On Friday September 30, 2016, President Obama and his team made sure he delivered a very smooth, very moving eulogy for his "friend," Shimon Peres on Mount Herzl, in Jerusalem, Israel...I mean Jerusalem, NO COUNTRY. This was a world stage and Allah knows, Obama loves the smell of the crowd and the roar of the grease paint.Undoubtedly, in between throws of sorrow, Obama et. al., saw a political moment where they could WOW a bunch of non-thinking Jews, send a geopolitical signal to Abu Mazen and the United Nations and pave the way for Hillary Clinton to continue of the Obama "Jew-Hate" Policy of Middle East chaos. So, as he mesmerized the "distinguished audience" and exercised the proper funeral body-language,
from the printed text of his speech, while leaving the word there, for all the Jew-Haters of the world to enjoy.In no way would Barack dishonor his good friend Shimon by presuming, on the day of Shimon's burial,that the 4000 year-old city of Jerusalem is actually in the Land of Israel.
White House 'Corrects' Press Release and Strikes
President Barack Obama traveled to the memorial
service for former prime minister and Israeli founding father Shimon
Peres Friday. The service was held at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, the site
of the national cemetery of Israel. The White House press office
released to the public Obama's remarks at 7:49 a.m. ET, noting the
location of the speech:
But several hours later, at 4:37 p.m. ET on Friday, the White
House issued what it called a "correction" to the press release. The
heading of the press release was "corrected" to strike through the name
of the country, Israel:
The location of Mount Herzl is undoubtedly in Israeli territory,
on Jerusalem's western side and in a part of the city that is not
disputed as Israeli. As the national cemetery, Mount Herzl is the
resting place for many of Israel's war heroes and national figures, and
is named after Theodor Herzl, the intellectual godfather of the modern
state of Israel.
A request for comment from the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, whose husband, former president Bill Clinton, also attended Peres's memorial service, has not yet been returned.
White House 'Corrects' Press Release and Strikes 'Israel'
Obama administration says Israeli founding father was not buried in Israel.

A request for comment from the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, whose husband, former president Bill Clinton, also attended Peres's memorial service, has not yet been returned.
Obama's burst of enthusiasm for Shimon Peres, on the death of
the Israeli left-wing political figure, had nothing to do with any
personal affection. It was a cynically calculated political move. From
the flags flown at half-staff to the delegation (an honor he failed to
extent to Thatcher) to the overdone speech that clearly a whole bunch of
Jewish staffers and associates had labored over, this was about
It wasn't about Peres. It was about an opportunity to stick his thumb in Netanyahu's eye.
Obama's speech was not only a vigorous defense of the failed negotiations and concessions to the PLO. A disastrous program often associated with Peres. It was a series of cynical attacks on Peres' "critics to the right". It doesn't take much knowledge to attach one name to that nameless bunch.
Peres lost his last election to Netanyahu. He had gambled on using the elections to gain a mandate for his unpopular peace process with the PLO. Instead the Israeli people picked Netanyahu.
This enraged the Clintons who managed to use every dirty trick to force Netanyahu out of office by interfering in Israeli politics. Obama has tried and failed to do the same thing. This spectacle is not about honoring Peres. It's about exploiting his death to attack Netanyahu while pushing the same old policies of terrorist appeasement that the Israeli people have rejected again and again.
http://www.jpost.com/International/White-House-corrects-Obama-speech-transcript-listing-Jerusalem-in-Israel-469215It wasn't about Peres. It was about an opportunity to stick his thumb in Netanyahu's eye.
Obama's speech was not only a vigorous defense of the failed negotiations and concessions to the PLO. A disastrous program often associated with Peres. It was a series of cynical attacks on Peres' "critics to the right". It doesn't take much knowledge to attach one name to that nameless bunch.
Peres lost his last election to Netanyahu. He had gambled on using the elections to gain a mandate for his unpopular peace process with the PLO. Instead the Israeli people picked Netanyahu.
This enraged the Clintons who managed to use every dirty trick to force Netanyahu out of office by interfering in Israeli politics. Obama has tried and failed to do the same thing. This spectacle is not about honoring Peres. It's about exploiting his death to attack Netanyahu while pushing the same old policies of terrorist appeasement that the Israeli people have rejected again and again.
