Friday, November 06, 2020

The Breakfast of Champions


Anonymous said...


Professor Ryesky said...

Having voted for Trump/Pence, I will accept the outcome of the electoral process.

I have no plans to riot, loot, vandalize, assault, or murder, or even post "Not My President" memes on FB.

But even if Biden wins, until 20 January Donald Trump is still the President.

Gay Aveck said...

Nadiv Schorer grieved at weddings. Attracted to men, he thought there's no Orthodox way for him

This year, Schorer stood with "husband" Ariel Meiri under a "chuppa". Officiator is Avram Mlotek, "Orthodox" outreach rabbi to NY professionals. Mlotek’s 1st time performing a same-sex "wedding"

“They live 'Jewishly' in a 'Jewish home' & raise Jewish kids. 'Traditional' rabbis must seize & welcome such 'precious life-cycle' moments. We risk abyss of religious irrelevance to deny gays rightful belonging”

Mlotek is of a growing cadre of rabbis to break ranks for weddings once unthinkable.

JTA identified 10 Orthodox rabbis who officiate or are open to gay couples. The small number is remarkable change in Orthodoxy's strict adherence to halacha. A decade ago it was impossible to find any willing rabbi

“To most Orthodox rabbis, a sin in the Bible & halachic works was somewhat intractable” (ya think, you putz?) said Jonathan Sarna, prof of Jewish history @ Brandeis U, on biblical prohibition on sex between men. “We see, very importantly, attitude change”

Rabbis JTA IDed include 'prominent' rabbi Asher Lopatin, ex-head of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, who'd “favorably consider” if asked

“Judaism God gave us, cares for people & is meaningful, so Jewish law needs to address it” said Lopatin, who leads a Modern Orthodox shul near Detroit as well as JCRC Detroit

Other rabbis are Daniel Atwood, Elie Friedman, Gabe Greenberg, Steve Greenberg, Daniel Landes, Sarah Mulhern, Aaron Potek & Shmuly Yanklowitz

Some were ordained at YU, who recently rejected LGBTQs. Some ordained by YCT, embroiled in controversy declining to ordain a gay student. The student, Atwood, was then ordained by Landes, as was Mulhern, non-Orthodox school grad

Traditional law defines Orthodoxy. It can't allow marriage-sex between same gender. Views on gay marriage-LGBTQ acceptance mirror Haredi strict separation from the secular. But in Modern Orthodox's 'balance' embracing the secular, LGBTQ acceptance accelerates

Some Modern Ortho rabbis say sins in Leviticus of gay sex=abomination, 'need reevaluation'

“I see prohibitions in tension with other Torah values: valuing life & saving life. Aware of gay suicides, it’s highly relevant” said Rabbi Gabe Greenberg, gay wedding officiator

Gay Aveck said...


It may expand. 45 rabbis attend sessions to explore gay weddings in Orthodoxy. Hosted by Yanklowitz's progressive Torat Chayim, he hasn't done a gay wedding but is “very open” to

“There's much movement. In progressive Orthodoxy we've much receptivity” Yanklowitz said

Though Orthodox lag far behind other denominations — all allow gay weddings & queer rabbis — LGBTQ see more acceptance in the Modern Ortho community, said Rabbi Zev Eleff, professor of Jewish history at Touro College who researches Orthodox Judaism

“20 years ago, he came out of the closet & wants a man or a woman wants a woman, they left Orthodoxy. Now while he may never be president of shul, he made peace with it” Eleff said

Benny Lau, prominent Orthodox rabbi, offers a path to gays. Though he didn't offer weddings - to marry & publicly affirm is ok as gays aren't forbidden to have families

No Orthodox group endorses gay weddings but queer couples find support in friends & family

“Is Modern Orthodoxy ready? We had 300 people at our wedding, at least 70% from Orthodox communities in Cleveland, NY & LA. Not everyone's fortunate but clearly some Orthodox are ready” said Jeremy Borison, who wed his husband in an Orthodox ceremony officiated by Rabbi Elie Friedman

