A Mother’s Plea to Mayor de Blasio:
My Son Deserves An Education!

Dear Mr. de Blasio,
am writing to you as a desperate mother, urging you to address a
serious human rights violation happening under your watch. We live in a
wonderful city, one of the most progressive and diverse in the world,
with a fantastic education system for many. And yet, here I am, a mother
of a boy attending middle school, and I am worried sick about the poor
quality education he is receiving. I am begging you to do something to
ensure that he receives an education in English, math, science, and
social studies, as mandated by law.
son is eleven years old. He attends a Hasidic boys’ yeshiva from 9 in
the morning until 5:30 in the evening. You would think, with all the
hours he spends in school, he would have enough time to receive both an
adequate religious and secular education. This could not be farther from
the truth.
yeshiva teaches almost exclusively Judaic studies. Only 90 minutes are
dedicated to secular studies, and only four days a week, and only in the
subjects English and math. In his school, my son never learns about
other cultures and religions or even about the history of slavery here
in America. He is offered no lessons in basic science or in other core
subjects. Furthermore, because secular studies take place at the end of a
long and tiring school day, many of the boys, including my son, have
difficulty paying attention.
these gaps in his learning are despite my efforts to supplement his
education outside of the classroom. My son speaks a little English only
because I taught him. My son is reading English at a higher level than
any of his classmates only because I taught him. Most of his classmates
only began to learn reading in English when they were 8 years old, and
they are still barely able to speak the language.
you think this situation could not get any worse, you are mistaken. It
can, and it does. His yeshiva stops offering secular studies altogether
when the boys turn 13. After the next schoolyear, if you don’t
intervene, he will attend yeshiva for 12 hours a day (from 7am — 7pm),
and will receive no secular instruction.
All this is in blatant violation of New York State Education Law
which requires nonpublic schools to provide an education that is
“substantially equivalent” to that of public schools, and which clearly
spells out the requirement to teach a minimum of English, math, science,
and social studies, all through high school.
Mayor de Blasio, I know what you are thinking: I have a choice to place
my son in a different school. There are many public and private schools
in our city that offer a much better general education than the one he
is now receiving. But this is not realistic option for most Hasidic
people for many reasons, and is especially impossible in my case.
Can you imagine how helpless I feel to not be able to give my child basic educational nourishment? There is nothing more frustrating than seeing my son’s future and potential being robbed from him because of these terrible decisions.
see, I have done everything in my ability to care for my child since
the day he was born. I am the one who dropped him off for school, and I
am the one who picked him up. I always helped him with his homework and
with anything else he needed. When my husband and I divorced, I
continued caring for my son by trying to move him to an Orthodox school
that is in compliance with the law, one that provides a solid Judaic
education and also offers good secular instruction. Unfortunately, a
judge has determined that his father has full decision making power over
his schooling, knowing full well that he is not getting a proper
education in his current school. Let that sink in! A judge, who is sworn
to uphold the law, has ruled to leave my child in a yeshiva where he is
not getting basic instruction, meaning a yeshiva that is in violation
of the law!
depraved is it for a mother to have to go through this? Can you imagine
how helpless I feel to not be able to give my child basic educational
nourishment? There is nothing more frustrating than seeing my son’s
future and potential being robbed from him because of these terrible
while my anger is largely with the judge and his poor judgement, the
decision to have my son remain in his current yeshiva would not be
nearly as problematic and harmful had you heeded our calls to bring all
Hasidic schools into compliance with the law, ensuring that all children
receive the education they deserve “irrespective of the place of
you probably already know, Mayor de Blasio, my situation is not so
unique. There are too many Hasidic parents who feel similarly and who
want to do right by their children. However, sectarian adherence is
highly valued amongst Hasidic people, and the individual parents and
families are terrified to speak up for fear of their children being
kicked out of school or being isolated from the community. Furthermore,
many believe that because our education system has been broken for so
long, there is no potential for change.
is where they are wrong. I think there is a potential for change. There
is the possibility to give these boys, including my dear son, a chance
to receive a proper education and a brighter future. The laws are
already in place, and the city has the capacity and the obligation to
enforce them. If you were willing to be courageous in the face of
political risks, change would have come years ago when these issues were
first brought to your attention. After all this time, Hasidic parents
are feeling discouraged and deflated. Many prior promises by the
Education Department to improve the yeshivas have been broken, and there
are still very few signs of improvement in our schools. We have watched
our government turn a blind eye and enable this injustice for too long!
