Having advocated for children for years, I am looking at the statement at the Agudah convention as a breath of fresh air. It is admittedly far short of what I hoped for, but it is a major step in the right direction. In his statement, the Rav Perlow acknowledged the existence of the problem, he stated that it had been swept under the rug in the past (a welcome confession), focused on the need to educate children about their need to protect themselves, and the notice that both Agudah and TU have been doing something about it. It was even heartening to hear that the Moetzes has been listening to the experiences of horror and trauma from survivors.But that was a small step. Nothing was said about the responsibility of the yeshivos and schools. Nothing was said about how to deal with predators. And nothing was mentioned about whether, when, and how to involve the authorities. I bet there is still ongoing discussion and debate on those issues. I would want to see Agudah do more than approve a statement or letter. Perhaps TU needs to undertake the implementation of programs in schools, but Agudah needs to provide the leadership for how communities should deal with this. After all, not all predators are in yeshivos. According to those I have heard and read, most molestation happens in home and family settings, so more than school policy is needed. Was there recognition of how the system revictimizes the victims by disbelief, by failing to remove the predators, by stopping reports or testimony? How about the kids thrown out of yeshiva because an accusation was made (prior to investigation)? How about parents who were forced to relocate because their child was victimized, while the alleged predator walks freely, even getting kavod?The survivors that the Moetzes met have been able (presumably with professional help) to reclaim their lives. I am glad that there was some exposure to the murderous effects of molestation. Have they heard from those victims who still suffer? Are they aware of the devastation that has made these victims rebel against shmiras Torah and mitzvos?One small step for men. One giant leap desperately needed.
It was difficult to follow the logic of the main column in the Yated last week, even by Pinny's standards. He started off attacking Charlie Rangel for being corrupt and ending off that we have to free Rubashkin at all cost because he is a tzaddik yesod oylam.In reality, neither of them want to owe up to doing wrong and followers of both who have no mind of their own are acting very similar. Rangel even admits somewhat that he is a poshayeh, ma sheain kain ...http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/01/rangel-asks-supporters-to-make-a-call-on-his-behalf/?hpwWith the hour of his reckoning drawing near, Representative Charles B. Rangel on Wednesday morning asked thousands of his supporters to call the Capitol switchboard and ask their congressmen to vote against a measure that would censure him for an assortment of ethical violations.The last-minute appeal, e-mailed to 25,000 people on the congressman’s campaign mailing list, includes an apology for his transgressions, but asserts that “censure is excessive and that my lapses do not rise to the level of transgressions of those censured in the past.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/02/nyregion/02cheshire.htmlConnecticut Killer’s Appeal to Point Finger at Twitter Use---YTT Molester's Appeal to Point Finger at UOJ Blogging
http://decisions.courts.state.ny.us/fcas/fcas_docs/2003nov/2300351282002100sciv.pdfThe RCA tries to put a nitva in cherem for exercising his right to go to another beis din. Is that only because the nitva got on the bad side of Rabbi Genack who then spoke to his friends in the other OU division?
Part I of II partsThe speech is something. But the question is why it happened and what will follow? Alas, Rabbi Perlow did not extend thanks to the advocates (including of course UOJ and many others) who held the feet of the Agudah to the fire. More importantly, he did not extend hakaros hatov to those who braved community disapproval to bring the issue to the courts, protective services and the media. Sadly, Agudah only seems to do the right thing when it has no choice. Even then it waits quite a while.What is the tachlis of the speech? It seems to me he admitted the obvious while skirting the necessary next steps. Of course the first step is admitting there is a problem. Fine, he admitted that those who are molested suffer. Amazing. All this daas torah, meetings, brain power, and time to arrive at this conclusion. Better late than never, but stunningly late.I suppose it could be an important element in the construction of the halachic rationale for going to the police. The simple equation is pikuach nefesh and impossibility of preventing recidivism among molesters renders them rodfim. Ergo, go to the police because communities have no went to control molesters. Many charedi poskim have established this position in recent years. But R. Perlow manages not to make any of those additional necessary statements. There is absolutely no indication that the Moetzes will use its influence to encourage victims and their guardians to report cases to the police. In contrast look at how a real gadol, ben gadol, R. Moshe Soloveichik, gets to the tachlis all in 12 minutes. http://theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com/2010/11/rabbi-moshe-soloveichick-addressing.htmlAnother piece of tachlis is talking about necessary policy changes in schools. Again he hovers over the surface of the shmutzig yeshiva carpet and says we have to get out the shmutz. But he gives no hint of how. He doesn't even say we will sweep them out with the same broom that R. Matisyahu Solomon used to sweep them under. Rabbi Perlow has a Phi Beta Kappa degree in math from Brooklyn College. He must know something about the arithmetic of: so many molesters x so many years x so many folks involved in cover-ups. He must know that that a bedikas chometz feather or even a 99 cent broom will not be enough to clean out the mess unless he is content to wait for the 22nd century.He talks about Torah U Mesorah guidelines. But how serious can Torah Umesorah be when they will not publicly distribute the guidelnies to parents. He talks about the program for camps several years ago. No, it was only about six months ago. It was really a lawyer's shtick. Most of their handout consisted of legal documents camps should use not to be sued. They had a letter for parents laying on them the responsibility for orienting their kids. They are sending the message that preventing molesting is the job of the parents. The camp and the school’s job is to not be legally liable. They don’t even talk about the achrayis of institutions. Instead they use vague language about following the law as mandated reporters. But the law is vague at times. They do not seem to be aiming for maximum eradication of molesting.
