suffers from a form of personality disorder.  And voters want to like the person whose box they check on the Presidential ballot.

Both candidates evaded some questions, including Trump’s denial of any responsibility for Project 2025, his failure to own up to the “fine people on both sides” statements he said after the far-right rally in Charlottesville, and his failure to specify how he’d rid the country of 11 million illegal immigrants. For her part, Harris didn’t really explain how her policies could change if her values didn’t, and she didn’t own up to her change of policy on fracking nor admit the seriousness of the immigration issue. This was balanced by two statements by Harris that were eloquent and, at least to me, somewhat moving: her defense of abortion rights for women and her rebuke of Trump for failing to stand for America’s democratic values by not supporting Ukraine.

No, Harris wasn’t strong on presenting policies (she did outline some, like her $6,000 tax credit to parents with newborns and a reduction in tax credits, and her website now outlines specific plans, including giving $25,000 to first-time home buyers). Whether her plans are financially viable is another question, but neither she nor Trump were asked that. (Note that, according to the New Republic, many of Harris’s policies were lifted directly from Biden’s campaign website).

The one issue on which I strongly disagree with Harris is the stand on Israel she espoused. While she said she strongly supported Israel and its right to defend itself, she also argued that the death toll of civilians in Gaza (something that’s been lifted from Hamas’s figures) is too high, and that we need both an immediate cease-fire and especially a two-state solution.  Both of those policies explicitly deny Israel the right to defend itself: a cease-fire now is a loss for Israel and a victory for Hamas, and we simply cannot have a two-state solution now. There are not honest brokers on either side, and of course neither Israel nor the Palestinians really want a two-state “solution”, which won’t solve any problems. (Israel now has no faith that a Palestinian state will be peaceful, and the Palestinians want the erasure of the state of Israel far more than they want their own state alongside Israel.)  I have little faith that Harris will conduct an israeli policy to my liking, but of course many Americans are far less pro-Israel than I.

As for the moderators, they were pretty good, though David Muir dominated the questions over Linsey Davis, which seems to me a bit sexist. However, the questions were generally good, and I thought the policy of fact-checking false claims during the live debate was a good one (and probably threw Trump off even more).

I believe that the Democrats, flush with victory, are now calling for a second debate, but I’m not sure there will be one. If the polls show that voters (and the electoral college) have moved towards Harris, Trump will surely not agree to a second debate.

 If Trump loses, then MAGA is gone and Trump has lost most of his influence in the GOP. If Harris loses, then the Democrats have to become yet more centrist (though I have to add that Harris has deliberately become more centrist recently as a pragmatic issue to win).

We don’t know who will win the election, and the next few days will show how much Trump’s embarrassing performance will cost the GOP. (Remember, he’s always been an awful debater but has nevertheless come out on top twice.)  But regardless of that, there’s no question that the winner of the debate was Kamala Harris.

 I’m still not a big fan of hers, but was reminded last night why I’ve always regarded Trump as a joke—but a very dangerous joke.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jack Lew Pays A Visit To Israel's Premier Al Z. Heime*r*she Nursing Home!


Biden administration praises Rabbi Lando's stance on Temple Mount amid controversy


US Ambassador met with Rabbi Dov Lando in Bnei Brak, praising his opposition to Temple Mount visits and relaying President Biden's appreciation for his role in reducing regional tensions.

 Rabbi Dov Lando seen during a meeting to discuss the drafting of Ultra orthodox jews to the IDF in the Ultra orthodox city of Bnei Brak, April 5, 2024. (photo credit: SHLOMI COHEN/FLASH90)
Rabbi Dov Lando age 94 seen during a meeting to discuss the drafting of Ultra orthodox jews to the IDF in the Ultra orthodox city of Bnei Brak,

US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew met with Rabbi Dov Lando, the head of the Slabodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, and commended his opposition to the ascent to the Temple Mount on behalf of US President Joe Biden, Israeli media reported on Monday.

During the meeting at Rabbi Lando's home in Bnei Brak, Lew praised the rabbi for his stance opposing visits to the Temple Mount.

He conveyed President Joe Biden's appreciation for his efforts to de-escalate tensions in the Middle East, according to a report by Ynet News.

In recent months, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s actions and statements regarding the Temple Mount have sparked widespread debate and criticism.

In a recent statement, Ben-Gvir admitted: “If I could do what I wanted, a synagogue would also be established on the Temple Mount.”

Following Ben-Gvir’s controversial visit to the site on Tisha B’Av, the Haredi newspaper Yated Ne'eman published an article titled "Temple Mount desecrators endanger Jewish lives," which strongly condemned the visit.

According to Kikar News, the article was published at the behest of Rabbi Lando. The piece also featured calls from prominent community figures to reconsider their support for Otzma Yehudit, led by Ben-Gvir.

