EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Thursday, August 16, 2007




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Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any dirt on Phil Jacobs? We gotta stop all these exposes.

Anonymous said...

Go Phil Go,
Don't ever stop till every last molester in baltimore is exposed and taken care of, and when your done there, come on over to NY we need your help,

Thanks for all your hard work,

Anonymous said...

It is true that there was a guy at last night's Agudah dinner wearing a UOJ cap, that was asked to leave???"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shafran & Wachsmann must have had an "Emergency" a la Charlie Hynes

Anonymous said...

Sheftel, we're working on it.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that Phil will publish a story about the establishment covering up for Juravel?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Heinemann put Eisemann on the mizrach vant last week when he came to mincha.

Anonymous said...

As long as you have enough $$$, any kind of criminal can become one of the Mizrach "vantzen" at Frankel's shul in Flatbush.

Anonymous said...

Why are you so surprised that Agudah gave the fellow the heave-ho? Its typical Agudistic free speech suppression. If its anything to protect the innocent you cant say it.

Example 1: When people started complaining about the at-risk-teen phenomenon and placed partial blame on the school, Agudah responded by starting the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, to teach Just Shut Up.

Example 2: The Agudah/Torah Umesorah teamed up with Project Derech when the truth came out that some parents were abusing their children physically and emotionally. This bullshit organization taught kids to Just Take It. Again putting kids in harms way.

Example 3: When the truth came out about Agudahs employees involved in sexual abuse perpetration or cover-ups (Kolko, Eiseman, Heinneman, Belsky, and Neustadt) the fools made a convention to quash the blogs. Thus enabling further abuse against the Jewish peoples most valuable assets, the children.

Example 4: Two months after the Monsey meat scandal broke, did the Jewish Observer write a choppy half-ass article about the Kosher problems. Maybe its because the publisher is a neighbor of Mrs. Shevach, or maybe Kosher is only for the older generation as Effy so eloquently stated.

Its time to choke the money lifeline off of Agudah.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Anyone with a photo of Sheftel Neuberger please e-mail it to me:

Time for his mug to go worldwide in the UOJ hall of shame!!

Anonymous said...

Who is Neustadt and what scandal is he involved in?

Anonymous said...


Have donations to Ner Israel been falling off?

Anonymous said...


We hope that Phil Jacobs doesn't get any ideas from UOJ's "Hall of Shame".

Anonymous said...


Does UOJ accept mug shots?

Anonymous said...

How many website hits do you get on a daily basis? Are the numbers increasing or are they around the same?

Anonymous said...

I have a source who was close to Rabbi Eisemann and defended him vociferously several months ago when initial allegations against him surfaced. Today he tells me most of the allegations are true.

Rabbi Eisemann still lives on the Ner Israel campus but does not teach in the school. That does not stop children from visiting his house and does not prevent his access in other ways to children. Yet the leaders of Ner Israel seem to think they have done enough to protect the children under their care and other children, as well.

Baltimore's rabbis did not go to the police. Rabbi Eisemann is still free and able to abuse.

What type of message does this send to Rabbi Eisemann's victims? To others who have suffered abuse at the hands of different rabbis? It says your life matters less than the life of the rabbi abuser. It also says, "Do not call police."

There is a rot in the haredi world. It is pervasive and deep. It destroys children. It destroys souls. And it carries the hechsher of the rabbis who lead us. Kosher poison, courtesy of an Orthodox rabbi near you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Why do you keep deleting my posts -you are like the aghuda people -i was trying to state the truth and to make a valid point - what a hypocrite

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Why do you keep deleting my posts -you are like the aghuda people -i was trying to state the truth and to make a valid point - what a hypocrite


Over the line madam. Rephrase it, I'll post it.

Anonymous said...

What's the halacha?

Eisemann has authored several books for Art Scroll - on Yechezkel, Iyov, others.

May one learn the seforim authored by a child sex abuser, who has failed to do teshuvah?

Only seriously knowledgeable people should reply.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

I don't pretend to be a posek; why would anyone knowingly purchase or read anything written by a person who has wrecked so many Jewish lives? His history goes back to Philadelphia. Sechel-common sense dictates that his works should be banned by us the people - the only ones that will ever be able to force a correction in Judaism or lose it all!

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that Vicki Polin/JewishSurvivors makes so many comments under pseudonyms, yet it's clear from the writing style that it's the same person.

I wonder if we added up all the comments left on this topic, and subtracted the ones that are obviously from Vicki Polin, how many would be left?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought Artscroll only publishes crooks. I didn't realize that my good buddy Nosson Scherman is such an advocate of diversity.

Anonymous said...

If you have knowledge that Eisemann is an abuser then it should be a classic case of hayotzei min hatomei, tomei.

Anonymous said...

The Ner Yisroel crew was running the yeshiva by the same name in Toronto from 1959 until 1970 when they packed up and left after a dispute. I wonder if there was any monkey business over there.

Anonymous said...

I heard it through the grapevine that NIRC employed a black custodian who was an ex-con but the yeshiva explained it away that the guy killed his unfaithful wife and her boyfriend which means he isn't dangerous.

Can anyone corroborate this story? There isn't any reason why yeshivos can't hire someone with a clean record.

Anonymous said...

A molester should know enough about Iyuv after all the yisurim they make children endure. The enablers should also know. Iyuv was silent when Paroy received aitza to kill Klal Yisroel. That's why he was visited with such terrible yisurim. UOJ is like Yisro who ran away and spoke up to save lives.

Anonymous said...


It's not easy.

Anonymous said...


I'm originally from Brooklyn as reported by the CanWest News Service. UOJ called in the tip to police.

Anonymous said...


What a miscalculation that was. I offered to cut UOJ in on some shady profits and the bum turns me in.

YoelB said...

UOJ, your point is worth stating more explicitly: Who needs a psak to say don't learn or especially BUY this man's work? So what if it's permissable, why have anything to do with him? There are so many sforim from decent people, let alone tzadikim out there, who needs to come anywhere near this man's stuff

Anonymous said...

"May one learn the seforim authored by a child sex abuser, who has failed to do teshuvah?"

Our friend Gil who talks about this trying to explain why he quotes apikorsim and frei professors all the time.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This e-mail to UOJ was copied on another site as a "note to Eisemann survivors".

This was NOT a note, this was an e-mail from Phil to UOJ.

The false impression that that site got this "note" is dishonest and hurts the credibility of that site and the people behind it.

Anonymous said...


Rabbi Moshe Milstein who gives shiurim (including on Zohar) in Flatbush at Bnai Yosef on Ave P alongside the Mikdash Melech rosh yeshiva Rabbi Benoliel and Rabbis Raful and Maslaton was convicted of 5 felonies for selling unsafe counterfeits of pharmaceuticals that women needed for fertility and people needed to treat Parkinson's. A Milstein buddy who has been protecting him, Yaakov Salomon, may be the psychotherapist by the same name who lectures for Aish Hatorah and is published by Artscroll. (Milstein's brother is a big macher at Aish) When Federal agents from the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigation were on his trail, Milstein tried to frame a frum Jew, his neighbor. Milstein has been putting on a pseudo-mekubal act for years, reading people's palms.

Anonymous said...


I wish to remind UOJ that vigilanteism is still illegal.

Anonymous said...

Milstein who made millions in illicit profits is a disgrace. He's the son of an alter Kletzker and married to a Shmuelevitz. The intended neighbor-sucker for his frame job is a poshutte Yid who is not exceedingly bright. Boruch Hashem that the Feds figured out Milstein was trying to frame an innocent man.

Anonymous said...


There is a Ben Chesir who is in charge of Ohel's fress convention and golf outing in Hewlett Harbor.


The New York Mercantile Exchange is "reviewing" developments at its beleaguered gas brokerage affiliate, Optionable (OPBL).

A parade of negative news led to Monday's resignation of Optionable CEO Kevin Cassidy. Nymex said it gave up its Optionable board seat and will take a hard look at its investment in the electronic broker.

Nymex paid at least $29 million for 19% stake in Optionable back in April and as a part of that deal put one of its execs, Ben Chesir, on Optionable's board.

A Nymex spokeswoman says Chesir has stepped down from the energy broker's board as Nymex conducts its review in order to address any possible "conflicts of interest."


Optionable Inc. Sued for Securities Law Violations

May 12, 2007 -- On May 11, 2007, the law firm of Sarraf Gentile LLP commenced a securities fraud class action lawsuit on behalf of those investors who acquired the securities of Optionable Inc. (OTCBB: OPBL). The lawsuit is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and names as defendants Optionable Inc. and certain of its top executives.

The Complaint alleges that Optionable and certain of its officers and directors violated the federal securities laws by making misleading statements concerning the Company's business prospects and growth. Specifically, throughout the Class Period, Defendants failed to disclose the following facts: (i) Optionable was engaged in improper deals with its biggest client, the Bank of Montreal; (ii) Optionable's business was extremely dependent upon BMO; and (iii) Defendants were able to retain BMO only because they helped its star options trader mismark options, falsify the trading price at which BMO traded those options, and hide massive losses incurred by BMO as a result of those trades. While the stock was trading at artificially inflated prices, as a result of this fraudulent scheme, Defendants sold shares of Optionable, for proceeds of over $28 million.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

Marvin Gaye said...

I heard it through the grapevine that NIRC employed a black custodian ...

Marvin, what difference does it make that the guy is black?

To be sure, most frum institutions' concept of building maintenance is "let's hire a schvartze" and don't have a clue that buildings must be maintained or the preventative maintenance preserves the value of their assets. However, that doesn't mean you have to embrace the racism that is endemic in the frum community.

Racism that is on display right now in the comments at Reb Harry's blog.

Anonymous said...

Please post your stories about Ohel Family Services.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know what's happenning with Kolko's criminal case and whats going on with Margolis, Applegrad and the rest of those FARBRECHERS?

Anonymous said...

Sheftel's brother Isaac Neuberger is a lawyer partnered at a firm with Hillel Tendler, brother of Mordechai & Aron. Hilly is president of T.I., the home of Eisgrau. Bloggers like New Hempstead have accused Hilly of trying to intimidate them with threatening faux legal letters on the firms letterhead to stop blogging about molesters in his family. They say that Hilly stopped his unprofessional bullying after copies of his threats were sent to all partners in the firm.

