"Kadafi's biggest mistake was that he built his whole regime on pure fear," said Omar Amer, a member of the Libyan Youth Movement, a protest group that spreads its message through Facebook. "He totally abandoned civilizing Libya. He neglected education and development projects. He left the majority of his people in the dark ages and built his might on fear through torturing and killing political dissidents in public.
"But the fear that Kadafi built his empire with is gone, and that was his last shelter," Amer added.
Press Release - Meir Dascalowtiz
Statement from the Voice of Justice
In Defense of Abused Children
CONTACT: MARK M. APPEL (917) 804-3942 cell
FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Monday, February 21, 2011
On Wednesday, February 23, 2011, admitted serial child rapist, Meir Dascalowitz will appear in Kings County Supreme Court to plead to charges related to his many felony and misdemeanor sex crimes against children.
Dascalowitz’s charges include criminal sex acts with a child under 14, sexual misconduct with a minor, and sexual abuse of a child under the age of 14, almost 100 felony sexual abuse charges in total. Dascalowitz’s attorney is likely to have his client plead insanity. In order for our community to be safe, we need to show the public and Judge Riviezzo that we will not tolerate these crimes against our children and that we believe perpetrators of these heinous sex crimes should be held accountable in a court of law.
At previous court appearances, Dascalowitz has managed to garner support from individuals who mock, intimate, and harrass Dascalowitz’s victims and witnesses outside the hearings. The Voice of Justice is calling upon the Jewish community to gather in the courtroom on Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 9:00 AM to show support to victims of this dangerous admitted criminal, and their families.
To show your support of Dascalowitz’s victims, to demand justice, and to send a message that criminals who abuse children in the Jewish community deserve to and will be punished, please attend the Dascalowitz plea hearing below:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
9:00 AM
Kings County Supreme Court
320 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY
Judge Riviezzo
The Telegraph:
Silvio Berlusconi: Is the 'loveable rogue' still the housewives' choice?
Despite facing a growing storm over allegations of 'bunga bunga' parties, and protests from some female voters, Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper] remains popular in the eyes of many women.
By Nick Squires, Rome 8:00AM GMT 20 Feb 2011
In the last Italian [Israeli] election, more than half the country's women voted for him.
Almost three years later, despite a torrent of lurid allegations and the imminence of a criminal trial for allegedly paying for sex with an under-age prostitute, Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper] still has a formidable army of female supporters... a spirited counter-attack is now being launched by a very different group, who still view the billionaire businessman [billion conversionaire] as a loveable rogue [rosha] whose bedroom antics are no business but his own - and plan a nationwide counter-demonstration in his support next month.
Leading the charge in support of Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper] is a gaggle of glamorous female ministers and MPs...
A court [baisdin] ruled last week that the prime minister [rosh yeshiva] must face trial [dintorah] on April 6 on allegations of abuse of office and paying for sex with Karima El Mahroug [Shanon Orand], also known by her stage name as Ruby the Heart Stealer [Shanon the Dallas Hottie], when she was under 18 [whatever]...
Others accused the protesters of betraying Italian [Israeli] sisterhood. "I don't like women demonstrating against other women," said Stefania Prestigiacomo [Reuvinia Feinsteino], the environment minister...
According to an Ipsos [Emes] survey, nearly half of Italians [Israelis]– 47 per cent – said he had failed to "show respect" for women in his public and private lives. Some 61 per cent of them thought it was time for him to resign, and his personal approval rating has sunk five points since December.
An influential Catholic [Aguda] magazine, Famiglia Cristiana [Mishpacha Jewish], predicted that his trial [dintorah] would be his nemesis - not least because of the three women judges [rebbetzins]. "Now the women are doing justice," it said.
Yet Italians [Israelis] appear to doubt that the mud will stick. In a survey carried out by the Demos [Sheker] agency, 53 per cent of the people interviewed believed that Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper] is guilty of the allegations against him but predicted that he would not be convicted or forced to resign...
Meanwhile the lurid allegations keep coming. On Friday came an account from Miss El Mahroug [Miss Orand], the teenager [convertee] whom he is accused of paying for sex - and who herself denies that claim - of the first "bunga bunga" party she attended.
According to leaked transcripts published by La Repubblica [Daniel Eidensohn], she said she first met Mr Berlisconi [Mr Tropper] at his Villa San Martino [Yeshiva Kol Yaakov] mansion last February, when she was 17 [whatever]. After dinner he invited her to join him and around 30 women in an underground "bunga bunga" room.
"He told me that bunga bunga consisted of a sort of harem, in which the girls undressed and had to give him 'bodily pleasures'. All the girls were naked and I had the feeling that they were competing with each other to make Berlusconi [Tropper] notice them by performing more and more daring sexual acts."
She claimed that he gave her an envelope containing €46,000 at the end of that party, in February last year. She said she was the only girl to keep her clothes on and denied having sex with him [whatever]."
The Telegraph:
"Silvio Berlusconi's 24 gifts to Ruby the Heart Stealer Karima El-Mahroug disclosed
His reputation for generosity and lavishing gifts upon a deserving few are long established.
By Josephine McKenna, Rome 5:44PM GMT 20 Feb 2011
Details of a cache of 24 presents totalling nearly £200,000 and allegedly given by Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper] to the teenage [convertee] dancer at the centre of the under age prostitution [sex for conversion] charge against him emerged from prosecutors details of the case against him.
Among the goodies allegedly received by Karima El-Mahroug [Shanon Orand], better known as Ruby the Heart Stealer [Shanon the Dallas Hottie], from the premiere, are two Rolex watches, one of which was worth €50,000 (£45,000), an €18,000 (£15,000) fur stole and the promise of an Audi R8...
