EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Where In The World Is The Agudath Israel Now?

9 Rockland yeshivas face fines for failing to release student measles vaccination records

Nine private schools in Ramapo face hefty fines for failing to provide Rockland County health officials with a list of students who have not been fully vaccinated against measles. The schools are within a geographical area considered the nexus of Rockland's measles outbreak that numbers 94 cases as of Thursday. 

The schools each face fines of up to $2,000 a day since Nov. 16, according to Rockland County Attorney Thomas Humbach. Administrative hearings are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.
The county has ordered schools in the New Square, Monsey and Spring Valley area to restrict unvaccinated students from attending if the school's MMR vaccination rate is less than 80 percent. The rule isn't exclusively for yeshivas, but those are the schools that fit the parameters, county officials said.

The schools are being asked to provide records of students' vaccination rates. Under state public health laws, schools are required to keep a list of students' vaccination records.  Both health laws and state education laws allow exemptions from vaccination for health and/or religious reasons.

The health department, though, can restrict school attendance under certain circumstances when there are a significant number of cases of a "vaccine-preventable" communicable disease, such as the current measles outbreak in Rockland. A similar attendance restriction has also been instituted in Brooklyn, where New York City health officials say there are more than 40 measles cases in the Orthodox Jewish community

The county health department uses those records to verify that schools are following the department’s restrictions.

MEASLES IN ROCKLAND: Why do so many people still not know about it?

On Monday and Tuesday, county judicial officers will conduct hearings and then make recommendations to the commissioner of health, Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert. The process is similar to sanitary code and Rockland Codes Initiative enforcement, Humbach said. Private school officials will be able to appear and make their case. The hearings will be conducted by Rockland County Judicial Hearing Officers Charles Apotheker and Stuart Lipkind.

Fines will be outlined during Wednesday's Board of Health meeting, which is at 10 a.m. at the Rockland County Health Department, Building F, Room 119 in Pomona. That meeting is open to the public.

County officials said the attendance restrictions for unvaccinated students will remain in place until 21 days after the last measles case in the area. Unvaccinated students who receive MMR shots are allowed back in school.

Schools facing fines are: 
  • Yeshiva Ohr Torah 
  • Bais Chana Malka 
  • The Skill Building Center 
  • Yeshiva Tzoin Yosef Pupa (Boys) 
  • Yeshiva Tzoin Yosef Pupa (Girls)
  • Ateres Bnos (two locations)
  • Avir Yakov (Boys) 
  • Avir Yakov (Girls) 
  • Bnei Yakov Yosef
County officials said there are around 35 yeshivas that fit the criteria for attendance restrictions and the majority have provided the requested documentation and partnered with the health department.
"I don't care what school it is, if the health department deems this step has to be taken, it will be taken," Rockland County Executive Ed Day told The Journal News on Thursday. Acknowledging pushback by some schools in regards to the county restrictions, Day said, "We will grant no quarter in protection of the health of this county."


hmm? said...

What does Agudath Israel have to do with Hassidic Yeshivot?

Anonymous said...

The majority of these are Poop Ah and Skverrorist (who the Rebbe was posturing in public that he is pro vaxx)

Ateres Bnos is the place corner of Viola & 306 that there is a court order to shut it down for safety violations. One blog says they are loosely affiliated with Bobov.

The Fire Dept fought in 2012 to shut down Ohr Torah. This is a kehilla based in Willy with it's Ruv there & they also have a beis medrash in Boro Park. It might be a Chassidus with a Lashon Koidesh name instead of named after a shtot.

The Skill Building Center is the special needs division of Eitz Chaim owned by the yeshivishe Swiatyckis who are the same mishpocho of post name change billionaire "Gary Barnett"

Swiatycki is anti-vaxx apparently

News 12 thinks that come Wednesday these scofflaws will be fined as much as $60,000

Fresser bapeh said...


The Agudah likes to view themselves as representing all of Klal Yisroel which is why they fought for metzitza even though gedolei Lita were against it.

The Agudah never had universal recognition from day one as they were shunned by Satmar & like-minded Hungarians-Romanians, Bobov & like-minded Galitzianers, Lubavitch, Brisk & the vast majority of alter Mirrers.

Lately it's even difficult to find an Agudah supporter who is not either a gourmand who is gorging himself at a hotel buffet or someone gullible enough to believe all the Agudah propaganda.

42 Broadway Agitprop said...


Zweibel's letter admits that they have become unhinged solely based on a diyuk in the new law of "substantially equivalent" to public school.

The Agudah is taking no chances & fighting against a worst case scenario that the State will therefore side with hardline anti-yeshiva officials in local school districts, thus ignoring the so called Felder amendment that limudei koydesh counts as education.


The Moetzes letter is more vague & much more into scaremongering which is no surprise as it was most likely written by Avi Shafran. This letter claims they have information that anti-yeshiva forces are already waiting to pounce to abolish chinuch Hatorah.

Shafran wrote this with a straight face while ripping off "Clear & Present Danger" from the Tom Clancy novel made into the movie starring Harrison Ford as CIA agent Jack Ryan.

