The parallels to the ongoing destruction of the America we once knew, are gut-wrenching! Our safe-haven --- free from persecution from whatever we believe in, whether they be religious, secular or anywhere in between, are being tampered with, where I'm concerned that the "new America" that is evolving will destroy us as a free people.
Nobody says it better than my dearest friend, Mr. Alvan Shane.
by Alvan I. Shane
A few months ago ObamaCare passed, in spite of a strident, opposed majority. Progressives claimed it would improve health services, making us more like the European democracies, but many felt America's healthcare was already the best,taking responsibility to afford it; others who don't can still get care from Medicare/ Medicaid, the VA, free clinics and nonprofit/religious orgs.
Given this, it was still their top priority. Jobs could wait. They had the power.This wasn't about desperately needed health care for millions, so much as a warning shot across the bow of our ship of state: new kid in town.
Recall FDR with his New Deal during the Depression. Many of those programs are still with us today, though experts argue a temporary fix could have sufficed. Then LBJ with his Great Society. Now Obama imposing this blatant fraud, which scholars believe is illegal & unconstitutional. It will also cost more and deliver less.
Seizing control of healthcare is another step in our metamorphosis from a democratic republic to a socialized democracy. Our government is growing by leaps and bounds while the real engine of freedom, the private sector, stagnates. Spending and debt sky-rocket and FDR/LBJ go broke, their programs unsustainable. Healthcare is no different.
These models don't work. We need only look to Europe, places like Greece or Spain,to see the proof. There's no American Dream in those places! They don't lead our lives, have our appetites or enjoy our opportunities! They can't understand our hopes and dreams or ever do for the world what we've done. Yet some here want to be like them. Give the free ride and forfeit America's unique exceptionalism.
I'm absolutely convinced we're trending left at our peril. It's a slippery slope getting steeper, careening us toward bigger government, less freedom and a soft but quickening tyranny. It's changing the essence of who we are. Continue down this path and we'll lose our identity into the murky geopolitical pool that is fast becoming the new reality. It's failing around the globe, and it will fail here, too.
Look back through history. Empires rose and fell. They bloated out, or leaders ignored the people's will, or diversity weakened unity, all causing them to lose the culture/tradition that had made them great. In every case a winning mix of power & freedom changed, history got ignored, and the glue of their success dissolved. Re-learn those lessons! We're no different! If we fundamentally change who we are, we are lost!
Fix healthcare without nationalizing it. Return to constitutional governance. Let federalism and state's rights return to their correct equilibrium. Take steps to insure/guarantee that government always reflects the will of an informed majority! Return the work ethic to America. Encourage the average Joe to look to himself, before looking to government.
Introspect on who we are, our beliefs, the things we call absolutes. What long ago fonts of inculcation and acculturation gave birth to these values? Are children of today being taught the same, to be hard working and industrious? Look around you for the answer!
We are our brother's keeper, not government. Forcing the latter misinterprets Americanism. Asking government to redistribute wealth by taking from the doers or counseling how this is good is not in/of the pedigree of this nation. This mindset is unrepresentative of traditional American values, and instead exemplifies socialist European values.
We aren't about those values or extremes. We're center-right/left but always near a middle where family, education, work & God are at the heart of our beliefs. Though idealized here, twenty generations of us thought these precepts were reasonable, and accepted them under the countenance and behest of a just but limited government.
If we now subscribe to the notion we're an unjust nation of haves & have nots, that we allow injustice to prevail, the weak to languish and poverty to perpetuate, we will be participating in the demise of the greatest nation on earth and in all of history. These are the stakes. A seismic shift is underway pounding at the underpinnings of our republic; side-stepping the constitution; discouraging entrepreneurship and self-accountability; deconstructing our basic institutions of family, school and religion; promulgating the invasion of our space and exploitation of our wealth.
We can't escape these truths and so must wonder, can we survive this onslaught to emerge better and stronger, or will we know the fate of all who've gone before?
Are we the progeny of our forefathers or some new breed of proto-Americans acting more like offshoots of European extraction? That system is collapsing financially, with political instability close behind. Will we risk our children's future, our entire way of life, betting we can do their socialism thing better than they can?
Government must reflect the will of the People! Small, limited government bows to our will.Large governments, like this one, bow to no one! We erred installing it, and will come to regret it. It is setting inappropriate goals as we speak, and our constitutional contract is disintegrating. The exquisite social experiment, the brilliant success that has been America, will end.
America is in peril! Remove the ideologues. Demand rescission of Obamacare. Secure the borders and govern/control all illegals. Reduce the size of government. Honor our fallen and revere the Constitution. Come November, vote toward the center! Toward Tradition! Against the status quo!
Vote to save America!
Stay their course and watch as we devolve into a typical bankrupt Europeanism. No more sovereignty. No national identity. No exceptionalism. No more American Dream.
The closest man-made thing to utopia, will be gone.
Alvan I. Shane
Author, The Day Liberty Wept
It's also posted online for almost 3 years that Rav Carlebach then went to the bais din of Rav Moshe Feinstein who issued his own hazmona from the Agudas Harabanim that was not answered by Rav Schechter and Fruchthandler either. Still, Rav Carlebach never once went to secular court!
Also recorded and discussed online for nearly three years, that out of sheer frustration, Rav Carlebach wrote a letter of protest to Chaim Dovid Zwiebel see pages one and two, the lawyer of Agudas Yisroel voicing his protests and citing all the rabbonim and roshei yeshiva who had supported Rav Carlebach in the ugly way he was dismissed, such as Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky, Rav Yaakov Ruderman, Rav Gifter, Rav Schwab, and yb"l Rav Dovid Cohn, and others who were involved. Still and all and to his credit, RAV CARLEBACH NEVER THREATENED NOR WENT TO A SECULAR COURT EVEN THOUGH RAV MOSHE FEINSTEIN RULED HE WAS AND REMAINED THE OFFICIAL MASHGIACH OF CHAIM BERLIN YESHIVA AND WAS TO BE PAID HIS FULL SALARY FOR ALL THIS TIME AMOUNTING TO MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS BY NOW, OVER 30 YEARS!
Unlike the present case whereby Michael Hersh and Rav Schechter with backing from their friends pursue the astronomical sum of $411 MILLION from anyone who has ever opposed them now in the cyberage. This is definitely one for the classics.
In The Jewish Star article and in the court papers filed by Michael Hersh it's made quite clear that behind Hersh stands the controversial Rav Aron Schechter of the Chaim Berlin yeshiva in Brooklyn.
Rav Schechter is highly controversial in the Torah world, notably for his unyielding unwillingness to go to any bais din to settle the long-standing dispute that followed the summary firing of his yeshiva's mashgiach ruchani Rav Shlomo Carlebach (not the singer) just over 30 years ago.
To Rav Carlebach's credit, in spite of the injustices heaped upon him, he has never gone to a secular court or sought secular legal intervention when he easily could have sued for unjust termination and severance pay especially that he had almost every great Agudah rabbi behind him minus Rav Hutner. Rav Carlebach is still alive bli ayin hora, lives in his same house near Chaim Berlin yeshiva, and still awaits a full settlement of his case with Rav Aron Schechter and Avraham Fruchthandler.
Four times he first went to the bais din of the CRC-Hisachdus Harabbanim in Williamsburg, Brooklyn to settle his claims with Chaim Berlin's Rav Aron Schechter and Avraham Fruchthandler.
The original CRC's hazmonas have been posted online for nearly 3 years, see the first; second; third; fourth.
Michael Hersh's in laws, Rosa and Elliot Greher, are tzadikim!
The latest article in The Jewish Star and in the court papers makes clear that Michael Hersh is at war with his wife's sisters and her entire family (including his own by now.)
In the midst of raising wonderful daughters, Hashem sent Rosa and Elliot Greher, the ultimate test of a downs syndrome boy, a brother to Miriam and her sisters. They did not send this boy away or try to hide him. On the contrary, they decided to raise him no different to any child with special needs and give him even more. In this they received the full ooperation of the Hebrew Academy of Greater Washington, the premier Modern Orthodox day school of Silver Spring Maryland.
They set an example to their community which admired them for that. They became heroes for caring for a special needs child and not hiding him in the closet or sending him away. This is the example that their daughters imbibed and lived by. That you don't mistreat or throw out like garbage a child who was created differently by Hashem. It is ingrained in their very souls and flesh and blood. That is why they are so hurt and fight what Michael Hersh did to his sons Isaac and Sol by "sacrificing them" as if they were his crooked "korbanos" and why they worry about what he's quite possibly still doing to the rest of his kids now.
In all probability one main reason that Miriam Greher-Hersh was persuaded to marry a twisted guy like Hersh was that she was what can be called a "rescuer" that she was following the deeper example of her parents not to reject bizarre people that Hashem makes differently for His own inscrutable reasons. Sure it helped that outwardly Hersh dressed outwardly like a shpitz yeshivisha guy and the she was 100% naive.
And it is for these same reasons that Miriam's sisters undertook to be concerned about both Miriam and her kids seeing what hands Miriam had fallen into. In the Greher family there is a tradition TO HELP those whom Hashem may have created a little differently to the "standard mold" so that if the young boys Isaac and Sol Hersh were wild and unmanageable, first one should thank Hashem that they were not downs syndrome kids like Miriam Greher-Hersh's brother, and second to help them overcome the heavy-handedness of an arrogant loud mouthed insensitive father who himself was a raw baal teshuva who did not have all that it took to be a gentle father like Elliot Greher was to his daughters and son.
The Greher girls are not stupid, they are brilliant in fact, they could smell a serious problem a mile away and so they they intervened as best they could to help Isaac and Sol it seems. In this they received the support and help of the whole world except for Aron Schechter who could not fathom how one of his star groupies could do anything "wrong" or just believing the pathological lies that Michael is so good at making up in his smooth talking way.
Montclair, a leafy New Jersey suburb, boasts a population of 38,000, has 18 public tennis courts, a house on the market for 16 million dollars, and the home to some of Brooklyn D.A. Charles "Joe" Hynes' senior prosecutors. John O'Mara, Hynes' $137,500 Assistant District Attorney, is one of those Montclarians whose house is tucked away between TV personality Stephen Colbert, Newsweek editor Jonathan Alter, and up until last week, those naughty Russian spies.
You may recall reading about Assistant District Attorney O'Mara, who made his bones prosecuting political dissident John Kennedy O'Hara. No that was not a typo; it was John O'Mara vs John O'Hara, and the issue was residence. However, this was no ordinary case.