She told investigators: "The person who gave me the necklace is Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper] whom I met twice at Arcore [Kiruv]," in a reference to his villa [yeshiva] outside Milan [Monsey] where the alleged after dinner "bunga bunga" parties took place last year... One Swarowsky-Tiffany diamond bracelet was even engraved with the initials of her nickname, R.R. [S.H.] for Ruby Rubacuori (Ruby the heartstealer) [Shanon the Hottie]...
Mr Berlusconi, 74, [Mr Tropper, 60+] has been ordered to stand trial in Milan [Monsey] on April 6 on a charge of sex with an under age [convertee] prostitute and abuse of power after he allegedly sought her release from police custody on a theft charge in May 2010. He is also facing the resumption of three other trials on allegations of tax [tzedaka] evasion and corruption.
The teenager [convertee] was introduced to Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper] at the age of 17 [whatever] by one of the prime minister's [rosh yeshiva's] closest friends, veteran television [agudaconvention] host Emilio Fede [Aron Schechter].
The prime minister [rosh yeshiva] asked her to a private dinner at Arcore [Kiruv], last year and prosecutors claim that he met Ruby [Shanon] on 15 occasions while the pair allegedly exchanged 67 telephone calls and text messages.
She denies ever having sexual relations with Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper] but said he gave her several gifts and €7,000 in cash because he felt sorry for her. Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper] has always said he has never paid for sex [azoy?!].
Mr Berlusconi [Mr Tropper] yesterday pledged to overhaul Italy's [Israel's] judicial [geirus] system, and signalled plans to reform [farfrum] the Constitutional Court [Batei Din], which only last month struck down the prime minister's [rosh yeshiva's] blanket immunity from prosecution.
Under Berlusconi's [Tropper's] proposed [geirus] reform, a two-thirds majority on the 15-member [rabbinic] court will be required to repeal a law [conversion].
"This is to avoid a repeat of the situation we see today when parliament [agudaconvention] discusses a law and approves it. Then leftist magistrates [modern orthodox], if they don't like it, take it before the constitutional court [rabbinical council], made up of mainly judges [rabbis] from the left, which then repeals laws that are just and very just," the prime minister [rosh yeshiva] said. [and to think this guy is running Italy, and the Aguda!]"
The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, 1:
The Internet in a conflict zone
The Internet in Libya [Agudaland] might be considered the only space of freedom available to a people living in a state of oppression and bereft of all public freedoms including the freedom of expression.
Though Internet service had started in Libya [Agudaland] by the end of 1998, access was limited to those who were close to the authorities. Libyan [Agudian] citizens did not gain access to the Internet until early 2000. The rapid growth in the number of the Internet users in Libya [Agudaland] since that time indicates the degree to which Libyans [Agudians] had been yearning for a space in which they could freely express themselves and view the outside world from outside the frame provided by governmental controlled media.
In 1998, the number of Internet users in Libya [Agudaland] did not exceed 100 people. By early 2001, after Internet service was extended to the public, the number reached 300,000. By mid-2003, the number was estimated to be 850,000. It is rapidly reaching one million users, an immense number considering that the population in Libya is 6 million people.
Between the Libyan Government [Aguda Moetzes] and the Opposition [Bloggers]
The uninterrupted growth in the number of Internet users in Libya [Agudaland] resorts to the awareness of both the Libyan government [Agudist moetzes] and authorities in one hand, and the Libyan [Agudian] oppositional groups [blog owners] in the other hand of the significance of the Internet, the information circulation and the efficient active communication, as well as, the important role played by the ICT sector in the economic development.
The Libyan government [Agudist moetzes]
The Libyan government [Agudist moetzes] planned to have experiences and efficiencies in the field of the ICT. It prepared itself for ICT by establishing advanced institutes to train technicians and engineers, sending missions and fellowships to Italy [Brisk], Japan [Ponevez] and Britain [Gateshead], and inviting experts from developed countries. Libya [Aguda] has invited 230 experts and sent more than 5,000 students to study ICT in countries with programs of advanced study. Upon completing their studies abroad, these students return to Libya [Aguda] to help improve the governmental [moetzes] sectors and institutions. (1)
There are 3000 Internet public centers and private net cafes located in Libyan [Aguda] cities [kehilas]. The wide availability of Internet access has helped raise the number of Internet users.
Mohammad Muammar Al-Qadafi [Aryeh Malkiel Der-Kotler] was appointed chairman of the General Company for Post, Wireless and Wire Connections [roshiva of the Yated, Hamodia, Matzav and Yeshiva World]. The fees for the Internet connection were decreased by 50%. The private sector was allowed to invest in the ICT field. Currently, there are seven Internet companies in Libya [Aguda]; last year, there were only two: Libya for Communications and Modern Communications World [Aguda for Control of all Information to make the Oilem into a Goilem]. In order to best assure the success of the investment in information technology, hundreds of workshops and training courses were held in schools [yeshivas], institutes [baisyaakovs]and universities [chasvesholom]. The result has been an increase in the Libyan [Agudist] economy by four hundred percent [as everyone became a programmer for parnosa]..(2)"
The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, 2:
The Internet in a conflict zone
The Opposition [Bloggers]
The spread of Internet service provides Libyan dissidents {Jewish bloggers] scattered around the world with the opportunity to contact Libyan [Agudian] citizens and to strengthen their networks in the country. Oppositional Libyan [Agudian] web sites have become the most common type of Libyan [Agudian] website on the Internet and the most well-known websites within Libya [Aguda]. The number of Libyan [Agudian] oppositional websites is even greater than that of foreign-based Saudi oppositional websites. Most of these Libyan groups are based in Europe and receive several advantages from being located outside their native lands, one of which is their contact with advanced technological societies and early exposure to the Internet. Indeed, Libya's [Aguda's] "Internet Pioneer" was a dissident, D. Ibrahim Ghonwa [A. Unorthodox Jew]; the first Libyan [Agudian] website was called "Libya [Aguda] our nation [Un ortho doxjew]" (3)
Oppositional websites, human rights websites, forums, news websites, and even literary websites-all of which are based abroad-soon followed in appearance. According to the groups behind these websites, the Libyan government [Agudist moetzes] has appointed one of the closest friends of the Libyan President [Aguda Nosi] Moussa Kosa [Shea Fishman] to monitor oppositional websites and attempt to limit their growth.