Sheftel is also a cousin of a high profile Reform clergywoman in England, Julia Neuberger.


Neuberger, Quinn, Gielen, Rubin & Gibber, P.A., is a regional law firm located in downtown Baltimore.

Anonymous said...


My law firm is full of a bunch of Ner Yisroel boys. I'm one of the partners though who tries to hide any connection to the yeshiva on my profile, as if I never graduated from there.

Anonymous said...


Don't forget that the Tendlers and the Ner Yisroel Weinbergs are also cousins.

Anonymous said...

The Milstein mishpocho runs a shul on East 7th between O & P. One of them is a YTT rebbe. Sounds like Margo's kind of people.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else's computer crash after they clicked on the Gil Student link? How does someone without a blogger account even post a hyperlink mid-post? All my programs and files were wiped out. I could only recover because of a special utility I have in pre-installation. Whatever happened was read as something hostile that anti-virus couldn't isolate.

Anonymous said...


Rabbi Neuberger, along with his lifelong friend, Rabbi Moshe Sherer started the Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools to help yeshivas gain recognition amongst American Colleges.

Anonymous said...

Multiple posts have been written about "Rabbi" George Finkelstein who was the principal of Yeshiva University's high school MTA (now the director of the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem"- he had molested 100's and makes Kolko look like nothing. Your Rabbi Blau new about it for YEARS and did nothing, and now you say that Blau is a saint? Why doesnt UOJ comment on this for once?

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with identifying someone as Black for reference purposes.

Cut it out with the politically correct crap. Those people were pushing at one point to remove the word black from the vocabulary even as the name of the color because they claim it has negative connotations. It's just more manipulation and bullying that adds up to reverse discrimination.

Anonymous said...


Ever since UOJ was on the case, I've taken to wearing a hard hat instead of an up hat.

Anonymous said...


Newly constructed homes make up only about 15% of total home sales. But a wave of building helped fuel the run-up in housing prices during the real-estate boom, especially in Florida and California. As the market started turning last year, prices on new homes and condos quickly stalled, then began dropping. That gave skittish buyers time to get cold feet.

Florida, a magnet for housing speculators in the boom, is ground zero for such disputes. The state long has been a boon to housing attorneys, some of whom are now filing lawsuits against developers.

One lawyer recently took out an ad in a Palm Beach newspaper reading: "Do you want your money back? Your contract for purchase of a new house or condominium may be illegal...To see if you are entitled to a refund, call us for a free consultation."

Anonymous said...


Software to make UOJ's blog more fun.

Anonymous said...

Once he hears that Phil is doing an article about him, Eisemann will be headed to EY to join the likes of Mondrowitz, Sobel, Leizerowitz, Colemar...I'm sure that I'm forgetting a bunch others.

Esti said...


Anonymous said...

Marvin Gay's "healing" wasn't into kid sex abuse, was it?

That would be enough by today's putrid standards to elevate him from Yeshiva Custodian to RAM.

Anonymous said...


What will it take for Ner Israel to care more about the children on it's campus then they do about their "image" and that of Rabbi Moshe Eisemann?

The Apartment buildings on the campus of Ner Israel are bursting with children. Alleged child molester, rabbi Moshe Eisemann currently lives in one of these apartments.

The administration at Ner Israel had no problems "retiring" rabbi Moshe Eisemann after the decree was made by rabbi Yaakov Hopfer, yet they fell short by allowing Eisemann to remain on the Ner Israel Campus.

Besides having a rabbnical college, Ner Israel also offers a boarding school for high school aged boys. This is exactly the type of children that alleged sex offender Eisemann likes to prey upon.

When the original accusations were brought to the attention of the administration of Ner Israel, no hot-report was made.

When you have several adult survivors coming forward regarding a teacher on your campus, most normal people would suspect a child could be in danger.

I believe since Ner Israel operates a high school and the accusations made were against one of their teachers, they should be obligated to make a report. The law states if you suspect a child is at risk of harm one must report to child protective services, especially when the accusations are my about a school employee.

A reliable source told me that Rabbi Eisemann is still tutoring students in his home. Some of the students are minors (teenage boys). If Rabbi Eisemann should molest another child, could there be some liablity issues on the part of Ner Israel?

Everyone call child protection services in Baltimore county and make a hot-line report regarding rabbi Moshe Eisemann!

Reporting Child Abuse in the State of Maryland
Baltimore County
TEL (410) 853-3000 (24 hours) (Option 1)
FAX (410) 853-3698

Baltimore City
TEL (410) 361-2235 (24 hours)
FAX (443) 423-7003 or 7002
FAX after 3:30-hours(443) 423-5950

Anonymous said...

Sorry to change the topic. Does anyone know what the story is with Meir Kin - a letter and seruv have been hung up in my shul in LA? It might have something to do with a Get and child.

Anonymous said...

It's the small money........

Anonymous said...

I can only confirm this much. My wife has an uncle who is no longer religlious and lives in Arizona in his 60's.

He was visiting with us TWENTY years ago and while talking late at night he mentioned that he was no longer religious b/c of a beis medrash boy named Moshe Eisman who used to molest him constantly. He said he went to his Rabbeim who did nothing about it. So he gave up on Judaism.

I said to him you mean Rabbii Moshe Eisman? He was stunned when I mentioned the word Rabbi-you mean they made this guy a rabbi? Hes among kids?

Now FYI-this was 20 years ago long before any of this ever came out. I heard it with my own ears and yes it happened at a yeshiva that they both attended and yes he recalled other distinguishable characteristics...

This one is real and bad...there is alot more to this and it is not good---not good at all....

Posted by: Arnold | May 15, 2007 at 02:40 PM

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Black People can call each other "Nigguhs" and no problem.

Us "Crackers", OTH, gotta be super careful.

"Colored" - No good.
"Black" - No good.
"Schvartsa" - Oy Vey! Only one who can get away with this is Jackie Mason.

So best bet is that the next time you see someone from Shevet Chom just mumble and blink a few times.

How much trouble can you get into for that?

Anonymous said...

boog, your starting to cross the line over here,

Anonymous said...

Rev. Al; I just died to save your sins.

Anonymous said...

Hey Big Al!

Yo talkin to me, Bro?

Don' mess with de Bess; Come right over heeyah and say what?

Anonymous said...

I too have a close relative that was sexually molested by Eisemen in a philadelphia parking lot many years ago when he was a rebbe there. So far he says he cant bring himself to call phil or anyone. he cant relive his nightmare. He suffers greatly every day.

Anonymous said...

Ronnie is right. Newspapers long ago stopped gratuitously referring to people as "black", "African-American", or some other racial or ethnic identification, unless there was a legitimate, newsworthy reason, i.e., identifying a fugitive.

Anonymous said...

Which yeshiva did Eiseman learn in when a bochur?

Anonymous said...

How did Rabbi Edgar Gluck get a job now with the NYC Medical Examiner's Office after he was kicked out as Assistant Superintendant of the State Police when he was caught billing Albany for bogus expenses?

What's next? Alan Hevesi starts working for the Parks Dept?

Anonymous said...


Guess our U.S.A. Rabbonim's Cajones are made out of Jello.

Hello, Weinfeld!?

Anonymous said...

I bet that the Gibber partner at Neuberger's law firm is a brother of the Providence, Rhode Island rosh yeshiva and the other brother who was Mashgiach at Chassan Sofer.

Anonymous said...

UOJ, why didn't you post the article about Mutterperl from Boro Park / Monsey who attacked the Hispanic girl in Flatbush?

Anonymous said...

Please excuse me while I get on conference call with Pinky Green, Dovid Cohen & Margulies.


Pardoned billionaire to get honorary degree from Bar-Ilan University

By Associated Press

Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan on Tuesday will issue an honorary doctorate to Marc Rich, who received a last-minute pardon from then-U.S. President Bill Clinton and founded of an oil trading firm under investigation for dealings with Saddam Hussein.

Bar-Ilan University is one of many distinguished institutions which have benefited from the largesse of Rich, the university said in a written statement, adding the decision was based on philanthropic rather than personal matters.

Anonymous said...


This mentions Eisemann's involvement in Russian "kiruv". Would that be under the flag of the Agudah's Vaad for Nidchei Aratzos?

Anonymous said...


Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes is introducing a new mobile Neighborhood Office Van , an expansion of the DA’s outreach, which will travel all over Brooklyn. It will inform the public of the services that the DA’s office offers, provide tips on crime prevention and take complaints from concerned residents. He is also announcing the opening of a new Neighborhood Office in the Midwood section of Brooklyn.

The opening of the Midwood office is a partnership between DA Hynes and Maria Nigido, director of the Sephardic Senior Center where the new office will be located. The center is located at 485 Kings Highway. The Midwood Office will be open on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Two counselors from the DA’s office will staff the new center, taking call complaints and speaking to walk-ins who have complaints or questions.

Residents come in to the Neighborhood Office or call the office to make complaints or seek assistance. Brooklyn residents discuss problems that are a concern to them and their communities with trained professionals from the District Attorney’s Office. Some of the problems discussed include elder abuse, drug activity, sex abuse and domestic violence, among others.

Another goal of the Neighborhood Offices is to develop relationships with neighborhood institutions to work together to educate the community on safety issues and prevention strategies.

(Prevention of bringing molesters to justice?)

Anonymous said...


Look how he retaliated against someone who ran against him in the election.

Anonymous said...

Welcoming the capacity crowd at Agudath Israel of America’s 85th Annual Dinner—held this past Sunday evening at the New York Hilton –- dinner chairman Shlomo Werdiger urged his listeners to “become Agudah ambassadors and spread the word” regarding Agudath Israel’s vital work on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

“Not a day passes that Agudath Israel is not called upon to provide advice, assistance and advocacy on behalf of individuals, groups, and institutions on matters of critical importance to our community,” the speaker declared. “The offices of Agudath Israel at 42 Broadway continue to be the central address for the resolution of any and all issues facing our people… it has been so for 85 successful years and has become even more so in the complex society we live in today.”

Drawing the crowd’s attention to the new legend –- “Klal Yisroel Working Together for Klal Yisroel” — adorning the banner behind the dais, Mr. Werdiger assured the assemblage that Agudath Israel still is and always will be the “Keepers of a Sacred Trust,” the organization’s slogan for many decades. But the time has come, he averred, to get the message out that “the only way the Agudah can continue to be the preeminent voice for Klal Yisroel is by having the koach hatzibbur behind it, acting together as a unified force with achdus and ahavas Yisroel.”