The prosecution of John O'Hara became one of the most expensive criminal cases in New York's history. O'Hara, the first person to be convicted for voting since Susan B Anthony, also became the first person in Brooklyn to be tried three times on the same charge. Even Lemrick Nelson, the purported killer of Yankel Rosenbaum, received only two trials.
Then the case took an ironic twist. The Daily News editorial board reported that A.D.A. O'Mara was violating the New York States residency laws by not residing within the five counties of New York City. In fact, A.D.A. O'Mara had abandoned Brooklyn for the Montclair enclave over 20 years ago.
Throughout all three of O'Hara's trial, O'Mara was a larger than life presence in the courtroom, feigning outrage that these "politicians" would violate our sacred residency laws.
When it was exposed in the press that A.D.A. O'Mara had collected over 3 million dollars of taxpayer money while living outside the jurisdiction, the once fierce prosecutor skulked away, never showing his face on the O'Hara case again. A.D.A. O'Mara now does busy work; as The New York Times has reported that he is now in charge of graffiti prosecutions.
It turns out that The D.A. himself, Charles "Breezy Point Joe" Hynes was registered to vote from the municipal building, having sold his Flatbush house and moved on to a gated all white community in Queens.
The New York Law Journal reported that 23% of Hynes A.D.A.'s were out of town
Does anyone know how to edit the Wiki page to show the Jewish Star article of Chaim Berlin being behind the wacko Hersh lawsuit?
Check out JTA's coverage on sexual harassment at Agri. One of their reporters was in Postville and interviewed sixteen year old girls who were forced to become "girlfriends" of married Latino supervisors. If they agreed, they often got raises and easy jobs. If they refused supervisor's advances they were put on heavy physical work. They were harassed constantly until they agreed. The assignations took place IN the plant after which the girls were given the rest of the day off.
It is my understanding that this practice began under Hasom Amara (he trained the others how to be supervisors). Two of Amar's victims fled the area, one returned to Guatemala, the other to another town in Iowa.
What is amazing to me is that this caused disruptions in the work flow in the plant. Two girls would be promised the same cushy job by their supervisors resulting in a fight in the plant. For SMR or other Rabbonim to say they weren't aware of what was going on means one of two things: either they were deaf, dumb and blind, or the mashgichim weren't really inspecting production.
A Brooklyn federal judge has awarded $10 million to the victim of a circumcision gone horribly wrong.
The money is to be paid by the maker of the Mogen clamp, a forceps-like device commonly used in circumcisions and shown in a medical journal to have been involved in other partial amputations.
Given that record, Magistrate Judge Marilyn Go found that a warning should have been included with each device. Instead, the instruction manual promised a risk-free procedure.
The Mogen clamp was invented in 1954 by Rabbi Harry Bronstein
The Mogen clamp is sold by:
The Mogen Instrument Company
(The Rotter family in Crown Hts)
437 Crown St.
Brooklyn, NY 11225
(718) 604-8833
Bronstein, a Brooklyn Mohel (ritual circumcisor),who invented the Mogen Clamp, also invented the Nutech clamp. The Mogen Clamp is a variation of the Kantor clamp. Instead of crushing the tissue by the attached hemostat, the Mogen shield acts as the clamp. It has the shortcomings of the Kantor clamp, plus 1 uniquely its own: with the glans below completely out of sight, there is a chance that the tip of the glans might be caught in the clamp. However, this is the preferred device of the more modern Jewish Mohel, and is newly reported to cause less discomfort when used during infant circumcision, than does the Gomco Clamp.
Please don't compare Churban Bayis to Obamas policies. While I too think they're dangerous, that's just wrong.
Pssst. Did you hear that someone at the Queens Vaad is trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge? More specifically, it is the guy making a nice salary to be in charge of kashrus but was instead caught spending his days attacking people and using nivul peh on R' Yudel's website. Because that wouldn't go over very well with the public, he is now spreading a rumor that it's not him, it's one of his friends from Boston, where he used to be Agudah spokesman for New England.
Why still would he give his imaginary "friend" the content of the emails that were sent to JBAC to be posted on R' Yudel's?
How much are you selling the bridge for again?
The Hersh subpoena to Yahoo is going after Rabbi Harry Maryles in Chicago.
The doctor in charge of medical care for 12,000 New York City jail inmates abruptly resigned last week after questions arose about his professional certification
The Education Department is investigating an employee who allegedly used the N-word repeatedly during a PTA meeting - and doled out advice on how to keep parents from getting involved.
Ron Barfield, an African-American who is the district's paid parent advocate responsible for helping public school families in northeast Queens, reportedly was caught on tape during a May PTA meeting for Public School 134.
During a discussion of when to hold meetings, Barfield allegedly said: "Do it Fridays, cause n-----s don't like to come out on Fridays," according to a partial transcript published by the Queens Tribune.
"That's the truth, 'cause I ain't coming out to nothing," he continued.
School District 29, where Barfield works, is 70% black. The student population at PS 134 is 84% black.
Most people who get ripped off on car loans are Black, but mostly by lenders who are Black themselves.
Gov. Paterson signed the bill from Eric Adams, the Black State Senator from Crown Heights who is friends with Moshe Rubashkin, to stop the NYPD from using the stop & frisk database that has led to the arrest of all kinds of criminals. The database provides leads for unsolved murders and robberies because the criminals were stopped near the scene of the crimes for other suspicious activity.
The database is what stopped the NYC crime waves that destabilized the City in the 1970s and until after David Dinkins was Mayor. You'd better move to the suburbs if you don't want to see a repeat. Eric Adams and a few other Sharpton-style posers have been screaming the database is "racist" despite that most Black residents of dangerous neighborhoods are in favor of it because it gave them peace for the first time.
I wonder if the Yahoo action will cause a rift in the Agudah. Rabbi Maryles is a talmid of the Novominsker and always speaks in very glowing terms of him. But the Novominsker is also a Chaim Berliner who is at the beck & call of R' Aron & Frucht.
There is NO EXCUSE under the sun for what the Hersh's under the guidance of Shecher did to Isaac. There is no testimony that THEY can give to justify the horrendous torture perpetrated on this child. This law suit will never appear in a court of law because the children will be brought in to testify and the defendants themselves will testify as to what the Hersh's themselves did to the children.
There is no Judge or Jury in this country who will hear that testimony and will side with the Hersh's. Furthermore, should any one of the defendants subpoena Shechter for his hand in all of this or any one of the Rabbonim who begged him to change his mind and bring Isaac back, the Judge and Jury will see some form of senility in his decision and that in itself will nullify any form of common sense or decent parenting on the part of the Hersh's.
There are agencies, frum agengcies that parents can turn to if they cannot parent, control or deal with their children. They could have turned to OHEL or Mishkan for help but chose not to. Their RAV should have advised them to turn to OHEL or Mishkan to intervene and help them with their issues with these chidlren. There would have been an entirely different outcome had they used common sense.
In addition as an employee of Hatzolah, had he only used the resources of the Hatzola members, and discussed the issues with them, any one of them would have advised them to go to OHEL or Mishkan and get their assistance. They didn't need to resort to torture.
They are treading on very thin water here and they don't know what they are getting themselves into. If they have any minor children at home, they should know that when EVERYTHING comes out in court, they should be prepared for a visit from Child Protective Services because they risk having their other children removed from their home and it won't be because of their relatives it will be because of their own foolish and vengeful actions.
ALBANY – Gov. Paterson went positively kab-ballistic today over a newspaper report suggesting that he has forsaken his Catholic faith to practice the same form of Jewish mysticism as celebrities like Madonna.
The angry governor – who for weeks hasn't worn the red thread bracelet cited by the Daily Snooze today as proof of his "spiritual shift" – lashed into the paper for disrespecting his religious beliefs.
"It was like throwing dung at a cross - or stomping on Star of David," Paterson at a bill signing in Harlem when asked about the paper's front-page story, which mocked the governor's decision to don the Kabballah bracelet under the headline "Heaven Help Us."
Paterson said he decided to wear the bracelet this spring after feeling "touched" during a visit to the Queens tomb of revered Orthodox rabbi, Jacob Joseph. It's tradition for visitors to put on such bracelets, he said.
“As usual, the Daily News butchers the observance," Paterson earlier told WOR 710-AM. "It’s supposed to bring you good fortune, the same way people wear a cross or a star or something like that."
At any rate, the governor said the string bracelet fell off weeks ago.
“It came off toward the end of June," Paterson said.
Hundreds of buildings, from the South Bronx to central Brooklyn, whose renovation and rescue from ruinous debt were critical to the rebirth of blighted neighborhoods, are again in severe financial trouble. That poses a dilemma for the city, which began unloading the properties in the mid-1990s as part of an arduous effort to divest itself of thousands of decrepit buildings seized because of tax delinquencies.
Filled with unemployed tenants unable to make rent or mortgage payments and squeezed by soaring city fees, about 442 buildings are in serious default on property taxes and far behind on municipal bills.
As the number of imperiled buildings grows, the city, struggling with its own cash shortage, faces unappealing choices. Seizing the buildings is not an option. The city’s previous role as a master landlord was widely deemed a disaster, with many buildings locked in chronic states of disrepair.
Instead, housing officials must either force deadbeat owners to pay their debts, or else foreclose on the buildings and find new owners in a harsh real estate climate.
July 19, 2010
An Outspoken Fund Manager With Contrarian Views
The euro? It’s finished, Mr. Hendry proclaims.
China? Headed for a fall.
President Obama? “If there was a way to short Obama, I would,” Mr. Hendry said.
Hersh shames Aron Schechter and Chaim Berlin in front of Chabad Lubavitch.
For once, and regarding an even weightier matter, the top brass rabbonim of Chabad have ALL agreed to settle some of their differences in a mutually agreed upon bais din, and not dragging their cases into secular as some have done in the past. Now that's making progress over Aron Schechter of Chaim Berlin who is being led by the nose by the manipulative liar and pathological smooth talker Michael Hersh.
And it is Chabad.Info that is openly reporting:
"Accusations mount at Merkos Din Torah Updated (7/19 8:43): Rabbi Kotlarsky's precise written exchange with the Rebbe released. See inside article ● Last week hearings at the Zabla Beis Din commenced regarding the management of Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch, the organization responsible for the global Shlichus network. Full report By Dovid Samson, Chabad Info
7 Av 5770 (18.07.2010)"
Notice too how it's dated "7 Av" with sensitivity to the Jewish Calendar when going to secular court in the 21 days preceding 9 Av is EXPLICITLY discouraged and even barred by Jewish Law, but that has not deterred Michael Hersh and his rabbis who should know better from driving home attacks against other Orthodox Jews, including rabbis, during this time.