Moussa Kosa [Shea Fishman] summoned experts from Russia [Lubavitch], Poland [joke] and Pakistan [home to TaliBAN] to help block these websites. (4) He forced owners of net cafes to place stickers on computers that warn visitors from logging onto websites deemed oppositional. (5)
The roles played by the Libyan government [Aguda moetzes] and its opposition made the electronic situation in Libya [Aguda] different from that in other Arab [Jewish] countries. It is difficult for the Libyan government [moetzes gedolim] to roll back the privileges it granted its information society and to do what other Arab [Jewish] governments have done: grant a single company a monopoly over Internet service provision so as to limit the availability of oppositional websites and their impact on Libyan [Agudian] citizens.
The Libyan government [Agudist moetzes] cannot limit the progress made by oppositional and human rights groups, whose savvy use of the Internet has gained them the approval and support of the many Internet users in Libya [Agudaland]. This support will allow these groups to take real steps towards improving the human rights situation and the scope of civil liberties in Libya [Agudaland]. Time will tell [it is already!]."
Coalition Against Legal Abuse in New York:
"For immediate release – Demonstration and filing of criminal complaint against Steve Zakheim
Posted on February 16, 2011 by calany
For immediate release – Coalition Against Legal Abuse in New York.
Demonstration and filing of criminal complaint against Steve Zakheim
For Further information, please contact the Coalition at 1-800-958-2904...
We have been frustrated by Mrs. Henna white’s actions and interaction to cover up the abuse in cases and to try to force us, battered women to drop all criminal charges. Coercion methods include forcing a woman to drop an order of protection and trade it for obtaining custody. Another woman was notified that the order of protection was discontinued, in exchange for a GET, Jewish Divorce. Orders of Protection have become a bargaining tool to pressure women into submission and wipe the statistics clean of abuse in the community.
Last night, we chose to organize a peaceful protest vigil in front of Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Hall at 2913 Avenue L, in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn NY, where a dinner was being held, and one of the honorees was Henna White. We arrived at 7:30 pm, and peacefully protested, urging the people to “call the police, don’t call Henna” if they have an emergency. Approximately an hour later, Mrs. Henna White arrived to the event in an Emergency Vehicle, escorted by Mr. Steve Zakheim.
Mr. Steve Zakheim, who is a community activist, and has a long history of serious criminal and civil matters with the state of New York, forcefully ripped our signs and assaulted us in a very obscene manner. After the initial attack, it was the Valet parking attendants who admonished Mr. Zakheim, exclaiming, “Be a man, don’t touch the ladies”, after which he retreated into congregation hall.
The fundraiser event was arranged in loving memory of Mr. Steve Zakheim’s niece, for the Yad Batya L’Kallah organization, which helps pay wedding expenses for poor brides. Did Mrs. Henna White come to scout out her future victims?
When Mrs. Henna White was leaving the event, we were again attacked by Mr. Zackheim and also his brother, who physically assaulted us, and we were scared for our safety. Through our merits, we were rescued by the tax cab driver who shoved us into the car, and sped for safety.
TONIGHT, AT 9:00 PM, WE WILL BE ASSEMBLING AT THE 70th PRECINCT 154 Lawrence Avenue, NY 11230-1103, (718) 851-5511WITH ALL EYE WITNESSES TO FILE A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT ON MR. STEVE ZAKHEIM, AND HIS BROTHER. Mr. Zakheim’s, wife, Dr Faygie Zakheim, is the Co-Chairperson of the Task Force on Families and Children at Risk, and the Brooklyn Coalition for Abused Women, affiliated with Met Counsel. It would be expected that people who are heroically involved in such missions, would have firsthand knowledge on how to conduct themselves around such women.
We urge people to contact the Coalition at 1-800-958-2904 for assistance with confidential disclosure, as we continue to document the horrific reality. Every case will be treated with dignity and respect."
Coalition Against Legal Abuse in New York:
"Breaking News: New York City Police Department refuses to investigate the complaint filed against Steve and Moshe Zakheim
Posted on February 18, 2011 by calany
Det. Dominick Scotto, Community Affairs
Breaking News: New York City Police Department refuses to investigate the complaint filed against Steve and Moshe Zakheim on February 16, 2011–02–18 for assaulting women at the Protest on February 15, 2011.
At this event, it was clearly obvious and from the video on youtube that Steve Zakheimand his Brother Moshe attacked many women at the peaceful demonstration, who are part of the Coalition Against Legal Abuse, CALA NY. A video was that attack was distributed on the internet, originating and on youtube. It is outrageous that these two Zakheim brothers are involved with OHEL Children’s Home in Brooklyn NY, yet can get away with such an obscene attack on women.
The attack was captured on a second photographer’s video camera, as you can see on the youtube video, as well as witnesses capturing the protest on their cellphone cameras. We urge Shimon Gifter, a freelance photographer from theyeshivaworld.com news to release the video showing the attack. We urge all other witnesses to immediately come forward and contact the coalition in confidence, to assist in this investigation. You may remain anonymous.