Anonymous said...

42 Broadway stuck their collective schnoz into the affair with Colmer & Lazer Ginzberg. They were hocking a tcheinik back & forth like the bunch of amateurs that they are. Lazer was told he had to "make sure" what the story was after 2 people complained about the pedophile.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Agudah dinner with my UOJ cap. They called security and forced me to leave. The Noviminsker almost died. Not a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

This is terrible. The was a shaytel sale last night in the restaurant / catering hall next to Ruthie's on Central Ave in Cedarhurst. It was hosted by Milano from Ave I and McDonald. The place was a mob scene of women trying to save a couple hundred bucks. You could see them from the sidewalk pulling shaytelach off & on. Men were also walking inside the place. My wife checked it out because we happened to be on the block. She had to navigate a bunch of rude women who wouldn't budge from where they parked themselves to group shmooze. They were also hogging the mirrors and were very protective & catty about the shaytelach, even the ones they had no intention of buying.

Gevaldig. No Indian hair, but a bunch of strange men get to see your wives' ervah.

Anonymous said...

"The Noviminsker almost died."

Ronnie must've added some extra embroidery that said: "UOJ, *** Boro Park *** division."

Anonymous said...

I am a journalist working for a major media organization and have become rather close friends with UOJ. I am developing a story on cults in our society, religious and otherwise. UOJ suggested that I attend the Aguda dinner. What I observed there,the starry-eyed-deer in the headlights look-was similar and symptomatic to the other cults I observed. I saw the exact behavior at the Scientology, Moon, Dali Lama, get-togethers. When the Grand Rabbi rose to speak, it became very pronounced.

Anonymous said...

Woman pease write how Ohel Family Services dealt with problems of domestic violence and what you thought of the social workers they employ.
Thanks Jill

Anonymous said...

Suggested Man of The Year Honors at next years Agudah Dinner:

Al (Tawana) Sharpton.

Both have much in common.

Anonymous said...

Journalist, there is nothing wrong with being starry-eyed over a rabbi who is sending the right message. Unfortunately, the Agudah has become corrupt over time. It's also ludicrous to compare this crowd with some of the cults you mention who induce followers with drugs.

What would you say about women who are mesmerized with Billy Joel at a concert?

I'm also suspicious whether that was really a journalist and one who has befriended UOJ.

Anonymous said...


Why is it not surprising that Charlie Hynes lets an offender out on bail but doesn't even bother to notify the victims?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that those guys who sell books for Philip Berg (Feivel Gruberger)'s "Kaballah Center" look like they're high on something.

Anonymous said...


Newsday reports he recently moved to Monsey to attend college.

Anonymous said...

What's up with those crazed dudes from Breslov? They operate in every neighborhood in the Tri-State. I've seen them working as late as 2 am.

A sensible rosh yeshiva says they are nuts and one should not give them money.

They are really a pain in the butt when you are trying to enjoy dinner in a restaurant and they start hovering over you.

Anonymous said...

A Kabbala freak came to one office to sell a set of Zohar. When he was told that rabbonim do not hold of "Berg" and they are not interested, the guy went beserk and they had to call the cops.

Anonymous said...

I know Shloimie Werdiger. He's a good man. Let's not rip him.

Anonymous said...

"Eisemann's involvement in Russian "kiruv". Would that be under the flag of the Agudah's Vaad for Nidchei Aratzos?"

Speak to Leibush Becker from 42 Broadway & "Zukes" (Naftoli Cukier)from Lakewood.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Observant Jew,

Healthy doses of skepticism signify an intelligent mind.

Anonymous said...

It was the 70 Precinct but there was no "mayse Louima"

He's due in court again in two days.

KINGS Criminal Court
Docket: 2007KN036527
Born 1988

Agency: NYPD
Officer Command: 70
Criminal Justice Tracking Number: 59078829P
NYSID Number: 2582374H
Arrest Number: K07643253

E Felony, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge

D Felony, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description: BURGLARY 3RD

A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge

A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge
Description: ACT MANR INJUR CHILD < 17

Anonymous said...

Mutterperl really must be a sick and dangerous guy. The cops told the court he said he has to go after young girls when he sees them.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:16 is either Aron Twerski or he has to tell his buddy Werdiger to stop supporting the corrupt Agudah.

Anonymous said...

I'm a professional, and I've lately been making the same observations as the journalist. Aguda is morphing into a cult. The constant harping on daas Torah, kavod harav, and gedolim. The banning of books. The banning of the Internet. The banning of the Baltimore Jewish Times. The doctrinaire Jewish Observer, leaving no room for independent thinking or critical analysis. The total conformity in dress and speech. The composition of the Moetzes - ten Roshei Yeshivos, all of near-identical backgrounds and thinking, and no synagogue rabbis. The Thanksgiving night massacre, demanding fealty, and condemning blogs. The insistence on the kollel movement, which is producing unemployable men, producing poverty, and bankrupting us. The circling of the wagons when criticism comes from outsiders. These are all classic attributes of a cult, or at least, cultish behavior.

An outsider, like the nonorthodox journalist, can often see another's faults far better than the insider.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if those Milano sheitels are the ones under the "hashgocho" of the Gershon "the swindler" Tannenbaum from the Iggud Haganovim.

Ronnie Schreiber said...



Rabbi Neuberger, along with his lifelong friend, Rabbi Moshe Sherer started the Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools to help yeshivas gain recognition amongst American Colleges.

Look, most universities these days are a joke, outside of the hard sciences. Corporations, and graduate/professional schools, though, require undergrad degrees. I don't have a problem accrediting yeshivas to help guys get into law school or the like. That's a whole lot better than the chareidim who think any secular education or a parnassah for the matter is assur.

Anonymous said...


WHatever happened with that lowlife Shlomo Fine who rammed his car over & over again into that pregnant lady on Ave M? The last article on it was in March.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

Lighten Up, Ronnie said...

There's nothing wrong with identifying someone as Black for reference purposes.

No, not at all. I do it all the time, and when talking to Jews use the word schvartze.

Cut it out with the politically correct crap.

I'm about as politically incorrect as one could be. This is laughable.

Those people were pushing at one point to remove the word black from the vocabulary even as the name of the color because they claim it has negative connotations.

"Those people"?

It's just more manipulation and bullying that adds up to reverse discrimination.

I'm politically right of center, have opposed affirmative action from the beginning as unconstitutional and harmful to both society and blacks, have filed legal proceedings to ensure Jewish employment rights (and won), and you're a bigot, and it embarrasses me that you are on the same side of an issue as me.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

One lawyer recently took out an ad in a Palm Beach newspaper reading: "Do you want your money back? Your contract for purchase of a new house or condominium may be illegal...To see if you are entitled to a refund, call us for a free consultation."

You can't fault lawyers for wanting to make a living. The problem, though, is that it's not productive work in the sense of the overall economy. To be sure, you want wrongs and torts to be righted, but it's not like ambulance chasers are creating new wealth by adding value to something or innovating.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

I'm a professional, and I've lately been making the same observations as the journalist. Aguda is morphing into a cult. The constant harping on daas Torah, kavod harav, and gedolim. The banning of books. The banning of the Internet. The banning of the Baltimore Jewish Times. The doctrinaire Jewish Observer, leaving no room for independent thinking or critical analysis. The total conformity in dress and speech. The composition of the Moetzes - ten Roshei Yeshivos, all of near-identical backgrounds and thinking, and no synagogue rabbis. The Thanksgiving night massacre, demanding fealty, and condemning blogs. The insistence on the kollel movement, which is producing unemployable men, producing poverty, and bankrupting us. The circling of the wagons when criticism comes from outsiders. These are all classic attributes of a cult, or at least, cultish behavior.

I agree with your assessment exactly. While you expressed your sentiments in a way "our" crowd understands, the Journalist was absolutely correct in his observation. Drug induced behavior does not need to mean ingesting of foreign chemicals. With enough brainwashing, the victims will act in an identical fashion to the ones using chemical substances.

Anonymous said...

Hey, professional, you forgot the sex abuse and coverup, also attributes of a cult.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

boog said...

Marvin Gay's "healing" wasn't into kid sex abuse, was it?

That would be enough by today's putrid standards to elevate him from Yeshiva Custodian to RAM.

Marvin was a tragic case. He rebelled against a strict Adventist upbringing to go into R&B. His singing partner Tammi Terrell collapsed in his arms onstage and later died of a brain tumor. He was chronically depressed and I think he acknowledge some cross dressing, as I think his father, a preacher, was also accused of. Even when he was still charting hit singles, and writing some of Motown's most memorable hits by other performers, he felt confined by Motown's pop soul mentality while music was exploding in the late 1960s. This frustration resulted in the truly great What's Going On album.

Always a hit with the ladies with his good looks and smooth voice, his later work was openly sexual. Frankly, though the tune works musically, Sexual Healing is kind of silly lyrically. But Let's Get It On is one of the great sensual songs of all times.

Maybe something about that party Saturday night, church Sunday morning thing. Some of the greatest soul singers, Gaye, Sam Cooke, and the great national treasure, Al Green, feed off that tension between the sacred and the profane.

Anonymous said...

The molester works for the company that produces Davidson's / Safe Eggs products under the OU. Belsky must be pushing for the charges against the victim's mother.


Circle U Kosher approval standards


Davidson's Pasteurized Eggs™


Woman charged with threatening molester
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
By tom quigley
The Express-Times
BELVIDERE | A Lopatcong Township mother allegedly threatened to kill her daughter's molester Thursday after the man pleaded guilty to reduced charges.

The woman, whose name is being withheld by The Express-Times, "locked eyes" with her child's molester as sheriff's deputies escorted him from a courtroom in the Warren County Courthouse, records show.

She then said, "You're dead," as she swiped one of her hands across her throat, authorities allege. The woman is free on bail charged with terroristic threats.

The alleged incident occurred after Rafael Alfaro, of the first block of Raymond Street, Phillipsburg, pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree child endangerment in exchange for a recommended four-year state prison sentence.

Alfaro is awaiting sentencing at Warren County jail, where he being held on $250,000 bail.

Alfaro was an employee of the Ise Farms egg farm in Franklin Township, Warren County.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

boog said...