A gay Orthodox wedding hurdle is navigating hetero-rituals. In tradition, witnesses sign a ketubah of husband’s responsibility to wife. In betrothal, aka kiddushin, the groom acquires the bride with a ring & recital. In the ceremony, aka nissuin, 7 blessings are recited on the couple, 2 use language specific to a groom & bride

Some Orthodox gays hew close to it. Borison & husband Michael Greenberg only altered to 2 grooms rather than groom + bride & used 2 ketubot over a 1-sided guy acquiring the gal

Some use alternates, as traditional liturgy doesn't apply to gays

“We wanted traditional & to pay homage to queer identity + culture. We didn’t want a hetero wedding but change pronouns” said Rabbi Daniel Atwood of his wedding to Judah Gavant

They worked with officiator Rabbi Gabe Greenberg, inspired by Rabbi Steve Greenberg, who came out gay post 1983 ordination & in 2011 became the 1st Orthodox rabbi to perform a gay wedding (No relation)

For a ketuba, Steve uses “shtar shutfut” legal agreement via business. The idea by Reform feminist Rachel Adler, is ketuba's worded sexist. Hetero-Egalitarians take Adler’s lead too

Steve drafts documents fitting relationships to read aloud. For kiddushin-monogamy where husband gives wife a ring, Greenberg has both homos vow exclusivity to each other. As sheva brachot, Greenberg has friends-family bless the couple as they see fit

Gay Aveck said...


Sandy & Leana Tapnack had such vision “We wanted gut-feel Orthodox, not mess up / pretend halacha or to invent something” Tapnack said

Mulhern worked with the couple on “dual vow” monogamy, not old kiddushin. Then modified sheva brachot

“It felt like a traditional wedding” Mulhern said

Designing ceremonies represents Orthodox tension of change — if it can be adapted-rethought

“Do what you like, but it's a step backward” said Michael Greenberg, who wed Borison. “It doesn't validate gay marriage. It has halachic mechanics, but it’s no wedding”

Friedman, officiator, said Jewish legality is only 1 piece that matters

“Ceremony-commitment to another's also meaningful” said Friedman, who speaks to Orthodox crowds of his gay bonafides. “Even if we left to Hashem its halachic meaning, we want it”

Not all progressive Ortho rabbis are onboard, even as they want queers to join communities

Eleff @ Touro College, says despite increased Modern Ortho queer acceptance, weddings may be too far for some

“It's beyond boundaries how Modern Orthodox negotiate halacha in modernity. It hasn't tolerated aggressive halachic decisions”

Rabbi Gavriel Bellino’s queer-friendly 6th St Shul in NYC hosts shabbatons with Orthodox LGBTQ group Eshel. But Bellino can't see gay weddings

“I feel limited by Jewish law with no mechanism for a wedding. “So while the secular-progressive in me's very much in favor of gay unions, I don’t perform them”

Queers who grew up Orthodox seek other denominations

“Many Orthodox LGBTQ ask friends / rabbis of other denominations officiate. Few Orthodox rabbis do ceremonies. While it’s nice a rabbi do it, it's not needed, people lasted decades without rabbis,” said Miryam Kabakov, Eshel executive. Kabakov herself officiated gay Orthodox weddings

Others leave Orthodoxy period, conclude a fight for space isn't worth it when other denominations did already

Gedalia Robinson had a Conservative rabbi officiate his wedding to husband Caleb. Though Robinson grew up deeply Modern Orthodox — his father is Rabbi Menachem Penner, dean of YU rabbinical school — he tired constantly battling for acceptance

“I'm so drained, throw a heavy rope far, often met by people not even extending a hand”

Gay Aveck said...