After filing the criminal complaint at the 70th precinct, Detective Dominick Scotto, Community affairs officer assured us that the case will be followed through within 24 hours. A special detective squad also interviewed the witnesses and promised to assign two detectives from the District Attorney’s office to investigate the sexual harassment incident.
The coalition was notified yesterday at 4:00 pm that the case has been closed, and filed simply as ‘harassment’ with no follow-up and no interviews with any members of the New York City Police Department.
Brooklyn 70th Precinct
Captain Peter Venice, Executive Officer
Captain Michael Giovanelli, Executive Officer
Det. Dominick Scotto, Community Affairs
154 Lawrence Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11230-1103
Telephone: (718) 851-5511
The Commission to Combat Police Corruption (CCPC) internal affairs, Charles V. Campisi – NYPD Internal Affairs (212) 741-8401"
Leib Tropper, the disgraced ex-rabbi from Monsey whose recorded and proven multiple phone-sex conversations on his cell phone with his employee and underling Shannon Orand led to his downfall once they were posted online, has the hypocritical audacity to post the following on his nutty "כבוד התורה" blog where he talks to himself allowing noone else to post:
"Sunday, February 20, 2011
Viznitz (EY) and Kavod Hatorah
Hagaon Hatzadik Harav Yisroel Hager Shlit"a, made it clear that cell phone use is not acceptable in Viznitz. Bochurim who use cell phones will not be allowed into the Beis Medrash and will not have members of the Viznitz Yeshiva participate in their wedding."
When is this nutty guy Tropper going to learn to shut up and stop making a total jerk out of himself 24/7, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year?
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Citigroup Inc saw several red flags in the dealings of Bernard Madoff's firm years before his multibillion-dollar fraud was exposed in late 2008, the firm's liquidator said in a newly unsealed lawsuit.
Irving Picard, a court-appointed trustee seeking to recover money for former Madoff clients, made the accusations in one of several complaints he has filed against big banks he says "enabled" the massive, decades-long Ponzi scheme by turning a blind eye to it.
"Citi had access to and received information placing it on inquiry notice that Madoff's advisory business was potentially a fraud, and/or that Madoff was making hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars in avoidable transfers," said the complaint, filed December 8 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York and made public on Monday.
Shows how disgusting and perverted these pigs are. They harrass the victims of this worthless piece of garbage Dasclowitz.
When Hashem gave the Torah on Mt Sinai and took us out of Egypt, is this what he had in mind?
Bloomberg News, 1:
"Berlusconi's `Slavish' Courtship of Qaddafi to Befriend Libya Haunts Italy
By Flavia Krause-Jackson and Andrew Davis - Feb 22, 2011 7:01 PM ET
In his pursuit of business with North Africa’s [Torah World's] longest-serving dictator [Nosi], Italian [Israeli] Prime Minister [Rosh Yeshiva] Silvio Berlusconi [Leib Tropper] let Muammar Qaddafi [WakoJako Perlow] pitch his tent [baismedrash] in the heart of Rome [Jerusalem].
Berlusconi [Tropper] shut down the city’s biggest park in June 2009 to allow the visiting Libyan [Aguda] leader and his entourage [oilem] of all- female bodyguards [a shanda] to set up camp by the 16th-century Villa Doria Pamphilj [Yeshiva Kol Yaakov]. A year earlier, Italy [Israel] agreed to pay $5 billion over 25 years to its former colony in reparations.
“With hindsight, the more slavish manifestations of deference could have been avoided,” Franco Pavoncello [Harry Maryles], a politics professor [Jewish Blogger] at John Cabot University [Norman Lamm University] in Rome [Jerusalem], said in a telephone interview. “He went out of his way, more than others, to be best friends with Qaddafi [Perlow]. He can’t exactly take it all back now.”
As the friendship developed, Berlusconi [Tropper] was able to boost trade ties, drawing Libyan [Aguda] investment in Fiat SpA [EJF InC], UniCredit SpA [KolYaakov Inc] and the Juventus [Horizons] soccer [kiruv] team, and leaving Italy [Israel] reliant on Libya [Aguda] for a quarter of its crude oil [cholent]. That economic legacy is already unraveling and underscores the cost of doing business with autocratic regimes [gedolei moetzes].
The supply of [chulent] gas to the Italian [Israeli] island of Sicily [Eilta] through Eni SpA’s [Kaplan $$$'s] Greenstream [Gelt] pipeline under the Mediterranean Sea was temporarily suspended yesterday after some of its activities in Libya [Aguda] were disrupted, the company said.
‘Last Drop’
UniCredit [KolYaakov] plans to take a decision on voting rights by Libyan [Israeli] investors after a “careful review,” according to a statement distributed to reporters in Milan [Monsey] the same day.
Juventus Football Club SpA [Heimish Leidigei'ers Corton Shpil] said it’s unclear what will happen to the 7.5 percent stake in the Turin [Satmar] soccer [shtreimel] team held by Libya’s [Aguda's] state-owned [moetzes-owened] investment company [gesheft] amid continuing political unrest in the North African [Torah World] nation.
Qaddafi [Perlow] said yesterday he will fight with his “last drop of blood [chalavyisroel]” to retain power and pledged to deploy the army [kannoim] and police [bulvans] today to impose order.
Roman ruins [Jerusalem churban] along the Mediterranean are a reminder that Italy’s [Israel's] ties to Libya [Aguda] date back to antiquity. The town of Leptis Magna [South Fallsberg], the birthplace of Emperor Septimius Severus [Eliyius Wachtfogelus] in 145, was developed as an archeological site under Fascist dictator [Moetzes gadol] Benito Mussolini [Elya Svei] in the 1920s. Today it’s a major tourist attraction.