Interesting that Black People can call each other "Nigguhs" and no problem.

boog, you know I'm one of your homies, so bear with me.

I have a black friend in his 20s and do a lot of embroidery for his motorcycle club, so I hang with black folks who nigga this and nigga that all the time. We're fairly tight, and he's a pretty bright guy, but it just amazes me the kind of crap that he's internalized, the conventional wisdom of the black community, the notion that the man is keeping him down.

I wouldn't use the term nigger in any case. I wouldn't use the word nigga, though, because I'm not some kind of wannabe.

Us "Crackers", OTH, gotta be super careful.

Not even sure that many black people use that word any more.

"Colored" - No good.

No,the PC term now is "people of color", even Zarqawi uses it. Funny how Arabs can claim not to be anti-semitic because the "are Semites", but Arabs are people of color and Jews are white. It's so hard keeping up with the PC crowd.

"Black" - No good.

Seems to be the most popular term among blacks. I think they only use African American when engaging in rhetoric or dealing with whites. Internally it's black and nigger variants. I think that nigger/nigga now is similar to yid. Jews use it internally and Jew haters use it disparagingly.

"Schvartsa" - Oy Vey! Only one who can get away with this is Jackie Mason.

I use it all the time. Even around some black folks.

So best bet is that the next time you see someone from Shevet Chom just mumble and blink a few times.

The so called Hamitic curse was discussed on Harry's blog recently and while googling I found something I wrote in 1994 on the mail.jewish mailing list. Basically it's not a Jewish thing, primarily a result of Muslims justifying their participation in the slave trade.

How much trouble can you get into for that?

I suppose it depends on the schvartze.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

Al (Tawana) Sharpton.

Both have much in common.

The Tawana Brawley case was not the worst thing he's done. He has blood on his hands in the Freddy's Fashion Mart fire.

Sharpton is smart, funny and completely immoral.

Anonymous said...


Richard Klass of Jewish Fress and Le Marais infamy has been elected Trustee of the Brooklyn Bar Association.

It would be interesting if the outgoing president Barton Slavin is related to the Slavin Fish company, a corrupt OU-certified entity that has threatened Flatbush rabbonim over exposing kashrus violations, has been in trouble for selling fish contaminated with PCBs and has dealings with the mob that controlled the Fulton Fish Market.

Sorry, no picture here of how fat Richard Klass is.

Anonymous said...

If the Brooklyn Bar Assoc. is anything like the national ABA, they have to be as commie pink as Karl Marx's tuchess.

Anonymous said...

Rabbonim have been rolling their eyes over the OU money grab in certifying free range brown eggs. Virtually every egg in the package has a blood spot and has to be discarded. It's not a very honest approach to business.

Anonymous said...

Even Scheinerman & Lazer Ginsberg tell everyone not to eat Slavin's fish. The OU should be ashamed for continuing to certify those gangsters who have issued death threats to those who speak up against them.

Anonymous said...


Shlomo Karpen is from Williamsburg and Bricolage Design is Henry Radusky in Boro Park who has gotten in trouble for a number of shady episodes.

Anonymous said...


NCSY takes sexual position

Anonymous said...


Hear you and you're correct on Marvin Gaye.


Thanks for the remind on Freddy's Fashion Mart. As egregious as Tawana.

Remember that in the Tawana case a good man's reputation was publicly tarred and feathered and career ruined. No way to even assess the psychological and emotional destruction caused.

Al Smart and funny? Perhaps. But a low-life Drek-Tinaf-Tinofes nonetheless.

He's all over Don Imus like a cheap suit but not a peep about the acquitted Duke lacrosse players and the proven to be false charges made by the Black girl Dancer.

Justice? Don't be confusin' me with de facts, Boss.

And let's not even start with his Houdini act vis-a-vis Black gangsta Rap lyrics that demean Women. Ain't no fame or $ gain in them thar hills.

REV AL. as the Agudah's 2008 Man of The Year would be zehr tzu gepassig.

Anonymous said...


Saturday, July 16, 2005

To Rabbi Eisemann

Dear Rabbi Eisemann,

I want to sincerely thank you for trying to reach out to me at a difficult time. I have always had great respect for you.

I will not contact you directly for reasons I won’t go into but also because I much prefer that your advice should be for the many people in my situation (and, believe me, there are many) and not just me.

I understand that you would rather speak to me directly because you would like to establish a personal relationship and to understand what’s “really” bothering me. I’m familiar with this as I myself have been involved in kiruv.

Let me first tell you that I am not unhappy in general. I have a good family, baruch hashem, and until now have enjoyed learning and being in yeshiva. The problem is not something else. It is a problem of hashkafa exactly as I said it is.

Also you should know I’m not stam looking for reasons to do aveiros. This Shabbos, even though I consider myself not frum anymore, I was makpid in kala kechamura. I have no special taiva to stam be mechalel shabbos (even though I am full of anger). Unfortunately, at this point Shabbos has no meaning for me but old habits are hard to break (and also I didn’t discuss this yet with my wife).

Anyway, if you really want to help me, I’ll tell you how. The basic question that drives me crazy is this: does a frum Jew have to believe that everything chazal said, including science, is true? As long as I thought the answer is NO, my life was fine and my Yiddishkeit was 100%.

But now that Rav Eliashiv and Rav Moshe Shapiro and Rav Shternbuch and Rav Scheinberg and Rav Dovid Feinstein and Rav Feldman and many more said the answer is definitely YES, I have a big problem. Very big.

So please tell me:
Are these people Gedolim?
Did they say the answer is YES?
Are the gedolim the ones who decide what we have to believe?

I believe the answer to all three is YES, in which case my life as a frum yid is over. If the answer to any of these three questions is NO, I beg you to please SAY SO NOW BECAUSE IT IS A MATTER OF PIKUACH NEFESH AND NOT JUST FOR ME.

And one last thing: In case you want to speak privately in order to say that the answer to one of these is NO but you are afraid to say it in public, that is the worst of all possible answers. It would mean that you are a coward and that our velt is run by thugs. Please don’t say that if you want to help.

At 1:55 PM, Moshe M. Eisemann said...
The reason why I offered a face to face meeting rather than discussing the matter on your blog, is that, although my experience is limited, I find this venue very unsuited to Divrei Torah, particularly a DAVAR HA'OMED BERUMO SHEL OLAM as is the topic which we are discussing.
Our own exchange is a good example. I made a perfectly simple offer and all of a sudden find myself in a game of chicken in which the issue is whether or not I am a coward. That should not happen and does not lead to the kind of Derdh Eretz which aspiring Benei Torah should foster.
Again, your second posting was not framed in language which is appropriate to a Torah discussion. You allowed yourself to say things which you had no business to think, certainly not to express and most certainly not to express in public.
I am not going to expose Divrei Torah to such a forum. Ifthat is cowardice, so be it. There comes a time when ASHREI ADAM MEDACHED TAMID must be the rule of the day.
Neither you nor the people who use these blogs asked my advice, but allow me to suggest that you start using your real names. I suspect that the abuses which apparently occur would not take place if you identified yourse lf. I understand that anonymity can sometimes be useful, but it seems to me that it can very easily lead to a situation in which YATZAH SECHORO BEHEFSEIDO.
Needless to say, my offer stands and I would be delighted if you or anyone else who feels that he might benefit from a conversation, would get in touch with me.
I received an email from DBH in which he pointed out that the problem precipitated by this affair is much wider than I had expected. I answered him that while I recognize that bigger PIRSUM would certainly be helpful and is therefore called for, I cannot.given the reasons which I laid out for you, see how this might be done.
Best wishes in friendship.

Anonymous said...


It has already been noted in the comments section earlier.








Agudah wake up, make this situation right before there are more Nidchei Yisroel in America and sexual devants in Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to wear my UOJ caps for Shavuous - Ronald.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

I understand some "UOJ groupies" were doing naughty things with their computers. NO "UOJ GROUPIES" CORRUPTION PLEASE!:-)

Anonymous said...

The Good Honorable Reverand Al (Tawana) Sharpton's Creed to Live By:

"If it's white, it can't be right!"

Ronnie Schreiber said...

got caps? said...

I was hoping to wear my UOJ caps for Shavuous - Ronald.

Soon come, mon, soon come.

Anonymous said...


Maybe UOJ can help me shake things up a little. This looks like a cover up. They don't want to know if Sruly Singer and his pal Curt Hoxter have been misbehaving. SIW can attack Gary Rosenblatt all he wants but the audit should be comprehensive.

Anonymous said...

From the Jewish Week:

Time To Open Up
As a child Holocaust survivor, I have admiration and praise for those who negotiated on our behalf in the past. (“Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader,” May 4)

Throughout the years, rumors circulated among survivors about irregularities concerning the allocation to unworthy non-Holocaust projects, the maintenance of highly salaried staff and frivolous use of money for “operations” [at the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany].

Recently, it appears these rumors have been confirmed. It is high time they open up, highlight the transparency and explain the reason that grass-roots survivor-elected officials were kept away for years from making major decisions and “allowed” only to exist in a small advisory capacity.

It is time that the Claims Conference answers the question of who deserves the money more than those who scrounge for a few more dollars to pay for medicine for a few hours of home-based care.

Where is the money that shows up in the private pockets of non-survivors?

We want to know. And who are we? We are the survivors — remember us? We are the ones for whom the compensation was intended.

Esther Widman

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Ms. Esther Widman,

Unfortunately, you don't matter to them. You and your family are/were used as pawns for people like Singer, Marvin Hier, and the Julius Bermans of Judaism, to gain fame, power and money for themselves.

If it wasn't the Holocaust, they would have invented one.

Anonymous said...


More on the lastest outrage by pro-molester Charlie Hynes.

Anonymous said...

"A Brooklyn DA spokesman (Jerry the Schmatta?) declined to elaborate on why prosecutors asked for only $10,000 bail for Mutterperl"


Peter Vallone Jr., who chairs the City Council's Public Safety Committee, said he was stunned that suspect Bernard Mutterperl, 19, was back on the streets after allegedly trying to kidnap Xochil Garcia in her Midwood apartment building.

Vallone was particularly outraged that Mutterperl was freed on relatively low bail after admitting to cops that "when he sees young girls, he has to go after them," court documents revealed.

"This is a very serious charge," he said. "The bail should have been very, very high."