A new booklet about rabbi Israel “Yisroel” Belsky has appeared in this world. It is compiled by Yitzchock “Bob” Feuereisen of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College of Baltimore. This year Bob outdid himself: Instead of his usual ten+ pages, he produced forty, spending roughly two thousand bucks to print the booklets. At least two thousand to print his lunacy, folks! (But don’t you worry, he plans to cash in on Shlomo Rechnitz, Belsky’s billionaire son-in-law.) And, of course, he couldn’t do it without blundering out a cover error (אלתר in place of לאלתר). The booklet is available here: http://pdfhost.net/index.php?Action=DownloadFile&id=2df74148a87b87e1b8cae793c667c612 (Thanks, DiViDeByZeR0!) The last page has a cool photo of Feuereisen tanzen mit Baltimore leading rabbi Moshe Heinemann and local pious men.
All through the booklet Feuereisen extols Belsky as a “leader,” “genius,” “true עבד ה' [servant of G-d],” “true עניו [humble man],” “אדם השלם [perfect man],” “giant in the spiritual sense,” “physical giant,” “holy, pure and caring נשמה [soul],” “wellspring of חזוק [support] and inspiration,” “individual who possessed great intelligence,” etc. According to Bob, Belsky “took nothing for himself and gave so much, to so many,” did “his best to rectify the injustice,” “always looked out for the needs of others,” and had “empathy towards everyone.” In short, “Rav Belsky was the "רבו אלופו ומידעו" [Avos 6:3], Rebbe, guide, and ultimate friend of all of כלל ישראל [Jewish nation]” (p. 13, 33).
Criticizing Feuereisen is silly because with each new line he piles up more and more idiocy, hypocrisy, and falsehood. It is also dangerous: Try telling him that many of his statements border on heresy, such as the one that three out of four Jewish New Years mentioned by the Sages “do not need to be called ראשי שנים [New Years], but our תנאים [Sages] felt it is an opportunity to be מעורר רחמים [arouse mercy] during the year when דרשו ה' [seeking G-d] is not as relevant” (p. 9), and fifteen minutes later he’ll report on you, and your future may be seriously compromised. As Bob finger-wags his readers, “If one does not take advantage of this day, he loses not only the day, but the year and perhaps his entire future” (p. 6).
When Feuereisen does his usual outrageous invented cabalistic crap, it only initially looks ludicrous: “When משה רבינו [Moses our master] said "מי לה' אלי" [whoever is for G-d join me], he also invoked מדת רחמים [attribute of mercy] by being מעורר- awakening the greatness of the עקידה [binding]. The word "אלי" [to me] also contains the word "איל"- ram, which reminds us of the איל that was stuck in the thicket and was used as a תמורה- exchange for יצחק [Isaac]” (p. 7); “It is noteworthy משה רבינו uses the word "אלי" three times.... By repeating the word "אלי" three times, משה רבינו once again invoked the עקידה.... משה רבינו felt the need to remind הקב"ה [G-d] four times about the עקידה through the word אלי in order to protect and defend and to show his חשיבות [esteem] for בני ישראל [Jewish nation].... The ארבעה ראשי שנים [four New Years] are a רמז [hint] to the four times משה רבינו says אלי referring to the איל in order to be מעורר רחמים” (p. 8-9); “The message is clear. הקב"ה [G-d] is telling משה רבינו throughout the forty years in the מדבר [desert] you became that איל אחד [one ram], you became the symbol of the עקידה to be מעורר רחמים for כלל ישראל” (p. 11); “The פרשה [chapter] of the נשיאים [princes] has eighty nine פסוקים [verses] that is the מספר [number] of the word גוף [body].… The חיה [wild animal] does not show סימנים [signs] of אמונה [faith]” (p. 17); “The idea is that every Jew must be fit להקרבה [to be sacrificed], to be placed on the מזבח [altar].... After removing the word, "חיה" from the word "חגיגה" [festival], we are left with the two letters of "ג" that form the word "גג" which means roof.... He can now feel as if he has a roof over his head and does not have to worry about his next meal” (p. 18-19); “Why do people lose things? It is not because they are careless, it is because הקב"ה [G-d] wants the person to think about the loss of the בית המקדש [temple]” (p. 24); “The word קרניו [its horns] without the "ב" has the מספר of 366, which is the מספר of חשבון, accountability” (p. 32); “If one would count the words from "ויחי" [Genesis 1:31] until "אשר ברא אלקים לעשות" [Genesis 2:3], he would find there are forty one words, which is the same מספר [number] of the word "איל" [ram]” (p. 35).