The fight also pushes progressive Orthodox rabbis to leave the movement

“So few address that core problem in Orthodoxy, I don’t need affiliation to address what I care most about - how does God wants gays to live” said Rabbi Aaron Potek, YCT ordained but no longer Orthodox

Potek saw pro-LGBTQ rabbis pressed to prove Orthodox bonafides as critics rant of departed norms. “I don’t care to fight” said Potek, now at non-Orthodox temple 6th & I & slated to perform his 1st gay wedding in 2021

Hope for inclusive Orthodoxy

“Many Orthodox rabbis are halacha-confident to approach with compassion & deep think to resolve heartache” said Rabbi Daniel Landes

Landes, a Jerusalem rabbi who ordained open gay Atwood, has shifted. In July, he wasn't ready for gays. By Sept, he changed

“A gay wedding hadn’t arisen but I don’t turn my back on my students”

He's working on a ceremony & legal ruling

“Halachic rationale's very possible as God 'can't' create a world to plunge you in sin it can't extract from. How do we go there? I have a way”

It means gays like Schorer can marry in Orthodoxy

“Our wedding was the most spiritual uplifting, emotional day I've experienced in my life” said Schorer, who belongs to an Orthodox shul with his husband. “Realizing I live who I am, marry a man I love — traditionally — feels right”

Touro Vodaas said...

At least they knew not to make him Treasurer!

But since when did he drop the Rabbiner from Dokter?


Israel Singer, Ph.D., is vice president of international affairs at Touro College and a professor of contemporary Jewry. Singer was named secretary general of the World Jewish Congress in 1985, a post he held for two decades. He is currently honorary president of the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations. In 2002, Singer received the Jerusalem Prize for Jewish Leadership from the nation of Israel for his work in the restoration of Jewish property and other restitution efforts.

Paul Mendlowitz said...

At least they knew not to make him Treasurer!



Detroit said...


Philly said...


Georgia said...


Nevada said...


Newt said...

By Newt Gingrich

It's time for us to get mad.

This is what I conclude after spending days puzzling over the 2020 election. When Callista & I left the White House at 3 am Wed I was confused by various things & couldn't quite figure out how to deal with it.

After a few days digesting, it's clear there's breathtaking systemic corruption during this election. It runs thru the whole process. You have Biden corruption with China, Russia & Ukraine — which the media almost entirely refuse to even consider investigating.

It goes to Big Tech censoring people. Rush Limbaugh's 4 of 6 tweets censored just Thurs. I've been censored. The President's censored. Facebook hired 6 Chinese algorithm experts to help the company perfect censorship in the style of Chinese Communist dictatorship.

You have corruption of incredibly rich Liberals, who spent amazing amounts of money to defeat Republicans. It's one of the few things I really like about the election. They spent $75 million to beat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and lost. They spent $105 million to beat Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and lost. They spent $43 million to beat Sen. Joni Ernst R-Iowa, and lost.

You go thru the corruption of the Liberal media, who for 5 years waged war on President Trump & did everything to convince us a giant blue wave was coming. The wave didn't come because they all lied to themselves & to us.

Now we see states where President Trump was leading suddenly find tranches of votes for Joe Biden in Democrat-controlled urban areas, just enough to push him into the lead. We see it in Atlanta, Savannah, Philadelphia & elsewhere.

This is about whether we as Americans are willing to look the other way while a system of elite leftwing corruption undermines democracy.

I believe we're at a key point in American history. Make no mistake: This is about America – not the President or any elected leader.

In addition to constantly attacking the President, the political & left-wing media establishment try to suppress millions of Americans who share the President's values. Those who salute the flag, stand up for the pledge of allegiance, believe deeply in America, want jobs & opportunity for Americans, want the United States to be concerned first for American interests silenced or canceled for the last years.

If we're going to continue to be America, every legal vote must be counted & certified, illegal votes must be tossed out & the American people must be allowed to make their choice for President.

The Voting Dead said...


Shveig Police said...


Anonymous said...

President Trump takes a page from the Democrat playbook, but he doesn’t have the mainstream media on his side.

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams was praised by the mainstream media for refusing to concede after her 2018 loss to Republican Brian Kemp, while accusing the GOP of stealing the election.