In fact Hersh's lawyers have now supposedly launched further charges against some of the defendants accusing them of plotting on the web on blogs against Hersh, when Hersh and his lawyers ONLY HAVE THEMSELVES TO BLAME for the current spate of posts and articles in JULY that has awakened dormant bloggers with no connections to the defendants, starting with their subpoenas against blogs and Emails (thanks to Google and Yahoo that had the courtesy and decency to inform the blog and Email owners, otherwise Hersh and his lawyers were planning a dastardly surprise attack that would have caught blog owners by surprise and too late to defend themselves as they are now doing with the intervention of the EFF) and that has now been challenged in the only way they understand in court by the EFF, that issued it's own press release in the matter and is circulating on THOUSANDS more blogs and sites since JULY 14th, 2010.
On July 14, 2010 when EFF issued it's press release "EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters" there were about 500 links and hits to that story, with each passing day 500+ more are added, Google it for yourself at Google search for "EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters" that was at 3,330 hits by July 19th, so that Michael Hersh and his team of dimwitted lawyers only have themselves to blame for the now viral spread of this story while they try to blame the defendants for what they have unleashed with their frivolous and unbelievably invasive subpoenas.
Chaim Berlin shame on you, it's not too late, go to a bais din of your choosing and learn from the present Chabad case!
Five investors who lost money when federal regulators declared a local credit union insolvent have filed a lawsuit seeking more than $4 million from the financial institution's board, auditors, legal advisers, brokerage firm & the widow of its longtime investment adviser.
New London residents Melvin Goldblatt & Douglas Antupit, along with Joan Lazerow of Waterford, claim in their lawsuit that they lost substantial sums when the New London Security Federal Credit Union was shut down. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Bridgeport.
The National Credit Union Administration closed down the tiny New London financial institution, with deep ties in the city's Jewish community, in 2008. On the same day, the credit union's longtime investment adviser, former A.G. Edwards manager Edwin Rachleff, committed suicide. NCUA later accused Rachleff of perpetrating a decades-long fraud that led to the institution's demise.
"Over $12 million was embezzled, misappropriated or lost due to imprudent investments," according to the suit.
The lawsuit is seeking damages from Wells Fargo, successor to A.G. Edwards; credit union board members Herbert Linder, Hinda Kimmel, Martin Yavener, Reuben Levin & Martin Lazarus; former auditing firm Beller, Shepatin & Co. and Maxine Shepatin, executor of the estate for its late principal, Hyman Shepatin; Edward Lorah, whose accounting firm succeeded Shepatin; Naomi Rachleff, Edwin's widow & executrix of his estate, and the law firm Suisman, Shapiro, Wool, Brennan, Gray & Greenberg, which served as general counsel to the credit union.
Among allegations, Suisman Shapiro engaged in legal malpractice, Wells Fargo was negligent in supervision of Rachleff, the credit union board was negligent in oversight & the auditors were negligent in failing to discover discrepancies. All defendants were accused of violating the state's Unfair Trade Practices Act.
This isn't the first lawsuit to be filed over losses at the credit union. The NCUA has filed suit against Wells Fargo, auditor Robert Shutsky & accounting firm Ed Lorah & Associates, seeking $9.7 million in compensation for losses the agency incurred when the credit union folded.
Toyota Subpoenaed by U.S. Grand Jury in New York
Dioceses oust abusers they had pledged to monitor
By RACHEL ZOLL (AP) – Jul 4, 2010
NEW YORK — At the peak of the Roman Catholic clergy sex abuse crisis, the discipline plan American bishops adopted prompted dioceses to remove nearly all accused clergy from the priesthood.
Some of the men, however, were considered too old or sick to be kicked out. Instead, bishops barred those clerics from functioning as priests and promised to keep watch over them in supervisory programs that would keep the men far from children.
But interviews with canon lawyers, church child protection officials and experts who advise them found that, eight years after the plan was approved, few of those diocesan programs exist. Church leaders are more likely to oust a cleric from the priesthood than monitor him.
This Boston Globe article indicates that current Maimonides school rosh yeshiva Rabbi David Shapiro covered up an incident where Rabbi Stanley Levitt tooks kids to a mikva in Montreal and molested them.
The article also mentions Kolko and that Levitt later molested at Rabbi Shemtov's Chabad shul in Philly.
Parasailing donkey stunt sparks police inquiry
This article says that Lubavitchers prevented the Rebbe from getting critical medical attention that is needed immediately after a stroke, which is why he was left paralyzed.
Four years after abruptly and inexplicably leaving his post as head of a prestigious Jerusalem yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Elon is set to return to providing spiritual guidance to the throngs of followers who have earned him a reputation as one of the leading rabbis of the religious Zionist community. Haaretz has learned that Elon, suspected of sexually exploiting students over several years, has forged an agreement with the rabbi of a major Tel Aviv synagogue to lead weekly Torah sessions there.
In February, the rabbinical forum Takana, a watchdog aimed at preventing sexual exploitation, said on its website that its probe showed Elon had committed "acts that contravene the values of sanctity and morals" and had sexually taken advantage of students at Jerusalem's Hakotel and Horev yeshivas.
Last week, however, Elon won the backing of Rabbi Shlomo Dichovsky, a leading ultra-Orthodox figure, widely viewed as a bridge between that community and the religious Zionist camp. Dichovsky said he had acceded to a request from Elon's students to let him teach at Heichal Meir, his expansive synagogue in central Tel Aviv.
An Arab resident of Jerusalem who had consensual sex with a woman who believed him to be Jewish, was convicted yesterday of rape by deception and sentenced to 18 months in prison by the Jerusalem District Court.
Sabbar Kashur, 30, was convicted as part of a plea bargain. According to the indictment, Kashur met the complainant in September 2008 in downtown Jerusalem, presenting himself as a Jewish bachelor looking for a serious romantic relationship.
New York-based Parents For Megan's Law recently expanded its Sex Offender Registration Tips program to this state, helping people to report if a sex offender is working with children or violating the law in some other way.
The nonprofit group uses retired New York Police Department investigators who vet tips to determine if they seem viable, then contact local probation and parole officers to let them know an offender might be engaged in prohibited activities, said Laura Ahearn, the group's executive director.
"It's a way for people to report offenders who are believed to be out of compliance with registration requirements, employment restrictions, conditions of probation or parole or who are in positions of trust where they access potential child victims," Ahearn said.
Parents For Megan's Law let parents know earlier this year that a man who was running a karate school in Queens had been convicted of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl, according to Ahearn. The group also has helped send a convicted child molester back to prison after someone tipped them off that he was living in a state-registered child day care center, she said.
It also works closely with Facebook and MySpace to remove registered sex offenders from the social networking sites.
Anyone who wants to report a possible sex offender can do so by calling the Megan's Law Helpline at (888) ASK-PFML, or by visiting
What about Baruch Lanner hanging around kids at the Boca Raton shul?
Kings County Civil Court
Index Number: CV-023824-10/KI
Case Type: Civil
Classification: Consumer Credit
Filing Date: 03/05/2010
Does anyone know why Edmond Saffra alav hashalom (SY billionaire from Shaarei Tzion shul Ave T) sued Fruchthandler in the 1990s?
New York Civil Supreme
Index Number: 010421/1992
Case Type: Contract
Track: Unknown
RJI Filed: 07/06/1992
Chaim Berlin settled with this rabbi in 2004 for $450,000
Kings Civil Supreme
Index Number: 040630/2001
Case Type: Other Torts Negligence
Track: Standard
RJI Filed: 09/03/2002
Date NOI Due: 09/15/2003
NOI Filed: 09/17/2003
Disposition Deadline: 12/18/2004
Disposition Date: 12/02/2004
Calendar Number: 2003-015127T
Jury Status: Jury At Plaintiff's Request
Justice Name: MARTIN SCHNEIER (PT. 36)
Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
AVROHOM BECKER Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active
Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
MARSHALL CONWAY WRIGHT,BRADLEY Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active
212 619-4444
JWB says:
Case of convicted rapists Daniel Katnelson and Justin Connort, Toronto, Canada.
They occurred to Placey after he heard about the terrifying events that took place in the early morning of September 7 2007 when two female students were raped on the campus of York University in Placey's home town of Toronto. It was on that night that two Jewish men in their twenties, Daniel Katnelson and his friend Justin Connort, roamed the corridors of the university's halls of residence. They were looking for unlocked doors to rooms occupied by lone female students. Their first victim was a 17-year-old girl. Katnelson raped her and then took pictures with his mobile phone of Connort sexually assaulting her.
The men then continued to roam the halls until they found their second victim. She was 18 and a virgin. "Do you want to get lucky with a couple of Jewish guys?", Katnelson asked one of the victims. The story broke just after Placey had returned to London after visiting Toronto for his sister's wedding.
"There was a big thing in the Toronto media warning everyone to be vigilant," he recalls. "And then the boys came forward and it turned out that one of them - Connort - was a family friend of mine when we were kids. I'd seen his ma at my sister's wedding. And Katnelson went to the same primary school as me, although he was a year older."
If on one level Mother of Him, is mostly the result of real events connected to Placey's life, the play also serves to challenge some of the attitudes towards Katnelson and Connort which he heard voiced by Toronto's Jewish community - attitudes which may well have been mirrored by the Jewish community here. "There was some things I kept hearing a lot," he says. "One of them was: 'But he was such a nice Jewish boy.' It was this idea that some men are rapists, but Jewish boys, from good Jewish families, are not."
JWB says:
Case of convicted rapists Daniel Katnelson and Justin Connort, Toronto, Canada.
They occurred to Placey after he heard about the terrifying events that took place in the early morning of September 7 2007 when two female students were raped on the campus of York University in Placey's home town of Toronto. It was on that night that two Jewish men in their twenties, Daniel Katnelson and his friend Justin Connort, roamed the corridors of the university's halls of residence. They were looking for unlocked doors to rooms occupied by lone female students. Their first victim was a 17-year-old girl. Katnelson raped her and then took pictures with his mobile phone of Connort sexually assaulting her.
The men then continued to roam the halls until they found their second victim. She was 18 and a virgin. "Do you want to get lucky with a couple of Jewish guys?", Katnelson asked one of the victims. The story broke just after Placey had returned to London after visiting Toronto for his sister's wedding.
"There was a big thing in the Toronto media warning everyone to be vigilant," he recalls. "And then the boys came forward and it turned out that one of them - Connort - was a family friend of mine when we were kids. I'd seen his ma at my sister's wedding. And Katnelson went to the same primary school as me, although he was a year older."