Toward the end of the visit, Rabbi Lando extended New Year wishes to the ambassador, who, according to Kikar News responded with a greeting in Yiddish, much to the rabbi's surprise.


Monday, September 09, 2024

It's In Our Genes - The Israeli government and army are helping the vaccination drive “promptly, comprehensively and effectively,” Professor Dorit Nitzan, a former WHO official and current director of the master’s program in emergency medicine at Ben Gurion University


Israel facilitates massive polio vaccination drive in Gaza 


A three-phase medical campaign headed by the United Nations is underway after several children in the Strip contracted the disease.

People queue with their children for polio vaccinations at a makeshift camp for those displaced by conflict in a school run by UNRWA in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on Sept. 5, 2024. Photo by Bashar Taleb/AFP via Getty Images.
People queue with their children for polio vaccinations at a makeshift camp for those displaced by conflict in a school run by UNRWA in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on Sept. 5, 2024.

Amid a polio outbreak in the Gaza Strip, the World Health Organization is spearheading a massive vaccination campaign for more than 600,000 children there, with help from Israel and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry.

The outbreak, which has affected a handful of Gazan children this summer, is at risk of being exacerbated by conditions in the Strip amid the Israel-Hamas war, which has hundreds of thousands of displaced persons huddled in camps and tent cities.

The Israel Defense Forces is also vaccinating its own troops in Gaza as it adapts the fighting to facilitate the medical campaign.

The Israeli government and army are helping the vaccination drive “promptly, comprehensively and effectively,” Professor Dorit Nitzan, a former WHO official and current director of the master’s program in emergency medicine at Ben Gurion University, told JNS.

The IDF has paused fighting in certain areas to facilitate the first phase of vaccinations. Israel has allowed international medical teams to enter Gaza to train locals and ensured that they enjoy freedom of movement, said Nitzan, one of the government’s advisers on the Gaza outbreak

The first phase is focused on children under 10 in central Gaza, and is to be followed by a second phase in the south with 340,000 children and a third and final phase in the north, which is scheduled to be completed on Sept. 11, the WHO said on Wednesday. The WHO, an agency of the United Nations, has dozens of teams administering the vaccines in the Gaza Strip or training locals on how to do so.  

“At least 90% vaccination coverage during each round of the campaign is needed to stop the outbreak, prevent the international spread of polio, and reduce the risk of its re-emergence, given the severely disrupted health, water, and sanitation systems in the Gaza Strip,” the WHO said.

The 1.2 million doses of orally administered vaccines that the WHO has shipped to Gaza with Israel’s approval account for about $200,000 of the operation’s total budget of several million dollars, a WHO official told JNS. WHO is covering all or almost all of the costs, the official said, adding that each vaccinated child gets two doses.   

The outbreak originated in a vaccine featuring a weakened virus, Nitzan confirmed to JNS. It has mutated to cause infections, subsequently spreading through the population.

“We know it’s vaccine-derived because it’s a type 2 virus, whose wild form has been eradicated,” she said. The virus spreads mainly through contaminated water.

Although only several cases of polio have been diagnosed in Gaza so far, the disease has likely spread far wider, according to Nitzan. “For every child we know who has polio, there are probably a hundred more who carry the virus,” she said.

Israeli troops who return regularly from Gaza will likely not contract the virus, Nitzan said, because most have been vaccinated. But the army is vaccinating again anyway “to be extra safe and eliminate all risks,” she continued, noting that Israel has immigrants from dozens of countries with various vaccination policies, making it statistically likelier that an unvaccinated soldier would contract the virus and bring it back to Israel.

Even an unvaccinated adult would likely not get sick from the polio virus if they contract it. However, such individuals can pass the virus in feces or droplets from sneezing or coughing. The virus enters the body via the mouth. Children are far more susceptible, especially when they are younger than 18 months.

A vaccinated adult will rarely infect others with polio because the virus cannot survive in their body. But the virus still might come into Israel on the clothes, shoes, or gear of troops returning from Gaza, where many of them garrison in residential homes and search for underground tunnels—including ones partially flooded with standing water, where the polio virus tends to flourish.

Still, Nitzan said, there is no need to vaccinate Israeli children, who are nearly all vaccinated, again in connection with the outbreak.

The development underscores some of the complications that come with protracted warfare, which Israel has not endured since its Independence War of 1947-1949. Global action on the outbreak and media coverage of it, meanwhile, highlight and reinforce the international community’s shifting attention away from Israeli victims and hostages in favor of the suffering Palestinian population, for which Israel is widely blamed, being frequently accused of perpetrating a “genocide” in Gaza.

Ben Cohen, a senior analyst with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, wrote in a column for JNS that, given the vaccination campaign, “Israel is either waging the strangest genocide in the ghastly history of that phenomenon or isn’t waging one at all.”