“While it was Georgia governorship & not the presidency, it's gross denigration of Democratic norms to still maintain she should be Georgia's governor,” NewsBusters Managing Editor Curt Houck told Fox News.

Abrams, a former Georgia state representative, gained national attention in 2018 after becoming the 1st Black woman to be nominee in a Georgia gubernatorial election – quickly becoming a darling of Liberal media.

Abrams campaign against Kemp - & eventual loss - prompted widespread allegations of voter suppression & she refused to concede.

"Despite the final tally & inauguration of Brian Kemp & the situation we find ourselves in, I have a very affirmative statement to make: We won," Abrams told the crowd at the annual convention of Al Sharpton's network 6 months after her loss.

While Abrams’ strategy made her a favorite of the left who was long rumored to be a Biden pick on the ticket, Trump’s claim that illegally counted votes showed up after Election Day & poll watchers blocked from observing counting are mocked & dismissed by the press.

Cornell Law School prof. & media critic William Jacobson bashed the media for holding Trump to different standards than Democrats.

"Expectations are so low for mainstream media, that consistency in treatment of Democrats & Republicans is a bridge too far,” Jacobson told Fox News. “Abrams' fictional claims she lost due to voter suppression similarly are amplified, not critically examined."

Houck said it’s “amazing to see Liberal media fawn over Abrams” compared to the way Trump’s claims of voter fraud are laughed off.

“Whether it's CNN / Washington Post, she's a conquering hero while any discussions or curiosity about transparency are treated like some obscene gesture that'll lead to an FCC fine,” Houck said.

While the media hasn’t taken Trump’s claims seriously, it hasn’t stopped him from refusing to back down.

“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld & the rightful winner is seated. The American people are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots & not counting any illegal ones. It's shocking the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle & wants ballots counted even if fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room & then fight in court to block their access."

Conservative strategist Chris Barron doesn’t think the press will come around to treat Trump fairly.

“Like Stacey Abrams & Al Gore, Donald Trump should exercise his right to challenge the vote count. The media gleefully applauded Abrams & Gore’s effort,” Barron told Fox News. “I won’t hold my breath waiting for them to treat President Trump in the same manner.”

Anonymous said...

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume questions why 1000s are allowed to gather in cities across America to celebrate the projected victory of Joe Biden while many sports fans are banned from attending games due to the pandemic.

Over the past 6 months, critics repeatedly slammed a politically-motivated double standard that allows demonstrations like Black Lives Matter marches to take place, while other outdoor events are shut down or condemned by Democratic officials & members of the media.

As media projected Biden to win PA & NV to become the 46th President, 1000s of supporters took to the streets to sing & cheer.

One viral video of a celebration outside the White House showed the crowd singing "YMCA," which caught Hume's attention.

"If this is ok, why isn’t it ok to have fans in stadiums this fall?" Hume asked.

Baseball & football stadiums have been empty to prevent spread of the virus.

Kenneth Shtarr said...

In a series of tweets, President Trump quoted former independent counsel Ken Starr, who called Pennsylvania “horribly lawless.”

During a Fri appearance on Fox Business’ “Varney & Co,” Starr discussed the ballot count process in Pennsylvania. Starr accused PA's Governor & State Supreme Court of “flagrantly” violating the US Constitution.

“They just ignored the Constitution,” Trump wrote, quoting Starr. “Now we bring it down to the counting houses, and outrageously, observers, who are the sentinels of integrity & transparency, were excluded. Pennsylvania has conducted itself in a horrible lawless way &:

“hopefully this will be corrected at the Supreme Court of the US. Late ballots past Election Day are illegal, exactly what the President's been saying. The Supreme Court, in extraordinary circumstances has been able to render decisions in a matter of days.”

Trump concluded with another quote that Philadelphia has a “rotten history on election integrity”

Dick Morris said...