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/12/01/2010-12-01_oklahoma_women_ailene_brown_shmeco_thomas_accused_of_smuggling_stolen_goods_in_b.htmlUOJ makes fun of me for hiding money in my mattress. You don't even want to know where Margo has been hiding his money now that Swiss banks are no longer safe!
I stopped paying attention to these statements and "acknowledgments" of the Agudah and its Moetzes a while ago. It is not worth the frustration and aggravation. The Agudah has been irrelevant for quite some time now. With every embarrassing public pronouncement from Shafran or Zwiebel, and with every empty speech from Perlow, they are becoming more and more the laughingstock of the Orthodox community. Even the propagandists at Yeshiva World declared that the Agudah has lost any political clout that it supposedly had. What's important for us is to totally ignore these mis-leaders and to work around their sick agenda of continuing to protect child molesters. Do not expect them to do a 180 and to put out a statement similar to the RCA, declaring that molesters are "rodfim" that must be turned over to the police, any time soon. Ahmadinejad will recognize the sovereignty of the Jews over the land of Israel before Perlow recognizes the need to report child molesters. In the meantime, we have work to do. So goodnight, irrelevant fools!
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus!
HERE ARE THE REAL FACTS ABOUT AGUDA the association for jewish camps prepared a guide for summer camps directors in 2006 outlining saftey guidelines for protecting children from abuse.tora umesora claims it was mailed to all mosdos in the spring of 2006. Most summer camp directors do not remember getting that memo.aguda and tora umesora meet many times a year with yeshiva directors yet this supposed memo was not discussed with the staff.Sacred lives a non profit orgnization took that memo along with good additional material and hosted a major asifa with camp directors in 2010 that was very informative.rabbi zweibel came to the asifa like a hero and addresed the group............why did it take 4 years for a struggling non profit to finally organize a conference while tora umesora and aguda who do have the resources not to have called on their friends in all yeshivas to be more aggresive in screening and do more in the area of background checks ,,, btw do you know who helped raise the money for the summer camp meeting by sacred livesone of us,,,, who the novimnsker rebbee called "presumptious bloggers who think they know better then the motzes in the area of sex abuse" in his 2009 speech at the aguda dinner The answer is the war against child abusers will be won by the people for the people
I disagree with Yerachmiel Lopin on one point, that Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik is an "adam gadol".It's great that he is taking a stand against molesters and he gets a lot of schar for it but he would be much more credible if he ran a reliable kashrus organization. His hashgocho has fallen in reliability since he took over from his father Rav Aharon.Everyone in kashrus knows it. I have nothing to do with Yoel Schonfeld from the Queens Vaad. Schonfeld is a hypocrite with an agenda. He waited until the last minute before Pesach one year to ambush Rabbi Soloveitchik and have his products removed from store shelves. Schonfeld himself runs a hashgocho which is not reliable and covers it up by sending around the yeshivishe maniac Chaim Schwartz with his big payos. After Schonfeld had inflicted maximum damage on Rabbi Soloveitchik, the products that were removed quietly went back on Queens store shelves as the stores didn't want to lose money and Schonfeld was no longer policing things because his real agenda was not kashrus.
I'm surprised UOJ and Steve aren't also ridiculing me for the report in last week's Mishpocho Magazine that I somewhat retreated on assering the internet.
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/school_for_candal_mbbDFFez46nlSqWmCJwu5LSchool for $candal
December 1, 2010WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Longtime CBS News correspondent Howard Arenstein was sentenced to 90 days probation but did not admit guilt on marijuana charges.Arenstein accepted the sentence on Nov. 23, according to court documents made public this week, seven days after a Magistrate's Court judge dismissed harsher marijuana-related charges against him and his wife, Orly Azoulay, the Washington correspondent for Yediot Achronot.Following the Nov. 16 dismissal because a government witness failed to appear, Arenstein subsequently alone was charged for possession -- less severe than the original charge of intent to distribute.Washington police arrested the couple Oct. 2 allegedly after finding 11 marijuana plants and 2-ounce marijuana bags in their home in northwest Washington, D.C. The police reportedly were acting on a neighbor's tip.