To strengthen modern-day ties with the oil-rich former colony, Berlusconi [Tropper] led [by the nose] a succession of world leaders [gedolim] willing to put Libya’s [Aguda's] past as a sponsor of terrorism [kanous] and a developer of nuclear weapons [groise chumras] behind them and go into business with Qaddafi [Perlow], a man Ronald Reagan [Unorthodox Jew] called the “mad dog of the Middle East {Torah World].”
Bloomberg News, 2:
"Berlusconi's `Slavish' Courtship of Qaddafi to Befriend Libya Haunts Italy
Blair [Solomon], Schroeder [Schechter]
Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair [Gateshead Lakewood Mashgiach Mat Solomon] and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder [Chaim Berlin Roshiva Aron Schechter] visited Libya [Aguda] in search of contracts when in office. Qaddafi [Perlow] traveled to Paris [ChaimBerlin] in 2007 to meet with President Nicolas Sarkozy [Abraham Fruchty].
At a dinner at the 2009 Group of Eight summit in L’Aquila, Italy, [HarNof, Israel] Berlusconi [Tropper] reshuffled the seating arrangements to put Qaddafi [Perlow] to his left and President Barack Obama [Richard Joel] to his right, forcing a handshake between the two, according to an Italian [Israeli] official present at the event.
The Italian premier [Israeli roshiva] ignored U.S. [Y.U.] and U.K. [O.U.] criticism and went ahead with a visit to Tripoli [Boropark] in August 2009, days after convicted Lockerbie bomber [Tranquilitybay kidnapper] Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi [Michael Litigant Hersh], freed from a Scottish [Heimish] prison on medical grounds, was welcomed by cheering crowds.
“For years he boasted about his special relationship with Qaddafi [Perlow],” Dario Franceschini [Daniel Eidensohn], the leader of the Democratic Party [Jewish Bloggers], the main opposition to Berlusconi [Tropper], told reporters in Rome [Jerusalme] Feb. 1. “We’d love for him to tap that now and stop the bloodshed.”
Libyan Migrants [Yeshivisha Shleppers]
Now Berlusconi [Tropper] is faced with the prospect of a flood of Libyans [Agudians] seeking to escape the violence. As part of the reparation deal, Qaddafi [Perlow] agreed to tighten border controls, which led to the number of Libyan [Agudian] migrants [shleppers] to Italy [Israel] falling to less than 3,000 last year from a record 37,000 in 2008, according to the Interior Ministry.
“Those who spoke of hundreds of thousands” of Libyan [Agudian] people crossing into Europe “are not exaggerating,” Foreign Minister Franco Frattini [Shmuel Kaminetsky] said Feb. 21.
As the first reports of civil unrest began to filter through from Libya [Aguda] this month, Berlusconi [Tropper] was reluctant to criticize his ally."
Bloomberg News, 3:
"Berlusconi's `Slavish' Courtship of Qaddafi to Befriend Libya Haunts Italy
The premier [roshiva] said Feb. 19, four days after anti-government protests began, that he did not want to “disturb” Qaddafi [Perlow] and had not called him.
‘Difficult to Predict’ [not really]
He eventually put out a late-night statement on Feb. 21, in which he condemned the “unacceptable” use of force by the military regime [moetzes gedolim] to suppress protests and called for a common effort “to prevent the Libyan [Aguda] crisis from degenerating into a civil war that will have consequences difficult to predict.”
With Italy [Israel] the European Union [Heimishe Medina] country that does most trade with Libya [Aguda], the FTSE MIB [FAR PAKT] index declined for a third day, the most of any European [Heimisha] benchmark index. Rome-based Eni [Jerusalem Eida], the biggest foreign energy company in Libya [Aguda], led the declines.
Eni [Eida] gets about 14 percent of its 98 billion euros ($134 billion) of annual revenue from Libya [Aguda] and has committed itself to $25 billion euros of investment there over the next decade.
“Italy [Israel] has lots of interests in Libya [Aguda], primarily linked to Eni [Eida],” said Niccolo Sartori [Steve Riskin], an analyst who specializes in energy policy at Rome’s IAI [Jerusalem's modern orthodox] institute of international affairs. “These ties have become even tighter recently with the Berlusconi-Qaddafi [Tropper-Perlow] bilateral pacts.”
The 2009 friendship treaty signed by the two leaders at a ceremony in Tripoli [Boropark] stipulated that Italy [Israel] would build a Libyan [Aguda] coastal [catskills] highway. Contracts for the projects were to go to Italian [Israeli] infrastructure companies such as Impregilio SpA [Bankrupt Yeshivas] and Ansaldo STS [Broke Baisyaakovs].
“As Qaddafi’s [Perlow's] regime [moetzes] unravels, Italy’s [Israel's] close links to Libya [Aguda], which have been the case for a number of years, came back to haunt it,” Milan-based [Monsey-based] Mediobanca SpA [Argee Enterprises] analyst Ope Adewale [Ronni Greenwald] said in a note to investors yesterday."
Jewish Icon Charged with Child-Abuse
MORIAH, 1841 BC - Religious icon and founder of three of the most popular faiths in the world, Abraham of Canaan, was arrested last week on charges of child-abuse.
Witnesses say Abraham lured his son Isaac, 13, to a mountain-top altar, ostensibly to perform a routine ritual sacrifice of a lamb to his Canaanite warrior-god Yahweh, when he suddenly bound his son's hands and feet, declaring an intent to use Isaac as the sacrifice.
