Newly released documents detail Lev Tahor abuse allegations
Social workers allege the sect gave melatonin, a natural sleep aid, to calm children, and women suffered from fungus due to a prohibition on baring feet.

Child protection officials in Quebec were concerned about a mass suicide pact in the Lev Tahor community, according to evidence filed in a Chatham court Tuesday.
Testimony from a Quebec court trial involving members of the controversial Jewish sect sheds light on what life is like inside it for kids, particularly girls, and how more than 150 people fled the province for Ontario last month.
Social workers familiar with the community discuss administration of melatonin to calm the children, fungus resulting from women being forced to wear socks or stockings at all times, and a hectic bus trip from Quebec to Ontario where kids were made to urinate in plastic bags rather than stopping.
“Every one or two hours there was a stop for about an hour — so the bus was stopping almost 10 times,” said Goldman.
One social worker, who can’t be identified because of a publication ban that prohibits identifying witnesses, said there was concern about the possibility of a collective suicide by the group.
“They know that we are asking for these 14 children to be placed in protection today, so they feel the trap closing,” said the witness. “The exit door, it is a possibility that could be considered.”
The statements were originally made in a Quebec court on Nov. 27, but were entered as an exhibit Monday.
A publication ban is also in place on any information that would identify the children or family members that are the subject of the case. Iain MacKinnon, a lawyer representing the Toronto Star and other media organizations, successfully argued for the media’s inclusion in the hearing and a less restrictive publication ban.
A social worker testified at the Quebec trial that the feet of one of the children were blue from the fungus.
“There was not a toe that was not infected,” she said. “It was based in the toenails, which meant that her nails were very, very thick and her feet very swollen, all blue, and all her toes were infected.”
“We heard about concerns about fungus,” said Goldman. “It’s a very, very minor thing, but because there were some concerns we tried to do more than we needed. We brought a special dermatologist.”
The worker testified that the infection was widespread among women in the community, as they were made to leave their socks on. The worker said a meeting with the community leaders led to a loosening of this restriction.
The documents were entered as evidence in an Ontario hearing that will decide whether and how the province upholds a Quebec court ruling to remove 14 children from three families in the right-wing Orthodox Jewish community.
The group fled Quebec before the ruling. Goldman said the group moved to Ontario because the province’s education laws would allow them to homeschool their children.
Children raised in the sect primarily speak Yiddish and boys receive religious education. Chris Knowles, lawyer for the family, is attempting to get the case dismissed and says it infringes on the members’ Charter rights.
“If you’re going to take these kids away from this community, how are you respecting their religious rights?” said Knowles. “They have rights that are enumerated under that act. The cultural, spiritual rights, and we have to respect those rights.”
The hearing was adjourned until Jan. 10 because one of the children targeted by the court order is also a parent herself and thus will request separate representation from the Office of the Children’s Lawyer.
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Court orders Google to identify anti-Halpern bloggers
by Simon Rocker
Jewish Chronicle - February 8, 2013
Rabbi Chaim Halpern struck back against his accusers today by obtaining a High Court order for Google to identify the names of bloggers who have attacked him.
The Golders Green rabbi denies claims of inappropriate conduct towards women which are currently being investigated by a special Beth Din set up at the behest of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations.
Mrs Justice Gloster granted an application this morning ordering Google to disclose the names of the blogger If You Tickle US and a number of people who have posted comments under pseudonyms.
Chloe Strong, representing Rabbi Halpern, said that the comments contained “serious defamatory slurs”.
Mrs Gloster, noting that as the rabbi denied the allegations, said that those making comments about him “should not… be entitled to hide behind the shield of anonymity”.
Rabbi Mendlowitz, please post this info as a separate topic — not only a comment. That is very important! We cannot let Isaac Neuberger get out of this mess clean. His attorneys have already been working hard to hush up the case!
Isaac (Yitzchok) Neuberger, a powerful Baltimore attorney and a son of one of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College (NIRC) founders (the late rabbi Herman Naftoli Neuberger), has been charged with a sexual assault that allegedly took place in a bathroom of his law firm following the party at his offices on December 12, 2013.