If on one level Mother of Him, is mostly the result of real events connected to Placey's life, the play also serves to challenge some of the attitudes towards Katnelson and Connort which he heard voiced by Toronto's Jewish community - attitudes which may well have been mirrored by the Jewish community here. "There was some things I kept hearing a lot," he says. "One of them was: 'But he was such a nice Jewish boy.' It was this idea that some men are rapists, but Jewish boys, from good Jewish families, are not."
I remember when this issue came to light how many people got involved to save Isaac and how many Rabbonim went personally to Shechter to ask him to reconsider and bring Isaac home to no avail.
It is a chilul Hashem what the Hersh’s are doing and unfortunately it might alert the Child Protective Authorities to pay them a visit and make sure that the rest of the children are not being mistreated or medicated for no reason.
If the Hersh’s are upset about their financial situation they have no one to blame but themselves and maybe their Rav, Shecter.
The Agudah and the Kehilah should realize that Shechter should be retired and that he is no longer capable of making appropriate decisions.
If they need financial assistance Shecter should help them out. I would be very surprised if any Judge would give this case any serious consideration other than to take away any minor children from the supervision of the Hersh’s.
Other than that all I can say is Kudos to Shlomo and Isaac for surviving their personal Gehenom and may Hashem bentch the Cohens, The Wolbe’s and all those who helped save these tayara neshomas.
Shechter should have been retired before he ever started!
Dear Mr. Gluck,
We heard from a few different sources that your generosity and connection helped many people who were in great need of your help. We would be forever grateful and thankful to you if you in anyway possible could help us with our problems.
We are going to try to explain our situation as briefly as possible.
We have a son Michael Hersh, who until recently lived in the building as Yossy and Dina Deutch, who were very helpful to my twin grandsons in their time of need.
My son has eight children. They have one set of twin boys, who are now sixteen years old. We don't understand why and for whatever reason those two boys don't want to be religious. My son and his wife abandoned and abused their twin boys. They say that they would rather sacrifice the two boys forthe sake of saving the other six children from having a bad influence on them.
For about three and a half years or so my son moved with his family to Israel. Those boys spent a lot of time on the streets of Israel by strange families. They have become extremely street smart.
After my son moved back with his family to America. He put those two boys a couple of times in a mental facility. There he was trying to push pills on them. My son has close ties to one! well known psychiatrist. One of the twins put my son in trouble with the social services in Israel.
A couple of poor religious families from Texas took in those two boys and treated them like human beings. One of the family's wife was giving birth to another child so they had no more room for one of the twins, Isik Hersh. For the nine months he was there his father never talked to him nor did he help financially. Even though my son didn't want to take his own son back. The family in Texas sent him back anyways. After spending a couple of days in the basement of his fathers house, he didn't let him go upstairs to see his siblings that he dint see for a long time and missed them. The second night home about four o'clock in the morning my son brought home a couple of big fellows and dragged the kid out of bed and handcuffed him, then shoved him into a car by force like the Nazis did with the Jews in Europe. Away from family and friends to a place calted Tranquility Bay in the island of Jamaica. My son felt that there he could get rid of him for good and no one will ever find out where he is.
After a few months his twin brother searching on the internet managed to find a boy that reached the age of 21 and came out of Tranquility Bay. He met our grandson Isik there. The write up about that place as all about torture, abuse, rope etc .... the boy that came out from there confirms that the place is very bad. Who knows if the kid will ever be normal again.
My son doesn't talk to us nor does he and his wife talk to her family.
My daughter-in -law's sister at first got a letter from my son giving her custody of the boys in Jamaica then he withdrew it. They don't want those two boys anywhere near their house, yet they are threatening other who are willing to take them in. they call their sons animals. The real animals are their parents. Even animals care more for their offspring than they do.
All those two boys are looking for and craving for is a home that gives them some love and security. My son trumped up all kind of charges against ltsik, The family he stayed with for nine months have nothing bad to say about him. They are now very much involved in trying to get him out of Jamaica. If they would have known what his father would do they would not have let him go home.
Like we said before we would be forever thankful and appreciative to you if you could out grandson get out of that hell whole called Tranquility Bay, Jamaica. No boy belongs there, especially a helpless Jewish boy.
Gratefully Yours,
Shalom Hersh
Rabbi Schechter is much responsible and involved.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008. NY Jewish Times on Saving Isaac Hersh.
If you or anyone you know was abused at Tranquility Bay contact attorney, Joshua Ambush Immediately. He can be reached at: 410-484-2070
Rabbi Aaron Schechter / Tranquility Bay / Michael Hersh
Custody Case Over Son Of Hatzalah Executive Suit alleges 16-year-old ‘being abused’ at Jamaica facility.
by Stewart Ain. NY Jewish Week. March 26, 2008
A bitter custody case centered on a controversial rehabilitation center in Jamaica for troubled youth has embroiled the U.S. State Department, Israel and the CEO of the Hatzalah Volunteer Ambulance Corps here.
At the center of the controversy is Isaac Hersh, 16, who, according to a federal lawsuit, was handcuffed and forcibly dragged from his parents’ Brooklyn home at 5 a.m. on June 13 by two burly men. He was then taken to a school in Jamaica called Tranquility Bay.
The suit, filed by the Washington Center for Peace and Justice, a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting victims of injustice, alleges that an eyewitness at the facility saw Hersh “being abused by the staff.” The suit claims that there have been “numerous” other documented cases of abuse of youths there.
A former associate of the school, Ken Kay, called the allegations “ludicro us.”
The suit alleges that the “health and safety” of Hersh are in jeopardy and it seeks to compel the State Department to visit him and render him medical care. Named as defendants are the State Department and the teen’s parents, Michael and Miriam Hersh. The former has been the CEO of Chevra Hatzalah Volunteer Ambulance Corps for the past five months.
Meanwhile, the boy’s aunt and uncle, Rosa and Elliott Greher of Silver Spring, Md., are in Brooklyn Family Court seeking to wrest custody of the teen from his parents. In the same court, the youngster’s grandparents, Rafael and Rifka Cohen of Queens, are seeking visitation rights. A May 28 trial is scheduled.
“My only interest is the well-being of Isaac Hersh,” said Rafael Cohen. “I have no involvement in the federal suit.”
He said the custody case was begun “after the parents were willing to voluntarily relinquish custody.” He declined to say what changed their minds.
Asked what would happen if the judge revokes the parents’ custody since U.S. court rulings are unenforceable in Jamaica, Cohen said: “We will have to cross that bridge as we come to it.”
His lawyer, Leah Shedlo, said the Cohens have not spoken with Isaac for about two years. Asked about reports that Isaac has sent a letter home saying he was fine and being treated well, she said she understood that the “children are required to send these letters home. I have spoken with some [former] students and they confirmed it.”
Shedlo said also that Isaac’s court-appointed guardian had not spoken with him as of the last court date in January.
The Hersh’s lawyer, Shlomo Mostofsky, declined comment.
David Shipper, the attorney for Chevra Hatzalah, said his organization is “carefully monitoring” the two court cases, “taking into account the seriousness of the allegations.”
The federal suit contends that Michael Hersh was charged with child abuse by Israeli authorities while the family was living there several years ago. It was alleged that Hersh forced Isaac and his twin brother Shlomo to take medicine without a prescription. The drug was designed “to control them,” the suit said, adding that the family then “abruptly returned to New York...”
I came to Chaim Berlin as a really raw new baal teshuva from public school about 25 years ago. I was so weird. I used to smile at everyone and talk at the top of my voice. My brother came along too, but he was quieter than me and soon got lost.
I was in Rabbi Shmuel Brog's shiur. He was my "Rebbe" and was the first one to really brainwash me so much that I started to forget that I was just a public school dropout and now I was becoming a "real ben Torah" & I was so happy that I just wanted to learn anything they would teach me in Chaim Berlin, where noone thought I was anything special, but I just stuck around so long & got rid of my funny colored wrinkled yamulka and put on a white shirt dark pants and jacket and grew a little beard, wow was I chushuv now, I could feel the kedusha coming down and making me into one big talmid chochem. Hey this must have been what Moshe Rabbeinu felt when he felt the ruach hakoidesh coming onto him, man was I one holy dude wow. I was "on the derech" for sure!
When did I fall in love with reb AronShechter? Hmm hard to tell but everytime he'd walk by me and smile and wisk his long beard I would get thrills down my legs and melt, this was my new hero and when he started to say hello a few times and keep me going on with my open gemoras wow that sold me & I was his slave for life I would never think again cause daas Toireh was my new drug of choice I would never have to be alone & just go wait for hours to hear what reb Aron would tell me to do.
Then they discovered that I had a good IQ, that I was marketable for shidduchim, so they got me a nice girl from BJJ to marry me. Hehehe, she was naive. Sweet gal from Silver Spring from a frum home with nice hard working humble parents, her name was Miriam Greher. Yeah I found out that she had a downs syndrome brother, but hey, her parents were great, they took care of that little kid, they NEVER sent him to an institution, they made the Hebrew Academy of Silver Spring let him come to regular classes and the kids there were so nice to him (why I could not do this for my own kids who are not downsyndrome I don't know) but you see I don't believe in therapy or mental health (it's only for crazy people) because I am a disciple of Rav Brog and Rav Brog is Rav Avigdor Miller's son-in-law and he said that all psychiatrists and psychologists and social workers are crazy and evil, I had to believe this to be accepted as Rav Brog's talmid, otherwise I would not be able to call him "Rebbe". Good thing they never asked me about my real views about this when they hired me at Hatzolo, but that is another story, when you have gedoilim like R. Shechter pull the strings get me the job so you wing it, I am smooth talker and a VERY S M I L E R you know, like super :) :) :) when inside I am more like grrrrrrrrr like a dog all the time, good thing I hate shrinks, I will never be discovered for who I am!
So Haha, I fooled the Hatzala people too, and hey, when I needed to get my own son dragged off I didn't even call my own Hatzola vans, I just hired goons from a fancy "WWASP" sounding place that are gangsters from Utah who make money of this...well Hatzoloa pays me $250,000- a year now so I have lots to spare when it comes to spending a mere $30,000 to imprison my own kid and frighten the heck out of the rest of em...but hey, Reb Aron says this is da'aas Toooiiirraaaah to come in the middle of the night with handcuffs and terrorize not just my kids but my entire neighborhood & reb aron has been doing that lately, he frightened the heck out of a sheitel macher store to take down a couple of innocent photos of a frum young lady's face (she was wearing a sheitel and I could see lots more chicks dressed a lot worse all the weay to the floor at yeshivish weddings, but hey, who cares about the truth here, only daas toireeeeh counts), he frightened the heck out of L>I>P>A to get the heck out of making other yidden happy so this is great stuff here I am helping him practice what he does best, frighten and intimidate people and, isn't that what Hatzolo does when it comes it frightens a lot of people, I guess I must have gotten something mixed up here.