Earlier this year my friend Michael Lesher wrote that Belsky “had a crooked mind” (http://theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com/2016/02/yisroel-belsky-parting-thoughts.html). I watched Belsky for many years, and I disagree with Michael. Crooked means not straight, but Belsky was very straightforward in his perversion. I’d rather say that Belsky, like his flunky Feuereisen, was completely, absolutely irreligious. And it didn’t start with protecting sexual criminals, it started even before Belsky began flossing his teeth with his beard on Sabbaths behind closed doors. (No exaggeration! He then even gave lectures about the sanctity of that day. Feuereisen: “Rav Belsky’s father, Rav Berel ז"ל once told him that the greatest thing about being a genius is what one does with it” -- p. 14.) The Mishna in Avos points out: “Rabbi Tzadok said: ‘Do not make the Torah a spade with which to dig’” (4:7). For Belsky, Feuereisen, and many other modern Machiavellian thugs the Torah serves as the means (spade) that justify their personal evil ends. So why do they dabble in the Torah and kitchen mysticism altogether? They seem to follow in the footsteps of the notorious writer Henry Miller who reveled in sex with whores at the same time enjoying good Bible passages. This is the general hallmark of our times: Even presidential candidates speak of admirable goals they endeavor, and you want to pinch yourself because you know their absolute dishonesty... In spite of that, I am happy that there are champions like Yitzchock “Bob” Feuereisen and I agree with Bob that “the בריאה [world] is not the same without Rav Belsky” (p. 27) -- their very immoral existence is the proof that change is coming: Gemora says in the end of Sotah that before the Messiah comes those who are wary of sin will be despised, and the truth will be absent. Feuereisen should be thrilled to recognize his special malign role in the upcoming events: You see, according to his cabalistic dogma, his own Hebrew name יצחק יהודה פייעראייזען has the 756 numeric value of פרעות [pogrom] and קרנות [horns]. Go, Baltimore Ravens, go!
A new booklet about rabbi Israel “Yisroel” Belsky has appeared in this world. It is compiled by Yitzchock “Bob” Feuereisen of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College of Baltimore. This year Bob outdid himself: Instead of his usual ten+ pages, he produced forty, spending roughly two thousand bucks to print the booklets. At least two thousand to print his lunacy, folks! (But don’t you worry, he plans to cash in on Shlomo Rechnitz, Belsky’s billionaire son-in-law.) And, of course, he couldn’t do it without blundering out a cover error (אלתר in place of לאלתר). The booklet is available here: http://pdfhost.net/index.php?Action=DownloadFile&id=2df74148a87b87e1b8cae793c667c612 (Thanks, DiViDeByZeR0!) The last page has a cool photo of Feuereisen tanzen mit Baltimore leading rabbi Moshe Heinemann and local pious men.
All through the booklet Feuereisen extols Belsky as a “leader,” “genius,” “true עבד ה' [servant of G-d],” “true עניו [humble man],” “אדם השלם [perfect man],” “giant in the spiritual sense,” “physical giant,” “holy, pure and caring נשמה [soul],” “wellspring of חזוק [support] and inspiration,” “individual who possessed great intelligence,” etc. According to Bob, Belsky “took nothing for himself and gave so much, to so many,” did “his best to rectify the injustice,” “always looked out for the needs of others,” and had “empathy towards everyone.” In short, “Rav Belsky was the "רבו אלופו ומידעו" [Avos 6:3], Rebbe, guide, and ultimate friend of all of כלל ישראל [Jewish nation]” (p. 13, 33).
Criticizing Feuereisen is silly because with each new line he piles up more and more idiocy, hypocrisy, and falsehood. It is also dangerous: Try telling him that many of his statements border on heresy, such as the one that three out of four Jewish New Years mentioned by the Sages “do not need to be called ראשי שנים [New Years], but our תנאים [Sages] felt it is an opportunity to be מעורר רחמים [arouse mercy] during the year when דרשו ה' [seeking G-d] is not as relevant” (p. 9), and fifteen minutes later he’ll report on you, and your future may be seriously compromised. As Bob finger-wags his readers, “If one does not take advantage of this day, he loses not only the day, but the year and perhaps his entire future” (p. 6).