[Herman Neuberger and his five sons — Ezra, Jacob, Shraga, and Isaac — all appear on this rare photo:]
The timetable for the party was, of course, inappropriate because the festivities went well into the Fast of the 10th of Tevet (the offensive happened at 6:30, and the sunset in Baltimore — when a new Hebrew day begins — was about a quarter to five). The fasting itself does not start until the morning, but the grief period takes all twenty-four hours and is unsuitable for parties. Talking while urinating is also banned by the Jewish Law. Obviously, these are the minor wrongdoings compared to the subsequent attack by Isaac Neuberger.
The graphic description below is taken from the photos of court documents (filed less than four hours after the offense) posted at
Located at 700 E. Patapsco Ave., Baltimore, Maryland 21225
DC Case No: 2B02238903
Tr. #131002242254
Time: 12/12/2013 10:15 PM
I, the undersigned, apply for statement of charges and a summons or warrant which may lead to the arrest of the above named Defendant because on or about 12/12/13 at One South Street, 27th Floor, the above named Defendant Isaac Neuberger followed me into the men’s bathroom. I went to pee at a urinal and Isaac Neuberger went to pee in the urinal directly on my left. This happened at 6:30 pm. Isaac Neuberger engaged me in conversation as I, █████, was urinating. Isaac Neuberger asked me what my name was, to which I replied. Isaac Neuberger told me we did a good job catering the event. Isaac Neuberger asked me how old I was, to which I replied 25. Isaac Neuberger told me I looked young for my age. Isaac Neuberger asked where I lived, to which I replied █████. Isaac Neuberger said he has a son who lives there. As I, █████, was finishing to urinate, Isaac Neuberger, who finished before me, put his right hand on my left shoulder and pushed me so I would be facing him. I had not yet finished zipping up and closing my pants. As Isaac was continuing to make conversation with me he did not make much eye contact, instead looking at my crotch. As we went to wash our hands, Isaac Neuberger told me I should do exercises to keep my abdomen in shape. Isaac Neuberger then told me to lift my shirt so he could show me what part of my body the exercises work out. I lifted the chef’s jacket I was wearing and Isaac Neuberger took his left hand and put it right above my waist. Isaac Neuberger told me to put my hand on top of his, I did not. Isaac Neuberger proceeded to move his hand down my waist to my inner thigh, grazing my penis while explaining that this was the area affected by the workout. Isaac Neuberger then took his hand and proceeded to show me on his own body. Afterwards we left the bathroom. This happened while the catering company I work for was catering a holiday party at Isaac Neuberger’s law firm. My employer told me who Isaac Neuberger is, after I told my employer what happened.
Isaac Neuberger’s grand offices are located in downtown: 1 South Street (27th floor), 21202 (410-332-8510). Isaac Neuberger, who is divorced (guess why), lives in a stately residence on a hilltop on the outskirts of Baltimore right next to the Ner Israel Rabbinical College (500 Mount Wilson Lane, 21208 — tel.: 410-486-0053. NIRC, which is adjacent to it, is 400). Isaac’s brothers Ezra, Shraga, and Sheftel live and work on NIRC grounds (437, 401, and 418 Yeshiva Lane — the inner MT Wilson Lane — respectively).
Isaac’s brother Sheftel (who now — with his son Boruch — runs NIRC) is married to Judy Bodenheimer, whose mother’s maiden name is, not surprisingly, Eisemann. That’s why the notorious pedophile Moshe M. Eisemann still happily lives on NIRC campus (403 Yeshiva Lane).