The global pro-Hamas circles, he wrote, have “either been silent on the vaccine campaign or promoted ridiculous conspiracy theories accusing Israel of planting the virus and then rolling out a fake vaccine.”


Sunday, September 08, 2024

Map of 2020 Winners - I intend to pound the Jewish Vote in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania NOT to vote Trump! I purchased the physical address and email mailing list of every Jewish sounding name in those 3 states!





 My Fellow Jews,

Jewish voters, like any other demographic, have diverse opinions and political leanings, so it is important not to generalize. However, there are several reasons why some Jewish voters may be wary of supporting former President Donald Trump. These reasons can include concerns about his stance on issues like antisemitism, democratic values, and broader social and moral issues that align with many Jewish communities. Below are key points that explain why some Jewish voters might choose not to support Donald Trump:

One of the most significant concerns for Jewish voters during Trump’s presidency was the rise of antisemitic incidents in the United States. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), antisemitic hate crimes surged during Trump’s time in office. Critics argue that Trump's rhetoric and refusal to unequivocally condemn white supremacist groups contributed to this rise. For instance, after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017, where white nationalists chanted slogans like "Jews will not replace us," Trump faced backlash for saying there were "very fine people on both sides"—a comment many saw as an equivocation on condemning racism and antisemitism.

For Jewish voters who prioritize the fight against antisemitism, Trump’s response to these incidents, as well as the apparent emboldening of far-right, white supremacist groups during his presidency, is a cause for concern. Despite Trump's Israel policies, which were meant to appease the Christian right for the most part, his domestic policies and rhetoric toward hate groups may lead some Jewish voters to feel that his presidency did not adequately protect their community from antisemitism.

Many Jewish voters prioritize the protection of democratic values and institutions, which they view as essential for safeguarding minority rights. Trump's actions during and after the 2020 election, especially his refusal to accept the election results and the subsequent January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, are seen by some as an attack on the foundation of American democracy. The peaceful transition of power is a core value in democratic systems, and attempts to undermine it can be deeply troubling for those who see such actions as weakening the very institutions that protect civil rights and liberties.

Jewish voters, particularly those with historical knowledge of how fragile democracies can lead to the erosion of minority protections, may see Trump's behavior as a dangerous precedent. His unwillingness to condemn political violence and the perpetuation of baseless claims about election fraud have left many feeling that his leadership threatens the rule of law, democratic governance, and social stability.

Jewish teachings often emphasize social justice, moral behavior, and ethical governance. Many Jewish voters take these values into account when making political decisions. Trump's personal behavior, including his well-documented history of dishonesty, divisive rhetoric, and accusations of sexual misconduct, clashes with the values of integrity and accountability that are important to many within the Jewish community.

Trump's close alignment with evangelical Christian groups and his willingness to promote Christian nationalist themes have also been sources of discomfort for some Jewish voters. While many Jewish Americans appreciate religious freedom and support for religious communities, they may view Christian nationalism as exclusionary and a potential threat to the separation of church and state.


Trump is selling ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills


Christian nationalist rhetoric often emphasizes a particular vision of America as a Christian nation, which can alienate Jewish Americans and other religious minorities. Policies and movements that intertwine religion and government are often viewed with skepticism by those who favor a pluralistic society where all religions are treated equally under the law. Trump's alignment with leaders of the Christian right, who promote such ideals, could alienate Jewish voters who prioritize religious inclusivity and secular governance.

Trump’s leadership style, which often stoked division rather than unity, is another factor that may turn Jewish voters away. Jewish tradition places a strong emphasis on the concept of shalom (peace) and achdut (unity), values that stand in contrast to Trump’s polarizing rhetoric. Many Jewish voters may be uncomfortable with a president who uses inflammatory language to target his opponents, criticize the media, and exacerbate political divisions. This divisiveness can contribute to a more hostile political environment, which in turn may lead to increased discrimination against minority groups, including Jews.

While Trump has implemented policies that appeal to certain segments of the Jewish community,  there are numerous reasons why other Jewish voters may choose not to support him. Rising antisemitism, concerns about the erosion of democratic norms, and opposition to Trump’s moral, social, and policy positions all contribute to the hesitance of many Jewish voters to back him. Like any community, Jewish voters are not monolithic, and their voting decisions are shaped by a combination of domestic concerns, ethical values, and personal experiences.

 Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

A former Conservative Republican, now an Independent.

Paul Mendlowitz

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt"l - In Memoriam - His Yahrzeit - The Third Day Of Elul

Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz was born in the town of Willig in Hungary in 1886 into a family of G-d-fearing Sanzer chassidim. At a young age -- when he was already studying Shulchan Oruch Yore De'ah with Shach, Taz and the Pri Megadim -- he had acquired a name as a scholar who brimmed with deep religious passion. He studied under the Arugas Habosem, the B'eer Shmuel, and the Shevet Sofer, Rav Simcha Bunim Sofer --the three leading gedolim of Hungary at the time, and received semichah from them.