This is becoming like all those things I used to watch on TV and at the movies that are sitting in my subconscious which I am not supposed to have according to Rabbis brog, Miller and Shechter (they are just jealous that Freud was a bigger rebbe and chochom than they will ever be) and maybe I might get called a socio-path if I went to a shrink to sort out my own deep problems. I have never told people what happened to me at my own home or in public school and I might have even tried going to college but nothing ever worked, till I became a "ben Toooooiraaaaah" at CB and hey that made me feel oh so goooood when the ruach hakoidesh cam down upon me and I knew what the right derech is and what the bad derech looks like.
Anyhow, back to my wife's family. They are naive people, but they had no clue about who I really was. They thought I was this great tzadik and Toirah scholar from Chaim Berlin and in Silver Spring they have pint-size bat-looking Rabbi Merkin who has told everyone that CB and Reb Aron Shechter are the closest thing to the messiah (outside of Lubavitch who we all hate of course) so those folks in Silver Spring really thought I was some great young luminary when all I was was just a twisted NYC street smart public school bum who landed up in the beginners program in CB and from there (like I saw in the movies that I loved, yup us public school kids go to movies but I would never admit it now that I learn so much Toooooiiiiraaaaah) I just changed my Clarke Kent do and put on the CB superman outfit and I was a made man, but those folks in Silver Spring are naive country bumpkins who just don't get that stuff about the CB trick acts (the main trick is that we SMILE a lot) and I got myself a nice sweet smart and bright Miriam Greher to marry me and off we went.
The rest of the story you know from all the court papers etc, I am still trying to figure how I couldn't read my own kids' signals, but I was never smart in that way. All my thinking is done by daas Toireh outside of my brain, my great Rebbes, Brog and Shechter (I do not respect or talk to any other real humans) who have totally brainwashed me into thinking that I am doing the will of Hashem and that what happens to my own kids in a "WWASP" concentration camp doesn't matter.
Of course I won't learn from my in-laws who never put my wife's brother into an institution because he was not off the derech (he was born with downs nebech) and besides they are the naive people I fooled into giving me their daughter so why should I think that I should learn from them and not from the gedoileeem Brog and Schechter who guide my life.
Sometimes I think back to my great public school days when life was so much fun and happy. No rabbis to hassle me. Who was it that sent me to Chaim Berlin in the first place, hmmm, can anyone remind me please....
After speaking with numerous Hatzoloh members it has been made clear that the people primarily responsible for the hiring of Michael Hersh and seeing Hatzoloh dragged into the public eye are:
Zelig Gitelis (F-19) who lives at 1319 East 26th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11210 [Cell no. 1-917-612-3519 – Home no. 1-718-434-5359]
Yitzi Stern (B-30) who lives at 1405 48th Street, Brooklyn NY 11204 [Cell no. 1-917-559-8880 – Home no. 718-633-3905].
They were the active members of the Hatzoloh search committee and offered the most vocal support for his hire. They failed us and their executive responsibilities by hiring someone with no previous employment history and a record of child abuse. In addition, the fact that we’re paying him an annual salary $250,000 is an outrage.
All this on the say of Rabbi Aaron Schechter.
Their responsibilities are to Hatzoloh and the Jewish community who support Hatzoloh, not to any individual or other group. We hold them personally responsible for this embarrassment of Hatzoloh, Klal Yisroel’s proudest organization, and demand they take immediate action to see that Hatzoloh is kept out of the news and can return to their incredible mission of saving, not assisting in the destruction of, Jewish lives.
We are going to research and post the names of all the guilty members of the Hatzoloh board that caused this travesty and hold them personally responsible for their actions.
Black is Back! Conrad Released on Bail in Light of High Court Ruling
Conrad Black was released from a Florida prison on Wednesday on $2 million bond while a federal judge in Chicago decides whether to overturn his 2007 fraud conviction.
See and Post Comments:
Who is renting to this shvartza in Coventry Square who has been burglarizing all the houses in New Rochelle & Scarsdale?
NEW ROCHELLE — Police said they are investigating whether a New Jersey man charged with a Friday house burglary, along with two suspected accomplices, may be responsible for a string of North End burglaries dating to November.
"The method of operation is consistent with the burglaries we've had in the North End over several months," Detective Capt. Joseph Schaller said. He said the intruders entered the house through a rear window, the same way as those who burglarized other North End homes in recent months.
Joseph E. Gill, 39, of 148 Tudor Court, Lakewood, N.J., who works for a janitorial service in Lakewood, is charged with second-degree burglary and criminal mischief and criminal possession of stolen property greater than $3,000, all felonies, in the Friday incident.
Schaller said a 59-year-old Forest Avenue woman awoke at 10:34 p.m. Friday to find an intruder in her bedroom taking jewelry. The woman got up and followed him when he left the room and noticed there was another man downstairs. Neighbors and police said she screamed at the men to get out of her house. They fled into a waiting van, where there was a third man at the wheel, and sped off.
Police Officer Andrew Pavone came upon the blue minivan and chased it until the driver stopped on Faneuil Place after the van blew out a tire. Two people fled, but police caught Gill, the driver. Police found the jewelry and a laptop that had been taken from the home in the vehicle. Schaller said there had been "a couple of close calls" with other residents nearly encountering the burglars.
New Rochelle police have been in touch with Scarsdale police who have had similar burglaries in the village
Iranian authorities have allocated funds for prostitution houses under the guise of temporary marriage, Al-Osboa has reported. According to the report, the government of Iran has granted one-day, temporary marriages in certain neighborhoods to “eliminate the problem of rape and sexual repression suffered by the Iranian youth.”
According to the official announcement in the cities of Qom and Mashad, the price per night is between twenty and fifty dollars, depending on whether the girl is a virgin or not in addition to her beauty. Critics, however, have said that this is just an excuse to bypass restrictions on prostitution. According to the Kuwait Times, the “homes have become a breeding to the whims and desires of some officials and Shiite clerics.”
Agudah & Torah Umesorah authorities have allocated legal defense funds for molester rebbeim under the guise of temporary michshol until they do teshuva, UOJ has reported. According to the report, the Moetzes has granted no-penetration permits in certain yeshivos to “eliminate the problem of sexual repression suffered by the rebbeim.”
According to the official announcement in the cities of Brooklyn and Baltimore, the price per incident is to be mekabel to learn twenty to fifty blatt Gemara, depending on whether the yingel is from a broken home or not in addition to whether he is slapped in the face by Margo. Critics, however, have said that this is just an excuse to bypass restrictions on pedophilia. According to JBAC, the “yeshivos have become a breeding grounds to the whims and desires of Kolko & his supporters.”
Avrohom Biederman shows up at the Claims Conference to coach them on cover up tactics and how to attack a scapegoat like the Agudah did to UOJ!
The Arrogance of Claims Conference Leaders
July 22, 2010 by Isi Leibler
At the annual meeting of the Claims Conference in New York last week, there was discussion of my recent column concerning the fraudulent misappropriation of over $7 million of Holocaust funds. Whilst I was strongly criticized and accused of “ill intentions”, not a single factual remark incorporated in my column could be refuted.
Indeed, additional information emerged, adding greater weight to my calls for reforming an organization which is controlled by a small group of people who in practice remain largely unaccountable.
There was a disingenuous attempt to infer that information concerning the misappropriated funds was suppressed in deference to a request from the FBI. Yet, it was the New York-based Jewish Week which exposed the fraud and only subsequently did the Claims Conference furnish the details.
More importantly, it was disclosed that the fraud has been going on for more than 10 years and that the $7 million already identified related only to information obtained from computerization of records initiated in 2007. Claims Conference Executive Vice President Greg Schneider confirmed that additional funds had been stolen and Treasurer Roman Kent added that $7 million was “only the tip of the iceberg”. It was also suggested that the German government could hold the Claims Conference accountable for the missing funds.
To make matters worse, the auditors, KPMG, declined to sign off on the annual accounts pending further clarification of the actual amount of funds misappropriated.
But more was to come. Avraham Biderman, a veteran Aguda Claims Conference Director, announced that in order to deal with this problem, the executive had appointed Howard Rubinstein and Associates, “the biggest and the best PR organization in the United States”, to refurbish its image. A $500,000 budget was set aside for this purpose as well as for additional lawyers and accountants.
As the Claims Conference already has a fully staffed public relations department, it is surely astounding that not a single Board member rose to challenge such a decision.
That should be viewed in tandem with the comment by the Chairman of the Claims Conference, Julius Berman, conceding that “tens of thousands of Jewish victims of Nazism around the world are living in need, unable to meet bare expenses or to properly care for themselves in old age”.
A strong case therefore exists to suggest that the Claims Conference leadership is somewhat of a self perpetuating private club. In addition, representatives of organizations which receive grants are inhibited and face a conflict of interest on many issues that arise which is reflected in the fact that the Board of Directors effectively acts as a rubber stamp to approve allocations and policy decisions. 64 representatives are flown annually at Claims Conference expense to New York and Jerusalem for meetings to hear reports and validate them.
The ENQUIRER reports in an exclusive bombshell exclusive that police have investigated charges from TWO MORE WOMEN who claimed they were abused by former VP AL GORE!
The allegations come hot on the heels of an ongoing Portland, Ore., police investigation that reopened after The ENQUIRER exclusively revealed accusations by a licensed massage therapist who says Gore groped her in 2006.
The ENQUIRER recently uncovered shocking allegations, from two other massage therapists.
The first incident allegedly took place at a Beverly Hills luxury hotel when Gore, 62, was in Hollywood to attend the Oscars in 2007.
The second reportedly occurred a year later at a hotel in Tokyo.
JWB says:
Speaking Out For Abuse Victims
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Judith S.B. Guedalia
Regarding “Accused Pedophile To Resign From Queens Rabbinical Board” (July 2) and “A Decade Later, More Willingness To Confront Rabbinic Abuse” (June 18), I cannot write as a New York resident, nor am I writing as a formal representative of either Nefesh Israel, an organization I co-chair, or Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, where I have headed the neuropsychology unit for close to 20 years.
I am writing as an individual who personally and professionally has met, treated and cried with children (and their families) who were victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse by those (in this case) “religious” figures whose job it was to protect them and their souls. Instead of doing this holy endeavor they used their positions of trust to wantonly destroy lives to their core.
I speak for those who came to me, who refused to go to the police, or to organizations that swear allegiance to serve and protect. I speak for the weak and weakened who came to me to ask me to help in the diagnosis of scores of disorders, from night terrors to depression, all responses to the “rape-of-trust” that occurred as a result of the abuse they suffered at the hands of “holy” teachers, rabbis and sometimes parents.