(Bloomberg) - Former Manhattan Borough President Andrew Stein pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failure to pay income taxes for 2008 and according to a prosecutor faces up to 12 months in prison.Mr. Stein, who also served as New York City Council President from 1985 to 1994, was arrested in May
http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20101201/FREE/101209981Fed aided Verizon, GE and others amid credit crisisAs the financial crisis hit full-tilt in October 2008, the Federal Reserve was not only furiously propping up banks, but it also repeatedly came to the aid of such companies as Verizon Communications, McDonald's and Harley-Davidson.Commercial paper is the lifeblood for many businesses which rely on it to help meet near-term obligations, such as making payroll or paying suppliers. The commercial paper market, however, froze solid as the financial crisis escalated, forcing the Fed to step in and buy the paper not just from issuers such as Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, but also from Verizon, General Electric, McDonald's, Caterpillar and the National Rural Utilities Cooperative, among many others.The Fed data present a chilling portrait of the nation's banking crisis quickly spreading throughout the economy and threatening broad swaths of the industrial and consumer sectors in the U.S. and abroad. The Fed even bought commercial paper issued by the Republic of Korea and several European banks.
You know what they say about many of the modern orthodox in Queens and Great Neck, that they substitute Zionist activism for frumkeit.Have you ever wondered about this guy who gets loads of kovod in Queens Vaad shuls and runs around Great Neck & Queens with a big smile on his face while he leads just about every Tzioni eisik that there is to get his picture in the newspapers?This kind of guy who gets wealthy at the expense of others is who the Queens Vaad bows down to because he represents the almighty dollar while they trample on kashrus, are mevazeh meissim and try to bulldoze anyone who speaks up about it.http://w3.health.state.ny.us/opmc/factions.nsf/0522fed2dd2160ff852568c0004e894a/ce495dcc3a9c1ba185256e84004a646e?OpenDocumentPaul Brody, MDMisconduct Description: The physician asserted that he could not successfully defend against at least one of the acts of misconduct alleged in the charges of gross negligence and incompetence; negligence and incompetence on more than one occasion; ordering excessive tests and/or treatment not warranted by the patient's condition; practicing fraudulently; failing to comply with a state law governing the practice of medicine; failing to maintain accurate records and failing to use accepted infection control practices.
Worked out very well for Touro / Lander yerusha purposes. Assuming Congress doesn't make a retroactive estate tax, Hannah Lander, the alter bochurette daughter, is now a millionaire.
Holy smokes! How could something that scandalous be kept quiet? I never heard that about Paul Brody! You should see how the smug putz waltzes into the local stores and has the workers scurrying around for him like they are his personal servants.
http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-South-Central/2010/1201/US-State-Department-tells-employees-not-to-read-WikiLeaksUS State Department tells employees not to read WikiLeaks---Lipa Margulies tells employees not to read UOJ
Ephraim "Big Love" Bryks presiding over polygamous marriage.http://www.forward.com/articles/133568/#ixzz16xt3fNxt
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/02/us/02church.htmlA jury in Delaware on Wednesday awarded $30 million in compensatory damages to a man who said he was sexually abused more than 100 times by a Roman Catholic priest — the largest such award granted to a single victim in a clergy abuse case, victims’ advocates said.
Paul Brody you sicko! You're the modern orthodox counterpart of Chatzkel Bennett. Chatzkel thinks he owns the microphone at Agudah fresser events and you think you own the microphone at Israel Day in Central Park.
With respect to your poll, I believe more than two words. He basically admitted that they opposed the Markie bill in order to protect the yeshivas, though they threw the victims under the bus. That's true. Not apologetic, but true.
Regarding Mr. Kashrus's points, me and my brother have been at the factories under the supervision of Rabbi Soloveichik, and in contrast to kashrus's pseudo-expertise, not only have the high standards that were used by Rabbi Soloveichik's father zatza"l continued to be enforced (and we were students of his father zatza"l), but new stringencies have been introduced, as well. Its obvious that the one who called himself "Kashrus" has his own agenda and his own gripes and it is apparent that it is not only against Rabbi Soloveichik. An appointment with a psychiatrist or a psychologist who deals with people who have frustration and anger might be suitable for him. He is obviously disgruntled at his own many failures.I do not know anything about the Queens Vaad but it is obvious that psuedo"Kashrus" who calls himself Kashrus has his own agenda.