A person of deep complexity and contemplation, he pursued Jewish philosophy and mussar privately, and at a young age had completed the entire works of the Maharal, Kuzari, Mesilas Yeshorim, and works of chassidus. He avidly studied the works of Rav Samson Rafael Hirsch in the original German. He saw Rav Hirsch as his ideal because Hirsch had successfully devised a religious Jewish weltanschauung that could stand up to the challenges of modernity. (Nothing showed his diverse interests more than the fact that he spent his entire wedding dowry on buying a set of Zev Yaavetz's history books.)

Although Rav Shraga Feivel appeared an unassuming young man, he had a rare strain of boundless idealism running through his fabric. When he came across the statement in the gemora that, "Were Israel to keep two Shabbosim in a row, the Redemption would immediately come" he promised himself then and there that he would work to draw the hearts of Jews back to their Father in Heaven.

In the early years of the twentieth century, when Jews all over the world were blindly rushing to embrace enlightenment, communism, socialism and every other "ism" besides their ancestral heritage, his dream appeared as unpractical, wishful thinking.

At age 22 he married, and settled near his father's home in the town of Humina. In 1913, he decided to leave for the U.S. for reasons never clearly defined by him. Before he left, he received a brocho from Rav Yeshaya of Krestira, who foretold that he would accomplish great things in America.

The first few years in the U.S. Rav Shraga Feivel spent trying his hand at different professions. Although an expert at the laws of shechita, he saw after a day that this profession did not suit him. He taught in talmud Torahs in New York, Bridgeport and Scranton, before he returned to New York and opened an ice cream business.

Although he still dreamed of opening a yeshiva, he had discovered that in the U.S., all the power was concentrated in the hands of a talmud Torah's president and board of directors, and the principal and teachers were viewed as merely low level servants. He dreamed of succeeding in his business and with the funds, opening his own yeshiva. However, his business was not succeeding as planned, possibly because his head was more in his Torah studies than in ice cream.

Kashruth and educating the public

Rav Shraga Feivel was a lover of Jewish liturgical music; he and chazzan Yossele Rosenblatt became friends and together created The Jewish Light (Dos Yiddishe Licht) newspaper. The intent was to inform the Jewish public about the awareness of their heritage, shmiras hamitzvas, the importance of keeping the kashruth laws; and they wanted to give their secular brothers an alternative to The Forward (and The Workmen's Circle/Bund). He was way ahead of his times; the public was not interested for the most part in their message, and the paper folded leaving them deep in debt.

Rav Shraga Feivel, realizing that his business enterprises were failing, in the summer of 1921, after being pursued by various members of the board, he finally agreed to take a teaching job at Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, which at the time was a "talmud Torah" rather than a yeshiva. Many of the teachers were not shomrei Torah and mitzvos, a very sore spot in the side of Rav Shraga Feivel, and added to his hesitancy of joining the school. He was certain that the Torah could only be learned, if taught by frum teachers. A series of illnesses that struck him didn't allow him to take the job until Elul 1923, when he was appointed to teach the eighth grade class.

Rav Nesanel Quinn, a student who had arrived the year before and later became principal of Jewish studies in the yeshiva, recounts, "In the first days after he came to the yeshiva, even the worst students began to feel more positive about their Jewish studies. He tried -- and succeeded -- in making Torah study beloved to them, and in giving them the feeling of closeness to Hashem. They began to keep mitzvos not out of habit but out of deep feeling. He imbued one with pride to study Torah, and that nothing in this world could compare to Torah study."

The Yeshiva Leaps Spiritually

The board hired Reb Shraga Feivel for just six months on a trial basis instead of a year, as they had done with all the previous principals, and if they weren't satisfied, they could fire him. To their surprise, Reb Shraga Feivel told them that he wasn't even interested in a six-month contract. He offered that they could hire him on the basis that if at any point they were dissatisfied, they could fire him on the spot. All the previous principals had insisted on a detailed contract for an entire year.

Rav Shraga Feivel began the next day. He found a group of cool, impassive teachers whose resentment of him bristled under the surface. The teachers too were all of Polish or Russian extraction, and they could not respect the Hungarian man who "lacked up-to-date scholastic and educational training" and proudly sported a beard and payos.

But as the following weeks unfolded, and each teacher had the occasion to meet and discuss topics with him, they soon stood open-mouthed before Rav Shraga Feivel's vast knowledge. The teacher who was expert in Hebrew grammar soon discovered that Rav Shraga Feivel was a giant in dikduk. The teacher whose specialty was Jewish history soon discovered that Rav Shraga Feivel knew far more than he.