The case information for Isaac Neuberger (image available at too) appears below:
Case Information
Case Number: 2B02238903 Tracking No: 131002242254
District Code: 01 Location Code: 02
Document Type: SUMMONS Issued Date: 12/12/2013
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Defendant Name: NEUBERGER, ISAAC
Sex: M Height: 000 Weight: 000 DOB:
City: BALTIMORE State: MD Zip Code: 21202 – 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 01/24/2014 Trial Time: 01:30 PM Room: 1
Trial Type:
Trial Location: 700 E. PATAPSCO AVENUE BALTIMORE 21225–1960
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001 Description: ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.203 Description: ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code: 1 1415 MO/PLL: Probable Cause: X
Incident Date From: 12/12/2013 To: 12/12/2013 Victim Age:
Charge No: 002 Description: SEX OFF 4TH DEG-SEX CONTACT
Statute: CR.3.308 Description: SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code: 4 3600 MO/PLL: Probable Cause: X
Incident Date From: 12/12/2013 To: 12/12/2013 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
SUMI 12/12/2013 SUM ISSUED 131212 AGENCY: AD 5901
NIRC is just the main stronghold of this Baltimore rabbinical Mafia. The whole town is permeated with their kinfolk. They are everywhere: synagogues, schools... even state government and hospitals. They also destroyed the (formerly) secular Baltimore Jewish Times (the BJT’s recent apology is here:
SOME FASCINATING HISTORY: The Baltimore Jewish Times ( was the first magazine that in August 2007 had a courage to publish the truth about a pedophile Orthodox rabbi by the name Moshe M. Eisemann who for decades taught Torah in America and molested children (
Today, if you follow the bracketed link, you’ll get a “Page Not Found” notification with the text: “This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.” Phil Jacobs, the editor of the old Baltimore Jewish Times, wrote that famous article. Six years down the road — Phil got thrown out of BJT, the new management deleted his blog and removed that article. But you can still read it at
Shmarya Rosenberg prudently predicted, “And here it is in PDF, just in case the Baltimore Jewish Times site is hacked” (
One thing Shmarya did not realize at that time was that BJT would go a complete face transplant. The disgusting pedophile Moshe M. Eisemann together with his thugs of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College where every other guy is a homosexual have won...
Rabbi Mendlowitz, please post this info as a separate topic — not only a comment. That is very important! We cannot let Isaac Neuberger get out of this mess clean. His attorneys have already been working hard to hush up the case!
Isaac (Yitzchok) Neuberger, a powerful Baltimore attorney and a son of one of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College (NIRC) founders (the late rabbi Herman Naftoli Neuberger), has been charged with a sexual assault that allegedly took place in a bathroom of his law firm following the party at his offices on December 12, 2013.
[Herman Neuberger and his five sons — Ezra, Jacob, Shraga, and Isaac — all appear on this rare photo:]
The timetable for the party was, of course, inappropriate because the festivities went well into the Fast of the 10th of Tevet (the offensive happened at 6:30, and the sunset in Baltimore — when a new Hebrew day begins — was about a quarter to five). The fasting itself does not start until the morning, but the grief period takes all twenty-four hours and is unsuitable for parties. Talking while urinating is also banned by the Jewish Law. Obviously, these are the minor wrongdoings compared to the subsequent attack by Isaac Neuberger.
The graphic description below is taken from the photos of court documents (filed less than four hours after the offense) posted at
Located at 700 E. Patapsco Ave., Baltimore, Maryland 21225
DC Case No: 2B02238903
Tr. #131002242254
Time: 12/12/2013 10:15 PM
I, the undersigned, apply for statement of charges and a summons or warrant which may lead to the arrest of the above named Defendant because on or about 12/12/13 at One South Street, 27th Floor, the above named Defendant Isaac Neuberger followed me into the men’s bathroom. I went to pee at a urinal and Isaac Neuberger went to pee in the urinal directly on my left. This happened at 6:30 pm. Isaac Neuberger engaged me in conversation as I, █████, was urinating. Isaac Neuberger asked me what my name was, to which I replied. Isaac Neuberger told me we did a good job catering the event. Isaac Neuberger asked me how old I was, to which I replied 25. Isaac Neuberger told me I looked young for my age. Isaac Neuberger asked where I lived, to which I replied █████. Isaac Neuberger said he has a son who lives there. As I, █████, was finishing to urinate, Isaac Neuberger, who finished before me, put his right hand on my left shoulder and pushed me so I would be facing him. I had not yet finished zipping up and closing my pants. As Isaac was continuing to make conversation with me he did not make much eye contact, instead looking at my crotch. As we went to wash our hands, Isaac Neuberger told me I should do exercises to keep my abdomen in shape. Isaac Neuberger then told me to lift my shirt so he could show me what part of my body the exercises work out. I lifted the chef’s jacket I was wearing and Isaac Neuberger took his left hand and put it right above my waist. Isaac Neuberger told me to put my hand on top of his, I did not. Isaac Neuberger proceeded to move his hand down my waist to my inner thigh, grazing my penis while explaining that this was the area affected by the workout. Isaac Neuberger then took his hand and proceeded to show me on his own body. Afterwards we left the bathroom. This happened while the catering company I work for was catering a holiday party at Isaac Neuberger’s law firm. My employer told me who Isaac Neuberger is, after I told my employer what happened.