Although his father did not ultimately carry out the ritual, young Isaac was quite shaken from the ordeal. When it was discovered that Abraham had also allegedly severed a portion of his son's penis while still an infant, Child Services was called immediately.
Investigating officers released a statement yesterday advising that, from his holding cell where he awaits trial, Abraham has claimed that Yahweh ordered him to sacrifice his son, but later reversed the order. On further questioning, Abraham admitted that he would have proceeded with killing Isaac if not for the last-second change of orders from Yahweh.
This morning's statement from Child Services advises that Isaac is still visibly shaken and may never recover from last week's events. "This kind of trauma, particularly when caused by a parent, will scar a person for their whole life," a spokesperson said. "It is small comfort to the boy that his father claims he had divine orders."
In an unusual move, police have released a deposition from an eye-witness, in order for the public to properly understand the seriousness of this alleged crime.
The District Attorney's office is already preparing what they say is a "very strong case indeed" against Abraham. It is anticipated that their star witness will be the defendant's estranged son Ishmael, 28, whom Abraham allegedly banished into the wilderness as a teenager.
The trial commences next week.
Reuters Africa:
"Hundreds back Facebook call for Saudi protest
Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:28am GMT
*Demands for ruler [gadol] and shura council [torah moetzes] to be elected
*Campaign seeks minimum wage, more rights for women
* Not clear whether protests will materialise [they will, based on what's happened in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya so far]
DUBAI [TEANECK], Feb 23 (Reuters) - Hundreds of people have backed a Facebook campaign calling for a "day of rage" across Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] next month to demand an elected ruler, greater freedom for women and release of political prisoners.
The page called for a "revolution of yearning" on March 11 in the kingdom, the world's biggest oil [chulent] exporter and which is ruled by an absolute monarchy [moetzes].
More than 460 people had endorsed the page by Wednesday morning, but it was impossible to verify how many of them were inside Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] or whether any protest would materialise.
Arab [Blog] uprisings which overthrew leaders in Tunisia [Shtetel] and Egypt [Ghetto] were mobilised by youths using social media, but activists in Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] say a recent Internet call for a demonstration in Riyadh [Kosel] failed to bring anyone onto the streets.
A protest last month in Jeddah [Jerusalem] after floods [kishkas] swept through Saudi Arabia's [Haredi Stan's] second-biggest city was quickly broken up.
The demands included "that the ruler and members of the Shura (Consultative) Council [Torah (Gedolim) Moetzes] be elected by the people" as well as calls for an independent judiciary [bateidin], release of political prisoners and the right of freedom of expression and assembly.
They also sought a minimum wage of 10,000 riyals ($2,700), greater employment opportunities, establishing a watchdog to eliminate corruption and cancellation of "unjustified taxes [tzedakas] and fees [tuitions]".
Other requests included rebuilding the armed forces, reforming Saudi Arabia's [Haredi Stan's] powerful and conservative Sunni Muslim clerics [Yeshivisha Charedisha kanoim], and "the abolition of all illegal restrictions on women" in the kingdom [malchus].
Despite its oil [chulent] wealth, Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] is grappling with unemployment that hit 10.5 percent in 2009. It offers its 18 million nationals social benefits but they are considered less generous than those provided by other Gulf Arab [Knesset Jewish] oil [chulent] producers.
Saudi state [Haredi stan] television [chasvesholom] said King Abdullah [Aron Schechter], returning home on Wednesday after months of absence for medical treatment, would grant benefits to Saudis [Haredis] worth billions of riyals [bobkes].
The measures did not include political reforms in the absolute monarchy [malchus] such as fresh municipal elections demanded by liberals or opposition groups. The kingdom [malchus] has no elected parliament [avada] and does not tolerate public dissent [now on the horizon thanks to Facebook and the Internet].
(Reporting by Dominic Evans; Editing by David Stamp)"
Financial Times:
"Saudi’s $36bn bid to beat unrest
By Abeer Allam
Published: February 23 2011 16:21 | Last updated: February 23 2011 18:37
King Abdullah [Aron Schechter] of Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] announced financial support measures [shochad unter tish], worth an estimated SR135bn ($36bn), in a bid to avert the kind of popular unrest that has toppled leaders across the region and is now closing in on Libya’s [Aguda's] Muammer Gaddafi [WakoJako Perlow].
The measures include a 15 per cent salary rise for public [yeshiva] employees to offset inflation, reprieves for imprisoned debtors [broken by tuitions], and financial aid for students [bochurim] and the unemployed [kollelguys].
Saudi Arabia’s [Haredi Stan's] ruling family has thus far been spared the type of popular discontent that has toppled presidents in Tunisia [Shtetel] and Egypt [Ghetto] and brought Libya [Agudaland] to the brink of civil war [was there ever "peace"?].
The announcement of the Saudi [Haredi] relief measures coincided with King Abdullah’s [Aron Schechter's] return to the country after three months. He had been abroad for medical treatment. Among those on hand to greet him was King Hamid bin Isa al-Khalifa [Roshiva Yisroel Belsky of Torah Vodaas] of neighbouring Bahrain [Boropark], which is struggling to contain a surging opposition movement.
The cash-rich Saudi [Haredi] government [moetzes] has pledged to spend $400bn by the end of 2014 to improve education [a nechtigen tog], infrastructure [what "infrastructure"?] and healthcare [more Medicaid c/o Uncle Sam]. “The king [roshiva] is trying to create wider trickle- down of wealth in the shape of social welfare [food stamps c/o Uncle Sam],’’ said John Sfakianakis [Ruby Schron], chief economist [geltmacher] at Banque Saudi Fransi [Ich Hob Gelt]. “The budget can handle that, but it is an aspirin [lechaim] to ease medium-term pain [tzores], not a solution for the long-term housing [section-eight c/o Uncle Sam], and unemployment [welfare c/o Uncle Sam] issue.”...