Chatzkel Bennett doesn't own anything. He's just lucky I have rachmonus on him and let him act like Mr. Big Shot Putz in charge.
It's possible that RMS improved his kashrus standards after he was humiliated by Schonfeld and Streit's was forced to add the Chof K on top of his supervision.I don't know who Observer is although it's an old story that talmidim of RAS ztl get very worked up whenever this topic comes up. According to sources in the kashrus field who have no axe to grind as far as I know things were already on a downward slide when Rav Aharon ztl got sick at the end of his life and could not personally attend to the hashgocho. These kashrus figures will never go publicly on the record about it and some of them even denied it when asked by reporters covering the Schonfeld kerfuffle. It does not change what is being is being relayed by these figures >> off the record << to people such as myself.
How do I order a UOJ hat? I neeed it to start a bonfire.....
A bonfire? I thought Margo already had records destroyed with the staged "break in" on Shabbos.
Paul Brody is not the only big wheel in the Young Israel movement guilty of those crimes.When will shallow men learn that real honor is earned honestly and not by illegally amassing wealth?http://w3.health.state.ny.us/opmc/factions.nsf/0522fed2dd2160ff852568c0004e894a/e6cd33945b6856d985256a4a0047de4a?OpenDocument Dr. Lock was convicted of felony theft and suspended for 5 years. http://w3.health.state.ny.us/opmc/factions.nsf/0522fed2dd2160ff852568c0004e894a/d74c424e3661168c8525700e005e6fbf?OpenDocument His license was revoked entirely in 2006 after being found morally unfit from negligence & filing a false report.
Anonymous said... How do I order a UOJ hat? I neeed it to start a bonfire.....* Can't buy one, write a post that I'd put up and you get one for free. Don't be shy now...let me have it!
WASHINGTON (AP) House votes to censure New York Rep. Charles Rangel.
WASHINGTON (AP) Rangel says House censure vote is painful to accept. Broadway, New York (AF) Perlow says UOJ censure poll vote is painful to accept.
http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2010/12/02/madoff-trustee-sues-jpmorgan/?hpThe trustee who is tracking down assets for the victims of Bernard L. Madoff’s Ponzi scheme sued JPMorgan Chase for $6.4 billion on Thursday, contending that the bank bears some responsibility for the losses of victims because it continued to serve as Mr. Madoff’s primary banker despite growing evidence that he was running an enormous fraud.
http://w3.health.state.ny.us/opmc/factions.nsf/0522fed2dd2160ff852568c0004e894a/90db5d323b5bd2a6852575fa0067a0b5?OpenDocumentOsher Sebrow, MDMisconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of having been disciplined by the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners for engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a patient.
Standards are really slipping at the Yated. You would think that Lipschutz would at least steer clear from the menuvolim in his own hometown but he accepted a classified ad from Michelle Tendler MBA aka Mordechai's wife and enabler, farkoyfing her services as a shidduch counselor. Michelle who was once a successful real estate agent must be trying to reinvent herself now that she is the only breadwinner in the family with Mordechai losing both his shul and his shteller in YU.
"Monsey" raises an interesting ethical issue.Firstly, I believe, Mordecai, Sholom and Aron Tendler are medically ill, very ill and evil. And I have the evidence to prove it. Now, what price should Mordecai's wife pay?So, if you're saying she knew Mordecai was abusing women and did NOTHING to have him seek help, or raise HELL at a bais din or in other venues, than I agree with you. But if she was ignorant of his sociopathic conduct, what price should she pay? I do not know her so these are questions I would like answered from someone in the know.Kolko's wife is guilty of doing nothing, Aron Tendler's wife, although following him around, did nothing, and I suspect Sholom Tendler's wife now knows that her husband is a filthy sheigetz menuvel(as well as the RCC of California), and chooses to do nothing.The choice that these women make are their responsibility, but the penalty for them should be different if they were ignorant.
There have been all kinds of allegations against Michelle Tendler herself on the now defunct New Hempstead News & Cannonist blogs. She is in a tough position because of her kids but how far can one go to aid & abet evil?
Speaking of Kolko, why the hell did the scumbag buy a house in Flatbush again? The judge scolded him over this when rejecting his excuses for intimidating his victim & thus violating parole.
http://a836-acris.nyc.gov/Scripts/DocSearch.dll/ViewImage?Doc_ID=2009050500109001Margo thinks YTT property is safe if he transfers them to his own name? Was he not named a party in the civil suits and if not can't he be added as a defendant?Page 6 of this document has the signatures of Margo & Applegrad who is the seller for YTT. UOJ should them submitted for analysis to see what pathological diagnosis comes back.