Bail for Mutterperl - who was charged with first- and second-degree unlawful imprisonment, third-degree burglary and endangering the welfare of a child - was set by Judge John Wilson at $75,000 bond or $25,000 cash.

The DA had asked for $10,000 cash or bond.

"This decision is potentially dangerous," said Vallone (D-Queens). "This is a grave mistake by the judiciary."

Garcia's stepfather said yesterday that the child is scared.

"I don't know the circumstances of why he was released," said Heriberto Rodriguez, 45, who convened a tenants meeting Tuesday night to organize patrols at the apartment complex.

A Brooklyn DA spokesman declined to elaborate on why prosecutors asked for only $10,000 bail for Mutterperl, who lives with his grandmother in Borough Park.

Anonymous said...


UOJ is a very hard to please customer. He must be the one who got the Attorney General to accuse my Dell Computer company of fraud.

Anonymous said...

How does UOJ find enough hours in the day?


Investor pleads guilty to $12M fraud
Ex-Wall Streeter Fingerhut's friend also admits role in scheme
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Newhouse News Service
The strategy Bert Fingerhut used to make millions of dollars during the past decade -- putting money in mutual savings banks be fore they went public -- was popular with lots of investors.

The problem for Fingerhut, federal prosecutors and securities regulators said, was that a significant part of his plan was illegal. The former Wall Street banking executive admitted as much yesterday when he pleaded guilty to orchestrating a complex scheme that defrauded banks and other depositors out of more than $12 million.

A childhood friend, Robert Danetz of Teaneck, also pleaded guilty in federal court in Newark, admit ting he helped Fingerhut improperly open dozens of accounts at financial institutions across the country.

The two friends, as well as Fingerhut's nephew and Danetz's brother, made money by having deposits at mutual savings banks be fore those thrifts decided to become public companies, officials al leged. Depositors are given the opportunity to buy stock ahead of time, typically at a discount to what the shares begin trading at when they go public.

The group deceived banks -- including a handful in New Jersey -- by using the names of friends and relatives to open accounts, then lied further while buying stock in the 65 thrifts that ultimately went public, authorities charged. Regulators said it was the most extensive bank conversion fraud they had ever seen.

"Fingerhut used his Wall Street acumen to concoct a cunning scheme," U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said in a statement. "He made millions by robbing everyday depositors of an opportunity to which they were entitled and deserved."

Fingerhut, 63, who retired as di rector of research at Oppenheimer & Co., is a Democratic campaign contributor and conservationist.

Anonymous said...


Wednesday, May 16, 2007
CALL TO ACTION: rabbi Yisroel Shapiro of Baltimore, MD
The day that rabbi Moshe Heinemann cares more about the children in Baltimore then he does about his own image -- will be the day we have a chance of ending child sexual abuse in the Baltimore Jewish community! -- Jewish Survivor

If you or anyone you know was sexually abused by rabbi Yisroel Shapiro please make a report to Child Protective Services of Maryland. Remember there is no statute of limitations on sex crimes against children in the State of Maryland.

Shapiro currently works for a kosher butcher shop and prays in a local synagogue. It is well known in the Baltimore community that he had allegedly sexually abused boys receiving Hebrew lessons from him. No police report was filed. Instead the Vaad of Baltimore handled the case on their own. A decision was made that he could no longer teach children, yet no one monitors his behavior, nor is he undergoing sex offender treatment by a trained mental health professional.

If your abuse occurred within the city limits of Baltimore call:

TEL (410) 361-2235 (24 hours)
FAX (443) 423-7003 or 7002
FAX after 3:30-hours(443) 423-5950
If your abuse occurred within Baltimore County call:

TEL (410) 853-3000 (24 hours) (Option 1)
FAX (410) 853-3698

Anonymous said...

Anyone that has experiance using Ohel Family Services for abuse please pst information and if they helped and what type of social workers they hire

Anonymous said...

Why the grand rabbi's pic without explanaition?

Anonymous said...

the scandal in nirc toronto , i've heard, was over some funky phone charges racked up by someone at the top.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

If it wasn't the Holocaust, they would have invented one.

UOJ, are you sure you don't want to rethink that statement?


IMHO, this was the best of Ronnie that I've seen since we've become friends.


There are people like the ones I mentioned that are opportunists (sans Berman). They live off peoples' misery. Hier, is one foe of the Jewish people because he INVENTED a new religion called Holocaust Judaism. The way to God is through Marvin Hier.

We, of course, know he's a huckster, but the world at large takes him at his lying word! Even Wiesenthal despised him and wanted his name removed from Hier's supermarket to the stars!

Singer, while he probably began his career with the proper motives, evolved in to a charlatan of the worst order.

So, yes, there are some wonderful Jews, but it's not them!

Our examples, as you mentioned, were RSFM and RAK, who gave up EVERYTHING for the klal, no money, no perceived power other than being God's messengers.

That should be our example and the goal that we must strive for in selecting our leaders. They were not perfect men either, but they knew that, and went humbly in to the night knowing that they gave their very best, and had one vision...the service of God through serving the klal, not the klal serving them!!!!!!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Why the grand rabbi's pic without explanation?



Anonymous said...

elaborate please for the sake of the (luckily) uninitiated.

Anonymous said...

...Charles Barkley on Al Sharpton..

May 17, 2007 -- CHARLES Barkley thinks Don Imus should have been suspended, but not fired, for insulting the Rutgers women's basketball team. On last night's "Boomer Esiason Show" on MSG, the NBA star said, "It was an insult to those young ladies. . . . He owed them an apology. I think a suspension was warranted." Barkley criticized civil rights leaders for ignoring Imus' insults against Jews, Asians and others. "Anytime something happens, you [media] guys have a magnet on Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, like they speak for all black people . . . which is unfortunate and unfair. Al and Jesse have said racist things before. I don't think you can have selective prosecution . . . that's not right, that's not fair."

Anonymous said...

There was a phone scandal at NIRC Toronto when they moved to the new building at 8950 Bathurst. It was bochurim who figured out a way to make free international calls from the payphones. Bell Canada stuck the yeshiva with the bill.

Was there another phone scandal?

Anonymous said...


I'm not just an employee of the Vaad L'Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel. As this organizational chart shows, I'm on the "Rabbinical Committee".

Anonymous said...

And I was twice as terrified that UOJ was among the crowd. They were all wearing UOJ caps from a container that Ronnie shipped to South Africa.


Cape Town - A fashion photographer and convicted child molester from Tamboerskloof hid in the regional court building here for four hours on Wednesday for fear of being attacked by a baying crowd outside.

Niel Henry Herman, 45, was accompanied by police officers when he left at lunchtime, after he had appeared earlier on Wednesday morning.

Herman, the father of a baby boy, was found guilty earlier this year of indecently assaulting a girl who is now 10 years old.

"You were brave enough to show your penis to the girl. Be brave enough to show your face," shouted the group.

The girl's mother, who was in a relationship with him and has a two-year-old son by him, says her daughter is still confused at times.

She said Herman, who photographed famous models in the 1980s, had a (psychological) hold on her daughter.

"My child is still in therapy. She has a low self-image and goes through phases of depression.

"It makes me so angry that he denies everything. He doesn't have the guts to admit his mistakes," she said.

Anonymous said...

UOJ thinks if he makes fun of me, no one will be machshiv me anymore.


On Tuesday, 3 Tammuz, June 19, the Rebbe will be addressing a gathering in Lakewood commemorating the 25th yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Kotler, zt”l (1918-1982), Rosh Yeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha. Rav Shneur succeed his father, Rabbi Aaron Kotler, zt”l (1892-1962) founding Rosh Yeshiva. During Rav Shneur’s 20 years of leadership, the yeshiva grew from 180 students to more than 1,200 and developed into the premiere Torah institution and community it is today. The yahrzeit event will be of tremendous significance for the Lakewood Kehillah, the yeshiva world at large, and for Jews throughout the world. The Satmar Rebbe will serve as the keynote speaker.

Paul Mendlowitz said...


May 17, 2007 Stone Ridge Creamery Sherbet

Stone Ridge Creamery
Sherbet (Assorted Flavors)
Supervalu Inc.- Eden Prairie, MN

This certified product contains dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredient panel but th e dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted. Future packaging has been revised.

Anonymous said...

With UOJ's permission, I'd like to post all the names of the executives on the Vaad Nidchei Yisroel so the public can hound them.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

The Satmar Rebbe will serve as the keynote speaker....


And how exactly do I know "which" Satmar Rebbe will be speaking?

Paul Mendlowitz said...

With UOJ's permission,...

Go fer it....

Anonymous said...

They had a very unscholarly front page essay last week, criticizing anyone who talks about the Khazars. After the standard neo-Nazi comparisons, they said there is no historical data to say that Ashkenazim come from them.

The Jewish Press in fact is ignoring all kinds of data and scholarly work that shows that the Hungarians descend from them.

Isn't it funny how Jerry Greenwald and his JP yellow "journalists" also print veiled attacks against everything UOJ says?

Anonymous said...















Anonymous said...

Imbuing Others With the Love of Torah

by HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman

A person can gain immensely in ruchniyus with any act
he does, while on the other hand he can cause damage too. If
a person intends to do something as a mitzvah he brings
nachas ruach to HaKodosh Boruch Hu and is rewarded. Doing the same act with intention for its material aspects does not bring him any reward at all. Everything
then, is dependent upon intent.

Anonymous said...

Is Chairman Zev Rothschild the guy who had the big commercial fire in Lakewood that polluted the lake and was forced by the government to pay for the clean up?

Anonymous said...

I know many of the figures on the Vaad. Some are machers in the community and some are total nobodies. One guy thinks he's majorly choshuv but is a huge loser and that's putting it mildly. He likes bragging to everyone about how he was supposedly an A type in yeshiva. He thinks he's cool by ending everything he says with some silly line like "zeh hamatzav". He says it with an oomph and cocks his head around while basking in self-importance. I wonder how many other orgs he wants to fix his name to along with the Fruchthandlers and Rieders of this world.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Zukes from Lakewood is allowed to keep a cut of the money he shnorrs for the Vaad? He's very aggressive in asking people for nedovos "forrr da Rrrrusians."

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Does anyone know if Zukes from Lakewood is allowed to keep a cut of the money he shnorrs for the Vaad? He's very aggressive in asking people for nedovos "forrr da Rrrrusians."