Critics said the sweeteners did not address the Saudi [Haredi] public’s political aspirations. Protests, political parties and labour unions are banned in the conservative kingdom [malchus shel sheker]. “We need a new higher education minister, a new health minister, reform of the judiciary [bateidin] and codified laws - not hand-outs,’’ said Turki Al-Balaa [Harry Maryles], a 34 year-old businessmen [blogger]...
Reformists including Prince Talal bin Abdelaziz [Roshiva Hershel Shechter], the king’s [roshiva's] half brother, have called for similar reforms. Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] is an absolute monarchy [malchus reshoim] ruled by consensus among the [fake] royal family and in alliance with an austere religious establishment [heimisher frummer oilem] that preaches obedience to the king [Rebbe, yechi]. The country’s leading clerics [krummekep] have warned against the “evils” of the regional unrest which they say were incited by foreigners to foment instability in Muslim countries [Jewish kehilas].
Hundreds of people have signed up to a Facebook campaign calling for a “day of rage” across Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] on March 11, although it is not clear if any protests will materialise. Analysts said the late date suggested that activists wanted to give the government [moetzes] time to introduce reforms, and not a real desire to take to the streets.
“We don’t want money,” a female [baisyaakov] student from Jeddah [Jerusalem] said on her Twitter feed. “I want to know that I’ll be protected under a written constitution for the rest of my short life [nebech].”
A lawyer wrote that the Saudi [Haredi] people seek "dignity, reform, freedom of expression, transparency, justice, respect, wise governance, not grants".
Financial Times:
"More Saudis are pressing their demands online
Wednesday Feb 23 2011
All times are London time
Saudis [Haredim] have been venting their frustration on Twitter under hashtag #feb23sa and #saudimataleb (“Saudi [Haredi] demands”) saying the days when royal grants [shochad fun dem rebbe] bought people’s support were over.
“We don’t want ... money, I want to know that I’ll be protected under a written constitution for the rest of my short life [nebech],” a female [basi yaakov] student from Jeddah [Jerusalem] wrote on her Twitter feed.
Others, however, pointed out that the vast numbers who lack basic requirements will be satisfied with the economic benefits [unlikely].
Saudi-based analysts [Haredi-based spunmeisters] and western diplomats suggest that the country can afford to fend off anger in the short term by deploying part of the $440bn in assets the kingdom [malchus shel sheker] has accumulated during the years of record oil prices [chulent robberies].
Saudi [Haredi] officials have often warned that unemployment and a struggling middle class are their main concerns. Unemployment has remained at around 10 to 12 per cent for the past few years, in spite of an economic boom that has created thousands of jobs. Only 1 in 10 employees in the private sector is Saudi [Haredi], according to a report by Banque Saudi Fransi [Aguda Gelt Machers].
Critics say that ignoring demands for political change, focusing only on economic issues, reflects a lack of understanding on the part of the leadership of what Saudis [Haredim] actually want.
A slow response could fuel frustration and raise the ceiling of their demands as people in the kingdom [malchus shel sheker] see themselves lagging behind even their Gulf [Israeli] neighbours in terms of political reforms, Saudi activists [Haredi bloggers] warn.
While it is impossible to detect wider public opinion because of lack of scientific polls, more Saudis [Haredim] are pressing for demands online. While they might remain an affluent minority, their determination might inspire and teach those who are more apathetic, analysts said. After all, Saudis were glued to their TV [chasvesholom] and computer screens watching Egyptian [Ghettos], Tunisians [Shtetels] and now Libyan [Agudian] protesters brave bullets to remove their regimes.
One Saudi observer [Haredi blogger] said the demands were discussed with a senior official close to the king [roshiva], who assured them the ruler [rosha] was thinking the same and was determined to push political reforms forward [azoy?!]
With Libya [Aguda], a major oil [chulent] producer, in turmoil, political stability in Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] is key for the stability of the world oil [chulent] market. Saudi Arabia [Haredi Stan] sits on one-fifth of global oil [chulent] reserves and holds most of its $440bn foreign reserve assets in US Treasury bills [that are about to become worthless].
The king’s [roshiva's] return has calmed fears of a political vacuum [pesach cleaning]. During his absence the ailing Crown Prince Sultan [Roshiva Hershel Shechter] and the powerful interior minister Prince Naif [A Frummer Iz A Noef] were in charge of the kingdom [malchus shel sheker]."
All while he allows himself to blog (who gave him his "heter for this?) and slander others, Leib Tropper rants on on his nutty "כבוד התורה" blog and yells at the bloggers he hates...hmmmm, where have we seen this before?:
"February 24, 2011
New Activities to Curb Loshon Hora
A new organization to preserve the laws of Loshon Hora are adopting a campaign against the "So Called" Frum internet sites in Israel.
They met with 4 Roshei Yeshiva last week to ask them to push for sanctions against those sites. Visits are planned to more leading Rabbonim and Gedolim who will join this campaign.
The meeting was held in Ramot.
In the U.S. there has been similar activity headed by RCB of Lakewood.
The Gedolim of Eretz Yisroel and Chutz L'aretz have warned those who are running those web sites that it is in the category of “Lo Yove Hashem Seloch Lo”!
We ask Bnei Torah: protect your Neshomo from these toxic sites...
Protect your life from the Klolos issued in the Torah!
Do not give your Neshomo over to the influence of UOJ , FM, DIE or RW.... Arba Avos Nezikin!
Are people in far-off Ramot really tracking UOJ etc? What is this guy smoking? And when will he learn to finally shut up and get out of Monsey like it was paskened and he signed and agreed he would do? Guess "rules" apply to others but not to him.