These abusers were not alone; those who knew or suspected something was not right acted as co-conspirators, in a sense.
I feel I have heard it all from the so-called protectors, and here are just a few comments:
“He has nine children, what about his ‘parnasa’ [income]?”
“That was a long time ago.”
“This will kill his parents, and you know they are Holocaust survivors.”
“Let’s wait a little while longer.”
And of course: “He promised he would stop.”
I have gone to the police and to criminal lawyers, but unless there is a formal complaint, their hands are tied.
So thank you, Jewish Week, in proving again that you are representatives of The Jewish Weak — indeed they are The Jewish Strong.
Chief Psychologist
Shaare Zedek Medical Center
If this is what happened to the bear around Camp Shmorris, maybe Aron Schechter wouldn't have assered BBQs.
Peru's minister of justice has confirmed that Thai authorities are pursuing criminal charges against van der Sloot, according to CBS News.
Holloway, an 18-year-old from Alabama, disappeared on a trip to Aruba in 2005. She was last seen leaving a nightclub with van der Sloot, who was then living in Aruba. Following Holloway's disappearance, van der Sloot reportedly traveled to Bangkok, where he posed as a modeling agency consultant, the tabloid reports.
Some of the girls he allegedly approached have disappeared and have never been found, according to the Enquirer.
Harold Copus -- a former FBI agent who was once hired to investigate the Holloway case by the "Dr. Phil" show -- said van der Sloot is believed to have been a middle man.
"In the sex slave industry, the middle man would get a fee for getting the girls and moving them around," said Copus, now head of Copus Security Consultants in Atlanta.
During his own investigation in Aruba, Copus heard rumors that "girls were taken out of Aruba to be used in the sex trade," he said. "There was supposedly a guy from Chicago there, a reputed mobster, who has been quoted as saying that a good [sex slave] is worth a quarter of a million dollars."
Copus told AOL News that while there is a possibility that Holloway, if kidnapped, was sold into slavery, he doubts she would still be alive today.
"Usually they'll dope the girls up so they have no concept of what they are doing," Copus explained, adding that once the women are deemed no longer useful, they often are killed.
"There is another seedy business out there called the snuff trade, where they sell or trade recordings of actual murders," he said. "That's the final exploitation."
Dutch journalist Peter de Vries secretly videotaped van der Sloot inside a Bangkok room with two young Thai women and two men who were posing as Dutch sex trade bosses. According to de Vries' expose, van der Sloot told the women they would be working as models in Holland, but in actuality they would be delivered to the Dutch prostitution market and he would make several thousand dollars for each woman he delivered.
"He was in the process of recruiting girls for prostitution ... that is what we saw [in the video]," Copus said. "What we didn't see was what was going to happen if the girls didn't want to be a prostitute. There's a lot of concern here as to what his intentions were."
Not long after the video aired, van der Sloot appeared on the Fox News program "On the Record With Greta Van Susteren." During the interview, he told Van Susteren he had sold Holloway to a mysterious stranger on a boat for $9,600.
"He just handed me a bag, grabbed [Natalee] by the arm and he went to the boat that he had in the water," van der Sloot said.
But like other confessions he allegedly has made, van der Sloot later contacted Van Susteren and said the story was a lie.
I hope UOJ doesn't get any ideas to start unmasking all the accomplices of Kolko and Margo like what the trustee is doing to Bernie Madoff's enablers!
Social Security Loses $50 Million a Year in Benefit Overpayment
If so-called "ex-gay" therapists had a slogan it would be, "getting paid and getting laid." This is a sick, exploitative industry run by diabolical and dysfunctional quacks that systematically sucker or seduce vulnerable clients.
Earlier this week, Truth Wins Out released a video featuring Ben Unger and Chaim Levin, two survivors of abusive "ex-gay" therapy. The young men grew up in Orthodox Jewish families in Brooklyn and were taught that they could not be gay and retain their faith. When Levin and Unger confronted this conflict, they were referred to the "ex-gay" organization Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH).
The guru of these programs and the pioneer of their bizarre techniques is Richard Cohen, the outlandish therapist who was expelled for life from the American Counseling Association in 2002 after it accused him of six violations of its ethics code.
Cohen's specialty is "touch therapy", where he places a male client between his thighs and caresses him. He and his minions claim that such petting is "non-sexual touch", but I'm not buying it. If a closeted gay therapist is pressing his groin up against a sexually frustrated gay client (who is also forbidden from masturbating), this is a form of sex. Indeed, it is a therapeutic lap dance and should be called re-perv-ative, not reparative therapy.
Interestingly, Cohen learned his creepy methods from the Wesleyan Community Christian Church, a cult that practiced nude therapy, including adult women breast-feeding men in a church sanctuary.
The main promoter and cheerleader of such wacky techniques is JONAH's Arthur Abba Goldberg, a Wall Street criminal mastermind, who prior to co-founding the "ex-gay" organization, was convicted in 1987 and sent to prison for "fraud of spectacular scope."
Cohen-style therapy has led to cases of sexual impropriety and abuse. For example, in 2007, Christopher Austin, an "ex-gay" counselor linked to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), was convicted in Irving, Texas of sexually assaulting a client. Last year, Truth Wins Out exposed Exodus therapist Mike Jones of Lansing, MI, who was sexually abusing a client under the auspices of touch therapy.
Despite two rabbinic court rulings against him, a Sherman Oaks rabbi is refusing to turn over four Torah scrolls that a rabbi’s widow says belong to her.
In May, a beit din (rabbinic court) confirmed a previous rabbinic ruling that the scrolls belong to Rita Pauker, widow of Rabbi Norman Pauker, but Rabbi Samuel Ohana has so far refused to hand them over. Ohana, who sits on his own beit din, is using the scrolls in his synagogue, Beth Midrash Mishkan Israel.
Ohana says Rabbi Pauker gave him the scrolls when the latter retired in the mid-1990s from Valley Mishkan Israel Congregation.
Rita Pauker says the scrolls belong to the Pauker family and were merely lent to Ohana, and she wants them back to give to her nephews, who are pulpit rabbis in other cities. Pauker has been trying to get the scrolls back since her husband died in 2002.
The four scrolls, hand-inked on vellum, are valued at around $100,000.
Last week, Pauker, who has not been able to afford an attorney for the last several months, filed a petition with the Los Angeles Superior Court to confirm the arbitration award and compel Ohana to turn over the scrolls.
Ohana’s attorney declined to comment but confirmed that Ohana still has the scrolls.
In January 2009, the Rabbinical Council of California Beit Din — onto which both sides signed for arbitration — ordered Ohana to turn over the scrolls, but Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Zaven Sinanian vacated the beit din’s award in April, after Ohana’s lawyer successfully argued that Rabbi Nachum Sauer should be disqualified from that beit din because he was interviewed in a Daily News story about the case. Sauer said he had answered a general question about scroll ownership and didn’t know anything about the case.
Sinanian sent the case back to beit din, and the two sides agreed to a one-judge beit din, rather than the standard three.
Rabbi Shalom Tendler, dean of the boys high school Mesivta Birkas Yitzchak and a longtime judge on rabbinic courts, heard the case in January 2010 and on May 18 ruled that the scrolls must be returned to Pauker.
The scrolls have not yet been turned over.
“I keep winning the case but losing the Torahs,” Pauker said.
Bob Barr's article for the Andrew Breitbart-owned website riddled with inaccuracies. Barr does NOT identify himself as a member of Rubashkin's legal team and the Breitbart-controlled website does NOT, either – despite clear ethical mandates for both to do so.
Does that mean that Shalom Tendler is still a sitting dayan on the RCC beis din?
UOJ should bring in the LA Times on this!
JWB says:
There is a serious problem in the Jewish community, it is not confined to any one branch of Judaism or geographical area. It will only be solved by exposing the problem to the light of day.
1) Gary Dolovich, former Executive Director of MBK kosher:
Further investigation revealed a series of disturbing online chats in which Dolovich traded child pornography with other men and discussed violently abusing the pictured children. In one conversation, Dolovich claims to know the children featured in a traded picture and discusses a plan to "snatch them and rape them." Later in the conversation, Dolovich proposes abandoning the children "in the middle of the province."
2) Daniel Katnelson
But things did get worse when Crown prosecutor Andrew Locke rose to recount the rapist’s own words, as recorded by a probation officer in a pre-sentence report. “[Mr. Katsnelson] states he hopes some day the victim will be able to take away something positive from this, as he has,” the report's author wrote. When asked what that might be, Mr. Katsnelson “suggested that now maybe she will know to keep her doors locked, while adding the offence would have been devastating to her.” A shudder of revulsion moved through the court, just one among several disquieting moments in a brief proceeding during which the Crown argued for a 10-year prison term and the defence requested a sentence of three to five years.
Child pornography distributor Gary Dolovich is a free man and will continue to operate in the jewish community that provided him with reference letters at sentencing:
Rapist Daniel Katnelson will be out of jail in several years and has already legally changed his name to Daniel Kaye and attempted to rebrand himself as a socially responsible environmentalist and businessman.
And there are hundreds if not thousands more of similar stories ...
JWB says:
There is a serious problem in the Jewish community, it is not confined to any one branch of Judaism or geographical area. It will only be solved by exposing the problem to the light of day.
1) Gary Dolovich, former Executive Director of MBK kosher:
Further investigation revealed a series of disturbing online chats in which Dolovich traded child pornography with other men and discussed violently abusing the pictured children. In one conversation, Dolovich claims to know the children featured in a traded picture and discusses a plan to "snatch them and rape them." Later in the conversation, Dolovich proposes abandoning the children "in the middle of the province."
2) Daniel Katnelson
But things did get worse when Crown prosecutor Andrew Locke rose to recount the rapist’s own words, as recorded by a probation officer in a pre-sentence report. “[Mr. Katsnelson] states he hopes some day the victim will be able to take away something positive from this, as he has,” the report's author wrote. When asked what that might be, Mr. Katsnelson “suggested that now maybe she will know to keep her doors locked, while adding the offence would have been devastating to her.” A shudder of revulsion moved through the court, just one among several disquieting moments in a brief proceeding during which the Crown argued for a 10-year prison term and the defence requested a sentence of three to five years.
Child pornography distributor Gary Dolovich is a free man and will continue to operate in the jewish community that provided him with reference letters at sentencing:
Rapist Daniel Katnelson will be out of jail in several years and has already legally changed his name to Daniel Kaye and attempted to rebrand himself as a socially responsible environmentalist and businessman.
And there are hundreds if not thousands more of similar stories ...
