Now I Have to Go Home And Tell My Mother I Lost Weight This Weekend!
You Know --- I Used To Be Really Happy Coming Here!
Do I Look Like I'm Scared of Mendel Epstein?
That Fat Slob Is Eyeing My Bagels!
Rabbi Perlow Asked Me To Give Over Divrei Chizuk!
I guess when kashrus is Dollars and no SENSE, all principles - even the most basis ones in the Torah - are ignored and trampled upon.
How come the Aguda didn't invite any of the gedolim who aren't scared to speak their minds to speak at the convention? What happened to Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin? What happened to Rav Yechiel Perr? What happened to Rav Kalman Krohn?
The Rosh Moetzes, R. Jacob Perlow, managed show great emotion while speaking about molesting. However, there was no tachlis. He said it is terrible, we should not sweep it under the carpet. Parents should warn their kids. Great, another thing to blame on parents.
Meanwhile, if you want to see a real rav b'yisroel watch this video by R. Moshe Soloveichik. As a worthy descendent of the Beis Halevi and an adherent of the Brisker method, he cuts to the chase and says it all in 12 minutes.
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