"Gadhafi tries to bribe his way out of trouble
Government [moetzes] raises wages [programs] in an attempt to appease citizens; U.N. Security Council set to meet
BENGHAZI, Libya [BOROPARK, Aguda]— The U.N. Security Council was due to meet Friday to consider actions against Libyan leader [Aguda gadol] Moammar Gadhafi [WakoJako Perlow] as his regime [moetzes] said it was more than doubling some public sector [oilem goilem] workers' [avadim] wages and promised $400 for every family.
Libyan [Aguda] state television [chasvesholom] said the government [moetzes] was raising wages [welfare], increasing food subsidies [food stamps]and ordering special allowances [unemployment] for all families, in its first practical attempt to enroll the support of citizens [oilemgoilem] since the uprising began.
The 500 Libyan [Aguda] dinars ($400) each family should receive was to help cover increased food costs [food stamps], the government said, while wages [welfare] for some categories of public sector workers [avadim] will increase by 150 percent, the television [chasvesholom] station said.
The offer came as protesters in the country geared up for another day of mass demonstrations in the capital, Tripoli [Boropark], after Friday prayers.
Government forces [moetzes members] are fighting rebels for cities near the capital. Gadhafi's [Perlow's] troops [banditen] control Tripoli [Boropark] after cracking down on anti-government [ant-moetzes] protests several days ago, and residents say they are staying indoors unless forced to search for supplies.
A pair of Facebook pages, one with more than 85,000 members, urged citizens to take advantage of a call by Gadhafi's [Perlow's] son, Saif al-Islam Gadhafi [Shmek-el Frum Perlow], to international media [Jewish bloggers] to visit Tripoli [Boropark] and see the situation for themselves.
Pressure from the international community continued to mount.
Estimates of 2,000 dead [misasbeisdin]
The Security Council's [Rabbinical Council's] action could include sanctions aimed at deterring his violent crackdown on anti-government protesters.
Its meeting follows U.S. [UOJ] efforts to drum up international backing for ways to stem the bloodshed in Libya [Aguda], where Gadhafi's [Perlow's] forces [reshoim] have fought back against a rebellion in which French [Frogs] estimates say some 2,000 people may have died [nebech].
NATO [Bloggers] Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen [Harav Haroldus Marylusen] said he had called an emergency NATO [BLOG] council meeting for Friday afternoon to discuss the situation in Libya [Aguda].
He said he would also meet EU defense ministers [who needs them?] to discuss helping those in need and evacuating foreigners from the country [but they enjoyed being there until now]..."
Financial Times:
"Chinese internet censorship hits LinkedIn
By Kathrin Hille in Beijing
Published: February 25 2011 06:17 | Last updated: February 25 2011 06:17
LinkedIn, the social networking site for professionals, was blocked for more than 24 hours in China [Satmar] as the government [rebbes] ramped up internet censorship in the wake of an online pro-democracy campaign.
Users in the country regained access to the site on Friday afternoon. Earlier in the day, the company had confirmed that LinkedIn was being blocked for some in China [Satmar]. “This appears to be part of a broader effort in China [Satmar] going on right now, involving other sites as well,” said LinkedIn.
The temporary cut-off is typical of the impact of web censorship felt by sites that Beijing [Williamsburg] considers sensitive. Access to Google has also been patchy at times since the internet company relocated its Chinese [Satmar] search operation to Hong Kong [Five Towns] last year because it was no longer willing to censor results.
But Beijing’s [Williamsburg's] decision to restore LinkedIn is also being seen as a reassuring sign that the authorities [rebbes] are unwilling to cut web access drastically. “The internet is far too important for China’s [Satmar's] economy [machtgelt],” said Bill Bishop [Ronnie Greenwald], an independent analyst.
Some LinkedIn users in China [Satmar] started reporting on Thursday that they couldn’t access the site unless they used tools such as virtual private networks to circumvent the Chinese government’s [Satmar rebbe's] internet blockages.
A LinkedIn user under the name Jasmine Z [Uunorthodox U] set up a discussion group on the site last week on which she called herself a “dissident” and said she hoped for democracy in China [Satmar].
The disruption of the service comes as Beijing [Williamsburg] is trying to crush attempts to use online appeals to spark a “Jasmine [Internet] revolution” in China [Satmar] inspired by the wave of protests sweeping the Middle East [Jewish Blogosphere].
Anonymous internet users have been calling for gatherings demanding democracy every Sunday in more than a dozen Chinese cities [Satmar shtetlech]. The first attempt last weekend produced a large turnout of police [shomrim] and foreign media and a crowd of onlookers in Beijing [Williamsburg], but no visible protest.
Following that event the authorities [rebbes] have cracked down on dissidents and stepped up already pervasive measures to censor the web.
Attempts to post content containing the term “Jasmine” ["Internet"] on Sina Weibo [Sinas Hinam], China’s [Satmar's] largest microblog, failed on Friday. The Chinese [Satmar] name of Jon Huntsman [Harry Marylesman], the US [VIN] ambassador in China [Satmar], has also become a “sensitive term”.
The world’s largest social media sites including Twitter, Facebook and Youtube have long been blocked in China [Satmar].
Alternative homegrown services are booming and are often being used to spread and discuss information about social problems and misrule at the local level. But outright debate of the communist party’s [chasidishe rebistive] monopoly on power is a taboo and Chinese [Satmar] internet companies are quick in removing any user-generated content that ventures in that direction.
The recent ”Jasmine ["Internet"] Revolution” appeals have originated exclusively from Chinese [Satmar] dissident websites based outside the country and distributed through Twitter."
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