Fresser, thanks for the resource.http://a836-acris.nyc.gov/Scripts/DocSearch.dll/ViewImage?Doc_ID=FT_4330006561133Simcha Fishbane gave power of attorney here to Ephraim Bryks.Is that the same Simcha Fishbane who wrote a book called "Deviancy in early Rabbinic literature"?
Records also show that Bryks mortgaged the new mansion he is living in for $1.55 million plus $41,000 in mortgage tax.This mansion is across the street from the Queens Vaad mikva he was in charge. After a public uproar, the Queens Vaad removed his name but there are indications pointing to his continued involvement as part of a Queens Vaad cover up.
http://appext9.dos.state.ny.us/stwarrants_public/stw_warrants?p_name=LEOPOLD+MARGULIES&p_county=KINGS&p_lapsed=0Margo had a tax lien placed on him by NY State in March.
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Having advocated for children for years, I am looking at the statement at the Agudah convention as a breath of fresh air. It is admittedly far short of what I hoped for, but it is a major step in the right direction. In his statement, the Rav Perlow acknowledged the existence of the problem, he stated that it had been swept under the rug in the past (a welcome confession), focused on the need to educate children about their need to protect themselves, and the notice that both Agudah and TU have been doing something about it. It was even heartening to hear that the Moetzes has been listening to the experiences of horror and trauma from survivors.
But that was a small step. Nothing was said about the responsibility of the yeshivos and schools. Nothing was said about how to deal with predators. And nothing was mentioned about whether, when, and how to involve the authorities. I bet there is still ongoing discussion and debate on those issues. I would want to see Agudah do more than approve a statement or letter. Perhaps TU needs to undertake the implementation of programs in schools, but Agudah needs to provide the leadership for how communities should deal with this. After all, not all predators are in yeshivos. According to those I have heard and read, most molestation happens in home and family settings, so more than school policy is needed. Was there recognition of how the system revictimizes the victims by disbelief, by failing to remove the predators, by stopping reports or testimony? How about the kids thrown out of yeshiva because an accusation was made (prior to investigation)? How about parents who were forced to relocate because their child was victimized, while the alleged predator walks freely, even getting kavod?
The survivors that the Moetzes met have been able (presumably with professional help) to reclaim their lives. I am glad that there was some exposure to the murderous effects of molestation. Have they heard from those victims who still suffer? Are they aware of the devastation that has made these victims rebel against shmiras Torah and mitzvos?
One small step for men. One giant leap desperately needed.
Dear UOJ,
It was difficult to follow the logic of the main column in the Yated last week, even by Pinny's standards. He started off attacking Charlie Rangel for being corrupt and ending off that we have to free Rubashkin at all cost because he is a tzaddik yesod oylam.
In reality, neither of them want to owe up to doing wrong and followers of both who have no mind of their own are acting very similar. Rangel even admits somewhat that he is a poshayeh, ma sheain kain ...
With the hour of his reckoning drawing near, Representative Charles B. Rangel on Wednesday morning asked thousands of his supporters to call the Capitol switchboard and ask their congressmen to vote against a measure that would censure him for an assortment of ethical violations.
The last-minute appeal, e-mailed to 25,000 people on the congressman’s campaign mailing list, includes an apology for his transgressions, but asserts that “censure is excessive and that my lapses do not rise to the level of transgressions of those censured in the past.”
Connecticut Killer’s Appeal to Point Finger at Twitter Use
YTT Molester's Appeal to Point Finger at UOJ Blogging
The RCA tries to put a nitva in cherem for exercising his right to go to another beis din. Is that only because the nitva got on the bad side of Rabbi Genack who then spoke to his friends in the other OU division?
Part I of II parts
The speech is something. But the question is why it happened and what will follow? Alas, Rabbi Perlow did not extend thanks to the advocates (including of course UOJ and many others) who held the feet of the Agudah to the fire. More importantly, he did not extend hakaros hatov to those who braved community disapproval to bring the issue to the courts, protective services and the media. Sadly, Agudah only seems to do the right thing when it has no choice. Even then it waits quite a while.
What is the tachlis of the speech? It seems to me he admitted the obvious while skirting the necessary next steps. Of course the first step is admitting there is a problem. Fine, he admitted that those who are molested suffer. Amazing. All this daas torah, meetings, brain power, and time to arrive at this conclusion. Better late than never, but stunningly late.