President Trump can still win

Here’s how:

Only the Electoral College or state legislatures can declare a winner. To base this decision on network projections to call Biden president-elect is irresponsible

Recounts in AZ, GA & other states are likely to go heavily for Trump

Most of the likely errors or invalid votes took place on mail ins. (Machines are harder to tamper with). Since Biden won upwards 70% of mail-ins & absentee ballots, it’s likely most discarded ballots will be subtracted from Biden

The networks give Trump 214 electoral votes

AK, where Trump led 2:1 all week & is now 50%+ counted will likely throw 3 votes to Trump for 217

Trump likewise led NC (15 votes) all week & his margin of 75,000 hasn't diminished. He'll undoubtedly carry NC

Like AK, the media won't call it for Trump to promote the illusion of Biden victory. NC brings Trump to 232

AZ shows Trump’s deficit shrinking from 30,000 to 18,500 with 100K left to count

After AZ (11 votes) is fully counted, it'll go to recount subject to pro-Trump bias identified in point 2. With AZ, it's 243 votes

In GA (16 votes), Biden leads by only 8400, a margin that's dropping

Like AZ, Trump may still win & if not, he'd have a very good chance prevailing the recount. With GA, Trump would have 259 votes

WI (10 votes) is tallied as won by Biden by 21,000 votes but a recanvass is in the offing. Given the facts enumerated earlier, there's a very good chance Trump will carry WI. The recount in WI is uniquely fair & transparent — a model for the nation — so Trump may well flip the state

If he does, he'll have 269 votes — 1 shy of victory

Then, it comes down PA's 20 votes. The Supreme Court provisionally allowed ballots counted if they arrive before Nov. 6, postmarked before election day & segregated. When Justice Alito was informed the state had not segregated late votes as required, Alito reaffirmed the necessity of enforcing the court order

Biden leads by 37,000 in PA. The number of late ballots likely far exceeds this total

Justice Alito & a Court majority may throw out the late ballots, likely delivering the state to Trump

And, for reasons stated above, a recanvass is likely to give Trump a decisive advantage. If he wins PA, he'd have 289 votes & victory

Will there be a recount in PA? Current law requires it if the margin is under 0.5%

2 ways to trigger a recount:

— The Supreme Court could order it after vote counters so flagrantly violated Alito’s order to segregate votes that he had to re-issue it. And remember, 4 Justices wanted to reconsider allowing late ballots entirely but the high court deadlocked 4-4. Now with Justice Barrett in the mix it may take a different view, particularly if the presidency hangs in the balance

— Article II Section 1 of the US Constitution reads:

“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to whole Number of Senators & Representatives to which the State may be entitled in Congress”

PA's State Legislature, solidly Republican (both houses) may demand a recount before appointing electors. To build a case for doing so, it may hold hearings into the fraud to help voters understand how flagrantly their votes were mishandled

Already, the leader of the State Senate in PA & Speaker of the State Assembly held a press conference announcing their intent to “audit” the counting

As the great Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings”

She hasn’t

We Wuz Robbed said...


Barack Hussein Osama said...

A senior aide to Joe Biden said rejoining the Iran nuclear deal is “high on his agenda” & as president-elect would move to do so shortly after taking office

“In the 1st months of a Biden presidency, we either see him rejoin fully, or what I call ‘JCPOA-minus’ ie lifting sanctions in exchange for suspending some Iranian nuclear programs developed in the past 3 years” Amos Hochstein said Sun in a Hebrew language interview with Israel's Channel 12

Hochstein, a State Dept official who oversaw energy sanctions on Iran during Obama’s tenure, said Biden wants back the pact from 2015 — & abandoned by President Trump in 2018 — including its expiration date

The comments came as an Israeli news site reported Trump — in coordination with Israel & Arab Gulf states — plan a bevy of wide-ranging sanctions on Iran to make it more difficult for an incoming administration to reenter the nuclear deal

Quoting Israeli & Arab sources, Walla news said US Special Representative for Iran & Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, will announce a raft of fresh sanctions on Iran every week from now until Jan 20. These sanctions will target Iran’s missile program & support for terrorists, as well as focus on human rights violations, making it harder for Biden to roll back punishments

