EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Accused Pedophile Rabbi Still Go-Carting

Accused Pedophile Rabbi Still Go-Carting
Many boys nearby.
By Robert Kolker

New York Magazine

Rabbi Yehuda Kolko continues chaperoning kids. The Orthodox Brooklyn rabbi named in two sexual-abuse lawsuits was spotted on July 20 handing out tickets, driving a go-cart, and making arrangements with security at Lake Compounce, a family theme park in Connecticut that he’d rented out in the past when he worked for a prominent Flatbush yeshiva and its upstate summer camp. A first-grade teacher at Yeshiva Torah Temimah for four decades, Kolko stands accused in civil court of molesting three boys in the seventies and eighties; the charges are too old to make the criminal statute of limitations, but the school and its summer camp, Silver Lake, still suspended Kolko in May. “Everyone was shocked that he showed his face there,” says an eyewitness. “His sons were all around him, making sure no one started anything up.” The yeshiva’s attorney, Avi Moskowitz, maintains that Kolko has nothing to do with Camp Silver Lake and that he was not in charge of the July 20 event. “Obviously, the camp has no control over where he goes and what he does,” Moskowitz says. But sex-abuse plaintiff David Framowitz is confounded: “He’s walking around kids in bathing suits. Nothing has changed. All of those kids are potential victims, and everyone’s been warned.”


Anonymous said...

rabbi kolko is an amazing person
all this is bs put out ppl with nothing else to do other than bring some1 else down...these trashy new york papers are looking for garbage and uoj u r handing it to them on a silver platter... leave kolko alone, this story is 25+ yrs old and will never be proven fact..so until then get a life and use ur talents for somthing productive...

Anonymous said...

Thank you UOJ for returning the focus where it needs to be. As a parent of children in the Brooklyn yeshiva system I am very concerned at the lack of attention this problem is getting.

Keep up your good work.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

One more time,

You are clearly mistaken as to the timelines you described.
In R' Elchonon's well publicized letter to his talmid, he was well aware that the Jews were being slaughtered wholesale and instructed his talmid to stay put rather than risk the "spiritual dangers" of RIETS.

Anonymous said...

uoj get a life.
do something productive instead of chasing a 25 yr old dead story

Anonymous said...

One more time,

You are clearly mistaken as to the timelines you described.
In R' Elchonon's well publicized letter to his talmid, he was well aware that the Jews were being slaughtered wholesale and instructed his talmid to stay put rather than risk the "spiritual dangers" of RIETS.




Anonymous said...

Incredible how Kolko is an akshan, dragging his kids into this!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

I'm assuming you guys would feel the same if we found a Nazi alive that killed Jews 65 years ago, we should also leave him alone...just an old and dead story..RIGHT?

Anonymous said...

rabbi kolko is an amazing person
Sure he is. Just ask Rabbi Shmuel Dishon how amazing Kolko is.

Anonymous said...

Kolko was scheduled to administer another group at the park on August 9th, let's see if he shows up. It should not be difficult to find out if Kolko is affiliated in any way with Camp SilverLake/Margulies.

Anonymous said...

Concerned parents; please contact the park and express your concerns to them. Unlike our camps and yeshivas, no responsible water park will allow an accused chronic pedophile to enter their facility.

Lake Compounce Family Theme Park
271 Enterprise Drive
Bristol, CT 06010

Main phone number:
Administration fax number:
Group sales and marketing fax number:

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Let's leave that issue rest, the readers do not want to see that discussed anymore. Suffice to say; there are things better not disussed anymore. I do have historical documents that authenticate my claims.

Anonymous said...