It would be helpful to say the least if an unbiased legal expert can tell us what is really going on.

Anonymous said...

Avrohom Wrona I think they are having another dinner in the Midwest. Their wives are fortunate..... They never have to cook!馃槀

Anonymous said...

Ohr Torah owns Bais Chana Malka which this new building in Monsey is dedicated by a Moskowitz family

Summa Cum Lousy said...

There were people that wanted to help ex-Belzer Naftuli Moster. But they saw he is running around with Reform rabbis & others whose goal is to destroy Yiddishkeit instead of fixing the problems in it.

If the Agudah gets spooked enough they may persuade Rechnitz to pull off his 2nd buyout after he retired the Failed Shvantz with an exorbitant sum of money.

There should be an option however for metzuyonim to learn limudei kodesh only. How would that be any worse than inner city youth learning welding & carpentry in vocational high schools? What's wrong is when all chassidishe parents are forced to not have any options for their kids which is similar to when certain misbehaving adults are put on mind control pills by these Rebbes.

In the Know said...

An Agudah Fresser rabbi once admitted to me that they will also fight against things they lav davka believe in if the alternative means it could potentially lead to government regulation of things the Agudah are trying to protect.

And I believe there is one more agenda they won't admit. I suspect they fight for still more issues if it fits with their M.O. of controlling public opinion so that the public does not come to question any of their own Agudah sacred cow figures about wrongdoing. This is very possibly the reason the Agudah fought for convicted criminal Rubashkin and even sent goons to intimidate some of their own member rabbis who refused to support him. And the same reason why they fought for convicted cop killer Grossman despite that the gedolim in Israel said al pi early poskim to not support him.

Eurasian Bastard said...

"so that the public does not come to question any of their own Agudah sacred cow figures about wrongdoing"

You mean like Elly Kleinman & his Japanese goyta?

The Agudah has a psak from the adam gadol haCEO haGaon Aaron Kotler that Elly's allright as long as he completely funds entire campuses.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Compounded by the fact that there is NO serious bar daas on the Moetzes who can see the whole picture. In YTV, if you did poorly in secular studies, R' Yakov called you in and read you the riot act. Same with Rav Pam ...If Lonner spoke to the roshei yeshiva about your truancies in the secular studies dept, you risked being expelled from the yeshiva no matter if you knew every tosfos in Chullin baal peh....Today, the Moetzes is composed of leitzonim, pretending to be baale sechel. That's the way it is...BITTER PILL!

Shafran Dunce Cap Valet said...

A mesivta which is shpitz yeshivish & for metzuyonim only has serious secular studies. The rosh yeshiva asks what is going to happen if some of the talmidim don't stay in learning? Nisht ken aitza that they end up STEALING because they don't have any secular pas b'salam.

(Shafran has claimed that UOJ is not on the same page as Daas Torah, vehamayvin yovin)

The Shmuel Kaminetzky Gift that keeps on giving said...

Latest figures:

12 measles cases in the Kiryas Yoel area

102 measles cases in Monsey

AND NOW 12 cases of whooping cough in Monsey that was also previously eradicated by vaccines!

Paul Mendlowitz said...

R'Shmuel would get two petch by his father (maybe 3) ---- Vussss???? K'neged der gantze medical velt and doctorin?

Moetzes Resign! said...

What about R' Shmuel letting Margo get away with murder & not even answer basic questions to the Agudah about Kolko after all the bizyonos that Margo did decades earlier to the Tatten R' Yaakov ztl?

Vos far a shanda!

Prodfather said...

When Belsky took charge he apparently felt secular studies in YTV were not well rounded enough so he invited guest 'lecturer' Gimpel Wolmark to lecture on the Mob.

Graduate student Mendel Epstein, after hearing a lecture on "a zelcha makkos", conducted field experiments that even included shooting one Boro Park test subject in the tuchess.

Leopold Margulies said...

Spetziyal Counsel Muellerrr darrrft gebben a kik du tzim alla FAKE NEWS vus UOJ hoilech rrruchil zein to bashmitz yourrr's trrruly.

8:32 shrrreibt I not cooperrrating kaviyuchel mit derrr Agidah.

Mirrr hubben gehat a sach technical prrroblemmen mit Kolko inforrrmatzia afterrr da shkutzim brrreaking in to vandalize inzerrrrra files.

And vus Ich varrrt nuch forrr Rrrav Elyashev to get back to me.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

Lipa --- it took more time than I wanted, but the world is a lot better off now that you're not teaching or in charge of childrens' welfare. Adios amigo shvantz!

Lakewood said...

Send this to the greedy Lakewood landlords & their proxies like Remax broker Mordy Eichorn the shlock shamess for Tress, who are putting convicted molesters in their rentals because they pay a premium in cash.

While they have no moral compass, maybe this is something that finally appeals to them, as the easy cash is driving down their other nearby investments:


Real Central VA has an interesting story: that a sex offender in the neighborhood can lower the value of your house by 17%.

Chaim Dovid Zweibel said...


That's it! Who keeps giving UOJ these kinds of embarrassing pictures?