Does that mean that Shalom Tendler is still a sitting dayan on the RCC beis din?
What does this tell you about the RCC?
JWB says:
The Brooklyn 19. Can anyone assist with this list?
The Brooklyn 19 refer to 19 felony sexual assault cases that are/were pending by the Brooklyn District Attorney in the Orthodox community (now believed to be higher than 19).
The confirmed Brooklyn 19 to date:
1) Yona/Jason Weinberg (found guilty - on NY sex abuse registry, 13 month sentence)
2) Emanuel Yegutkin (trial scheduled August 18, 2010)
3) Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz (Israel refused extradition)
4) Stephen Colmer (pled guilty and incarcerated - parole hearing 07/2011)
5) Yakov Kramer (?, case dropped?)
6) Arye Ickovits (pled guilty, released?)
7) Arthur Samet (pled guilty Aug19/09, released?)
8) Moshe Spitzer (pled guilty and incarcerated - parole hearing 01/2012 )
9) Bernard Mutterperl (convicted and incarcerated - parole hearing 10/2017 )
10) Rabbi Jerry Brauner (pled guilty Jun 21/10 - sentencing July 27/2010 - on NY sex abuse registry)
11) Michael Sabo (pending, trial September 13/2010)
12) Martin Vegh AKA Boorich Mordechai Vegg (convicted and incarcerated - parole hearing 07/2014 )
13) Meir Dascalowitz (trial scheduled September 13/2010)
14) Rabbi Baruch Lebovits (found guilty - parole hearing 11/2019, trial scheduled on new charges August 4/2010)
15) Rabbi David Y. Greenfeld/Dovid Leib/Dovid Yidie (pending)
The unconfirmed:
16) Rabbi Avrohom Reichman (only civil case, is he part of the list?)
17) Rabbi Avraham M. Leizerowitz (only civil case, is he part of the list?)
18) Rabbi Yehuda Kolko (only civil case, criminal case settled with plea agreement, is he part of the list?)
19) Rabbi Yissocher Berel Ashkenazi (only accused by the DA during his testimony as a witness for the defence in the Lebovits trial, is he part of the list?)
20) The unnamed "well-known" store-owner in Brooklyn who took a kid upstairs for years to his office. The victim, now an adult, was interviewed on Hikind's show.(Is he part of the list?)
JWB says:
There is a serious problem in the Jewish community, it is not confined to any one branch of Judaism or geographical area. It will only be solved by exposing the problem to the light of day.
1) Gary Dolovich, former Executive Director of MBK kosher:
Further investigation revealed a series of disturbing online chats in which Dolovich traded child pornography with other men and discussed violently abusing the pictured children. In one conversation, Dolovich claims to know the children featured in a traded picture and discusses a plan to "snatch them and rape them." Later in the conversation, Dolovich proposes abandoning the children "in the middle of the province."
2) Daniel Katnelson
But things did get worse when Crown prosecutor Andrew Locke rose to recount the rapist’s own words, as recorded by a probation officer in a pre-sentence report. “[Mr. Katsnelson] states he hopes some day the victim will be able to take away something positive from this, as he has,” the report's author wrote. When asked what that might be, Mr. Katsnelson “suggested that now maybe she will know to keep her doors locked, while adding the offence would have been devastating to her.” A shudder of revulsion moved through the court, just one among several disquieting moments in a brief proceeding during which the Crown argued for a 10-year prison term and the defence requested a sentence of three to five years.
Child pornography distributor Gary Dolovich is a free man and will continue to operate in the jewish community that provided him with reference letters at sentencing:
Rapist Daniel Katnelson will be out of jail in several years and has already legally changed his name to Daniel Kaye and attempted to rebrand himself as a socially responsible environmentalist and businessman.
And there are hundreds if not thousands more of similar stories ...
Another Yated sponsored farce in Lakewood. This Rosa Hindy's husband pleaded guilty to molesting kids in the Albany mikva. But it doesn't stop them from lying about that fact in public.
This is the kind of temimusdikkeit that is behind the Rubashkin appeals.
Filed at 2:43 p.m. ET
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -- Police say 12 cows being driven to the slaughterhouse made a break for freedom when the truck that was transporting them overturned in west Michigan.
Police say the bovine escapees hoofed it over highway guardrails, forced traffic detours and caused at least one accident.
The 42-year-old truck driver suffered minor injuries in the accident in Kent County about 4 a.m. Wednesday.
The ongoing sexual abuse case against Stanley Z. Levitt, a rabbi and former teacher at the Maimonides School in Brookline who is now accused of molesting a handful of boys in the 1970s, shows that different types of religious hierarchies often respond to troubling accusations in the same hushed manor. Even after questions were raised about Levitt’s fitness to teach young boys, he was allowed to move to Philadelphia and, worse yet, to be in contact with children there. It took over three decades for charges to finally be brought against him.
What a chilul Hashem that a goy tells Satmar their machlokes belongs in beis din.
A judge has ordered two rival factions of Satmar Hasidim to take their latest court fight to a rabbinical panel, a decision that could end nine years of litigation over which side controls the vast assets of the sect’s main congregation in Williamsburg.
Acting state Supreme Court Justice Victor Alfieri Jr. has ruled that the sect’s corporate bylaws require that a rabbinical court, known as a bet din, settle the bitter power struggle between Satmar groups in Kiryas Joel and Brooklyn.
“Jewish day school fundraising is often a shvitzer’s activity,” says Schick.
WASHINGTON — After a nearly two-year investigation, a House investigative panel has found that Representative Charles B. Rangel probably violated a range of ethics rules, dealing a serious blow to Mr. Rangel, a Harlem Democrat, in the twilight of his political career.
WOODMERE, N.Y. (AP) -- About 45 homes were evacuated in a neighborhood in southeastern Nassau County after a gasoline tanker truck crashed and leaked about 2,000 gallons onto a local street.
Nassau County Police say the crash happened at about 6 a.m. Thursday in Woodmere.
Details of the accident were not immediately available, but police believe the tanker hit a tree and flipped, leaking the gasoline.
Bloomberg Mulling Charging For Garbage Pickup
Forget Your Taxes, Mayor Considering Additional 'Pay As You Throw' Fee To Help Cash-Strapped New York City
The Federal Reserve provided most of the money for new mortgages in the United States last year, effectively lending more than $1 trillion to American homeowners.
Now the legacy of that extraordinary intervention is hanging over the central bank as it faces growing demands for an encore to help revive the flagging economy.
... it has left the Fed holding a vast pile of mortgage securities — basically i.o.u.’s from homeowners — that it does not want and cannot sell.
Holding the securities could cost the Fed a lot of money and hamper its ability to fight inflation, while selling the securities could drain needed money from the still-weak economy.
Employees Call on KRM Supermarket to Reconsider Relationship With Flaum Appetizing Over Serious Labor Abuses
Unlawfully fired employees of Brooklyn food processor and wholesaler, Flaum Appetizing Corp., joined by a spirited contingent of community supporters, labor union allies, and concerned citizens.
Why: Workers are set for a federal court trial in Brooklyn against prominent kosher food company Flaum Appetizing and its owner Moishe Grudhut for years of stolen overtime and retaliation against workers who asserted their rights. The KRM Kollel Supermarket is one of the New York's largest sellers of Flaum products including hummus, pickles, herring, and middle eastern salads. The workers and their supporters are calling on KRM Kollel to demonstrate socially responsible leadership regarding the products that it sells to New York consumers. Flaum has already lost a National Labor Relations Board trial over its relentless campaign to stifle workers' rights.
When: 12 noon / July 25, 2010
Where: In front of KRM Kollel Supermarket. 39th St. bet 13th & 14th Ave. in Borough Park, Brooklyn (1325 39th Street). F/G Trains to Church Ave. Stop.
The Focus on the Food Chain campaign, launched by Brandworkers in 2007 and currently a coalition effort alongside the Industrial Workers of the World labor union (NYC), promotes a sustainable food system which incorporates respect for workers' human rights. Brandworkers International is a New York-based non-profit organization protecting and advancing the rights of retail and food employees. Brandworkers campaigns are made possible by the generosity of individual donors as well as the New York Foundation, North Star Fund, and Union Square Awards.
A Focus on the Food Chain event endorsed by:
Domestic Workers United
Green Party of New York City
La Union de la Comunidad Latina
New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE)
Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROC-NY)
Retail Action Project / RWDSU
"No blog is safe," said the blogger behind a site called theunorthodoxjew. "Any blog will be affected if Yahoo or Google gives up the information."
Watch out, Mr. Whipple, the mayor of Newark is putting the squeeze on toilet paper.
Mayor Cory Booker threatened to stop spending city funds on toilet paper as one of a string of "savage" measures to close a $70 million budget gap.
"We're going to stop buying everything from toilet paper to printer paper," Booker said during a City Hall news conference in Newark Wednesday.
HIGH-SPEED rail may be getting lots of attention — and money — from the Obama administration, but it turns out the transportation success story of the last few years is the bus.
At a time when flights have been cut and ridership on trains has been relatively flat, traveling by bus has been on the rise. Last year, bus service increased 5 percent, and it rose nearly 10 percent in 2008, according to Joseph Schwieterman, a DePaul University professor who has studied the decline and comeback of bus travel.
People are not the only ones who figure in the misery index. Consider the dairy industry in upstate New York.
“The cows really dislike the heat,” said Jessica Ziehm, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Agriculture and Markets.
And when cows suffer, we all suffer. Ms. Ziehm said the unhappy cows were “producing less milk because of it.”
A-G wants haredi site probed for attacks on Emmanuel judge
“His tongue is deep inside the rectums of the Ashkenazis at the Supreme Court” is a headline from the haredi Web site Tzofar, and one of the more vile references to Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy.
Comments like these on the site prompted the Attorney General’s Office on Thursday to recommend that police launch a criminal investigation, on suspicion of contempt of court, against the Web site’s editor and Shmuel Kooper, the writer who has produced numerous diatribes against the religious Sephardi justice.
Levy headed the three-member panel that recently ruled ordered parents who refused to return their daughters to Emmanuel’s Beit Ya’acov school to prison for contempt of court, after a previous ruling had a barrier erected in the school removed.
Yoav Laloum, who along with his Noar Kahalacha NGO filed the original petition against the state-funded Independent Education Center under which the school operated, was also a prime target of Tzofar, which claimed that he was on the New Israel Fund’s payroll to “fight the Torah of Israel.”
Levy was the subject of repeated attacks on the Web site, in which he was called “a lowlife,” who hates haredim and is seeking to appease his “Ashkenazi masters.”