You never lived in Baronowitz. Greek literature is forbidden, case closed. You can't judge someone from another time and place by standards from another time and place. Greek literature is forbidden. Dr. Revel was an expert in idol worship. His successor was a professor of Greek. Your documents prove that Reb Elchonon represented a view held by others in chareidi circles. You're not him. He's dead. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

The problems that we face and that UOJ present only few of them; these problems stem from one rotten toot, the tendency in the Haredi world to forsake the seal of Go-d, the Truth, in favor of other things that are presented as virtues. I do not know whetener the Hafetz Haiim really understood what he did by emphasizing the Issur of Loshon Hara' beyond any proportion, but he gave the Haredi world an Halkhik way to cover and forsake the truth. Now, whenever somebody tries to blow a whistle on a Rasha' such as R' Kolko, he or she is presented to Haredi public as the vilain, somebody who is over on the Issur of Loshon Hara', a Moser and a Malshin and what not. Add to that R' Schwab who suggested that we should not write true history because we should not present the next generation with the fallies of the previous ones and you understand the garbage that our kids are forced to read from the CIS books and Heder d'Lakewood. Garbage that is presented to them as "true" stories about the Gedoylim. (BTW, Rabbi Scwab's opinion was published in one of those CIS books). So our kids are trained to believe that the Gedoylim are one notch under (or maybe above) Mal'akhim (angels) and of course, one may not argue with them. As much as I despise the culture around us that is Matir everything you may imagine, it gives our kids some counterweight to that stuff.

Anonymous said...

> Dr. Revel was an expert in idol worship.

Get real. R. Revel was from the same 'hood as R. Wasserman. Both were from the same Litte. R. Belkin was too. He was also a talmid of the Chafetz Chaim.

R. Wasserman's "time and place" was no different from R. Revel and R. Belkin. The former was a fanatic in his time and in his place. The shtetl excuse doesn't wash. The same Litte also produced R. Meir Bar Ilan, R. Yehiel Yaakov Weinberg and a whole host of people who were different from R. Wasserman.

Anonymous said...

So Fidel Kolko is at it again. This time with a goon squad!!!
Where's the JDL? Let them take care
of them!

Anonymous said...

But, the point is that elu v'elu divrei Elokim hayyim. You can't expect the majority to be like the very large congregation in Montreaux. They didn't speak for the fundamentalist and non religious masses. As long as there's a fundamentalist Orthodoxy, there will be moderates, but the majority aren't and never will be centrist. Meir Bar Ilan's grandson was bar mitzvah in a mixed seating, egalitarian Conservative synagogue. The argument goes that this is where your liberalism leads. Are they wrong? They are preserving the mesoirah. You have yours; they have theirs. The goyishe, goldene medina meant little to them. In Polyn and Lita, the haskalah reared its ugly head and they declared your leisure and professional reading assur. That was their way, and boruch Hashem, their way is the way of Lakewood, Torah true, frumer than frum, and instead of being mevazeh talmidei chachomim, they're simply mevazeh everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Which of our lucky children got to ride on Kolko's lap in his golf cart?

Which of our lucky children got free "swimming lessons" with the traveling hand bonus from Kolko?


Anonymous said...

for the sake of the kids-could someone email or fax a copy of the article that appeared earlier in NY mag. to the people running this "theme park" together with a clear and good picture of Kolko. You might also which to imply that with this notice they would potentially be liable if they choose to disregard it.

Anonymous said...

First of all, please let me apologize in advance. I have a tendency to be verbose. I am sorry. It must be a family thing, for others in my family have a tendency to go on about injustice as well. I do hope, that in the interest of ostensibly being committed to Torah values, the moderator will let this through.
I know that I am having my say very late in the game. I sit here in Jerusalem, listening to the names of yet more pearls of the Jewish people that have given their lives L'shem Shamayim, to protect others, and I am profoundly saddened. I am saddened that instead of directing their energies towards making the world a better and safer place, especially for our future generations, most of the contributors to this blog (as well as others) spend the majority of their time criticizing other contributors. Even when people bring up valid points, the points are seldom addressed.

Just last week, on Tet B'Av, along with thousands of others, I walked around the Old City after the reading of Eicha. As I walked passed the glaring visages of our "cousins" in eastern Jerusalem, they reminded me that their baseless hatred was of the same ilk as that which led to the destruction of our Holy Temple. People! Get in focus. THE POINT IS "OUR" CHILDREN! The nitpicking, if it cannot be forgotten altogether, is best saved for after our children our safe. Would it not have been a better expenditure of energy to attempt to validate or disprove the charges of molestation . Tell me, how does this make our children safer? How does it bring the rebuilding of G-d's House any closer? After all, is that not our charge? Something about being a "Light unto the nations" comes to mind.

