EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters

EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Online Commenters
CLICK! For the full motion to quash: http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/hersh_v_cohen/UOJ-motiontoquashmemo.pdf

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Is America Losing Its Mind?"




New effort to capture 500 unregistered sex offenders in the U.S.

Now, the U.S. Marshals Service is aggressively seeking the fugitives under Operation Guardian, a national effort to capture the 500 most-dangerous unregistered sex offenders in the country.

The Vaad to expose the Queens Vaad said...

The Queens Vaad protected Bryks for years even though the RCA expelled him (Bryks quit first so they couldn't claim that). The YU rabbis running the Queens Vaad didn't listen to the biggest posek in the YU oylam to throw out Bryks. After the press went public against them, they said ok, we will let his membership expire in 6 months.

Someone identifying himself as "D.S. attorney" is defending Bryks on the blogs against this article. Is it Daniel Schwartz from Monsey who is the lawyer for both Queens Vaad's Chaim Schwartz and Bryks's indirect relative Mordechai Tendler?



By Rhonda Spivak, September 15, 2010

As an Editor of a Jewish community publication, I can’t tell you how much I applaud the action of the Board of Directors of Herzlia–Adas Yeshurun Synagogue to remove all plaques that were previously dedicated in honour of Rabbi Bryks. Up until receiving an email to my personal address on September 13 notifying me mail of this action, I had been seriously considering writing an editorial during Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the most important time of year for introspection as Jews, calling on the synagogue to take such action. I am relieved that this is not necessary, and only regret, as no doubt so many in our community do, that such action was not taken many many years ago.

In the email I received, Dr. Earl Hershfield, President of the Board of Herzlia wrote:

“In response to repeated requests, and after much deliberation, the Board of Directors of Herzlia – Adas Yeshurun has decided to remove all plaques on the Tree of Life in the Shul lobby dedicated in honour of [Rabbi] Ephraim Bryks.”

He also wrote “As a Shul, we have a responsibility to provide moral and ethical leadership for our community.”

Paul Mendlowitz said...

News Alert
from The Wall Street Journal

A Wall Street Journal investigation into online privacy has found that popular children’s websites install more tracking technologies on personal computers than do the top websites aimed at adults.

The research is part of a Journal investigation into the expanding business of tracking people’s activities online and selling details about their behavior and personal interests.

The Journal examined 50 sites popular with U.S. teens and children to see what tracking tools they installed on a test computer. As a group, the sites placed 4,123 "cookies," "beacons" and other pieces of tracking technology. That is 30% more than were found in an analysis of the 50 most popular U.S. sites overall, which are generally aimed at adults.


Israel Belsky SHLITA said...


Proof that UOJ is not succeeding. I found people who are still mechabed me.

Agudath Israel of America said...

Please be mispallel for:


Harav VITO has cancer again and he is crucial to our lobbying efforts with our close friends the Holy Archdiocese of New York in fighting the toeiva of protecting innocent children. Choshever molesters must be protected at all costs.

Anonymous said...

Received via email:

Please forward this email to WHITEH@BrooklynDA.org

A Plea to Mr. Charles Hynes District Attorney Of New York;

A pernicious cult headquarted in an illegal warehouse in Williamsburg headed by a man named Mordechai Yona Schick and Yoel Roth are illegally and immorally encouraging children in the Ultra Orthodox Community to leave their parents and live with them in secret locations throughout Brooklyn.

The parents have exhausted all options in requesting Yoel Roth and Mordechai Yona Schick to send their children home.

These men laugh in their faces and continue to emotionally manipulate many teenagers. When parents approach their children, some indicate that they are willing to commit suicide if they are forced to leave the cult.

Mr .Hynes, we beg you to help us in our time of great need, and broken heartedness, as we and our supporters have been threatened with physical violence and are consequently scared for our lives we are not able to sign our names, however we are able to be contacted via the following email yoelrothdestroyer@gmail.com

Help us before there is a suicide.