Within a few weeks, the entire staff was united in their reverence and respect for the new principal who each admitted towered far above him. Rav Shraga Feivel began his innovative program right away.

On his first day as principal, Rav Shraga Feivel dictated a letter to the members of the board. He wrote them that a person cannot be balabos (board member) over a yeshiva unless he appreciates Torah. He demanded that every one of them attend a Torah shiur at least twice a week. The board members were astonished -- but they complied.

Rav Shraga Feivel gave a shiur in the home of Reb Benzion Weberman where he impressed the committee members with his deep religious, educational and personal ideals. They began to understand that it wasn't sufficient for a child to have a Jewish education only until his bar mitzva years, which was the standard in America until then.

In addition to winning over the rebbes and the parents, Rav Shraga Feivel soon was idolized by the students. They had never seen a principal who taught with such heart and neshomoh. On holidays he made assemblies and parties, and would dance with the students. He would sing soulful songs "Kadsheinu" and "Vetaheir libeinu" with such ecstasy that all the students were swept up with the same emotion.

"It isn't the slightest exaggeration to say that Rav Shraga Feivel blew a new soul into us, of a natural Jewish approach to our Torah. We could clearly sense how the Shechina was present in every class. A new spirit blew in the life of the yeshiva -- and all this he did quietly, without noise, without giving orders."

Torah Vodaath's name began to spread far and wide in New York. There was no longer any need to recruit bochurim for the yeshiva and the problem now became how to find enough room for all the boys. The crowding forced the committee to open classes in rented apartments around the district. Classes were held in the Keap Street beis hamedrash, the Lincoln business school, and the Beis Aaron shtiebel on Division Avenue. At the same time, the spiritual growth fostered by Rav Shraga Feivel kept pace with the physical growth of the yeshiva.

The Mesivta is Founded

The idea of a Jewish high school was still far-fetched. When the end of the year drew near, Rav Shraga Feivel persuaded the parents of the eighth-grade boys to keep their sons in the yeshiva for "just one more year." Rav Shraga Feivel arranged for the youths to study in a local high school at night where courses were offered for adults who had not completed their high school diploma. He knew such a school would have less of an influence on his students than learning in a public school with youth their age. Besides the hours at night devoted to secular studies, the boys studied Jewish studies from early in the morning and even late at night after they finished their secular studies.

When the end of the year came around again, Rav Shraga Feivel convinced the parents to agree to just one more year. And when that year finished, the parents were willing to agree to another year. At that point, he found himself with a group of high school youths whose dedication to Torah study remained strong and unswerving.

Says Rav Nesanel Quinn, one of the students of this group, "Our study day was long and exhausting, but Rav Shraga Feivel pushed us to study Torah additional hours, on our own initiative, as it were, until late at night. I remember that he sat and studied Torah with us every Thursday night until almost midnight, and we felt that Torah study was so sweet that we almost didn't feel tired. Our load of studies was not easy, particularly if you compared it to the study program in a public school. But none of us ever complained. The frequent recesses of course helped to release the tension, but mainly what helped was that in our society, everyone was working hard and no one had it easy. So the heavy load on us wasn't viewed as anything extraordinary. We were so busy with our studies that we virtually had no time to spend on small talk."

When Rav Shraga Feivel was ready to implement his next educational endeavor -- the Mesivta -- he already had a group of older boys who had spent 12 years in intense Jewish education and the idea of continuing Jewish studies after elementary school was becoming more palatable.

When Rav Shraga Feivel asked to open a full high school division, with structured Jewish and secular studies offered within the format of the school in 1927, his request met with resistance from the board. The board, truth to tell, had nobly maintained the elementary school through unflagging and exhaustive efforts, but to undertake the support of a high school on top of that was a burden that the members saw as overwhelmingly difficult and perhaps unjustified.

Mr. Avrohom Lewin, a board member backed Rav Shraga Feivel. Despite the failure of Mr. Lewin's business during the growing Depression that hit America in those years, he staunchly agreed to buy a building at 505 Bedford Avenue for the Mesivta (as Rav Shraga Feivel called the high school to differentiate it from the elementary school, which was called "the yeshiva").

Shortly after Mr. Lewin purchased it, taking out large loans in his name, a real estate agent offered to buy it back from him at a much higher price -- that would have landed him a profit equal to three years of livelihood. But Mr. Lewin passed the difficult trial, and made the building available to the yeshiva. Eventually, the committee board agreed to take the Mesivta under its wing and pay for its cost. However, the burden of running and maintaining it fell upon Rav Shraga Feivel.

It must be emphasized what an immense achievement this was. Not only had Yeshiva Torah Vodaath acquired a sterling name as a yeshiva with undiluted Torah values, but it was the only yeshiva at the time with an excellent high school program. The other yeshiva schools, such as Rabbeinu Yaakov Yosef, Rav Shlomo Kluger and Tiferes Yerushalayim, were only elementary schools with at best afternoon programs for public high school students.