I suppose it could be an important element in the construction of the halachic rationale for going to the police. The simple equation is pikuach nefesh and impossibility of preventing recidivism among molesters renders them rodfim. Ergo, go to the police because communities have no went to control molesters. Many charedi poskim have established this position in recent years. But R. Perlow manages not to make any of those additional necessary statements. There is absolutely no indication that the Moetzes will use its influence to encourage victims and their guardians to report cases to the police. In contrast look at how a real gadol, ben gadol, R. Moshe Soloveichik, gets to the tachlis all in 12 minutes. http://theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com/2010/11/rabbi-moshe-soloveichick-addressing.html
Another piece of tachlis is talking about necessary policy changes in schools. Again he hovers over the surface of the shmutzig yeshiva carpet and says we have to get out the shmutz. But he gives no hint of how. He doesn't even say we will sweep them out with the same broom that R. Matisyahu Solomon used to sweep them under. Rabbi Perlow has a Phi Beta Kappa degree in math from Brooklyn College. He must know something about the arithmetic of: so many molesters x so many years x so many folks involved in cover-ups. He must know that that a bedikas chometz feather or even a 99 cent broom will not be enough to clean out the mess unless he is content to wait for the 22nd century.
He talks about Torah U Mesorah guidelines. But how serious can Torah Umesorah be when they will not publicly distribute the guidelnies to parents.
He talks about the program for camps several years ago. No, it was only about six months ago. It was really a lawyer's shtick. Most of their handout consisted of legal documents camps should use not to be sued. They had a letter for parents laying on them the responsibility for orienting their kids. They are sending the message that preventing molesting is the job of the parents. The camp and the school’s job is to not be legally liable. They don’t even talk about the achrayis of institutions. Instead they use vague language about following the law as mandated reporters. But the law is vague at times. They do not seem to be aiming for maximum eradication of molesting.
UOJ makes fun of me for hiding money in my mattress. You don't even want to know where Margo has been hiding his money now that Swiss banks are no longer safe!
I stopped paying attention to these statements and "acknowledgments" of the Agudah and its Moetzes a while ago. It is not worth the frustration and aggravation. The Agudah has been irrelevant for quite some time now. With every embarrassing public pronouncement from Shafran or Zwiebel, and with every empty speech from Perlow, they are becoming more and more the laughingstock of the Orthodox community. Even the propagandists at Yeshiva World declared that the Agudah has lost any political clout that it supposedly had. What's important for us is to totally ignore these mis-leaders and to work around their sick agenda of continuing to protect child molesters. Do not expect them to do a 180 and to put out a statement similar to the RCA, declaring that molesters are "rodfim" that must be turned over to the police, any time soon. Ahmadinejad will recognize the sovereignty of the Jews over the land of Israel before Perlow recognizes the need to report child molesters. In the meantime, we have work to do. So goodnight, irrelevant fools!
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus!
the association for jewish camps prepared a guide for summer camps directors in 2006 outlining saftey guidelines for protecting children from abuse.tora umesora claims it was mailed to all mosdos in the spring of 2006. Most summer camp directors do not remember getting that memo.aguda and tora umesora meet many times a year with yeshiva directors yet this supposed memo was not discussed with the staff.Sacred lives a non profit orgnization took that memo along with good additional material and hosted a major asifa with camp directors in 2010 that was very informative.rabbi zweibel came to the asifa like a hero and addresed the group............why did it take 4 years for a struggling non profit to finally organize a conference while tora umesora and aguda who do have the resources not to have called on their friends in all yeshivas to be more aggresive in screening and do more in the area of background checks ,,, btw do you know who helped raise the money for the summer camp meeting by sacred lives
one of us,,,, who the novimnsker rebbee called "presumptious bloggers who think they know better then the motzes in the area of sex abuse" in his 2009 speech at the aguda dinner
The answer is the war against child abusers will be won by the people for the people
I disagree with Yerachmiel Lopin on one point, that Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik is an "adam gadol".
It's great that he is taking a stand against molesters and he gets a lot of schar for it but he would be much more credible if he ran a reliable kashrus organization. His hashgocho has fallen in reliability since he took over from his father Rav Aharon.
Everyone in kashrus knows it. I have nothing to do with Yoel Schonfeld from the Queens Vaad. Schonfeld is a hypocrite with an agenda. He waited until the last minute before Pesach one year to ambush Rabbi Soloveitchik and have his products removed from store shelves. Schonfeld himself runs a hashgocho which is not reliable and covers it up by sending around the yeshivishe maniac Chaim Schwartz with his big payos. After Schonfeld had inflicted maximum damage on Rabbi Soloveitchik, the products that were removed quietly went back on Queens store shelves as the stores didn't want to lose money and Schonfeld was no longer policing things because his real agenda was not kashrus.
I'm surprised UOJ and Steve aren't also ridiculing me for the report in last week's Mishpocho Magazine that I somewhat retreated on assering the internet.
