"First and foremost is the recognition and internalization that everything is ein od milvado. Everything is run by the hand of Hashem. Whenever Hamas attacks, and when they do the most atrocious things in the world, it is only because Hashem allowed it. Nobody can lay a finger on us if Hashem, the Av Harachaman, did not deem it in our best interest. That does not take away the appreciation of the cruelty, but we cannot forget that Hashem is allowing Hamas to do what they are doing. The first address of our frustration and pain must be our Father in shamayim." Elya Brudny
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מילים ישירות מהתחת שלו |
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Agudah has created masses of katnay emunah so whenever things don’t go the way they expect it to, they need to rush out with speeches and/or letters to reassure their masses who appear severely cognitively and emotionally deficient. I guess Brudny, who's father in law i think is R Gifter, is stealing some of the stupidest ideas possible from Telz Chicago deceased co-head honcho (aka Rosh Yeshiva) Chaim Dov Keller (the former Yu boy) who once published a truly abhorrent and aberrant article in the now defunct Jewish Observer how the Holocaust was giluy shechina and the State of Israel is Hester panim.
Brudny, a member of the Moetzes Gdolay Torah, should perhaps rather be a member of the moetzes kitanay hamo'ach
Brudny married a Dessler.
Exactly ******
Agudah has created masses of katnay emunah so whenever things don’t go the way they expect it to, they need to rush out with speeches and/or letters to reassure their masses who appear severely cognitively and emotionally deficient.
One of the several Fox News channels had the retired Intelligence official on tonight, US Marines Lt. Col. Hal Kempfer. He said the reason why Hezbollah hasn't dared open a 2nd front against Israel is the collective threats they have received from the United States & other countries. A second American carrier group is now steaming to the eastern Mediterranean. Hezbollah has been very clearly warned that all this firepower will be used to blast them back to the Stone Age. European countries whom Kempfer would not name have also directly threatened Hezbollah they will join the American attack. Pretty significant that even the spineless EUniks are finally standing up to the Arabs.
And have you been following the "mainstream" networks like ABC News? Now that Biden & his puppet master Obumbum have (for selfish reasons) turned against the Arabs & their Socialist Democrat supporters, the Biden-Obumbum lapdogs who moonlight as the news presenters are exposing every gory detail of the Arab savagery & generating sympathy for the Yidden. The last time this happened was the 1950s.
I almost always agree with the esteemed blog owner but I must say this post has me confused.
First of all, I don;t know about lately that Rav Brudny has been running with Fresser propaganda, but I was under the impression that UOJ liked him in the good old days.
I'm not familiar with R' Chaim Dov Keller's essay on the Holocaust but if he did say it was giluy Shechina - which sounds really off - it is not the same message as Rav Brudny. It was actually the Holocaust that was hester ponim, as explained by the Brisker Dayan R' Zelig Rieger. Perhaps Rav Brudny did not fully explain himself but it sounds to me like he is not saying much different than the majority of, if not ALL Rishonim. Perhaps a better way for Rav Brudny to explain himself is that lev melochim beyad Hashem means that Hamas would not have attacked unless it was retzon Hashem - though this ratzon could very likely be some kind of oinesh, even the most severe ones that are known as shaas cherem & hester ponim. The worst oinshim as the Toichacha says leads back to rachamim at some point. Rav Saadya Gaon is a daas yochid who holds not everything is directed from Shomayim. But I think he only holds that for minor incidents, not something as substantial as a terrorist attack.
Generally speaking, UOJ is certainly correct that the Agudah Fressers start doing weird dances when giving over, actually corrupting, many kinds of messages. A different Fresser rosh yeshiva has been hiding that Rav Kalmanowitz raised Hatzolah money from Reform Jews. He pretends that the Manhattan temple Rav Kalmanowitz fainted in during an appeal was a frumma shul and he squirms if anyone corrects him.
but I was under the impression that UOJ liked him in the good old days.
Yes, people change in weird ways when thrust into a position of "spokesman for HKBH_"
Better katnei emunah & katnei moiach than katnei boich to restrict chapping arein at the Agudah Fresser Convention shmorg when we're not mesmerized by the speeches! While we no longer have R' Elya, we have Rabbeinu Shmuel to pontificate to us while Sholom is groomed to take over.
He's correct but perhaps for the wrong reason.
The destruction of the Second Temple is analyzed by Chazal and, without exception, they always place the blame on the frum community. All the various reasons are because the Torah observant Jews of the time were misguided and doing things wrong, angering God.
Given the endless antagonism the Chareidim have had for the Chilonim, and perhaps having reached the point when the Chilonim were now starting to be spontaneously hostile to any frum gatherings, this could have been expected.
האוויר של 42 ברודוויי משחית את המוח
Paul, at least about 10 years ago, the medical office to get approved for Social Security Disability, was in the same building. Having the Agudah’s office in the same building must have helped the physicians diagnose the truly mentally ill as opposed to the fakers who pretended to be nuts for a check.
Aviation Week is reporting that the Shin Bet was aware as far back as a decade ago that Hamas terrorists were training to attack with motorized paragliders - in Malaysia.
In case anyone has been wondering by the way how some of the rampaging terrorists seen in the videos are Shvartzas, these are migrants, Ethiopians, Sudanese & Smelly Somalis who unsuccessfully tried to make it on foot to live as shnorrers in Tel Aviv. When they couldn't make it past Egypt, Hamas allowed the Muslim ones to stay in Gaza. Most Muslim Shvartzas from those countries are savages & speak Arabic in any case, so they fit right in.
