Ivanka Trump Converts to Judaism for Fiancé
Jared Kushner got got back together with girlfriend Ivanka Trump! Really, how could he not, they have so much in common: Both are attractive, both rich due to inherited real estate wealth and both have fathers who get extremely nasty while feuding with enemies. But Kushner is a Jew and Ivanka's a shiksa, and this has been a problem for Kushner's Orthodox family. In fact, the religious divide may very well have been behind the couple's mysterious breakup in April, around the time of their one-year anniversary. To get Kushner back, Ivanka has promised that, if things get more serious, she'll convert to Judaism. So sweet! And I'm sure the socialite feels a profound, authentic connection to the religion. Totes! Well, sort of. A friend tells Page Six the conversion is "a possibility, but that's way down the line." A brief recap of the Kushner-Trump romance, for those who have not been following along at home:
![Ivanka Trump Converts to Judaism for Fiancé](http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2009/news/090727/ivanka-trump-2-240.jpg)
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump
07/17/2009 AT 12:00 PM EDT
The answer was rooted in religion: until Trump converted to Judaism, they could not be engaged.
This week, however, Trump completed the lengthy process.
"Jared is my best friend for many reasons,” she tells New York magazine. "I've allowed him to see who I truly am and he still loves me. I don't feel like I have any defensive walls built up around me."
She continues: "He's a bit of a hero of mine. His ability to remain focused – he lacks an anxiety that's natural for someone his age handed so much responsibility."
meeting through mutual friends, Trump tells the magazine, the couple
began dating – a "slow” courtship, as she describes it.
They also like spending time at home. "I've learned how to cook," Trump says. "Once a week, we have a night in and I cook for just the two of us. We turn everything off and spend time together and talk about what we're working on."
And unlike her parents, Trump says don’t expect the happy couple to work together any time soon.
"I think it's healthy to have a separation in our interests," she explains. "I love being able to talk business with my father [but] I don't know if I'd want to have a difference of opinion come between me and my boyfriend, or me and my husband, or whatever it may be. And, neither of us would naturally assume a secondary-type role."
But, the best part about her husband-to-be? "He'll be a great father," she gushed, adding that he has a "beautiful" relationship with his own dad. "He knows how to prioritize what's important."
from Huffington Post
Ivanka Trump Plans Conversion To Judaism For Jared Kushner
- Jared Kushner owns the New York Observer. He also helps run his father Charles' real estate company. Charles Kushner is a convicted felon following schemes to funnel campaign donations throuh the names of real estate partners, and also because he hired a prostitute to seduce, and thus help Kushner get revenge against, his brother-in-law.
- In March 2007, Jared paraded Ivanka, daughter of famed loudmouth and Rosie O'Donnell hater Donald Trump, through the Observer offices in a suspicious way.
- In April 2007, Kushner's spokesman said the couple were just buddies, but this was irrefutably proven false when word leaked about the Observer trip, which for some reason Observer staffers had kept to themselves.
- Almost exactly one year later, Ivanka is spotted going to parties by herself. Speculation about the breakup centers on the religious issue, and also on speculation that maybe Charles wants to seem more independent and mogul-ish.
- A depressed Ivanka lost a very important online catfight.
- Now they're back together, with Ivanka pledged to maybe convert some day. No word on how the Donald took all this.
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein states the very marriage of a gentile woman to a non observant Jew, is equivalent to an open declaration that she will not observe the precepts. This is so, because it is highly unlikely that the gentile member of such a union, will be more committed to Judaism than her remiss Jewish husband (certainly when they are living together prior to their marriage). Unlike mental or tacit negations, explains Rav Feinstein, open declarations do invalidate conversions. When such cases appear before a rabbinical court, its members actually become witnesses to an acceptance declaration that is not sincere. Therefore, it is no longer a tacit insincerity, but rather an obvious one. As such, they are forbidden to sanction the conversion. Regardless of what this Jewish court may declare, the conversion is invalid and the person is not deemed a member of the Jewish nation. In Iggros Moshe, Letters of Moshe (Yoreh De’ah, no. 157), he writes that “According to the Law, it is certain that one who converts for the sake of marriage, does not intend to keep the commandments, and is not a proselyte at all.”
Paul Mendlowitz - 2009
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L'Hagdil Torah (HAHA) Ul'Ha(HAHA)dira |
Feds eye rabbi who tried to sell synagogue for $13 million
By Julia Marsh
March 31, 2016
A Queens rabbi who is being sued by the congregants of a Lower East Side synagogue for trying to sell their $13 million building out from under them and allegedly make off with the profits, is now under investigation by federal as well as state officials, The Post has learned.
Rabbi Samuel Aschkenazi, leader of the right-wing Hasidic sect, Ger, was served with papers by two FBI agents as soon as he stepped off the witness stand in Manhattan Supreme Court in the civil case Monday.
Aschkenazi was set to sell the House of Sages of Israel at 25 Bialystoker Place to developer Todd Fine before the state attorney general stepped in last fall and put hold on the transaction.
Aschkenazi’s attorney, Michael Bachner, confirmed to The Post that the rabbi is being probed by US Attorney Preet Bharara.