Rav Shraga Feivel's concept of the Mesivta program had no parallel in any yeshiva in the world -- and not just because he incorporated secular studies and a high school degree into the yeshiva. This in itself was an act of genius. He understood that for American Jewry to flourish, yeshiva boys must have a secular education. He insisted that his talmidim excel in the secular program as well. When he asked the European gedolim about the issue of secular studies in the yeshiva, the only shaila was could it be housed in the same building as used for limudei kodesh.(There were fanatics on the board, that insisted the yeshiva change its name from Torah Vodaath to a name that did not imply that there was daas outside of Torah. He strongly disagreed with that premise, as did Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch and the Rambam/Maimonides). 

 (Maimonides studied secular subjects like astronomy, medicine, mathematics and philosophy — a medieval “liberal arts” curriculum. He was particularly captivated by the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plotinus; their ideas persuaded him that reasoned inquiry was not only reconcilable with Judaism, but in fact its central discipline. He had little patience for those who cared more about the prestige of scholars than the merits of their assertions and admonished his students: “You should listen to the truth, whoever may have said it.”) (Commentary on the Mishnah, Tractate Neziqin)

Besides gemora being taught on a high level, he insisted that the curriculum include Chumash and Novi with their commentaries, the meanings of the prayers, knowledge of the 613 mitzvos, Jewish law, and sifrei yirah and mussar such as Sha'arei Teshuvah, Mesilas Yeshorim, and for select students, even Doros Harishonim, the detailed Jewish history book written by Rav Y. Halevi. Many of the latter courses he personally taught. He saw the utter importance of giving his students a solid foundation in Jewish faith and hashkofo that was taken for granted in the European yeshivos.

The atmosphere of the yeshiva was an unusual mix of Litvish learning taught by great Litvish scholars some of whom he brought over from Europe, with chassidic enthusiasm and soul which he himself injected. He integrated different approaches from various groups in Klal Yisroel and knew how to create a harmonious synthesis that appealed to his American students.

Although his influence permeated the yeshiva and every student in it, he humbly kept himself to the sidelines and refused to accept the title of "Rosh Mesivta" or even the more routine title of "Rabbi." He could not be found at the Mizrach of the beis hamedrash during prayers. He was the hinge on which the entire yeshiva turned, but to the unknowing eye, he seemed just an unassuming person filling a nondescript role. Who had ever heard of a man who built an entire yeshiva with mesiras nefesh -- only to refuse to take the mantle of honor it would bequeath to him?

In the shiurim Rav Shraga Feivel gave to the classes of the Mesivta he spoke constantly of Eretz Yisroel and the negative effect of college (he later altered his opinion, and asked Rabbi Hutner to apply for a college charter from New York State, under changing circumstances and an evolving necessity for many talmidim). Had he lived,  a college would have been built under the auspices of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath.


Courtesy of the Mendlowitz Family Archives and Philip Fishman
 MORE: http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2014/02/in-1946-americas-top-non-hasidic-haredi-rabbis-wanted-to-combine-their-yeshivas-to-form-a-jewish-university-567.html

 In one shiur, to the astonished eyes of his students who didn't know if he was hallucinating or really meant it, he said that the day would come when he would found a kollel avreichim for them to continue their studies in Eretz Yisroel after their weddings. No one in their wildest dreams at the time even considered continuing their Torah studies after their weddings. Each student felt that his hands were full with just remaining in yeshiva for high school despite the disapproval of his parents, the mockery of his neighbors, the haughty looks of his more Americanized friends, and the spirit of materialism and heresy that blew in powerful gusts all around him.

The Mesivta grew, and Rav Shraga Feivel realized his dream of creating knowledgeable, deeply religious and committed Jews. Years later, he created Beis Midrash Elyon in an "unknown" town called Monsey near Spring Valley, where hand-picked married students engaged in high-level Jewish studies and where Torah students went in the summer for a combined program of summer relaxation and Torah study. This was the first kollel of its kind in the United States.

Wellsprings of the Mesivta

Rav Shraga Feivel created soldiers who went forth to Jewish communities outside of New York and founded yeshivas and saved the remnant of religious Jews from going lost. He sent students to found new yeshivos: Lakewood, Telz, and the Nitra Yeshiva, and he gave up his own sorely-needed supporters instructing them to help support new yeshivos that were opening up elsewhere. He founded Beis Midrash Elyon, for advanced Torah study at a kollel level. One of his greatest dreams came to fruition when Torah Umesorah, whose goal was to create day schools and yeshivos all over the world, was founded.