When Feuereisen does his usual outrageous invented cabalistic crap, it only initially looks ludicrous: “When משה רבינו [Moses our master] said "מי לה' אלי" [whoever is for G-d join me], he also invoked מדת רחמים [attribute of mercy] by being מעורר- awakening the greatness of the עקידה [binding]. The word "אלי" [to me] also contains the word "איל"- ram, which reminds us of the איל that was stuck in the thicket and was used as a תמורה- exchange for יצחק [Isaac]” (p. 7); “It is noteworthy משה רבינו uses the word "אלי" three times.... By repeating the word "אלי" three times, משה רבינו once again invoked the עקידה.... משה רבינו felt the need to remind הקב"ה [G-d] four times about the עקידה through the word אלי in order to protect and defend and to show his חשיבות [esteem] for בני ישראל [Jewish nation].... The ארבעה ראשי שנים [four New Years] are a רמז [hint] to the four times משה רבינו says אלי referring to the איל in order to be מעורר רחמים” (p. 8-9); “The message is clear. הקב"ה [G-d] is telling משה רבינו throughout the forty years in the מדבר [desert] you became that איל אחד [one ram], you became the symbol of the עקידה to be מעורר רחמים for כלל ישראל” (p. 11); “The פרשה [chapter] of the נשיאים [princes] has eighty nine פסוקים [verses] that is the מספר [number] of the word גוף [body].… The חיה [wild animal] does not show סימנים [signs] of אמונה [faith]” (p. 17); “The idea is that every Jew must be fit להקרבה [to be sacrificed], to be placed on the מזבח [altar].... After removing the word, "חיה" from the word "חגיגה" [festival], we are left with the two letters of "ג" that form the word "גג" which means roof.... He can now feel as if he has a roof over his head and does not have to worry about his next meal” (p. 18-19); “Why do people lose things? It is not because they are careless, it is because הקב"ה [G-d] wants the person to think about the loss of the בית המקדש [temple]” (p. 24); “The word קרניו [its horns] without the "ב" has the מספר of 366, which is the מספר of חשבון, accountability” (p. 32); “If one would count the words from "ויחי" [Genesis 1:31] until "אשר ברא אלקים לעשות" [Genesis 2:3], he would find there are forty one words, which is the same מספר [number] of the word "איל" [ram]” (p. 35).
Earlier this year my friend Michael Lesher wrote that Belsky “had a crooked mind” (http://theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com/2016/02/yisroel-belsky-parting-thoughts.html). I watched Belsky for many years, and I disagree with Michael. Crooked means not straight, but Belsky was very straightforward in his perversion. I’d rather say that Belsky, like his flunky Feuereisen, was completely, absolutely irreligious. And it didn’t start with protecting sexual criminals, it started even before Belsky began flossing his teeth with his beard on Sabbaths behind closed doors. (No exaggeration! He then even gave lectures about the sanctity of that day. Feuereisen: “Rav Belsky’s father, Rav Berel ז"ל once told him that the greatest thing about being a genius is what one does with it” -- p. 14.) The Mishna in Avos points out: “Rabbi Tzadok said: ‘Do not make the Torah a spade with which to dig’” (4:7). For Belsky, Feuereisen, and many other modern Machiavellian thugs the Torah serves as the means (spade) that justify their personal evil ends. So why do they dabble in the Torah and kitchen mysticism altogether? They seem to follow in the footsteps of the notorious writer Henry Miller who reveled in sex with whores at the same time enjoying good Bible passages. This is the general hallmark of our times: Even presidential candidates speak of admirable goals they endeavor, and you want to pinch yourself because you know their absolute dishonesty... In spite of that, I am happy that there are champions like Yitzchock “Bob” Feuereisen and I agree with Bob that “the בריאה [world] is not the same without Rav Belsky” (p. 27) -- their very immoral existence is the proof that change is coming: Gemora says in the end of Sotah that before the Messiah comes those who are wary of sin will be despised, and the truth will be absent. Feuereisen should be thrilled to recognize his special malign role in the upcoming events: You see, according to his cabalistic dogma, his own Hebrew name יצחק יהודה פייעראייזען has the 756 numeric value of פרעות [pogrom] and קרנות [horns]. Go, Baltimore Ravens, go!
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