School for $candal
December 1, 2010
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Longtime CBS News correspondent Howard Arenstein was sentenced to 90 days probation but did not admit guilt on marijuana charges.
Arenstein accepted the sentence on Nov. 23, according to court documents made public this week, seven days after a Magistrate's Court judge dismissed harsher marijuana-related charges against him and his wife, Orly Azoulay, the Washington correspondent for Yediot Achronot.
Following the Nov. 16 dismissal because a government witness failed to appear, Arenstein subsequently alone was charged for possession -- less severe than the original charge of intent to distribute.
Washington police arrested the couple Oct. 2 allegedly after finding 11 marijuana plants and 2-ounce marijuana bags in their home in northwest Washington, D.C. The police reportedly were acting on a neighbor's tip.
(Bloomberg) - Former Manhattan Borough President Andrew Stein pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failure to pay income taxes for 2008 and according to a prosecutor faces up to 12 months in prison.
Mr. Stein, who also served as New York City Council President from 1985 to 1994, was arrested in May
Fed aided Verizon, GE and others amid credit crisis
As the financial crisis hit full-tilt in October 2008, the Federal Reserve was not only furiously propping up banks, but it also repeatedly came to the aid of such companies as Verizon Communications, McDonald's and Harley-Davidson.
Commercial paper is the lifeblood for many businesses which rely on it to help meet near-term obligations, such as making payroll or paying suppliers. The commercial paper market, however, froze solid as the financial crisis escalated, forcing the Fed to step in and buy the paper not just from issuers such as Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, but also from Verizon, General Electric, McDonald's, Caterpillar and the National Rural Utilities Cooperative, among many others.
The Fed data present a chilling portrait of the nation's banking crisis quickly spreading throughout the economy and threatening broad swaths of the industrial and consumer sectors in the U.S. and abroad. The Fed even bought commercial paper issued by the Republic of Korea and several European banks.
You know what they say about many of the modern orthodox in Queens and Great Neck, that they substitute Zionist activism for frumkeit.
Have you ever wondered about this guy who gets loads of kovod in Queens Vaad shuls and runs around Great Neck & Queens with a big smile on his face while he leads just about every Tzioni eisik that there is to get his picture in the newspapers?
This kind of guy who gets wealthy at the expense of others is who the Queens Vaad bows down to because he represents the almighty dollar while they trample on kashrus, are mevazeh meissim and try to bulldoze anyone who speaks up about it.
Paul Brody, MD
Misconduct Description: The physician asserted that he could not successfully defend against at least one of the acts of misconduct alleged in the charges of gross negligence and incompetence; negligence and incompetence on more than one occasion; ordering excessive tests and/or treatment not warranted by the patient's condition; practicing fraudulently; failing to comply with a state law governing the practice of medicine; failing to maintain accurate records and failing to use accepted infection control practices.
Worked out very well for Touro / Lander yerusha purposes. Assuming Congress doesn't make a retroactive estate tax, Hannah Lander, the alter bochurette daughter, is now a millionaire.
Holy smokes! How could something that scandalous be kept quiet? I never heard that about Paul Brody! You should see how the smug putz waltzes into the local stores and has the workers scurrying around for him like they are his personal servants.
US State Department tells employees not to read WikiLeaks
Lipa Margulies tells employees not to read UOJ
Ephraim "Big Love" Bryks presiding over polygamous marriage.
A jury in Delaware on Wednesday awarded $30 million in compensatory damages to a man who said he was sexually abused more than 100 times by a Roman Catholic priest — the largest such award granted to a single victim in a clergy abuse case, victims’ advocates said.
Paul Brody you sicko! You're the modern orthodox counterpart of Chatzkel Bennett. Chatzkel thinks he owns the microphone at Agudah fresser events and you think you own the microphone at Israel Day in Central Park.
With respect to your poll, I believe more than two words. He basically admitted that they opposed the Markie bill in order to protect the yeshivas, though they threw the victims under the bus. That's true. Not apologetic, but true.
Regarding Mr. Kashrus's points, me and my brother have been at the factories under the supervision of Rabbi Soloveichik, and in contrast to kashrus's pseudo-expertise, not only have the high standards that were used by Rabbi Soloveichik's father zatza"l continued to be enforced (and we were students of his father zatza"l), but new stringencies have been introduced, as well. Its obvious that the one who called himself "Kashrus" has his own agenda and his own gripes and it is apparent that it is not only against Rabbi Soloveichik. An appointment with a psychiatrist or a psychologist who deals with people who have frustration and anger might be suitable for him. He is obviously disgruntled at his own many failures.