Isaac Neuberger’s grand offices are located in downtown: 1 South Street (27th floor), 21202 (410-332-8510). Isaac Neuberger, who is divorced (guess why), lives in a stately residence on a hilltop on the outskirts of Baltimore right next to the Ner Israel Rabbinical College (500 Mount Wilson Lane, 21208 — tel.: 410-486-0053. NIRC, which is adjacent to it, is 400). Isaac’s brothers Ezra, Shraga, and Sheftel live and work on NIRC grounds (437, 401, and 418 Yeshiva Lane — the inner MT Wilson Lane — respectively).
Isaac’s brother Sheftel (who now — with his son Boruch — runs NIRC) is married to Judy Bodenheimer, whose mother’s maiden name is, not surprisingly, Eisemann. That’s why the notorious pedophile Moshe M. Eisemann still happily lives on NIRC campus (403 Yeshiva Lane).
The case information for Isaac Neuberger (image available at too) appears below:
Case Information
Case Number: 2B02238903 Tracking No: 131002242254
District Code: 01 Location Code: 02
Document Type: SUMMONS Issued Date: 12/12/2013
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Defendant Name: NEUBERGER, ISAAC
Sex: M Height: 000 Weight: 000 DOB:
City: BALTIMORE State: MD Zip Code: 21202 – 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 01/24/2014 Trial Time: 01:30 PM Room: 1
Trial Type:
Trial Location: 700 E. PATAPSCO AVENUE BALTIMORE 21225–1960
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001 Description: ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.203 Description: ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code: 1 1415 MO/PLL: Probable Cause: X
Incident Date From: 12/12/2013 To: 12/12/2013 Victim Age:
Charge No: 002 Description: SEX OFF 4TH DEG-SEX CONTACT
Statute: CR.3.308 Description: SEX OFFENSE FOURTH DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code: 4 3600 MO/PLL: Probable Cause: X
Incident Date From: 12/12/2013 To: 12/12/2013 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
SUMI 12/12/2013 SUM ISSUED 131212 AGENCY: AD 5901
NIRC is just the main stronghold of this Baltimore rabbinical Mafia. The whole town is permeated with their kinfolk. They are everywhere: synagogues, schools... even state government and hospitals. They also destroyed the (formerly) secular Baltimore Jewish Times (the BJT’s recent apology is here:
SOME FASCINATING HISTORY: The Baltimore Jewish Times ( was the first magazine that in August 2007 had a courage to publish the truth about a pedophile Orthodox rabbi by the name Moshe M. Eisemann who for decades taught Torah in America and molested children (
Today, if you follow the bracketed link, you’ll get a “Page Not Found” notification with the text: “This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.” Phil Jacobs, the editor of the old Baltimore Jewish Times, wrote that famous article. Six years down the road — Phil got thrown out of BJT, the new management deleted his blog and removed that article. But you can still read it at
Shmarya Rosenberg prudently predicted, “And here it is in PDF, just in case the Baltimore Jewish Times site is hacked” (
One thing Shmarya did not realize at that time was that BJT would go a complete face transplant. The disgusting pedophile Moshe M. Eisemann together with his thugs of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College where every other guy is a homosexual have won...
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