Egypt Locked their border from the Gazans --- NOT ONE ARAB COUNTRY EVACUATING THEIR FELLOW TERRORISTS!
A reader sent me a link to Sam Harris's latest podcast (there is a free short and a paid long version), particularly relevant now with the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. The reader's email said this:
I know you don't like listening to podcasts but really this one by Sam Harris is only 14 minutes long and well worth it. He brilliantly unpacks the notion of moral equivalence.
What bothers me most about the discussions going on now is the palpable moral obtuseness of many people—especially liberals—people who say that the dead Israelis had it coming because of the "settler colonialism" of Israel's "apartheid state". No, they did not have it coming; they were not representatives of the Israeli government. As Sam says, "There are legions of the confused." This is combined with the attitude that Sam describes: that the moral calculus in the war can be performed simply by counting the number of dead bodies on each side. No, it doesn't work like that.
He then presents a series of claims that are "both descriptively true and ethically important," contrasting two sets of facts describing behaviors we see today. Sam adds that "at this moment in human history, not every group has the same ethical norms governing its use of violence."
His example is the use of human shields during armed conflict; some groups do this, and other groups are deterred by their use. What he means is not the use of hostages as shields, but "people who will strategically put their own noncombatants—their own women and children—into the line of fire so that they can inflict further violence upon their enemies, knowing that their enemies have a more civilized moral code that will render them reluctant to shoot back for fear of killing or maiming innocent noncombatants. If anywhere in this universe cynicism and nihilism can be found together in their most perfect forms, it is here."
It is the jihadists, he says, who do this, and describes how it works in Gaza and how it worked in Iraq. Contrast that with the Israeli practice of warning civilians to evacuate buildings before bombing them.
Then he reverses the logic, asking you to imagine what would happen if Israelis used their own citizens as human shields and then try to imagine that the jihadists would be deterred by such a tactic. It's unthinkable to think that this would be a deterrent!
His conclusion: "The image you should now have your mind is a masterpiece of moral surrealism. It is preposterous. It is a Monty Python sketch where all the Jews die. Do you see what this asymmetry means? Can you see how deep it runs? Do you see what it tells you about the ethical difference between these two cultures? There are not many bright lines that divide good and evil in our world, but this is one of them."
Yet many don't see that bright line, and they're all over social media.
Sam also discusses the difference between the deaths of civilians as "collateral damage" (Sam calls it "a euphemism for 'innocent civilians killed in war'") and "the intentional massacre of civilians for the purpose of maximizing horror." Here numbers of the dead are not the way to calculate moral balance. As Sam says, "intentions matter." His ending is a brilliant piece of rhetoric.
It's a thoughtful presentation, and yes, well worth 14 minutes of your time. Do listen. It may help you untangle the web of twisted and misguided logic leading to the attitude that the ideology of Hamas (and of Palestinians in general) is morally superior to that of Israelis.
Click on the link below to go to the free short version ("preview episode") or the paid longer one, which I haven't heard as I don't subscribe.
Google deleted an entry yesterday at Dus Iz Nies blog & warned him that exposing Black Lives Matter as the Hamas supporters that they are is "hate speech"
Part of the anti-Semitic equation is that many Starbucks baristas are homos. They are warped so they equate Jews with fundamentalist Notzrim, hating anyone's guts who follows the anti-toyeva Bible. But at the same time they give a free pass to murderous Muslims who are the only ones actively killing gays. Go figure.
If HKBH alllows that to happen, "IT WOULD BE IN OUR BEST INTERESTS" - Elya Brudny
For your information, Rabbi Brudny was seen for years going Upstate to get private audiences with the Rebbe of the Skver cult. Is it any surprise that Rabbi B is now the face of Agudath Fressers when they are managing cover ups & public mind control? Rabbi B was previously very active managing the cover up of Meisels molesting girls at 4 seminaries owned by his family.
UOJ's making much hay after misinterpreting the intent of unzerrah Horav Elya Brudny. Our position at Agudah has never been to sit back like lemmelach and basically invite Arab terrorism. I mean, if I was there & saw Hamas charging, I certainly wouldn't wave them in. I would throw my filthy Borsalino at them to slow them down. I got this idea from a Yitzy Erps tape. There is a Yid in the narrative who throws kneidlach at Pogromchiks.
I'm on the fence derveil. But if there's some utility in favor of molesters when siding with the terrorists, they've got my vote. While the Agudah has somewhat softened under fire from UOJ, I don't shy away from priorities. Old Lipa Margulies might no longer be among us, but he was also a man of principal.
Who do you think grabbed the reins at Amudim, the org owned by the pipsqueak son of convicted criminal Fresser Edgar Gluck?
It's R' Elya Brudny. Now name me a single molester that Amudim took down. I don't want to hear about the many molesters Amudim "went after" but did nothing about except make mealy mouth excuses for them.
Who is on Amudim's "rabbinical" vaad under Brudny?
Aryeh Z Ginzberg, the big mouth bully multimillionaire slumlord playing pulpit rabbi, who will pulverize you if you are so much as skeptical about Yudi Kolko, Pinky Scheinberg, Leopold Margulies & Izzy Belsky.
Efrem Goldberg, who will pulverize you if you question his protection racket for Baruch Lanner, Richard Andron & others
Herschel Schlechter, conspicuously silent about the YU molester line up. He must be too busy taking baksheesh from billionaires who want approval for shiksa trophy wives who aren't mekabel Torah umitzvos.
Mark Dratch, who has much to say about molesters except for his own relatives, and those molesters whom his shver Stormin' Norman Lamm covered up for
David Pelcovitz, who covered up for Evan Zauder
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