How is this possible under your leadership?
implore you, Mayor de Blasio, take it upon yourself to demand justice
for my son, and others like him, who are robbed of an education, of a
choice, and of a future. Education is a right to which we should all
have access. Regardless of race, class, or religion, every child
deserves an equal education, and I expect this right to be upheld in New
York City as well, starting swiftly, in the upcoming 2017–2018 school
A Concerned Mother
No NYC politician would dare to enforce the law. Unfortunately, the ultra-orthodox are too politically powerful.. Thank G_d no family member is a member of this cult.
If this mother is concerned and at all intelligent, shouldn't she reach the conclusion that if she wants to raise a functional son she has to leave her community?
are you really claiming that your cult schools which teach nothing but Torah are superior to all other schools? Really?
And what kind of "decent employment" are "most chassidim" finding? Auto repair? HVAC maintenance? Engineering? Computer science? Medicine? Law? If so, please show me in Torah how people are trained for jobs such as these?
You call her a moser. Right, she is informing the Governor that your schools don't teach information needed to live in society. Hats off to her. She wants her kids to escape your cult.
James Apple said
"Tzoorba, So I guess you don't really care if it is against the law not to educate all children, including those that are ultra-orthodox, in secular subjects, and it is ok for your community to break the law?"
What law are you referring to specifically? There are many laws today that are ridiculous and inhuman such as the LGBT promotion laws and the law in England forcing schools to promote abortion.
"Too bad the ultra-orthodox Jews in Lakewood who are now being arrested for welfare fraud did not learn that it is unethical to violate the law and steal from others. Is this taught in Yeshivas?"
This statement is simply motzi shem ra. You have no idea if they are guilty of anything yet since there has been no trial and it's just your Leftist bias to assume that if there is guilt it's due to lack of secular indoctrination.
"The statistics show that families whose parents do not have a good secular education need welfare from the state to raise their large families. Is this acceptable to you - that others should pay taxes to allow you to take welfare? Where is your self respect? Oh, sorry. Perhaps this is not taught in your schools."
These statistics apply to those that are not industrious or are on drugs or are part of the slum society as is the case with most slum dwellers. A degree from Evergreen college or the zoo at Mizzou is less than worthless. These statistics are also probably outdated and don't represent the reality of today's college graduates a great percentage of which still live in their parent's basement.
I'm a successful college graduate who has come to realize that the most successful in our society are those that are their own entrepreneurs. True success is not achieved primarily in the financial world but in the spiritual world.
Anonymous said...
"are you really claiming that your cult schools which teach nothing but Torah are superior to all other schools? Really?"
Have you seen the products of the current educational and indoctrination system in America where the primary focus is on pushing LGBT, gun control and advancement of Muslims above all others. Most of the graduates are morality free and low class people. Their knowledge of atheism is superlative and their morals are at the very bottom.
"And what kind of "decent employment" are "most chassidim" finding? Auto repair? HVAC maintenance? Engineering? Computer science? Medicine? Law? If so, please show me in Torah how people are trained for jobs such as these?"
Today's college graduates are mostly pushing burgers are McDonalds or lattes at Starbucks. Those that work in HVAC, plumbing or construction jobs are doing better than the average college grad. Advance basket weaving or Peyote indian dancing doesn't bring in much money.
"You call her a moser. Right, she is informing the Governor that your schools don't teach information needed to live in society. Hats off to her. She wants her kids to escape your cult."
I'm not chassidish but I allow them their space to educate their children the way that they want. Most chassidish schools don't keep their children in after a certain early age and there are many opportunities to learn a good paying trade or business. Those that can't abide the system should leave it but shouldn't force their lifestyles on others.
One more point, Tzoorba,
You called the lady a "moser." If she was the parent of an ultra-orthodox child abused by his rabbi and she went to the police to report the crime, would you refer to her as a moser? Many within segments of the ultra-orthodox community would do exactly that. They would rather protect these criminals and their cultural norms rather than protect their children. Do you see anything wrong in that?
James Apple,
Many rabbonim have said that it is not mesira to report abuse and people aware of it should report it to the police as soon as possible. I believe that covering for those people to protect the group that he is part of is a terrible sin and it is really best for the group to drive out pedophiles.
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