There was a 2015 NY Observer article tying the Rabbi Aschkenazi wheeling-dealing to Shelly Silver, Willy Rapfogel & Heshy Jacob. Buried in the same article was mention that Federal agents are going over all the paperwork of the United Jewish Council of the East Side. The Council is intertwined with the Bialystoker shul & Lower East Side Hatzolah and is run by the following executives, partial list:
Rabbi Zvi Romm (Bialystoker shul) - President (As head of the Manhattan beis din for gerus he is accused of catering to Israeli lowlives chasing after shvartza women that even other lax batei din like Queens will not get involved with)
Rabbi Sherman Siff (Young Israel) - Director
Rabbi Aaron Kahn (YU & Beis Avigdor, Ave J) - Director
Rabbi Shmuel Fishelis (MTJ) - Director
Judge Martin Shulman - Director
David Jacobson (Ohel) - Director (He is the lowlife behind the Queens Vaad scam stealing 1000s of kivrei yesomim to resell to freya Russians for millions of dollars. Rav Elyashev was moyche against them but was belittled & ignored. They threatened others protesting. An expert witness against them was murdered execution style 3 days before he was supposed to testify in front of a NYS panel. The non-Jewish funeral home operator they sub-contract may have been behind the murder of the witness who had no other known enemies)
Reporters recently went digging into the Trump yichus.
Ivankala's mother Ivana is of course Czech.
The Donald is a pure bred German. Their name was Droompf or something like that. The grandfather actually operated a brothel on the West Coast before moving to NY.
Ivanka Trump Converts to Judaism for Fiancé
Unorthodox-Jew A Critical View of Orthodox Judaism: They also like spending time at home. "I've...
theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com|By Paul Mendlowitz
6Steve Schachman, Liz Ramirez and 4 others
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Paul Mendlowitz
Paul Mendlowitz http://video.foxnews.com/.../a-trump-family-christmas/... - 2011
A Trump Family Christmas
Think the holidays are crazy at your house?
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Paul Mendlowitz
Paul Mendlowitz Ivanka Trump lights up Baltimore, Submitted by peek on Tue, 11/23/2010 - 10:38am.
http://www.citypeek.com/.../ivanka-trump-lights-baltimore......See More
Unorthodox-Jew A Critical View of Orthodox Judaism: Hershel Schechter/RCA - What…
theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com|By Paul Mendlowitz
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Ariella Strauss
Ariella Strauss Yahweh also tells us in the NT not to gossip. The only judgement as far as this families heart & attitude is between Yahweh & them, not us.
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Paul Mendlowitz
Paul Mendlowitz AGAIN ---- This is about selling a fraudulent conversion to a person who could afford to pay for it! Not gossip but exposing the fraud that is so prevalent in the business called religion! She never joined the club, straight out of the gate!
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Lipschutz & Shimmy Glick staging propaganda pics for the Kaminetzkys
See Emes Li'Yaakov (ironically) in פרשת כי תצא on the Pasuk לא יבוא ממזר בקהל ד' who explains the reason why marital issues as such is placed in Chumash Devarim - which generally is the “Parshas Hamelech”. All marriage issues, says Rav Yaakov zatzal, are fundamentally Parshas Hamelech/communal in nature, as they affect the future Yichus of the Klal. (For this reason, an attending Chasson exempts an entire Kehilla from Tachnun - as its nature is a "Kehilla" occasion, not strictly personal.)
See additionally Aruch HaShulchan preface to Even Ha’Ezer 17 where he warns future Rabbis not to engage in Agunah issues unless they are absolute experts. Even one mistake may result with just one Mamzer, which generations later may be counted in the thousands, as the Yichus of the Klal may be in jeopardy. In short, permissive/forbidden marital issues are not private but rather the concern of the Klal.
So far, all that Sholom's letter accomplished was to publicly state that he and his father, the architects of the "Heter Aishes Ish" (as evidenced from the letters to RNG), agreed in practice to follow what Rav Dovid said to do in this particular case.
They did not admit that as a direct result they facilitated Aishes Ish.
The Halacha requires to openly repudiate any Talmud Chacham who purposely ruled leniently in Aishes Ish issues, see Even Haezer 17:34 where Nidui is mandated even when a Chacham ruled on a post-facto Di’rabonon scenario of אם ניסת לא תצא. See Mishpat Tzeddek 3:21 who ruled that the Nidui should most certainly apply if the violation was an incorrect Agunah Psak Di’oreisah.
Even though generally Chazal (Psachim 52) specifically exempted Tzurba M’rabanon from Nidui in violation of rabbinic law, The Maharchash (Toras Chaim 4:Kuntras Agunah) maintains that not to be applicable for Aishes Ish issues, because:
בחכם שהורה להשיאה שמנדין אותו משום חומרא דאשת איש או בהוראה שאני, דאיכא למיחש שמא יקבעו הלכה לדורות...
Most certainly if the Psak was not in error, but precisely calculated.
The argument to say that they did not "Pasken" the Heter, it was RNG, simply changes their status to Aidus Sheker that facilitated Aishes Ish. Certainly, all who facilitated Aishes Ish - their deeds should be publicly acknowledged.
So now, they wish to rehabilitate their Gadol careers and be labeled Tzadiikim for their unspeakable crimes, with nice photo-ops and articles in the Yated. Rav Chaim, and Rav Shteinman certainly are not aware of the cycle of Sheker and Bi'yush Bi'rabim these people have orchestrated and committed.
It should be publicly exposed - והאמת יורה דרכו.
Just because many people think Rabbi kamenetsky senior made a terrible mistake in encouraging the breaking of a marriage without a get, is not a reason to trash him. Rav Shmuel has taught Torah and encouraged thousands of Talmidim for 60 years! Show a little respect even if he was wrong this time.
Are you really that naive, Maria?
The Kaminetzkys sold out the Torah for money. There was no "mistake".
Rabbis more senior than they condemned them for it.
That is the halacha. And they are not off the hook yet with this pathetic dog & pony PR show until they tell the woman to separate from the strange man who is not her husband. They arranged the whole thing to begin with.
If the Agudah gets together with the Vatican to protect child molesters with very short statute of limitations, it is no surprise that Catholic name MARIA is coming to the defense of Kaminetzky induced mamzerus
The Kaminetzkys should offer a toast to Pinny Lipschitz with this stuff for covering up their mamzer making
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