Nahhh! He does it only when there's nothing left to eat and needs something to do.

Anonymous said...


LAKEWOOD — Arson has not been ruled out as the cause of the fire that destroyed two businesses on Main Street (Route 88) on June 4, according to Robert Gasser, a spokesman for the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office.

"The fire looks suspicious, based on the number of people who might have some knowledge as to the circumstances of the fire," Gasser said last week. "Our job is to investigate whether there was an intentional firing of a building premises. That procedure is continuing."

Investigators believe products stocked by the businesses that were destroyed in the fire may have contaminated runoff water carried downstream into Lake Shenandoah, killing hundreds of fish there.

Ed Rumen, a spokesman for the Ocean County Board of Health, said Zev Rothschild of Zebra Holdings II LLC, the owner of a nonprofit grocery store destroyed in the blaze, had been ordered to clean up the site where the conflagration occurred. The grocery store was in a building previously used by Lane Drugs.


Officials charged that partners Zeev Rothschild and Mark Engel of Zebra Holdings LLC failed to get a use variance or to submit a site plan before installing a mikvah, the Jewish ritual purification bath, in a highway commercial zone where it is not a permitted use. Officials deemed construction of a bath house within a supermarket to be a health and safety issue.

Whalepond Development LP of Ocean, the owner of the supermarket, was fined $2,000 for the violation and ordered to correct it.

In June 2004, a suspicious fire at the Lakewood NPGS on Main Street (Route 88) burned the store down to the ground. Water runoff from fire fighters battling the blaze became contaminated by chemicals in household goods stocked on shelves inside the store. The contaminated water seeped into the ground and in turn contaminated Lake Shenandoah several miles away.

Although the late night fire was investigated as arson, the county Prosecutor's Office ruled it the result of improperly disposed smoking materials. NPGS reopened for business in a 164-foot-by-82-foot tent with a 180-day permit issued by the Lakewood Department of Code Enforcement and Zoning. Lakewood extended the permit several times, but NPGS is currently operating without a certificate of occupancy since the last extension expired in June 2005.

Zebra Holdings has received numerous violation notices in conjunction with its use of the tent, but Lakewood, unlike Jackson, has not closed down the business until the violations are corrected.

The tent, located behind the U.S. Post Office on Clifton Avenue and adjacent to the bus terminal on 1st Street and Lexington Avenue, creates a perpetual circus atmosphere in Lakewood's commercial shopping district.

Anonymous said...


Focus your energy on Eisemann's enablers at the Vaad.

1]Mordechai Neustadt
2]Barry Hertz
3]Joan Hertz

These depraved individuals sat on this information, employed the sucker, and still have the guy using their Vaad for the perpetuation of evil.

Anonymous said...

John Loftus, an undeniable friend of the Jews, writes in "The Secret War against the Jews" that he has seen unclassified documents that Wiesenthal was on the CIA payroll and that it is clear that Wiesenthal was payed to keep quiet after the war about certain Nazis who were providing the US Military with their scientific expertise.

Even unclassified documents elude the general population. They are released like a needle into a haystack on purpose so that no one sees them. After being secret for decades, two high ranking military officers who sit around all day in the National Archive, shtup them somewhere, anywhere that John Q. Public is unlikely to find them.

Anonymous said...

We thought Barry Hertz was busy trying to hold on to his hoyzen every time he gets a margin call for $20 million. Maybe his rov R' Michel Shpitzer should have a talk with him.

Anonymous said...

Barry Hertz's Track Data Corp produced the Vestos software that is available free to the public. He should make amends by putting out a molester tracking package too.

Anonymous said...


Rabbi Kaufman, 48, an ebullient man who sees the building of the Orthodox community in Waterbury as a personal mission, takes particular pride in Ingenious Productions, a fledgling film company that has made movies for several Jewish organizations and a three-part spoof called “Rabbis” for the yeshiva.

Anonymous said...

Avi Schron is a decent guy and has clout at the Vaad. I would expect him to speak up about Eisemann. I wonder though if his father being a big talmid of Rabbi Scheinberg would have any bearing.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Joan Hertz that works in Ohel Family Serrvices domestic violence unit?


Focus your energy on Eisemann's enablers at the Vaad.

1]Mordechai Neustadt
2]Barry Hertz
3]Joan Hertz

These depraved individuals sat on this information, employed the sucker, and still have the guy using their Vaad for the perpetuation of evil.

Anonymous said...

I saw that shaitelach ad for the traveling warehouse sale. Es passt for the 5 Towns that women are bearing their heads in public and pecking around like birds for the slim pickings.

There are still larger problems than Indian hair and the Cedarhurst circus. Some manufacturers entice women with the big draw of an expert stylist and haircutter. These frey and goyish professionals who otherwise cater to movie stars and the like, infuse their manner of speech from the outside world. They lavish praises on your wives about how beautiful they are. Some of the women get so charmed that I'm mesupak if parshas Sotah might be applicable.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

The Jewish Press in fact is ignoring all kinds of data and scholarly work that shows that the Hungarians descend from them.

Some ended up in the Ukraine, others in Poland. The Khazar kingdom lasted for about 400 years. After their conversion they had well established ties to Jewish communities in eastern Europe, including the movement of rabbis between the regions. Reason indicates that there was most likely some intermarriage as well.

You can't downplay the neo-Nazi angle on this. They use their perversion of the Khazar story to invalidate all European Jews as Jews.

Anonymous said...

Who gives the "Rabbinical Approval"? Roth? Gornish? Can you buy it in Les Marias?

I had heard that it was not very accurate. Besides, what would one do if their hard drive crashed?

Anonymous said...

Did everyone see the trailer for the film “Narrow Bridge” that should be out this summer? It’s about clergy sexual abuse from an orthodox perspective.


Anonymous said...

"Vallone was particularly outraged that Mutterperl was freed on relatively low bail after admitting to cops that "when he sees young girls, he has to go after them," court documents revealed"


We need to know were he lives, what he looks like, for i have children and am afraid for them, this sick boy needs help and lockup nothing less, CHARLIE HYNES has to be held accountable for these molesters that are roaming the jewish neighberhood,

anybody with information as to his grandmothers address were he is staying at in boro park,and if somebody got a picture of him please! get it up.

Anonymous said...

WARNING to all single women. Yochanan Berkowitz who has lived in both NYC and Passaic, NJ attempted to rape a woman on a date. He also sexually assaulted another woman.

He says he's a psychologist, but he a social worker. rav Braun of Monsey knows about the rapes and has covered up Berkowitz's crimes.

I've seen Berkowitz looking for dates on JDATE, Frumster and Orthodate.

Anonymous said...





Ger style cult strategy: Keep our goons busy with other peoples problems so they dont think of the sexual perversion that runs deep in our own holey society.

Anonymous said...


The "leadership" of all these clowns like Bronfman, Singer, Hier, etc is a sham that stinks of cronyism.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2007 -- Why did the Brooklyn district attorney's office ask a judge for only $10,000 bail for accused child-snatcher Bernard Mutterperl - after he reportedly told cops that "when he sees young girls, he has to go after them"?

The 19-year-old Brooklyn resident walked free Tuesday after posting bond, one day after he was arrested for trying to abduct 11-year-old Xochil Garcia, who bravely fought him off, in her Midwood apartment building.

City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. called this "a grave mistake by the judiciary" - but his complaint appears to be at least partially misplaced.

That's because Judge John Wilson didn't go along with the bail request made by DA Joe Hynes' office. He actually imposed higher bail - $75,000 bond or $25,000 cash - which Mutterperl was able to meet.

To be sure, Mutterperl has no prior criminal record and appears to have ties to the community, where he lives with his grandmother.

But while the primary reason for bail is to ensure that a defendant doesn't flee, it is also meant to protect the victim - and other possible ones - from a predatory menace.

And judging by his reported statement to cops, that's what Mutterperl - who stands charged with first- and second-degree unlawful imprisonment, third-degree burglary and endangering the welfare of a child - appears to be.

So what was DA Joe Hynes' office thinking?

Good question - they're not talking.

That's not surprising, given the DA's recent sorry record in criminal cases.

In March, Hynes' office failed to inform the court that Hemant Megnath, accused of raping Natasha Ramen two years ago, had threatened to kill members of her family if they didn't reveal her whereabouts. That would have been solid ground for revoking Megnath's bail.

Instead, he was left free, and found her - and allegedly slashed her throat. Then Hynes' spokesman blatantly "misspoke" about the office's role in the case.

Earlier, it was disclosed that a Brooklyn ADA for years allegedly passed information about her own office's witnesses to her defense-lawyer boyfriend. And an office investigator began an affair with a prisoner who was being interviewed as a possible witness.

Something seems seriously out of whack in Brooklyn.

Improper relationships are bad enough. But when young women start getting killed - and when it's recommended that potential child snatchers walk free on absurdly low bail - then the community has reason to be fearful.

We've long admired DA Joe Hynes.

But it's long past time for him to take a long, hard look at his office - and to start shaking things up.
is there anybody that we can call to complain about this corrupted DA we have, that loves to kiss jewish tuchis, and lets molesters loose in our city?


Anonymous said...


Please stay out of my personal life. Meanwhile I'm trying to buy EMI for for about $5 billion if I'm not outbid by Cerberus, a firm owned by Ezra Merkin, a big macher at YU who recently bought Chrysler.

Anonymous said...


By the way, I know UOJ has many affluent readers and I just wanted to mention that my summer crash pad in the Hamptons is for sale for $15.5 million.

Anonymous said...


Anyone know about this violent home invasion at Ave R & East 15th?

Anonymous said...


Someone asked about reliability of the vestos program.

If you invest in a better computer like IBM (not sure about the new "Lenovo"), it's not likely you will lose any data during a crash or virus attack.

You can also spend a few bucks on a flash drive to plu into your USB and save the program in a secondary location.

I might not buy stock in Track Data but it's a great software program and it's free.

Anonymous said...


Arab-American notables are coming together with a little help from their friend, District Attorney Charles J. Hynes, at Friday’s Arab Multicultural Festival.

“He [D.A. Hynes] is very concerned about cultural diversity in Brooklyn in light of 9/11,” Malone says. “The D.A. offered his organizational skills to help the event.”

Hynes helped secure the location at Xaverian High School in Bay Ridge through his relationship with the school’s principal. In addition, Xaverian High School isn’t charging anyone —partygoers or planners — for the use of its 900-person auditorium.