By the time Rav Shraga Feivel passed away in 1948, American religious Jewry was still small and tender, but had deep and strong roots. Yeshivas Torah Vodaath had sprouted numerous rabbis and activists that helped create the prominent religious Jewish communities that we see today spread out throughout the U.S. and Canada.

With the mighty personality of Rav Shlomo Heiman, the rosh yeshiva who taught the older bochurim of the Mesivta from the years 1933-1943, Rav Shraga Feivel produced the first team of Torah scholars of stature on American soil, all of whom had incubated in the classrooms of Torah Vodaath. They continued to reinvigorate Jewish religious life around the globe throughout the twentieth century.

The fabric of the American Jewish community began to change in the 1950s. The flood of survivors and the local religious community opened new yeshivos, the religious community burgeoned, a new religious-American weltanschauung developed which enabled a religious Jew to face American society with confidence and independence.

His love for his fellow Jew was expressed best by Rabbi Weissmandel in his book "The Unheeded Cry." "(Paraphrased) There was no rabbi in the U.S.A. that cared for the plight of European Jewry more than the saintly Rav Shraga Feivel, and helped greatly in the fundraising and hatzoloh efforts to save every Jew possible."

Rav Shraga Feivel took seriously ill in 1948. He was an ardent zionist; he urged his son in-law, Rabbi Alexander Linchner, to go to Israel and save the Sephardi children from secularism. Boys Town Jerusalem was established in 1949, the largest yeshiva/trade school of its kind anywhere in the world.

He asked that he be buried in a non-monumented grave in the Arugas Habosem cemetery on Long Island until the situation in Israel would enable his burial there. He was laid to rest in his final resting place in Bnei Brak. Rav Eliyahu Dessler zt"l, in his will, requested that he be buried next to Rav Shraga Feivel. Until this day, the Kehillas Arugas Habosem has left his original grave empty.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there was no man that impacted the American Jewish landscape with such purpose, clarity of thought, and vision, as the saintly Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, zecher tzaddik v'kadosh levracha.

(Much of the material was taken from Shlucha DeRachmana (written in Hebrew) by R' Aaron Suraski who interviewed many family members. Mr. M. Samsonowitz gathered and had written much of the material. Although this piece had other important figures mentioned in the establishment of the American yeshiva movement, upon extensive research, I had discovered that they were greatly exaggerated to the point of being fabricated, and could not at all discern the true from the false, so I eliminated that material entirely. The above edited piece, is accurate, although not the entire story.)

For a biography (with pictures) which appears in


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Yahrzeit of Horav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt"l Tonight - 3 Elul Horav Shraga Feivel ben R' Moshe


Yahrzeit of

Horav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt"l

Tonight - 3 Elul

Horav Shraga Feivel ben R' Moshe

Tonight marks 76 years since the passing of the great visionary leader, Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt"l. Our legendary Menahel was instrumental in building the foundation of yiddishkeit in America, through Torah Vodaath, Torah Umesorah, Bais Medrash Elyon, Aish Dos, Camp Mesivta and became the architect of Yiddishkeit in America.

How appropriate it is that with Siyata D’shmaya, that the z’man started yesterday with an enrollment of over more than 1,000 talmdim! What greater tribute can there be to the vision and memory of Rav Shraga Feivel - יהי זכרו ברוך!

For a biography (with pictures) which appears in


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 To make a donation in memory of Horav Shraga Feivel zt"l

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Israel does not need a right to defend itself. It needs a right to win. The right to defend itself is Israel’s slow suicide. Survival rests on the right to win.

Israel has the right to win 


Not a right to defend itself. A right to win. 


View of the Philadelphi Corridor between the southern Gaza Strip and Egypt, on July 15, 2024. Photo by Oren Cohen/Flash90.
View of the Philadelphi Corridor between the southern Gaza Strip and Egypt 

“Israel has a right to defend itself,” Kamala told CNN. And then insisted that the “war must end.”

What she was really saying was that Israel doesn’t have a right to win.

Democrats and some Republicans have offered the same formulaic responses since Oct. 7.

And long before that.

“Israel has a right to defend itself from rocket attacks,” Obama said in 2014 before calling for a ceasefire. Israel has a right to defend itself, Bush and Clinton used to say before urging a quick end to the fighting in order to make a deal with the terrorists Israel is defending itself against.

The right to self-defense is the bare minimum allotted to anyone. Everyone has a right to defend themselves when they are attacked. Agreeing to it is not a pro-Israel statement. It is at best a neutral position to which the alternative position is that the Israelis should have allowed themselves to be overrun, destroyed and massacred, men, women and children, on Oct. 7.

Anything less than the assertion that Israel has a right to defend itself is a declaration that it deserves to be destroyed. And that is the state of the debate within the Democratic Party.