In a decision pertaining to the Emmanuel affair from the end of June, the court had asked the attorney- general to look into “irregular remarks” against the court and especially one of the justices, presumably Levy, “to examine whether these are to be considered contempt of court.”
Arnon Weinberg
Back2Front Inc
262 Westmount Blvd.
Thornhill, Ontario
Canada L4J 7V9
A 35-year-old Thornhill man is in police custody, accused of taking upskirt videos of women without their knowledge as they milled about Toronto's Eaton Centre and the Dundas subway station.
Police say the women were videotaped by a small camera that was hidden in a laptop bag.
About nine women have been victimized but police spokesperson Const. Tony Vella said investigators believe there may be more victims.
Most of the women probably have no idea that their privacy was compromised, he told CTV News Friday morning.
Police were called to the Eaton Centre on Thursday at about 6:15 p.m. after security personnel were alerted to the suspect's suspicious actions.
Witnesses told police the suspect was walking back and forth between the Eaton Centre and the subway station.
Arnon Weinberg has been charged with voyeurism in connection with the case. He was scheduled to make a court appearance Friday morning.
JWB says:
Case of Arnon Weinberg, Thornhill, Canada.
One Arrested, One Sought In Voyeurism Investigations
2010/07/23 | Staff
Police arrested one man this week on voyeurism charges for allegedly recording video up women’s skirts in and around the Eaton Centre and investigators are asking for help in tracking down a second man on the same charge.
A 35-year-old Thornhill man was arrested at the Eaton Centre Thursday afternoon after police received a tip from a security guard. The suspect was spotted allegedly taking video of unsuspecting women inside the mall and at Dundas subway station. Authorities claim the man used a camera hidden in a laptop bag.
At least nine women were targeted, police said.
Arnon Weinberg is charged with voyeurism for a sexual purpose. He was scheduled to appear in court Friday.
Detectives are now trying to track down a second man they claim was spotted recording video up women’s skirts at Dundas subway station. A citizen at the station who spotted the man allegedly recording video contacted police.
“He was underneath the staircase using a camera to film underneath the skirts of the women,” Const. Tony Vella told “It was in the view of the public eye.”
These two alleged incidents, with very similar circumstances, are being treated as two separate investigations.
“Right now we’re looking into any possibility," Vella said.
If you have any information call police at (416) 808-5200 or Crime Stoppers at (416) 222-TIPS.
JWB says:
Arnon Weinberg's company Back2Front Inc. is the Web Site design, hosting, and management company for the Lola Stein Institute which is involved in Jewish education matters see: /
WASHINGTON (AP) -- New estimates on Friday predict the budget deficit will reach a record $1.47 trillion this year. The government is borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spends.
The new estimates paint a grim unemployment picture as the economy experiences a relatively jobless recovery. The unemployment rate, presently averaging 9.5 percent, would average 9 percent next year under the new estimates.
The Office of Management and Budget report has ominous news for President Barack Obama should he seek re-election in 2012 -- a still-high unemployment rate of 8.1 percent.
Bunch of meshugoyim. Why are they blaming the geese when it's Sullenberger's fault?
It’s a doomsday plan for New York’s geese.
A nine-page report put together by a variety of national, state and city agencies shows that officials hope to reduce the number of Canada geese in New York to 85,000 from 250,000.
That means that roughly 170,000 geese — two-thirds of the population — will be killed.
The nearly 400 geese gassed to death this month after being rounded up in Prospect Park in Brooklyn — as well as an unknown number of other geese killed in New York City in recent weeks — were but a small part of the ambitious overall goal outlined in the document, which was obtained by City Room.
The plan, according to a high-level official at the United States Department of Agriculture, was a result of five months of meetings between February and June 2009, after the crash of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River. Canada geese hit both of the jet’s engines, causing the splashdown.
“I’m good enough to borrow a plane from, but not good enough to be invited to the wedding?” complained one Clinton friend, who remembered the times he handed over his jet and his pilot to take Bill Clinton around the country but had not landed a coveted invitation to Chelsea Clinton’s nuptials.
Next Saturday, Ms. Clinton, 30, and her fiancé, Marc Mezvinsky, 32, are expected to marry in Rhinebeck, N.Y. But not everyone these days is feeling the love.
Shmarya was growling that these "refugees" weren't being allowed into Israel in wholesale manner.
Look how they are destroying the fabric of any city they move into in large numbers.
Hasn't Sruly Singer been working in some capacity for American Jewish Congress?
Looks like another dead end for him.
Mordechai Bayer, a 50-year-old Los Angeles-based commercial property manager, was shot and killed on Monday, July 19.
At just after noon, Bayer was believed to be attempting to collect rent money from a tenant, Sung Chul Pak, 40, who ran a T-shirt store in the 5400 block of West Sunset Boulevard, when Pak shot Bayer, then turned the gun on himself, committing suicide, according to Lieutenant Bob Binder of the Los Angeles Police Department.
The official police report refers to the crime as a “murder-suicide.”
Bayer lived in Valley Village in the San Fernando Valley. He was married and had six children as well as grandchildren. He was ordained as a rabbi, committed to studying Torah and he frequently held services out of his home, according to Ed Kinsbursky, who knew Bayer personally. Kinsbursky described Bayer as “friendly and outgoing.”
The reason for the shooting remains unclear, police said. One news report alleged that a fistfight between Bayer and Pak preceded the shooting, but the LAPD’s Binder said there was no evidence of a fistfight having occurred.
“We truly don’t know what happened inside the store, and we may never know,” Binder said.
Binder added that aside from Bayer and Pak, nobody was present in the store at the store at the time of the shooting.
Police do not believe anybody else was involved with the shooting but are continuing to investigate to get more background information on Bayer and Pak.
From Professor Shapiro in Scranton:
Following my last post, a number of people have corresponded with me about the issue of anti-Semitism and how it it sometimes self-inflicted because of Jewish actions that cause a chillul ha-Shem, meaning that we can’t always claim ידינו לא שפכו את הדם הזה. As many readers know, R. Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg already pointed out that some anti-Semitism arises for precisely this reason. He was not the first. R. Yisroel Moshe Chazan (Kerakh shel Romi, p. 4a), speaks of the bad impression given non-Jews by Jewish behavior:
שאנחנו מצד אמונתנו אנחנו מחוייבים להיות משחיתים הקיבוץ המדיני
See also the words of R. Shlomo Alami, Iggeres ha-Mussar, ed. Haberman (Jerusalem, 1946), pp. 11-12:
עם היותנו עבדים נכבשים להם התלנו בם וחיללנו שם קודש א-להינו בקרבם כי הלכנו אתם באונאה ובמרמה וקבענו אותם בחוקים לא טובים בערמה עד אשר מאסונו והחזיקונו כגנבים ורמאים מנאפים עצרת בוגדים.
See also Maharsha to Ketubos 67a, which so accurately describes what we often face:
ורבים בדור הזה שמקבצין עושר שלהם שלא באמונה ובחילול השם כגזילת עכו"ם ואח"כ מתנדבים מאותו ממון להיות להם כבוד בכל שנה ולתת להם ברכת מי שברך להיות להם שם ותפארת, ואין זה אלא מצוה הבאה בעבירה, ואין לעושר הזה מלח וקיום
(To understand the last words, see Ketubos 66b: מלח ממון חסר)
As R. S.R. Hirsch taught, it is incumbent on us to show that we are a great benefit to society, and we cannot behave as if the rules, and the consequences of violating these rules, only apply to everyone else.
Adam Ferziger writes in “From Demonic Deviant to Drowning Brother: Reform Judaism in the Eyes of American Orthodoxy,” Jewish Social Studies 15 (Spring/Summer 2009), pp. 56–88:
"[T]he head of Pittsburgh’s Kollel Jewish Learning Center, Rabbi Aaron Kagan, meets on a regular basis with his local rabbinic colleagues from Reform and Conservative synagogues to study Torah together. . . . Based in Palo Alto, California, the Jewish Study Network—one of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding of these kiruv kollels—does not limit its interdenominational contacts to private study. Its fellows work together with Conservative and Reform representatives to create new Jewish learning initiatives throughout the Bay Area and to offer their own programming in non-Orthodox synagogues. Rabbi Joey Felsen, head of the Jewish Study Network and a veteran of five years of full-time Torah study at Jerusalem’s venerable Mir yeshivah, made clear that he was not opposed to presenting Torah lectures in a non-Orthodox synagogue sanctuary, although he preferred to teach in the social hall. Indeed, according to Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried, leader of the highly successful Dallas Area Torah Association (DATA) Kollel and a well-respected halakhist, insofar as Jewish religious institutions were concerned the only boundary that remained hermetically sealed was his unwillingness to teach in a gay synagogue. . . ."
R' Moishe clearly assers entering a Conservative or Reform sanctuary.
Aron Kagan was the guy in Lakewood busy with the beer kegs and DATA kollel in Dallas were heavily involved with Tropper.
It figures that the Queens Vaad would have David Greenfield speak at their 50th anniversary party, the phony who helps the Agudah & Catholic Church protect child molesters.
JWB says:
This is an outrage.
Editorials Op-ed Orthodox face 'double whammy' in reporting child sex abuse
Orthodox face 'double whammy' in reporting child sex abuse
Friday, 23 July 2010 19:17 Asher Lipner
OPINION: An Orthodox couple from Lakewood are very special and heroic people. When they found out that their son was molested by a rabbi, they confronted the rabbi and got him to admit it.
But when the rabbi became defiant and would not go to therapy or agree to leave the synagogue, they went to the police and had him arrested.
The mother has said that more than any act of communal concern or heroism, she did this as a simple Jewish mother for her son. She knew that if the rabbi was allowed to get away with it and nothing to happen to him, her son would forever feel abandoned and unprotected at his time of need.
The family is now suffering the "double trauma" of most victims in our community. One, their son has symptoms of PTSD. He was a very, very religious boy. His father is a Torah scholar and a majority member in the town. A Posek halacha
But the family as a whole is paying a double price. For going to the police to protect their child, something that in other communities is considered normal parenting, they are being attacked as "anti-Torah," by evil people. I would like to call them ignorant people.
The rosh kollel in Palo Alto, Rav Lebowitz, wrote a letter that Ferziger's essay is mistaken because his yungerleit have never violated R' Moshe's psak by going in a freye sanctuary. They use other parts of the building which is mutter.
Ferziger is aware of the nafka mina tzuvishin the sanctuary and the catering hall. He points out that the Atlanta kollel does kiruv by Conservative & Reform but makes sure not to step foot in the sanctuaries.
He may have misreported on Palo Alto but I don't see Pittsburgh & Dallas denying that they are going against R' Moishe.
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