I thank you for the opportunity to have my say, and if the moderator is considering editing or blocking this contribution, please keep in mind that while the bickering goes on here, the gems of our future generations are "really putting it on the line". They are not hiding behind false names or daas torah. They are showing devotion to G-d both in prayer and by fulfilling the obligation of committment to their fellow man. That the Torah observant among the casulties are disproportionately represented should not be dismissed as a fluke. Remember, the Torah clearly defines that true service to G-d is impossible unless you are first and foremost a Ben Adam.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

I know that I am having my say very late in the game. I sit here in Jerusalem, listening to the names of yet more pearls of the Jewish people that have given their lives L'shem Shamayim, to protect others, and I am profoundly saddened. I am saddened that instead of directing their energies towards making the world a better and safer place, especially for our future generations, most of the contributors to this blog (as well as others) spend the majority of their time criticizing other contributors. Even when people bring up valid points, the points are seldom addressed.

Now this is someone whose Bubbe and Zayde are kvelling somewhere.

I pray that HaShem helps me develop the middot that this anonymous poster has displayed. We should all have his sense of brotherhood.

Anonymous said...

The yeshivaâ's ïs attorney, Avi Moskowitz, hemaintains that Kolko has nothing to do with Camp Silver Lake and that he was not in charge of the July 20 event. “Obviously, the camp has no control over where he goes and what he does.

WHAT LIES!!! Call Lake Compounce and ask them which camp/organization reserved the park for August 9. It is none other than Camp Silver Lake. What's Yudi doing there if he's no longer employed by YTT/CSL? They must think we're all idiots.

Anonymous said...

Water Park Responds said...
Thank you for taking the time to write about this. Lake Compounce will take every precaution necessary to make sure that all necessary arrangements are made. Lake Compounce will not cast a prejudgment on anyone who is not found guilty in a court of law. Thank you for the heads up and I appreciate your comments.

Jerry Brick

General Manager


Sounds like Lipa got to Jerry already. You know what they say, money talks and all else walks. Jerry's e-mail is jerry@lakecompounce.com. Maybe we should find out more about what "arrangements" he has planned.

Anonymous said...

poster from the holy village, the holy hanhola is always right. they are holy and sweet. everything they do is l'shem shomayim.

we love and revere them, hallowed be their names.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Vicky Polin has done wonderful work. I am not familiar with any of the accusations leveled at her, nor do I care. She is a pioneer in exposing sexual abuse in the Jewish community. Whatever I do know about her work, I wholeheartedly endorse.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

C'mon. Give me a clue if I was close.

Anonymous said...

Why must I believe all the garbage and lies about Vikki and UOJ, but what they say about Juravel, Kolko, Liezerowitz, Baltimore and Co. and the enablers I'm not to believe? VP & UOJ, keep up the good work. If klal yisroel cant thank u, at least G-d will thank u two in the Oilom Ha'Emes for trying to protect his littlest, helpless and voiceless children.

Anonymous said...

I think that JWB, UOJ, Vicki Polin, Rabbi Yosef Blau and JS are all hero's. I can't think of the number of lives they have touched and made a difference in.

Anonymous said...

You know that those who attack victim advocates on this blog are just proving how much they are needed. Can you imagine what survivors of the past went through when they tried to speak up alone? How many left Judaism just for that reason alone?

How many families have assimilated over the years? Do you think this could be one of the reasons?

Remember a forth of Jewish women and a fifth of Jewish men are survivors of child sex abuse.

Anonymous said...

what law suits are againts Vicki? There aren't any. I've been searching on line to find one. Please let us all know.

Anonymous said...

While I agree with the above anon re how much people like VIcki are needed, don't drag assimilation into this discussion. It's very divisive.

Anonymous said...

How disgusting this whole thing is. And this is from a community that wears hats and tzitzes. Your'e a bunch of f--ing phonies. Now after 45 years I have come to realize why I gave up orthodoxy