Anonymous said...

His grandmother lives at 5712 12th Ave but AM New York reports he had recently moved to Monsey to attend college and that he was working with a disabled child there.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is Berkowitz or if Berkowitz is even truly guilty of anything, but here goes. There was a guy who about 8 to 9 years ago, described himself as 39 years old. He was getting set up on dates with the baal teshuva girls living in Passaic. A shadchan would warn the girls to make sure to always stay in a well lit and populated area with him which of course sounded odd. It didn't take long to figure out why because all the guy did was complain that he hasn't gotten laid in a long time and it's very difficult for him. He would try explaining it from every angle in the hope that the girls would help him with his crisis.

Anonymous said...



May 18, 2007 -- Why did the Brooklyn district attorney's office ask a judge for only $10,000 bail for accused child-snatcher Bernard Mutterperl - after he reportedly told cops that "when he sees young girls, he has to go after them"?

The 19-year-old Brooklyn resident walked free Tuesday after posting bond, one day after he was arrested for trying to abduct 11-year-old Xochil Garcia, who bravely fought him off, in her Midwood apartment building.

City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. called this "a grave mistake by the judiciary" - but his complaint appears to be at least partially misplaced.

That's because Judge John Wilson didn't go along with the bail request made by DA Joe Hynes' office. He actually imposed higher bail - $75,000 bond or $25,000 cash - which Mutterperl was able to meet.

So what was DA Joe Hynes' office thinking?

Good question - they're not talking.

That's not surprising, given the DA's recent sorry record in criminal cases.

Anonymous said...

"Who gives the "Rabbinical Approval"?" (for the vest software)

Rabbi Michel Spitzer. He may be Barry Hertz's rov but he is no slouch. He's a straight shooter who is an eidim by rav Kalmanovitz.

Anonymous said...


Avrohom Levy, the manager of Shomrei Hadas in Boro Park is in hot water for Medicaid fraud.

Anonymous said...


There is nobody to complain to about Charles Hynes. Period. We have to live with him, so get used to it. Devise other strategms to get what our community needs - strict, no-nonsense prosecution of orthodox sex abusers.

Anonymous said...


NCSY, like their brother Big Aish, is controlling wikipedia pages like they own it. Like it’s our public schools or something. Anyway, please tell everyone you know that NCSY is blocking all facts about Baruch Lanner on this public site.

This is what “Jon,” a hateful person who claims to be a high level administrator an NCSY, keeps deleting.


NCSY enabled and protected Rabbi Baruch Lanner, a child molester and abuser, ensuring his continuing to harm, and resisted teen calls for intervention, with staff at Yeshiva University even silencing those teens who protested in order to protect the high level rabbinic counselor. This went on for decades until the ”NY Jewish Week” finally exposed NCSY. [theawarenesscenter.org/lanner_baruch.html]

This is the link to NCSY on Wikipedia.

So I have an idea. If this continues, and NCSY does what “Jon” promises, to remove as many times as possible anything uncomfortable to NCSY, let us retaliate, and have a Baruch Lanner Day.

I think NCSY got away much too long submerging information about Baruch Lanner, and their role enabling and abetting him. They continue to do so today, by purging wikipedia’s page on NCSY of any information on this long and dark chapter of their history. I say, “no more!”

Aviva on May 17th, 2007 10:14 pm

Wikipedia did the same thing with Ner Israel. They took off all mentions of Matis Weinberg and the rest of the gang of child molesters attached to that yeshiva.

Anonymous said...

"Rabbi Michel Spitzer ... a straight shooter"

That's true. It's also not the poor guy's fault that his sister married Moishe Scheinerman.

Anonymous said...

"There is nobody to complain to about Charles Hynes."


There is a new governor in town and there is the Justice Dept in Washington.

I'm also sure UOJ will help us defeat the putz in the 2009 election campaign.

Meanwhile, put pressure on shuls and yeshivos to stop making Hynes into a V.I.P.

Anonymous said...

If there's any truth about the accusations against Yochanan Berkowitz then what do the Passaic rabbonim say? They had no problem speaking against Colmer.

Berkowitz runs a weird sounding Passaic gemach for Breslover books & tapes.

He's also a social worker in practice in Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

"Does anyone know if Zukes from Lakewood is allowed to keep a cut of the money he shnorrs for the Vaad?"

Why not ask his sidekicks Shimon Ganz & Yitz Leshinsky?

Anonymous said...


Heshy Worch is now living in Chicago. I wonder if he's also davening in my brother in law, Rabbi Eichenstein's shul along with Yosef Meystel.

Anonymous said...

Bully Lesser, I didn't know they let you use the internet in jail. Especially on a handheld device after you got in trouble with the FCC.

Anonymous said...

Rav Kaduri Update...

Posted: May 18, 2007
2:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

A controversy is raging in Israel, in evangelical circles in the U.S. and on kabbalah web forums worldwide following the posthumous release of what a revered Sephardic rabbi claimed to be the name of the Messiah.
When Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri died in February 2006, somewhere between the age of 106 and 117, 300,000 attended his funeral in Jerusalem.
The Baghdad-born kabbalist had gained notoriety around the world for issuing apocalyptic warnings and for saying he personally met the long-awaited Jewish Messiah in November 2003.
Before Kaduri died, he reportedly wrote the name of the Messiah on a small note, requesting it remained sealed for one year after his death. The note revealed the name of the Messiah as "Yehoshua" or "Yeshua" – or the Hebrew name Jesus.
However, complicating the story further, the note is being challenged as a forgery by his 80-year-old son Rabbi David Kaduri.
"It's not his writing," he is quoted as telling Israel Today.
The note, written in Hebrew and signed in the rabbi's name, said: "Concerning the letter abbreviation of the Messiah's name, He will lift the people and prove that his word and law are valid. This I have signed in the month of mercy."
The Hebrew sentence consists of six words. The first letter of each of those words spells out the Hebrew name Yehoshua or Yeshua.
The finding has raised a combination of excitement and controversy in both Jewish and Christian circles – but scarcely any media attention. Jewish blogs and web forums are filled with skeptical analysis and puzzlement.
"So this means Rabbi Kaduri was a Christian?" asked one poster rhetorically.
Another wrote: "The Christians are dancing and celebrating."
Not exactly.
In fact, many Christian discussion boards say Kaduri's description of the Messiah – no matter what his name – doesn't fit the biblical account of a returned Jesus of Nazareth, who, they believe, will rule and reign on Earth from Jerusalem for 1,000 years.
About his encounter with the Messiah Kaduri claimed is alive in Israel today, he reportedly told close relatives: "He is not saying, 'I am the Messiah, give me the leadership.' Rather the nation is pushing him to lead them, after they find [in my words] signs showing that he has the status of Messiah."
Kaduri was also quoted as saying the imminent arrival of the Messiah will "save Jerusalem from Islam and Christianity that wish to take Jerusalem from the Jewish Nation – but they will not succeed, and they will fight each other."
Statements like that have some Christians wondering if Kaduri might be talking about another Yeshua – perhaps even a miracle-performing "false Christ" many evangelicals believe will precede the return of Jesus.
"It is hard for many good people in society to understand the person of the Messiah," Kaduri wrote before his death. "The leadership and order of a Messiah of flesh and blood is hard to accept for many in the nation. As leader, the Messiah will not hold any office, but will be among the people and use the media to communicate. His reign will be pure and without personal or political desire. During his dominion, only righteousness and truth will reign."
Kaduri wrote that not all will believe in the Messiah – and that it will often be easier for non-religious people to accept him. He also describes a Messiah who is, at first, not aware of his position.
A few months before his death, Kaduri gave a Yom Kippur address in which he gave clues as to how to recognize the Messiah. He told those gathered for the Day of Atonement in his synagogue the Messiah would not come until former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon dies.
Sharon was stricken while in office Jan. 4, 2006. He remained in a coma until replaced by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. While many expected the imminent passing of Sharon, he has remained alive but unconscious ever since his attack.
Shortly after what Kaduri characterized as his Nov. 4, 2003, encounter with the Messiah, in which he said he learned his name, the rabbi began warning of impending disasters worldwide.
In September 2005 in a class at his Jerusalem yeshiva seminary, Kaduri called for Jews all over the world to return to Israel because of the calamities about to befall the Earth and for the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.
"In the future, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will bring about great disasters in the countries of the world to sweeten the judgments of the land of Israel," he said.
In 1990, the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Schneerson told Kaduri that he would live to see the coming of the Messiah.
Also in September 2005, Kaduri said: "The Messiah is already in Israel. Whatever people are sure will not happen is liable to happen, and whatever we are certain will happen may disappoint us. But in the end, there will be peace throughout the world."
As a lifelong student and teacher of kabbalah, Kaduri rejected a meeting requested by pop superstar Madonna, who dabbled in the ancient art of Jewish mysticism. He reportedly said at the time: "It is forbidden to teach a non-Jew kabbalah, not even Talmud, not even simple Torah."
Kaduri is said to have been one of the few known living practitioners who used his knowledge of kabbalah to affect change in the world. He would often distribute amulets intended to heal, enhance fertility and bring success. He was also believed to have been involved in the removal of 20 dybbuks, or lost souls that strayed into the hapless bodies of living people to torment them.
Aviel Schneider, the author of the Israel Today story, said the worldwide reaction to news of Kaduri's note has been "crazy." He said he has never received so many emails and calls from around the globe.
He said he was urged not to publish the story by the rabbi's yeshiva, where officials said it was "impossible" that the note was actually written by Kaduri.
But Schneider was given access to many of the rabbi's manuscripts, written in his own hand for the exclusive use of his students. He was struck by symbols painted by Kaduri all over the pages.
"They were crosses," said Schneider. "In the Jewish tradition, you don't use crosses. You don't even use plus signs because they might be mistaken for crosses. But there they were, painted in his own hand."
Asked what those symbols meant, Kaduri's family said they were "signs of the angel."

Anonymous said...


I hear your brother-in-law is making a dinner this Sunday, May, 20 in the Midwest Conference Center. Maybe you can enlighten him to the Meystel issue. THE SHMUCK IS STILL IN DENIAL. I hear that Meystel still runs the kitchen with little children, without being supervised. Let your brother-in-law know the importance of protecting little children from the violent thug.