Abrams met with Prime Minister Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Sun & will hold talks with other senior Israeli officials

According to the report, Israel & the Gulf states believe Biden will swiftly lift sanctions on Iran to appease Tehran & it's clients, shedding US leverage over the cash-strapped country. New sanctions will keep pressure on Tehran & may keep Biden out of the pact unless he lifts them. Most Arab states, even far beyond the Gulf were mortified by Obama's appeasement of Teheran & it's sphere as an unacceptable danger to their own security. To a large extent, Biden is seen as a lockstep Obama follower & under pressure from the pro-Iran progressive wing of the Democrat party

“The goal is as many sanctions as possible by Jan 20” an unnamed Israeli official is quoted

An Arab official involved in the negotiations told the site, “Trump's goal is to impose sanctions Biden can't lift.”

Earlier Sun, a senior minister in Netanyahu’s Likud party called for “dialogue with the new administration” hoping Biden does not reenter the pact under its previous terms

Netanyahu, a strident critic of the nuclear deal, argued it didn't place safeguards to prevent Iran from seeking nuclear weapons & cheered Trump's withdrawal from the accord

In his Channel 12 interview, Hochstein also spoke to the Palestinian issue, saying Biden “sees 2 states preferable to 1 state. And his fear if there's no 2 state solution, it will lead to 1 binational state”

Biden will “bring the Palestinians back to the heart of discourse” according to Hochstein

Trump unveiled a peace plan in Jan envisioning a Palestinian state in 70% of the West Bank, Gaza & Jerusalem suburbs. The plan was rejected by the Palestinian Authority, who boycotted Trump since his 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

An unnamed official in PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s office is quoted by Israel Hayom on Sun that Ramallah sent Biden messages the PA's willing to resume US-brokered negotiations, but only from the point they were halted in 2016 under Obama

The official adds Abbas demands Biden immediately return the US embassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, reversing Trump's move in 2018 & undo Trump’s recognition of Israel's capital

Biden previously said while he plans to take a more 'evenhanded' (sic) approach to the Middle East conflict than his predecessor, he won't overturn those decisions

Anonymous said...

A senior Health Ministry official warns if virus morbidity rates continue to rise, there'll be no further easing lockdown, already in its 6th week.

Head of the ministry’s public health division Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis said in a press briefing only when new virus cases each day dip below 500 will it be possible for stage 3 of lifting lockdown.

“There's a long way to go,” she said.

Alroy-Preis’s remarks came as street stores could open with maximum 4 customers at a time, if social distancing & masked. The stores were closed since Sept. Opening these stores is opposed by the Health Ministry, due to level of infections.

“Opening was done with morbidity indices rising & we need to maintain the situation so we don't lose control,” she said & notes the rise comes even before full impact of previous steps is felt.

“We see basic reproduction coefficient rise,” continued Alroy-Preis. “As long as morbidity rises, we can't ease restrictions”

Channel 13 reports reproduction coefficient is 0.99 today. Values above 1 indicate morbidity will climb exponentially.

Lockdown since Sept 18 paralyzed much public life & the economy + shut down education. The govt removed some restrictions a few weeks ago, opening preschool-kindergarten, then grades 1-4 & permitted some street business to open. The rest of the education system continues remotely.

While Alroy-Preis said further lifting of lockdown's in question, she notes the ministry's expected to approve reduced quarantine time for exposure to carriers from 14 to 12 days.

3rd stage lifting lockdown's supposed to include opening shopping malls & wider retail + school restarted for grades 11-12 to enable preparing for exams.

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein told Kan if even some 3rd stage rollback's applied next week, infections will get out of control. The ministry expects morbidity to continue to climb with infection coefficient pulling away from 0.8, the value health officials want before 3rd stage begins, the report said.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's pushing night curfews as another measure to curb virus spread, the National Security Council examining effectiveness of the move, Kan reports. Sources say the plan's directed in particular at Arabs, who see sharp infection rise, due to mass events eg weddings, violating lockdown.