On one side are the supporters of a two-state solution, who want to split Israel between the Jews and the Islamic terrorists. Every time the terrorists invade and kill Jews, the Israeli army would have the right to briefly defend the country before the politicians make a new deal with the terrorists. On the other side are the one-state solution backers, who don’t believe Israel has a right to exist and therefore no right to defend itself. These people support the Islamic terrorists who call themselves “Palestinians” in their quest to destroy it by any means, from BDS to genocide.

The “extremists” want Israel gone now while the “moderates” want Israel to keep making deals with terrorists until it ceases to exist. Along the way it’ll have plenty of chances to defend itself on a diminishing amount of territory using static defenses that the enemy will plot to subvert.

Israel does not need a right to defend itself. It needs a right to win.

The right to defend yourself is the right to be penned up in a ghetto while murderers roam outside. It’s the right to spend billions of dollars on elaborate defenses like the Gaza border wall or Iron Dome that, like any alarm system or wall, only work until the terrorists find a way around them. It’s the right to be constantly hunted, to be always on the defensive and always afraid.

That’s no right at all.

The Nazis were not defeated with the right of defense, but the right of offense. Wars don’t end when the invaded are given a right to fight for a few weeks before calling it a draw. Wars end when one side actually has the power to do more than defend itself. To fight back and win.

When Netanyahu spoke to Congress about “total victory,” the political establishment ridiculed and dismissed the prospect of defeating Hamas, instead arguing in favor of a deal with the terrorist group. That deal, known as a “ceasefire” after the cycle of ceasefires with Hamas initiated by Obama, would allow the genocidal Muslim Brotherhood jihadists to regroup, rearm and attack again.

“In some respects, we are struggling over what the theory of victory is. Sometimes when we listen closely to Israeli leaders, they talk about mostly the idea of… a sweeping victory on the battlefield, total victory,” Biden’s Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell told a NATO summit. “I don’t think we believe that that is likely or possible.”

The Biden administration and NATO leaders did not display this sort of skepticism towards Zelensky’s promises of victory against Russia. When the Ukrainian leader recently promised to present a “victory plan” to the Biden administration, the move was met with applause.

The Biden-Harris administration and the European Union believe that Ukraine has the right to win while Israel only has the right to defend itself. That is the fundamental difference between the treatment of Ukraine and Israel, and the treatment of their two wars.

Ukraine’s demands for bigger and deadlier weapons systems, including tanks and jets, were swiftly met even while the Biden-Harris administration cut off or “slow walked” more basic weapons deliveries to Israel to force it to slow down offensive operations, including in Rafah. Those pressure campaigns allowed Hamas to hold on to and murder captured hostages.

That’s what the “right to win” looks like as opposed to the paltry “right to defend itself.”

Every time Ukraine pushed further or opened a new front in the war, including going into Russia, there was applause, rather than warnings about “escalation.” But every phase of Israel’s military campaign, including the push into Rafah where the hostages and tunnels were, was marked by pressure campaigns and warnings about the danger of “escalation” in the Middle East.

Ukraine attacking a nuclear world power isn’t “escalation,” Israel taking out a Hamas leader is.

The political establishment believes that Ukraine has the right to do more than just throw back invading armies, but believes that Israel’s rights are limited to defending and maintaining its 1948 borders, that it must surrender of all its Six-Day War borders, including half of Jerusalem, to Islamic terrorists and then promise them everything else they ask for to end the fighting.

And when the terrorists attack anyway, Israel will have the “right to defend itself” for a week or two. Then it’ll be time for another “ceasefire,” more negotiations and more surrenders.

Kamala and the political establishment are wrong. Israel does not have a “right to defend itself,” it has a right and a duty to go on the offensive and win. It has a right and a duty to utterly defeat and destroy every single Islamic terrorist organization at war with it. It has a right and a duty to secure whatever territory the terrorists were using for their operations, including the Philadelphi Corridor on the Gaza-Egypt border, through which massive amounts of weapons were delivered to Hamas.

That’s the least of what winning means.

In 1948, 1967 and 1973, Israel undertook to win. In those first three decades, it won and emerged stronger for it. In the next terrible four decades, it lost land, ambition and safety in a failed search for a peace that could never come on any terms other than its own strength.

Defense was traded for offense. Conflicts were to be managed. A weakening deterrence would reduce the scope of any individual exchange of fire. The United States and the Europeans would offer “guarantees” in exchange for a perpetual process of peace negotiations and war.

That was Israel’s “right to defend itself.”

On Oct. 7, Israel hit bottom. The cost of peace at any price was no longer just the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza, rockets falling on major cities or a worldwide campaign of demonization by its “peace partners,” but a new invasion of Israel. Out of that horror rises a single fundamental question: Will Israel remain on the defensive or will it fight to win.

The right to defend itself is Israel’s slow suicide. Survival rests on the right to win.