Also, about Mr. WORCH, my sources tell me that his current wife was just hired as the EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTOR at Arie Crown in Skokie. How can a woman who either is too stupid, or depraved to marry a fellow like that, be in charge of little children? Is the principal there desperate, or plain stupid?

As far as Eisemann, justice is about to be done. The Russian paper that exposed Bryks is about to pull out all the stops to get victims to come forward. Stay far away from Agudah, because your unsinkable ship, is about to turn into the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

"It is hard for many good people in society to understand the person of the Messiah," Kaduri wrote before his death. "The leadership and order of a Messiah of flesh and blood is hard to accept for many in the nation.

As leader, the Messiah will not hold any office, but will be among the people and use the media to communicate. His reign will be pure and without personal or political desire. During his dominion, only righteousness and truth will reign."

Kaduri wrote that not all will believe in the Messiah and that it will often be easier for non-religious people to accept him. He also describes a Messiah who is, at first, not aware of his position".

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Sounds like UOJ,

I'm way too busy-I don't want the job:-)

Anonymous said...

R' Feivel Cohen sits on the Vaad with Moishe Eisemann. Maybe his nephew Ben Hirsch can speak to him about it.

Anonymous said...

Posted by: Shmarya | May 07, 2007 at 05:39 PM

I would also add that any scant change that has come to the haredi world has come because of outside pressure – the NY Magazine article, blogs, etc.

You deem us – UOJ, DovBear (of all people), myself – as the "vilest enimies of Judaism." Without us, especially without UOJ, there would be no change. There would have been no NY Magazine article. Kolko would still be teaching in Torah Temimah.

I can safely speak for the three of us when I say we all will be glad to be the "vilest enemies" of the Judaism you espouse and the community you, largely, cover for.

We would all much rather go down in history as friends of the helpless, the victims, and the abused.

Posted by: Shmarya | May 07, 2007 at 05:45 PM

Shmarya, I would not compare you to UOJ. You both use despicable methods but UOJ certainly deserves some of the credit to the changes that are (hopefully) occurring with the haredi community. Had he done so in a less vicious manner I would be one of his greatest supporters. You on the other hand just seem to be a slanderer for slander's sake. You have not contributed anything positive. Not sure what you get out of it (actually I do have a couple of theories, none of which reflect kindly on you).

Posted by: Anon | May 07, 2007 at 06:41 PM

Why not ask UOJ? Maybe he can help you clarify for "knowledge."

Posted by: Shmarya | May 07, 2007 at 06:45 PM

>We would all much rather go down in history as friends of the helpless, the victims, and the abuse.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Diocese loses sex abuse lawsuit

May 18, 2007

For the first time, a jury Friday found the Diocese of Rockville Centre liable for the sexual abuse of children by a church employee and awarded the victims $11.45 million, one of the largest church sexual abuse jury decisions in the country.

There were hugs and tears in the courtroom after the six-person jury gave its decision after eight days of deliberations in favor of two people who were raped by their youth minister when they were teenagers.

Later, outside the courtroom of state Supreme Court Justice R. Bruce Cozzens, the male plaintiff, who declined to comment, fainted into the arms of one of his attorneys.

"It was just an overwhelming experience for him," said the attorney, Paul Mones.

The female victim's mother described how the experience in their East Meadow parish shook her once-deep faith.

"That church took a piece of my child's spirit," she said.

The lead attorney for the two plaintiffs -- a man and a woman now in their early 20s who are not being named by Newsday because they are victims of sex crimes -- said the decision sends a "loud and clear message" to the diocese.

"The church can no longer be reckless in the safety of children," said Michael Dowd of Manhattan. "It must protect children."

The jury awarded $2.5 million to each of the plaintiffs, who had sued their youth minister, Matthew Maiello; the priest who hired him, the Rev. Thomas Haggerty; his church, St. Raphael's Church in East Meadow, and the diocese for $150 million. The female plaintiff was also awarded $250,000 a year for the next 12 years. The jury ruled that the male plaintiff should get $115,000 a year for the next 30 years.

"No adults should turn a blind eye when it comes to concerns brought to their attention in regard to the safety of children," the female plaintiff said afterward. "The Rev. Thomas Haggerty did that and he is being held accountable."

Sean Dolan, a spokesman for the Rockville Centre diocese, said the church was considering its options, including appealing the verdict. "Based on the facts of the case, the diocese will seek to examine all of its alternatives and decide a future course with the advice of our attorneys," he said.

Haggerty, who like Maiello was not in the courtroom, and lawyers for the diocese were not available for comment. The case against the diocese -- the sixth largest in the country -- was closely watched as one of the few church sex abuse cases to come to trial.

"Over 99 percent of cases are settled in the quiet of lawyers' offices without seeing the light," Dowd said. "This case really showed exactly how these pedophiles operate and how the church responded."

During the trial, which began on April 16, the female plaintiff testified that she had sex with Maiello several times a week on church property beginning in 1999, when she was 15. A year later, she said, Maiello forced her to have sex with the male plaintiff, who was 15, while Maiello videotaped them. Both testified that they now suffer from depression and are unable to maintain romantic relationships.

Maiello, 33, formerly of Lynbrook and now living in Stamford, Conn., served more than two years in prison after admitting he coerced the plaintiffs and two other teenagers into having sex with him.

The female plaintiff's father said he hopes the decision will be a catalyst for change in the diocese. "To this day, I don't know how someone like Haggerty looks himself in the mirror every day knowing what he did," he said.

During the trial, a host of witnesses, including former members of his youth group, testified that Maiello was acting improperly with his students and that they told Haggerty, still the pastor at St. Raphael's.

The female plaintiff's mother said the family faces more healing ahead. Their faith in God has not wavered, she said, but their faith in Catholicism has been damaged.

Her daughter said she came forward to speak for those who cannot protect themselves.

"Children cannot be the eyes and ears themselves ... they cannot protect themselves from sexual predators like Matthew Maiello," she said. "I am their voice. I am here for justice."

Staff writers Ann Givens and Keith Herbert contributed to this story.

Ronnie Schreiber said...

Diocese loses sex abuse lawsuit

By discouraging people from reading secular newspapers, the enablers and conspirators who covered up and intimidated victims made themselves vulnerable. If they had only paid attention to what was going on in the RCC they may have saved themselves, even if they did nothing to help save kids from predators. Now, the Margos of the world will be lucky to avoid criminal prosecution and they'll probably lose everything in civil actions.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Heinemann's encyclopedic knowledge of the practical application of Jewish law to contemporary issues such as e-commerce and business law, earned him the reputation as a posek (decisor of Jewish Law) throughout the entire country and abroad. Furthermore, Rabbi Heinemann's mastery of both the complex world of modern technology and the intricacies of Jewish law made him an ideal candidate to serve as Rabbinic Administrator of the newly revitalized STAR-K.

Anonymous said...


Yehuda Shain said...
The STAR-K wrote an article re: pork & beans, in the article they wrote that certain cans of pork & beans is actually "botul" but they don't want to grant a "hashgocha" on the item.

Actually there is no "bitul" when it's recognizable.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Does Anyone understand Heinemann?

Our history is replete with charlatans...Heinneman is certainly one of them!

Anonymous said...

"It's not like he's a serial killer."

There are no allegations of sexual penetration, Boro added.


Most Wanted hopes for fair trial in U.S.
Molestation suspect to be deported. 'It's not like he's a serial killer,' lawyer says

The Gazette

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Richard Goldberg, 61, appears before the Immigration and Refugee Board yesterday.

A child molestation suspect who was on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list for years told his deportation hearing yesterday he never knew voluntarily turning himself in would be be so difficult.

Richard Steve Goldberg, 61, also told the Immigration and Refugee Board member hearing his case yesterday that his biggest hope is for fair treatment and a fair trial in the United States.

"That's all I ask for - open minds and a fair trial," Goldberg told board member Dianne Tordorf moments after she ordered him deported.

Goldberg then talked about the "verbal abuse" he had been subjected to earlier in the week. At that point, his lawyer, Jeffrey Boro, interrupted him, whispering to him that anything he said during the hearing could be used against him in court in the U.S.

Goldberg, a former engineer for the Boeing aeronautics company, is to be kept in custody until his deportation, which is expected to take place within days.

He faces six counts in California of lewd behaviour with six girls age 7 to 10, between January and June 2001. He also faces two charges of possession or control of child pornography.

He entered Canada on July 26, 2001 - after only one count had been laid against him and a $50,000 bond had been posted for his bail. He used his legitimate U.S. passport and claimed to be entering the country on business.

He lived in Montreal under the assumed name Terry Wayne Kearns, backed by a Saskatchewan birth certificate, and lived off $51,000 of his savings, yesterday's hearing was told.

He was placed on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list on June 14, 2002. He was captured last Saturday after someone tipped the FBI.

Goldberg claims he was already trying to turn himself in. In an interview after the hearing, Boro said Goldberg had come to see him the day before his arrest, asking for help to turn himself in.

Boro also said in an interview that without minimizing the gravity of the offences his client is alleged to have committed, he doesn't understand how Goldberg made it onto the list. "It's not like he's a serial killer."

There are no allegations of sexual penetration, Boro added.

You don't have to be the worst of the worst to get on the list, an FBI spokesperson said in a telephone interview from Washington, D.C. FBI investigators who think publicity and a reward might help the case advance can apply to have a fugitive put on the list, she said.

The FBI was offering a reward of up to $100,000 U.S. for a tip leading to Goldberg's arrest, independent of the $100,000 celebrity Oprah Winfrey was offering.

Laura Eimiller, a spokesperson with the FBI in Los Angeles, the branch handling Goldberg's case, said she's not at liberty to say anything about the tipster. She did suggest the reward money soon will be collected.


Anonymous said...


Ich halt zich a talmid fin Shabsai Tzvi. I'm going to go daven by his kever that UOJ should leave me alone.

Anonymous said...


Does anyone know why Chief Rabbi of the Ukraine, Yaakov Bleich, a Stoliner boy from Boro Park, is passing around a petition to support Sruly Singer?

Who put him up to it? 42 Broadway?

Anonymous said...


The rabbi in Queens who invited Gil Student to tie himself into knots over UOJ, is giving a shiur late on Yomtov titled "Ordaining openly gay rabbis; a view from the precipice"

I didn't realize there is that much to be mefalpel on.

That's some "Tikkun"!

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