I do not know anything about the Queens Vaad but it is obvious that psuedo"Kashrus" who calls himself Kashrus has his own agenda.
Chatzkel Bennett doesn't own anything. He's just lucky I have rachmonus on him and let him act like Mr. Big Shot Putz in charge.
It's possible that RMS improved his kashrus standards after he was humiliated by Schonfeld and Streit's was forced to add the Chof K on top of his supervision.
I don't know who Observer is although it's an old story that talmidim of RAS ztl get very worked up whenever this topic comes up. According to sources in the kashrus field who have no axe to grind as far as I know things were already on a downward slide when Rav Aharon ztl got sick at the end of his life and could not personally attend to the hashgocho. These kashrus figures will never go publicly on the record about it and some of them even denied it when asked by reporters covering the Schonfeld kerfuffle. It does not change what is being is being relayed by these figures >> off the record << to people such as myself.
How do I order a UOJ hat? I neeed it to start a bonfire.....
A bonfire? I thought Margo already had records destroyed with the staged "break in" on Shabbos.
Paul Brody is not the only big wheel in the Young Israel movement guilty of those crimes.
When will shallow men learn that real honor is earned honestly and not by illegally amassing wealth?
Dr. Lock was convicted of felony theft and suspended for 5 years.
His license was revoked entirely in 2006 after being found morally unfit from negligence & filing a false report.
Anonymous said...
How do I order a UOJ hat? I neeed it to start a bonfire.....
Can't buy one, write a post that I'd put up and you get one for free. Don't be shy now...let me have it!
WASHINGTON (AP) House votes to censure New York Rep. Charles Rangel.
WASHINGTON (AP) Rangel says House censure vote is painful to accept.
Broadway, New York (AF) Perlow says UOJ censure poll vote is painful to accept.
The trustee who is tracking down assets for the victims of Bernard L. Madoff’s Ponzi scheme sued JPMorgan Chase for $6.4 billion on Thursday, contending that the bank bears some responsibility for the losses of victims because it continued to serve as Mr. Madoff’s primary banker despite growing evidence that he was running an enormous fraud.
Osher Sebrow, MD
Misconduct Description: The physician did not contest the charge of having been disciplined by the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners for engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a patient.
Standards are really slipping at the Yated. You would think that Lipschutz would at least steer clear from the menuvolim in his own hometown but he accepted a classified ad from Michelle Tendler MBA aka Mordechai's wife and enabler, farkoyfing her services as a shidduch counselor. Michelle who was once a successful real estate agent must be trying to reinvent herself now that she is the only breadwinner in the family with Mordechai losing both his shul and his shteller in YU.
"Monsey" raises an interesting ethical issue.
Firstly, I believe, Mordecai, Sholom and Aron Tendler are medically ill, very ill and evil. And I have the evidence to prove it.
Now, what price should Mordecai's wife pay?
So, if you're saying she knew Mordecai was abusing women and did NOTHING to have him seek help, or raise HELL at a bais din or in other venues, than I agree with you. But if she was ignorant of his sociopathic conduct, what price should she pay? I do not know her so these are questions I would like answered from someone in the know.
Kolko's wife is guilty of doing nothing, Aron Tendler's wife, although following him around, did nothing, and I suspect Sholom Tendler's wife now knows that her husband is a filthy sheigetz menuvel(as well as the RCC of California), and chooses to do nothing.
The choice that these women make are their responsibility, but the penalty for them should be different if they were ignorant.
There have been all kinds of allegations against Michelle Tendler herself on the now defunct New Hempstead News & Cannonist blogs. She is in a tough position because of her kids but how far can one go to aid & abet evil?
Speaking of Kolko, why the hell did the scumbag buy a house in Flatbush again? The judge scolded him over this when rejecting his excuses for intimidating his victim & thus violating parole.
Margo thinks YTT property is safe if he transfers them to his own name? Was he not named a party in the civil suits and if not can't he be added as a defendant?
Page 6 of this document has the signatures of Margo & Applegrad who is the seller for YTT. UOJ should them submitted for analysis to see what pathological diagnosis comes back.
Fresser, thanks for the resource.
Simcha Fishbane gave power of attorney here to Ephraim Bryks.
Is that the same Simcha Fishbane who wrote a book called "Deviancy in early Rabbinic literature"?
Records also show that Bryks mortgaged the new mansion he is living in for $1.55 million plus $41,000 in mortgage tax.
This mansion is across the street from the Queens Vaad mikva he was in charge. After a public uproar, the Queens Vaad removed his name but there are indications pointing to his continued involvement as part of a Queens Vaad cover up.
Margo had a tax lien placed on him by NY State in March.
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