Contact Information
P. A. Y. R Williamsburg
Brooklyn, NY


Anonymous said...


Elite private secular schools with tuition of $30k+ are sometimes accused of covering up abuse.

"But the school has had three headmasters in five years and was sued last year by a former school psychologist who said she was fired for reporting to child welfare authorities that a student had said his mother had hit him."

Paul Mendlowitz said...


New scrutiny for coaches --- But not Belsky's boys!

Michael Corleone said...


Vatican Bank Tied to Money Laundering Scandal

Response to Yoel Roth Complaints said...

1] The ROTH yeshiva, sounds like a meshugah house, but falls far short of a cult.

2] The boys are choosing to go the school. ROTH isn't forcing them to stay against their will.

3] Parents have no claim about educational standards, as they are no worse than existing schools in Williamsburg.

4] The threats of physical violence are being made by the children themselves. Cutting of peyos or beards falls far short than threats of physical violence.

Granted the school is not your cup of tea, but according to American law teenagers are able to CHOOSE their own direction in life. So, threats of mesirah make you look like fools, because the DA won't and shouldn't take you seriously.

Australian Agudah Fresser said...

Rabbi Rogut is rather left modern orthodox. His shul did not have a mechitza.


In the summer of 2006, when a swimming pool cleaner, John Nicoll, realised he had lost his life's savings in an investment scheme gone wrong, thoughts of revenge consumed him.

It wasn't just the $2.5 million that he had lost, the home he had to sell, or the debt collectors banging on his door about unpaid doctors' bills from stress-related illnesses; it was the betrayal. ''I trusted him,'' Nicoll says of the businessman Ian Lazar.

He blames Lazar for stripping him of his life choices. ''I'm living with my partner, and we are living off a line of credit on her property. We keep drawing on that. I'm not sure what we will do when that runs out.''

Nicoll and dozens of investors had placed their trust in Lazar and his seemingly well-credentialled companies. But Lazar had history unknown to them under another name.

In the late 1990s, Ian Rogut, the son of a now-retired rabbi of North Sydney, was made bankrupt after the collapse of a diamond and secondhand jewellery business, R&B Diamonds. Rogut, then 26, went to Israel. He surfaced two years later with a new name: Ian Lazar. And he was back in business.

Australian Agudah Fresser said...

Rabbi Rogut is rather left modern orthodox. His shul did not have a mechitza.


In the summer of 2006, when a swimming pool cleaner, John Nicoll, realised he had lost his life's savings in an investment scheme gone wrong, thoughts of revenge consumed him.

It wasn't just the $2.5 million that he had lost, the home he had to sell, or the debt collectors banging on his door about unpaid doctors' bills from stress-related illnesses; it was the betrayal. ''I trusted him,'' Nicoll says of the businessman Ian Lazar.

He blames Lazar for stripping him of his life choices. ''I'm living with my partner, and we are living off a line of credit on her property. We keep drawing on that. I'm not sure what we will do when that runs out.''

Nicoll and dozens of investors had placed their trust in Lazar and his seemingly well-credentialled companies. But Lazar had history unknown to them under another name.

In the late 1990s, Ian Rogut, the son of a now-retired rabbi of North Sydney, was made bankrupt after the collapse of a diamond and secondhand jewellery business, R&B Diamonds. Rogut, then 26, went to Israel. He surfaced two years later with a new name: Ian Lazar. And he was back in business.

Ivankala Trump-Kushner said...


Oy! I didn't know my shver's business associates are in so much trouble with the law!

Bobov said...



2 reports. Obstfeld was a Bobover and his shutef Martin Schlaff is a lapsed Bobover.

Zolel vesovayah Sefardi said...


I'm sure that Zweibel can squeeze this Sefardi adam gadol on to the dais at the Agudah fresser convention. The Agudah should be representative of all segments of fressers.